mirror of https://github.com/tongzx/nt5src
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85 lines
1.8 KiB
85 lines
1.8 KiB
@if "%_echo%"=="" echo off
set bldtools=%~dp0
path %bldtools%;%path%
call %1 %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
set logfile=%logpath%\%~n0.log
for %%f in (%logfile%) do mkdir %%~dpf 2>nul
echo %~n0: start %date% %time% > %logfile%
call %bldtools%\setlog %loglinkpath% %logpath%
if not %psfroot%.==. goto targetpsf
echo %~n0: no PSF root defined >> %logfile%
echo %~n0: no PSF root defined
goto exeprop
if not %psfname%.==. goto sourcepsf
echo %~n0: no PSF produced >> %logfile%
echo %~n0: no PSF produced
goto exeprop
if exist %psfname% goto dopsf
echo %~n0: file %psfname% not found. >> %logfile%
echo %~n0: file %psfname% not found.
goto exeprop
for %%f in (%psfname%) do set src=%%~dpf
for %%f in (%psfname%) do set file=%%~nxf
echo call doprop %src% %psfroot% %file% >> %logfile%
call doprop %src% %psfroot% %file%
if not %wwwroot%.==. goto targetexe
echo %~n0: no WWW root defined >> %logfile%
echo %~n0: no WWW root defined
goto leave
if not %patchexe%.==. goto sourceexe
echo %~n0: no patch EXE produced >> %logfile%
echo %~n0: no patch EXE produced
goto leave
if exist %patchexe% goto doexe
echo %~n0: file %patchexe% not found. >> %logfile%
echo %~n0: file %patchexe% not found.
goto leave
for %%f in (%patchexe%) do set src=%%~dpf
for %%f in (%patchexe%) do set file=%%~nxf
echo call doprop %src% %wwwroot% %file% >> %logfile%
call doprop %src% %wwwroot% %file%
echo %~n0: end %date% %time% >> %logfile%