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598 lines
32 KiB
598 lines
32 KiB
Signature="$Windows NT$"
[Force Win9x Settings]
HKR\Control Panel\Accessibility\HighContrast [High Contrast Scheme]=
HKR\Control Panel\Accessibility\HighContrast [Last Custom Scheme]=
HKR\Control Panel\Accessibility\HighContrast [Pre-HighContrast Scheme]=[Pre-High Contrast Scheme]
HKR\Control Panel\Accessibility\HighContrast [Volital HC Scheme]=
HKR\Control Panel\Accessibility\KeyboardResponse [AutoRepeatDelay]=HKR\Control Panel\Accessibility\Keyboard Response [AutoRepeatRate]
HKR\Control Panel\Accessibility\KeyboardResponse [AutoRepeatRate]=HKR\Control Panel\Accessibility\Keyboard Response [AutoRepeatDelay]
HKR\Control Panel\Accessibility\KeyboardResponse [BounceTime]=Keyboard Response
HKR\Control Panel\Accessibility\KeyboardResponse [DelayBeforeAcceptancce]=HKR\Control Panel\Accessibility\Keyboard Response [DelayBeforeAcceptance]
HKR\Control Panel\Accessibility\KeyboardResponse [DelayBeforeAcceptance]=Keyboard Response
HKR\Control Panel\Accessibility\MouseKeys [MaximumSpeed]=
HKR\Control Panel\Accessibility\MouseKeys [TimeToMaximumSpeed]=
HKR\Control Panel\Accessibility\MouseKeys [Control Speed]=
HKR\Control Panel\Accessibility\SerialKeys [ActivePort]=[Port]
HKR\Control Panel\Accessibility\SerialKeys [ActivePort]=
HKR\Control Panel\Accessibility\SerialKeys [Port State]=
HKR\Control Panel\Accessibility\ShowSounds\*=
HKR\Control Panel\Accessibility\SoundSentry [WindowsEffect]=
HKR\Control Panel\Accessibility\SoundSentry [WindowsEffectDLL]=
HKR\Control Panel\Accessibility\SoundSentry [WindowsEffectMSec]=
HKR\Control Panel\Accessibility\SoundSentry [WindowsEffectOrdinal]=
HKR\Control Panel\Accessibility\SoundSentry [TextEffect]=
HKR\Control Panel\Accessibility\SoundSentry [TextEffectColorBits]=
HKR\Control Panel\Accessibility\SoundSentry [TextEffectMSec]=
HKR\Control Panel\Accessibility\SoundSentry [GrafEffect]=
HKR\Control Panel\Accessibility\SoundSentry [GrafEffectColor]=
HKR\Control Panel\Accessibility\SoundSentry [GrafEffectMSec]=
HKR\Control Panel\Accessibility\TimeOut [TimeToWait]=
HKR\Control Panel\Accessibility [Sound on Activation]=
HKR\Control Panel\Accessibility [Warning Sounds]=
HKR\Control Panel\Accessibility\* [Flags]=
HKR\Control Panel\Appearance=
HKR\Control Panel\Colors=
HKR\Control Panel\Desktop=
HKR\Control Panel\desktop\WindowMetrics [CaptionFont]=
HKR\Control Panel\desktop\WindowMetrics [IconFont]=
HKR\Control Panel\desktop\WindowMetrics [MenuFont]=
HKR\Control Panel\desktop\WindowMetrics [MessageFont]=
HKR\Control Panel\desktop\WindowMetrics [SmCaptionFont]=
HKR\Control Panel\desktop\WindowMetrics [StatusFont]=
HKR\Control Panel\Mouse [SwapMouseButtons]=
HKR\Control Panel\Mouse [SnapToDefaultButton]=
HKR\Control Panel\International\*=
HKR\Control Panel\Input Method\*=
%CDPlayerSettings% [IntroPlayLen]=%DeluxeCDSettings% [IntroTime]
%CDPlayerSettings% [StopCDPlayingOnExit]=%DeluxeCDSettings% [ExitStop]
%CDPlayerSettings% [WindowOriginX]=%DeluxeCDSettings% [WindowX]
%CDPlayerSettings% [WindowOriginY]=%DeluxeCDSettings% [WindowY]
[Map Win9x to WinNT]
HKR\Control Panel\Accessibility\SerialKeys [BaudRate]=[Baud]
HKR\Control Panel\Accessibility\KeyboardResponse\*=Keyboard Response
HKR\Control Panel\Accessibility [Keyboard Preference]=HKR\Control Panel\Accessibility\Keyboard Preference [On]
HKR\Control Panel\Accessibility [Blind Access]=HKR\Control Panel\Accessibility\Blind Access [On]
HKR\Control Panel\Desktop [ScreenSaveUsePassword]=[ScreenSaverIsSecure]
HKR\Control Panel\Desktop [ScreenSaveLowPowerActive]=[LowPowerActive]
HKR\Control Panel\Desktop [ScreenSaveLowPowerTimeOut]=[LowPowerTimeOut]
HKR\Control Panel\Desktop [ScreenSavePowerOffActive]=[PowerOffActive]
HKR\Control Panel\Desktop [ScreenSavePowerOffTimeOut]=[PowerOffTimeOut]
HKR\Software\Microsoft\Windows Messaging Subsystem\Profiles\*=HKR\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows Messaging Subsystem\Profiles
HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run [internat.exe] = %CurrentVersion%\Run [internat.exe]
HKR\Software\Classes\CLSID\* = %CurrentVersion%\Explorer\CLSID
%CDPlayerSettings% [ContinuousPlay]=%DeluxeCDSettings% [PlayMode]
%CDPlayerSettings% [InOrderPlay]=%DeluxeCDSettings% [PlayMode]
%CDPlayerSettings% [IntroPlay]=%DeluxeCDSettings% [PlayMode]
%CDPlayerSettings% [DisplayDr]=%DeluxeCDSettings% [DispMode]
%CDPlayerSettings% [DisplayTr]=%DeluxeCDSettings% [DispMode]
%CDPlayerSettings% [DisplayT]=%DeluxeCDSettings% [DispMode]
HKR\Keyboard Layout\Toggle []=[HotKey]
[Win9x Data Conversion]
;HKR\Control Panel\Accessibility\KeyboardResponse=\ConvertFilterKeys
;HKR\Control Panel\Accessibility\HighContrast=\ConvertHighContrast
;HKR\Control Panel\Accessibility\MouseKeys=\ConvertMouseKeys
;HKR\Control Panel\Accessibility\SoundSentry=\ConvertSoundSentry
;HKR\Control Panel\Accessibility\StickyKeys=\ConvertStickyKeys
;HKR\Control Panel\Accessibility\TimeOut=\ConvertTimeOut
;HKR\Control Panel\Accessibility\ToggleKeys=\ConvertToggleKeys
HKR\Control Panel\Accessibility\SerialKeys [BaudRate]=\ConvertToDword
HKR\Control Panel\Accessibility\SerialKeys [Flags]=\ConvertToDword
HKR\Control Panel\Appearance\Schemes\*=\ConvertAppearanceScheme
HKR\Control Panel\desktop\WindowMetrics [CaptionFont]=\ConvertLogFont
HKR\Control Panel\desktop\WindowMetrics [IconFont]=\ConvertLogFont
HKR\Control Panel\desktop\WindowMetrics [MenuFont]=\ConvertLogFont
HKR\Control Panel\desktop\WindowMetrics [MessageFont]=\ConvertLogFont
HKR\Control Panel\desktop\WindowMetrics [SmCaptionFont]=\ConvertLogFont
HKR\Control Panel\desktop\WindowMetrics [StatusFont]=\ConvertLogFont
HKR\Control Panel\desktop [FontSmoothing]=\AntiAlias
HKR\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer [NoDriveTypeAutoRun]=\ConvertToDword
HKR\Control Panel\Desktop [ScreenSaveUsePassword]=\ConvertToString
HKR\Keyboard Layout\Preload\*=\MigrateKeyboardPreloads
HKR\Keyboard Layout\Substitutes\*=\MigrateKeyboardSubstitutes
HKR\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer [ShellState]=\FixActiveDesktop
%CDPlayerSettings% [ContinuousPlay]=\ConvertCDPlayerSettings
%CDPlayerSettings% [InOrderPlay]=\ConvertCDPlayerSettings
%CDPlayerSettings% [IntroPlay]=\ConvertCDPlayerSettings
%CDPlayerSettings% [DisplayDr]=\ConvertCDPlayerSettings
%CDPlayerSettings% [DisplayTr]=\ConvertCDPlayerSettings
%CDPlayerSettings% [DisplayT]=\ConvertCDPlayerSettings
[Suppress Win9x Settings]
HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer [Version]=
HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer [Build]=
HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer [IVer]=
HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\AdvancedOptions\*=
HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Help_Menu_URLs [3]=
HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\MediaTypeClass\{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} [audio/wav]=
HKR\Software\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\*=
HKR\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Applets\System Montior=
HKR\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Applets\Resource Meter=
HKR\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders=
HKR\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders=
HKR\Software\Microsoft\Media Player\*=
HKR\Software\Microsoft\Multimedia\Sound Mapper\*=
HKR\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings [WarnAlwaysOnPost]=
HKR\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Applets\Media Player\*=
HKR\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Applets\Volume Control\*=
%CDPlayerSettings% [IntroPlayLen]=
%CDPlayerSettings% [StopCDPlayingOnExit]=
%CDPlayerSettings% [WindowOriginX]=
%CDPlayerSettings% [WindowOriginY]=
%CDPlayerSettings% [SaveSettingsOnExit]=
%CDPlayerSettings% [SmallFont]=
%CDPlayerSettings% [StatusBar]=
%CDPlayerSettings% [ToolBar]=
%CDPlayerSettings% [ToolTips]=
%CDPlayerSettings% [DiscAndTrackDisplay]=
%CDPlayerSettings% [MultiDiscPlay]=
HKR\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings [MigrateProxy]=
HKR\SOFTWARE\Netscape\Netscape Navigator\Viewers [text/iuls]=
HKR\SOFTWARE\Netscape\Netscape Navigator\Viewers [text/h323]=
HKR\SOFTWARE\Netscape\Netscape Navigator\Viewers [application/x-iphone]=
HKR\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Conferencing [Run Always]=
HKR\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Conferencing [RunWizard]=
HKR\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Conferencing [WizardNoUI]=
HKR\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Conferencing [WizardUI]=
HKR\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Conferencing\File Transfer [Receive Directory]=
HKR\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Conferencing\UI [WindowX]=
HKR\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Conferencing\UI [WindowY]=
HKR\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Conferencing\UI [WindowWidth]=
HKR\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Conferencing\UI [WindowHeight]=
HKR\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Audio\*=
HKR\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\User Location Service\*=
HKR\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run [Microsoft NetMeeting]=
[WinNT Data Conversion]
[Suppress WinNT Settings]
HKR\Control Panel\Appearance [Current]
HKR\Control Panel\Current [Color Schemes]
[Merge WinNT with Win9x]
HKR\Control Panel\PowerCfg\*
HKR\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders\*
[Force WinNT Settings]
HKR\Control Panel\Appearance\Schemes\*
[INI File Mapping.Suppress]
CONTROL.INI\Color Schemes\*
CONTROL.INI\Custom Colors\*
CONTROL.INI\don't load\sticpl.cpl
[INI File Mapping.Preserve Fresh Install]
[Delete After Migration]
[External Processes]
%SYSTEMDIR%\shmgrate.exe UpgradeSchemesAndNcMetricsFromWin9xToWin2000 %USERHIVEROOT%
[Suppress Win9x Settings.Default User]
HKR\Control Panel\Appearance\Schemes\*
[Suppress Win9x Settings.Logon Account]
HKR\Control Panel\Appearance\Schemes\*
HKR\Control Panel\Desktop\*
;please do not localize this next set of strings
CDPlayerSettings = HKR\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Applets\CdPlayer\Settings
DeluxeCDSettings = HKR\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Applets\DeluxeCD\Settings
; Mapping of Win9x printer driver modes to NT model names
; Printer Mapping Sections--[Printer Mapping] and [Setup Printer Mapping]
; These sections map Windows 9x model names to NT model names. This inf is
; used by the Windows 9x to NT Printing migration DLL.
; The syntax is
; <Windows 9x name> = <Windows NT name>
[Printer Driver Mapping]
"Apple LaserWriter" = "Apple LaserWriter v23.0"
"Apple LaserWriter II NT" = "Apple LaserWriter II NT v47.0"
"Apple LaserWriter II NTX" = "Apple LaserWriter II NTX v47.0"
"Apple LaserWriter IIf" = "Apple LaserWriter IIf v2010.113"
"Apple LaserWriter IIg" = "Apple LaserWriter IIg v2010.113"
"Apple LaserWriter Personal NT" = "LaserWriter Personal NT v51.8"
"Apple LaserWriter Plus" = "Apple LaserWriter Plus v38.0"
"Apple LaserWriterII NTX-J v50.5" = "Apple LaserWriter II NTX-J v50.5"
"Apple Personal LaserWriter NTR" = "Apple Personal LaserWriter NTR v2010.129"
"AST TurboLaser-PS" = "AST TurboLaser-PS v47.0"
"Bull Compuprint PM 1035e" = "Bull Compuprint PageMaster 1035e"
"Bull Compuprint PM 1225" = "Bull Compuprint PageMaster 1225"
"Bull Compuprint PM 1435e" = "Bull Compuprint PageMaster 1435e"
"Bull Compuprint PM 1625" = "Bull Compuprint PageMaster 1625"
"Bull Compuprint PM 1645e" = "Bull Compuprint PageMaster 1645e"
"Canon BJ-30" = "Canon Bubble-Jet BJ-30"
"Canon BJ-100" = "Canon Bubble-Jet BJ-100"
"Canon BJ-200" = "Canon Bubble-Jet BJ-200"
"Canon BJ-200e" = "Canon Bubble-Jet BJ-200e"
"Canon BJ-200ex" = "Canon Bubble-Jet BJ-200ex"
"Canon BJ-230" = "Canon Bubble-Jet BJ-230"
"Canon BJC-210" = "Canon Bubble-Jet BJC-210"
"Canon BJC-240" = "Canon Bubble-Jet BJC-240"
"Canon BJC-250" = "Canon Bubble-Jet BJC-250"
"Canon BJC-250 Series" = "Canon Bubble-Jet BJC-250"
"Canon BJC-4000" = "Canon Bubble-Jet BJC-4000"
"Canon BJC-4100" = "Canon Bubble-Jet BJC-4100"
"Canon BJC-4200" = "Canon Bubble-Jet BJC-4200"
"Canon BJC-4300" = "Canon Bubble-Jet BJC-4300"
"Canon BJC-4300 Series" = "Canon Bubble-Jet BJC-4300"
"Canon BJC-4400" = "Canon Bubble-Jet BJC-4400"
"Canon BJC-4400 Series" = "Canon Bubble-Jet BJC-4400"
"Canon BJC-4550" = "Canon Bubble-Jet BJC-4550"
"Canon BJC-4650" = "Canon Bubble-Jet BJC-4650"
"Canon BJC-50" = "Canon Bubble-Jet BJC-50"
"Canon BJC-5500" = "Canon Bubble-Jet BJC-5500"
"Canon BJC-600" = "Canon Bubble-Jet BJC-600"
"Canon BJC-600e" = "Canon Bubble-Jet BJC-600e"
"Canon BJC-610" = "Canon Bubble-Jet BJC-610"
"Canon BJC-610 (Raster)" = "Canon Bubble-Jet BJC-610"
"Canon BJC-620" = "Canon Bubble-Jet BJC-620"
"Canon BJC-620 (Raster)" = "Canon Bubble-Jet BJC-620"
"Canon BJC-70" = "Canon Bubble-Jet BJC-70"
"Canon BJC-7000" = "Canon Bubble-Jet BJC-7000"
"Canon BJC-7000 Series" = "Canon Bubble-Jet BJC-7000"
"Canon BJC-80" = "Canon Bubble-Jet BJC-80"
"Canon BJC-800" = "Canon Bubble-Jet BJC-800"
"Canon BJC-210SP" = "Canon Bubble-Jet BJC-210SP"
"Canon BJC-255SP" = "Canon Bubble-Jet BJC-255SP"
"Canon BJC-4200SP" = "Canon Bubble-Jet BJC-4200SP"
"Canon BJC-4300SP" = "Canon Bubble-Jet BJC-4300SP"
"Canon BJC-4300SP Series" = "Canon Bubble-Jet BJC-4300SP"
"Canon PS-IPU Color Laser Copier" = "Canon PS-IPU Color Laser Copier v52.3"
"Canon PS-IPU Kanji Color Copier" = "Canon PS-IPU Kanji Color Laser Copier v52.3"
"Citizen ProJet II" = "Citizen PROjet II"
"Citizen Swift 90" = "Citizen Swift 9x"
"Compaq PageMarq 15 PostScript" = "COMPAQ PAGEMARQ 15 v2012.015"
"Compaq PageMarq 20 PostScript" = "COMPAQ PAGEMARQ 20 v2012.015"
"Dataproducts LZR-2665" = "Dataproducts LZR-2665 v46.2"
"Digital DECcolorwriter 1000 17" = "Digital DECcolorwriter 1000 17"
"Digital DECcolorwriter 1000 39" = "Digital DECcolorwriter 1000 39"
"Digital Colormate PS" = "Digital Colormate PS v51.9"
"Digital DEClaser 1150" = "Digital DEClaser 1150 v51.4"
"Digital DEClaser 1152" = "Digital DEClaser 1152 17 fonts"
"Digital DEClaser 2100/plus" = "Digital DEClaser 2100plus (LJ)"
"Digital DEClaser 2150" = "Digital DEClaser 2150 v51.4"
"Digital DEClaser 2150 plus" = "Digital DEClaser 2150 plus v51.4"
"Digital DEClaser 2200/plus" = "Digital DEClaser 2200plus (LJ)"
"Digital DEClaser 2250" = "Digital DEClaser 2250 v51.4"
"Digital DEClaser 2250 plus" = "Digital DEClaser 2250 plus v51.4"
"Digital DEClaser 3250" = "Digital DEClaser 3250 v47"
"Digital DEClaser 5100/Net" = "Digital DEClaser 5100"
"Digital PrintServer 17" = "Digital PrintServer 17 v48.3"
"Digital PrintServer 17 12mb/L2" = "Digital PrintServer 17 12mb/L2"
"Digital PrintServer 17/Net" = "Digital PrintServer 17 v48.3"
"Digital PrintServer 17/12mb/Net" = "Digital PrintServer 17 12mb/L2"
"Digital PrintServer 17/600/Net" = "Digital PrintServer 17/600"
"Digital PrintServer 32" = "Digital PrintServer 32 v48.3"
"Digital PrintServer 32/Net" = "Digital PrintServer 32 v48.3"
"Digital PrintServer 40 Plus" = "Digital PrintServer 40 Plus v48.3"
"Digital PrintServer 40 Plus/Net" = "Digital PrintServer 40 Plus v48.3"
"Digital turboPrintServer 20/Net" = "Digital PrintServer 20 v48.3"
"EPSON EPL-8100 (PCL)" = "Epson EPL-8100"
"EPSON EPL-4300 (PCL)" = "Epson EPL-4300"
"EPSON EPL-3000" = "Epson EPL-3000"
"EPSON ActionLaser 1300" = "Epson ActionLaser 1600"
"EPSON EPL-5200 (PCL)" = "Epson EPL-5200"
"EPSON EPL-5200+" = "Epson EPL-5200+"
"EPSON EPL-5500" = "Epson EPL-5500"
"EPSON EPL-5600" = "Epson EPL-5600"
"EPSON ActionLaser 1600" = "Epson ActionLaser 1600"
"EPSON EPL-9000" = "Epson EPL-9000"
"EPSON EPL-N1200" = "Epson EPL-N1200"
"EPSON EPL-N2000" = "Epson EPL-N2000"
"EPSON EPL-N1600 Advanced" = "Epson EPL-N1600"
"EPSON EPL-N2700 Advanced" = "Epson EPL-N2700"
"EPSON EPL-N4000 Advanced" = "Epson EPL-N4000"
"EPSON EPL-5700 Advanced" = "Epson EPL-5700"
"EPSON EPL-C8000 Advanced" = "Epson EPL-C8000"
"Epson EPL-7500" = "EPSON EPL-7500 v52.3"
"Epson Stylus 1500" = "Epson Stylus 1500 ESC/P 2"
"Epson Stylus COLOR" = "Epson Stylus COLOR ESC/P 2"
"EPSON Stylus COLOR 1520" = "Epson Stylus COLOR 1520 ESC/P 2"
"Epson Stylus COLOR 200" = "Epson Stylus COLOR 200 ESC/P 2"
"EPSON Stylus COLOR 3000" = "Epson Stylus COLOR 3000 ESC/P 2"
"EPSON Stylus COLOR 400" = "Epson Stylus COLOR 400 ESC/P 2"
"EPSON Stylus COLOR 440" = "Epson Stylus COLOR 440 ESC/P 2"
"Epson Stylus COLOR 500" = "Epson Stylus COLOR 500 ESC/P 2"
"EPSON Stylus COLOR 600" = "Epson Stylus COLOR 600 ESC/P 2"
"EPSON Stylus COLOR 640" = "Epson Stylus COLOR 640 ESC/P 2"
"EPSON Stylus COLOR 740" = "Epson Stylus COLOR 740 ESC/P 2"
"EPSON Stylus COLOR 800" = "Epson Stylus COLOR 800 ESC/P 2"
"EPSON Stylus COLOR 850" = "Epson Stylus COLOR 850 ESC/P 2"
"Epson Stylus COLOR II" = "Epson Stylus COLOR II ESC/P 2"
"Epson Stylus COLOR IIs" = "Epson Stylus COLOR IIs ESC/P 2"
"EPSON Stylus Photo" = "Epson Stylus Photo ESC/P 2"
"Epson Stylus Pro" = "Epson Stylus Pro ESC/P 2"
"Epson Stylus Pro XL" = "Epson Stylus Pro XL ESC/P 2"
"Epson Stylus Pro XL+" = "Epson Stylus Pro XL+ ESC/P 2"
"Epson Stylus 200" = "Epson Stylus 200 ESC/P 2"
"Epson Stylus 820" = "Epson Stylus 820 ESC/P 2"
"EPSON Stylus COLOR 440" = "Epson Stylus COLOR 440 ESC/P 2"
"EPSON Stylus COLOR 600/600Q" = "Epson 600Q ESC/P 2"
"EPSON Stylus COLOR 640" = "Epson Stylus COLOR 640 ESC/P 2"
"EPSON Stylus COLOR 740" = "Epson Stylus COLOR 740 ESC/P 2"
"EPSON Stylus COLOR 850" = "Epson Stylus COLOR 850 ESC/P 2"
"EPSON Stylus Photo 700" = "Epson Stylus Photo 700 ESC/P 2"
"EPSON Stylus Photo EX" = "Epson Stylus Photo EX ESC/P 2"
"EPSON Stylus Pro 5000" = "Epson Stylus Pro 5000 ESC/P 2"
"EPSON Stylus Photo 750" = "Epson Stylus Photo 750 ESC/P 2"
"EPSON Stylus COLOR 900" = "Epson Stylus COLOR 900 ESC/P 2"
"Fujitsu DL 1100 Color" = "Fujitsu DL 1100 Colour"
"Fujitsu RX7100PS" = "Fujitsu RX7100PS v50.3"
"HP 2500C Series PS3 Printer" = "HP 2500C Series PS3"
"HP Color LaserJet (MS)" = "HP Color LaserJet"
"HP Color LaserJet 5/5M PS 9X" = "HP Color LaserJet 5/5M PS"
"HP DeskJet 1200C (MS)" = "HP DeskJet 1200C"
"HP DeskJet 310 Printer" = "HP DeskJet 310"
"HP DeskJet 320 Printer" = "HP DeskJet 320"
"HP DeskJet 340 Printer" = "HP DeskJet 340"
"HP DeskJet 400 Series" = "HP DeskJet 400"
"HP DeskJet 500C Printer" = "HP DeskJet 500C"
"HP DeskJet 520 Printer" = "HP DeskJet 520"
"HP DeskJet 540 Printer" = "HP DeskJet 540"
"HP DeskJet 550C Printer" = "HP DeskJet 550C"
"HP DeskJet 560C Printer" = "HP DeskJet 560C"
"HP DeskJet 600 (Color)" = "HP DeskJet 600"
"HP DeskJet 660 (Color)" = "HP DeskJet 660C"
"HP DeskJet Portable Printer" = "HP DeskJet Portable"
"HP 2000C Printer" = "HP 2000C"
"HP DeskJet 890C Series" = "HP DeskJet 890C"
"HP DeskJet 895C Series Printer" = "HP DeskJet 895Cxi"
"HP Deskjet 895C Series" = "HP DeskJet 895Cxi"
"HP DeskJet 880C Series" = "HP DeskJet 880C"
"HP DeskJet 880C Series Printer" = "HP DeskJet 880C"
"HP DeskJet 870 Series" = "HP DeskJet 870C"
"HP DeskJet 850 Series" = "HP DeskJet 850C"
"HP DeskJet 870C Series" = "HP DeskJet 870C"
"HP DeskJet 850C Series" = "HP DeskJet 850C"
"HP DeskJet 850C/855C" = "HP DeskJet 850C"
"HP DeskJet 820C Series Printer" = "HP DeskJet 820Cxi"
"HP DeskJet 820C Series v8.5" = "HP DeskJet 820Cxi"
"HP DeskJet 815C Series Printer" = "HP DeskJet 815C"
"HP DeskJet 810C Series Printer" = "HP DeskJet 810C"
"HP DeskJet 720C Series" = "HP DeskJet 720C"
"HP DeskJet 720C Series v10.3" = "HP DeskJet 720C"
"HP DeskJet 710C Series" = "HP DeskJet 710C"
"HP DeskJet 690C Series Printer" = "HP DeskJet 690C"
"HP DeskJet 690C Series" = "HP DeskJet 690C"
"HP DeskJet 670C Series v11.0" = "HP DeskJet 670C"
"HP DeskJet 690C Series v11.0" = "HP DeskJet 695C"
"HP DeskJet 680C Series Printer" = "HP DeskJet 680C"
"HP DeskJet 680C Series" = "HP DeskJet 680C"
"HP DeskJet 680C Series v11.0" = "HP DeskJet 680C"
"HP DeskJet 670C Series Printer" = "HP DeskJet 670C"
"HP DeskJet 670C Series" = "HP DeskJet 670C"
"HP DeskJet 660C Series" = "HP DeskJet 660C"
"HP DeskJet 660Cse" = "HP DeskJet 660C"
"HP DeskJet 660C Series v11.0" = "HP DeskJet 660C"
"HP DeskJet 610C Series" = "HP DeskJet 610C"
"HP DeskJet 1000C Printer" = "HP DeskJet 1000C"
"HP DeskJet 1100C Printer" = "HP DeskJet 1100C"
"HP DeskJet 1120C Printer" = "HP DeskJet 1120C"
"HP 2500C Series Printer" = "HP 2500C Series"
"HP LaserJet 4/4M Plus PS" = "HP LaserJet 4/4M Plus PS 600"
"HP LaserJet 4/4M PostScript" = "HP LaserJet 4/4M PS"
"HP LaserJet 4ML PostScript" = "HP LaserJet 4L/4ML PostScript"
"HP LaserJet 4P/4MP PostScript" = "HP LaserJet 4P/4MP PS"
"HP LaserJet 4Si/4SiMX PS" = "HP LaserJet 4Si/4Si MX PS"
"HP LaserJet 5L PCL" = "HP LaserJet 5L"
"HP LaserJet 6L PCL" = "HP LaserJet 6L"
"HP LaserJet 6P/6MP - PostScript" = "HP LaserJet 6P/6MP PostScript"
"HP LaserJet IID PS Cartridge" = "HP LaserJet IID PostScript Cartridge v52.2"
"HP LaserJet III PostScript+" = "HP LaserJet III PostScript Plus v2010.118"
"HP LaserJet III PS Cartridge" = "HP LaserJet III PostScript Cartridge v52.2"
"HP LaserJet IIID PostScript+" = "HP LaserJet IIID PostScript Plus v2010.118"
"HP LaserJet IIID PS Cartridge" = "HP LaserJet IIID PostScript Cartridge v52.2"
"HP LaserJet IIIP PostScript+" = "HP LaserJet IIIP PostScript Plus v2010.118"
"HP LaserJet IIIP PS Cartridge" = "HP LaserJet IIIP PostScript Cartridge v52.2"
"HP LaserJet IIISi PostScript" = "HP LaserJet IIISi PostScript v52.3"
"HP LaserJet IIP PS Cartridge" = "HP LaserJet IIP PostScript Cartridge v52.2"
"HP PaintJet XL300 PostScript" = "HP PaintJet XL300 v2011.112"
"IBM 4039 plus PS" = "IBM 4039 LaserPrinter plus PS"
"KODAK ColorEase PS Printer" = "Kodak ColorEase PS Printer"
"Lexmark 1020 (Mono)" = "Lexmark 1020 Color Jetprinter (Mono)"
"Linotronic 100" = "Linotronic 100 v42.5"
"Linotronic 200" = "Linotronic 200 v49.3"
"Linotronic 330" = "Linotronic 330 v52.3"
"Linotronic 500" = "Linotronic 500 v49.3"
"Linotronic 530" = "Linotronic 530 v52.3"
"Linotronic 630" = "Linotronic 630 v52.3"
"Mannesmann Tally T7040 (Color)" = "Mannesmann Tally T7040 (Colour)"
"NEC Colormate PS/40" = "NEC Colormate PS/40 v51.9"
"NEC Colormate PS/80" = "NEC Colormate PS/80 v51.9"
"NEC SilentWriter 95" = "NEC SilentWriter 95 v2010.119"
"NEC Silentwriter LC 890" = "NEC Silentwriter LC890 v47.0"
"NEC Silentwriter LC 890XL" = "NEC Silentwriter LC890XL v50.5"
"NEC Silentwriter2 290" = "NEC Silentwriter2 290 v52.0"
"NEC Silentwriter2 990" = "NEC Silentwriter2 990 v52.3"
"NEC Silentwriter2 Model 90" = "NEC Silentwriter2 90 v52.2"
"OceColor G5242 PS" = "OceColor G5242 PostScript Printer v50.3"
"Oki ML 590 Elite" = "Oki ML 590"
"Oki ML 591 Elite" = "Oki ML 591"
"Oki OL-400" = "OKI OL-400"
"Oki OL-800" = "OKI OL-800/840"
"Oki OL-830/PS" = "Oki OL830-PS v52.5"
"Oki OL-840" = "OKI OL-800/840"
"Oki OL-840/PS" = "Oki OL840-PS v51.8"
"Oki OL-850/PS" = "Oki OL850-PS v52.5"
"Oki OL-870/PS" = "Oki OL870-PS v2013.108"
"OKIDATA Okipage 6e" = "OKIPAGE 6e"
"Panasonic KX-P3134" = "Panasonic KX-P3124"
"Panasonic KX-P3634" = "Panasonic KX-P3624"
"Panasonic KX-P4455" = "Panasonic KX-P4455 v51.4"
"Panasonic KX-P5400" = "Panasonic KX-P5400 v2013.112"
"Panasonic KX-P5410" = "Panasonic KX-P5410 v2013.110"
"QMS 420 Print System" = "QMS 420 Print System v2011.22 r15"
"QMS 860 Print System" = "QMS 860 Print System v2011.22 r15"
"QMS 860+ Print System" = "QMS 860+ Level 2"
"QMS ColorScript 100 Model 10" = "QMS ColorScript 100 Model 10 v50.3"
"QMS ColorScript 100 Model 20" = "QMS ColorScript 100 Model 20 v50.3"
"QMS ColorScript 100 Model 30" = "QMS ColorScript 100 Model 30 v50.3"
"QMS ColorScript 210" = "QMS ColorScript 210 v2011.22"
"QMS ColorScript 230" = "QMS ColorScript 230 v2011.22"
"QMS-PS 1700" = "QMS-PS 1700 v52.4"
"QMS-PS 2000" = "QMS-PS 2000 v52.4"
"QMS-PS 2200" = "QMS-PS 2200 v51.0 or 52.3"
"QMS-PS 2210" = "QMS-PS 2210 v51.0 or 52.3"
"QMS-PS 2220" = "QMS-PS 2220 v51.0 or 52.3"
"QMS-PS 410" = "QMS-PS 410 v52.4"
"QMS-PS 800" = "QMS-PS 800 v46.1"
"QMS-PS 800 Plus" = "QMS-PS 800 Plus v46.1"
"QMS-PS 810" = "QMS-PS 810 v47.0"
"QMS-PS 810 Turbo" = "QMS-PS 810 Turbo v. 51.7"
"QMS-PS 820" = "QMS-PS 820 v51.7"
"QMS-PS 820 Turbo" = "QMS-PS 820 Turbo v51.7"
"QMS-PS 825 MR" = "QMS-PS 825 MR v52.4"
"Schlumberger 5232 ColorPS v50.3" = "Schlumberger 5232 Color PostScript Printer v50.3"
"Seiko ColorPoint PS" = "Seiko ColorPoint PS Model 04"
"Seiko Pro ColorPoint PSH" = "Seiko Professional ColorPoint 8BPP"
"Seikosha SpeedJET 200" = "SEIKOSHA SpeedJET 200"
"Shinko Color CHC-746PSJ PS" = "Shinko Color CHC-746PSJ PostScript Printer v52.2"
"Star LaserPrinter 4III" = "Star LaserPrinter 4 III"
"Star LaserPrinter 5EX" = "Star LaserPrinter 5 EX"
"Star LaserPrinter 8III" = "Star LaserPrinter 8 III"
"Star LC24-22" = "Star LC24-20 II"
"Star LC24-30" = "Star LC24-30 Colour"
"Star LC24-300" = "Star LC24-300 Colour"
"Star NX-2450" = "Star NX-2450 Rainbow"
"Star NX-2480" = "Star NX-2480 Rainbow"
"Tektronix Phaser 200e 17" = "Tektronix Phaser 200e with 17 fonts v2011.108(3)"
"Tektronix Phaser 200e 39(4)" = "Tektronix Phaser 200e with 39 fonts v2011.108(3)"
"Tektronix Phaser 200i" = "Tektronix Phaser 200i v2011.108(3)"
"Tektronix Phaser 200J" = "Tektronix Phaser 200J"
"Tektronix Phaser 220e 17" = "Tektronix Phaser 220e with 17 fonts"
"Tektronix Phaser 220e 39" = "Tektronix Phaser 220e with 39 fonts"
"Tektronix Phaser 240 17" = "Tektronix Phaser 240 with 17 fonts"
"Tektronix Phaser 240 39" = "Tektronix Phaser 240 with 39 fonts"
"Tektronix Phaser II PXe 17" = "Tektronix Phaser II PXe v2010.128 with 17 fonts"
"Tektronix Phaser II PXe 39" = "Tektronix Phaser II PXe v2010.128 with 39 fonts"
"Tektronix Phaser II PXi" = "Tektronix Phaser II PXi v2010.116"
"Tektronix Phaser II PXiJ" = "Tektronix Phaser II PXiJ v2011.108"
"Tektronix Phaser III PXi" = "Tektronix Phaser III PXi v2010.116"
"Tektronix Phaser III PXiJ(2)" = "Tektronix Phaser III PXiJ v2011.108"
"TI microLaser PS17" = "TI microLaser PS17 v.52.1"
"TI microLaser PS35" = "TI microLaser PS35 v.52.1"
"Unisys AP9415" = "Unisys AP9415 v47.0"
"Varityper Series 4000-5300" = "Varityper Series 4000-5300 v49.3 or 52.2"
"Varityper Series 4000-5330" = "Varityper Series 4000-5330 v49.3 or 52.2"
"Varityper Series 4000-5500" = "Varityper Series 4000-5500 v52.2"
"Xerox MajestiK w/ DocuPress RIP" = "Xerox MajestiK with DocuPress RIP"
"Xerox MajestiK w/ Fiery XJ RIP" = "Xerox MajestiK with Fiery XJ RIP"
"Xerox Regal with DocuPress" = "Xerox Regal with DocuPress RIP"