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894 lines
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// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1999 - 2000
// File: main.cpp
#ifndef NO_STRICT
#ifndef STRICT
#define STRICT 1
#endif /* NO_STRICT */
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include "Globals.h"
#include "DelayLoad.h"
#include "ProgramOptions.h"
#include "Processes.h"
#include "ProcessInfo.h"
#include "SymbolVerification.h"
#include "ModuleInfoCache.h"
#include "FileData.h"
#include "Modules.h"
#include "UtilityFunctions.h"
#include "DmpFile.h"
//#if ( _MSC_VER < 1200 )
//extern "C"
#include "CheckSym_test.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
//#ifdef _UNICODE
// Adding support for Unicode on Ansi systems (Win9x)
//#include "CheckSym_UAPI.h"
// Normal startup!
int _cdecl _tmain(int argc, TCHAR *argv[])
int iReturnCode = EXIT_FAILURE;
// Startup for testing... no command-line is interpreted...
int _tmain()
// We'll populate this below for every test run...
int argc = 0;
TCHAR ** argv = NULL;
LPTSTR tszPointerToCurrentArgument = NULL;
int iArgvIndex;
LPTSTR tszCopyOfTestString = NULL;
bool fFoundNextArgument, fQuoteMode;
int iReturnCode = EXIT_FAILURE;
int iTotalNumberOfTests = sizeof(g_TestArguments) / sizeof(g_TestArguments[0]);
_tprintf(TEXT("ABOUT TO BEGIN %d TESTS!\n"), iTotalNumberOfTests);
for (int iTestNumber = 0; iTestNumber < iTotalNumberOfTests; iTestNumber++)
_tprintf(TEXT("TESTING [%3d]: %s\n"), iTestNumber, g_TestArguments[iTestNumber].tszTestDescription );
// Initialize our object pointers...
CSymbolVerification * lpSymbolVerification = NULL;
// Processes/Modules data collected on this machine
CProcesses * lpLocalSystemProcesses = NULL; // -P Option
CModules * lpLocalFileSystemModules = NULL; // -F Option
CModules * lpKernelModeDrivers = NULL; // -D Option
// CSV File Support
CFileData * lpCSVInputFile = NULL; // -I Option
CFileData * lpCSVOutputFile = NULL; // -O Option
CProcesses * lpCSVProcesses = NULL; // [PROCESSES]
CProcessInfo * lpCSVProcess = NULL; // [PROCESS]
CModules * lpCSVModulesFromFileSystem = NULL; // [FILESYSTEM MODULES]
CModules * lpCSVKernelModeDrivers = NULL; // [KERNEL-MODE DRIVERS]
// Module Caches (these implement separate name spaces for the modules collected)
// It is important that we separate the modules in these caches because a module
// from a CSV file should not be assumed to be the same module if you also happen
// to collect it from a DMP file... or your local system...
CModuleInfoCache * lpLocalSystemModuleInfoCache = NULL; // Contains Local System modules
CModuleInfoCache * lpCSVModuleInfoCache = NULL; // Contains CSV modules
CModuleInfoCache * lpDmpModuleInfoCache = NULL; // Contains user.dmp & kernel.dmp modules
long lTotalNumberOfModulesVerified = 0;
long lTotalNumberOfVerifyErrors = 0;
// Support for Dmp Files...
CDmpFile * lpDmpFile = NULL; // This object allows a Dump file (user/kernel) to be manipulated
CProcessInfo * lpDmpFileUserModeProcess = NULL; // User.dmp files use this object to contain modules
CModules * lpDmpFileKernelModeDrivers = NULL; // Memory.dmp files use this object to contain modules
// Allocate local values
bool fQuietMode = false;
//#ifdef _UNICODE
// First, we need to enable the Unicode APIs (if this is a Win9x machine)...
// if (!InitUnicodeAPI())
// {
// goto cleanup;
// }
// Let's populate our Globals!
g_lpDelayLoad = new CDelayLoad();
g_lpProgramOptions = new CProgramOptions();
if (!g_lpDelayLoad && !g_lpProgramOptions)
goto cleanup;
// Initialize Options to their defaults...
if (!g_lpProgramOptions->Initialize())
_tprintf(TEXT("Unable to initialize Program Options!\n"));
goto cleanup;
// Okay, we need to create the appearance of a true argc, and argv (argc is easy)...
argc = g_TestArguments[iTestNumber].nArguments;
argv = new LPTSTR[argc];
if (!argv)
goto cleanup;
// Okay, we need to populate the argv with pointers...
tszCopyOfTestString = CUtilityFunctions::CopyString(g_TestArguments[iTestNumber].tszCommandLineArguments);
if (!tszCopyOfTestString)
goto cleanup;
tszPointerToCurrentArgument = tszCopyOfTestString;
for (iArgvIndex = 0; iArgvIndex < argc; iArgvIndex++)
// Hey... if the first character is a quote skip it and enter quote mode...
if (*tszPointerToCurrentArgument == '\"')
// Advance to next character..
tszPointerToCurrentArgument = _tcsinc(tszPointerToCurrentArgument);
fQuoteMode = true;
} else
fQuoteMode = false;
// We should be pointing to our next argument...
argv[iArgvIndex] = tszPointerToCurrentArgument;
fFoundNextArgument = false;
// Keep hunting for the next argument and leave our pointer pointing to it...
while (!fFoundNextArgument)
// Now, we need to find the next argument... look for either a quote or a space...
tszPointerToCurrentArgument = _tcspbrk( tszPointerToCurrentArgument, TEXT(" \"") );
// If this returns NULL, then we're at the end...
if (!tszPointerToCurrentArgument)
// If we found a space... then we have our next argument if we're not in quote mode..
if (*tszPointerToCurrentArgument == ' ')
if (fQuoteMode == true)
// We're in quote mode...
// Advance to next argument..
tszPointerToCurrentArgument = _tcsinc(tszPointerToCurrentArgument);
} else
// Hey, we found our argument!
fFoundNextArgument = true;
// Null terminate our last argument
*tszPointerToCurrentArgument = '\0';
// Advance to next argument..
tszPointerToCurrentArgument = _tcsinc(tszPointerToCurrentArgument);
} else if (*tszPointerToCurrentArgument == '\"')
// If the next character happens to be a space... then this is the final
// quote in a quoted argument... go ahead and nuke it and skip to next
// argument...
if (fQuoteMode && *_tcsinc(tszPointerToCurrentArgument) == ' ')
*tszPointerToCurrentArgument = NULL;
// Reverse the value of our mode...
fQuoteMode = !fQuoteMode;
// Advance to next argument..
tszPointerToCurrentArgument = _tcsinc(tszPointerToCurrentArgument);
// Take care of the commandline...
if (!g_lpProgramOptions->ProcessCommandLineArguments(argc, argv))
// An error occurred, simply comment about how to get more assistance
_tprintf(TEXT("For simple help, type: CHECKSYM -?\n"));
_tprintf(TEXT("For extended help, type: CHECKSYM -???\n"));
goto cleanup;
// Do we need to display help?
if ( g_lpProgramOptions->GetMode(CProgramOptions::HelpMode) )
goto cleanup;
// Do we need to display simple help?
if ( g_lpProgramOptions->GetMode(CProgramOptions::SimpleHelpMode) )
goto cleanup;
#ifdef _UNICODE
// It's unsupported running the UNICODE version on a Windows Platform
if (g_lpProgramOptions->IsRunningWindows())
_tprintf(TEXT("The UNICODE version of CHECKSYM does not work on a Windows platform!\n"));
_tprintf(TEXT("You require the ANSI version.\n"));
goto cleanup;
// Let's suppress nasty critical errors (like... there's no
// disk in the cd-rom drive, etc...)
// Let's save this for ease of access...
fQuietMode = g_lpProgramOptions->GetMode(CProgramOptions::QuietMode);
// Dump the program arguments (so it's obvious what we're going to do)
// Do we need to instantiate a CDBGHelpFunctions Object? We do if we need to call...
// - MakeSureDirectoryPathExists() Used for the -B (build symbol tree) option
if ( g_lpProgramOptions->GetMode(CProgramOptions::BuildSymbolTreeMode) )
// Now, we need to build the symbol tree root...
if ( !g_lpDelayLoad->MakeSureDirectoryPathExists(g_lpProgramOptions->GetSymbolTreeToBuild()) )
_tprintf(TEXT("ERROR: Unable to create symbol tree root [%s]\n"), g_lpProgramOptions->GetSymbolTreeToBuild() );
goto cleanup;
// VERIFICATION OPTION: -V (verification)?
if (g_lpProgramOptions->GetMode(CProgramOptions::VerifySymbolsMode))
// Allocate a structure for our symbol verification object.
lpSymbolVerification = new CSymbolVerification();
if (!lpSymbolVerification)
_tprintf(TEXT("Unable to allocate memory for a verification symbol object!\n"));
goto cleanup;
// Initialize Symbol Verification (if necessary)
if (!lpSymbolVerification->Initialize())
_tprintf(TEXT("Unable to initialize Symbol Verification object!\n"));
goto cleanup;
// Allocate a structure for our ModuleInfoCache if we're getting anything from the local system
if ( g_lpProgramOptions->GetMode(CProgramOptions::InputProcessesFromLiveSystemMode) ||
g_lpProgramOptions->GetMode(CProgramOptions::InputDriversFromLiveSystemMode) ||
g_lpProgramOptions->GetMode(CProgramOptions::InputModulesDataFromFileSystemMode) )
lpLocalSystemModuleInfoCache= new CModuleInfoCache();
// Check for out of memory condition...
if ( lpLocalSystemModuleInfoCache == NULL )
_tprintf(TEXT("Unable to allocate memory for the ModuleInfoCache object!\n"));
goto cleanup;
// Initialize Options to their defaults...
if (!lpLocalSystemModuleInfoCache->Initialize(lpSymbolVerification))
_tprintf(TEXT("Unable to initialize ModuleInfoCache!\n"));
goto cleanup;
// Allocate a structure for our CSVModuleInfoCache (if needed)... we need a separate
// ModuleInfoCache space because the location of files on a remote system
// files and we don't want to clash...
if (g_lpProgramOptions->GetMode(CProgramOptions::InputCSVFileMode))
// We need a Module Info Cache for these CSV data (it all was collected from
// the same system (supposedly)
lpCSVModuleInfoCache= new CModuleInfoCache();
// Check for out of memory condition...
if ( lpCSVModuleInfoCache == NULL )
_tprintf(TEXT("Unable to allocate memory for the CSVModuleInfoCache object!\n"));
goto cleanup;
// Initialize Options to their defaults...
if (!lpCSVModuleInfoCache->Initialize(lpSymbolVerification))
_tprintf(TEXT("Unable to initialize CSVModuleInfoCache!\n"));
goto cleanup;
// Since we're going to read in a file... try and open it now...
// This has the advantage of detecting problems accessing the file
// when we've spent tons of time collecting data...
if (g_lpProgramOptions->GetMode(CProgramOptions::InputCSVFileMode))
// Create the file object
lpCSVInputFile = new CFileData();
if (!lpCSVInputFile)
_tprintf(TEXT("Unable to allocate memory for an input file object!\n"));
goto cleanup;
// Set the input file path
if (!lpCSVInputFile->SetFilePath(g_lpProgramOptions->GetInputFilePath()))
_tprintf(TEXT("Unable set input file path in the file data object! Out of memory?\n"));
goto cleanup;
// If we are going to produce an input file... try to do that now...
if (!lpCSVInputFile->OpenFile(OPEN_EXISTING, true)) // Must exist, read only mode...
_tprintf(TEXT("Unable to open the input file %s.\n"), lpCSVInputFile->GetFilePath());
goto cleanup;
// Reading is so much easier in memory mapped mode...
if (!lpCSVInputFile->CreateFileMapping())
_tprintf(TEXT("Unable to CreateFileMapping of the input file %s.\n"), lpCSVInputFile->GetFilePath());
goto cleanup;
// Go ahead and read in the header of the file (validate it).
// Reading is so much easier in memory mapped mode...
if (!lpCSVInputFile->ReadFileHeader())
_tprintf(TEXT("Invalid header found on input file %s.\n"), lpCSVInputFile->GetFilePath());
goto cleanup;
// If we specified an output file, this is where we go ahead and allocate memory
// for the object
if (g_lpProgramOptions->GetMode(CProgramOptions::OutputCSVFileMode))
// Allocate a structure for our output fileData Object...
lpCSVOutputFile = new CFileData();
if (!lpCSVOutputFile )
_tprintf(TEXT("Unable to allocate memory for an output file object!\n"));
goto cleanup;
// INPUT METHOD: -Z Option? (Dump files?)
if (g_lpProgramOptions->GetMode(CProgramOptions::InputDmpFileMode))
if (!fQuietMode)
_tprintf(TEXT("\nReading Data from DMP File...\n"));
// Create a Module Info Cache namespace to contain any modules found...
lpDmpModuleInfoCache = new CModuleInfoCache();
// Check for out of memory condition...
if ( lpDmpModuleInfoCache == NULL )
_tprintf(TEXT("Unable to allocate memory for the DmpModuleInfoCache object!\n"));
goto cleanup;
// Initialize Options to their defaults...
if (!lpDmpModuleInfoCache->Initialize(lpSymbolVerification))
_tprintf(TEXT("Unable to initialize DmpModuleInfoCache!\n"));
goto cleanup;
// Create the DMP File object
lpDmpFile = new CDmpFile();
if (!lpDmpFile)
_tprintf(TEXT("Unable to allocate memory for a DMP file object!\n"));
goto cleanup;
// Initialize the DMP File
if (!lpDmpFile->Initialize(lpCSVOutputFile))
_tprintf(TEXT("ERROR: Unable to initialize DMP file!\n"));
goto cleanup;
// Header is good... so let's go ahead and get some data...
if (!lpDmpFile->CollectData(&lpDmpFileUserModeProcess, &lpDmpFileKernelModeDrivers, lpDmpModuleInfoCache) )
_tprintf(TEXT("ERROR: Unable to collect data from the DMP file!\n"));
// INPUT METHOD: -i Option?
if (g_lpProgramOptions->GetMode(CProgramOptions::InputCSVFileMode))
if (!fQuietMode)
_tprintf(TEXT("\nReading Data from Input File...\n"));
// Header is good... so let's go ahead and dispatch
if (!lpCSVInputFile->DispatchCollectionObject(&lpCSVProcesses, &lpCSVProcess, &lpCSVModulesFromFileSystem, &lpCSVKernelModeDrivers, lpCSVModuleInfoCache, lpCSVOutputFile))
_tprintf(TEXT("Failure reading data collection from input file %s.\n"), lpCSVInputFile->GetFilePath());
goto cleanup;
// INPUT METHOD: -p Option?
if ( g_lpProgramOptions->GetMode(CProgramOptions::InputProcessesFromLiveSystemMode) )
// Allocate a structure for our Processes Object.
lpLocalSystemProcesses = new CProcesses();
if (!lpLocalSystemProcesses)
_tprintf(TEXT("Unable to allocate memory for the processes object!\n"));
goto cleanup;
// The Processes Object will init differently depending on what
// Command-Line arguments have been provided...
if (!lpLocalSystemProcesses->Initialize(lpLocalSystemModuleInfoCache, NULL, lpCSVOutputFile))
_tprintf(TEXT("Unable to initialize Processes Object!\n"));
goto cleanup;
// Mention the delay...
if (!( fQuietMode ||
) )
_tprintf(TEXT("\nCollecting Process Data.... (this may take a few minutes)\n"));
// Get the goods from the local system!
if ( g_lpProgramOptions->GetMode(CProgramOptions::InputModulesDataFromFileSystemMode) )
// Allocate a structure for our CModules collection (a generic collection of
// files from the filesystem)
// Allocate a structure for our Processes Object.
lpLocalFileSystemModules = new CModules();
if (!lpLocalFileSystemModules)
_tprintf(TEXT("Unable to allocate memory for the CModules object!\n"));
goto cleanup;
if (!lpLocalFileSystemModules->Initialize(lpLocalSystemModuleInfoCache, NULL, lpCSVOutputFile, NULL))
_tprintf(TEXT("Unable to initialize FileSystemModules Object!\n"));
goto cleanup;
if (!fQuietMode)
_tprintf(TEXT("\nCollecting Modules Data from file path.... (this may take a few minutes)\n"));
if ( g_lpProgramOptions->GetMode(CProgramOptions::InputDriversFromLiveSystemMode) )
// Allocate a structure for our CModules collection (a generic collection of
// files from the filesystem)
// Allocate a structure for our Processes Object.
lpKernelModeDrivers = new CModules();
if (!lpKernelModeDrivers)
_tprintf(TEXT("Unable to allocate memory for the CModules object!\n"));
goto cleanup;
if (!lpKernelModeDrivers->Initialize(lpLocalSystemModuleInfoCache, NULL, lpCSVOutputFile, NULL))
_tprintf(TEXT("Unable to initialize Modules Object!\n"));
goto cleanup;
if (!fQuietMode)
_tprintf(TEXT("\nCollecting Device Driver Data.... (this may take a few minutes)\n"));
// If we specified an output file, this is where we go ahead and allocate memory
// for the object
if (g_lpProgramOptions->GetMode(CProgramOptions::OutputCSVFileMode))
// Do we have any data to output? If we have any data in cache... we should...
if ( ( lpLocalSystemModuleInfoCache && lpLocalSystemModuleInfoCache->GetNumberOfModulesInCache() ) ||
( lpCSVModuleInfoCache && lpCSVModuleInfoCache->GetNumberOfModulesInCache() ) ||
( lpDmpModuleInfoCache && lpDmpModuleInfoCache->GetNumberOfModulesInCache() )
// Set the output file path
if (!lpCSVOutputFile->SetFilePath(g_lpProgramOptions->GetOutputFilePath()))
_tprintf(TEXT("Unable set output file path in the file data object! Out of memory?\n"));
goto cleanup;
// Verify the output file directory...
if (!lpCSVOutputFile ->VerifyFileDirectory())
_tprintf(TEXT("Directory provided is invalid!\n"));
goto cleanup;
// If we are going to produce an output file... try to do that now...
if ( !lpCSVOutputFile->OpenFile(g_lpProgramOptions->GetMode(CProgramOptions::OverwriteOutputFileMode) ? CREATE_ALWAYS : CREATE_NEW) )
_tprintf(TEXT("Unable to create the output file %s.\n"), lpCSVOutputFile->GetFilePath());
goto cleanup;
// We skip output of the file header if -E was specified...
if (!g_lpProgramOptions->GetMode(CProgramOptions::ExceptionMonitorMode))
// Write the file header!
if (!lpCSVOutputFile->WriteFileHeader())
_tprintf(TEXT("Unable to write the output file header.\n"));
goto cleanup;
} else
// Nothing to output... do not enable this mode...
g_lpProgramOptions->SetMode(CProgramOptions::OutputCSVFileMode, false);
// Do we verify symbols on this machine?
if ( g_lpProgramOptions->GetMode(CProgramOptions::VerifySymbolsMode) &&
( lpLocalSystemModuleInfoCache || lpCSVModuleInfoCache || lpDmpModuleInfoCache) )
// If there is any data in any of our caches... we need to verify them...
// Do a Verify on the ModuleCache... (We'll be quiet in QuietMode or when Building a Symbol Tree)
if (lpLocalSystemModuleInfoCache)
if (!fQuietMode)
_tprintf(TEXT("\nVerifying %d Modules from this System...\n"), lpLocalSystemModuleInfoCache->GetNumberOfModulesInCache());
lpLocalSystemModuleInfoCache->VerifySymbols( fQuietMode ||
// Update our stats...
lTotalNumberOfModulesVerified = lTotalNumberOfModulesVerified + lpLocalSystemModuleInfoCache->GetNumberOfModulesVerified();
lTotalNumberOfVerifyErrors = lTotalNumberOfVerifyErrors + lpLocalSystemModuleInfoCache->GetNumberOfVerifyErrors();
// Do a Verify on the ModuleCache... (We'll be quiet in QuietMode or when Building a Symbol Tree)
if (lpCSVModuleInfoCache)
if (!fQuietMode)
_tprintf(TEXT("\nVerifying %d Modules from the CSV file...\n"), lpCSVModuleInfoCache->GetNumberOfModulesInCache());
lpCSVModuleInfoCache->VerifySymbols( fQuietMode ||
// Update our stats...
lTotalNumberOfModulesVerified = lTotalNumberOfModulesVerified + lpCSVModuleInfoCache->GetNumberOfModulesVerified();
lTotalNumberOfVerifyErrors = lTotalNumberOfVerifyErrors + lpCSVModuleInfoCache->GetNumberOfVerifyErrors();
// Do a Verify on the ModuleCache... (We'll be quiet in QuietMode or when Building a Symbol Tree)
if (lpDmpModuleInfoCache)
if (!fQuietMode)
_tprintf(TEXT("\nVerifying %d Modules from the DMP file...\n"), lpDmpModuleInfoCache->GetNumberOfModulesInCache());
lpDmpModuleInfoCache->VerifySymbols( fQuietMode ||
// Update our stats...
lTotalNumberOfModulesVerified = lTotalNumberOfModulesVerified + lpDmpModuleInfoCache->GetNumberOfModulesVerified();
lTotalNumberOfVerifyErrors = lTotalNumberOfVerifyErrors + lpDmpModuleInfoCache->GetNumberOfVerifyErrors();
// OUTPUT Phase!
// Let's output local system processes first!
if (lpLocalSystemProcesses)
lpLocalSystemProcesses->OutputProcessesData(Processes, false);
// Let's output CSV Processes next...
if (lpCSVProcesses)
lpCSVProcesses->OutputProcessesData(Processes, true);
// If we're going to Dump to a USER.DMP file... do it...
// Dump the data from a USER.DMP file... if we have one...
if (lpDmpFileUserModeProcess)
lpDmpFileUserModeProcess->OutputProcessData(Process, false, true);
// let's output CSV Process next...
if (lpCSVProcess)
lpCSVProcess->OutputProcessData(Processes, true);
// Dump modules we found from our local file system first...
if (lpLocalFileSystemModules)
lpLocalFileSystemModules->OutputModulesData(Modules, false);
// Dump modules from the CSV file second...
if (lpCSVModulesFromFileSystem)
lpCSVModulesFromFileSystem->OutputModulesData(Modules, true);
// Dump device drivers from our local system first
if (lpKernelModeDrivers)
lpKernelModeDrivers->OutputModulesData(KernelModeDrivers, false);
if (lpDmpFileKernelModeDrivers)
lpDmpFileKernelModeDrivers->OutputModulesData(KernelModeDrivers, false);
if (lpCSVKernelModeDrivers)
lpCSVKernelModeDrivers->OutputModulesData(KernelModeDrivers, true);
// Dump device drivers from our CSV file second...
// ISSUE-2000/07/24-GREGWI: Add support for Device Drivers here...
// Dump the verification results...
if (g_lpProgramOptions->GetMode(CProgramOptions::VerifySymbolsMode) &&
long lPercentageSuccessfullyVerified = 0;
if (lTotalNumberOfModulesVerified)
lPercentageSuccessfullyVerified = (lTotalNumberOfModulesVerified - lTotalNumberOfVerifyErrors) * 100 / lTotalNumberOfModulesVerified;
_tprintf(TEXT("RESULTS: %d Total Files Checked, Total %d Verification Errors Found\n"), lTotalNumberOfModulesVerified , lTotalNumberOfVerifyErrors );
_tprintf(TEXT("RESULTS: Percentage Verified Successfully = %d%%\n"), lPercentageSuccessfullyVerified);
// Return an error level equal to the number of errors found (0 == EXIT_SUCCESS)
iReturnCode = lTotalNumberOfVerifyErrors;
} else
// Success!
iReturnCode = EXIT_SUCCESS;
// If we specified an output file, this is where we close it...
if (lpCSVOutputFile)
// Try and close the file this object is bound to...
// Free the memory...
delete lpCSVOutputFile;
lpCSVOutputFile = NULL;
// If we specified an input file, this is where we close it...
if (lpCSVInputFile)
// Try and close the file this object is bound to...
// Free the memory...
delete lpCSVInputFile;
lpCSVInputFile = NULL;
if (g_lpDelayLoad)
delete g_lpDelayLoad;
g_lpDelayLoad = NULL;
if (g_lpProgramOptions)
delete g_lpProgramOptions;
g_lpProgramOptions = NULL;
if (lpLocalSystemProcesses)
delete lpLocalSystemProcesses;
lpLocalSystemProcesses = NULL;
if (lpSymbolVerification)
delete lpSymbolVerification;
lpSymbolVerification = NULL;
if (lpCSVKernelModeDrivers)
delete lpCSVKernelModeDrivers;
lpCSVKernelModeDrivers = NULL;
if (lpCSVProcesses)
delete lpCSVProcesses;
lpCSVProcesses = NULL;
if (lpCSVProcess)
delete lpCSVProcess;
lpCSVProcess = NULL;
if (lpCSVModulesFromFileSystem)
delete lpCSVModulesFromFileSystem;
lpCSVModulesFromFileSystem = NULL;
if (lpLocalSystemModuleInfoCache)
delete lpLocalSystemModuleInfoCache;
lpLocalSystemModuleInfoCache = NULL;
if (lpCSVModuleInfoCache)
delete lpCSVModuleInfoCache;
lpCSVModuleInfoCache = NULL;
if (lpDmpModuleInfoCache)
delete lpDmpModuleInfoCache;
lpDmpModuleInfoCache = NULL;
if (lpLocalFileSystemModules)
delete lpLocalFileSystemModules;
lpLocalFileSystemModules = NULL;
if (lpKernelModeDrivers)
delete lpKernelModeDrivers;
lpKernelModeDrivers = NULL;
if (lpDmpFile)
delete lpDmpFile;
lpDmpFile = NULL;
if (lpDmpFileUserModeProcess)
delete lpDmpFileUserModeProcess;
lpDmpFileUserModeProcess = NULL;
if (lpDmpFileKernelModeDrivers)
delete lpDmpFileKernelModeDrivers;
lpDmpFileKernelModeDrivers = NULL;
if (argv)
delete [] argv;
argv = NULL;
if (tszCopyOfTestString)
delete [] tszCopyOfTestString;
tszCopyOfTestString = NULL;
} // Return for more tests?
return iReturnCode;
//#if ( _MSC_VER < 1200 )
#ifdef __cplusplus