Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
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// Graphic Object Classes
// Copyright Microsoft 1998-
#ifndef __GROBJ_HPP_
#define __GROBJ_HPP_
#define HIT_WINDOW 1
#define MAKE_HIT_RECT(r, p ) \
::SetRect(&r, p.x-HIT_WINDOW, p.y-HIT_WINDOW, p.x+HIT_WINDOW, p.y+HIT_WINDOW);
// Marker definitions
#define NO_HANDLE -1
#define TOP_LEFT 0
#define TOP_MIDDLE 1
#define TOP_RIGHT 2
#define RIGHT_MIDDLE 3
#define BOTTOM_RIGHT 4
#define BOTTOM_LEFT 6
#define LEFT_MIDDLE 7
// Definitions for text objects
#define LAST_LINE -1
#define LAST_CHAR -2
// Maximum number of points in a freehand object - determined by the fact
// that pointCount is held in a TSHR_UINT16 in WB_GRAPHIC_FREEHAND (awbdef.h)
BOOL EllipseHit(LPCRECT lpEllipseRect, BOOL bBorderHit, UINT uPenWidth, LPCRECT lpHitRect );
// Class to simulate CMapPtrToPtr but based on a linked list instead of the order-jumbling
// hashing method. This is the major cause of bug 354. I'm doing this instead of just replacing
// CMapPtrToPtr because it is used in a zillion places and I want to minimize changes to the
// multi-object select logic so that I don't break it.
class CPtrToPtrList : public COBLIST
CPtrToPtrList( void );
void SetAt( void *key, void *newValue );
BOOL RemoveKey( void *key );
void RemoveAll( void );
void GetNextAssoc( POSITION &rNextPosition, void *&rKey, void *&rValue ) ;
BOOL Lookup( void *key, void *&rValue );
struct stPtrPair
void *pMainThing;
void *pRelatedThing;
stPtrPair *FindMainThingPair( void *pMainThing, POSITION *pPos );
// Class: DCWbGraphic
// Purpose: Base graphic object class
class WbDrawingArea;
class DCWbGraphic
// Static graphic construction routines - return a pointer to a graphic
// of the relevant type given a page and graphic handle or a pointer to
// a flat graphic representation.
static DCWbGraphic* ConstructGraphic(WB_PAGE_HANDLE hPage,
static DCWbGraphic* ConstructGraphic(PWB_GRAPHIC pHeader);
static DCWbGraphic* ConstructGraphic(WB_PAGE_HANDLE hPage,
static DCWbGraphic* CopyGraphic(PWB_GRAPHIC pHeader);
// Constructor.
DCWbGraphic(PWB_GRAPHIC pHeader = NULL);
virtual ~DCWbGraphic( void );
virtual UINT IsGraphicTool(void) = 0;
// Get/set the bounding rectangle of the graphic object (in logical
// co-ordinates).
virtual void GetBoundsRect(LPRECT lprc) { *lprc = m_boundsRect; }
virtual void SetBoundsRect(LPCRECT lprc);
// Get the size of the object
virtual int Width(void) { return(m_boundsRect.right - m_boundsRect.left); }
virtual int Height(void) { return(m_boundsRect.bottom -; }
// Get/set the defining rectangle of the graphic - this is only set up
// for some object types e.g. rectangles and ellipses.
virtual LPCRECT GetRect(void) const { return(&m_rect); }
virtual void SetRect(LPCRECT lprc);
virtual void SetRectPts(POINT ptStart, POINT ptEnd);
// Get/set the color the object will be drawn in
virtual void SetColor(COLORREF clr);
{ return( SET_PALETTERGB(m_clrPenColor ) ); }
// Get/set the width of the pen used to draw the object
virtual void SetPenWidth(UINT uiWidth);
virtual UINT GetPenWidth(void) { return m_uiPenWidth; }
// Get/set the raster op to be used to draw the object
virtual void SetROP(int iPenROP);
virtual int GetROP(void) { return m_iPenROP; }
// Get/set the pen style
virtual void SetPenStyle(int iPenStyle);
virtual int GetPenStyle(void) { return m_iPenStyle; }
// Translates the graphic object by the x and y values of the point
// parameter.
virtual void MoveBy(int cx, int cy);
// Set the top left corner of the object's bounding rectangle to the
// point specified as parameter.
virtual void MoveTo(int x, int y);
// Return the top left corner of the objects bounding rectangle.
virtual void GetPosition(LPPOINT lpt);
// Return TRUE if the specified point is inside the bounding rectangle
// of the graphic object.
virtual BOOL PointInBounds(POINT pt);
// Draw the graphic object into the device context specified.
virtual void Draw(HDC hDC)
virtual void Draw(HDC hDC, WbDrawingArea * pDrawingArea)
{ Draw(hDC); }
virtual void Draw(HDC hDC, BOOL thumbNail)
{ Draw(hDC); }
// Return the page of the graphic object
virtual WB_PAGE_HANDLE Page(void) const { return m_hPage; }
// Return the handle of the graphic object
virtual WB_GRAPHIC_HANDLE Handle(void) const { return m_hGraphic; }
virtual void ZapHandle(void) {m_hGraphic = NULL;}
// Return TRUE if the graphic is topmost on its page
virtual BOOL IsTopmost(void);
// Update the external version of the graphic
virtual void ForceReplace(void);
virtual void Replace(void);
virtual void ForceUpdate(void);
virtual void Update(void);
virtual void Delete(void);
// Confirm an update or delete of the graphic
virtual void ReplaceConfirm(void);
virtual void UpdateConfirm(void);
virtual void DeleteConfirm(void);
virtual BOOL CheckReallyHit(LPCRECT pRectHit)
return(!IntersectRect(&rcT, &m_boundsRect, pRectHit));
// Lock and unlock the graphic - the lock or unlock will only take
// effect the next time the graphic is updated or replaced.
void Lock(void);
void Unlock(void);
BOOL Locked(void) { return (m_uiLockState == WB_GRAPHIC_LOCK_REMOTE); }
BOOL GotLock(void) { return (m_uiLockState == WB_GRAPHIC_LOCK_LOCAL); }
void ClearLockFlag(void) {m_uiLockState = WB_GRAPHIC_LOCK_NONE;}
UINT GetLockState( void )
{return( m_uiLockState );}
void SetLockState( UINT uLock )
{m_uiLockState = uLock;}
// Add this graphic to the specified page. This member must only be
// called if the graphic does not yet belong to a page (i.e. if
// hGraphic is NULL).
virtual void AddToPageLast(WB_PAGE_HANDLE hPage);
// Return a copy of the graphic - this is a complete copy with all
// data read into internal memory.
virtual DCWbGraphic* Copy(void) const;
// Return TRUE if the graphic has changed since it was last read/written
// from external storage.
virtual BOOL Changed(void) const { return m_bChanged; }
// Get/set the type of tool which drew the graphic, or at least one
// which can be used to manipulate it.
void GraphicTool(int toolType)
{ m_toolType = toolType; m_bChanged = TRUE; }
int GraphicTool(void) { return m_toolType; }
// Return the length of the external representation of the object
DWORD ExternalLength(void)
{return(m_dwExternalLength );}
// Initialize the member variables
virtual void Initialize(void);
// Bounding rectangle calculation
virtual void CalculateBoundsRect(void) { m_boundsRect = m_rect; }
// Ensure that a rectangle has top left to the left of and above bottom
// right.
void NormalizeRect(LPRECT lprc);
// Type of the graphic (used in the external representation)
virtual UINT Type(void) const { return 0; }
// Length of the external representation of the graphic
virtual DWORD CalculateExternalLength(void)
{ return sizeof(WB_GRAPHIC); }
// Convert between internal and external representations
virtual void ReadExternal(void);
virtual void ReadHeader(PWB_GRAPHIC pHeader);
virtual void ReadExtra(PWB_GRAPHIC) {}
virtual void CopyExtra(PWB_GRAPHIC) {}
virtual void WriteExternal(PWB_GRAPHIC pHeader);
virtual void WriteHeader(PWB_GRAPHIC pHeader);
virtual void WriteExtra(PWB_GRAPHIC) {}
// Page on which this object belongs
// Whiteboard Core handle for the object
// Flag indicating whether the graphic has changed since it was last
// read from external storage.
BOOL m_bChanged;
// Graphic header details
DWORD m_dwExternalLength; // Length of the object
RECT m_boundsRect; // Bounding
RECT m_rect; // Defining
COLORREF m_clrPenColor; // Color of pen as RGB
UINT m_uiPenWidth; // Width in logical units
int m_iPenROP; // Raster operation to be used for drawing
int m_iPenStyle; // Pen style to be used for drawing
UINT m_uiLockState; // Lock indicator
int m_toolType; // Type of tool used to create the graphic
// Class: DCWbGraphicMarker
// Purpose: Class representing an object marker. This is a set of eight
// handles drawn at intervals round the objects bounding rectangle.
// This is an internal object only - it is never passed to the
// Whiteboard Core DLL.
class DCWbGraphicMarker : public DCWbGraphic
friend class DCWbGraphicSelectTrackingRectangle;
// Constructors
UINT IsGraphicTool(void) { return enumGraphicMarker;}
// Rect that bounds all objs in RectList
virtual void GetBoundsRect(LPRECT lprc);
// Deletes all marker rects in RectList
void DeleteAllMarkers( DCWbGraphic *pLastSelectedGraphic,
BOOL bLockLastSelectedGraphic = FALSE );
// Deletes one marker
void DeleteMarker( DCWbGraphic *pGraphic );
// Sees if obj is already in marker
DCWbGraphic *HasAMarker( DCWbGraphic *pGraphic );
// Gets last marker
DCWbGraphic *LastMarker( void );
// Gets number of markers in marker list
int GetNumMarkers( void );
// Moves all selected objects by offset
virtual void MoveBy(int cx, int cy);
// Updates selected remote objects
void Update( void );
// Checks for point hitting any marker obj
BOOL PointInBounds(POINT pt);
// Changes color for selection
void SetColor(COLORREF color);
// Changes width of selection
void SetPenWidth(UINT uiWidth);
// Changes font of selection (text objs only)
void SetSelectionFont(HFONT hFont);
//Deletes all objs in selection
void DeleteSelection( void );
//Brings all objs in selection to top
void BringToTopSelection( void );
//Sends all objs to bottom
void SendToBackSelection( void );
//Renders marker objects to a multi-obj format and copies to the
// clipboard
BOOL RenderPrivateMarkerFormat( void );
//Pastes multi-obj clipboard data
void Paste( HANDLE handle );
// Set the object defining rectangle - this is only set up for some
// object types e.g. rectangles and ellipses.
BOOL SetRect(LPCRECT lprc, DCWbGraphic *pGraphic, BOOL bRedraw,
BOOL bLockObject = TRUE );
// Return an indication of which handle the specified point lies in.
int PointInMarker(POINT pt);
// Draw the marker
void Draw(HDC hDC, BOOL bDrawObjects = FALSE );
void Undraw(HDC hDC, WbDrawingArea * pDrawingArea);
void DrawRect( HDC hDC, LPCRECT pMarkerRect,
BOOL bDrawObject, DCWbGraphic *pGraphic );
void UndrawRect(HDC hDC, WbDrawingArea * pDrawingArea,
LPCRECT pMarkerRect );
// Override the base graphic object functions that are not appropriate
// for this graphic type. This prevents updates being made for changes
// to pen attributes (for instance).
void Present( BOOL bOn )
{m_bMarkerPresent = bOn;}
// Bounding rectangle calculation
void CalculateBoundsRect(void);
// Marker rectangle calculation
void CalculateMarkerRectangles(void);
// Marker rectangle
RECT m_markerRect;
CPtrToPtrList MarkerList; // keys are DCWbGraphic pointers,
// values are LPRECT pointers.
BOOL m_bMarkerPresent;
void UndrawMarker(LPCRECT pMarkerREct);
// Brush used to draw the marker rectangle
HBRUSH m_hMarkerBrush;
// Class: DCWbGraphicLine
// Purpose: Class representing straight line
class DCWbGraphicLine : public DCWbGraphic
// Constructors
DCWbGraphicLine(void) { }
DCWbGraphicLine(PWB_GRAPHIC pHeader)
: DCWbGraphic(pHeader) { }
: DCWbGraphic(hPage, hGraphic) { }
// Set the object start and end points
void SetStart(POINT ptStart);
void SetEnd(POINT ptEnd);
UINT IsGraphicTool(void) {return enumNoGraphicTool;}
// Draw the object
void Draw(HDC hDC);
// Translate the graphic object by the x and y values of the point
// parameter.
virtual void MoveBy(int cx, int cy);
// Override the base graphic object functions that are not appropriate
// for this graphic type. This prevents updates being made for changes
// to pen attributes (for instance).
virtual BOOL CheckReallyHit( LPCRECT pRectHit );
// Type of the graphic (used for writing to external memory)
virtual UINT Type(void) const { return TYPE_GRAPHIC_LINE; }
// Bounding rectangle calculation
void CalculateBoundsRect(void);
// Class: DCWbGraphicTrackingLine
// Purpose: Class representing an XORed straight line (for rubber banding)
// This is an internal object only - it is never passed to the
// Whiteboard Core DLL.
class DCWbGraphicTrackingLine : public DCWbGraphicLine
// Constructor
DCWbGraphicTrackingLine(void) { SetROP(R2_NOTXORPEN); };
// Class: DCWbGraphicFreehand
// Purpose: Class representing multiple line segments
class DCDWordArray
void Add(POINT point);
BOOL ReallocateArray(void);
POINT* GetBuffer(void) { return m_pData; }
void SetSize(UINT size);
UINT GetSize(void);
POINT* operator[](UINT index){return &(m_pData[index]);}
POINT* m_pData;
UINT m_Size;
UINT m_MaxSize;
class DCWbGraphicFreehand : public DCWbGraphic
// Constructors
DCWbGraphicFreehand(PWB_GRAPHIC pHeader);
DCWbGraphicFreehand(WB_PAGE_HANDLE hPage, WB_GRAPHIC_HANDLE hGraphic);
UINT IsGraphicTool(void) { return enumGraphicFreeHand;}
// Add a point to the list, returning success
BOOL AddPoint(POINT pt);
// Translate the graphic object by the x and y values of the point
// parameter.
virtual void MoveBy(int cx, int cy);
// Draw the object
void Draw(HDC hDC);
virtual BOOL CheckReallyHit( LPCRECT pRectHit );
// Type of the graphic (used for writing to external memory)
virtual UINT Type(void) const { return TYPE_GRAPHIC_FREEHAND; }
// Length of the external representation of the graphic
virtual DWORD CalculateExternalLength(void);
// Convert between internal and external representations
void WriteExtra(PWB_GRAPHIC pHeader);
void ReadExtra(PWB_GRAPHIC pHeader);
// Bounding rectangle calculation
void CalculateBoundsRect(void);
void AddPointToBounds(int x, int y);
// Array holding point information
DCDWordArray points; //CHANGED BY RAND
// Spline curve smoothing drawing functions
void DrawUnsmoothed(HDC hDC);
// Class: DCWbGraphicRectangle
// Purpose: Class representing a rectangle
class DCWbGraphicRectangle : public DCWbGraphic
// Constructors
DCWbGraphicRectangle(void) { }
DCWbGraphicRectangle(PWB_GRAPHIC pHeader)
: DCWbGraphic(pHeader) { }
DCWbGraphicRectangle(WB_PAGE_HANDLE hPage, WB_GRAPHIC_HANDLE hGraphic)
: DCWbGraphic(hPage, hGraphic) { }
UINT IsGraphicTool(void) {return enumNoGraphicTool;}
// Set the defining rectangle
void SetRect(LPCRECT lprc);
// Draw the object
void Draw(HDC hDC);
// Translate the graphic object by the x and y values of the point
// parameter.
virtual void MoveBy(int cx, int cy);
// Override the base graphic object functions that are not appropriate
// for this graphic type. This prevents updates being made for changes
// to pen attributes (for instance).
virtual BOOL CheckReallyHit( LPCRECT pRectHit );
// Type of the graphic (used for writing to external memory)
virtual UINT Type(void) const { return TYPE_GRAPHIC_RECTANGLE; }
// Bounding rectangle calculation
void CalculateBoundsRect(void);
// Class: DCWbGraphicTrackingRectangle
// Purpose: Class representing an XORed rectangle (for rubber banding)
// This is an internal object only - it is never passed to the
// Whiteboard Core DLL.
class DCWbGraphicTrackingRectangle : public DCWbGraphicRectangle
// Constructor
DCWbGraphicTrackingRectangle(void) { SetROP(R2_NOTXORPEN); };
class DCWbGraphicSelectTrackingRectangle : public DCWbGraphicRectangle
// Constructor
{SetROP(R2_NOTXORPEN); = 0; = 0; }
void Draw( HDC hDC);
virtual void MoveBy(int cx, int cy);
SIZE m_Offset;
// Class: DCWbGraphicFilledRectangle
// Purpose: Class representing a filled rectangle
class DCWbGraphicFilledRectangle : public DCWbGraphicRectangle
// Constructors
DCWbGraphicFilledRectangle(void) { }
DCWbGraphicFilledRectangle(PWB_GRAPHIC pHeader)
: DCWbGraphicRectangle(pHeader) { }
DCWbGraphicFilledRectangle(WB_PAGE_HANDLE hPage,
: DCWbGraphicRectangle(hPage, hGraphic) { }
UINT IsGraphicTool(void) { return enumGraphicFilledRectangle;}
// Draw the object
void Draw(HDC hDC);
// Override the base graphic object functions that are not appropriate
// for this graphic type. This prevents updates being made for changes
// to pen attributes (for instance).
virtual BOOL CheckReallyHit( LPCRECT pRectHit );
// Type of the graphic (used for writing to external memory)
virtual UINT Type(void) const { return TYPE_GRAPHIC_FILLED_RECTANGLE; }
// Bounding rectangle calculation
void CalculateBoundsRect(void);
// Class: DCWbGraphicEllipse
// Purpose: Class representing an ellipse
class DCWbGraphicEllipse : public DCWbGraphic
// Constructor
DCWbGraphicEllipse(void) { }
DCWbGraphicEllipse(PWB_GRAPHIC pHeader)
: DCWbGraphic(pHeader) { }
DCWbGraphicEllipse(WB_PAGE_HANDLE hPage, WB_GRAPHIC_HANDLE hGraphic)
: DCWbGraphic(hPage, hGraphic) { }
UINT IsGraphicTool(void) {return enumNoGraphicTool;}
// Set the defining rectangle
void SetRect(LPCRECT lprc);
// Draw the object
void Draw(HDC hDC);
// Translate the graphic object by the x and y values of the point
// parameter.
virtual void MoveBy(int cx, int cy);
// Override the base graphic object functions that are not appropriate
// for this graphic type. This prevents updates being made for changes
// to pen attributes (for instance).
virtual BOOL CheckReallyHit(LPCRECT pRectHit );
// Type of the graphic (used for writing to external memory)
virtual UINT Type(void) const { return TYPE_GRAPHIC_ELLIPSE; }
// Bounding rectangle calculation
void CalculateBoundsRect(void);
// Class: DCWbGraphicTrackingEllipse
// Purpose: Class representing an XORed ellipse (for rubber banding)
// This is an internal object only - it is never passed to the
// Whiteboard Core DLL.
class DCWbGraphicTrackingEllipse : public DCWbGraphicEllipse
// Constructors
DCWbGraphicTrackingEllipse(void) { SetROP(R2_NOTXORPEN); };
// Class: DCWbGraphicFilledEllipse
// Purpose: Class representing a filled ellipse
class DCWbGraphicFilledEllipse : public DCWbGraphicEllipse
// Constructor
DCWbGraphicFilledEllipse(void) { }
DCWbGraphicFilledEllipse(PWB_GRAPHIC pHeader)
: DCWbGraphicEllipse(pHeader) { }
DCWbGraphicFilledEllipse(WB_PAGE_HANDLE hPage,
: DCWbGraphicEllipse(hPage, hGraphic) { }
UINT IsGraphicTool(void) { return enumGraphicFilledEllipse;}
// Draw the object
void Draw(HDC hDC);
virtual BOOL CheckReallyHit(LPCRECT pRectHit );
// Type of the graphic (used for writing to external memory)
virtual UINT Type(void) const { return TYPE_GRAPHIC_FILLED_ELLIPSE; }
// Bounding rectangle calculation
void CalculateBoundsRect(void);
// Class: DCWbGraphicText
// Purpose: Class representing a text object
class DCWbGraphicText : public DCWbGraphic
// Friend declaration for text editing
friend class WbTextEditor;
// Friend declaration for copying to the clipboard
friend class WbMainWindow;
// Constructors
DCWbGraphicText(PWB_GRAPHIC pHeader);
// Destructor
UINT IsGraphicTool(void) { return enumGraphicText;}
// Set the text of the object
virtual void SetText(TCHAR * strText);
virtual void SetText(const StrArray& strTextArray);
// Get/Set the font for drawing the text
virtual void SetFont(HFONT hFont);
virtual void SetFont(LOGFONT *pLogFont, BOOL bReCalc=TRUE );
virtual HFONT GetFont(void) {return m_hFont;};
// Draw - draw the object
void Draw(HDC hDC) { Draw(hDC, FALSE); };
void Draw(HDC hDC, BOOL thumbNail);
// InvalidateMetrics - flag metrics need to be reread
void InvalidateMetrics(void);
// Override the base graphic object functions that are not appropriate
// for this graphic type. This prevents updates being made for changes
// to pen attributes (for instance).
void SetPenWidth(UINT) { };
void SetROP(int) { };
void SetPenStyle(int) { };
virtual BOOL CheckReallyHit( LPCRECT pRectHit );
virtual void GetPosition(LPPOINT lppt); // added for bug 469
// Type of the graphic (used for writing to external memory)
virtual UINT Type(void) const { return TYPE_GRAPHIC_TEXT; }
// Bounding rectangle calculation
void CalculateBoundsRect(void);
// Length of the external representation of the graphic
virtual DWORD CalculateExternalLength(void);
// Convert between internal and external representations
void WriteExtra(PWB_GRAPHIC pHeader);
void ReadExtra(PWB_GRAPHIC pHeader);
// Calculate the rectangle of a portion of a single line of text
ABC GetTextABC( LPCTSTR strText,
int iStartX,
int iStopX);
void GetTextRectangle(int iStartY,
int iStartX,
int iStopX,
LPRECT lprc);
void CalculateRect(int iStartX,
int iStartY,
int iStopX,
int iStopY,
LPRECT lprc);
// Array for storing text
StrArray strTextArray;
// Font details
HFONT m_hFont;
HFONT m_hFontThumb;
BOOL m_bFirstSetFontCall;
LONG m_nKerningOffset; // added for bug 469
TEXTMETRIC m_textMetrics;
// Class: DCWbGraphicDIB
// Purpose: Class representing a drawn DI bitmap object
typedef struct tagHOLD_DATA
class DCWbGraphicDIB : public DCWbGraphic
// Constructors
DCWbGraphicDIB(PWB_GRAPHIC pHeader);
UINT IsGraphicTool(void) { return enumGraphicDIB; }
// Destructor
// Set the contents of the bitmap
// Set the contents of the bitmap from the screen
void FromScreenArea(LPCRECT lprcScreen);
// Draw the object
void Draw(HDC hDC);
// Delete the image currently held internally (if any)
void DeleteImage(void);
// Override the base graphic object functions that are not appropriate
// for this graphic type. This prevents updates being made for changes
// to pen attributes (for instance).
void SetPenWidth(UINT) { };
void SetColor(COLORREF) { };
void SetROP(int) { };
void SetPenStyle(int) { };
virtual BOOL CheckReallyHit( LPCRECT pRectHit );
// Type of the graphic (used for writing to external memory)
virtual UINT Type(void) const { return TYPE_GRAPHIC_DIB; }
// Bounding rectangle calculation
void CalculateBoundsRect(void);
// Length of the external representation of the graphic
virtual DWORD CalculateExternalLength(void);
// Convert between internal and external representations
void WriteExtra(PWB_GRAPHIC pHeader);
void CopyExtra(PWB_GRAPHIC pHeader);
// Get the DIB data
void ReleaseDIBData(HOLD_DATA& hold);
// Pointer to the DIB bits
class ObjectTrashCan : public DCWbGraphic
UINT IsGraphicTool(void) {return enumNoGraphicTool;}
BOOL GotTrash( void );
void CollectTrash( DCWbGraphic *pGObj );
void SelectTrash( void );
void EmptyTrash( void );
void BurnTrash( void );
virtual void AddToPageLast(WB_PAGE_HANDLE hPage);
#endif // __GROBJ_HPP_