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This is the formatting page for query results. This file defines
how the result page header, rows, and footer will appear.
<LINK REL=STYLESHEET HREF="is2admin.css" TYPE="text/css">
<TITLE>Unfiltered documents</TITLE>
<BODY BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" TEXT="#000000" LINK="#000066" VLINK="#808080" ALINK="#FF0000" TOPMARGIN=0>
<TR><TD><A HREF="" target="_top"><IMG SRC ="is2logo.gif" VALIGN=MIDDLE ALIGN=LEFT border=0></a></TD></TR>
<TR><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><H3>Administration - Unfiltered Documents</H3></TD></TR>
<!-- Print a header that lists the query and the number of hits -->
<table width=100%>
<td bgcolor=pink align=center class=RecordStats>
<%if CiMatchedRecordCount eq 0%>
All documents have been successfully filtered.
Documents in this list failed to filter. Possible causes include document corruption,
property set corruption and password protection.
This table has a link to a new query page, a previous button, and
a next page button. The buttons are only displayed when appropriate.
<!-- Define a "previous" button if this isn't the first page -->
<%if CiContainsFirstRecord eq 0%>
<FORM ACTION="/iisadmin/isadmin/unfilt.idq" METHOD="GET">
NAME="CiBookMark" VALUE="<%CiBookMark%>" >
NAME="CiBookmarkSkipCount" VALUE="-<%EscapeRAW CiMaxRecordsPerPage%>" >
VALUE="Previous <%CiMaxRecordsPerPage%> documents">
<!-- Define a "next" button if this isn't the last page -->
<%if CiContainsLastRecord eq 0%>
<FORM ACTION="/iisadmin/isadmin/unfilt.idq" METHOD="GET">
NAME="CiBookMark" VALUE="<%CiBookMark%>" >
NAME="CiBookmarkSkipCount" VALUE="<%EscapeRAW CiMaxRecordsPerPage%>" >
VALUE="Next <%CiRecordsNextPage%> documents">
The begindetail/enddetail section describes how each row of output
is be formatted. The sample below prints:
- record number
- document title (if one exists) or virtual path of the file
- the abstract for the file
- the url for the file
- the file's size and last write time
<table width=100%>
<colgroup span=1 width=120 bgcolor=#AACCEE align=right>
<tr><td><b>Virtual Path:</b></td><td><a href="<%EscapeURL vpath%>"><%vpath%></a></td></tr>
<tr><td><b>Physical Path:</b></td><td><%path%></td></tr>
<tr><td><b>Last Modified:</b></td><td><%if write ne ""%><%write%> GMT<%endif%></td></tr>
<tr><td bgcolor=#FFFFFF>&nbsp<br></td></tr>
<!-- Only display a line if there were any hits that matched the query -->
<%if CiMatchedRecordCount ne 0%>
<!-- Define a "previous" button if this isn't the first page -->
<%if CiContainsFirstRecord eq 0%>
<FORM ACTION="/iisadmin/isadmin/unfilt.idq" METHOD="GET">
NAME="CiBookMark" VALUE="<%CiBookMark%>" >
NAME="CiBookmarkSkipCount" VALUE="-<%EscapeRAW CiMaxRecordsPerPage%>" >
NAME="CiRestriction" VALUE="<%CiRestriction%>" >
NAME="CiMaxRecordsPerPage" VALUE="<%CiMaxRecordsPerPage%>" >
VALUE="Previous <%CiMaxRecordsPerPage%> documents">
<!-- Define a "next" button if this isn't the last page -->
<%if CiContainsLastRecord eq 0%>
<FORM ACTION="/iisadmin/isadmin/unfilt.idq" METHOD="GET">
NAME="CiBookMark" VALUE="<%CiBookMark%>" >
NAME="CiBookmarkSkipCount" VALUE="<%EscapeRAW CiMaxRecordsPerPage%>" >
NAME="CiRestriction" VALUE="<%CiRestriction%>" >
NAME="CiMaxRecordsPerPage" VALUE="<%CiMaxRecordsPerPage%>" >
VALUE="Next <%CiRecordsNextPage%> documents">
If the index is out of date (for example, if it's still being created
or updated after changes to files in an indexed directory) let the
user know.
<table width=100%>
<td class=RecordStats align=center bgcolor=pink>
<%if CiOutOfDate ne 0%>
<P class=RecordStats>The index is out of date.
If the query was not executed because it needed to enumerate to
resolve the query instead of using the index, but CiForceUseCi
was TRUE, let the user know
<%if CiQueryIncomplete eq 1%>
<p class=RecordStats>The query is too expensive to complete.