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* $Log: V:/Flite/archives/TrueFFS5/Src/DISKONC.C_V $
* Rev 1.33 Apr 15 2002 07:35:04 oris
* Changed usage and logic of checkToggle to be more intuitive.
* Added support for new access layer (docsys). MTD now initializes the
* access layer accessing the DiskOnChip registers.
* Bug fix - doc2write did not report write faults in case runtime verify
* write was not required.
* Bug fix - bad compilation ifdef in readBBT routine might cause a write
* operation while FL_READ_ONLY is defined or to compile the
* reconstruct BBT code even if MTD_RECONSTRUCT_BBT is
* not defined.
* Rev 1.32 Jan 29 2002 20:07:30 oris
* Changed sanity check of write IPL modes.
* Rev 1.31 Jan 28 2002 21:23:58 oris
* Removed the use of back-slashes in macro definitions.
* Added FL_IPL_DOWNLOAD flag to writeIPL routine in order to control whether the IPL will be reloaded after the update.
* Bug fix - writeIPL routine did not support buffers smaller then 1024 bytes.
* Bug fix - writeIPL routine did not write the second copy of the IPL correctly (for both 512 bytes).
* Changed docwrite and docset calls to separate DiskOnChip base window pointer and IO registers offset (for address shifting).
* Replaced FLFlash argument with DiskOnChip memory base pointer in calls to docwrite , docset and docread.
* Removed win_io initialization (one of FLFlash record fields).
* Improved check for flSuspend.
* Rev 1.30 Jan 23 2002 23:31:04 oris
* Added writeIPL routine (copied from blockdev.c).
* Made writeIPL and download routines available even when MTD_STANDALONE is defined.
* Bug fix - checkErase routine was unreasonably slow.
* Changed DFORMAT_PRINT syntax.
* Rev 1.29 Jan 21 2002 20:43:50 oris
* Compilation errors for MTD_STANDALONE with BDK_VERIFY_WRITE.
* Bug fix - PARTIAL_EDC flag to doc2read was negated prior to readOneSector.
* Rev 1.28 Jan 20 2002 20:57:00 oris
* physicalToPointer was called with wrong size argument.
* Rev 1.27 Jan 20 2002 20:28:06 oris
* Changed doc2000FreeWindow return type to remove warnings.
* Rev 1.26 Jan 17 2002 22:57:56 oris
* Replaced vol with *flash.
* Removed flPreInit memory access routines.
* Added new memory access routine implementation.
* Compilation problems fixed with VERIFY_ERASE
* Added support for flSuspendMode environment variable.
* Rev 1.25 Nov 21 2001 11:39:10 oris
* Rev 1.24 Nov 20 2001 20:24:58 oris
* Removed warnings.
* Rev 1.23 Nov 16 2001 00:19:38 oris
* Compilation problem for FL_READ_ONLY.
* Rev 1.22 Nov 08 2001 10:44:30 oris
* Added run-time control over verify write mode.
* Added support for more up to 64K units - erase / readbbt
* Restricted BBT block search to BBT_MAX_DISTANCE and not the entire floor.
* Bug fix - Replacing a DiskOnChip Millennium with DiskOnChip 2000 failed identifying DiskOnChip2000 (gang).
* Rev 1.21 Sep 24 2001 18:23:08 oris
* Removed warnings.
* Rev 1.20 Sep 15 2001 23:44:42 oris
* Placed YIELD_CPU definition under ifdef to prevent redeclaration.
* Changed doc2erase to support up to 64K erase blocks.
* Added reconstruct flag to readBBT routine - stating whether to reconstruct BBT if it is not available.
* Added support for block multiplication in readBBT - several erase blocks in a single unit.
* Added support for 128MB flashes.
* Rev 1.19 Jul 29 2001 16:14:06 oris
* Support for number of units per floor not power of 2
* Rev 1.18 Jul 16 2001 22:47:58 oris
* Compilation error when using the FL_READ_ONLY compilation flag.
* Rev 1.17 Jul 15 2001 20:44:48 oris
* Removed warnings.
* Bug fix - virgin card dformat print was repeated for DiskOnChip with several floors.
* Rev 1.16 Jul 13 2001 00:59:42 oris
* Added docsys.h include.
* Improved VERIFY_WRITE support - added socket readBack buffer.
* Added PARTIAL_EDC read flag to the read routine.
* Revised checkErase routine to include extra area.
* Revised readBBT routine not to use MTD buffer.
* Added dformat debug print massages.
* Changed firstUsable block to 0 for DOC2000 tsop.
* Rev 1.15 Jun 17 2001 08:17:02 oris
* Added brackets to remove warnnings.
* Rev 1.14 May 16 2001 21:16:32 oris
* Removed warnings.
* Changed code variable name to flCode (avoid name clashes).
* Rev 1.13 May 09 2001 00:31:28 oris
* Changed the DOC2000_TSOP_SUPPORT and READ_BBT_CODE compilation flags to NO_READ_BBT_CODE.
* Rev 1.12 May 07 2001 10:00:04 oris
* Compilation problems under MTD_STANDLAONE compilation flag.
* Rev 1.11 May 06 2001 22:41:22 oris
* Added the READ_BBT_CODE to allow reading the BBT even in the MTD_STANDALONE mode.
* Removed warnings.
* Rev 1.10 May 02 2001 06:44:38 oris
* Bug fix - readBBT routine.
* Removed the lastUsableBlock variable.
* Rev 1.9 Apr 30 2001 17:58:18 oris
* Added EDC check when reading the BBT.
* Rev 1.8 Apr 24 2001 17:06:22 oris
* Removed warrnings.
* Added lastUsableBlock initialization field in the FLFlash record.
* Rev 1.7 Apr 16 2001 13:04:20 oris
* Removed warrnings.
* Rev 1.6 Apr 12 2001 06:49:06 oris
* Added forceDownload routine
* Changed checkWinForDoc routine to be under ifndef MTD_STANDALONE.
* Rev 1.5 Apr 10 2001 16:39:16 oris
* Added multiple floor support for readbbt routine.
* Added call for docSocketInit which initializes the socket routines.
* Added validity check after flMap call in order to support pccard premoutn routine.
* Rev 1.4 Apr 09 2001 14:58:40 oris
* Removed debug buffer from readBBT routine.
* Bug fix in doc2000Identify if ASIC id was not mdoc 8 is was assumed to be doc2000.
* Added if_cfg field initialization in doc2000Identify.
* Rev 1.3 Apr 01 2001 07:38:58 oris
* Moved include diskonc.h from docsys.h.
* Removed waitForReadyWithYieldCPU for MTD_STANDALONE configuration.
* Removed NO_PPP compilation flag support.
* Left alligned all # directives.
* Moved pageSize,noOfFloors filed from the MTDs internal stucture to FLFlash record.
* Changed writeOneSector,doc2Write,readOneSector,doc2Read prototype.
* Added readbbt routine for alon.
* Removed pageAndTailSize from mtdVars record.
* Rev 1.2 Mar 01 2001 14:15:56 vadimk
* Add proper MDOC and DOC2300 support
* Rev 1.1 Feb 07 2001 18:28:38 oris
* Bug fix - restored antialise mechanizm to flDocWindowBaseAddress
* Added seperetaed floors compilation flag
* Changed mdoc \ alon distingishing algorithm
* Removed checkWinForDoc routine under the mtd_standalone comilation flag
* removed MAX_FLASH_DEVICES_MDOC define since alone DiskOnChips can support 16 chips just like doc2000
* Rev 1.0 Feb 02 2001 15:35:38 oris
* Initial revision.
/* */
/* FAT-FTL Lite Software Development Kit */
/* Copyright (C) M-Systems Ltd. 1995-2001 */
/* */
#include "reedsol.h"
#include "diskonc.h"
extern NFDC21Vars docMtdVars[SOCKETS];
/* When the MTD is used as a standalone package some of the routine */
/* are replaced with the following macroes */
#define flReadBackBufferOf(a) &(globalReadBack[a][0])
#define flSocketNoOf(volume) 0 /* currently we support only a single device */
#define flMap(socket,address) addToFarPointer(socket->base,address & (socket->size - 1));
#endif /* MTD_STANDALONE */
/* Yield CPU time in msecs */
#ifndef YIELD_CPU
#define YIELD_CPU 10
#endif /* YIELD_CPU */
/* maximum waiting time in msecs */
#define MAX_WAIT 30
#ifndef NO_EDC_MODE
/* EDC control */
/* e c c O N r e a d */
/* */
/* Enable ECC in read mode and reset it. */
/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* flash : Pointer identifying drive */
/* */
static void eccONread (FLFlash * flash)
#ifndef FL_READ_ONLY
/* e c c O n w r i t e */
/* */
/* Enable ECC in write mode and reset it. */
/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* flash : Pointer identifying drive */
/* */
static void eccONwrite (FLFlash * flash)
flWrite8bitReg(flash,NECCconfig,(ECC_RW | ECC_EN));
#endif /* FL_READ_ONLY */
/* e c c O F F */
/* */
/* Disable ECC. */
/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* flash : Pointer identifying drive */
/* */
static void eccOFF (FLFlash * flash)
#ifndef NO_EDC_MODE
/* e c c E r r o r */
/* */
/* Check for EDC error. */
/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* flash : Pointer identifying drive */
/* */
static FLBoolean eccError (FLFlash * flash)
register int i;
volatile Reg8bitType junk = 0;
Reg8bitType ret;
if( NFDC21thisVars->flags & MDOC_ASIC ) {
for(i=0;( i < 2 ); i++)
junk += flRead8bitReg(flash,NECCconfig);
ret = flRead8bitReg(flash,NECCconfig);
else {
for(i=0;( i < 2 ); i++)
junk += flRead8bitReg(flash,NECCstatus);
ret = flRead8bitReg(flash,NECCstatus);
ret &= ECC_ERROR;
return ((FLBoolean)ret);
/* Miscellaneous routines */
/* m a k e C o m m a n d */
/* */
/* Set Page Pointer to Area A, B or C in page. */
/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* flash : Pointer identifying drive */
/* cmd : receives command relevant to area */
/* addr : receives the address to the right area. */
/* modes : mode of operation (EXTRA ...) */
/* */
static void makeCommand ( FLFlash * flash, PointerOp *cmd,
CardAddress *addr, int modes )
dword offset;
if ( !(flash->flags & BIG_PAGE) )
{ /* 2 Mb components */
if( modes & EXTRA )
offset = (*addr) & (SECTOR_SIZE - 1);
*cmd = AREA_C;
if( offset < EXTRA_LEN ) /* First half of extra area */
*addr += 0x100; /* ... assigned to 2nd page */
else /* Second half of extra area */
*addr -= EXTRA_LEN; /* ... assigned to 1st page */
*cmd = AREA_A;
#endif /* BIG_PAGE_ENABLED */
{ /* 4 Mb components */
offset = (word)(*addr) & NFDC21thisVars->pageMask; /* offset within device Page */
*addr -= offset; /* align at device Page */
if(modes & EXTRA)
offset += SECTOR_SIZE;
if( offset < NFDC21thisVars->pageAreaSize ) /* starting in area A */
*cmd = AREA_A;
else if( offset < flash->pageSize ) /* starting in area B */
*cmd = AREA_B;
else /* got into area C */
*cmd = AREA_C;
offset &= (NFDC21thisVars->pageAreaSize - 1); /* offset within area of device Page */
*addr += offset;
/* b u s y */
/* */
/* Check if the selected flash device is ready. */
/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* flash : Pointer identifying drive */
/* */
/* Returns: */
/* Zero is ready. */
/* */
static FLBoolean busy (FLFlash * flash)
register int i;
Reg8bitType stat;
volatile Reg8bitType junk = 0;
Reg8bitType ret;
/* before polling for BUSY status perform 4 read operations from
CDSN_control_reg */
for(i=0;( i < 4 ); i++ )
junk += flRead8bitReg(flash,NNOPreg);
/* read BUSY status */
stat = flRead8bitReg(flash,Nsignals);
/* after BUSY status is obtained perform 2 read operations from
CDSN_control_reg */
for(i=0;( i < 2 ); i++ )
junk += flRead8bitReg(flash,NNOPreg);
ret = (!(stat & (Reg8bitType)RB));
return ((FLBoolean)ret);
/* w a i t F o r R e a d y */
/* */
/* Wait until flash device is ready or timeout. */
/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* flash : Pointer identifying drive */
/* Returns: */
/* FALSE if timeout error, otherwise TRUE. */
/* */
static FLBoolean waitForReady (FLFlash * flash)
int i;
for(i=0;( i < BUSY_DELAY ); i++)
if( busy(flash) )
return( TRUE ); /* ready at last.. */
DEBUG_PRINT(("Debug: timeout error in NFDC 2148.\r\n"));
return( FALSE );
/* w a i t F o r R e a d y W i t h Y i e l d C P U */
/* */
/* Wait until flash device is ready or timeout. */
/* The function yields CPU while it waits till flash is ready */
/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* flash : Pointer identifying drive */
/* Returns: */
/* FALSE if timeout error, otherwise TRUE. */
/* */
static FLBoolean waitForReadyWithYieldCPU (FLFlash * flash,
int millisecToSleep)
int i;
for (i=0; i < (millisecToSleep / YIELD_CPU); i++) {
#ifndef NT5PORT
#endif /*NT5PORT*/
if( busy(flash) )
return( TRUE ); /* ready at last.. */
return( FALSE );
#endif /* DO_NOT_YIELD_CPU */
#endif /* MTD_STANDALONE */
/* w r i t e S i g n a l s */
/* */
/* Write to CDSN_control_reg. */
/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* flash : Pointer identifying drive */
/* val : Value to write to register */
/* */
static void writeSignals (FLFlash * flash, Reg8bitType val)
register int i;
volatile Reg8bitType junk = 0;
/* after writing to CDSN_control perform 2 reads from there */
for(i = 0;( i < 2 ); i++ )
junk += flRead8bitReg(flash,NNOPreg);
/* s e l e c t C h i p */
/* */
/* Write to deviceSelector register. */
/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* flash : Pointer identifying drive */
/* dev : Chip to select. */
/* */
static void selectChip (FLFlash * flash, Reg8bitType dev)
/* c h k A S I C m o d e */
/* */
/* Check mode of ASIC and if RESET set to NORMAL. */
/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* flash : Pointer identifying drive */
/* */
static void chkASICmode (FLFlash * flash)
if( flRead8bitReg(flash,NDOCstatus) == ASIC_CHECK_RESET ) {
NFDC21thisVars->currentFloor = 0;
/* s e t A S I C m o d e */
/* */
/* Set mode of ASIC. */
/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* flash : Pointer identifying drive */
/* mode : mode to set. */
/* */
static void setASICmode (FLFlash * flash, Reg8bitType mode)
NDOC2window p = (NDOC2window)flMap(flash->socket, 0);
if (p!=NULL)
/* c h e c k T o g g l e */
/* */
/* Check DiskOnChip toggle bit. Verify this is not simple RAM. */
/* */
/* Note : This routine assumes that the memory access routines have */
/* already been initialized by the called routine. */
/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* FLFlash : Pointer to flash structure. */
/* */
/* Returns: */
/* FLStatus: TRUE if the bit toggles verifing that this is indeed */
/* a DiskOnChip device, otherwise FALSE. */
static FLBoolean checkToggle(FLFlash * flash)
volatile Reg8bitType toggle1;
volatile Reg8bitType toggle2;
if(flRead8bitReg(flash,NchipId) == CHIP_ID_MDOC ) {
toggle1 = flRead8bitReg(flash,NECCconfig);
toggle2 = toggle1 ^ flRead8bitReg(flash,NECCconfig);
else {
toggle1 = flRead8bitReg(flash,NECCstatus);
toggle2 = toggle1 ^ flRead8bitReg(flash,NECCstatus);
if( (toggle2 & TOGGLE) == 0 )
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
/* c h e c k W i n F o r D O C */
/* */
/* Check for a DiskOnChip on a specific socket and memory windows */
/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* socketNo : Number of socket to check. */
/* memWinPtr : Pointer to DiskOnChip memory window. */
/* */
/* Returns: TRUE if this is an MDOCP, otherwise FALSE. */
FLBoolean checkWinForDOC(unsigned socketNo, NDOC2window memWinPtr)
FLFlash * flash = flFlashOf(socketNo);
/* Initialize socket memory access routine */
flash->win = memWinPtr;
#ifndef FL_NO_USE_FUNC
if(setBusTypeOfFlash(flash, flBusConfig[socketNo] |
return FALSE;
#endif /* FL_NO_USE_FUNC */
/* set ASIC to RESET MODE */
if( (flRead8bitReg(flash,NchipId) != CHIP_ID_DOC ) &&
(flRead8bitReg(flash,NchipId) != CHIP_ID_MDOC))
return FALSE;
return checkToggle(flash);
#endif /* MTD_STANDALONE */
#ifndef NO_IPL_CODE
/* f o r c e D o w n l o a d */
/* */
/* Force download of IPL code. */
/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* flash : Pointer identifying drive */
/* */
/* Returns: */
/* FLStatus : 0 on success */
static FLStatus forceDownLoad(FLFlash * flash)
flWrite8bitReg(flash, NfoudaryTest, 0x36);
flWrite8bitReg(flash, NfoudaryTest, 0x63);
return flOK;
#ifndef FL_READ_ONLY
/* w r i t e I P L */
/* */
/* Write new IPL. */
/* */
/* Note : Can not start write operation from middle of IPL , unless */
/* previous operation started from offset 0. */
/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* flash : Pointer identifying drive. */
/* buffer : buffer to write from. */
/* length : number of bytes to write - must use full 512 bytes. */
/* offset : sector number to start from. */
/* flags : Modes to write IPL : */
/* FL_IPL_MODE_NORMAL - Normal mode (none Strong Arm). */
/* FL_IPL_DOWNLOAD - Download new IPL when done */
/* FL_IPL_MODE_SA - Strong Arm IPL mode */
/* FL_IPL_MODE_XSCALE - X-Scale IPL mode */
/* */
/* Returns: */
/* flOK on success, none zero otherwise. */
static FLStatus writeIPL(FLFlash * flash, const void FAR1 * buffer,
word length,byte offset, unsigned flags)
dword curWrite;
dword addrOffset = (dword)offset << SECTOR_SIZE_BITS;
if((flags & (FL_IPL_MODE_SA | FL_IPL_MODE_XSCALE)) != 0)
DFORMAT_PRINT(("ERROR - DiskOnChip does not support this IPL mode.\r\n"));
return flFeatureNotSupported;
if ((flash->erase != NULL)||(flash->write != NULL))
if ((length + addrOffset > 1024) || /* required length to long */
(offset>1) ) /* only single sector or none */
DFORMAT_PRINT(("ERROR - IPL size or offset are too big for this DiskOnChip.\r\n"));
return flBadLength;
if((length % SECTOR_SIZE) != 0)
DFORMAT_PRINT(("ERROR - IPL size must be a multiplication of 512 bytes.\r\n"));
return flBadLength;
if(offset==0) /* Erase only if offset is 0 */
for (addrOffset = addrOffset << 1 ; length > 0 ;
addrOffset += (SECTOR_SIZE<<1))
curWrite = TFFSMIN(length,SECTOR_SIZE);
buffer = (byte FAR1 *)BYTE_ADD_FAR(buffer,SECTOR_SIZE);
length -= (word)curWrite;
if((flags & FL_IPL_DOWNLOAD) == 0)
return flOK;
if(flash->download != NULL)
return flash->download(flash);
DFORMAT_PRINT(("ERROR - IPL was not downloaded since MTD does not support the feature\r\n"));
DFORMAT_PRINT(("ERROR - IPL was not written since MTD is in read only mode\r\n"));
return flFeatureNotSupported;
#endif /* FL_READ_ONLY */
#endif /* NO_IPL_CODE */
/* f l D o c W i n d o w B a s e A d d r e s s */
/* */
/* Return the host base address of the window. */
/* If the window base address is programmable, this routine selects */
/* where the base address will be programmed to. */
/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* socketNo FLite socket No (0..SOCKETS-1) */
/* lowAddress, */
/* highAddress : host memory range to search for DiskOnChip 2000 */
/* memory window */
/* */
/* Returns: */
/* Host physical address of window divided by 4 KB */
/* nextAddress : The address of the next DiskOnChip. */
static unsigned flDocWindowBaseAddress(byte socketNo, dword lowAddress,
dword highAddress, dword *nextAddress)
#ifndef NT5PORT
FLBoolean stopSearch = FALSE;
volatile byte deviceSearch;
dword winSize;
FLFlash *flash;
/* This flag is used to seperate the cascaded devices into SEPARATED volumes */
/* Only the first floor responds therfore once it is found all the others are */
/* reported without searching */
static byte noOfFloors = 0; /* floor counter of the cascaded device */
static socketOfFirstFloor = 0; /* Number of sockets already found */
static dword savedNextAddress; /* Next search address (skipping aliases */
switch ( noOfFloors )
case 0 : /* First access to a device */
socketOfFirstFloor = noOfSockets;
case 1 : /* Last floor of a cascaded device */
*nextAddress = savedNextAddress;
default : /* One of a cascaded device floors */
docMtdVars[noOfSockets].currentFloor = noOfSockets - socketOfFirstFloor;
return((unsigned)(lowAddress >> 12));
/* if memory range to search for DiskOnChip 2000 window is not specified */
/* assume the standard x86 PC architecture where DiskOnChip 2000 appears */
/* in a memory range reserved for BIOS expansions */
if (lowAddress == 0x0L) {
lowAddress = START_ADR;
highAddress = STOP_ADR;
flash = flFlashOf(socketNo);
#ifndef FL_NO_USE_FUNC
/* Initialize socket memory access routine */
if(setBusTypeOfFlash(flash, flBusConfig[socketNo] |
return ( 0 );
#endif /* FL_NO_USE_FUNC */
winSize = DOC_WIN;
/* set all possible controllers to RESET MODE */
for(*nextAddress = lowAddress ; *nextAddress <= highAddress ;
*nextAddress += winSize)
flash->win = (NDOC2window )physicalToPointer(*nextAddress,winSize,socketNo);
/* set controller (ASIC) to NORMAL MODE and try and detect it */
*nextAddress = lowAddress; /* current address initialization */
for( ; *nextAddress <= highAddress; *nextAddress += winSize)
flash->win = (NDOC2window)physicalToPointer(*nextAddress,winSize,socketNo);
/* set controller (ASIC) to NORMAL MODE */
if( (flRead8bitReg(flash,NchipId) != CHIP_ID_DOC &&
flRead8bitReg(flash,NchipId) != CHIP_ID_MDOC))
if( stopSearch == TRUE ) /* DiskOnChip was found */
else continue;
if( stopSearch == FALSE ) {
/* detect card - identify bit toggles on consequitive reads */
if(checkToggle(flash) == FALSE)
/* DiskOnChip found */
if( flRead8bitReg(flash,NchipId)) {
else {
stopSearch = TRUE;
lowAddress = *nextAddress; /* save DiskOnChip address */
else { /* DiskOnChip found, continue to skip aliases */
if( (flRead8bitReg(flash,NchipId) != CHIP_ID_DOC) &&
(flRead8bitReg(flash,NchipId) != CHIP_ID_MDOC) )
/* detect card - identify bit toggles on consequitive reads */
if(checkToggle(flash) == FALSE)
/* check for Alias */
deviceSearch = (byte)((flRead8bitReg(flash,NchipId) == CHIP_ID_MDOC) ?
flRead8bitReg(flash,NaliasResolution) :
if( deviceSearch != ALIAS_RESOLUTION )
if( stopSearch == FALSE ) /* DiskOnChip 2000 memory window not found */
return( 0 );
/* count the number of floors cascaded to this address */
flash->win = (NDOC2window)physicalToPointer(lowAddress,winSize,socketNo);
for ( noOfFloors=1; noOfFloors < MAX_FLASH_DEVICES_DOC ;noOfFloors++)
if(checkToggle(flash) == FALSE)
/* If there are more then 1 floor on this address save the next device address and report
that the next device is actualy on the same address as the current */
if ( noOfFloors > 1)
savedNextAddress = *nextAddress;
*nextAddress = lowAddress;
return((unsigned)(lowAddress >> 12));
#else /*NT5PORT*/
DEBUG_PRINT(("Tffsport mdocplus.c :flDocWindowBaseAddress(): Before returning baseAddress()\n"));
return (unsigned)(((ULONG_PTR)pdriveInfo[socketNo].winBase)>> 12);
#endif /*NT5PORT*/
/* s e t A d d r e s s */
/* */
/* Latch address to selected flash device. */
/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* flash : Pointer identifying drive */
/* address : address to set. */
/* */
static void setAddress (FLFlash * flash, CardAddress address)
address &= (flash->chipSize * flash->interleaving - 1); /* address within flash device */
if ( flash->flags & BIG_PAGE )
#endif /* BIG_PAGE_ENABLED */
bits 0..7 stays as are
bit 8 is thrown away from address
bits 31..9 -> bits 30..8
address = ((address >> 9) << 8) | ((byte)address);
writeSignals (flash, FLASH_IO | ALE | CE);
flWrite8bitReg(flash,NslowIO,(Reg8bitType)(address >> 8));
flWrite8bitReg(flash,NFDC21thisIO,(Reg8bitType)(address >> 8));
flWrite8bitReg(flash,NslowIO,(Reg8bitType)(address >> 16));
flWrite8bitReg(flash,NFDC21thisIO,(Reg8bitType)(address >> 16));
if( flash->flags & BIG_ADDR ) {
flWrite8bitReg(flash,NslowIO,(Reg8bitType)(address >> 24));
flWrite8bitReg(flash,NFDC21thisIO,(Reg8bitType)(address >> 24));
flWrite8bitReg(flash,NFDC21thisIO,(Reg8bitType)(address >> 8));
flWrite8bitReg(flash,NFDC21thisIO,(Reg8bitType)(address >> 16));
if( flash->flags & BIG_ADDR )
flWrite8bitReg(flash,NFDC21thisIO,(Reg8bitType)(address >> 24));
if( NFDC21thisVars->flags & MDOC_ASIC )
writeSignals (flash, ECC_IO | FLASH_IO | CE);
/* c o m m a n d */
/* */
/* Latch command byte to selected flash device. */
/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* flash : Pointer identifying drive */
/* code : Command to set. */
/* */
static void command(FLFlash * flash, Reg8bitType flCode)
writeSignals (flash, FLASH_IO | CLE | CE);
if( NFDC21thisVars->flags & MDOC_ASIC )
/* s e l e c t F l o o r */
/* */
/* Select floor (0 .. totalFloors-1). */
/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* flash : Pointer identifying drive */
/* address : Select floor for this address. */
/* */
static void selectFloor (FLFlash * flash, CardAddress *address)
if( flash->noOfFloors > 1 )
byte floorToUse = (byte)((*address) / NFDC21thisVars->floorSize);
NFDC21thisVars->currentFloor = floorToUse;
*address -= (floorToUse * NFDC21thisVars->floorSize);
/* m a p W i n */
/* */
/* Map window to selected flash device. */
/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* flash : Pointer identifying drive */
/* address : Map window to this address. */
/* */
static void mapWin (FLFlash * flash, CardAddress *address)
/* NOTE: normally both ways to obtain DOC 2000 window segment should
return the same value. */
NFDC21thisWin = (NDOC2window)flMap(flash->socket, 0);
selectFloor (flash, address);
/* select chip within floor */
selectChip (flash, (Reg8bitType)((*address) / (flash->chipSize * flash->interleaving))) ;
/* r d B u f */
/* */
/* Auxiliary routine for Read(), read from page. */
/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* flash : Pointer identifying drive */
/* buf : Buffer to read into. */
/* howmany : Number of bytes to read. */
/* */
static void rdBuf (FLFlash * flash, byte FAR1 *buf, word howmany)
volatile Reg8bitType junk = 0;
register word i;
/* slow flash requires first read to be done from CDSN_Slow_IO
and only second one from CDSN_IO - this extends read access */
for( i = 0 ;( i < howmany ); i++ ) {
junk = flRead8bitReg(flash,NslowIO);
buf[i] = (byte)flRead8bitReg(flash,NFDC21thisIO+(i & 0x01));
if( NFDC21thisVars->flags & MDOC_ASIC ) {
junk += flRead8bitReg(flash,NreadPipeInit);
else i = 0;
if( howmany > i )
if( NFDC21thisVars->flags & MDOC_ASIC )
buf[howmany] = flRead8bitReg(flash,NreadLastData);
#ifndef FL_READ_ONLY
/* w r B u f */
/* */
/* Auxiliary routine for Write(), write to page from buffer. */
/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* flash : Pointer identifying drive */
/* buf : Buffer to write from. */
/* howmany : Number of bytes to write. */
/* */
static void wrBuf (FLFlash * flash, const byte FAR1 *buf, word howmany )
register int i;
/* slow flash requires first write go to CDSN_Slow_IO and
only second one to CDSN_IO - this extends write access */
for ( i = 0 ;( i < howmany ); i++ ) {
docwrite(flash->win,NFDC21thisIO,(byte FAR1 *)buf,howmany);
if( NFDC21thisVars->flags & MDOC_ASIC )
/* w r S e t */
/* */
/* Auxiliary routine for Write(), set page data. */
/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* flash : Pointer identifying drive */
/* ch : Set page to this byte */
/* howmany : Number of bytes to set. */
/* */
static void wrSet (FLFlash * flash, const Reg8bitType ch, word howmany )
register int i;
/* slow flash requires first write go to CDSN_Slow_IO and
only second one to CDSN_IO - this extends write access */
for (i = 0 ;( i < howmany ); i++ ) {
if( NFDC21thisVars->flags & MDOC_ASIC )
/* r e a d S t a t u s */
/* */
/* Read status of selected flash device. */
/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* flash : Pointer identifying drive */
/* */
/* Returns: */
/* Chip status. */
/* */
static Reg8bitType readStatus (FLFlash * flash)
Reg8bitType chipStatus;
volatile Reg8bitType junk = 0;
if( NFDC21thisVars->flags & MDOC_ASIC )
writeSignals (flash, FLASH_IO | CE | WP);
if( NFDC21thisVars->flags & MDOC_ASIC ) {
junk += flRead8bitReg(flash,NreadPipeInit); /* load first data into pipeline */
chipStatus = flRead8bitReg(flash,NreadLastData); /* read flash status */
else {
junk += flRead8bitReg(flash,NslowIO);
chipStatus = flRead8bitReg(flash,NFDC21thisIO);
return chipStatus;
#endif /* FL_READ_ONLY */
/* r e a d C o m m a n d */
/* */
/* Issue read command. */
/* */
/* Parametes: */
/* flash : Pointer identifying drive */
/* cmd : Command to issue (according to area). */
/* addr : address to read from. */
/* */
static void readCommand (FLFlash * flash, PointerOp cmd, CardAddress addr)
command (flash, (Reg8bitType)cmd); /* move flash pointer to respective area of the page */
setAddress (flash, addr);
#ifndef FL_READ_ONLY
/* w r i t e C o m m a n d */
/* */
/* Issue write command. */
/* */
/* Parametes: */
/* flash : Pointer identifying drive */
/* cmd : Command to issue (according to area). */
/* addr : address to write to. */
/* */
static void writeCommand (FLFlash * flash, PointerOp cmd, CardAddress addr)
if( flash->flags & FULL_PAGE ) {
command (flash, RESET_FLASH);
if( cmd != AREA_A ) {
if( NFDC21thisVars->flags & MDOC_ASIC )
command (flash, (Reg8bitType)cmd); /* move flash pointer to respective area of the page */
if( NFDC21thisVars->flags & MDOC_ASIC )
setAddress (flash, addr);
/* w r i t e E x e c u t e */
/* */
/* Execute write. */
/* */
/* Parametes: */
/* flash : Pointer identifying drive */
/* */
/* Returns: */
/* FLStatus : 0 on success, otherwise failed. */
/* */
static FLStatus writeExecute (FLFlash * flash)
command (flash, SETUP_WRITE); /* execute page program */
if( readStatus(flash) & (byte)(FAIL) ) {
DEBUG_PRINT(("Debug: NFDC 2148 write failed.\r\n"));
return( flWriteFault );
return( flOK );
/* w r i t e O n e S e c t o r */
/* */
/* Write data in one 512-byte block to flash. */
/* Assuming that EDC mode never requested on partial block writes. */
/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* flash : Pointer identifying drive */
/* address : Address of sector to write to. */
/* buffer : buffer to write from. */
/* length : number of bytes to write (up to sector size). */
/* modes : OVERWRITE, EDC flags etc. */
/* */
/* Returns: */
/* FLStatus : 0 on success, otherwise failed. */
/* */
static FLStatus writeOneSector(FLFlash * flash,
CardAddress address,
const void FAR1 *buffer,
word length,
word modes)
byte FAR1 *pbuffer = (byte FAR1 *)buffer; /* to write from */
FLStatus status;
#ifndef NO_EDC_MODE
byte syndrom[SYNDROM_BYTES];
static byte anandMark[2] = { 0x55, 0x55 };
PointerOp cmd = AREA_A ;
word prePad;
word toFirstPage = 0, toSecondPage = 0;
#endif /* BIG_PAGE_ENABLED */
if (flWriteProtected(flash->socket))
return( flWriteProtect );
mapWin(flash, &address); /* select flash device */
/* move flash pointer to areas A,B or C of page */
makeCommand(flash, &cmd, &address, modes);
if( (flash->flags & FULL_PAGE) && (cmd == AREA_B) ) {
prePad = (word)(2 + ((word) address & NFDC21thisVars->pageMask));
writeCommand(flash, AREA_A, address + NFDC21thisVars->pageAreaSize - prePad);
wrSet(flash, 0xFF, prePad);
writeCommand(flash, cmd, address);
#ifndef NO_EDC_MODE
if( modes & EDC )
eccONwrite(flash); /* ECC ON for write */
if( !(flash->flags & BIG_PAGE) ) /* 2M on INLV=1 */
/* write up to two pages separately */
if( modes & EXTRA )
toFirstPage = EXTRA_LEN - ((word)address & (EXTRA_LEN-1));
toFirstPage = CHIP_PAGE_SIZE - ((word)address & (CHIP_PAGE_SIZE-1));
if(toFirstPage > length)
toFirstPage = length;
toSecondPage = length - toFirstPage;
wrBuf(flash, pbuffer, toFirstPage); /* starting page .. */
if ( toSecondPage > 0 )
if (toFirstPage > 0) /* started on 1st page */
checkStatus( writeExecute(flash) ); /* done with 1st page */
if( modes & EXTRA )
address -= (CHIP_PAGE_SIZE + ((word)address & (EXTRA_LEN-1)));
writeCommand(flash, cmd, address + toFirstPage);
wrBuf (flash, pbuffer + toFirstPage, toSecondPage); /* user data */
else /* 4M or 8M */
#endif /* BIG_PAGE_ENABLED */
wrBuf (flash, pbuffer, length); /* user data */
#ifndef NO_EDC_MODE
if(modes & EDC)
register int i;
writeSignals (flash, ECC_IO | CE ); /* disable flash access */
/* 3 dummy zero-writes to clock the data through pipeline */
if( NFDC21thisVars->flags & MDOC_ASIC ) {
for( i = 0;( i < 3 ); i++ ) {
else {
wrSet (flash, 0x00, 3 );
writeSignals (flash, ECC_IO | FLASH_IO | CE ); /* enable flash access */
#ifdef D2TST
eccOFF(flash); /* ECC OFF */
wrBuf (flash, (const byte FAR1 *)syndrom, SYNDROM_BYTES);
wrBuf (flash, (const byte FAR1 *)anandMark, sizeof(anandMark) );
#endif /* NO_EDC_MODE */
status = writeExecute(flash); /* abort if write failure */
if(status != flOK)
return status;
writeSignals(flash, FLASH_IO | WP);
if (flash->socket->verifyWrite==FL_OFF)
return status;
#endif /* MTD_STANDALONE */
/* Read back after write and verify */
if( modes & OVERWRITE )
pbuffer = (byte FAR1 *) buffer; /* back to original data */
readCommand (flash, cmd, address); /* move flash pointer to areas A,B or C of page */
if( !(flash->flags & BIG_PAGE) )
rdBuf (flash, NFDC21thisVars->readBackBuffer, toFirstPage);
if(tffscmp (pbuffer, NFDC21thisVars->readBackBuffer, toFirstPage) ) {
DEBUG_PRINT(("Debug: NFDC 2148 write failed in verification.\r\n"));
return( flWriteFault );
if ( toSecondPage > 0 )
readCommand (flash, AREA_A, address + toFirstPage);
rdBuf (flash, NFDC21thisVars->readBackBuffer + toFirstPage, toSecondPage);
if( tffscmp (pbuffer + toFirstPage, NFDC21thisVars->readBackBuffer + toFirstPage, toSecondPage)) {
DEBUG_PRINT(("Debug: NFDC 2148 write failed in verification.\r\n"));
return( flWriteFault );
#endif /* BIG_PAGE_ENABLED */
rdBuf (flash, NFDC21thisVars->readBackBuffer, length);
if( tffscmp (pbuffer, NFDC21thisVars->readBackBuffer, length) ) {
DEBUG_PRINT(("Debug: NFDC 2148 write failed in verification.\r\n"));
return( flWriteFault );
/* then ECC and special ANAND mark */
#ifndef NO_EDC_MODE
if( modes & EDC )
rdBuf (flash, NFDC21thisVars->readBackBuffer, SYNDROM_BYTES);
if( tffscmp (syndrom, NFDC21thisVars->readBackBuffer, SYNDROM_BYTES) )
return( flWriteFault );
rdBuf (flash, NFDC21thisVars->readBackBuffer, sizeof(anandMark));
if( tffscmp (anandMark, NFDC21thisVars->readBackBuffer, sizeof(anandMark)) )
return( flWriteFault );
#endif /* NO_EDC_MODE */
writeSignals (flash, FLASH_IO | WP);
waitForReady(flash); /* Serial Read Cycle Entry */
#endif /* VERIFY_WRITE */
return( flOK );
/* d o c 2 W r i t e */
/* */
/* Write some data to the flash. This routine will be registered as the */
/* write routine for this MTD. */
/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* flash : Pointer identifying drive */
/* address : Address of sector to write to. */
/* buffer : buffer to write from. */
/* length : number of bytes to write (up to sector size). */
/* modes : OVERWRITE, EDC flags etc. */
/* */
/* Returns: */
/* FLStatus : 0 on success, otherwise failed. */
/* */
static FLStatus doc2Write(FLFlash * flash,
CardAddress address,
const void FAR1 *buffer,
dword length,
word modes)
char FAR1 *temp = (char FAR1 *)buffer;
FLStatus status;
word block = (word)((modes & EXTRA) ? EXTRA_LEN : SECTOR_SIZE);
word block = (word)((modes & EXTRA) ? SECTOR_EXTRA_LEN : SECTOR_SIZE);
#endif /* BIG_PAGE_ENABLED */
word writeNow = block - ((word)address & (block - 1));
if(flSuspendMode & FL_SUSPEND_WRITE)
return flIOCommandBlocked;
/* write in BLOCKs; first and last might be partial */
while( length > 0 )
if(writeNow > length)
writeNow = (word)length;
/* turn off EDC on partial block write */
status = writeOneSector(flash, address, temp, writeNow,
(word)((writeNow != SECTOR_SIZE) ? (modes &= ~EDC) : modes) );
return status;
length -= writeNow;
address += writeNow;
temp += writeNow;
writeNow = block; /* align at BLOCK */
return( flOK );
#endif /* FL_READ_ONLY */
/* r e a d O n e S e c t o r */
/* */
/* Read up to one 512-byte block from flash. */
/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* flash : Pointer identifying drive */
/* address : Address to read from. */
/* buffer : buffer to read to. */
/* length : number of bytes to read (up to sector size). */
/* modes : EDC flag etc. */
/* */
/* Notes: big_page_enabled does not support PARTIAL_EDC FLAG */
/* */
/* Returns: */
/* FLStatus : 0 on success, otherwise failed. */
/* */
static FLStatus readOneSector (FLFlash * flash,
CardAddress address,
void FAR1 *buffer,
word length,
word modes)
#ifndef NO_EDC_MODE
byte extraBytes[SYNDROM_BYTES];
int index;
FLStatus stat = flOK;
PointerOp cmd = AREA_A; /* default for .... */
CardAddress addr = address; /* .... KM29N16000 */
int toFirstPage, toSecondPage;
#endif /* BIG_PAGE_ENABLED */
mapWin(flash, &addr);
makeCommand(flash, &cmd, &addr, modes); /* move flash pointer to areas A,B or C of page */
readCommand(flash, cmd, addr);
#ifndef NO_EDC_MODE
if( modes & EDC )
if( !(flash->flags & BIG_PAGE) )
/* read up to two pages separately */
if( modes & EXTRA )
toFirstPage = EXTRA_LEN - ((word)addr & (EXTRA_LEN-1));
toFirstPage = CHIP_PAGE_SIZE - ((word)addr & (CHIP_PAGE_SIZE-1));
if(toFirstPage > length)
toFirstPage = length;
toSecondPage = length - toFirstPage;
rdBuf (flash, (byte FAR1 *)buffer, toFirstPage ); /* starting page */
if ( toSecondPage > 0 ) /* next page */
if( modes & EXTRA )
addr -= (CHIP_PAGE_SIZE + ((word)addr & (EXTRA_LEN-1)));
readCommand (flash, cmd, addr + toFirstPage);
rdBuf(flash, (byte FAR1 *)buffer + toFirstPage, toSecondPage );
#endif /* BIG_PAGE_ENABLED */
rdBuf(flash, (byte FAR1 *)buffer, length );
#ifndef NO_EDC_MODE
if((modes & PARTIAL_EDC) &&
(((word)address & NFDC21thisVars->pageMask) == 0))
/* Partial page read with EDC must let rest of page through
the HW edc mechanism */
word unreadBytes;
for (unreadBytes = SECTOR_SIZE - length;unreadBytes > 0;unreadBytes--)
cmd = (PointerOp)flRead8bitReg(flash, NFDC21thisIO);
#endif /* NO_EDC_MODE */
#ifndef NO_EDC_MODE
if( modes & EDC )
{ /* read syndrom to let it through the ECC unit */
rdBuf(flash, extraBytes, SYNDROM_BYTES );
if( eccError(flash) ) /* An EDC error was found */
/* Check if all of the EDC bytes are FF's. If so ignore the EDC */
/* assuming that it has'nt been used due to programing of less then */
/* 512 bytes */
if (extraBytes[index]!=0xFF)
if (index!=SYNDROM_BYTES) /* not all of the EDC bytes are FF's */
#endif /* MTD_STANDALONE */
/* try to fix ECC error */
if ( modes & NO_SECOND_TRY ) /* 2nd try */
byte syndrom[SYNDROM_BYTES];
byte tmp;
tmp = syndrom[0]; /* Swap 1 and 3 words */
syndrom[0] = syndrom[4];
syndrom[4] = tmp;
tmp = syndrom[1];
syndrom[1] = syndrom[5];
syndrom[5] = tmp;
if( flCheckAndFixEDC( (char FAR1 *)buffer, (char*)syndrom, 1) != NO_EDC_ERROR)
DEBUG_PRINT(("Debug: EDC error for NFDC 2148.\r\n"));
stat = flDataError;
else /* 1st try - try once more */
return( readOneSector( flash, address, buffer, length,
(word)(modes | NO_SECOND_TRY) ) );
#endif /* NO_EDC_MODE */
writeSignals (flash, FLASH_IO | WP);
if( (modes & EXTRA) && /* Serial Read Cycle Entry */
((length + (((word)addr) & (NFDC21thisVars->tailSize - 1)))
== NFDC21thisVars->tailSize) )
return( stat );
/* d o c 2 R e a d */
/* */
/* Read some data from the flash. This routine will be registered as */
/* the read routine for this MTD. */
/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* flash : Pointer identifying drive */
/* address : Address to read from. */
/* buffer : buffer to read to. */
/* length : number of bytes to read (up to sector size). */
/* modes : EDC flag etc. */
/* */
/* Returns: */
/* FLStatus : 0 on success, otherwise failed. */
/* */
static FLStatus doc2Read(FLFlash * flash,
CardAddress address,
void FAR1 *buffer,
dword length,
word modes)
char FAR1 *temp = (char FAR1 *)buffer;
FLStatus status;
word readNow;
word block = (word)(( modes & EXTRA ) ? EXTRA_LEN : SECTOR_SIZE );
word block = (word)(( modes & EXTRA ) ? SECTOR_EXTRA_LEN : SECTOR_SIZE );
#endif /* BIG_PAGE_ENABLED */
if((flSuspendMode & FL_SUSPEND_IO) == FL_SUSPEND_IO)
return flIOCommandBlocked;
/* read in BLOCKs; first and last might be partial */
readNow = block - ((word)address & (block - 1));
while( length > 0 ) {
if( readNow > length )
readNow = (word)length;
/* turn off EDC on partial block read */
status = readOneSector(flash, address, temp, readNow, (word)(
((readNow != SECTOR_SIZE) && (modes != PARTIAL_EDC)) ?
modes &=~PARTIAL_EDC : modes));
if(status != flOK)
return status;
length -= readNow;
address += readNow;
temp += readNow;
readNow = block; /* align at BLOCK */
return( flOK );
#ifndef FL_READ_ONLY
#if (defined(VERIFY_ERASE) || defined(MTD_RECONSTRUCT_BBT))
/* c h e c k E r a s e */
/* */
/* Check if media is truly erased (main areas of page only). */
/* */
/* Note to save on memory consumption the 1k read back buffer is used */
/* Only when the VERIFY_ERASE compilation flag is set. */
/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* flash : Pointer identifying drive */
/* address : Address of page to check. */
/* */
/* Returns: */
/* FLStatus : 0 if page is erased, otherwise writeFault. */
/* */
static FLStatus checkErase( FLFlash * flash, CardAddress address )
register int i, j;
dword * bufPtr = (dword *)NFDC21thisVars->readBackBuffer;
CardAddress curAddress = address;
word block = (word)(flash->erasableBlockSize / inc);
dword * endBufPtr = bufPtr+(inc / sizeof(dword));
dword * curBufPtr;
/* Check main area */
for ( i = 0 ; i < block ; i++, curAddress += inc )
if ( doc2Read(flash,curAddress,(void FAR1 *)bufPtr,(dword)inc,0) != flOK )
return( flWriteFault );
for ( curBufPtr = bufPtr ;
curBufPtr < endBufPtr ; curBufPtr++)
if ( *bufPtr != 0xFFFFFFFFL )
return( flWriteFault );
/* Check extra area */
for ( i = 0 ; i < NFDC21thisVars->pagesPerBlock ; i++,address+=SECTOR_SIZE)
if ( doc2Read(flash,address,(void FAR1 *)bufPtr,
NFDC21thisVars->tailSize, EXTRA) != flOK )
return( flWriteFault );
for (j=0;j<(NFDC21thisVars->tailSize>>2);j++)
if (bufPtr[j] != 0xFFFFFFFFL)
return( flWriteFault );
return( flOK );
/* d o c 2 E r a s e */
/* */
/* Erase number of blocks. This routine will be registered as the */
/* erase routine for this MTD. */
/* */
/* Note - can not erase all units of 1GB DiskOnChip. */
/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* flash : Pointer identifying drive */
/* blockNo : First block to erase. */
/* blocksToErase : Number of blocks to erase. */
/* */
/* Returns: */
/* FLStatus : 0 on success, otherwise failed. */
/* */
static FLStatus doc2Erase(FLFlash * flash,
word blockNo,
word blocksToErase)
FLStatus status = flOK;
word floorToUse;
word nextFloorBlockNo, i;
CardAddress startAddress = (CardAddress)blockNo * flash->erasableBlockSize;
CardAddress address = startAddress;
if(flSuspendMode & FL_SUSPEND_WRITE)
return flIOCommandBlocked;
if (flWriteProtected(flash->socket))
return( flWriteProtect );
#endif /* MTD_STANDALONE */
if( (dword)((dword)blockNo + (dword)blocksToErase) >
(dword)((dword)NFDC21thisVars->noOfBlocks * (dword)flash->noOfChips))
return( flWriteFault ); /* out of media */
/* handle erase accross floors */
floorToUse = (word)(startAddress / NFDC21thisVars->floorSize) + 1;
if (floorToUse != flash->noOfFloors)
nextFloorBlockNo = (word)(floorToUse * (NFDC21thisVars->floorSize /
if( blockNo + blocksToErase > nextFloorBlockNo )
{ /* erase on higher floors */
status = ( doc2Erase( flash, nextFloorBlockNo,
(word)(blocksToErase - (nextFloorBlockNo - blockNo))) );
blocksToErase = nextFloorBlockNo - blockNo;
return status;
/* erase on this floor */
mapWin (flash, &address);
for (i = 0; i < blocksToErase ; i++, blockNo++ ) {
dword pageNo = ((dword)blockNo * NFDC21thisVars->pagesPerBlock);
command(flash, RESET_FLASH);
writeSignals (flash, FLASH_IO | CE);
command(flash, SETUP_ERASE);
writeSignals (flash, FLASH_IO | ALE | CE);
flWrite8bitReg(flash,NslowIO,(Reg8bitType)(pageNo >> 8));
flWrite8bitReg(flash,NFDC21thisIO,(Reg8bitType)(pageNo >> 8));
if( flash->flags & BIG_ADDR ) {
flWrite8bitReg(flash,NslowIO,(Reg8bitType)(pageNo >> 16));
flWrite8bitReg(flash,NFDC21thisIO,(Reg8bitType)(pageNo >> 16));
flWrite8bitReg(flash,NFDC21thisIO,(Reg8bitType)(pageNo >> 8));
if( flash->flags & BIG_ADDR )
flWrite8bitReg(flash,NFDC21thisIO,(Reg8bitType)(pageNo >> 16));
if( NFDC21thisVars->flags & MDOC_ASIC )
#endif /* SLOW_IO_FLAG */
writeSignals(flash, FLASH_IO | CE);
/* if only one block may be erase at a time then do it */
/* otherwise leave it for later */
command(flash, CONFIRM_ERASE);
#endif /* DO_NOT_YIELD_CPU */
#endif /* MTD_STANDALONE */
if ( readStatus(flash) & (byte)(FAIL) ) { /* erase operation failed */
DEBUG_PRINT(("Debug: NFDC 2148 erase failed.\r\n"));
status = flWriteFault;
/* reset flash device and abort */
command(flash, RESET_FLASH);
else { /* no failure reported */
if ( checkErase( flash, startAddress + i * flash->erasableBlockSize) != flOK ) {
DEBUG_PRINT(("Debug: NFDC 2148 erase failed in verification.\r\n"));
return flWriteFault ;
#endif /* VERIFY_ERASE */
} /* block loop */
/* do multiple block erase as was promised */
command(flash, CONFIRM_ERASE);
#endif /* DO_NOT_YIELD_CPU */
#endif /* MTD_STANDALONE */
if ( readStatus(flash) & (byte)(FAIL) ) { /* erase operation failed */
DEBUG_PRINT(("Debug: NFDC 2148 erase failed.\r\n"));
status = flWriteFault;
/* reset flash device and abort */
command(flash, RESET_FLASH);
#endif /* MULTI_ERASE */
writeSignals (flash, FLASH_IO | WP);
return( status );
#endif /* FL_READ_ONLY */
/* d o c 2 M a p */
/* */
/* Map through buffer. This routine will be registered as the map */
/* routine for this MTD. */
/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* flash : Pointer identifying drive */
/* address : Flash address to be mapped. */
/* length : number of bytes to map. */
/* */
/* Returns: */
/* Pointer to the buffer data was mapped to. */
/* */
static void FAR0 *doc2Map ( FLFlash * flash, CardAddress address, int length )
doc2Read(flash,address,NFDC21thisBuffer,length, 0);
/* Force remapping of internal catched sector */
flash->socket->remapped = TRUE;
return( (void FAR0 *)NFDC21thisBuffer );
#endif /* MTD_STANDALONE */
/* R e a d B B T */
/* */
/* Read the media Bad Blocks Table to a user buffer. */
/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* flash : Pointer identifying drive */
/* unitNo : indicated which unit number to start checking from. */
/* unitToRead : indicating how many units to check */
/* buffer : buffer to read into. */
/* reconstruct : TRUE for reconstruct BBT from virgin card */
/* */
/* Note: blocks is a minimal flash erasable area. */
/* Note: unit can contain several blocks. */
/* Note: There is no current implementation of a unit that contains */
/* more then a single block. */
/* Note: The format of the BBT is byte per unit 0 for bad any other */
/* value for good. */
/* Note: global variables changed at doc2Read: */
/* global variable NFDC21thisVars->currentFloor is updated */
/* flash->socket.window.currentPage = pageToMap; */
/* flash->socket.remapped = TRUE; */
/* Note: At least 4 bytes must be read */
/* */
/* RETURNS: */
/* flOK on success */
/* flBadLength if one of the units is out of the units range */
/* flBadBBT on read fault */
static FLStatus readBBT(FLFlash * flash, dword unitNo, dword unitsToRead,
byte blockMultiplier, byte FAR1 * buffer,
FLBoolean reconstruct)
CardAddress bbtAddr,floorEndAddr;
CardAddress addr,floorStartAddr,alignAddr;
dword unitsPerFloor = NFDC21thisVars->floorSize >> flash->erasableBlockSizeBits;
word curRead,actualRead;
CardAddress mediaSize = (CardAddress)flash->chipSize*flash->noOfChips;
FLStatus status = flOK;
dword unitOffset;
dword sizeOfBBT;
word counter;
byte FAR1* bufPtr = buffer;
#if (defined (MTD_RECONSTRUCT_BBT) && !defined(FL_READ_ONLY))
CardAddress bbtCurAddr;
dword i;
byte reconstructBBT = 0;
/* Arg sanity check */
if (((dword)(unitNo+unitsToRead) <<
(blockMultiplier+flash->erasableBlockSizeBits)) > mediaSize)
return flBadParameter;
/* Calculate size of BBT blocks */
for(sizeOfBBT = flash->erasableBlockSize;
sizeOfBBT < unitsPerFloor ;sizeOfBBT = sizeOfBBT<<1);
/* Force remapping of internal catched sector */
flash->socket->remapped = TRUE;
#endif /* MTD_STANDALONE */
/* Adjust no' of blocks per floor according to blocks multiplier */
unitsPerFloor = unitsPerFloor >> blockMultiplier;
/* Mark all user buffer as good units */
/* Loop over all of the floors */
for (floorStartAddr = 0 ; (floorStartAddr < mediaSize) && (unitsToRead > 0);
floorStartAddr += NFDC21thisVars->floorSize)
floorEndAddr = TFFSMIN(floorStartAddr+NFDC21thisVars->floorSize,mediaSize);
/* Look for bbt signature in extra area start looking from last unit */
for(bbtAddr = floorEndAddr - sizeOfBBT,
(bbtAddr > floorStartAddr) && (counter > 0);
bbtAddr -= flash->erasableBlockSize , counter--)
status = doc2Read(flash,bbtAddr+8,NFDC21thisBuffer,BBT_SIGN_SIZE,EXTRA);
if (status != flOK)
return flBadBBT;
/* No BBT was found virgin card */
if((bbtAddr==floorStartAddr) || (counter == 0))
#if (defined (MTD_RECONSTRUCT_BBT) && !defined(FL_READ_ONLY))
if (reconstruct == TRUE)
if (reconstructBBT == 1)
DFORMAT_PRINT(("\rVirgin card rebuilding unit map.\r\n\n"));
/* Find good unit for BBT */
for(bbtAddr = floorEndAddr - sizeOfBBT ;
bbtAddr > floorStartAddr ;
bbtAddr -= flash->erasableBlockSize , status = flOK)
/* Find enough consequtive units for the BBT */
for(i=0;(status == flOK)&&(i<sizeOfBBT);i+=flash->erasableBlockSize)
status = checkErase(flash, bbtAddr+i);
if(status == flOK)
if (bbtAddr == floorStartAddr) /* Could not find place for BBT */
DFORMAT_PRINT(("Debug: no good block found.\r\n"));
return flBadBBT;
/* Search and mark the entire floor BBT (512 at a time) */
bbtCurAddr = bbtAddr;
for (addr=floorStartAddr;
addr<floorEndAddr; bbtCurAddr+=SECTOR_SIZE)
/* Mark all blocks as good */
/* Mark IPL as unused */
for (i=0;i<SECTOR_SIZE;i++,addr+=flash->erasableBlockSize)
#ifndef NT5PORT
DFORMAT_PRINT(("Checking block %u\r",(word)(addr>>flash->erasableBlockSizeBits)));
#endif// NT5PORT
/* Bad block table is marked as unavailable */
if ((addr>=bbtAddr) && (addr<bbtAddr+sizeOfBBT))
NFDC21thisBuffer[i] = BBT_UNAVAIL_UNIT;
else /* The unerased blocks are marked as bad */
if(checkErase(flash, addr) != flOK)
NFDC21thisBuffer[i] = BBT_BAD_UNIT;
if(addr == (flash->erasableBlockSize<<SECTOR_SIZE_BITS))
/* If IPL unit is good mark it as unavailable */
if(NFDC21thisBuffer[0] != BBT_BAD_UNIT)
NFDC21thisBuffer[0] = BBT_UNAVAIL_UNIT;
status = doc2Write(flash,bbtCurAddr,NFDC21thisBuffer,SECTOR_SIZE,EDC);
if (status != flOK)
DFORMAT_PRINT(("ERROR - Failed writting bad block table.\r\n"));
return flBadBBT;
/* Mark bad blocks table with special mark */
status = doc2Write(flash,bbtAddr+8,BBT_SIGN, BBT_SIGN_SIZE,EXTRA);
return flBadBBT;
/* Return only blocks that are in this floor */
addr = floorStartAddr >> (flash->erasableBlockSizeBits + blockMultiplier);
if ((unitNo >= addr) && (unitNo < addr + unitsPerFloor))
unitOffset = (unitNo % unitsPerFloor);
curRead = ((word)TFFSMIN(unitsToRead,unitsPerFloor - unitOffset));
unitsToRead -= curRead;
/* Convert to real number of bytes to read and address */
unitOffset <<= blockMultiplier;
curRead <<= blockMultiplier;
alignAddr = ((bbtAddr + unitOffset) >> SECTOR_SIZE_BITS)<<SECTOR_SIZE_BITS;
do /* Read and copy into buffer 512 blocks at a time */
if (doc2Read(flash,alignAddr, NFDC21thisBuffer,SECTOR_SIZE,EDC) != flOK)
return flBadBBT;
unitOffset = unitOffset % SECTOR_SIZE;
actualRead = (word)TFFSMIN(SECTOR_SIZE - unitOffset,curRead);
curRead -= actualRead;
/* Copy relevant blocks into user buffer */
for (actualRead += (word)unitOffset ;
unitOffset < actualRead ;
bufPtr = BYTE_ADD_FAR(bufPtr,1)) /* increment buffer */
for (counter = 1 << blockMultiplier ; counter > 0 ;
counter-- , unitOffset++)
if (NFDC21thisBuffer[unitOffset] != BBT_GOOD_UNIT)
*bufPtr = NFDC21thisBuffer[unitOffset];
}while(curRead > 0);
if (unitsToRead > 0)
unitNo = addr + unitsPerFloor;
#if (defined (MTD_RECONSTRUCT_BBT) && !defined(FL_READ_ONLY))
if (reconstructBBT > 0)
DFORMAT_PRINT(("\rMedia has been scanned. \r\n"));
return flOK;
#endif /* MTD_READ_BBT */
/* i s K n o w n M e d i a */
/* */
/* Check if this flash media is supported. Initialize relevant fields */
/* in data structures. */
/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* flash : Pointer identifying drive */
/* vendorId_P : vendor ID read from chip. */
/* chipId_p : chip ID read from chip. */
/* dev : dev chips were accessed before this one. */
/* */
/* Returns: */
/* TRUE if this media is supported, FALSE otherwise. */
/* */
static FLBoolean isKnownMedia( FLFlash * flash, Reg8bitType vendorId_p, Reg8bitType chipId_p, int dev )
if((dev == 0)
&& (NFDC21thisVars->currentFloor == 0)
) { /* First Identification */
NFDC21thisVars->vendorID = (word)vendorId_p; /* remember for next chips */
NFDC21thisVars->chipID = (word)chipId_p;
NFDC21thisVars->pagesPerBlock = PAGES_PER_BLOCK;
flash->maxEraseCycles = 1000000L;
flash->flags |= BIG_PAGE;
flash->pageSize = 0x200;
switch( (byte)vendorId_p ) {
case 0xEC : /* Samsung */
switch( (byte)chipId_p ) {
case 0x64 : /* 2 Mb */
case 0xEA :
flash->type = KM29N16000_FLASH;
flash->pageSize = 0x100;
flash->chipSize = 0x200000L;
flash->flags &= ~BIG_PAGE;
#endif /* BIG_PAGE_ENABLED */
case 0xE3 : /* 4 Mb */
case 0xE5 :
flash->type = KM29N32000_FLASH;
flash->chipSize = 0x400000L;
case 0xE6 : /* 8 Mb */
flash->type = KM29V64000_FLASH;
flash->chipSize = 0x800000L;
case 0x73 : /* 16 Mb */
flash->type = KM29V128000_FLASH;
flash->chipSize = 0x1000000L;
NFDC21thisVars->pagesPerBlock *= 2;
case 0x75 : /* 32 Mb */
flash->type = KM29V256000_FLASH;
flash->chipSize = 0x2000000L;
NFDC21thisVars->pagesPerBlock *= 2;
case 0x76 : /* 64 Mb */
flash->type = KM29V512000_FLASH;
flash->chipSize = 0x4000000L;
flash->flags |= BIG_ADDR;
NFDC21thisVars->pagesPerBlock *= 2;
default : /* Undefined Flash */
case 0x98 : /* Toshiba */
switch( chipId_p ) {
case 0x64 : /* 2 Mb */
case 0xEA :
flash->type = TC5816_FLASH;
flash->pageSize = 0x100;
flash->chipSize = 0x200000L;
flash->flags &= ~BIG_PAGE;
#endif /* BIG_PAGE_ENABLED */
case 0x6B : /* 4 Mb */
case 0xE5 :
flash->type = TC5832_FLASH;
flash->chipSize = 0x400000L;
case 0xE6 : /* 8 Mb */
flash->type = TC5864_FLASH;
flash->chipSize = 0x800000L;
case 0x73 : /* 16 Mb */
flash->type = TC58128_FLASH;
flash->chipSize = 0x1000000L;
NFDC21thisVars->pagesPerBlock *= 2;
case 0x75 : /* 32 Mb */
flash->type = TC58256_FLASH;
flash->chipSize = 0x2000000L;
NFDC21thisVars->pagesPerBlock *= 2;
case 0x76 : /* 64 Mb */
flash->type = TC58512_FLASH;
flash->chipSize = 0x4000000L;
flash->flags |= BIG_ADDR;
NFDC21thisVars->pagesPerBlock *= 2;
case 0x79: /* 128 Mb */
flash->type = TC581024_FLASH;
flash->chipSize = 0x8000000L;
flash->flags |= BIG_ADDR;
NFDC21thisVars->pagesPerBlock *= 2;
default : /* Undefined Flash */
return( FALSE );
flash->flags |= FULL_PAGE; /* no partial page programming */
default : /* Undefined Flash */
return( FALSE );
return( TRUE );
else /* dev != 0 */
if( (vendorId_p == NFDC21thisVars->vendorID) && (chipId_p == NFDC21thisVars->chipID) )
return( TRUE );
return( FALSE );
/* r e a d F l a s h I D */
/* */
/* Read vendor and chip IDs, count flash devices. Initialize relevant */
/* fields in data structures. */
/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* flash : Pointer identifying drive */
/* dev : dev chips were accessed before this one. */
/* */
/* Returns: */
/* TRUE if this media is supported, FALSE otherwise. */
/* */
static int readFlashID ( FLFlash * flash, int dev )
byte vendorId_p, chipId_p;
register int i;
volatile Reg8bitType junk = 0;
command (flash, READ_ID);
writeSignals (flash, FLASH_IO | ALE | CE | WP);
if( NFDC21thisVars->flags & MDOC_ASIC )
writeSignals (flash, FLASH_IO | CE | WP);
/* read vendor ID */
flDelayMsecs( 10 ); /* 10 microsec delay */
for( i = 0;( i < 2 ); i++ ) /* perform 2 reads from NOP reg for delay */
junk += flRead8bitReg(flash,NNOPreg);
if( NFDC21thisVars->flags & MDOC_ASIC ) {
junk += flRead8bitReg(flash,NreadPipeInit); /* load first data into pipeline */
vendorId_p = flRead8bitReg(flash,NreadLastData); /* finally read vendor ID */
else {
junk += flRead8bitReg(flash,NslowIO); /* read CDSN_slow_IO ignoring the data */
vendorId_p = flRead8bitReg(flash,NFDC21thisIO); /* finally read vendor ID */
/* read chip ID */
flDelayMsecs( 10 ); /* 10 microsec delay */
for( i = 0;( i < 2 ); i++ ) /* perform 2 reads from NOP reg for delay */
junk += flRead8bitReg(flash,NNOPreg);
if( NFDC21thisVars->flags & MDOC_ASIC ) {
junk += flRead8bitReg(flash,NreadPipeInit); /* load first data into pipeline */
chipId_p = flRead8bitReg(flash,NreadLastData); /* finally read chip ID */
else {
junk += flRead8bitReg(flash,NslowIO); /* read CDSN_slow_IO ignoring the data */
chipId_p = flRead8bitReg(flash,NFDC21thisIO); /* finally read chip ID */
if ( isKnownMedia(flash, vendorId_p, chipId_p, dev) != TRUE ) /* no chip or diff. */
return( FALSE ); /* type of flash */
writeSignals (flash, FLASH_IO);
/* set flash parameters */
if((dev == 0)
&& (NFDC21thisVars->currentFloor == 0)
NFDC21thisVars->pageAreaSize = 0x100;
if ( !(flash->flags & BIG_PAGE) )
NFDC21thisVars->tailSize = EXTRA_LEN; /* = 8 */
#endif /* BIG_PAGE_ENABLED */
NFDC21thisVars->tailSize = SECTOR_EXTRA_LEN; /* = 16 */
NFDC21thisVars->pageMask = (word)(flash->pageSize - 1);
flash->erasableBlockSize = NFDC21thisVars->pagesPerBlock * flash->pageSize;
NFDC21thisVars->noOfBlocks = (word)( flash->chipSize / flash->erasableBlockSize );
NFDC21thisVars->if_cfg = 8;
return( TRUE );
/* d o c 2 I d e n t i f y */
/* */
/* Identify flash. This routine will be registered as the */
/* identification routine for this MTD. */
/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* flash : Pointer identifying drive */
/* */
/* Returns: */
/* FLStatus : 0 on success, flUnknownMedia failed. */
/* */
FLStatus doc2000Identify(FLFlash * flash)
dword address = 0L;
int maxDevs, dev;
volatile Reg8bitType toggle1;
volatile Reg8bitType toggle2;
byte floorCnt = 0;
byte floor = 0;
#ifdef NT5PORT
byte socketNo = (byte)flSocketNoOf(flash->socket);
byte socketNo = flSocketNoOf(flash->socket);
#endif NT5PORT
DEBUG_PRINT(("Debug: entering NFDC 2148 identification routine.\r\n"));
flash->mtdVars = &docMtdVars[socketNo];
#ifndef FL_NO_USE_FUNC
/* Initialize socket memory access routine */
if(setBusTypeOfFlash(flash, flBusConfig[socketNo] |
return flUnknownMedia;
#endif /* FL_NO_USE_FUNC */
#if (defined(VERIFY_WRITE) || defined(VERIFY_ERASE) || defined(MTD_RECONSTRUCT_BBT))
/* Get pointer to read back buffer */
NFDC21thisVars->readBackBuffer = flReadBackBufferOf(socketNo);
/* get pointer to buffer (we assume SINGLE_BUFFER is not defined) */
NFDC21thisVars->buffer = flBufferOf(socketNo);
flSetWindowBusWidth(flash->socket, 16);/* use 8-bits */
flSetWindowSpeed(flash->socket, 250); /* 250 nsec. */
NFDC21thisVars->buffer = &globalMTDBuffer;
#endif /* MTD_READ_BBT */
#endif /* MTD_STANDALONE */
/* assume flash parameters for KM29N16000 */
NFDC21thisVars->floorSize = 1L;
/* NFDC21thisVars->currentFloor = flSocketNoOf(flash->socket);*/
flash->noOfFloors = MAX_FLOORS;
NFDC21thisVars->currentFloor = MAX_FLOORS;
flash->noOfChips = 0;
flash->chipSize = 0x200000L; /* Assume something ... */
flash->interleaving = 1; /* unimportant for now */
/* detect card - identify bit toggles on consequitive reads */
NFDC21thisWin = (NDOC2window)flMap(flash->socket, 0);
flash->win = NFDC21thisWin;
if (NFDC21thisWin == NULL)
return flUnknownMedia;
setASICmode (flash, ASIC_RESET_MODE);
setASICmode (flash, ASIC_NORMAL_MODE);
switch (flRead8bitReg(flash,NchipId))
/* Mdoc and alon asics have the same ID only on
the forth read distigushes them */
toggle1 = flRead8bitReg(flash,NchipId);
if (toggle1 != CHIP_ID_MDOC)
flash->mediaType = DOC2000TSOP_TYPE;
flash->mediaType = MDOC_TYPE;
NFDC21thisVars->flags |= MDOC_ASIC;
NFDC21thisVars->win_io = NIPLpart2;
case CHIP_ID_DOC: /* Doc2000 */
NFDC21thisVars->flags &= ~MDOC_ASIC;
NFDC21thisVars->win_io = Nio;
flash->mediaType = DOC_TYPE;
DEBUG_PRINT(("Debug: failed to identify NFDC 2148.\r\n"));
return( flUnknownMedia );
mapWin (flash, &address);
if( NFDC21thisVars->flags & MDOC_ASIC ) {
toggle1 = flRead8bitReg(flash,NECCconfig);
toggle2 = toggle1 ^ flRead8bitReg(flash,NECCconfig);
else {
toggle1 = flRead8bitReg(flash,NECCstatus);
toggle2 = toggle1 ^ flRead8bitReg(flash,NECCstatus);
if ( (toggle2 & TOGGLE) == 0 ) {
DEBUG_PRINT(("Debug: failed to identify NFDC 2148.\r\n"));
return( flUnknownMedia );
/* reset all flash devices */
for ( NFDC21thisVars->currentFloor = 0 ;
NFDC21thisVars->currentFloor < MAX_FLOORS ;
NFDC21thisVars->currentFloor++ )
/* select floor */
for ( dev = 0 ; dev < maxDevs ; dev++ ) {
selectChip(flash, (Reg8bitType)dev );
command(flash, RESET_FLASH);
NFDC21thisVars->currentFloor = (byte)0;
/* back to ground floor */
writeSignals (flash, FLASH_IO | WP);
/* identify and count flash chips, figure out flash parameters */
for( floor = 0; floor < MAX_FLOORS; floor++ )
for ( dev = 0; dev < maxDevs; dev++ )
dword addr = address;
mapWin(flash, &addr);
if ( readFlashID(flash, dev) == TRUE ) /* identified OK */
floorCnt = (byte)(floor + 1);
if (floor == 0)
NFDC21thisVars->floorSize += flash->chipSize * flash->interleaving;
address += flash->chipSize * flash->interleaving;
if (floor != 0)
dev = maxDevs;
floor = MAX_FLOORS;
maxDevs = dev;
NFDC21thisVars->floorSize = maxDevs * flash->chipSize * flash->interleaving;
NFDC21thisVars->currentFloor = (byte)0;
flWrite8bitReg(flash,NASICselect,(Reg8bitType)NFDC21thisVars->currentFloor); /* back to ground floor */
if (flash->noOfChips == 0) {
DEBUG_PRINT(("Debug: failed to identify NFDC 2148.\r\n"));
return( flUnknownMedia );
address = 0L;
mapWin (flash, &address);
flash->noOfFloors = floorCnt;
/* Register our flash handlers */
#ifndef FL_READ_ONLY
flash->write = doc2Write;
flash->erase = doc2Erase;
flash->erase = NULL;
flash->write = NULL;
flash->read = doc2Read;
flash->map = doc2Map;
flash->map = NULL;
#endif /* MTD_STANDALONE */
/* doc2000 tsop uses INFTL instead of NFTL , does not use
* the last block and has a readBBT routine
if (flash->mediaType == DOC2000TSOP_TYPE)
flash->readBBT = readBBT;
#endif /* MTD_READ_BBT */
#ifndef NO_IPL_CODE
flash->download = forceDownLoad;
#ifndef FL_READ_ONLY
flash->writeIPL = writeIPL;
#endif /* FL_READ_ONLY */
#endif /* NO_IPL_CODE */
flash->flags |= INFTL_ENABLED;
flash->flags |= NFTL_ENABLED;
if (flash->mediaType == MDOC_TYPE)
flash->flags |= EXTERNAL_EPROM; /* Supports external eprom */
DEBUG_PRINT(("Debug: identified NFDC 2148.\r\n"));
return( flOK );
/* f l R e g i s t e r D O C S O C */
/* */
/* Installs routines for DiskOnChip 2000 family. */
/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* lowAddress, */
/* highAddress : host memory range to search for DiskOnChip */
/* 2000 memory window */
/* */
/* Returns: */
/* FLStatus : 0 on success, otherwise failure */
#ifndef NT5PORT
FLStatus flRegisterDOCSOC(dword lowAddress, dword highAddress)
int serialNo;
if( noOfSockets >= SOCKETS )
return flTooManyComponents;
for(serialNo=0;( noOfSockets < SOCKETS );serialNo++,noOfSockets++)
FLSocket * socket = flSocketOf(noOfSockets);
socket->volNo = noOfSockets;
/* call DiskOnChip MTD's routine to search for memory window */
flSetWindowSize(socket, 2); /* 4 KBytes */
socket->window.baseAddress = flDocWindowBaseAddress
((byte)socket->volNo, lowAddress, highAddress, &lowAddress);
if (socket->window.baseAddress == 0) /* DiskOnChip not detected */
if( serialNo == 0 )
return flAdapterNotFound;
return flOK;
#endif /*NT5PORT*/
#else /* MTD_STANDALONE */
/* d o c 2 0 0 0 S e a r c h F o r W i n d o w */
/* */
/* Search for the DiskOnChip ASIC in a given memory range and */
/* initialize the given socket record. */
/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* socket : Record used to store the sockets parameters */
/* lowAddress : host memory range to search for DiskOnChip 2000 */
/* highAddress : memory window */
/* */
/* Output: initialize the following fields in the FLFlash record: */
/* */
/* base - Pointer to DiskOnChip window */
/* size - DiskOnChip window size usualy 8K */
/* */
/* Returns: */
/* FLStatus : 0 on success, flDriveNotAvailable on failure. */
/* */
/* NOTE: This routine is not used by OSAK. It is used by standalone */
/* applications using the MTD (BDK for example) as a replacement */
/* for the OSAK DOCSOC.C file. */
/* The FLSocket record used by this function is not the one used */
/* by OSAK defined in flsocket.h but a replacement record defined */
/* in flflash.h. */
/* */
FLStatus doc2000SearchForWindow(FLSocket * socket,
dword lowAddress,
dword highAddress)
dword baseAddress; /* Physical base as a 4K page */
socket->size = 2 * 0x1000L; /* 4 KBytes */
baseAddress = (dword) flDocWindowBaseAddress(0, lowAddress, highAddress, &lowAddress);
socket->base = physicalToPointer(baseAddress << 12, socket->size,0);
if (baseAddress) /* DiskOnChip detected */
return flOK;
else /* DiskOnChip not detected */
return flDriveNotAvailable;
/* d o c 2 0 0 0 F r e e W i n d o w */
/* */
/* Free any resources used for the DiskOnChip window */
/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* socket : Record used to store the sockets parameters */
/* */
/* Returns: None */
/* */
/* NOTE: This routine is used only by virtual memory systems in order */
/* to unmap the DiskOnChip window. */
/* */
void doc2000FreeWindow(FLSocket * socket)
#endif /* MTD_STANDALONE */
/* f l R e g i s t e r D O C 2 0 0 0 */
/* */
/* Registers this MTD for use */
/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* None */
/* */
/* Returns: */
/* FLStatus : 0 on success, otherwise failure */
FLStatus flRegisterDOC2000(void)
if (noOfMTDs >= MTDS)
return( flTooManyComponents );
socketTable[noOfMTDs] = doc2000SearchForWindow;
freeTable[noOfMTDs] = doc2000FreeWindow;
#endif /* MTD_STANDALONE */
mtdTable[noOfMTDs++] = doc2000Identify;
return( flOK );