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'// File: wait.bas
'// Module: pbadmin.exe
'// Synopsis: Wrapper functions to launch a process and wait for it to return.
'// Copyright (c) 1997-1999 Microsoft Corporation
'// Author: quintinb Created Header 09/02/99
Attribute VB_Name = "wait"
Option Explicit
Private Const STILL_ACTIVE = &H103
Private Declare Function OpenProcess& Lib "kernel32" (ByVal _
dwDesiredAccess&, ByVal bInheritHandle&, ByVal dwProcessId&)
Private Declare Function GetExitCodeProcess Lib "kernel32" (ByVal _
hProcess As Long, lpExitCode As Long) As Long
Private Const IDC_UPARROW = 32516&
' GetWindow() Constants
Public Const GW_HWNDFIRST = 0
Public Const GW_HWNDLAST = 1
Public Const GW_HWNDNEXT = 2
Public Const GW_HWNDPREV = 3
Public Const GW_OWNER = 4
Public Const GW_CHILD = 5
Public Const GW_MAX = 5
Declare Function GetWindow Lib "user32" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal wCmd As Long) As Long
Declare Function GetDesktopWindow Lib "user32" () As Long
Declare Function GetWindowThreadProcessId Lib "user32" (ByVal hWnd As Long, lpdwProcessId As Long) As Long
Public Function WaitForApp(sCmd As String) As Long
Dim hApp As Long
Dim hProc As Long
Dim lExitCode As Long
On Error GoTo WaitErr
'hApp = Shell(sCmd, vbNormalFocus)
'hApp = Shell(sCmd, vbHide)
hApp = Shell(sCmd, vbMinimizedNoFocus)
hProc = OpenProcess(PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION, False, hApp)
GetExitCodeProcess hProc, lExitCode
Loop While lExitCode = STILL_ACTIVE
WaitForApp = lExitCode
Exit Function
Exit Function
End Function
Public Function GetWindowHandleFromProcessID(hProcessIDToFind As Long) As Long
Dim hWindow As Long
Dim bFoundIt As Boolean
Dim hProcessIDToTest As Long
Dim lRet As Long
hWindow = GetWindow(GetDesktopWindow(), GW_CHILD)
While hWindow <> 0
hProcessIDToTest = 0
lRet = GetWindowThreadProcessId(hWindow, hProcessIDToTest)
If hProcessIDToTest = hProcessIDToFind Then
bFoundIt = True
GetWindowHandleFromProcessID = hWindow
Exit Function
End If
hWindow = GetWindow(hWindow, GW_HWNDNEXT)
GetWindowHandleFromProcessID = 0
GetWindowHandleFromProcessID = -1
End Function