Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

120 lines
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/** Microsoft Windows NT **/
/** Copyright(c) Microsoft Corporation, 1991 - 1998 **/
default values dialog
#ifndef _DLGDVAL_H
#define _DLGDVAL_H
#ifndef _SCOPE_H
#include "scope.h"
// CDhcpDefValDlg dialog
class CDhcpDefValDlg : public CBaseDialog
int m_combo_class_iSel;
int m_combo_name_iSel;
SPITFSNode m_spNode;
// Construction
CDhcpDefValDlg(ITFSNode * pServerNode,
COptionList * polTypes,
CWnd* pParent = NULL); // standard constructor
~ CDhcpDefValDlg () ;
// Dialog Data
CEdit m_edit_comment;
CButton m_butn_edit_value;
CStatic m_static_value_desc;
CEdit m_edit_string;
CEdit m_edit_num;
CEdit m_edit_array;
CComboBox m_combo_name;
CComboBox m_combo_class;
CButton m_butn_prop;
CButton m_butn_new;
CButton m_butn_delete;
CWndIpAddress m_ipa_value ; // IP Address control
// Implementation
// Return TRUE if the lists were fiddled during execution
BOOL QueryDirty ()
{ return m_b_dirty ; }
void GetCurrentVendor(CString & strVendor);
// Context Help Support
virtual DWORD * GetHelpMap() { return DhcpGetHelpMap(CDhcpDefValDlg::IDD); }
// The current list of types and values
COptionList * m_pol_values ;
// list of new options - only used to clear new options on cancel
COptionList m_ol_values_new ;
// The list of deleted type/values
COptionList m_ol_values_defunct ;
// Pointer to type being displayed
CDhcpOption * m_p_edit_type ;
// TRUE if lists have been fiddled.
BOOL m_b_dirty ;
// Check the state of the controls
void HandleActivation ( BOOL bForce = FALSE ) ;
// Fill the combo boxe(s)
void Fill () ;
// Given the listbox index, get a pointer to the option
CDhcpOption * GetOptionTypeByIndex ( int iSel );
// Handle edited data
BOOL HandleValueEdit () ;
LONG UpdateList ( CDhcpOption * pdhcType, BOOL bNew ) ;
virtual void DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX); // DDX/DDV support
// Generated message map functions
afx_msg void OnClickedButnDelete();
afx_msg void OnClickedButnNewOption();
afx_msg void OnClickedButnOptionPro();
afx_msg void OnSelendokComboOptionClass();
afx_msg void OnSetfocusComboOptionClass();
afx_msg void OnSetfocusComboOptionName();
afx_msg void OnSelchangeComboOptionName();
virtual void OnCancel();
virtual void OnOK();
afx_msg void OnClickedButnValue();
afx_msg void OnClickedHelp();
virtual BOOL OnInitDialog();
#endif _DLGDVAL_H