Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1253 lines
48 KiB

Copyright (c) 1988-1999 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Global types and definitions
#define _WIN32_
#include <ctype.h>
/* use real function to avoid side effects */
#undef iswalpha
#undef iswdigit
#undef iswspace
#undef iswxdigit
#include <stdio.h>
#define inpw _inpw /* To keep the compiler happy */
#define outpw _outpw /* To keep the compiler happy */
#include <conio.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <share.h>
#include <search.h>
#include <setjmp.h>
#include <sys\types.h> /* M001 - this file must... */
#include <sys\stat.h> /* ...precede this one */
#include <io.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <locale.h>
#include <memory.h>
#include <process.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <nt.h>
#include <ntrtl.h>
#include <nturtl.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <winbasep.h>
#include <winnlsp.h>
#include <shellapi.h>
#include <shlobj.h>
#include <shlapip.h>
#include <winconp.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include <aclapi.h>
#include <aclapip.h>
#include <winsafer.h>
#include <delayimp.h>
#ifndef UNICODE
#ifndef WIN95_CMD
#error Unicode must be defined!!!!
#endif // WIN95_CMD
// No dynamic stack checking in CBATCH.C and CPARSE.C
// CMDEXTVERSION is a number that is incremented whenever the Command
// Extensions enabled by CMD /X undergo a significant revision. Allow
// batch scripts to use new features conditionally via the following
// syntax:
// IF CMDEXTVERSION 1 statement
/* M000 - These are definitions for specific file classification and
* permission variables used in redirection
#define OP_APPEN (O_RDWR|O_APPEND|O_CREAT) /* Append redir file */
#define OP_TRUNC (O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC) /* Truncate redir file */
#define OP_PERM (S_IREAD|S_IWRITE|S_IEXEC) /* R/W/X permission 0700 */
// These 3 file handles are valid only for the Lowio routines exported
// by the C Runtimes IO.H
#define STDIN 0
#define STDOUT 1
#define STDERR 2
#include "cmdmsg.h"
/* Definitions used by or passed to functions in CMD.C
* M000 - Args to Dispatch (ultimately Set/ResetRedir)
* M037 - Added REPROCESS for rewalking redirection list.
#define RIO_OTHER 0 /* Means call by misc. function */
#define RIO_MAIN 0 /* Means call by main() */
#define RIO_PIPE 1 /* Means call by ePipe() */
#define RIO_BATLOOP 2 /* Means call by BatLoop() */
#define RIO_REPROCESS 3 /* Means reprocessing redir by AddRedir */
#define APP_FLG 1 /* Flag bit indicates append when redir stdout */
/* M000 ends */
/* M016 begin */
#define NOFLAGS 0 /* No flag bits set */
#define CHECKDRIVES 1 /* Check the drives of the args to this command */
#define NOSWITCHES 2 /* No switches are allowed for this command */
#define EXTENSCMD 4 /* Only allowed if fEnableExtensions is TRUE */
/* M016 ends */
// Exit code used to abort processing (see ExitAbort and cmd.c)
// Exit due to eof on redirected stdin
#define EXIT_EOF 2
#define EOF (-1)
/* The following defines are used by CPARSE.C and CLEX.C */
#define READSTRING 1 /* Flags which tell the parser */
#define READSTDIN 2 /* where and how to get its input */
#define READFILE 3
#define FIRSTIME 3
#define NOTFIRSTIME 0x8000
#define ANDSTR TEXT("&&") /* And operator string */
#define ANDOP TEXT('&') /* And operator character */
#define CSOP TEXT('&') /* Command separator character */
#define CSSTR TEXT("&") /* Command separator string */
#define EQ TEXT('=') /* Equals character */
#define EQSTR TEXT("==") /* Equals string */
#define EQI TEXT('~') /* Equals character (case insensitive) */
#define EQISTR TEXT("=~") /* Equals string (case insensitive) */
#define INOP TEXT('<') /* Input redirection character */
#define INSTR TEXT("<") /* M008 - Input redirection string */
#define IAPSTR TEXT("<<") /* M022 - Will be used in future (<<foo) */
#define LPOP TEXT('(') /* Left parenthesis character */
#define LEFTPSTR TEXT("(") /* Left parenthesis string */
#define ORSTR TEXT("||") /* Or operator string */
#define OUTOP TEXT('>') /* Output redirection character */
#define OUTSTR TEXT(">") /* M008 - Output redirection string */
#define APPSTR TEXT(">>") /* M008 - Output w/append redir string */
#define PIPOP TEXT('|') /* Pipe operator character */
#define PIPSTR TEXT("|") /* Pipe operator string */
#define RPOP TEXT(')') /* Right parenthesis character */
#define RPSTR TEXT(")") /* Right parenthesis string */
#define ESCHAR TEXT('^') /* M003/M013/M020 - Esc, next byte literal */
#define SPCSTR TEXT(" ") /* M022 - New string used in CMD.C */
#define SILSTR TEXT("@") /* M024 - Suppress echo string */
#define SILOP TEXT('@') /* M024 - Silent operator */
#define EOS 0 /* End of input stream */
#define DISPERROR 1 /* Dispatch error code */
#define DOPOS 22 /* Position in fornode->cmdline of do string */
#define FORLINLEN 30 /* Length of for node command line */
#define GT_NORMAL 0 /* Flag to GeToken(), get a normal token */
#define GT_ARGSTR 1 /* Flag to GeToken(), get an argstring */
#define GT_QUOTE 2 /* M007 - Term not used, reserves value */
#define GT_EQOK 4 /* Flag to GeToken(), get equals not delimiter */
#define GT_LPOP 8 /* M002 - Ok to parse '(' & '@' as oper's */
#define GT_RPOP 16 /* M002 - Ok to parse ')' as operator */
#define GT_REM 32 /* M007 - Parsing REM arg token */
#define LEXERROR -1 /* Lexer error code */
#define LX_UNGET 0 /* M020 - Lexer flag, Unget last token */
#define LX_ARG 1 /* Lexer flag(), get an argstring */
#define LX_QUOTE 2 /* Lexer flag(), getting a quoted string */
#define LX_EQOK 4 /* Lexer flag(), equalsign not delimiter */
#define LX_LPOP 8 /* M007 - Term not used, reserves value */
#define LX_RPOP 16 /* M007 - Term not used, reserves value */
#define LX_REM 32 /* M007 - Lexing REM arg token */
#define LX_DBLOK 64 /* - ok for lexer to return second half
of a double byte code */
#define LX_DELOP 0x0100 /* Returned by TExtCheck, found delimeter/operator*/
#define MAINERROR 1 /* Main error code */
#define PC_NOTS 0 /* Flag to ParseCond(), "NOT"s are allowed */
#define PC_NONOTS 1 /* Flag to ParseCond(), "NOT"s are not allowed */
#define PIO_DO 1 /* Flag to ParseInOut(), do read token first */
#define PIO_DONT 0 /* Flag to ParseInOut(), don't read token first */
#define PARSERROR 1 /* Parser error code */
#define TEXTOKEN 0x4000 /* Text token found flag */
#define LBUFLEN 8192
#define MAXTOKLEN 8192
#define TMPBUFLEN 8192
/* Definitions used by or passed to functions in CMEM.C */
#define FS_FREEALL 0 /* Tells FreeStack to free entire stack */
/* Definitions used by or passed to functions in CEXT.C */
#define T_OFF 0 /* Execute with no trace active */
#define T_ON 1 /* Execute with trace active */
#define AI_SYNC 0 /* Async indicator - Exec synchronous */
#define AI_DSCD 4 /* Async indicator - Exec async/discard @@ */
#define AI_KEEP 2 /* Async indicator - Exec async/save retcd */
#define SFE_NOTFND 0 /* Ret'd by SearchForExecutable, not found */
#define SFE_ISEXECOM 1 /* Ret'd by SearchForExecutable, exe/com found */
#define SFE_ISBAT 2 /* Ret'd by SearchForExecutable, bat found */
#define SFE_FAIL 3 /* Ret'd by SearchForExecutable, out of memory */
#define SFE_BADPATH 4 /* Ret'd by SearchForExecutable, specified
path is bad */
#define SFE_ISDIR 5 /* Ret'd by SearchForExecutable, directory */
/* Definitions used by or passed to the functions in CBATCH.C */
#define BT_CHN 0 /* M011 - Arg to BatProc() Chain this batch job */
#define BT_CALL 1 /* M011 - Arg to BatProc() Nest this batch job */
#define E_OFF 0 /* Echo mode off */
#define E_ON 1 /* Echo mode on */
#define FORERROR 1 /* For processor error */
#define MS_BAT 0 /* Flag to MakeSubstitutions(), doing batch job subs*/
#define MS_FOR 1 /* Flag to MakeSubstitutions(), doing FOR loop subs */
#define DSP_SCN 0 /* M024 - DisplayStatement called for scrn output */
#define DSP_PIP 1 /* M024 - DisplayStatement called for pipe output */
#define DSP_SIL 0 /* M024 - DisplayStatement uses "silent" mode */
#define DSP_VER 1 /* M024 - DisplayStatement uses "verbose" mode */
#define QUIETCH TEXT('Q') /* M024 - "QUIET" switch for batch files */
/* Definitions used by or passed to functions in CDIR.C */
#define DAMASK 0x1F /* All of these are used to isolated the */
#define HRSHIFT 11 /* different parts of a file's last */
#define HRMASK 0x1F /* modification date and time. This info */
#define LOYR 1980 /* is packed into 2 words in the following */
#define MOSHIFT 5 /* format: */
#define MOMASK 0x0F /* */
#define MNSHIFT 5 /* Date word: bits 0-4 date, bits 5-8 */
#define MNMASK 0x3F /* month, bits 9-15 year-1980. */
#define SCMASK 0x1F /* */
#define YRSHIFT 9 /* Time: bits 0-4 seconds/2, bits 5-10 */
#define YRMASK 0x7F /* minutes, bits 11-15 month. */
#define FFIRST_FAIL 2 /* Flag to show ffirst failed */
/* Definitions used by or passed to the functions in CPWORK.C and CPPARSE.C */
/* M010 - This entire block added to facilitate rewritten copy files
/* different states for the parser */
#define SEEN_NO_FILES 1
#define SEEN_DEST 6
/* types of copy */
#define COPY 1
#define TOUCH 2
#define CONCAT 3
#define COMBINE 4
/* Definitions used by or passed to the functions in CFILE.C */
/* Values for the flags field of the copy information structure. */
#define CI_BINARY 0x0001 /* File to be copied in binary mode */
#define CI_ASCII 0x0002 /* File to be copied in ascii mode */
#define CI_NOTSET 0x0004 /* Above mode given to file by default */
#define CI_NAMEWILD 0x0008 /* Filename contains wildcards */
#define CI_ALLOWDECRYPT 0x0010 /* Allow destination of copy to be decrypted */
#define CI_DONE 0x0020 /* No more files match this filespec */
#define CI_FIRSTTIME 0x0040 /* First time file searched for */
#define CI_ISDEVICE 0x0080 /* File is a device */
#define CI_FIRSTSRC 0x0100 /* First source in source list */
#define CI_SHORTNAME 0x0200 /* if copying to FAT from NTFS, use short name */
#define CI_RESTARTABLE 0x0400 /* if the copy is restartable */
#define CI_PROMPTUSER 0x2000 /* prompt if overwriting destination */
// These flags are filled in when we find out what the file type is
#define CI_UNICODE 0x4000 /* Buffer contains unicode chars */
#define CI_NOT_UNICODE 0x8000 /* Buffer contains non-unicode chars */
/* Flags passed to BuildFSpec() */
#define BF_SRC 1 /* Called from OpenSrc() */
#define BF_DEST 2 /* Called from OpenDest() */
#define BF_DRVPATH 4 /* Add drive and path */
/* Flags passed to CopyError() */
#define CE_PCOUNT 1 /* Print the copied files count */
#define CE_NOPCOUNT 0 /* Don't print the copied files count */
/* Flags passed to CSearchError() */
#define CSE_OPENSRC 0 /* Called from OpenSrc() */
#define CSE_OPENDEST 1 /* Called from OpenDest() */
/* Definitions/structures used by or passed to the functions in CENV.C */
struct envdata {
TCHAR *handle ; /* Environment pointer */
unsigned cursize ; /* # of bytes used in the segment */
unsigned maxsize ; /* # of bytes in the entire segment */
} ;
#define AEV_ADDPROG 0 /* Flag to AddEnvVar, add a program name */
#define AEV_NORMAL 1 /* Flag to AddEnvVar, add a normal variable */
/* Definitions used by or passed to the functions in CCLOCK.C */
#define PD_DIR 0 /* Flag to PrintDate, use Dir command date format */
#define PD_DATE 1 /* Flag to PrintDate, use Date command date format */
#define PD_PTDATE 2 /* Flag to PrintDate, prompt & use Date command format */
#define PD_DIR2000 3 // Dir date format, four digit years
#define PT_DIR 0 /* Flag to PrintTime, use Dir command time format */
#define PT_TIME 1 /* Flag to PrintTime, use Time command time format */
#define EDATE 0 /* Flag for eDate */
#define ETIME -1 /* Flag for eTime */
/* Definitions used by or passed to the functions in COTHER.C */
#define GSVM_GET 2 /* Flag to GetSetVerMode(), just get current mode */
#define GSVM_OFF 0 /* Flag to GetSetVerMode(), turn off */
#define GSVM_ON 1 /* Flag to GetSetVerMode(), turn on */
/* Definitions used by CSTART.C @WM2 */
#define FOREGRND 0 /* Start session in foreground */
#define BACKGRND 1 /* Start session in background */
#define ST_UNDEF -1 /* Parameter isn't defined yet */
#define INDEPENDANT 0 /* New session will be independant */
#define ST_KSWITCH 1 /* Start parameter /K */
#define ST_CSWITCH 2 /* Start parameter /C */
#define ST_NSWITCH 3 /* Start parameter /N */
#define ST_FSSWITCH PROG_FULLSCREEN /* Start session in full screen mode */
#define ST_WINSWITCH PROG_WINDOWABLEVIO /* Start session in winthorn mode */
#define ST_PMSWITCH PROG_PM /* Start session in presentation manager mode */
#define ST_DOSFSSWITCH PROG_VDM /* Start session in a VDM */
#define ST_DOSWINSWITCH PROG_WINDOWEDVDM /* Start session in windowed VDM */
#define NONWINSTARTLEN 30 /* Length of Data Structure when not using WIN */
/* Definitions used by or passed to the functions in CTOOLS.C */
#define GD_DEFAULT 0 /* Flag to GetDir(), get dir for default drive */
#define LTA_NOFLAGS 0 /* Flag to LoopThroughArgs() */
#define LTA_EXPAND 1 /* Flag to LoopThroughArgs(), expand wildcards */
#define LTA_NULLOK 2 /* Flag to LoopThroughArgs(), null args ok */
#define LTA_NOMATCH 4 /* Flag to LoopThroughArgs(), no match on wildcard ok */
#define LTA_CONT 8 /* Flag to LoopThroughArgs(), continue process @@4 */
#define OOC_OFF 0 /* OnOffCheck() retcode, found "OFF" */
#define OOC_ON 1 /* OnOffCheck() retcode, found "ON" */
#define OOC_EMPTY 2 /* OnOffCheck() retcode, found empty string */
#define OOC_OTHER 3 /* OnOffCheck() retcode, found some other string */
#define OOC_NOERROR 0 /* Flag to OnOffCheck(), OCC_OTHER is not an error */
#define OOC_ERROR 1 /* Flag to OnOffCheck(), OCC_OTHER is an error */
#define TS_NOFLAGS 0 /* Flag to TokStr(), */
#define TS_WSPACE 1 /* Flag to TokStr(), whitespace aren't delimiters */
#define TS_SDTOKENS 2 /* Flag to TokStr(), special delimiters are tokens */
#define TS_NWSPACE 4 /* Flag to TokStr(), spec delims are not white sp @@*/
#define RAW 4 /* Bit pattern for setting KBD RAW mode (M032) */
#define COOKED 8 /* Bit pattern for setting KBD COOKED mode (M032) */
/* Defines used to define and manage file handle from the C runtime */
typedef int CRTHANDLE;
#define BADHANDLE (CRTHANDLE)-1 // bad handle from different opens
#define CRTTONT(fh) (HANDLE)_get_osfhandle(fh)
/*** Definitions and structures used by COP.C */
/* Added structure to hold temporary pipe file information. It is used
* to communicate with SetRedir() when redirecting input during execution
* of piped commands and by SigHand() and BreakPipes() when necessary
* to terminate a piped operation.
* M027 - Modified structure for real pipes.
struct pipedata {
CRTHANDLE rh; /* Pipe read handle */
CRTHANDLE wh; /* Pipe write handle */
CRTHANDLE shr; /* Handles where the normal... */
CRTHANDLE shw; /* ...STDIN/OUT handles are saved */
HANDLE lPID ; /* Pipe lh side PID */
HANDLE rPID ; /* Pipe rh side PID */
unsigned lstart ; /* Start Information of lh side D64*/
unsigned rstart ; /* Start Information of rh side D64*/
struct pipedata *prvpds ; /* Ptr to next pipedata struct */
struct pipedata *nxtpds ; /* Ptr to next pipedata struct */
} ;
#define FH_INHERIT 0x0080 /* M027 Bits used by the api... */
#define FH_WRTTHRU 0x4000 /* ...DOSQ/SETFHANDSTATE */
#define FH_FAILERR 0x2000
/* Miscellaneous defines used in the code for enhanced readability. */
#define MAX_DRIVES (TEXT('Z') - TEXT('A') + 1)
#define BSLASH TEXT('\\')
#define SWITCHAR TEXT('/')
#define COLON TEXT(':')
#define COMMA TEXT(',')
#define DEFENVSIZE 0xA0 /* Default environment size */
#define DOLLAR TEXT('$')
#define WINLOW 0x00000004 // Lowest acceptable version of Win32
#define WINHIGH 0xFFFF0004 // Highest acceptable version of Win32
#define DOT TEXT('.')
#define FAILURE 1 /* Command/function failed. */
#define MINSTACKNEED 2200 /* MIN stack needed to parse commands @WM1 */
#define NLN TEXT('\n') /* Newline character */
#define CR TEXT('\r') /* M004 - Added def for carriage return */
#define NULLC TEXT('\0') /* Null character */
#define ONEQSTR TEXT("=")
#define PERCENT TEXT('%')
#define PLUS TEXT('+')
#define MINUS TEXT('-') /* M038 - Added def for CTRY code */
#define QMARK TEXT('?')
#define QUOTE TEXT('"')
#define STAR TEXT('*')
#define CTRLZ 0x1A /* M004 - Def for ^Z for lexer */
#define CTRLC 0x03 /* M035 - Def for ^C for ePause */
#define SPACE TEXT(' ') /* M014 - Def for space character */
#define SUCCESS 0 /* Command/function succeeded */
#define MAXTOWRITE 160 /* maximum number of chars to write - for ctrl-s */
// type for return code on dir and related functions, can be migrated
// into rest of cmd later.
#define CHECKSTATUS( p1 ) {STATUS rc; if ((rc = p1) != SUCCESS) return( rc ); }
// #define CHECKSTATUS( rc ) if (rc != SUCCESS) { return( rc ); }
#define CW_A_SNGL 0x00 /* Wait only on indicated process */
#define CW_A_ALL 0x01 /* Wait on all grandchildren too */
#define CW_W_YES 0x00 /* Wait if no child ends (or no children) */
#define CW_W_NO 0x01 /* Don't wait if no child ends */
#define CW_PID_ANY 0x00 /* PID val for wait on any child */
#define SS_SUBTREE 0x00
#define f_RET_DIR -1 /* from f_how_many() when directory */
/* This structure is used by the FOR loop processor to save parse tree node
* strings in.
* M022 - This structure was extended to enable it to store the 10 possible
* redirection strings and the cmdline and argptr strings of a command node.
* This added eight pointers to the structure.
struct savtype {
TCHAR *saveptrs[12] ;
} ;
// Global handles for DLL's
extern HMODULE hKernel32;
// Types used in dir command
typedef struct PATDSC {
PTCHAR pszPattern;
PTCHAR pszDir;
struct PATDSC * ppatdscNext;
// Dir command parameters in conan form (post parsing)
// A sort descriptor is used to define a type of sorting on the
// files in a directory. Currently these are
// Name, Extension, Date/Time, Size and group directories first
// Each can be sort either by Assending or descending order.
typedef struct { // srtdsc
int(__cdecl * fctCmp) (const void * elem1, const void * elem2);
typedef struct {
// Switches for enumeration
ULONG rgfSwitches;
// Attributes that are of interest for this enumeration
ULONG rgfAttribs;
// Attributes (subject to rgfAttribs mask) that must be on or off
// for files that match this enumeration
ULONG rgfAttribsOnOff;
// Number of sort descriptions
ULONG csrtdsc;
// Individual sort descriptors
// Count of patterns that are later converted to FS's
ULONG cpatdsc;
// Pointer to first pattern
PATDSC patdscFirst;
// Form of timestamp to display
ULONG dwTimeType;
// Count of files and directories seen and total bytes
ULONG FileCount;
ULONG DirectoryCount;
} DRP;
typedef DRP *PDRP;
// The following number is also in as a parameter to MC.EXE
// to prevent it from generating a message that is bigger than we can handle.
// The buffers holding WIN32_FIND_DATA for dir use a USHORT size field
// for each WIN32_FIND_DATA entry and place the each data entry one after the
// other, plus DWORD align each entry. This is to avoid allocating MAX_PATH
// for each file name or maintaining a seperate filename buffer.
// The size of the entry is maintained so that we can quickly run over
// all of the data entries generating a seperate array of pointers to each
// entry that is used in sorting.
// obAlternative is the offset from the cFileName field to the alternative
// file name field if any. A 0 indication no alternative file name.
typedef struct {
USHORT obAlternate;
} FF, *PFF, **PPFF;
typedef struct FS {
// Link to next directory to be enumerated
struct FS * pfsNext;
// Text of directory to be enumerated
PTCHAR pszDir;
// Count of patterns in directory
ULONG cpatdsc;
// Linked list of patterns within directory to be enumerated
PPATDSC ppatdsc;
// Various state flags
BOOLEAN fDelPrompted;
// Total count of entries stored in pff
ULONG cff;
// Pointer to packed FF's
PFF pff;
// Array of pointers into packed FF's. Used for sorting.
PPFF prgpff;
// Number of files/directories in FF's
ULONG FileCount;
ULONG DirectoryCount;
// Total disk usage by all files satisfying this enumeration
} FS, *PFS;
// used in dir to control display of screen.
typedef struct { // scr
HANDLE hndScreen; // Screen handle (NULL if not a device)
ULONG crow; // row position on current screen
ULONG ccol; // column position in current row
ULONG cbMaxBuffer;// size of allocated buffer
PTCHAR pbBuffer; // bytes in buffer
ULONG ccolTab; // column position for each tab
ULONG ccolTabMax; // max. cols to allow tabing into.
ULONG crowMax; // no. of rows on screen
ULONG ccolMax; // no. of cols on screen
ULONG crowPause; // no. of rows to pause on.
ULONG cb; // no. of characters in row - different than
// ccol, since Kanjii characters are half-width
/* Parse tree node structure declarations. The basic structure type is called
* node and is used for all operators. All of the rest are based on it. There
* are several types of structures because some commands need special fields.
* Functions that manipulate a parse tree node will either not care what type
* of node it is getting or will know in advance what to expect. All of the
* nodes are the same size to make their manipulation easier.
* M022 - The structures for node and cmdnode have been changed so that
* their redirection information is now a single pointer to a linked list
* of 'relem' structures rather than two simple byte pointers for STDIN and
* STDOUT and a single append flag.
struct node { /* Used for operators */
int type ; /* Type of operator */
struct savtype save ; /* FOR processor saves orig strings here */
struct relem *rio ; /* M022 - Linked redirection list */
struct node *lhs ; /* Ptr to left hand side of the operator */
struct node *rhs ; /* Ptr to right hand side of the operator */
INT_PTR extra[ 4 ] ; /* M022 - Padding now needed */
} ;
struct cmdnode { /* Used for all commands except ones below */
int type ; /* Type of command */
struct savtype save ; /* FOR processor saves orig strings here */
struct relem *rio ; /* M022 - Linked redirection list */
PTCHAR cmdline ; /* Ptr to command line */
PTCHAR argptr ; /* Ptr to type of command */
int flag ; /* M022 - Valid for cond and goto types */
int cmdarg ; /* M022 - Argument to STRTYP routine */
} ;
#define CMDNODE_FLAG_GOTO 0x0001
struct fornode { /* Used for FOR commands */
int type ; /* FOR command type */
struct savtype save ; /* FOR processor saves orig strings here */
struct relem *rio ; /* M022 - Linked redirection list */
PTCHAR cmdline ; /* Ptr to command line */
PTCHAR arglist ; /* Ptr to the FOR argument list */
struct node *body ; /* Ptr to the body of the FOR */
unsigned forvar ; /* FOR variable - MUST BE UNSIGNED */
int flag ; /* Flag */
union {
PTCHAR recurseDir ;
PTCHAR parseOpts ;
} ;
} ;
#define FOR_LOOP 0x0001
#define FOR_MATCH_DIRONLY 0x0002
#define FOR_MATCH_RECURSE 0x0004
#define FOR_MATCH_PARSE 0x0008
struct ifnode { /* Used for IF commands */
int type ; /* IF command type */
struct savtype save ; /* FOR processor saves orig strings here */
struct relem *rio ; /* M022 - Linked redirection list */
PTCHAR cmdline ; /* Ptr to command line */
struct cmdnode *cond ; /* Ptr to the IF condition */
struct node *ifbody ; /* Ptr to the body of the IF */
PTCHAR elseline ; /* Ptr to ELSE command line */
struct node *elsebody ; /* Ptr to the body of the ELSE */
} ;
/* Operator and Command type values. These definitions are the values
* assigned to the type fields in the parse tree nodes and can be used as
* indexes into the Operator and command jump table. Because of this last
* point these values ***>MUST<*** be kept in sync with the jump table.
#define CMDTYP 0
#define CMDLOW 0 /* Lowest type number for an internal command */
#define DIRTYP 0 /* DIR */
#define DELTYP 1 /* DEL, ERASE */
#define TYTYP 3 /* TYPE */
#define CPYTYP 4 /* COPY */
#define CDTYP 5 /* CD, CHDIR */
#define RENTYP 7 /* REN, RENAME */
#define ECHTYP 9 /* ECHO */
#define SETTYP 10 /* SET */
#define PAUTYP 11 /* PAUSE */
#define DATTYP 12 /* DATE */
#define TIMTYP 13 /* TIME */
#define PROTYP 14 /* PROMPT */
#define MDTYP 16 /* MD, MKDIR */
#define RDTYP 18 /* RD, RMDIR */
#define PATTYP 19 /* PATH */
#define GOTYP 20 /* GOTO */
#define SHFTYP 21 /* SHIFT */
#define CLSTYP 22 /* CLS */
#define CALTYP 23 /* M007 - New CALL command */
#define VRITYP 24 /* VERIFY */
#define VERTYP 25 /* VER */
#define VOLTYP 26 /* VOL */
#define EXITYP 27 /* EXIT */
#define SLTYP 28 /* M006 - Definition for SETLOCAL command */
#define ELTYP 29 /* M006 - Definition for ENDLOCAL command */
#define CHPTYP 30 /* CHCP @@*/
#define STRTTYP 31 /* START @@*/
#define APPDTYP 32 /* APPEND @@ */
#define KEYSTYP 33 /* KEYS @@5 */
#define MOVETYP 34 /* MOVE @@5 */
#define PUSHTYP 35 /* PushD */
#define POPTYP 36 /* PopD */
#define BRKTYP 37 /* M012 - Added new command type @@*/
#define ASSOCTYP 38 /* M012 - Added new command type @@*/
#define FTYPETYP 39 /* M012 - Added new command type @@*/
#define COLORTYP 40 /* COLOR */
#define CMDHIGH 40 /* Cmds higher than this are unique parse types @@*/
#define FORTYP 41 /* FOR */
#define IFTYP 42 /* IF */
#define REMTYP 43 /* REM */
#define CMDMAX 43 /* Values higher are not commands */
#define LFTYP 44 /* Command separator (NL) */
#define CSTYP 45 /* Command separator (&) */
#define ORTYP 46 /* Or operator */
#define ANDTYP 47 /* And operator */
#define PIPTYP 48 /* Pipe operator */
#define PARTYP 49 /* Parenthesis */
#define CMDVERTYP 50 /* CMDEXTVERSION (used by if) */
#define ERRTYP 51 /* ERRORLEVEL (used by if) */
#define DEFTYP 52 /* DEFINED (used by if) */
#define EXSTYP 53 /* EXIST (used by if) */
#define NOTTYP 54 /* NOT (used by if) */
#define STRTYP 55 /* String comparison (used by if) */
#define CMPTYP 56 /* General comparison (used by if) */
#define SILTYP 57 /* M024 - "SILENT" unary operator */
#define HELPTYP 58 /* Help for FOR, IF and REM */
#define TBLMAX 58 /* M012 - Highest numbered table entry */
/* The following macros are for my debugging statements. DEBUG expands to
* a call to my debug statement printer if the DBGugging variable is
* defined. Otherwise, it expands to NULL.
#if DBG
#define DEBUG(a) Deb a
/* The following are definitions of the debugging group and level bits
* for the code in cbatch.c
#define BPGRP 0x0100 /* Batch processor group */
#define BPLVL 0x0001 /* Batch processor level */
#define FOLVL 0x0002 /* FOR processor level */
#define IFLVL 0x0004 /* IF processor level */
#define OTLVL 0x0008 /* Other batch commands level */
/* The following are definitions of the debugging group and level bits
* for the code in cclock.c
#define CLGRP 0x4000 /* Other commands group */
#define DALVL 0x0001 /* Date command level */
#define TILVL 0x0002 /* Time command level */
/* The following are definitions of the DEBUGging group and level bits
* for the code in cfile.c, cpparse.c, cpwork.c
#define FCGRP 0x0020 // File commands group
#define COLVL 0x0001 // Copy level
#define DELVL 0x0002 // Delete level
#define RELVL 0x0004 // Rename level
/* The following are definitions of the debugging group and level bits
* for the code in cinfo.c and display.c
#define ICGRP 0x0040 /* Informational commands group */
#define DILVL 0x0001 /* Directory level */
#define TYLVL 0x0002 /* Type level */
#define VOLVL 0x0008 /* Volume level */
#define DISLVL 0x0040 /* Directory level */
/* The following are definitions of the debugging group and level bits
* for the code in cinit.c
#define INGRP 0x0002 /* Command Initialization group */
#define ACLVL 0x0001 /* Argument checking level */
#define EILVL 0x0002 /* Environment initialization level */
#define RSLVL 0x0004 /* Rest of initialization level */
/* The following are definitions of the debugging group and level bits
* for the code in clex.c, cparse.c
#define PAGRP 0x0004 /* Parser */
#define PALVL 0x0001 /* Parsing */
#define LXLVL 0x0002 /* Lexing */
#define LFLVL 0x0004 /* Input routine */
#define DPLVL 0x0008 /* Dump parse tree */
#define BYLVL 0x0010 /* Byte input routines */
// The following are definitions of the debugging group and level bits
// for the code in cmd.c
#define MNGRP 0x0001 // Main command loop code group
#define MNLVL 0x0001 // Main function level
#define DFLVL 0x0002 // Dispatch function level
#define RIOLVL 0x0004 // Redirection function level
/* The following are definitions of the debugging group and level bits
* for the code in cmem.c
#define MMGRP 0x1000 /* Memory Manager */
#define MALVL 0x0001 /* Memory allocators */
#define LMLVL 0x0002 /* List managers */
#define SMLVL 0x0004 /* Segment manipulators */
/* The following are definitions of the debugging group and level bits
* for the code in cop.c
#define OPGRP 0x0008 /* Operators group */
#define PILVL 0x0001 /* Pipe level */
#define PNLVL 0x0002 /* Paren operator level */
/* The following are definitions of the debugging group and level bits
* for the code in cother.c
#define OCGRP 0x0400 /* Other commands group */
#define BRLVL 0x0001 /* Break command level */
#define CLLVL 0x0002 /* Cls command level */
#define CTLVL 0x0004 /* Ctty command level */
#define EXLVL 0x0008 /* Exit command level */
#define VELVL 0x0010 /* Verify command level */
/* The following are definitions of the debugging group and level bits
* for the code in cpath.c
#define PCGRP 0x0010 /* Path commands group */
#define MDLVL 0x0001 /* Mkdir level */
#define CDLVL 0x0002 /* Chdir level */
#define RDLVL 0x0004 /* Rmdir level */
/* The following are definitions of the debugging group and level bits
* for the code in csig.c
#define SHGRP 0x0800 /* Signal handler group */
#define MSLVL 0x0001 /* Main Signal handler level */
#define ISLVL 0x0002 /* Init Signal handler level */
/* The following are definitions of the debugging group and level bits
* for the code in ctools1.c, ctools2.c, ctools3.c and ffirst.c
#define CTGRP 0x2000 /* Common tools group */
#define CTMLVL 0x0400 /* Common tools misc. level */
#define BFLVL 0x0800 /* BuildFSpec() level */
#define SFLVL 0x1000 /* ScanFSpec() level */
#define SSLVL 0x2000 /* SetAndSaveDir() level */
#define TSLVL 0x4000 /* TokStr() level */
#define FPLVL 0x8000 /* FullPath level */
#define DEBUG(a)
/* File attributes */
#define FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY 0x00000001
#define FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN 0x00000002
#define FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM 0x00000004
#define FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE 0x00000020
#define FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL 0x00000080
#define IsDirectory(a) ((a) & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)
#define IsReparse(a) ((a) & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT)
//#define A_AEV 0x37
//#define A_AEDV 0x27 /* all attributes except dir & vol */
//#define A_AEDVH 0x25 /* all except dir/vol/hidden (M040) */
//#define A_AEVH 0x35 /* all except vol/hidden */
/* Batdata is the structure which contains all of the information needed to
* start/continue executing a batch job. The fields are:
* filespec - full file specification of the batch file
* dircpy - ptr to copy of current drive and directory (used by the
* setlocal/endlocal commands.
* filepos - the current position in the file
* stackmin - M037 - the number of elements on the data stack comprising
* only the batch data structure itself. Used when chaining to free
* memory prior to reconstructing the data structure.
* stacksize - the number of elements on the data stack before the
* execution of the batch job begins. This number is past to
* FreeStack() via Parser() to make sure that only that data which
* is used to execute batch file statements is freed.
* hRestrictedToken - Handle to the restricted token with which the batch file
* should be run.
* envcpy - ptr to structure containing info on environment copy
* orgargs - pointer to original argument string
* args - tokenized string containing the the unused batch job arguments
* aptrs - pointers into args to individual arguments, NULL if no arg for
* that number
* alens - the lengths of individual args, 0 if no arg
* backptr - the structures are stacked using this pointer. Through it,
* nestable batch jobs are achieved.
#define CMD_MAX_SAVED_ENV 32
struct batsaveddata {
TCHAR *dircpy ;
struct envdata * envcpy;
BOOLEAN fEnableExtensions;
BOOLEAN fDelayedExpansion;
} ;
struct batdata {
TCHAR *filespec ;
long filepos ;
int stackmin ;
int stacksize ;
int SavedEnvironmentCount;
HANDLE hRestrictedToken;
TCHAR *orgargs ;
TCHAR *args ;
TCHAR *aptrs[10] ;
int alens[10] ;
TCHAR *orgaptr0 ;
struct batsaveddata *saveddata[CMD_MAX_SAVED_ENV] ;
struct batdata *backptr ;
} ;
// The following variables are used to detect the current batch state
// Set for /K on command line
extern BOOL SingleBatchInvocation; // fSingleBatchLine
// Set of /c switch on command line set.
extern BOOL SingleCommandInvocation; // fSingleCmdLine
// Data for start and executing a batch file. Used in calls
extern struct batdata *CurrentBatchFile; // CurBat
// Set during the execution of a GOTO command. All sequential dispatch
// routines muse examine this and return success when set in order
// to let the top-level batch file execution continue at the next
// point
extern BOOLEAN GotoFlag;
/* M022 - This structure has been changed. It is still used in a linked
* list, but now stores no actual redirection information. Instead the
* node pointer is used to access this data which is in another linked
* list of relem structures whose head element is pointed to by n->rio in
* the node. The riodata list is reverse linked and its tail element is
* still pointed to by CurRIO (global).
struct rio {
int type ; /* Type of redir'ing process */
CRTHANDLE stdio ; /* Highest handle for this node */
struct node *rnod ; /* Associated parse node ptr */
struct rio *back ; /* Pointer to prior list element */
} ;
// relem is used in a linked list, the head element of which is pointed to by
// n->rio in a 'node' or 'cmdnode'. It contains the following parse information;
// the handle to be redirected, a pointer to the filename (or "&n" for handle
// substitution), the handle where the original is saved (by duping it), the
// operator, ('>' or '<'), specifying the redirection type, a flag to indicate
// whether this is to be appended and a pointer to the next list element.
struct relem {
CRTHANDLE rdhndl ; // handle to be redirected
TCHAR *fname ; // filename (or &n)
CRTHANDLE svhndl ; // where orig handle is saved
int flag ; // Append flag
TCHAR rdop ; // Type ('>' | '<')
struct relem *nxt ; // Next structure
/* Used to hold information on Copy sources and destinations. */
struct cpyinfo {
TCHAR *fspec ; /* Source/destination filespec */
TCHAR *curfspec ; /* Current filespec being used */
TCHAR *pathend ; /* Ptr to end of pathname in fspec */
TCHAR *fnptr ; /* Ptr to filename in fspec */
TCHAR *extptr ; /* Ptr to file extension in fspec */
PWIN32_FIND_DATA buf ; /* Buffer used for findfirst/next */
int flags ; /* Wildcards, device, etc */
struct cpyinfo *next ; /* Next ptr, used with sources only */
} ;
/* Following is true if user specifically enable the potentially incompatible */
/* extensions to CMD.EXE. */
extern BOOLEAN fEnableExtensions;
extern BOOLEAN fDelayedExpansion;
// Suppress/allow delay load errors
extern BOOLEAN ReportDelayLoadErrors;
/* Message Retriever definitions */
#define NOARGS 0
#define ONEARG 1
#define TWOARGS 2
#define THREEARGS 3
/* length of double byte character set (DBCS) buffer */
#define DBCS_BUF_LEN 10
/* DBCS_SPACE is the code for the second byte of a dbcs space character
* DBCS_SPACE is not a space unless it immediatly follows a bdcs lead
* character */
/* I don't know what value the double byte space is, so I made a guess.
* I know this guess is wrong, but, you've gotta suffer if you're going
* to sing the blues!
* (Correct the value for BDCS_SPACE and everything should work fine)
#define DBCS_SPACE 64 /* @@ */
#define LEAD_DBCS_SPACE 129 /* @@ */
* is_dbcsleadchar(c) returns TRUE if c is a valid first character of a double
* character code, FALSE otherwise.
extern BOOLEAN DbcsLeadCharTable[ ];
// AnyDbcsLeadChars can be tested to determine if there are any TRUE values
// in DbcsLeadCharTable i.e. do we have to do any look-ups.
extern BOOLEAN AnyDbcsLeadChars;
#define is_dbcsleadchar( c ) DbcsLeadCharTable[((UCHAR)(c))]
// Line terminator
extern TCHAR CrLf[] ;
// The following macros are copies of the C Runtime versions that test
// for NULL string pointer arguments and return NULL instead of generating
// an access violation dereferencing a null pointer.
#define mystrlen( str ) \
( (str) ? _tcslen( str ) : ( 0 ))
#define mystrcpy( s1, s2 ) \
( ((s1) && (s2)) ? _tcscpy( s1, s2 ) : ( NULL ))
#define mystrcat( s1, s2 ) \
( ((s1) && (s2)) ? _tcscat( s1, s2 ) : ( NULL ))
extern TCHAR DbcsFlags[];
#define W_ON 1 /* Whinthorn.DLL exists */
#define W_OFF 0 /* Whinthorn.DLL exists */
#define FIFO 0 /* FIFO Queue */
#define FULLSCRN 0 /* Full Screen Mode */
#define VIOWIN 1 /* VIO Windowable Mode */
#define DETACHED 2 /* Detached Mode */
#define NONEPGM 0 /* Program is not started */
#define EXECPGM 1 /* Program is started by DosExecPgm */
#define STARTSESSION 2 /* Program is started by DosStartSession */
#define WAIT 0 /* WAIT for DosReadQueue */
#define NOWAIT 1 /* NOWAIT for DosReadQueue */
#define READ_TERMQ 0 /* Read TermQ */
#define ALL_STOP 0 /* Terminate All Sessions */
#define SPEC_STOP 1 /* Terminate Specified Session */
// to handle OS/2 vs DOS behavior (e.g. errorlevel) in a script files
#define NO_TYPE 0
#define BAT_TYPE 1
#define CMD_TYPE 2
#include "cmdproto.h"
#include "console.h"
#include "dir.h"
#include <vdmapi.h>
#include <conapi.h>