Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

448 lines
14 KiB

/* (C) Copyright Microsoft Corporation 1991. All Rights Reserved */
/* wavedisp.c
* Implements waveform display control ("td_wavedisplay").
* This is NOT a general-purpose control (see the globals below).
* The waveform is represented as a string of characters in a font that
* consists of vertical lines that correspond to different amplitudes.
* Actually there is no font, it's just done with patBlts
* WARNING: this control cheats: it stores information in globals, so you
* couldn't put it in a DLL (or use two of them in the same app)
* without changing it.
/* Revision History.
* 4/2/92 LaurieGr (AKA LKG) Ported to WIN32 / WIN16 common code
* 25/6/92LaurieGr enhanced, Also had to reformat to 80 cols because
* NT has only crappy fonts again.
* 21/Feb/94 LaurieGr merged Daytona and Motown versions
#include "nocrap.h"
#include <windows.h>
#include <windowsx.h>
#include <mmsystem.h>
#include <mmreg.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "SoundRec.h"
/* constants */
#define MAX_TRIGGER_SEARCH 200 // limit search for trigger pt.
#define MIN_TRIGGER_SAMPLE (128 - 8) // look for silent part
#define MAX_TRIGGER_SAMPLE (128 + 8) // look for silent part
#define MIN_TRIG16_SAMPLE (-1024) // look for silent part
#define MAX_TRIG16_SAMPLE (1024) // look for silent part
/* globals */
static NPBYTE gpbWaveDisplay; // text string in WaveLine font
// initially has samples in it
// enough room for 4 bytes/sample
static RECT grcWaveDisplay; // wave display rectangle
static HBITMAP ghbmWaveDisplay; // mono bitmap.
static HDC ghdcWaveDisplay; // memory DC for bitmap.
// static iXScale = 1; // samples per pel across screen
/* UpdateWaveDisplayString()
* Copy samples from just before the current position in the sample buffer
* to the wave display string. The code tries to find a good "trigger point"
* in the waveform so that the waveform will be aligned at the beginning of
* a wave.
* The current position is in gpWaveSamples at glWavePosition which is
* measured in samples (not bytes).
* The wave display string will contain numbers in the range -16..15
* for 8 bit: x' = abs(x-128)/8
* for 16 bit: x' = abs(x)/2048
* When the display is "in motion" (i.e. actually playing or recording
* we try to keep the display somewhat static by looking for a trigger
* point (like an oscilloscope would) and display that part of the wave
* that has just either played or been recorded.
static void NEAR PASCAL
// piSrc and pbSrc are init NULL to kill a compiler diagnostic.
// The compiler cannot follow the logic and thinks that they may be
// used before being set. (It's wrong. Hint: look at cbSrc and cbTrigger)
BYTE * pbSrc = NULL; // pointer into <gpWaveSamples> to 8 bits
short * piSrc = NULL; // pointer into <gpWaveSamples> to 16 bits
// (use one or other according to wave format)
int cbSrc; // number of samples that can be copied
BYTE * pbDst; // pointer into <gpbWaveDisplay>
int cbDst; // size of <gpWaveDisplay>
int cbTrigger; // limit the search for a "trigger"
int i;
int cnt;
WORD nSkipChannels;
BOOL fStereoIn;
BOOL fEightIn;
cbDst = grcWaveDisplay.right - grcWaveDisplay.left; // rectangle size
pbDst = gpbWaveDisplay;
// Note: IsWaveFormatPCM() is called before this function is ever called, therefore
// we can always rely on the fact that gpWaveFormat->wwFormatTag == WAVE_FORMAT_PCM.
// This also implies, as mentioned in the docs on WAVEFORMATEX, that the
// gpWaveFormat->wBitsPerSample should be equal to 8 or 16.
// Note: We average the first two channels if they exist, any additional channels are
// ignored.
fStereoIn = gpWaveFormat->nChannels != 1;
fEightIn = ((LPWAVEFORMATEX)gpWaveFormat)->wBitsPerSample == 8;
nSkipChannels = max (0, gpWaveFormat->nChannels - 2);
/* search for a "trigger point" if we are recording or playing */
if ((ghWaveOut != NULL) || (ghWaveIn != NULL))
{ // we are in motion - align the *right* hand side of the window.
if (gpWaveSamples == NULL)
/* no document at all is open */
cbSrc = 0;
long lStartOffsetSrc, lEndOffsetSrc;
/* align the *right* side of wave display to the current
* position in the wave buffer, so that during recording
* we see only samples that have just been recorded
lStartOffsetSrc = glWavePosition - (cbDst + cbTrigger);
lEndOffsetSrc = glWavePosition;
if (lStartOffsetSrc < 0)
lEndOffsetSrc -= lStartOffsetSrc, lStartOffsetSrc = 0L;
if (lEndOffsetSrc > glWaveSamplesValid)
lEndOffsetSrc = glWaveSamplesValid;
// Bombay Bug 1360: lStartOffsetSrc > lEndOffsetSrc causes GP Fault
// if glWaveSamplesValid < lStartOffsetSrc we have a problem.
if (lStartOffsetSrc > lEndOffsetSrc)
lStartOffsetSrc = lEndOffsetSrc - (cbDst + cbTrigger);
if (lStartOffsetSrc < 0)
lStartOffsetSrc = 0L;
cbSrc = (int)wfSamplesToBytes(gpWaveFormat, lEndOffsetSrc - lStartOffsetSrc);
/* copy samples from buffer into local one */
memmove( gpbWaveDisplay
, gpWaveSamples + wfSamplesToBytes(gpWaveFormat, lStartOffsetSrc)
, cbSrc
pbSrc = (BYTE *) gpbWaveDisplay;
piSrc = (short *) gpbWaveDisplay;
if (cbTrigger > 0) {
cbTrigger = min(cbSrc, cbTrigger); // don't look beyond buffer end
/* search for a silent part in waveform */
if (fEightIn)
while (cbTrigger > 0)
b = *pbSrc;
cbSrc--, pbSrc++, cbTrigger--;
if (fStereoIn)
{ // not EightIn
while (cbTrigger > 0)
i = *piSrc;
if ((i > MIN_TRIG16_SAMPLE) && (i < MAX_TRIG16_SAMPLE))
cbSrc--, piSrc++, cbTrigger--;
if (fStereoIn)
/* search for a non-silent part in waveform (this is the "trigger") */
if (fEightIn)
while (cbTrigger > 0)
b = *pbSrc;
cbSrc--, pbSrc++, cbTrigger--;
if (fStereoIn)
{ // not EightIn
while (cbTrigger > 0)
i = *piSrc;
if ((i <= MIN_TRIG16_SAMPLE) || (i >= MAX_TRIG16_SAMPLE))
cbSrc--, piSrc++, cbTrigger--;
if (fStereoIn)
else // it's not playing or recording - static display
long lStartOffsetSrc, lEndOffsetSrc;
/* align the *left* side of wave display to the current
* position in the wave buffer
lStartOffsetSrc = glWavePosition;
lEndOffsetSrc = glWavePosition + cbDst;
if (lEndOffsetSrc > glWaveSamplesValid)
lEndOffsetSrc = glWaveSamplesValid;
cbSrc = (int)wfSamplesToBytes( gpWaveFormat
, lEndOffsetSrc - lStartOffsetSrc
// copy samples from buffer into local one
memmove( gpbWaveDisplay
, gpWaveSamples
+ wfSamplesToBytes(gpWaveFormat, lStartOffsetSrc)
, cbSrc
pbSrc = (BYTE *) gpbWaveDisplay;
piSrc = (short *) gpbWaveDisplay;
cnt = min(cbSrc, cbDst);
cbDst -= cnt;
/* map cnt number of samples from pbSrc to string characters at pbDst
** fEightIn => 8 byte samples, else 16
** fStereoIn => Average left and right channels
** pbSrc and pbDst both point into the same buffer addressed by
** gpbWaveDisplay, pbSrc >= pbDst. We process left to right, so OK.
if (fEightIn)
BYTE *pbDC = pbDst;
int dccnt = cnt;
DWORD dwSum = 0L;
while (cnt-- > 0)
b = *pbSrc++;
if (fStereoIn)
// Average left and right channels.
b /= 2;
b += (*pbSrc++ / 2);
// Skip channels past Stereo
dwSum += *pbDst++ = (BYTE)(b/8 + 112); // 128 + (b-128)/8
/* Eliminate DC offsets by subtracting the average offset
* over all samples.
if (dwSum)
dwSum /= (DWORD)dccnt;
dwSum -= 128;
while (dwSum && dccnt-- > 0)
*pbDC++ -= (BYTE)dwSum;
BYTE *pbDC = pbDst;
int dccnt = cnt;
LONG lSum = 0L;
while (cnt-- > 0)
i = *piSrc++;
if (fStereoIn)
// Average left and right channels.
i /= 2;
i += (*piSrc++ / 2);
// Skip channels past Stereo
lSum += *pbDst++ = (BYTE)(i/2048 + 128);
/* Eliminate DC offsets by subtracting the average offset
* over all samples.
if (lSum)
lSum /= dccnt;
lSum -= 128;
while (lSum && dccnt-- > 0)
*pbDC++ -= (BYTE)lSum;
/* if necessary, pad the strings with whatever character represents
* the "silence level". This is 128, the midpoint level.
while (cbDst-- > 0)
*pbDst++ = 128;
/* WaveDisplayWndProc()
* This is the window procedure for the "WaveDisplay" control.
WaveDisplayWndProc(HWND hwnd, UINT wMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
RECT rc;
int i;
int n;
int dx;
int dy;
switch (wMsg)
/* make the window a bit bigger so that it lines up with
* the frames of the shadow-frames beside it
/* allocate <gpbWaveDisplay> */
GetClientRect(hwnd, &grcWaveDisplay);
InflateRect(&grcWaveDisplay, -1, -1); // account for border
gpbWaveDisplay = (NPBYTE)GlobalAllocPtr(GHND,
(grcWaveDisplay.right+MAX_TRIGGER_SEARCH) * 4);
// 4 is the maximum bytes per sample allowed
if (gpbWaveDisplay == NULL)
return -1; // out of memory
ghdcWaveDisplay = CreateCompatibleDC(NULL);
if (ghdcWaveDisplay == NULL)
return -1; // out of memory
ghbmWaveDisplay = CreateBitmap(
if (ghbmWaveDisplay == NULL)
return -1; // out of memory
SelectObject(ghdcWaveDisplay, ghbmWaveDisplay);
/* free <gpbWaveDisplay> */
if (gpbWaveDisplay != NULL)
gpbWaveDisplay = NULL;
if (ghbmWaveDisplay != NULL)
ghdcWaveDisplay = NULL;
ghbmWaveDisplay = NULL;
/* draw the border and fill */
GetClientRect(hwnd, &rc);
DrawShadowFrame((HDC)wParam, &rc);
return 0L;
case WM_PAINT:
BeginPaint(hwnd, &ps);
if (!IsWaveFormatPCM(gpWaveFormat))
FillRect(ps.hdc, &grcWaveDisplay, ghbrPanel);
else if (gpbWaveDisplay != NULL)
/* update <gpbWaveDisplay> */
dx = grcWaveDisplay.right-grcWaveDisplay.left;
dy =;
// update the bitmap.
for (i=0; i<dx; i++)
n = (BYTE)gpbWaveDisplay[i]; // n.b. must get it UNSIGNED
n = n-128; // -16..15
if (n > 0)
i, dy/2-n,
1, n*2+1, WHITENESS);
if (n < -1)
n++; // neg peak == pos peak
i, dy/2+n,
1, -(n*2)+1, WHITENESS);
/* draw the waveform */
SetTextColor(ps.hdc, RGB_BGWAVEDISP);
SetBkColor(ps.hdc, RGB_FGWAVEDISP);
BitBlt(ps.hdc, grcWaveDisplay.left,,
dx,dy, ghdcWaveDisplay, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);
EndPaint(hwnd, &ps);
return 0L;
return DefWindowProc(hwnd, wMsg, wParam, lParam);