Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
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title DOSINIT - Initialize dos specific static data.
externFP GetModuleHandle
externFP GetProcAddress
externFP Int21Handler
externFP GlobalDOSAlloc
externFP GetFreeSpace
ifdef FE_SB
externFP GetSystemDefaultLangID
endif ;FE_SB
ifdef WOW
externNP ExitKernel
externB graphics
externB Kernel_flags
externB DOS_version
externB DOS_revision
externB KeyInfo
externB fFarEast
ifdef FE_SB
externB fDBCSLeadTable
externB DBCSVectorTable
endif ;FE_SB
externB fBreak
externB fNovell
externB CurDOSDrive
externB DOSDrives
externW cur_dos_PDB
externW Win_PDB
externW f8087
externW FileEntrySize
externW topPDB
externW headPDB
externW hExeHead
externW MyCSDS
externW hGDI
externW hUser
externD pTimerProc
externD pSftLink
externD pFileTable
externD myInt2F
externD pMBoxProc
externD pSysProc
externD pGetFreeSystemResources
externD plstrcmp
ifdef JAPAN
externD pJpnSysProc
externD pKeyProc
externD pKeyProc1
externD pSErrProc
externD pDisableProc
externD pExitProc
externD pMouseTermProc
externD pKeyboardTermProc
externD pKeyboardSysReq
externD pSystemTermProc
externD pDisplayCritSec
externD pUserInitDone
externD pPostMessage
externD pSignalProc
externD pIsUserIdle
externD pUserGetFocus
externD pUserGetWinTask
externD pUserIsWindow
externD curDTA
externD InDOS
if ROM
externD pYieldProc
externD pStringFunc
externD prevInt21Proc
externD prevInt00proc
externD prevInt24Proc
externD prevInt2FProc
externD prevInt02proc
externD prevInt04proc
externD prevInt06proc
externD prevInt07proc
externD prevInt3Eproc
externD prevInt75proc
ifdef JAPAN
; Need this variable in order to make Kernel to hardware independent
externW WinFlags
DataBegin INIT
; does version check, so this does not need to be internationalized.
externB szDosVer
;msg0 DB 'Incorrect DOS version: DOS 3.1 or greater required.',13,10,'$'
handles dw 10 dup(0)
find_string db 'CON '
name_string db 'CON',0
DataEnd INIT
sBegin CODE
assumes cs,CODE
ife ROM
externD pYieldProc
externD pStringFunc
externD prevInt21Proc
externD prevInt00proc
externD prevInt24Proc
externD prevInt2FProc
externD prevInt02proc
externD prevInt04proc
externD prevInt06proc
externD prevInt07proc
externD prevInt3Eproc
externD prevInt75proc
ifdef WOW
externD prevInt31proc
externNP DebugSysReq
externNP SetOwner
; define any constans used in the file. ;
SFT_GROW_LIM_IN_64K equ 8 ;if memory < 8*64k, grow to 100 handles
;else grow upto 127 handles
SFT_HIGH_LIM equ 127 ;grow upto 127 when enough memory
SFT_LOW_LIM equ 100 ;grow upto 100 when low in memory
; define any macros used in the file. ;
SaveVec MACRO vec
mov ax,35&vec&h
call prevInt21proc
if ROM
mov prevInt&vec&,bx
mov prevInt&vec&proc.sel,es
mov ax,codeOffset prevInt&vec&proc
SetKernelCSDword ax,es,bx
DataBegin INIT
sysmodstr DB 'SYSTEM',0
keymodstr DB 'KEYBOARD',0
displaymodstr DB 'DISPLAY',0
mousemodstr DB 'MOUSE',0
gdimodstr DB 'GDI',0
usermodstr DB 'USER',0
inqprocstr label byte
msgprocstr label byte ; MessageBox in USER
sysprocstr DB '#1',0 ; sysprocstr = InquireSystem
timerprocstr DB '#2',0 ; timerprocstr = CreateSystemTimer
keydisstr label byte ; keydisstr = DisableKeyboard
mousedisstr DB '#3',0 ; mouseprocstr = DisableMouse
disprocstr DB '#4',0 ; DisableOEMLayer in USER
extprocstr label byte ; ExitWindows in USER
coprocessor DB '#7',0 ; Get80x87SaveSize in system
kbdfocus DB '#23',0 ; GetFocus in USER
wintask DB '#224',0 ; GetWindowTask in USER
iswindow DB '#47',0 ; IsWindow in USER
signalproc DB '#314',0 ; SignalProc in user
isuseridle DB '#333',0 ; IsUserIdle in user
getfreesysrsc DB '#284',0 ; GetFreeSystemResources in user
userlstrcmp DB '#430',0 ; lstrcmp in user
stringfunc DB '#470',0 ; StringFunc in User.
sysdisstr DB '#5',0 ; sysdisstr = DisableSystemTimers
pmprocstr DB '#110',0 ; pmprocstr = PostMessage
keysysreq DB '#136',0 ; keysysreq = EnableKBSysReq
syserrorstr DB '#320',0 ; syserrorstr = SysErrorBox in USER
yldprocstr DB '#332',0 ; yldprocstr = UserYield in USER
udnprocstr DB '#400',0 ; tell user that initialization done
displaycrit DB '#500',0 ; win386 interaction craziness
ifdef JAPAN
jpnsysprocstr db 'JapanInquireSystem',0 ; Kernel.JapanInquireSystem entry
DataEnd INIT
assumes CS,CODE
; InitFwdRef ;
; ;
; Initializes the far call pointers to SYSTEM, USER, KEYBOARD. ;
; ;
; Arguments: ;
; ;
; Returns: ;
; ;
; Error Returns: ;
; ;
; Registers Preserved: ;
; ;
; Registers Destroyed: ;
; ;
; Calls: ;
; ;
; History: ;
; ;
; Tue Jan 06, 1987 04:21:13p -by- David N. Weise [davidw] ;
; Added this nifty comment block. ;
assumes ds,nothing
assumes es,nothing
cProc InitFwdRef,<PUBLIC,NEAR>,<si,di>
mov ax,352Fh
call prevInt21proc
mov myInt2F.sel,es
; Save current Int 00h, 21h, 24h, and 2Fh.
SaveVec 00
;;; SaveVec 21
SaveVec 24
; Get address of procedures in USER and SYSTEM modules that we will need.
regptr pStr,ds,bx
mov bx,dataOffset sysmodstr
cCall GetModuleHandle,<pStr>
mov si,ax
mov bx,dataOffset sysprocstr
cCall GetProcAddress,<si,pStr>
mov pSysProc.sel,dx
ifdef JAPAN
mov bx,dataOffset jpnsysprocstr
cCall GetProcAddress,<si,pStr>
mov pJpnSysProc.sel,dx
mov bx,codeOffset ifr4
push cs ; push return address
push bx
mov bx,dataOffset coprocessor
cCall GetProcAddress,<si,pStr>
push dx
push ax ; push address to call
ret_far ; call 8087 info
mov f8087,ax
ifdef JAPAN
;;; int 1 ; debugging purpose only
; Since Japanese OEMs have non-IBM clone machines, Windows
; cannot use standard Bios interrupt to get system informations.
; In BootStrap (see LDBOOT.ASM), it uses Int 11h to obtain MCP's
; availability. However, Windows cannot use Int 11h (becase of
; IBM-dependant), MSKK has removed Int 11h from BootStrap.
; At this point, AX register contains MCP's availability, i.e.
; if AX has value zero, no MCP is installd. if AX has value except
; zero, MCP is installed. The following codes will update WinFlags
; and its exported variables by using AX register.
test ax,ax ; MCP is installed?
jz @F ; jump if not
mov ax,WF1_80x87 shl 8 ; set MCP present bit
or WinFlags,ax ; update internal variable
xor ax,ax
mov dx,178 ; #178 is __WinFlags location for public use
cCall GetProcAddress,<hExeHead,ax,dx>
mov ax,WinFlags
mov es:[bx],ax
mov bx,dataOffset timerprocstr
cCall GetProcAddress,<si,pStr>
mov pTimerProc.sel,dx
mov bx,dataOffset sysdisstr
cCall GetProcAddress,<si,pStr>
mov pSystemTermProc.sel,dx
cmp graphics,0 ; Graphics?
jne grp
jmp nographics
ifndef WOW
mov bx,dataOffset displaymodstr ; display stuff
cCall GetModuleHandle,<pStr>
mov bx,dataOffset displaycrit
cCall GetProcAddress,<ax,pStr>
mov pDisplayCritSec.sel,dx
mov bx,dataOffset mousemodstr ; mouse stuff
cCall GetModuleHandle,<pStr>
mov si,ax
mov bx,dataOffset mousedisstr
cCall GetProcAddress,<si,pStr>
mov pMouseTermProc.sel,dx
mov bx,dataOffset gdimodstr
cCall GetModuleHandle,<pStr>
mov hGDI,ax
mov bx,dataOffset usermodstr ; user stuff
cCall GetModuleHandle,<pStr>
mov hUser,ax
mov si,ax
mov bx,dataOffset msgprocstr
cCall GetProcAddress,<si,pStr>
mov pMBoxProc.sel,dx
mov bx,dataOffset syserrorstr
cCall GetProcAddress,<si,pStr>
mov word ptr pSErrProc[0],ax
mov word ptr pSErrProc[2],dx
mov bx,dataOffset extprocstr
cCall GetProcAddress,<si,pStr>
mov word ptr pExitProc[0],ax
mov word ptr pExitProc[2],dx
mov bx,dataOffset disprocstr
cCall GetProcAddress,<si,pStr>
mov word ptr pDisableProc[0],ax
mov word ptr pDisableProc[2],dx
mov bx,dataOffset yldprocstr
cCall GetProcAddress,<si,pStr>
ife ROM
mov bx, codeOFFSET pYieldProc
SetKernelCSDword bx,dx,ax
mov pYieldProc.sel,dx
mov bx,dataOffset udnprocstr
cCall GetProcAddress,<si,pStr>
mov word ptr pUserInitDone[0],ax
mov word ptr pUserInitDone[2],dx
mov bx,dataOffset pmprocstr
cCall GetProcAddress,<si,pStr>
mov word ptr pPostMessage[0],ax
mov word ptr pPostMessage[2],dx
mov bx,dataOffset signalproc
cCall GetProcAddress,<si,pStr>
mov word ptr pSignalProc[0],ax
mov word ptr pSignalProc[2],dx
; These are never called in WOW
ifndef WOW
mov bx,dataOffset isuseridle
cCall GetProcAddress,<si,pStr>
mov word ptr pIsUserIdle[0],ax
mov word ptr pIsUserIdle[2],dx
mov bx,dataOffset getfreesysrsc
cCall GetProcAddress,<si,pStr>
mov word ptr pGetFreeSystemResources[0],ax
mov word ptr pGetFreeSystemResources[2],dx
mov bx,dataOffset userlstrcmp
cCall GetProcAddress,<si,pStr>
mov word ptr plstrcmp[0],ax
mov word ptr plstrcmp[2],dx
mov bx,dataOffset stringfunc
cCall GetProcAddress,<si,pStr>
if ROM
mov pStringFunc.sel,dx
mov bx, codeOFFSET pStringFunc
SetKernelCSDword bx,dx,ax
mov bx,dataOffset kbdfocus
cCall GetProcAddress,<si,pStr>
mov word ptr pUserGetFocus[0],ax
mov word ptr pUserGetFocus[2],dx
mov bx,dataOffset wintask
cCall GetProcAddress,<si,pStr>
mov word ptr pUserGetWinTask[0],ax
mov word ptr pUserGetWinTask[2],dx
mov bx,dataOffset iswindow
cCall GetProcAddress,<si,pStr>
mov word ptr pUserIsWindow[0],ax
mov word ptr pUserISWindow[2],dx
mov bx,dataOffset keymodstr
cCall GetModuleHandle,<pStr>
mov si,ax
mov bx,dataOffset keydisstr
cCall GetProcAddress,<si,pStr>
mov word ptr [pKeyboardTermProc],ax
mov word ptr [pKeyboardTermProc+2],dx
mov bx,dataOffset keysysreq
cCall GetProcAddress,<si,pStr>
mov pKeyboardSysReq.sel,dx
mov ax,4
cCall pKeyboardSysReq,<ax> ; tell kbd to pass SysReq to CVWBreak
mov bx,dataOffset KeyInfo
push ds
push bx ; push argument to keyboard.inquire
mov bx,codeOffset ifr1
push cs ; push return address
push bx
mov bx,dataOffset inqprocstr
cCall GetProcAddress,<si,pStr>
push dx
push ax ; push address to call
ret_far ; call keyboard inquire
ifndef JAPAN
; This is DBCS kernel. So do not get information from keyboard
; driver. This K/B spec is old one and should be ignored.
; We use DOS DBCS vector instead of K/B table.
; 071191 Yukini
;ifndef KOREA ;Korea might want to remove this too.
;!!!! Note to Taiwan developers !!!
; The following code fragment is necessary for those countries
; who want to run DBCS Windows on top of SBCS MS-DOS.
; For example, Taiwan might need this feature.
; Japan and Korea are safe to remove this fragment as Japanese
; and Hangeul Windows all assume DBCS MS-DOS.
mov si,dataOffset KeyInfo+KbRanges
cmp al,ah
jbe ifr2
cmp al,ah
ja ifr3
ifr2: inc fFarEast
ifdef FE_SB
; setup DBCS lead byte flag table after keyboard driver is loaded
mov di, dataOffset fDBCSLeadTable ; clear table before begin...
mov cx, 128
xor ax, ax
push es
push ds
pop es
rep stosw
pop es
mov si, dataOffset KeyInfo+KbRanges
mov cx, 2
lodsw ; fetch a DBCS lead byte range
cmp al, ah ; end of range info?
ja idr3 ; jump if so.
call SetDBCSVector
loop idr1 ; try another range
endif ;FE_SB
endif ;NOT JAPAN
jmps ifr3
; Substitute dummy procs if user/gdi/keyboard/display not present
if 0
externFP <DummyKeyboardOEMToAnsi>
externFP <OldYield>
ife ROM
push di
push bx
if 0
mov bx, codeOffset pKeyProc
mov di, codeOffset DummyKeyboardOEMToAnsi
; SetKernelCSDword bx,cs,di
mov bx, codeOffset pYieldProc
mov di, codeOffset OldYield
SetKernelCSDword bx,cs,di
pop bx
pop di
mov,codeOffset OldYield
mov pYieldProc.sel,cs
call DebugSysReq
assumes ds,nothing
assumes es,nothing
; InitDosVarP ;
; ;
; Records for future use various DOS variables. ;
; ;
; Arguments: ;
; ES = PDB of Kernel ;
; ;
; Returns: ;
; AX != 0 if successful ;
; ;
; Error Returns: ;
; ;
; Registers Preserved: ;
; ;
; Registers Destroyed: ;
; BX,CX,DX ;
; ;
; Calls: ;
; ;
; History: ;
; ;
; Mon 07-Aug-1989 23:50:20 -by- David N. Weise [davidw] ;
; Removed more dicking around by removing WinOldApp support. ;
; ;
; Tue Feb 03, 1987 10:45:31p -by- David N. Weise [davidw] ;
; Removed most of the dicking around the inside of DOS for variable ;
; locations. Variables are now got and set the right way: through DOS ;
; calls. This should allow Windows to run in the DOS 5 compatibility ;
; box as well as under future versions of real mode DOS. ;
; ;
; Tue Jan 06, 1987 04:33:16p -by- David N. Weise [davidw] ;
; Added this nifty comment block. ;
assumes ds,nothing
assumes es,nothing
cProc InitDosVarP,<PUBLIC,NEAR>,<bx,cx,dx,si,di,es>
; Save our PDB pointer in the code segment
mov ax,es
mov topPDB,ax
mov headPDB,ax
mov es:[PDB_Chain],0 ; the buck stops here
; record current PDB
mov cur_dos_PDB,ax
mov Win_PDB,ax
; record current DTA
mov curDTA.sel,ax
; disable ^C checking as fast as possible
mov ax,3300h ; remember ^C state
int 21h
mov fBreak,dl
mov ax,3301h ; disable ^C checking
mov dl,0
int 21h
; record in_dos pointer
mov ah,34h
int 21h
mov InDOS.sel,es
mov ah, 19h
int 21h
mov CurDOSDrive, al ; Initialize current drive tracking
mov dl, al
mov ah, 0Eh
int 21h
mov DOSDrives, al ; For returning from Select Disk calls
; To avoid beaucoup thought, let's init prevInt21Proc right now!
; This was done as a last minute hack to 2.10. I forget the
; motivation for it, other than it fixed a couple of bugs
; having to do with error recovery. It did introduce one
; bug with one error path having to do with Iris, but I don't
; remember that either. Interested parties can grep for
; prevInt21Proc and think hard and long.
; Since we now call through prevInt21Proc in many places rather
; than use int 21h (saves ring transitions), this had better stay here!
; See the DOSCALL macro.
mov ax, 3521h
int 21h
if ROM
mov prevInt21Proc.sel,es
mov ax,codeOffset prevInt21Proc
SetKernelCSDword ax,es,bx
ifdef WOW
; We save the int 31 vector here to avoid emulation of int 31 instructions.
; THIS WILL BREAK INT 31 HOOKERS. Currently we don't beleive that any
; windows apps hook int 31.
mov ax, 3531h
int 21h
mov ax,codeOffset prevInt31Proc
SetKernelCSDword ax,es,bx
; moved here 8 feb 1990 from InitFwdRef, no good reason for
; leaving 0 behind, except that's the way we did it in 2.x.
; Save current Int 02h, 04h, 06h, 07h, 3Eh, and 75h.
SaveVec 02
SaveVec 04
SaveVec 06
SaveVec 07
SaveVec 3E
SaveVec 75
; get the 2F
; this slime is an old novell hack
SaveVec 2F ; and can probably be removed!
; See if we are under NOVELL
mov ah, 0DCh
int 21h
mov fNovell, al
; Get MSDOS version number
mov ah,30h
int 21h
cmp al,10 ; is it the DOS 5 compatibility box?
jae got_ver
cmp al,4 ; > 4.xx?
jae got_ver
cmp al,3 ; < 3.0 ?
jb dos_version_bad
cmp ah,10
jae got_ver ; < 3.1 ?
jmps fail
mov DOS_version,al
mov DOS_revision,ah
; Remember where the end of the SFT table is, so if we decide to
; add file handles we can remove them on exit
; DOS 3.10 =< version =< DOS 3.21 => FileEntrySize = 53
; DOS 3.21 < version < DOS 4.00 => unknown
; DOS 4.00 =< version =< DOS 4.10 => FileEntrySize = 58
; DOS 4.10 < version => unknown
; version = DOS 10 => FileEntrySize = 00
; OS|2
xor bx,bx
cmp al,10 ; OS|2 can't mess with SFTs
jae have_file_size
; DOS 3
cmp al,3
ja DOS_4
mov bx,56
cmp ah,0
jz have_file_size
mov bx,53
cmp ah,31
jbe have_file_size
jmps unknown_DOS
; called 4.0 so we don't know the size!
;;; mov bx,58
;;; cmp ah,1 ; DOS 4
;;; jbe have_file_size
push ax
call GetFileSize
mov bx,ax
pop ax
cmp bx,-1
jz fail
mov FileEntrySize,bx
mov al,10 ; don't want to mess with SFT's!
ifdef FE_SB
;During boot,
;Use thunked API GetSystemDefaultLangID() to set DBCS leadbyte table
cCall GetSystemDefaultLangID
xor bx,bx
mov dx,word ptr DBCSVectorTable[bx] ;get language ID
test dx,dx ;if end of table,
jz DBCS_Vector_X ;exit
cmp ax,dx ;match LangID?
jz LangID_Find ;yes
add bl, DBCSVectorTable[bx+2] ;point to next DBCS vector
add bl, 3 ;point to DBCS leadbyte range
jmps Search_LangID ;continue search
mov cl, DBCSVectorTable[bx+2] ;get DBCS vector size
sub cl, 2
jc DBCS_Vector_X
mov ax, word ptr DBCSVectorTable[bx+3] ;set DBCS vector
push bx
call SetDBCSVector
pop bx
add bl, 2
jmps Set_DBCS_Vector
endif ;FE_SB
mov ax,-1
jmps initdone
mov dx,dataOffset szDosVer ;msg0
mov ah,09
int 21h
xor ax,ax
ifdef FE_SB
; SetDBCSVector ;
; ;
; Setup fDBCSLeadTable ;
; ;
; Arguments: ;
; AL = First DBCS lead byte ;
; AH = Final DBCS lead byte ;
; ;
; Returns: ;
; NONE ;
; ;
; Registers Destroyed: ;
; BX ;
; Calls: ;
; NONE ;
; ;
cBegin nogen
mov bl, al ;
xor bh, bh ;
mov byte ptr fDBCSLeadTable[bx], 1 ; set "DBCS lead byte"
inc bl
cmp bl, ah ; end of range?
jle idr2 ; jump if not
mov fFarEast,1 ; I am in DBCS world. 071191 Yukini.
cEnd nogen
; GetFileSize ;
; ;
; Measures the SFT entry size for DOS versions we don't know about. ;
; ;
; Arguments: ;
; none ;
; ;
; Returns: ;
; AX = SFT size ;
; ;
; Error Returns: ;
; AX = -1 ;
; ;
; Registers Preserved: ;
; ;
; Registers Destroyed: ;
; ;
; Calls: ;
; ;
; History: ;
; ;
; Mon Aug 03, 1987 02:42:15p -by- David N. Weise [davidw] ;
; Rickz wrote it. ;
; ;
; Modifications: ;
; -by- Amit Chatterjee. ;
; ;
; The original method of opening 5 files and looking for 3 consecutive ;
; ones would not succeed always. IRMALAN when run as a TSR from standar-;
; -d mode Windows would leave a file open (it probably opens 3 files ;
; when pooped into the host and leaves the third one open). Next time ;
; on starting windows, the index of the above 5 files that this routine ;
; would open would be 3,4,5,6 & 8 (SFT entry no). Of these the first ;
; 2 would be in one node so this woutine would not find 3 consecutive ;
; entries and Windows would not start up. ;
; ;
; To work around this, we try to open 5 at first. If we fail, then we ;
; leave the 5 open and open another 5. ;
; ;
; !!! At some point we should try to figure out why IRMALAN leaves a ;
; file open. ;
assumes ds,nothing
assumes es,nothing
cProc GetFileSize,<PUBLIC,NEAR>
cBegin nogen
mov si,dataOffset handles
cCall GetFileSize1
cmp ax,-1 ;did it succeed ?
jnz @f ;yes.
mov si,dataOffset handles+10;place for another five
cCall GetFileSize1 ;try to get it
push ax ;save return value
; close files that were opened
mov si,dataOffset handles
mov cx,10
close_file_loop: ; close the file for each handle
mov ax,3E00h
mov bx,[si]
or bx,bx ; no more open ?
jz close_file_done
int 21h
add si,2
loop close_file_loop
pop ax ;get back return value
cEnd nogen
cProc GetFileSize1,<PUBLIC,NEAR>
cBegin nogen
mov dx,dataOffset name_string
mov cx,5
open_file_loop: ; open the console four times
mov ax,3D00H
int 21h
mov [si],ax ; save the handle
add si,2
loop open_file_loop
xor di,di ; start searching from 0:0
; get a selector for searching from 0:0
mov ax,0 ;get a free slector
mov cx,1 ;only 1 selector to allocate
int 31h ;ax has selector
xor cx,cx ;hiword of initial base
push dx
xor dx,dx ;loword of initial base
mov bx,ax ;get the selector
call SetSelectorBaseLim64k ;base is at 0:0
pop dx
mov es,bx
call find_con ; find first 'CON\0'
cmp ax,-1
jz no_table
cmp ax,-2
jnz get_second
push bx
mov bx,es ;get the slector
; add FFD paragraphs to the base to get to next segment
mov ax,0FFDh ;paragraphs to offset base by
push dx
call AddParaToBase ;update base
pop dx
mov es,bx ;have the updated selector
pop bx
xor di,di
jmp get_first
mov bx,ax ; bx is location of first 'CON\0'
and bx,000Fh
shr ax,1
shr ax,1
shr ax,1
shr ax,1
push bx ;save
mov bx,es ;get the base
push dx
call AddParaToBase ;add AX paras to base
pop dx
mov es,bx ;have the updated base
pop bx ;restore
mov di,bx
add di, 3 ; kludge for the size of desired string
call find_con ; find second 'CON\0'
cmp ax,-1
jz no_table
cmp ax,-2
jz search_again
mov dx,ax ; dx is location of second 'CON\0'
sub dx,bx
cmp dx,100h ; file entries are within 100h bytes of another
ja get_second
mov bx,dx ; bx is distance between the first two
mov dx,ax ; dx is location of second 'CON\0'
call find_con
cmp ax,-1
jz no_table
cmp ax,-2
jz search_again
mov cx,ax ; ax & cx = location of third 'CON\0'
sub cx,dx ; cx is distance between the 2nd & 3rd
sub bx,cx ; bx = the difference in distances
jz found
cmp cx,100h ; file entries are within 100h bytes of another
ja get_second
mov bx,cx ; bx is distance between the two
mov dx,ax ; dx is location of the last 'CON\0'
jmp get_third
mov ax,cx ; store file table entry size in ax
; if the temp selector had been allocated free it.
push bx
push ax
mov bx,es
xor ax,ax
mov es,ax
or bx,bx ;allocated ?
jz @f ;no.
mov ax,1 ;free selector
int 31h ;free it
pop ax
pop bx ;restore
mov ax,es
push dx ;save
push bx
mov bx,ax ;get the slector
call GetSelectorSegment ;DX returns segment value
mov ax,dx ;get the segment value
pop bx
pop dx ;restore
cmp ax,8000h
ja not_found
xor ax,ax
mov al, byte ptr [find_string]
mov cx,0FFF0h
sub cx,di
repnz scasb ; search for the first letter ('C')
jz continue
mov ax,-2
jmps temp_ret
; ret
mov cx,3
mov si, dataOffset find_string+1
repz cmpsb ; search for the next three letters
jnz find_con
lea ax,[di-4] ; return the string's location in ax
mov ax,-1
cEnd nogen
; AddParaToBase: ;
; ;
; Given a selector in BX and a para value in AX, it updates the base of the ;
; selector by AX paras. In real mode, it just adds AX to BX. The modified ;
; selector/segment is returned in BX. ;
AddParaToBase proc near
push ax ;save
mov ax,6 ;get base address code
int 31h ;cx:dx has current base address
pop ax ;get back the offset in para
push bx ;use as work register
xor bx,bx ;zero out
shl ax,1 ;shift out a bit
rcl bx,1 ;gather into bx
shl ax,1 ;shift out a bit
rcl bx,1 ;gather into bx
shl ax,1 ;shift out a bit
rcl bx,1 ;gather into bx
shl ax,1 ;shift out a bit
rcl bx,1 ;gather into bx
add dx,ax ;add low word of offset
adc cx,0 ;update hiword
add cx,bx ;update hiword of offset
pop bx ;get back selector
mov ax,7 ;set selector base code
int 31h ;the base of the selector has been set
inc ax ;set selector limit code
mov dx,-1 ;64-1k limit
xor cx,cx ;cx:dx=64-1k
int 31h ;limit set to 64-1k
AddParaToBase endp
; GrowSFTToMax: ;
; ;
; This routine is invoked only in protected mode and grows the SFT to its max;
; size by linking in one more tanle entry. ;
assumes ds,nothing
assumes es,nothing
cProc GrowSFTToMax,<NEAR,PUBLIC,PASCAL>,<es,ax,di>
localW NewHandles ;# of extra handles being allocated
localW NewTableSize ;size of newtable
localB GrowLimit ;size to grow sft to
; get the amount of free space and decide on the number of handle entries that
; we want to add. If the memory space is more than 8*64K, make the total number
; of handle entries 256 else make it 100.
mov GrowLimit,SFT_HIGH_LIM ;assume we will grow upto 255
xor bx,bx ;dummy parameter
cCall GetFreeSpace,<bx> ;dx:ax returns free area size
cmp dx,SFT_GROW_LIM_IN_64K ;is it more than or equal (in 64k incs)
jae @f ;yes
mov GrowLimit,SFT_LOW_LIM ;low on memory, grow till 100
; allocate a free selector.
xor ax,ax ;allocate selector function code
mov cx,1 ;need to get 1 selector
int 31h ;ax has the selector
; get the address of the first in the SFT chain.
push ax ;save the slector
mov ah,52h ;get SYSVARS call
int 21h ;es:bx points to DOS SYSVAR structure
lea bx,[bx+sftHead] ;es:bx points to the start of the sft
mov cx,es:[bx][2] ;get the segment
mov dx,es:[bx] ;get the offset
pop ax ;get back the free selector
; modify the base of the free selector to point to the first link in the system
; file table list.
mov bx,ax ;get the selector here
call SetSelectorBaseLim64k ;set selector base and limit.
; now get into a loop, to find out the number of file handles that the system
; currently.
xor ah,ah ;will count handles here.
mov es,bx ;es points to the first entry
xor bx,bx ;es:bx points to first table
mov cx,es:[bx].sftCount ;get the number of handles
add ah,cl ;accumulate no of handles here
cmp word ptr es:[bx],-1 ;end of chain ?
jz AddOneMoreSFTLink ;end of current list reached
mov cx,word ptr es:[bx].sftLink[2];get the segment of next node
mov dx,word ptr es:[bx].sftLink[0];get the offset of the next node
mov bx,es ;get the selector
call SetSelectorBaseLim64k ;modify sel to point to next node
jmp short CountNumHandles ;continue
; find out the number of extra handles for which we will allocate space
mov al,GrowLimit ;max number of handles
cmp ah,al ;is it already more than limit ?
jae GrowSFTToMaxRet ;no need to grow any more.
ifdef WOW
xchg ah,al
xor ah,ah
Debug_Out "GrowSFTToMax: At least 128 files handles required in CONFIG.SYS only specified #AX"
jmp ExitKernel
sub al,ah ;al has the no of extra handles
xor ah,ah ;ax has no of extra handles
mov NewHandles,ax ;save it.
mul FileEntrySize ;dx:ax has size of table
add ax,(SIZE SFT) - 1 ;size of the initial header
mov NewTableSize,ax ;save size
regptr dxax,dx,ax
save <es,bx>
cCall GlobalDOSAlloc,<dxax> ;allocate the block
jcxz GrowSFTToMaxRet ;no memory to allocate
cCall SetOwner,<ax,hExeHead>
; store the pointer to the new link in the current link.
push bx ;save
mov bx,ax ;get the new selector
call GetSelectorSegment ;returns segment of sel in ax, in dx
pop bx ;restore
mov word ptr es:[bx].sftLink[2],dx
mov word ptr es:[bx].sftLink[0],0
; we have to save the address of this last original link so that it can be
; restored to be the last at DisableKernel time. We will save the current
; selector and delete it at disable time
mov word ptr [pSftLink],bx ;save
mov word ptr [pSftLink+2],es
mov bx,es ;get the selector
mov es,ax ;es points to new link
; initialize memory tp all zeros
xor di,di ;es:di points to new buffer
mov cx,NewTableSize ;size of buffer
xor al,al ;want to initialize to 0's
rep stosb ;initialized
; prepare the header for the new table.
xor bx,bx ;es:bx points to the new table
mov cx,-1 ;link terminator code
mov word ptr es:[bx].sftLink[2],cx
mov word ptr es:[bx].sftLink[0],cx
mov cx,NewHandles ;# of handles in this node
mov es:[bx].sftCount,cx
endif; WOW
; SetSelectorBaseLim64k: ;
; ;
; Given a selector value in bx and a real mode lptr in cx:dx, it sets the ba-;
; -se of the selector to that value and sets it to be a 64k data segment. AX ;
; is preserved. ;
; ;
SetSelectorBaseLim64k proc near
push ax ;save
; calculate the linear base address.
xor ax,ax ;will have high nibble of shift
shl cx,1 ;shift by 1
rcl ax,1 ;gather in
shl cx,1 ;shift by 1
rcl ax,1 ;gather in
shl cx,1 ;shift by 1
rcl ax,1 ;gather in
shl cx,1 ;shift by 1
rcl ax,1 ;gather in
add cx,dx ;add in the offset
adc ax,0 ;ax:cx has the base
mov dx,cx ;get into proper registers
mov cx,ax ;cx:dx has the base
mov ax,7 ;set selector base code
int 31h ;the base of the selector has been set
inc ax ;set selector limit code
mov dx,-1 ;64-1k limit
xor cx,cx ;cx:dx=64-1k
int 31h ;limit set to 64-1k
pop ax ;restore ax
SetSelectorBaseLim64k endp
; GetSelectorSegment: ;
; ;
; Given a slector in bx pointing to DOS memory, this function returns the ;
; real mode segment value in DX. AX,BX is preserved. ;
GetSelectorSegment proc near
push ax ;save
push bx ;save
mov ax,6 ;get selector base
int 31h ;cx:dx has base
shr cx,1 ;shift by 1
rcr dx,1 ;gather into dx
shr cx,1 ;shift by 1
rcr dx,1 ;gather into dx
shr cx,1 ;shift by 1
rcr dx,1 ;gather into dx
shr cx,1 ;shift by 1
rcr dx,1 ;gather into dx
pop bx ;restore
pop ax ;dx has segment value
GetSelectorSegment endp