Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

43 lines
1.2 KiB

@echo off
setlocal enableextensions
if "%1"=="" goto Usage
if "%2"=="" goto Usage
set PATH=D:\BuildTools;D:\Program Files\HTML Help Workshop
set LOG=%2
set stars=********************************************************************************
echo Changing drive to E:... >> %LOG% 2>&1
e: >> %LOG% 2>&1
echo Changing directory to %1\Dev\Raptor\Documents\Help... >> %LOG% 2>&1
cd %1\Dev\Raptor\Documents\Help >> %LOG% 2>&1
echo %stars% >> %LOG% 2>&1
echo Removing path info from DomainMig.hhp... >> %LOG% 2>&1
if exist DomainMig.hhp.bak del /f DomainMig.hhp.bak >> %LOG% 2>&1 DomainMig.hhp >> %LOG% 2>&1
if exist DomainMig.hhp.bak del /f DomainMig.hhp.bak >> %LOG% 2>&1
echo Building DomainMig.chm... >> %LOG% 2>&1
hhc.exe DomainMig.hhp >> %LOG% 2>&1
echo %stars% >> %LOG% 2>&1
rem cd ..
rem echo Processing Word macros...
rem echo %stars% >> %LOG%
rem echo Processing Word macros... >> %LOG%
rem C:\WinNT\System32\attrib -r *.doc >> %LOG% 2>&1
rem D:\MsOffice97\Office\WinWord.exe "Domain Administrator Solution Guide.doc" /mAttachMCSprint
rem C:\WinNT\System32\attrib +r *.doc >> %LOG% 2>&1
rem cd ..
goto End
echo Usage: "RaptorBuildHelp.cmd <Root Directory> <Log File>"