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// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1999 - 2000
// File: moduleinfocache.cpp
// ModuleInfoCache.cpp: implementation of the CModuleInfoCache class.
#ifndef NO_STRICT
#ifndef STRICT
#define STRICT 1
#endif /* NO_STRICT */
#include <WINDOWS.H>
#include <STDIO.H>
#include <TCHAR.H>
#include "ModuleInfoCache.h"
#include "ModuleInfo.h"
#include "ModuleInfoNode.h"
#include "ProgramOptions.h"
#include "Globals.h"
#include "UtilityFunctions.h"
// Construction/Destruction
m_iModulesInCache = 0;
m_iNumberOfErrors = 0;
m_iTotalNumberOfModulesVerified = 0;
m_lpModuleInfoNodeHead = NULL;
// Delete all the Module Info Objects...
WaitForSingleObject(m_hModuleInfoCacheMutex, INFINITE);
if (m_lpModuleInfoNodeHead)
CModuleInfoNode * lpModuleInfoNodePointer = m_lpModuleInfoNodeHead;
CModuleInfoNode * lpModuleInfoNodePointerToDelete = m_lpModuleInfoNodeHead;
// Traverse the linked list to the end..
while (lpModuleInfoNodePointer)
{ // Keep looking for the end...
// Advance our pointer to the next node...
lpModuleInfoNodePointer = lpModuleInfoNodePointer->m_lpNextModuleInfoNode;
// Delete the Module Info Object we have...
delete lpModuleInfoNodePointerToDelete->m_lpModuleInfo;
// Delete the Module Info Node Object behind us...
delete lpModuleInfoNodePointerToDelete;
// Set the node to delete to the current...
lpModuleInfoNodePointerToDelete = lpModuleInfoNodePointer;
// Now, clear out the Head pointer...
m_lpModuleInfoNodeHead = NULL;
// Be a good citizen and release the Mutex
// Now, close the Mutex
if (m_hModuleInfoCacheMutex)
m_hModuleInfoCacheMutex = NULL;
// Search for the provided module path, return a pointer to the
// ModuleInfo object if we find it...
CModuleInfo * CModuleInfoCache::SearchForModuleInfoObject(LPTSTR tszModulePath)
if (tszModulePath == NULL)
return NULL;
CModuleInfo * lpModuleInfoObjectToReturn = NULL;
// Search all the Module Info Objects...
WaitForSingleObject(m_hModuleInfoCacheMutex, INFINITE);
if (m_lpModuleInfoNodeHead)
CModuleInfoNode * lpCurrentModuleInfoNodePointer = m_lpModuleInfoNodeHead;
CModuleInfoNode * lpParentModuleInfoNodePointer = NULL;
DWORD dwParentModuleInfoRefCount = 0;
DWORD dwModuleInfoRefCount = 0;
// Traverse the linked list to the end..
while (lpCurrentModuleInfoNodePointer )
// Do we have a match?
if ( 0 == _tcscmp(tszModulePath, lpCurrentModuleInfoNodePointer->m_lpModuleInfo->GetModulePath()) )
// Yee haa... We have a match!!!
lpModuleInfoObjectToReturn = lpCurrentModuleInfoNodePointer->m_lpModuleInfo;
// Increment the refcount... of the new Object...
dwModuleInfoRefCount = lpModuleInfoObjectToReturn->AddRef();
_tprintf(TEXT("MODULE CACHE: Module FOUND in Cache [%s] (New Ref Count = %d)\n"), tszModulePath, dwModuleInfoRefCount);
// If we have a parent... and we find that it's refcount is below ours
// we'll want to move ourself into the correct position...
if ( lpParentModuleInfoNodePointer &&
( dwParentModuleInfoRefCount < dwModuleInfoRefCount )
// First... pop us off the list...
lpParentModuleInfoNodePointer->m_lpNextModuleInfoNode =
// Set the Parent Node pointer to NULL (so we can tell if there is a parent)
lpParentModuleInfoNodePointer = NULL;
// Now, starting from the top of the list... figure out where to stuff us...
CModuleInfoNode * lpTempModuleInfoNodePointer = m_lpModuleInfoNodeHead;
// Keep looking...
while (lpTempModuleInfoNodePointer)
// We're looking for a place where our ref count is greater than
// the node we're pointing at...
if ( dwModuleInfoRefCount >
// Bingo...
// Do we have the highest refcount?
if (lpParentModuleInfoNodePointer == NULL)
// We are to become the head...
// Make our node point to where the head currently points.
lpCurrentModuleInfoNodePointer->m_lpNextModuleInfoNode = m_lpModuleInfoNodeHead;
// Set the current NodeHead to ours...
m_lpModuleInfoNodeHead = lpCurrentModuleInfoNodePointer;
} else
// We're not the head...
// Save where the parent currently points...
lpCurrentModuleInfoNodePointer->m_lpNextModuleInfoNode = lpParentModuleInfoNodePointer->m_lpNextModuleInfoNode;
// Set the parent to point to us...
lpParentModuleInfoNodePointer->m_lpNextModuleInfoNode = lpCurrentModuleInfoNodePointer;
goto cleanup;
// Save the old pointer (it's now the parent)
lpParentModuleInfoNodePointer = lpTempModuleInfoNodePointer;
// Let's try the next one...
lpTempModuleInfoNodePointer = lpTempModuleInfoNodePointer->m_lpNextModuleInfoNode;
// Save parent location (we need it for popping our object from the list)
lpParentModuleInfoNodePointer = lpCurrentModuleInfoNodePointer ;
// Save our parent's ref count...
dwParentModuleInfoRefCount = lpCurrentModuleInfoNodePointer->m_lpModuleInfo->GetRefCount();
// Advance to the next object...
lpCurrentModuleInfoNodePointer = lpCurrentModuleInfoNodePointer->m_lpNextModuleInfoNode;
// Be a good citizen and release the Mutex
if (!lpModuleInfoObjectToReturn)
_tprintf(TEXT("MODULE CACHE: Module not found in Cache [%s]\n"), tszModulePath);
return lpModuleInfoObjectToReturn;
** CModuleInfoCache::AddNewModuleInfoObject()
** This routine accepts a path to the module, and either returns the
** Module Info object from the cache, or creates a new object that needs
** to be populated.
CModuleInfo * CModuleInfoCache::AddNewModuleInfoObject(LPTSTR tszModulePath, bool * pfNew)
if (tszModulePath == NULL)
return NULL;
CModuleInfo * lpModuleInfoObjectToReturn = NULL;
CModuleInfoNode * lpModuleInfoNode = NULL;
*pfNew = false;
// Acquire Mutex object to protect the linked-list...
WaitForSingleObject(m_hModuleInfoCacheMutex, INFINITE);
_tcsupr(tszModulePath); // Upper case the module path... makes it faster on search...
lpModuleInfoObjectToReturn = SearchForModuleInfoObject(tszModulePath);
if (lpModuleInfoObjectToReturn)
// Success... since it already exists, we just return this object...
goto cleanup;
// We need to create a new object then...
lpModuleInfoObjectToReturn = new CModuleInfo();
if (NULL == lpModuleInfoObjectToReturn)
goto error_cleanup; // This is bad... get out...
// Set the module path (that's the only thing we have to set at this exact moment
if (!lpModuleInfoObjectToReturn->SetModulePath(tszModulePath))
goto cleanup;
*pfNew = true;
// Now, create a new ModuleInfoNode, and add this new object to it...
lpModuleInfoNode = new CModuleInfoNode(lpModuleInfoObjectToReturn);
if (NULL == lpModuleInfoNode)
goto error_cleanup;
if (!lpModuleInfoNode->AddModuleInfoNodeToTail(&m_lpModuleInfoNodeHead))
goto error_cleanup;
_tprintf(TEXT("MODULE CACHE: Module added to Cache [%s]\n"), tszModulePath);
// Success...
goto cleanup;
if (lpModuleInfoObjectToReturn)
delete lpModuleInfoObjectToReturn;
lpModuleInfoObjectToReturn = NULL;
// Release the Mutex...
return lpModuleInfoObjectToReturn;
bool CModuleInfoCache::Initialize(CSymbolVerification * lpSymbolVerification)
// Let's save the symbol verification object here...
m_lpSymbolVerification = lpSymbolVerification;
m_hModuleInfoCacheMutex = CreateMutex(NULL, FALSE, NULL);
if (m_hModuleInfoCacheMutex == NULL)
return false;
return true;
bool CModuleInfoCache::VerifySymbols(bool fQuietMode)
enum { iTotalNumberOfDotsToPrint = 60 };
unsigned int iDotsPrinted = 0;
unsigned int iDotsToPrint;
long iTotalNumberOfModulesProcessed = 0;
unsigned int iTotalNumberOfModules = GetNumberOfModulesInCache();
bool fDebugSearchPaths = g_lpProgramOptions->fDebugSearchPaths();
bool fBadSymbol = true;
// Acquire Mutex object to protect the linked-list...
WaitForSingleObject(m_hModuleInfoCacheMutex, INFINITE);
if (m_lpModuleInfoNodeHead)
CModuleInfoNode * lpCurrentModuleInfoNode = m_lpModuleInfoNodeHead;
while (lpCurrentModuleInfoNode)
fBadSymbol = true;
// We have a node... verify the Module Info for it...
if (lpCurrentModuleInfoNode->m_lpModuleInfo)
_tprintf(TEXT("MODULE CACHE: Verifying Symbols for [%s] (Refcount=%d)\n"),
lpCurrentModuleInfoNode->m_lpModuleInfo->GetRefCount() );
if (fDebugSearchPaths && lpCurrentModuleInfoNode->m_lpModuleInfo->GetPESymbolInformation() != CModuleInfo::SYMBOL_INFORMATION_UNKNOWN)
_tprintf(TEXT("Verifying Symbols for [%s]\n"), lpCurrentModuleInfoNode->m_lpModuleInfo->GetModulePath());
// Invoke the ModuleInfo's VerifySymbols method... the cache doesn't know
// how to verify symbols, but the ModuleInfo knows how to get this done...
fBadSymbol = !lpCurrentModuleInfoNode->m_lpModuleInfo->VerifySymbols(m_lpSymbolVerification) || !lpCurrentModuleInfoNode->m_lpModuleInfo->GoodSymbolNotFound();
// Increment total number of modules verified
// Increment total number of modules verified for actual PE images... only...
if (lpCurrentModuleInfoNode->m_lpModuleInfo->GetPESymbolInformation() != CModuleInfo::SYMBOL_INFORMATION_UNKNOWN)
if (fBadSymbol)
if (!fQuietMode && !fDebugSearchPaths)
// Let's see if we should print a status dot... there will be room for 80 dots
// but we'll just print 60 for now...
iDotsToPrint = (iTotalNumberOfDotsToPrint * iTotalNumberOfModulesProcessed) / iTotalNumberOfModules;
// Print out any dots if we need to...
while (iDotsToPrint > iDotsPrinted)
lpCurrentModuleInfoNode = lpCurrentModuleInfoNode->m_lpNextModuleInfoNode;
if (!fQuietMode && iDotsPrinted && !fDebugSearchPaths)
// Be a good citizen and release the Mutex
return true;