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// Copyright (c) 1997-2001 Microsoft Corporation, All Rights Reserved
// ***************************************************************************
// Original Author: Rajesh Rao
// $Author: rajeshr $
// $Date: 6/11/98 4:43p $
// $Workfile:ldaphelp.h $
// $Modtime: 6/11/98 11:21a $
// $Revision: 1 $
// $Nokeywords: $
// Description: Contains the declaration for the CLDAPHelper class. This is
// a class that has many static helper functions pertaining to ADSI LDAP Provider
class CLDAPHelper
// CLDAPHelper :: GetLDAPClassFromLDAPName
// Purpose : To fill in a CADSIClass object on a class/property provided by the LDAP Provider
// Parameters:
// pDirectorySearchSchemaContainer : The IDirectorySearch interface where the schema object should be looked for
// lpszSchemaContainerSuffix : The suffix to be used. The actual object fetched will be:
// LDAP://CN=<lpszCommonName>,<lpszSchemaContainerSuffix>, where lpszCommonName is the
// 'cn' attribute of the object having the ldapdisplayname attribute as lpszLDAPObjectName
// pSearchInfo: An array of ADS_SEARCHPREF_INFO to be used in the search
// dwSearchInfoCount : The number of elements in the above array
// lpszLDAPObjectName : The LDAPDisplayName of the LDAP class or property to be fetched.
// ppLDAPObject : The address where the pointer to IDirectoryObject will be stored
// It is the caller's responsibility to delete the object when done with it
// Return Value: The COM status value indicating the status of the request.
static HRESULT GetLDAPClassFromLDAPName(
IDirectorySearch *pDirectorySearchSchemaContainer,
LPCWSTR lpszSchemaContainerSuffix,
DWORD dwSearchInfoCount,
CADSIClass *pADSIClass);
// CLDAPHelper :: GetLDAPSchemaObjectFromCommonName
// Purpose : To fetch the IDirectoryObject interface on a class/property provided by the LDAP Provider
// Parameters:
// lpszSchemaContainerSuffix : The suffix to be used. The actual object fetced will be:
// LDAP://CN=<lpszCommonName>,<lpszSchemaContainerSuffix>
// lpszCommonName : The 'cn' attribute of the LDAP class or property to be fetched.
// ppLDAPObject : The address where the pointer to IDirectoryObject will be stored
// It is the caller's responsibility to delete the object when done with it
// Return Value: The COM status value indicating the status of the request.
static HRESULT GetLDAPSchemaObjectFromCommonName(
LPCWSTR lpszSchemaContainerSuffix,
LPCWSTR lpszCommonName,
IDirectoryObject **ppLDAPObject);
// CLDAPHelper :: GetLDAPClassNameFromCN
// Purpose : To fetch the LDAPDisplayNAme of a class from its path
// Parameters:
// Return Value: The COM status value indicating the status of the request. The user should delete the
// name returned, when done
static HRESULT GetLDAPClassNameFromCN(LPCWSTR lpszLDAPClassPath,
LPWSTR *lppszLDAPName);
// CLDAPHelper :: EnumerateClasses
// Purpose : To fetch the list of names of subclasses (immediate) of an LDAP class
// Parameters:
// pDirectorySearchSchemaContainer : The IDirectorySearch interface where the schema object should be looked for
// lpszSchemaContainerSuffix : The suffix to be used. The actual object fetced will be:
// LDAP://CN=<lpszObjectName>,<lpszSchemaContainerSuffix>
// pSearchInfo: An array of ADS_SEARCHPREF_INFO to be used in the search
// dwSearchInfoCount : The number of elements in the above array
// lppszLDAPSuperClass : The immediate superclass of the classes to be retreived. This is optional
// and is ignored if NULL
// bDeep : Indicates whether a deep enumeration is required. Otherwise a shallow enumeration is done
// pppszClassNames : The address of the array of LPWSTR pointers where the resulting objects will be
// placed. The user should deallocate this array as well as its contents when done with them.
// pdwNumRows : The number of elements in the above array returned
// Return Value: The COM status value indicating the status of the request.
static HRESULT EnumerateClasses(
IDirectorySearch *pDirectorySearchSchemaContainer,
LPCWSTR lpszSchemaContainerSuffix,
DWORD dwSearchInfoCount,
LPCWSTR lpszSuperClass,
LPWSTR **pppszClassNames,
DWORD *pdwNumRows,
BOOLEAN bArtificialClass);
// Gets the IDIrectoryObject interface on an ADSI instance
static HRESULT GetADSIInstance(LPCWSTR szADSIPath, CADSIInstance **ppADSIInstance, ProvDebugLog *pLogObject);
// CLDAPHelper :: ExecuteQuery
// Purpose : To fetch the IDirectoryObject interface on a class/property provided by the LDAP Provider
// Parameters:
// pszPathToRoot : The ADSI path to the node from which the search should start
// pSearchInfo: A pointer to a ADS_SEARCHPREF_INFO to be used in the search
// dwSearchInfoCount: The number of elements in pSearchInfo array
// pszLDAPQuery : The LDAP query to be executed
// pppADSIInstances : The address of the array of CADSIInstance pointers where the resulting objects will be
// placed. The user should deallocate this array as well as its contents when done with them.
// pdwNumRows : The number of elements in the above array returned
// Return Value: The COM status value indicating the status of the request.
static HRESULT ExecuteQuery(
LPCWSTR pszPathToRoot,
DWORD dwSearchInfoCount,
CADSIInstance ***pppADSIInstances,
DWORD *pdwNumRows,
ProvDebugLog *pLogObject);
// Helper functions to delete a ADS_ATTR_INFO structure
static void DeleteAttributeContents(PADS_ATTR_INFO pAttribute);
static void DeleteADsValueContents(PADSVALUE pValue);
// CLDAPHelper :: UnmangleWBEMNameToLDAP
// Purpose : Converts a mangled WBEM name to LDAP
// An underscore in LDAP maps to two underscores in WBEM
// An hyphen in LDAP maps to one underscore in WBEM
// Parameters:
// lpszWBEMName : The WBEM class or property name
// Return Value: The LDAP name to the class or property object. This has to
// be deallocated by the user
static LPWSTR UnmangleWBEMNameToLDAP(LPCWSTR lpszWBEMName);
// CLDAPHelper :: MangleLDAPNameToWBEM
// Purpose : Converts a LDAP name to WBEM by mangling it
// An underscore in LDAP maps to two underscores in WBEM
// An hyphen in LDAP maps to one underscore in WBEM
// Parameters:
// lpszLDAPName : The LDAP class or property name
// Return Value: The LDAP name to the class or property object. This has to
// be deallocated by the user
static LPWSTR MangleLDAPNameToWBEM(LPCWSTR lpszLDAPName, BOOLEAN bArtificalName = FALSE);
// Forms the ADSI path from a class or property name
static LPWSTR CreateADSIPath(LPCWSTR lpszLDAPSchemaObjectName, LPCWSTR lpszSchemaContainerSuffix);
// Some literals
#endif /* LDAP_HELPER_H */