Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
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// PURPOSE: read - write to the registry
// COMPANY: Saltmine Creative, Inc. (206)-284-7511 [email protected]
// AUTHOR: Oleg Kalosha
// ORIGINAL DATE: 8-24-98
// 1. This file is shared by Local TS and Online TS, but implemented separately in each.
// The relevant CPP files are OnlineRegConnect.cpp and LocalRegConnect.cpp, respectively.
// 2. If we are moving toward a COM object at some point, we will probably have to establish an
// abstract class in lieu of CAPGTSRegConnector and have Online & Local TS's each derive their
// own version. Meanwhile (1/99), we share a common interface (defined in APGTSRegConnect.h)
// but implement it differently.
// Version Date By Comments
// V3.0 08-04-98 OK
#include "BaseException.h"
#include "Stateless.h"
#include "regutil.h"
#include "MutexOwner.h"
#include "commonregconnect.h"
// no registry parameter can be larger than this value
#define ABS_MAX_REG_PARAM_VAL 10000
class CAPGTSRegConnectorException; // find class declaration under
// CAPGTSRegConnector class declaration
// CAPGTSRegConnector
// Performs connection of APGTS project to the registry,
// that means loading data stored in the registry,
// creation of keys and values if not presented in the registry,
// detecting what kind of registry - stored data has recently been changed.
class CAPGTSRegConnector
enum ERegConnector {
eIndefinite = 0x0,
eResourcePath = 0x1,
eVrootPath = 0x2,
eMaxThreads = 0x4,
// 0x8 is currently unassigned
eThreadsPP = 0x10,
eMaxWQItems = 0x20,
eCookieLife = 0x40,
eReloadDelay = 0x80,
// 0x100 is currently unassigned
eDetailedEventLogging= 0x200,
eLogFilePath = 0x400,
// only appropriate in Local Troubleshooter
eTopicFileExtension = 0x800,
// currently appropriate only in Local Troubleshooter
eSniffAutomatic = 0x1000,
eSniffManual = 0x2000,
// the rest just for use in exception handling
eProblemWithLogKey = 0x4000, // problem with key to IIS area where we get log file path
eProblemWithKey = 0x8000
static CString & StringFromConnector(ERegConnector e, CString & str);
static ERegConnector ConnectorFromString( const CString & str);
static void AddBackslash(CString & str);
static void BackslashIt(CString & str, bool bForce);
static bool IsNumeric(ERegConnector e);
static bool IsString(ERegConnector e);
static bool AssignString(CString & strPersist, const CString & strNew, DWORD dwEvent);
static bool AssignNumeric(DWORD & dwPersist, DWORD dwNew,
DWORD dwEvent, DWORD dwEventDecrease =0);
static bool ForceRangeOfNumeric(DWORD & dw, DWORD dwDefault, DWORD dwEvent,
struct CRegistryInfo
CString strResourcePath; // DEF_FULLRESOURCE: resource directory
// (configuration/support files)
CString strVrootPath; // DEF_VROOTPATH: local web URL to the DLL
DWORD dwMaxThreads; // desired number of pool threads
DWORD dwThreadsPP; // (On Microsoft's server farm,
// this system runs on a 4-processor box.)
// If dwThreadsPP * (number of processors) > dwMaxThreads,
// dwMaxThreads wins out as a limitation
DWORD dwMaxWQItems; // Maximum size of Pool Queue (number of work items
// not yet picked up by a pool thread)
DWORD dwCookieLife; // cookie life in minutes
DWORD dwReloadDelay; // Amount of time (in seconds) file system must settle
// down before we try to read from files
DWORD dwDetailedEventLogging; // really a boolean
CString strLogFilePath; // Defaults to DEF_FULLRESOURCE, but expect always to
// override that with the location of the IIS log.
CString strTopicFileExtension; // appropriate only in Local Troubleshooter
DWORD dwSniffAutomatic; // {1/0} control automatic sniffing
DWORD dwSniffManual; // {1/0} control manual sniffing
bool m_bIsRead; // indicates that there has been at least one attempt to read the registry
CRegistryInfo() {SetToDefault();}
void SetToDefault();
CRegistryInfo m_RegistryInfo;
static CMutexOwner s_mx;
CString m_strTopicName; // This string is ignored in the Online Troubleshooter.
// Done under the guise of binary compatibility.
CAPGTSRegConnector( const CString& strTopicName ); // strTopicName is ignored in the Online Troubleshooter.
// Done under the guise of binary compatibility.
bool Exists(); // the root key (In Online TS, "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\\ISAPITroubleShoot") exists
bool IsRead();
bool Read(int & maskChanged, int & maskCreated); // pump data into m_RegistryInfo -
// PLUS sets absent data in registry to default.
DWORD GetDesiredThreadCount();
bool GetNumericInfo(ERegConnector, DWORD&); // returns registry data - numeric
bool GetStringInfo(ERegConnector, CString&); // returns registry data - string
bool SetOneValue(const CString & strName, const CString & strValue, bool &bChanged);
void Lock();
void Unlock();
void ReadUpdateRegistry(int & maskChanged, int & maskCreated);
CString ThisProgramFullKey();
void SetNumericValue(CRegUtil &reg, ERegConnector e, DWORD dwValue);
void SetStringValue(CRegUtil &reg, ERegConnector e, CString strValue);
bool SetOneNumericValue(ERegConnector e, DWORD dwValue);
bool SetOneStringValue(ERegConnector e, const CString & strValue);
void Clear();
LPCTSTR RegSoftwareLoc();
LPCTSTR RegThisProgram();
// CAPGTSRegConnectorException
class CAPGTSRegConnectorException : public CBaseException
CAPGTSRegConnector::ERegConnector eVariable;
CRegUtil& regUtil;
// we are supposed to get WinErr (return of failed ::Reg function)
// from the regUtil variable
// source_file is LPCSTR rather than LPCTSTR because __FILE__ is char[35]
CAPGTSRegConnectorException(LPCSTR source_file,
int line,
CRegUtil& reg_util,
CAPGTSRegConnector::ERegConnector variable =CAPGTSRegConnector::eIndefinite)
: CBaseException(source_file, line),
void Close() {regUtil.Close();}
void Log();