Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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// MODULE: StateInfo.cpp
// PURPOSE: Contains sniffing, network and node information. Also is used
// by the Launch module to start the container application.
// PROJECT: Local Troubleshooter Launcher for the Device Manager
// COMPANY: Saltmine Creative, Inc. (206)-633-4743 [email protected]
// AUTHOR: Richard Meadows
// COMMENTS BY: Joe Mabel
// ORIGINAL DATE: 2-26-98
// Version Date By Comments
// V0.1 - RM Original
enum ELaunchRegime
launchIndefinite = 0,
// Basically, this is the structure to pass information to the launched
// Local Troubleshooter OCX
class CItem
enum { SYM_LEN = 512 };
enum { NODE_COUNT = 55 };
enum { GUID_LEN = 256 }; // this is used for other things besides GUIDs, so
// don't shrink it just because GUIDs are smaller.
void ReInit();
void Clear();
void SetNetwork(LPCTSTR szNetwork);
void SetProblem(LPCTSTR szProblem);
void SetNode(LPCTSTR szNode, LPCTSTR szState);
bool GetNetwork(LPTSTR *pszCmd, LPTSTR *pszVal);
bool GetProblem(LPTSTR *szCmd, LPTSTR *szVal);
bool GetNodeState(int iNodeC, LPTSTR *szCmd, LPTSTR *szVal);
TCHAR m_szEventName[SYM_LEN]; // an arbitrary, unique event name related to this
// launch.
// ProblemSet and NetworkSet are used to query the state of the item.
bool ProblemSet();
bool NetworkSet();
// Interface to other member variables recponsible for launching
void SetLaunchRegime(ELaunchRegime eLaunchRegime);
void SetContainerPathName(TCHAR szContainerPathName[MAX_PATH]);
void SetWebPage(TCHAR m_szWebPage[MAX_PATH]);
void SetSniffScriptFile(TCHAR szSniffScriptFile[MAX_PATH]);
void SetSniffStandardFile(TCHAR szSniffStandardFile[MAX_PATH]);
ELaunchRegime GetLaunchRegime();
TCHAR* GetContainerPathName();
TCHAR* GetWebPage();
TCHAR* GetSniffScriptFile();
TCHAR* GetSniffStandardFile();
// Although the troubleshooting network & problem node are already specified,
// this info is here for sniffing. That is, the Troubleshooter OCX can get the
// P&P device ID & use it for sniffing purposes.
TCHAR m_szPNPDeviceID[GUID_LEN]; // Plug & Play Device ID
TCHAR m_szGuidClass[GUID_LEN]; // Standard text representation of Device Class GUID
TCHAR m_szMachineID[GUID_LEN]; // Machine name (in format like "\\holmes")
// Needed so that we can sniff on a remote machine
TCHAR m_szDeviceInstanceID[GUID_LEN]; // Needed so that we can sniff correct device
TCHAR m_szProblemDef[SYM_LEN]; // "TShootProblem", typically used as m_aszCmds[1]
// so that m_aszVals[1] is the name of the
// problem node
TCHAR m_szTypeDef[SYM_LEN]; // "type", typically used as m_aszCmds[0]
// so that m_aszVals[0] is the name of the
// troubleshooting belief network
int m_cNodesSet; // The number of nodes, other than the problem
// node, for which we've set states.
// The next two arrays are used jointly. m_aszCmds[i] and m_aszVals[i] are
// a name/value pair similar to what would be returned by an HTML form,
// although, in practice, the Local Troubleshooter OCX does the work that
// (on the Web) would be performed by server-side code.
// Typically these arrays have m_cNodesSet+2 significant entries (with the first
// 2 locations indicating troubleshooting network and problem node).
// Second dimension is just amount of space for each string.
TCHAR m_szContainerPathName[MAX_PATH]; // name (possibly full path) of executable intended to start
TCHAR m_szWebPage[MAX_PATH]; // full path of web page file (possibly default) to start container with
TCHAR m_szSniffScriptFile[MAX_PATH]; // contains full path and file name of "network"_sniff.htm file
TCHAR m_szSniffStandardFile[MAX_PATH]; // contains full path and file name of tssniffAsk.htm file
ELaunchRegime m_eLaunchRegime; // regime of launch
class CSMStateInfo
enum { HANDLE_VAL = 1 };
/* Made for the ILaunchTS interface . */
HRESULT GetShooterStates(CItem &refLaunchState, DWORD *pdwResult);
/* Made for the ITShootATL interface . */
bool GoGo(DWORD dwTimeOut, CItem &item, DWORD *pdwResult);
bool GoURL(CItem &item, DWORD *pdwResult);
/* Made to verify the mapping code. */
// The ILaunchTS interface uses TestGet directly.
// The ITShootATL interface uses TestPut indirectly through the CLaunch class.
// CLaunch does the mapping and then calls TestPut.
void TestPut(CItem &item); // Simply copies item to m_Item.
void TestGet(CItem &item); // Simply copies m_Item to item.
CComCriticalSection m_csGlobalMemory; // Critical section to protect global
// memory against simultaneous use by
// TSLaunch.DLL & Local Troubleshooter OCX
CComCriticalSection m_csSingleLaunch; // Critical section to prevent distinct
// launches (say, by 2 different applications)
// from overlapping dangerously.
CItem m_Item;
BOOL CreateContainer(CItem &item, LPTSTR szCommand);
BOOL CopySniffScriptFile(CItem &item);