Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
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| //
|Copyright (c) 1998, 1999 Sequent Computer Systems, Incorporated. All rights reserved. //
| //
|Description: //
| //
; This file contains non-member functions to start ProcCon threads //
| //
|Created: //
| //
| Jarl McDonald 04-99 //
| //
|Revision History: //
| //
#include "ProcConSvc.h"
// Functions to start various threads in Process Control.
// Input: pointer to thread context structure.
// Returns: thread return code -- 0 for success, other for failure.
PCULONG32 _stdcall PCProcServer( void *ctxt ) {
Sleep( 2000 ); // Wait a bit before we jump in
ULONG rc = 1;
PCContext *context = (PCContext *) ctxt;
context->cMgr = new CProcConMgr( context );
if ( !context->cMgr )
PCLogNoMemory( TEXT("AllocProcConMgrClass"), sizeof(CProcConMgr) );
else if ( context->cMgr->ReadyToRun() ) {
context->cDB->SetPCMgr( context->cMgr ); // tell DB mgr about ProcCon mgr
rc = context->cMgr->Run();
if ( rc && !context->cPC->GotShutdown() ) context->cPC->Stop();
SetEvent( context->mgrDoneEvent );
return rc;
PCULONG32 _stdcall PCUserServer( void *ctxt ) {
Sleep( 2000 ); // Wait a bit before we jump in
PCContext *context = (PCContext *) ctxt;
context->cUser = new CProcConUser( context );
if ( !context->cUser )
PCLogNoMemory( TEXT("AllocProcConUserClass"), sizeof(CProcConUser) );
while ( context->cUser->ReadyToRun() ) context->cUser->Run();
if ( !context->cPC->GotShutdown() ) context->cPC->Stop();
SetEvent( context->userDoneEvent );
return 0;
ULONG _stdcall PCClientThread( void *context ) {
ULONG rc = 1;
CProcConClient *cClient = new CProcConClient( (ClientContext *) context );
if ( !cClient )
PCLogNoMemory( TEXT("AllocProcConClientClass"), sizeof(CProcConClient) );
else {
if ( cClient->ReadyToRun() ) rc = cClient->Run();
delete cClient;
return rc;