Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
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// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1999 - 2000
// File: dmpfile.cpp
// DmpFile.cpp: implementation of the CDmpFile class.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "DmpFile.h"
#include "Globals.h"
#include "UtilityFunctions.h"
#include "ProgramOptions.h"
#include "ProcessInfo.h"
#include "Modules.h"
#include "FileData.h"
#include "ModuleInfoCache.h"
#include "ModuleInfo.h"
// Let's implement the DebugOutputCallback for the DBGENG... it'll be cool to have the debugger
// spit out info to us when it is running...
IN REFIID InterfaceId,
OUT PVOID* Interface
*Interface = NULL;
if (IsEqualIID(InterfaceId, IID_IUnknown) ||
IsEqualIID(InterfaceId, IID_IDebugOutputCallbacks))
*Interface = (IDebugOutputCallbacks *)this;
return S_OK;
// This class is designed to be static so
// there's no true refcount.
return 1;
// This class is designed to be static so
// there's no true refcount.
return 0;
HRESULT Status = S_OK;
if (!g_lpProgramOptions->GetMode(CProgramOptions::QuietMode) && (Mask & DEBUG_OUTPUT_NORMAL))
return Status;
// Construction/Destruction
m_szDmpFilePath = NULL;
m_szSymbolPath = NULL;
m_fDmpInitialized = false;
m_pIDebugClient = NULL;
m_pIDebugControl = NULL;
m_pIDebugSymbols = NULL;
m_pIDebugDataSpaces = NULL;
m_DumpClassQualifier = 0;
if (m_fDmpInitialized)
// Let's ensure that our debug output is set to normal (at least)
// Let's be as least intrusive as possible...
if (m_szDmpFilePath)
delete [] m_szDmpFilePath;
if (m_szSymbolPath)
delete [] m_szSymbolPath;
OutputCallbacks g_OutputCb;
bool CDmpFile::Initialize(CFileData * lpOutputFile)
LPTSTR tszExpandedString = NULL;
bool fReturn = false;
// Let's save off big objects so we don't have to keep passing this to
// our methods...
m_lpOutputFile = lpOutputFile;
// The DBGENG is somewhat ANSI oriented...
m_szDmpFilePath = CUtilityFunctions::CopyTSTRStringToAnsi(g_lpProgramOptions->GetDmpFilePath(), m_szDmpFilePath, 0);
// Create our interface pointer to do our Debug Work...
if (FAILED(Hr = DebugCreate(IID_IDebugClient, (void **)&m_pIDebugClient)))
goto cleanup;
// Let's query for IDebugControl interface (we need it to determine debug type easily)...
// Let's query for IDebugSymbols interface as we need it to receive module info...
// Let's query for IDebugDataSpaces interface as we need it to read DMP memory...
if (
FAILED(Hr = m_pIDebugClient->QueryInterface(IID_IDebugControl,(void **)&m_pIDebugControl)) ||
FAILED(Hr = m_pIDebugClient->QueryInterface(IID_IDebugSymbols,(void **)&m_pIDebugSymbols)) ||
FAILED(Hr = m_pIDebugClient->QueryInterface(IID_IDebugDataSpaces,(void **)&m_pIDebugDataSpaces))
_tprintf(TEXT("Error: DBGENG Interfaces required were not found!\n"));
goto cleanup;
// Set callbacks.
if (FAILED(Hr = m_pIDebugClient->SetOutputCallbacks(&g_OutputCb)) //||
//FAILED(Hr = m_pIDebugClient->SetEventCallbacks(&g_DebugEventCallbacks))
_tprintf(TEXT("Error: DBGENG - Unable to SetOutputCallbacks!\n"));
goto cleanup;
DWORD OutMask;
// Let's ensure that our debug output is set to normal (at least)
OutMask = m_pIDebugClient->GetOutputMask(&OutMask);
m_pIDebugClient->SetOutputMask(OutMask | DEBUG_OUTPUT_NORMAL);
// Set our symbol path... this is required prior to a "reload" of modules...
// The DBGENG is somewhat ASCII oriented... we need an environment-expanded string converted
// to an ASCII string...
tszExpandedString = CUtilityFunctions::ExpandPath(g_lpProgramOptions->GetSymbolPath());
if (!tszExpandedString)
goto cleanup;
m_szSymbolPath = CUtilityFunctions::CopyTSTRStringToAnsi( tszExpandedString, m_szSymbolPath, 0);
// It's a bit premature to set this now... but it's required by DBGENG.DLL before a reload...
if (FAILED(Hr = m_pIDebugSymbols->SetSymbolPath(m_szSymbolPath)))
goto cleanup;
// Let's open the dump...
if (FAILED(Hr = m_pIDebugClient->OpenDumpFile(m_szDmpFilePath)))
goto cleanup;
// Get Initial Execution state.
if (FAILED(Hr = m_pIDebugControl->GetExecutionStatus(&g_ExecStatus)))
_tprintf(TEXT("Unable to get execution status! Hr=0x%x\n"), Hr);
goto cleanup;
// I think we'll work just fine?
_tprintf(TEXT("Debug Session is already active!\n"));
// goto cleanup;
// What type of dump did we get?
if (FAILED(Hr = m_pIDebugControl->GetDebuggeeType(&m_DumpClass, &m_DumpClassQualifier)))
goto cleanup;
m_pIDebugClient->SetOutputMask(0); // Temporarily suppress this stuff...
// All the good stuff happens here... modules load, etc.. we could suppress all the output
// but it's cool to watch...
if (FAILED(Hr = m_pIDebugControl->WaitForEvent(DEBUG_WAIT_DEFAULT, INFINITE)))
goto cleanup;
// Restore output!
m_pIDebugClient->SetOutputMask(OutMask | DEBUG_OUTPUT_NORMAL);
// Yee haa... we got something...
m_fDmpInitialized = true;
fReturn = true;
if (tszExpandedString)
delete [] tszExpandedString;
return fReturn;
bool CDmpFile::CollectData(CProcessInfo ** lplpProcessInfo, CModules ** lplpModules, CModuleInfoCache * lpModuleInfoCache)
bool fReturn = false;
// Okay... first order of business is to decide what we need to collect...
// Collect information from the file based on it's type...
if (IsUserDmpFile())
// Second, order of business is to prepare for collecting info about the
// process in the USER.DMP file...
(*lplpProcessInfo) = new CProcessInfo();
if ((*lplpProcessInfo) == NULL)
goto cleanup;
if (!(*lplpProcessInfo)->Initialize(lpModuleInfoCache, NULL, m_lpOutputFile, this))
goto cleanup;
} else
(*lplpModules) = new CModules();
if ((*lplpModules) == NULL)
goto cleanup;
if (!(*lplpModules)->Initialize(lpModuleInfoCache, NULL, m_lpOutputFile, this))
goto cleanup;
if (!EumerateModulesFromDmp(lpModuleInfoCache, *lplpProcessInfo, *lplpModules))
goto cleanup;
fReturn = true;
return fReturn;
// Combined DMP Enumeration Code
bool CDmpFile::EumerateModulesFromDmp(CModuleInfoCache * lpModuleInfoCache, CProcessInfo * lpProcessInfo, CModules * lpModules)
// Consult DumpModuleTable in Ntsym.cpp for ideas...
CModuleInfo * lpModuleInfo;
ULONG ulNumberOfLoadedModules;
ULONG ulNumberOfUnloadedModules;
ULONG64 Base;
char szImageNameBuffer[_MAX_PATH];
TCHAR tszModulePath[_MAX_PATH];
// TCHAR tszModuleFilePath[_MAX_PATH];
TCHAR tszModuleFileName[_MAX_FNAME];
TCHAR tszModuleFileExtension[_MAX_EXT];
bool fNew, fProcessNameFound = false;
bool fUserDmp = IsUserDmpFile();
// How many modules were found?
if (FAILED(Hr = m_pIDebugSymbols->GetNumberModules(&ulNumberOfLoadedModules, &ulNumberOfUnloadedModules)))
_tprintf(TEXT("Unable to enumerate any modules in the DMP file!\n"));
return false;
if (!g_lpProgramOptions->GetMode(CProgramOptions::QuietMode))
_tprintf(TEXT("\n%-8s %-8s %-30s %s\n"), TEXT("Start"),
TEXT("Module Name"),
// Enumerate through the modules in the DMP file...
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ulNumberOfLoadedModules; i++)
// First, we get the Base address by our index
if (FAILED(Hr = m_pIDebugSymbols->GetModuleByIndex(i, &Base)))
_tprintf(TEXT("Failed getting base address of module number %d\n"), i);
continue; // try the next?
// Second, we get the name from our base address
ULONG ulImageNameSize;
// This can return both the ImageNameBuffer and a ModuleNameBuffer...
// The ImageNameBuffer typically contains the entire module name like (MODULE.DLL),
// whereas the ModuleNameBuffer is typically just the module name like (MODULE).
if (FAILED(Hr = m_pIDebugSymbols->GetModuleNames( DEBUG_ANY_ID, // Use Base address
Base, // Base address from above
_tprintf(TEXT("Failed getting name of module at base 0x%x\n"), Base);
continue; // try the next?
// Convert the string to something we can use...
CUtilityFunctions::CopyAnsiStringToTSTR(szImageNameBuffer, tszModulePath, _MAX_PATH);
// Third, we can now get whatever we want from memory...
if (!g_lpProgramOptions->fDoesModuleMatchOurSearch(tszModulePath))
// Okay, let's go ahead and get a ModuleInfo Object from our cache...
// If pfNew returns TRUE, then this object is new and we'll need
// to populate it with data...
lpModuleInfo = lpModuleInfoCache->AddNewModuleInfoObject(tszModulePath, &fNew);
if (false == fNew)
// We may have the object in the cache... now we need to
// save a pointer to this object in our Process Info list
if (fUserDmp )
lpProcessInfo->AddNewModuleInfoObject(lpModuleInfo); // Just do our best...
} else
lpModules->AddNewModuleInfoObject(lpModuleInfo); // Just do our best...
// Not in the cache... so we need to init it, and get the module info...
if (!lpModuleInfo->Initialize(NULL, m_lpOutputFile, this))
return false; // Hmmm... memory error?
// Okay, get the module info from the DMP file...
if (lpModuleInfo->GetModuleInfo(tszModulePath, true, Base) )
// We may have the object in the cache... now we need to
// save a pointer to this object in our Process Info list
if (fUserDmp)
lpProcessInfo->AddNewModuleInfoObject(lpModuleInfo); // Just do our best...
} else
lpModules->AddNewModuleInfoObject(lpModuleInfo); // Just do our best...
} else
// Continue back to try another module on error...
// Try and patch up the original name of the module...
// Save the current module path as the DBG stuff
// We'll tack on .DBG to roll through our own code correctly...
_tsplitpath(tszModulePath, NULL, NULL, tszModuleFileName, tszModuleFileExtension);
//_tcscpy(tszModulePath, tszModuleFileName);
//_tcscpy(tszModuleFileName, tszModulePath);
/* if (*tszModuleFileExtension == '\0')
_tcscat(tszModulePath, TEXT(".DBG"));
} else
_tcscat(tszModulePath, tszModuleFileExtension);
if ( (lpModuleInfo->GetPESymbolInformation() == CModuleInfo::SYMBOLS_DBG) ||
(lpModuleInfo->GetPESymbolInformation() == CModuleInfo::SYMBOLS_DBG_AND_PDB) )
// Append .DBG to our module name
_tcscat(tszModuleFileName, TEXT(".DBG"));
// Ordinarily this seems very dangerous.. but the size of the new string
// will be less than the original, so this should be safe... we hope?!
if (_tcsicmp(&tszModulePath[_tcslen(tszModulePath)-4], TEXT(".DBG")) == 0)
_tsplitpath(tszModulePath, NULL, tszModuleFilePath, tszModuleFileName, NULL);
if (_tcslen(tszModuleFilePath)==4)
tszModuleFilePath[_tcslen(tszModuleFilePath)-1] = 0;
_tcscpy(tszModulePath, tszModuleFileName);
_tcscat(tszModulePath, TEXT("."));
_tcscat(tszModulePath, tszModuleFilePath);
} else if ( lpModuleInfo->IsDLL() )
_tcscpy(tszModulePath, tszModuleFileName);
_tcscat(tszModulePath, TEXT(".DLL"));
} else
_tcscpy(tszModulePath, tszModuleFileName);
_tcscat(tszModulePath, TEXT(".EXE"));
} else
// We didn't find a .DBG extension... let's tack on a guess...
if ( lpModuleInfo->IsDLL() )
_tcscat(tszModulePath, TEXT(".DLL"));
} else
_tcscat(tszModulePath, TEXT(".EXE"));
} else if (lpModuleInfo->GetPESymbolInformation() == CModuleInfo::SYMBOLS_PDB)
if (lpModuleInfo->GetDebugDirectoryPDBPath())
/* // Try and translate the module name to something friendlier
_tsplitpath(lpModuleInfo->GetDebugDirectoryPDBPath(), NULL, NULL, tszModuleFileName, NULL);
// Compose the name by appending the extension (we hope if it is not a EXE it will
// be a DLL (with that extension)..
if ( lpModuleInfo->IsDLL() )
_tcscpy(tszModulePath, tszModuleFileName);
_tcscat(tszModulePath, TEXT(".DLL"));
} else
_tcscpy(tszModulePath, tszModuleFileName);
_tcscat(tszModulePath, TEXT(".EXE"));
} else
// Unfortunately, we can't find the PDB Imagepath in the DMP file... so we'll
// just guess what it would be...
// Append .PDB to our module name
_tcscat(tszModuleFileName, TEXT(".PDB"));
// Compose the name by appending the extension (we hope if it is not a EXE it will
// be a DLL (with that extension)... Also, by this point we MAY have found an image
// name like EXE\MODULE.DBG... we want to strip off the trailing .DBG before appending...
/* unsigned int cbModulePathLength = _tcslen(tszModulePath);
if ( cbModulePathLength > 4) // Look to see if this exceeds chars before doing this next operation..
if (_tcsicmp(&tszModulePath[cbModulePathLength-4], TEXT(".DBG")) == 0)
// We found a .DBG extension... let's nuke it...
tszModulePath[cbModulePathLength-4] = '\0';
// Append the appropriate extension...
if ( lpModuleInfo->IsDLL() )
_tcscat(tszModulePath, TEXT(".DLL"));
} else
_tcscat(tszModulePath, TEXT(".EXE"));
// Now, let's remove the extra path bits...
_tsplitpath(tszModulePath, NULL, NULL, tszModuleFileName, tszModuleFileExtension);
_tcscpy(tszModulePath, tszModuleFileName);
_tcscat(tszModulePath, tszModuleFileExtension);
// Save the current module path as the DBG stuff
// Save the current module name as well...
// Hey... if this is not a DLL, then it's probably the EXE!!!
if (fUserDmp && !fProcessNameFound)
if (!lpModuleInfo->IsDLL() )
fProcessNameFound = true;
// Filter out garbage.
if (!g_lpProgramOptions->GetMode(CProgramOptions::QuietMode))
time_t time = lpModuleInfo->GetPEImageTimeDateStamp();
if (time)
_tprintf(TEXT("%08x %08x %-30s %s"), (ULONG)Base,
} else
_tprintf(TEXT("%08x %08x %-30s Unknown\n"), (ULONG)Base,
return (ulNumberOfLoadedModules != 0);