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Copyright (c) 1997 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Structure definitions for the ARP protocol implementation
Aaron Ogus (aarono)
Revision History:
Date Author Description
======= ====== ============================================================
1/27/97 aarono Original
2/18/98 aarono Added more fields to SEND for SendEx support
6/6/98 aarono Turn on throttling and windowing
#ifndef _ARPSTRUC_H_
#define _ARPSTRUC_H_
#include <windows.h>
#include <mmsystem.h>
#include <dplay.h>
#include "arpd.h"
#include "bufpool.h"
#include "bilink.h"
#include "mydebug.h"
//#include "threads.h"
#define VOL volatile
// Information about sent packets, tracked for operational statistics.
typedef struct PROTOCOL *PPROTOCOL;
typedef struct _SENDSTAT {
#ifdef SIGN
UINT Signature; // Signature for SIGN
union {
BILINK StatList; // linked on Send and later SESSION.
struct _SENDSTAT *pNext;
UINT messageid;
UINT sequence; // sequence number
UINT serial; // serial number
UINT tSent; // tick time when this packet instance sent.
UINT LocalBytesSent; // number of bytes sent on session at send time.
UINT RemoteBytesReceived;// last remote byte report at send time.
UINT tRemoteBytesReceived; // remote timestamp when received.
UINT bResetBias;
#define SEND_SIGN SIGNATURE('S','E','N','D')
typedef enum _TRANSMITSTATE {
Start=0, // Never sent a packet.
Sending=1, // Thread to send is running and xmitting.
Throttled=2, // Waiting for send bandwidth.
WaitingForAck=3, // Timer running, listening for ACKs.
WaitingForId=4, // Waiting for a Send Id.
ReadyToSend=5, // Have stuff to xmit, waiting for thread.
TimedOut=6, // Retry timed out.
Cancelled=7, // User cancelled send.
UserTimeOut=8, // Didn't try to send until too late.
Done=9 // Finished sending, singalled sender.
struct _SESSION;
// this Send is an ACK or NACK (OR'ed into SEND.dwFlags)
#define ASEND_PROTOCOL 0x80000000
#pragma pack(push,1)
typedef struct _SEND{
#ifdef SIGN
UINT Signature; // Signature for SIGN
CRITICAL_SECTION SendLock; // Lock for Send Structure
VOL UINT RefCount; // @#$%!
VOL TRANSMITSTATE SendState; // State of this message's transmission.
// Lists and Links...
union {
struct _SEND *pNext; // linking on free pool
BILINK SendQ; // linking on session send queue
BILINK m_GSendQ; // Global Priority Queue
BILINK TimeoutList; // List of sends waiting for timeout (workaround MMTIMER cancel bug).
struct _SESSION *pSession; // pointer to SESSIONion(gets a ref)
PPROTOCOL pProtocol; // pointer to Protocol instance that created us.
// Send Information
DPID idFrom;
DPID idTo;
WORD wIdTo; // index in table
WORD wIdFrom; // index in table
UINT dwFlags; // Send Flags (include reliable)
PBUFFER pMessage; // Buffer chain describing message.
UINT MessageSize; // Total size of the message.
UINT FrameDataLen; // Data area of each frame.
UINT nFrames; // Number of frames for this message.
UINT Priority; // Send Priority.
// User cancel and complete info
DWORD dwMsgID; // message id given to user, for use in cancel.
LPVOID lpvUserMsgID; // user's own identifier for this send.
BOOL bSendEx; // called through SendEx.
// Vars for reliability
BOOL fSendSmall;
VOL BOOL fUpdate; // update to NS,NR NACKMask made by receive.
UINT messageid; // Message ID number.
UINT serial; // serial number.
VOL UINT OpenWindow; // Number of sends we are trying to get outstanding
VOL UINT NS; // Sequence Sent.
VOL UINT NR; // Sequence ACKED.
UINT SendSEQMSK; // Mask to use. - BUGBUG: determine speed at start
VOL UINT NACKMask; // Bit pattern of NACKed frames.
// These are the values at NR - updated by ACKs
VOL UINT SendOffset; // Current offset we are sending.
VOL PBUFFER pCurrentBuffer; // Current buffer being sent.
VOL UINT CurrentBufferOffset; // Offset in the current buffer of next packet.
// info to update link characteristics when ACKs come in.
BILINK StatList; // Info for packets already sent.
DWORD BytesThisSend; // number of bytes being sent in the current packet.
// Operational Characteristics
VOL UINT_PTR uRetryTimer;
UINT TimerUnique;
UINT RetryCount; // Number of times we retransmitted.
UINT WindowSize; // Maximum Window Size.
UINT SAKInterval; // interval (frames) at which a SAK is required.
UINT SAKCountDown; // countdown to 0 from interval.
UINT tLastACK; // Time we last got an ACK.
UINT dwSendTime; // time we were called in send.
UINT dwTimeOut; // timeout time.
UINT PacketSize; // Size of packets to send.
UINT FrameSize; // Size of Frames for this send.
// Completion Vars
HANDLE hEvent; // Event to wait on for internal send.
UINT Status; // Send Completion Status.
PASYNCSENDINFO pAsyncInfo; // ptr to Info for completing Async send(NULL=>internal send)
ASYNCSENDINFO AsyncInfo; // actual info (copied at send call).
DWORD tScheduled; // the time we scheduled the retry;
DWORD tRetryScheduled; // expected retry timer run time.
VOL BOOL bCleaningUp; // we are on the queue but don't take a ref pls.
#pragma pack(pop)
#define RECEIVE_SIGN SIGNATURE('R','C','V','_')
// Receive buffers are in reverse receive order. When they have all
// been received, they are then put in proper order.
typedef struct _RECEIVE {
#ifdef SIGN
UINT Signature; // Signature for SIGN
union {
BILINK pReceiveQ;
struct _RECEIVE * pNext;
BILINK RcvBuffList; // List of receive buffers that make up the message.
struct _SESSION *pSession;
VOL BOOL fBusy; // Someone is moving this receive.
BOOL fReliable; // Whether this is a reliable receive.
VOL BOOL fEOM; // Whether we received the EOM bit.
UINT command;
UINT messageid;
VOL UINT MessageSize;
VOL UINT iNR; // Absolute index of first receiving packet (reliable only).
VOL UINT NR; // Last in sequence packet received.
VOL UINT NS; // Highest packet number received.
VOL UINT RCVMask; // bitmask of received packets (NR relative)
UCHAR SPHeader[0];
#pragma pack(push,1)
typedef struct _CMDINFO {
WORD wIdTo; // index
WORD wIdFrom; // index
DPID idTo; // actual DPID
DPID idFrom; // actual DPID
UINT bytes; // read from ACK.
DWORD tRemoteACK; // remote time remote ACKed/NACKed
UINT tReceived; // timeGetTime() when received.
UINT command;
USHORT messageid;
USHORT sequence;
UCHAR serial;
UCHAR flags;
PVOID pSPHeader; // used to issue a reply.
#pragma pack(pop)
//BUGBUG: when a SESSIONion hasn't been used in a long time and contains no pending sends/receives,
// age it out.
// since we now have a full byte for messagid and sequenne in the small headers,
// we no longer have an advantage for full headers until we apply the new
// bitmask package, then we must transit to large frame for windows > 127 messages.
#define MAX_SMALL_CSENDS 29UL // Maximum Concurrent Sends when using small frame headers
#define MAX_LARGE_CSENDS 29UL // Maxinum Concurrent Sends when using large frame headers (could make larger except for mask bits)
#define MAX_SMALL_DG_CSENDS 16UL // Maximum concurrent datagrams when using small frame
#define MAX_LARGE_DG_CSENDS 16UL // Maximum Concurrent datagrams when using large frames.
typedef enum _SESSION_STATE {
Open, // When created and Inited.
Closing, // Don't accept new receives/sends.
Closed // gone.
#define SESSION_THROTTLED 0x00000001 // session throttle is on.
#define SESSION_UNTHROTTLED 0x00000002 // unthrottle is deffered to avoid confusing GetMessageQueue.
// Transition Matrix for Throttle Adjust
// Initial State Event:
// No Drops 1 Drop >1 Drop
// Start + Start - Meta -- Start
// Meta + Meta - Stable -- Meta
// Stable + Stable - Stable -- Meta
// Engagement of Backlog Throttle goes to MetaStable State.
typedef enum _ThrottleAdjustState
Begin=0, // At start, double until drop or backlog
MetaStable=1, // Meta stable, large deltas for drops
Stable=2 // Stable, small deltas for drops
} eThrottleAdjust;
typedef struct _SESSION {
PPROTOCOL pProtocol; // back ptr to object.
#ifdef SIGN
UINT Signature; // Signature for SIGN
// Identification
CRITICAL_SECTION SessionLock; // Lock for the SESSIONion.
VOL UINT RefCount; // RefCount for the SESSION.
HANDLE hClosingEvent; // Delete waits on this during close.
DPID dpid; // The remote direct play id for this session.
UINT iSession; // index in the session table
UINT iSysPlayer; // index in session table of sys player.
// BUGBUG: if iSysPlayer != iSession, then rest of struct not req'd.
BILINK SendQ; // Priority order sendQ;
BOOL fFastLink; // set True when link > 50K/sec, set False when less than 10K/sec.
BOOL fSendSmall; // Whether we are sending small reliable frames.
BOOL fSendSmallDG; // Whether we are sending small datagram frames.
BOOL fReceiveSmall;
BOOL fReceiveSmallDG;
UINT MaxPacketSize; // Largest packet allowed on the media.
// Operating parameters -- Send
// Common
UINT MaxCSends; // maximum number of concurrent sends
UINT MaxCDGSends; // maximum number of concurrent datagram sends
// Reliable
UINT FirstMsg; // First message number being transmitted
UINT LastMsg; // Last message number being transmitted
UINT OutMsgMask; // relative to FirstMsg, unacked messages
UINT nWaitingForMessageid; // number of sends on queue that can't start sending because they don't have an id.
// DataGram
UINT DGFirstMsg; // First message number being transmitted
UINT DGLastMsg; // Last message number being transmitted
UINT DGOutMsgMask; // relative to FirstMsg, not-fully sent messages.
UINT nWaitingForDGMessageid; // number of sends on queue that can't start sending because they don't have an id.
// Send stats are tracked seperately since sends may
// no longer be around when completions come in.
//BILINK OldStatList;
// Operating parameters -- Receive
// DataGram Receive.
BILINK pDGReceiveQ; // queue of ongoing datagram receives
// Reliable Receive.
BILINK pRlyReceiveQ; // queue of ongoing reliable receives
BILINK pRlyWaitingQ; // Queue of out of order reliable receives waiting.
// only used when PROTOCOL_NO_ORDER not set.
UINT FirstRlyReceive;
UINT LastRlyReceive;
UINT InMsgMask; // mask of fully received receives, relative to FirstRlyReceive
// Operational characteristics - MUST BE DWORD ALIGNED!!! - this is because we read and write them
// without a lock and assume the reads and writes are atomic (not in combination)
UINT WindowSize; // Max outstanding packets on a send - reliable
UINT DGWindowSize; // Max outstanding packets on a send - datagram
UINT MaxRetry; // Usual max retries before dropping.
UINT MinDropTime; // Min time to retry before dropping.
UINT MaxDropTime; // After this time always drop.
UINT LocalBytesReceived; // Total Data Bytes received (including retries).
VOL UINT RemoteBytesReceived; // Last value from remote.
VOL DWORD tRemoteBytesReceived; // Remote time last value received.
UINT LongestLatency; // longest observed latency (msec)
UINT ShortestLatency; // shortest observed latency(msec)
UINT LastLatency; // last observed latency (msec)
UINT FpAverageLatency; // average latency (msec 24.8) (128 samples)
UINT FpLocalAverageLatency; // Local average latency (msec 24.8) (16 samples)
UINT FpAvgDeviation; // average deviation of latency. (msec 24.8) (128 samples)
UINT FpLocalAvgDeviation; // average deviation of latency. (msec 24.8) (16 samples)
UINT Bandwidth; // latest observed bandwidth (bps)
UINT HighestBandwidth; // highest observed bandwidth (bps)
// we will use changes in the remote ACK delta to isolate latency in the send direction.
UINT RemAvgACKDelta; // average clock delta between our send time (local time) and remote ACK time (remote time).
UINT RemAvgACKDeltaResidue;
UINT RemAvgACKBias; // This value is used to pull the clock delta into a safe range (not near 0 or -1)
// that won't risk hitting the wraparound when doing calculations
// Throttle statistics
DWORD dwFlags; // Session Flags - currently just "throttle on/off"(MUST STAY THIS WAY)
UINT SendRateThrottle; // current rate (bps) at which we are throttling.
DWORD bhitThrottle; // we hit a throttle
DWORD tNextSend; // when we are allowed to send again.
DWORD tNextSendResidue; // residual from calculating next send time
DWORD_PTR uUnThrottle;
DWORD UnThrottleUnique;
DWORD FpAvgUnThrottleTime; // (24.8) how late Unthrottle usually called. (throttle when send is this far ahead)
// last 16 samples, start at 5 ms.
DWORD tLastSAK; // last time we asked for an ACK
CRITICAL_SECTION SessionStatLock; // [locks this section ------------------------------------------- ]
BILINK DGStatList; // [Send Statistics for Datagrams (for reliable they are on Sends) ]
DWORD BytesSent; // [Total Bytes Sent to this target ]
DWORD BytesLost; // [Total Bytes Lost on the link. ]
DWORD bResetBias; // [Counts down to reset latency bias ]
// [---------------------------------------------------------------]
eThrottleAdjust ThrottleState; // ZEROINIT puts in Start
DWORD GrowCount; // number of times we grew in this state
DWORD ShrinkCount; // number of times we shrank in this state
DWORD tLastThrottleAdjust; // remember when we last throttled to avoid overthrottling.