Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

990 lines
41 KiB

#include "selrange.h"
#include <urlmon.h>
#include <iimgctx.h>
//#define USE_SORT_FLARE
// Apps steal our userdata space so make sure we don't use it.
// define this to get single click activate to activate immediately.
// if a second click comes to the same window within a double-click-timeout
// period, we blow it off. we try to keep focus on the app that launched,
// but we can't figure out how to do that yet... with this not defined,
// the single-click-activate waits a double-click-timeout before activating.
// REVIEW: max items in a OWNERDATA listview
// due to currently unknown reasons the listview will not handle much more
// items than this. Since this number is very high, no time has yet been
// spent on finding the reason(s).
#define MAX_LISTVIEWITEMS (100000000)
#define CLIP_HEIGHT ((plv->cyLabelChar * 2) + g_cyEdge)
#define CLIP_HEIGHT_DI ((plvdi->plv->cyLabelChar * 2) + g_cyEdge)
#define CLIP_WIDTH ((plv->cxIconSpacing - g_cxLabelMargin * 2))
// Timer IDs
#define IDT_NAMEEDIT 42
#define IDT_MARQUEE 44
#define IDT_SORTFLARE 47
#define IDT_TRACKINGTIP 48 // Keyboard tracking tooltip display pause
// use g_cxIconSpacing when you want the the global system metric
// use _GetCurrentItemSize when you want the padded size of "icon" in a ListView
extern BOOL g_fListviewAlphaSelect;
extern BOOL g_fListviewShadowText;
extern BOOL g_fListviewWatermarkBackgroundImages;
extern BOOL g_fListviewEnableWatermark;
extern int g_cxIcon;
extern int g_cyIcon;
#define g_cxIconOffset ((g_cxIconSpacing - g_cxIcon) / 2)
#define g_cyIconOffset (g_cyBorder * 2) // NOTE: Must be >= cyIconMargin!
#define CCMAX_TILE_COLUMNS 20 // Max number of slots per tile. Having a value means the drawing code doesn't need to Alloc
#define IsEqualRect(rc1, rc2) ( ((rc1).left==(rc2).left) && ((rc1).top==(rc2).top) && ((rc1).right==(rc2).right) && ((rc1).bottom==(rc2).bottom) )
BOOL ListView_Init(HINSTANCE hinst);
LRESULT CALLBACK _export ListView_WndProc(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
#define ListView_DefProc DefWindowProc
typedef struct _IMAGE IMAGE;
typedef struct tagLISTGROUP
LPWSTR pszHeader;
LPWSTR pszFooter;
UINT state;
UINT uAlign;
int iGroupId;
HDPA hdpa;
RECT rc;
int cyTitle;
#define LISTGROUP_HEIGHT(plv, pgrp) (max((plv)->, (pgrp)->cyTitle + 6) + (plv)->paddingTop)
#define LISTITEM_HASGROUP(plvi) ((plvi)->pGroup != NULL && LISTITEM_HASASKEDFORGROUP(plvi))
#define LISTITEM_SETASKEDFORGROUP(plvi) ((plvi)->pGroup = NULL)
#define LISTITEM_GROUP(plvi) (LISTITEM_HASGROUP(plvi)? (plvi)->pGroup: NULL)
typedef struct _LISTITEM // li
LPTSTR pszText;
short iImage;
short cxSingleLabel;
short cxMultiLabel;
short cyFoldedLabel;
short cyUnfoldedLabel;
short iWorkArea; // Which workarea do I belong
WORD state; // LVIS_*
short iIndent;
LPARAM lParam;
// Region listview stuff
HRGN hrgnIcon; // Region which describes the icon for this item
POINT ptRgn; // Location that this item's hrgnIcon was calculated for
RECT rcTextRgn;
// Tile column info
UINT cColumns;
PUINT puColumns;
// Report view sub-item structure
typedef struct _LISTSUBITEM
LPTSTR pszText;
short iImage;
WORD state;
SIZE sizeText;
#define LV_HDPA_GROW 16 // Grow chunk size for DPAs
#define LV_HIML_GROW 8 // Grow chunk size for ImageLists
typedef struct _LV
CCONTROLINFO ci; // common control header info
BITBOOL fNoDismissEdit:1; // don't dismiss in-place edit control
BITBOOL fButtonDown:1; // we're tracking the mouse with a button down
BITBOOL fOneClickOK:1; // true from creation to double-click-timeout
BITBOOL fOneClickHappened:1; // true from item-activate to double-click-timeout
BITBOOL fPlaceTooltip:1; // should we do the placement of tooltip over the text?
BITBOOL fImgCtxComplete:1; // TRUE if we have complete bk image
BITBOOL fNoEmptyText:1; // we don't have text for an empty view.
BITBOOL fGroupView:1;
BITBOOL fIconsPositioned:1;
BITBOOL fInsertAfter:1; // insert after (or before) iInsertSlot slot.
BITBOOL fListviewAlphaSelect:1;
BITBOOL fListviewShadowText:1;
BITBOOL fListviewWatermarkBackgroundImages:1;
BITBOOL fListviewEnableWatermark:1;
BITBOOL fInFixIScrollPositions:1;
WORD wView; // Which view are we in?
HDPA hdpa; // item array structure
DWORD flags; // LVF_ state bits
DWORD exStyle; // the listview LVM_SETEXTENDEDSTYLE
DWORD dwExStyle; // the windows ex style
HFONT hfontLabel; // font to use for labels
COLORREF clrBk; // Background color
COLORREF clrBkSave; // Background color saved during disable
COLORREF clrText; // text color
COLORREF clrTextBk; // text background color
COLORREF clrOutline; // focus rect outline color
HANDLE hheap; // The heap to use to allocate memory from.
int cyLabelChar; // height of '0' in hfont
int cxLabelChar; // width of '0'
int cxEllipses; // width of "..."
int iDrag; // index of item being dragged
int iFocus; // index of currently-focused item
int iMark; // index of "mark" for range selection
int iItemDrawing; // item currently being drawn
int iFirstChangedNoRedraw; // Index of first item added during no redraw.
UINT stateCallbackMask; // item state callback mask
SIZE sizeClient; // current client rectangle
int nWorkAreas; // Number of workareas
LPRECT prcWorkAreas; // The workarea rectangles -- nWorkAreas of them.
UINT nSelected;
int iPuntChar;
HRGN hrgnInval;
HWND hwndToolTips; // handle of the tooltip window for this view
int iTTLastHit; // last item hit for text
int iTTLastSubHit; // last subitem hit for text
LPTSTR pszTip; // buffer for tip
int iSortFlare;
// Small icon view fields
HIMAGELIST himlSmall; // small icons
int cxSmIcon; // image list x-icon size
int cySmIcon; // image list y-icon size
int xOrigin; // Horizontal scroll posiiton
int cxItem; // Width of small icon items
int cyItem; // item height
int cItemCol; // Number of items per column
int cxIconSpacing;
int cyIconSpacing;
// Icon view fields
int cxIcon; // image list x-icon size
int cyIcon; // image list y-icon size
HDPA hdpaZOrder; // Large icon Z-order array
// Some definitions, to help make sense of the next two variables:
// Lets call the pitem->pt coordinate values "listview coordinates".
// Lets use rcClient as short-hand for the client area of the listview window.
// (1) ptOrigin is defined as the listview coordinate that falls on rcClient's 0,0 position.
// i.e., here's how to calculate the x,y location on rcClient for some item:
// * pitem->pt.x - ptOrigin.x , pitem->pt.y - ptOrigin.y
// Let's call that these values "window coordinates".
// (2) rcView is defined as the bounding rect of: each item's unfolded rcview bounding rect and a bit of buffer
// note: ListView_ValidatercView() checks this
// (3) For scrolling listviews (!LVS_NOSCROLL), there are two scrolling cases to consider:
// First, where rcClient is smaller than rcView:
// * rcView.left <= ptOrigin.x <= ptOrigin.x+RECTWIDTH(rcClient) <= rcView.right
// Second, where rcClient is larger than rcView (no scrollbars visible):
// * ptOrigin.x <= rcView.left <= rcView.right <= ptOrigin.x+RECTWIDTH(rcClient)
// note: ListView_ValidateScrollPositions() checks this
// (4) For non scrolling listviews (LVS_NOSCROLL), we have some legacy behavior to consider:
// For clients that persist icon positions but not the ptOrigin value, we must ensure:
// * 0 == ptOrigin.x
// note: ListView_ValidateScrollPositions() checks this
POINT ptOrigin; // Scroll position
RECT rcView; // Bounds of all icons (ptOrigin relative)
int iFreeSlot; // Most-recently found free icon slot since last reposition (-1 if none)
int cSlots;
HWND hwndEdit; // edit field for edit-label-in-place
int iEdit; // item being edited
WNDPROC pfnEditWndProc; // edit field subclass proc
NMITEMACTIVATE nmOneClickHappened;
int iScrollCount; // how many times have we gotten scroll messages before an endscroll?
// Report view fields
int iLastColSort;
int cCol;
HDPA hdpaSubItems;
HWND hwndHdr; // Header control
int yTop; // First usable pixel (below header)
int xTotalColumnWidth; // Total width of all columns
POINTL ptlRptOrigin; // Origin of Report.
int iSelCol; // to handle column width changing. changing col
int iSelOldWidth; // to handle column width changing. changing col width
int cyItemSave; // in ownerdrawfixed mode, we put the height into cyItem. use this to save the old value
// Tile View fields
SIZE sizeTile; // the size of a tile
int cSubItems; // Count of the number of sub items to display in a tile
RECT rcTileLabelMargin; // addition space to reserve around label
// Group View fields
HDPA hdpaGroups; // Groups
RECT rcBorder; // Border thickness
COLORREF crHeader;
COLORREF crFooter;
COLORREF crBottom;
HFONT hfontGroup;
UINT paddingLeft;
UINT paddingTop;
UINT paddingRight;
UINT paddingBottom;
TCHAR szItems[50];
// state image stuff
int cxState;
int cyState;
// OWNERDATA stuff
ILVRange *plvrangeSel; // selection ranges
ILVRange *plvrangeCut; // Cut Range
int cTotalItems; // number of items in the ownerdata lists
int iDropHilite; // which item is drop hilited, assume only 1
int iMSAAMin, iMSAAMax; // keep track of what we told accessibility
UINT uUnplaced; // items that have been added but not placed (pt.x == RECOMPUTE)
int iHot; // which item is hot
HFONT hFontHot; // the underlined font .. assume this has the same size metrics as hFont
int iNoHover; // don't allow hover select on this guy because it's the one we just hover selected (avoids toggling)
DWORD dwHoverTime; // Defaults to HOVER_DEFAULT
HCURSOR hCurHot; // the cursor when we're over a hot item
// BkImage stuff
IImgCtx *pImgCtx; // Background image interface
ULONG ulBkImageFlags; // LVBKIF_*
HBITMAP hbmBkImage; // Background bitmap (LVBKIF_SOURCE_HBITMAP)
LPTSTR pszBkImage; // Background URL (LVBKIF_SOURCE_URL)
int xOffsetPercent; // X offset for LVBKIF_STYLE_NORMAL images
int yOffsetPercent; // Y offset for LVBKIF_STYLE_NORMAL images
HPALETTE hpalHalftone; // Palette for drawing bk images
LPTSTR pszEmptyText; // buffer for empty view text.
COLORREF clrHotlight; // Hot light color set explicitly for this listview.
POINT ptCapture;
//incremental search stuff
// Themes
HTHEME hTheme;
// Insertmark
int iInsertItem; // The item to insert next to
int clrim; // The color of the insert mark.
int iTracking; // Used for tooltips via keyboard (current item in focus for info display, >= 0 is tracking active)
LPARAM lLastMMove; // Filter out mouse move messages that didn't result in an actual move (for track tooltip canceling)
// Frozen Slot
int iFrozenSlot; // The slot that should not be used by anyone other than the frozen item
LISTITEM *pFrozenItem; // Pointer to the frozen item.
RECT rcViewMargin; // the EnsureVisible margine around an item -- the rcView margin
RECT rcMarquee;
// Watermarks
HBITMAP hbmpWatermark;
SIZE szWatermark;
// Id Tracking
DWORD idNext; // Stores the next ID.
DWORD iLastId; // Stores the index to the previous item for searches
DWORD iIncrement;
} LV;
#define LV_StateImageValue(pitem) ((int)(((DWORD)((pitem)->state) >> 12) & 0xF))
#define LV_StateImageIndex(pitem) (LV_StateImageValue(pitem) - 1)
// listview flag values
#define LVF_FOCUSED 0x00000001
#define LVF_VISIBLE 0x00000002
#define LVF_ERASE 0x00000004 // is hrgnInval to be erased?
#define LVF_NMEDITPEND 0x00000008
#define LVF_REDRAW 0x00000010 // Value from WM_SETREDRAW message
#define LVF_ICONPOSSML 0x00000020 // X, Y coords are in small icon view
#define LVF_INRECOMPUTE 0x00000040 // Check to make sure we are not recursing
#define LVF_UNFOLDED 0x00000080
#define LVF_FONTCREATED 0x00000100 // we created the LV font
#define LVF_SCROLLWAIT 0x00000200 // we're waiting to scroll
#define LVF_COLSIZESET 0x00000400 // Has the caller explictly set width for list view
#define LVF_USERBKCLR 0x00000800 // user set the bk color (don't follow syscolorchange)
#define LVF_ICONSPACESET 0x00001000 // the user has set the icon spacing
#define LVF_CUSTOMFONT 0x00002000 // there is at least one item with a custom font
#define LVF_DONTDRAWCOMP 0x00004000 // do not draw IME composition if true
#define LVF_INSERTINGCOMP 0x00008000 // Avoid recursion
#define LVF_INRECALCREGION 0x00010000 // prevents recursion in RecalcRegion
#define LVF_DRAGIMAGE 0x00020000 // Generating a drag image
#define LVF_MARQUEE 0x00040000
// listview DrawItem flags
#define LVDI_NOIMAGE 0x0001 // don't draw image
#define LVDI_TRANSTEXT 0x0002 // draw text transparently in black
#define LVDI_NOWAYFOCUS 0x0004 // don't allow focus to drawing
#define LVDI_FOCUS 0x0008 // focus is set (for drawing)
#define LVDI_SELECTED 0x0010 // draw selected text
#define LVDI_HOTSELECTED 0x0040
#define LVDI_UNFOLDED 0x0080 // draw the item unfolded (forced)
#define LVDI_NOICONSELECT 0x0100
#define LVDI_GLOW 0x0200
#define LVDI_SHADOW 0x0400
#define LVDI_NOEFFECTS 0x0800
// listview private insertmark flags (Note: these must not conflict with the public ones in commctrl.w)
#define LVIM_SETFROMINFO 0x80000000
typedef struct {
LV* plv;
LPPOINT lpptOrg;
LPRECT prcClip;
UINT flags;
LISTITEM* pitem;
DWORD dwCustom;
// listview child control ids
#define LVID_HEADER 0
// listview keyboard tooltip tracking
#define LVKTT_NOTRACK -1
// When there is no frozen slot, it is -1.
// When no item is frozen, the index of the frozen item is -1.
// Instance data pointer access functions
#define ListView_GetPtr(hwnd) (LV*)GetWindowPtr(hwnd, 0)
#define ListView_SetPtr(hwnd, p) (LV*)SetWindowPtr(hwnd, 0, p)
// view type check functions
#define ListView_IsIconView(plv) ((plv)->wView == LV_VIEW_ICON)
#define ListView_IsTileView(plv) ((plv)->wView == LV_VIEW_TILE)
#define ListView_IsSmallView(plv) ((plv)->wView == LV_VIEW_SMALLICON)
#define ListView_IsListView(plv) ((plv)->wView == LV_VIEW_LIST)
#define ListView_IsReportView(plv) ((plv)->wView == LV_VIEW_DETAILS)
#define ListView_IsAutoArrangeView(plv) ((((plv)->wView == LV_VIEW_ICON) || ((plv)->wView == LV_VIEW_SMALLICON) || ((plv)->wView == LV_VIEW_TILE)))
#define ListView_IsSlotView(plv) ((((plv)->wView == LV_VIEW_ICON) || ((plv)->wView == LV_VIEW_SMALLICON) || ((plv)->wView == LV_VIEW_TILE)))
#define ListView_UseLargeIcons(plv) (((plv)->wView == LV_VIEW_ICON) || ((plv)->wView == LV_VIEW_TILE))
#define ListView_IsRearrangeableView(plv) (((plv)->wView == LV_VIEW_ICON) || ((plv)->wView == LV_VIEW_SMALLICON) || ((plv)->wView == LV_VIEW_TILE))
#define ListView_IsIScrollView(plv) (((plv)->wView == LV_VIEW_ICON) || ((plv)->wView == LV_VIEW_SMALLICON) || ((plv)->wView == LV_VIEW_TILE))
#define ListView_IsGroupedView(plv) ((plv)->wView != LV_VIEW_LIST)
#define ListView_IsOwnerData( plv ) (plv-> & (UINT)LVS_OWNERDATA)
#define ListView_CheckBoxes(plv) (plv->exStyle & LVS_EX_CHECKBOXES)
#define ListView_FullRowSelect(plv) (plv->exStyle & LVS_EX_FULLROWSELECT)
#define ListView_IsInfoTip(plv) (plv->exStyle & LVS_EX_INFOTIP)
#define ListView_OwnerDraw(plv) (plv-> & LVS_OWNERDRAWFIXED)
#define ListView_IsLabelTip(plv) (plv->exStyle & LVS_EX_LABELTIP)
#define ListView_SingleRow(plv) (plv->exStyle & LVS_EX_SINGLEROW)
#define ListView_HideLabels(plv) (plv->exStyle & LVS_EX_HIDELABELS)
#define ListView_IsBorderSelect(plv) (plv->exStyle & LVS_EX_BORDERSELECT)
#define ListView_IsWatermarked(plv) ((plv)->fListviewEnableWatermark && (plv)->hbmpWatermark)
#define ListView_IsWatermarkedBackground(plv) ((plv)->fListviewWatermarkBackgroundImages && (plv)->pImgCtx && (plv)->fImgCtxComplete)
#define ListView_IsSimpleSelect(plv) (plv->exStyle & LVS_EX_SIMPLESELECT)
#ifdef DPITEST
#define ListView_IsDPIScaled(plv) TRUE
#define ListView_IsDPIScaled(plv) (CCDPIScale((plv)->ci))
#define ListView_IsDoubleBuffer(plv) (FALSE)
#define ListView_IsDoubleBuffer(plv) (plv->exStyle & LVS_EX_DOUBLEBUFFER)
#define ListView_IsKbdTipTracking(plv) (plv->iTracking != LVKTT_NOTRACK)
// Some helper macros for checking some of the flags...
#define ListView_RedrawEnabled(plv) ((plv->flags & (LVF_REDRAW | LVF_VISIBLE)) == (LVF_REDRAW|LVF_VISIBLE))
// The hdpaZorder is acutally an array of DWORDS which contains the
// indexes of the items and not actual pointers...
// NOTE: linear search! this can be slow
#define ListView_ZOrderIndex(plv, i) DPA_GetPtrIndex((plv)->hdpaZOrder, IntToPtr(i))
// Message handler functions (listview.c):
LRESULT CALLBACK _export ListView_WndProc(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
BOOL ListView_NotifyCacheHint( LV* plv, int iFrom, int iTo );
void ListView_NotifyRecreate(LV *plv);
BOOL ListView_OnCreate(LV* plv, CREATESTRUCT* lpCreateStruct);
void ListView_OnNCDestroy(LV* plv);
void ListView_OnPaint(LV* plv, HDC hdc);
BOOL ListView_OnEraseBkgnd(LV* plv, HDC hdc);
void ListView_OnCommand(LV* plv, int id, HWND hwndCtl, UINT codeNotify);
void ListView_OnEnable(LV* plv, BOOL fEnable);
BOOL ListView_OnWindowPosChanging(LV* plv, WINDOWPOS* lpwpos);
void ListView_OnWindowPosChanged(LV* plv, const WINDOWPOS* lpwpos);
void ListView_OnSetFocus(LV* plv, HWND hwndOldFocus);
void ListView_OnKillFocus(LV* plv, HWND hwndNewFocus);
void ListView_OnKey(LV* plv, UINT vk, BOOL fDown, int cRepeat, UINT flags);
BOOL ListView_OnImeComposition(LV* plv, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
#ifndef UNICODE
BOOL SameDBCSChars(LPTSTR lpsz, WORD w);
void ListView_OnChar(LV* plv, UINT ch, int cRepeat);
void ListView_OnButtonDown(LV* plv, BOOL fDoubleClick, int x, int y, UINT keyFlags);
void ListView_OnLButtonUp(LV* plv, int x, int y, UINT keyFlags);
void ListView_OnCancelMode(LV* plv);
void ListView_OnTimer(LV* plv, UINT id);
void ListView_SetupPendingNameEdit(LV* plv);
#define ListView_CancelPendingEdit(plv) ListView_CancelPendingTimer(plv, LVF_NMEDITPEND, IDT_NAMEEDIT)
#define ListView_CancelScrollWait(plv) ListView_CancelPendingTimer(plv, LVF_SCROLLWAIT, IDT_SCROLLWAIT)
BOOL ListView_CancelPendingTimer(LV* plv, UINT fFlag, int idTimer);
void ListView_OnHScroll(LV* plv, HWND hwndCtl, UINT code, int pos);
void ListView_OnVScroll(LV* plv, HWND hwndCtl, UINT code, int pos);
BOOL ListView_CommonArrange(LV* plv, UINT style, HDPA hdpaSort);
BOOL ListView_CommonArrangeEx(LV* plv, UINT style, HDPA hdpaSort, int iWorkArea);
BOOL ListView_OnSetCursor(LV* plv, HWND hwndCursor, UINT codeHitTest, UINT msg);
UINT ListView_OnGetDlgCode(LV* plv, MSG* lpmsg);
HBRUSH ListView_OnCtlColor(LV* plv, HDC hdc, HWND hwndChild, int type);
void ListView_OnSetFont(LV* plvCtl, HFONT hfont, BOOL fRedraw);
HFONT ListView_OnGetFont(LV* plv);
void ListViews_OnTimer(LV* plv, UINT id);
void ListView_OnWinIniChange(LV* plv, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
void ListView_OnSysColorChange(LV* plv);
void ListView_OnSetRedraw(LV* plv, BOOL fRedraw);
BOOL ListView_OnSetTileViewInfo(LV* plv, PLVTILEVIEWINFO pTileViewInfo);
BOOL ListView_OnGetTileViewInfo(LV* plv, PLVTILEVIEWINFO pTileViewInfo);
BOOL ListView_OnSetTileInfo(LV* plv, PLVTILEINFO pTileInfo);
BOOL ListView_OnGetTileInfo(LV* plv, PLVTILEINFO pTileInfo);
HIMAGELIST ListView_OnCreateDragImage(LV *plv, int iItem, LPPOINT lpptUpLeft);
BOOL ListView_ISetColumnWidth(LV* plv, int iCol, int cx, BOOL fExplicit);
typedef void (*SCROLLPROC)(LV*, int dx, int dy, UINT uSmooth);
void ListView_ComOnScroll(LV* plv, UINT code, int posNew, int sb,
int cLine, int cPage);
#ifdef UNICODE
BOOL ListView_OnGetItemA(LV* plv, LV_ITEMA* plvi);
BOOL ListView_OnSetItemA(LV* plv, LV_ITEMA* plvi);
int ListView_OnInsertItemA(LV* plv, LV_ITEMA* plvi);
int ListView_OnFindItemA(LV* plv, int iStart, LV_FINDINFOA* plvfi);
int ListView_OnGetStringWidthA(LV* plv, LPCSTR psz, HDC hdc);
BOOL ListView_OnGetColumnA(LV* plv, int iCol, LV_COLUMNA* pcol);
BOOL ListView_OnSetColumnA(LV* plv, int iCol, LV_COLUMNA* pcol);
int ListView_OnInsertColumnA(LV* plv, int iCol, LV_COLUMNA* pcol);
int ListView_OnGetItemTextA(LV* plv, int i, LV_ITEMA *lvitem);
BOOL WINAPI ListView_OnSetItemTextA(LV* plv, int i, int iSubItem, LPCSTR pszText);
BOOL ListView_IsItemUnfolded2(LV* plv, int iItem, int iSubItem, LPTSTR pszText, int cchTextMax);
BOOL WINAPI ListView_OnSetBkImage(LV* plv, LPLVBKIMAGE pbi);
BOOL WINAPI ListView_OnGetBkImage(LV* plv, LPLVBKIMAGE pbi);
BOOL ListView_OnSetBkColor(LV* plv, COLORREF clrBk);
HIMAGELIST ListView_OnSetImageList(LV* plv, HIMAGELIST himl, BOOL fSmallImages);
BOOL ListView_OnDeleteAllItems(LV* plv);
LISTITEM* ListView_InsertItemInternal(LV* plv, const LV_ITEM* plvi, int* pi);
int ListView_OnInsertItem(LV* plv, const LV_ITEM* plvi);
BOOL ListView_OnDeleteItem(LV* plv, int i);
BOOL ListView_OnReplaceItem(LV* plv, const LV_ITEM* plvi);
int ListView_OnFindItem(LV* plv, int iStart, const LV_FINDINFO* plvfi);
BOOL ListView_OnSetItemPosition(LV* plv, int i, int x, int y);
BOOL ListView_OnSetItem(LV* plv, const LV_ITEM* plvi);
BOOL ListView_OnGetItem(LV* plv, LV_ITEM* plvi);
BOOL ListView_OnGetItemPosition(LV* plv, int i, POINT* ppt);
BOOL ListView_OnEnsureVisible(LV* plv, int i, BOOL fPartialOK);
BOOL ListView_OnScroll(LV* plv, int dx, int dy);
int ListView_OnHitTest(LV* plv, LV_HITTESTINFO* pinfo);
int ListView_OnGetStringWidth(LV* plv, LPCTSTR psz, HDC hdc);
BOOL ListView_OnGetItemRect(LV* plv, int i, RECT* prc);
BOOL ListView_OnRedrawItems(LV* plv, int iFirst, int iLast);
int ListView_OnGetNextItem(LV* plv, int i, UINT flags);
BOOL ListView_OnSetColumnWidth(LV* plv, int iCol, int cx);
int ListView_OnGetColumnWidth(LV* plv, int iCol);
void ListView_OnStyleChanging(LV* plv, UINT gwl, LPSTYLESTRUCT pinfo);
void ListView_OnStyleChanged(LV* plv, UINT gwl, LPSTYLESTRUCT pinfo);
int ListView_OnGetTopIndex(LV* plv);
int ListView_OnGetCountPerPage(LV* plv);
BOOL ListView_OnGetOrigin(LV* plv, POINT* ppt);
int ListView_OnGetItemText(LV* plv, int i, LV_ITEM *lvitem);
BOOL WINAPI ListView_OnSetItemText(LV* plv, int i, int iSubItem, LPCTSTR pszText);
HIMAGELIST ListView_OnGetImageList(LV* plv, int iImageList);
UINT ListView_OnGetItemState(LV* plv, int i, UINT mask);
BOOL ListView_OnSetItemState(LV* plv, int i, UINT data, UINT mask);
LRESULT WINAPI ListView_OnSetInfoTip(LV *plv, PLVSETINFOTIP plvSetInfoTip);
// Private functions (listview.c):
#define QUERY_DEFAULT 0x0
#define QUERY_FOLDED 0x1
#define QUERY_UNFOLDED 0x2
#define QUERY_RCVIEW 0x4
#define IsQueryFolded(dw) (((dw)&(QUERY_FOLDED|QUERY_UNFOLDED)) == QUERY_FOLDED)
#define IsQueryUnfolded(dw) (((dw)&(QUERY_FOLDED|QUERY_UNFOLDED)) == QUERY_UNFOLDED)
#define IsQueryrcView(dw) (((dw)&(QUERY_RCVIEW)) == QUERY_RCVIEW)
BOOL ListView_Notify(LV* plv, int i, int iSubItem, int code);
void ListView_GetRects(LV* plv, int i, UINT fQueryLabelRects,
RECT* prcIcon, RECT* prcLabel,
RECT* prcBounds, RECT* prcSelectBounds);
#define ListView_InvalidateItem(p,i,s,r) ListView_InvalidateItemEx(p,i,s,r,0)
void ListView_InvalidateItemEx(LV* plv, int i, BOOL fSelectionOnly,
UINT fRedraw, UINT maskChanged);
void ListView_TypeChange(LV* plv, WORD wViewOld, BOOL fOwnerDrawFixed);
void ListView_DeleteHrgnInval(LV* plv);
void ListView_Redraw(LV* plv, HDC hdc, RECT* prc);
void ListView_RedrawSelection(LV* plv);
BOOL ListView_FreeItem(LV* plv, LISTITEM* pitem);
void ListView_FreeSubItem(PLISTSUBITEM plsi);
LISTITEM* ListView_CreateItem(LV* plv, const LV_ITEM* plvi);
void ListView_UpdateScrollBars(LV* plv);
int ListView_SetFocusSel(LV* plv, int iNewFocus, BOOL fSelect, BOOL fDeselectAll, BOOL fToggleSel);
void ListView_GetRectsOwnerData(LV* plv, int iItem,
RECT* prcIcon, RECT* prcLabel, RECT* prcBounds,
RECT* prcSelectBounds, LISTITEM* pitem);
void ListView_CalcMinMaxIndex( LV* plv, PRECT prcBounding, int* iMin, int* iMax );
int ListView_LCalcViewItem( LV* plv, int x, int y );
void LVSeeThruScroll(LV *plv, LPRECT lprcUpdate);
BOOL ListView_UnfoldRects(LV* plv, int iItem,
RECT* prcIcon, RECT* prcLabel,
RECT* prcBounds, RECT* prcSelectBounds);
BOOL ListView_FindWorkArea(LV * plv, POINT pt, short * piWorkArea);
__inline int ListView_Count(LV *plv)
ASSERT(ListView_IsOwnerData(plv) || plv->cTotalItems == DPA_GetPtrCount(plv->hdpa));
return plv->cTotalItems;
// Forcing (i) to UINT lets us catch bogus negative numbers, too.
#define ListView_IsValidItemNumber(plv, i) ((UINT)(i) < (UINT)ListView_Count(plv))
#define ListView_GetItemPtr(plv, i) ((LISTITEM*)DPA_GetPtr((plv)->hdpa, (i)))
#ifdef DEBUG
#define ListView_FastGetItemPtr(plv, i) ((LISTITEM*)DPA_GetPtr((plv)->hdpa, (i)))
#define ListView_FastGetZItemPtr(plv, i) ((LISTITEM*)DPA_GetPtr((plv)->hdpa, \
(int)OFFSETOF(DPA_GetPtr((plv)->hdpaZOrder, (i)))))
#define ListView_FastGetItemPtr(plv, i) ((LISTITEM*)DPA_FastGetPtr((plv)->hdpa, (i)))
#define ListView_FastGetZItemPtr(plv, i) ((LISTITEM*)DPA_FastGetPtr((plv)->hdpa, \
(int)OFFSETOF(DPA_FastGetPtr((plv)->hdpaZOrder, (i)))))
BOOL ListView_OnGetInsertMarkRect(LV* plv, LPRECT prc);
COLORREF ListView_OnGetInsertMarkColor(LV* plv);
void ListView_InvalidateMark(LV* plv);
BOOL ListView_OnInsertMarkHitTest(LV* plv, int x, int y, LPLVINSERTMARK ptbim);
LRESULT ListView_OnSetInsertMark(LV* plv, LPLVINSERTMARK plvim);
BOOL ListView_CalcMetrics();
void ListView_ColorChange();
void ListView_DrawBackground(LV* plv, HDC hdc, RECT *prcClip);
BOOL ListView_NeedsEllipses(HDC hdc, LPCTSTR pszText, RECT* prc, int* pcchDraw, int cxEllipses);
int ListView_CompareString(LV* plv, int i, LPCTSTR pszFind, UINT flags, int iLen);
int ListView_GetLinkedTextWidth(HDC hdc, LPCTSTR psz, UINT cch, BOOL bLink);
int ListView_GetCxScrollbar(LV* plv);
int ListView_GetCyScrollbar(LV* plv);
DWORD ListView_GetWindowStyle(LV* plv);
#define ListView_GetScrollInfo(plv, flag, lpsi) \
((plv)->exStyle & LVS_EX_FLATSB ? \
FlatSB_GetScrollInfo((plv)->ci.hwnd, (flag), (lpsi)) : \
GetScrollInfo((plv)->ci.hwnd, (flag), (lpsi)))
int ListView_SetScrollInfo(LV *plv, int fnBar, LPSCROLLINFO lpsi, BOOL fRedraw);
#define ListView_SetScrollRange(plv, flag, min, max, fredraw) \
((plv)->exStyle & LVS_EX_FLATSB ? \
FlatSB_SetScrollRange((plv)->ci.hwnd, (flag), (min), (max), (fredraw)) : \
SetScrollRange((plv)->ci.hwnd, (flag), (min), (max), (fredraw)))
// lvicon.c functions
BOOL ListView_OnArrange(LV* plv, UINT style);
HWND ListView_OnEditLabel(LV* plv, int i, LPTSTR pszText);
int ListView_IItemHitTest(LV* plv, int x, int y, UINT* pflags, int *piSubItem);
void ListView_IGetRects(LV* plv, LISTITEM* pitem, UINT fQueryLabelRects, RECT* prcIcon,
RECT* prcLabel, LPRECT prcBounds);
void ListView_IGetRectsOwnerData(LV* plv, int iItem, RECT* prcIcon,
RECT* prcLabel, LISTITEM* pitem, BOOL fUsepitem);
void _ListView_GetRectsFromItem(LV* plv, BOOL bSmallIconView,
LISTITEM *pitem, UINT fQueryLabelRects,
LPRECT prcIcon, LPRECT prcLabel, LPRECT prcBounds, LPRECT prcSelectBounds);
__inline void ListView_SetSRecompute(LISTITEM *pitem)
pitem->cxSingleLabel = SRECOMPUTE;
pitem->cxMultiLabel = SRECOMPUTE;
pitem->cyFoldedLabel = SRECOMPUTE;
pitem->cyUnfoldedLabel = SRECOMPUTE;
void ListView_RecomputeLabelSize(LV* plv, LISTITEM FAR* pitem, int i, HDC hdc, BOOL fUsepitem);
BOOL ListView_SetIconPos(LV* plv, LISTITEM* pitem, int iSlot, int cSlot);
BOOL ListView_IsCleanRect(LV * plv, RECT * prc, int iExcept, UINT fQueryLabelRect, BOOL * pfUpdate, HDC hdc);
int ListView_FindFreeSlot(LV* plv, int i, int iSlot, int cSlot, UINT fQueryLabelRect, BOOL* pfUpdateSB, BOOL* pfAppend, HDC hdc, int iWidth, int iHeight);
int ListView_CalcHitSlot( LV* plv, POINT pt, int cslot, int iWidth, int iHeight );
BOOL ListView_OnGetViewRect(LV* plv, RECT* prcView);
void ListView_GetViewRect2(LV* plv, RECT* prcView, int cx, int cy);
int CALLBACK ArrangeIconCompare(LISTITEM* pitem1, LISTITEM* pitem2, LPARAM lParam);
int ListView_GetSlotCountEx(LV* plv, BOOL fWithoutScroll, int iWorkArea, int *piWidth, int *piHeight);
int ListView_GetSlotCount(LV* plv, BOOL fWithoutScroll, int *piWidth, int *piHeight);
void ListView_CalcSlotRect(LV* plv, LISTITEM *pItem, int iSlot, int cSlot, BOOL fBias, int iWidth, int iHeight, LPRECT lprc);
void ListView_IUpdateScrollBars(LV* plv);
DWORD ListView_GetStyleAndClientRectGivenViewRect(LV* plv, RECT *prcViewRect, RECT* prcClient);
DWORD ListView_GetClientRect(LV* plv, RECT* prcClient, BOOL fSubScrolls, RECT *prcViewRect);
void ListView_SetEditSize(LV* plv);
BOOL ListView_DismissEdit(LV* plv, BOOL fCancel);
LRESULT CALLBACK _export ListView_EditWndProc(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
UINT ListView_DrawImageEx(LV* plv, LV_ITEM* pitem, HDC hdc, int x, int y, COLORREF crBk, UINT fDraw, int xMax);
UINT ListView_DrawImageEx2(LV* plv, LV_ITEM* pitem, HDC hdc, int x, int y, COLORREF crBk, UINT fDraw, int xMax, int iIconEffect, int iFrame);
#define ListView_DrawImage(plv, pitem, hdc, x, y, fDraw) \
ListView_DrawImageEx(plv, pitem, hdc, x, y, plv->clrBk, fDraw, -1)
#if defined(FE_IME) || !defined(WINNT)
void ListView_SizeIME(HWND hwnd);
void ListView_InsertComposition(HWND hwnd, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, LV *plv);
void ListView_PaintComposition(HWND hwnd, LV *plv);
// lvsmall.c functions:
void ListView_SGetRects(LV* plv, LISTITEM* pitem, RECT* prcIcon,
RECT* prcLabel, LPRECT prcBounds);
void ListView_SGetRectsOwnerData(LV* plv, int iItem, RECT* prcIcon,
RECT* prcLabel, LISTITEM* pitem, BOOL fUsepitem);
int ListView_SItemHitTest(LV* plv, int x, int y, UINT* pflags, int *piSubItem);
int ListView_LookupString(LV* plv, LPCTSTR lpszLookup, UINT flags, int iStart);
// lvlist.c functions:
void ListView_LGetRects(LV* plv, int i, RECT* prcIcon,
RECT* prcLabel, RECT *prcBounds, RECT* prcSelectBounds);
int ListView_LItemHitTest(LV* plv, int x, int y, UINT* pflags, int *piSubItem);
void ListView_LUpdateScrollBars(LV* plv);
BOOL ListView_MaybeResizeListColumns(LV* plv, int iFirst, int iLast);
// lvrept.c functions:
int ListView_OnSubItemHitTest(LV* plv, LPLVHITTESTINFO lParam);
void ListView_GetSubItem(LV* plv, int i, int iSubItem, PLISTSUBITEM plsi);
BOOL LV_ShouldItemDrawGray(LV* plv, UINT fText);
int ListView_OnInsertColumn(LV* plv, int iCol, const LV_COLUMN* pcol);
BOOL ListView_OnDeleteColumn(LV* plv, int iCol);
BOOL ListView_OnGetColumn(LV* plv, int iCol, LV_COLUMN* pcol);
BOOL ListView_OnSetColumn(LV* plv, int iCol, const LV_COLUMN* pcol);
BOOL ListView_ROnEnsureVisible(LV* plv, int i, BOOL fPartialOK);
void ListView_RInitialize(LV* plv, BOOL fInval);
BOOL ListView_OnGetSubItemRect(LV* plv, int i, LPRECT lprc);
int ListView_RYHitTest(plv, cy);
BOOL ListView_SetSubItem(LV* plv, const LV_ITEM* plvi);
void ListView_RAfterRedraw(LV* plv, HDC hdc);
int ListView_RGetColumnWidth(LV* plv, int iCol);
BOOL ListView_RSetColumnWidth(LV* plv, int iCol, int cx);
LPTSTR ListView_GetSubItemText(LV* plv, int i, int iCol);
void ListView_RDestroy(LV* plv);
LPTSTR ListView_RGetItemText(LV* plv, int i, int iCol);
int ListView_RItemHitTest(LV* plv, int x, int y, UINT* pflags, int *piSubItem);
void ListView_RUpdateScrollBars(LV* plv);
void ListView_RGetRects(LV* plv, int iItem, RECT* prcIcon,
RECT* prcLabel, RECT* prcBounds, RECT* prcSelectBounds);
LRESULT ListView_HeaderNotify(LV* plv, HD_NOTIFY *pnm);
int ListView_FreeColumnData(LPVOID d, LPVOID p);
BOOL SameChars(LPTSTR lpsz, TCHAR c);
#define ListView_GetSubItemDPA(plv, idpa) \
((HDPA)DPA_GetPtr((plv)->hdpaSubItems, (idpa)))
int ListView_Arrow(LV* plv, int iStart, UINT vk);
BOOL ListView_IsItemUnfolded(LV *plv, int item);
BOOL ListView_IsItemUnfoldedPtr(LV *plv, LISTITEM *pitem);
// lvtile.c functions:
int ListView_TItemHitTest(LV* plv, int x, int y, UINT* pflags, int *piSubItem);
void ListView_TGetRectsOwnerData( LV* plv,
int iItem,
RECT* prcIcon,
RECT* prcLabel,
LISTITEM* pitem,
BOOL fUsepitem );
void ListView_TGetRects(LV* plv, LISTITEM* pitem, RECT* prcIcon, RECT* prcLabel, LPRECT prcBounds);
BOOL TCalculateSubItemRect(LV* plv, LISTITEM *pitem, LISTSUBITEM* plsi, int i, int iSubItem, HDC hdc, RECT* prc, BOOL *pbUnfolded);
int iColumnsRemainingMax;
int iTotalSpecifiedColumns;
UINT *puSpecifiedColumns;
int iCurrentSpecifiedColumn;
int iSortedColumn;
BOOL bUsedSortedColumn;
int _GetNextColumn(PLVTILECOLUMNSENUM plvtce);
void _InitTileColumnsEnum(PLVTILECOLUMNSENUM plvtce, LV* plv, UINT cColumns, UINT *puColumns, BOOL fOneLessLine);
BOOL Tile_Set(UINT **ppuColumns, UINT *pcColumns, UINT *puColumns, UINT cColumns);
// Fake customdraw. See comment block in lvrept.c
typedef struct LVFAKEDRAW {
LV* plv;
DWORD dwCustomPrev;
DWORD dwCustomItem;
DWORD dwCustomSubItem;
LV_ITEM *pitem;
HFONT hfontPrev;
void ListView_BeginFakeCustomDraw(LV* plv, PLVFAKEDRAW plvfd, LV_ITEM *pitem);
DWORD ListView_BeginFakeItemDraw(PLVFAKEDRAW plvfd);
void ListView_EndFakeItemDraw(PLVFAKEDRAW plvfd);
void ListView_EndFakeCustomDraw(PLVFAKEDRAW plvfd);
//============ External declarations =======================================
//extern HFONT g_hfontLabel;
extern HBRUSH g_hbrActiveLabel;
extern HBRUSH g_hbrInactiveLabel;
extern HBRUSH g_hbrBackground;
// function tables
#define LV_TYPEINDEX(plv) ((plv)->wView)
extern const PFNLISTVIEW_DRAWITEM pfnListView_DrawItem[5];
#define _ListView_DrawItem(plvdi) \
void ListView_RUpdateScrollBars(LV* plv);
extern const PFNLISTVIEW_UPDATESCROLLBARS pfnListView_UpdateScrollBars[5];
#define _ListView_UpdateScrollBars(plv) \
extern const PFNLISTVIEW_APPROXIMATEVIEWRECT pfnListView_ApproximateViewRect[5];
#define _ListView_ApproximateViewRect(plv, iCount, iWidth, iHeight) \
pfnListView_ApproximateViewRect[LV_TYPEINDEX(plv)](plv, iCount, iWidth, iHeight)
typedef int (*PFNLISTVIEW_ITEMHITTEST)(LV* plv, int, int, UINT *, int *);
extern const PFNLISTVIEW_ITEMHITTEST pfnListView_ItemHitTest[5];
#define _ListView_ItemHitTest(plv, x, y, pflags, piSubItem) \
pfnListView_ItemHitTest[LV_TYPEINDEX(plv)](plv, x, y, pflags, piSubItem)
BOOL ListView_SendScrollNotify(LV* plv, BOOL fBegin, int dx, int dy);
void ListView_IOnScroll(LV* plv, UINT code, int posNew, UINT fVert);
void ListView_LOnScroll(LV* plv, UINT code, int posNew, UINT sb);
void ListView_ROnScroll(LV* plv, UINT code, int posNew, UINT sb);
typedef void (*PFNLISTVIEW_ONSCROLL)(LV* plv, UINT, int, UINT );
extern const PFNLISTVIEW_ONSCROLL pfnListView_OnScroll[5];
#define _ListView_OnScroll(plv, x, y, pflags) \
pfnListView_OnScroll[LV_TYPEINDEX(plv)](plv, x, y, pflags)
void ListView_IRecomputeLabelSize(LV* plv, LISTITEM* pitem, int i, HDC hdc, BOOL fUsepitem);
void ListView_TRecomputeLabelSize(LV* plv, LISTITEM* pitem, int i, HDC hdc, BOOL fUsepitem);
typedef void (*PFNLISTVIEW_RECOMPUTELABELSIZE)(LV* plv, LISTITEM* pitem, int i, HDC hdc, BOOL fUsepitem);
extern const PFNLISTVIEW_RECOMPUTELABELSIZE pfnListView_RecomputeLabelSize[5];
#define _ListView_RecomputeLabelSize(plv, pitem, i, hdc, fUsepitem) \
pfnListView_RecomputeLabelSize[LV_TYPEINDEX(plv)](plv, pitem, i, hdc, fUsepitem)
void ListView_Scroll2(LV* plv, int dx, int dy);
void ListView_IScroll2(LV* plv, int dx, int dy, UINT uSmooth);
void ListView_LScroll2(LV* plv, int dx, int dy, UINT uSmooth);
void ListView_RScroll2(LV* plv, int dx, int dy, UINT uSmooth);
typedef void (*PFNLISTVIEW_SCROLL2)(LV* plv, int, int, UINT );
extern const PFNLISTVIEW_SCROLL2 pfnListView_Scroll2[5];
#define _ListView_Scroll2(plv, x, y, pflags) \
pfnListView_Scroll2[LV_TYPEINDEX(plv)](plv, x, y, pflags)
int ListView_IGetScrollUnitsPerLine(LV* plv, UINT sb);
int ListView_LGetScrollUnitsPerLine(LV* plv, UINT sb);
int ListView_RGetScrollUnitsPerLine(LV* plv, UINT sb);
extern const PFNLISTVIEW_GETSCROLLUNITSPERLINE pfnListView_GetScrollUnitsPerLine[5];
#define _ListView_GetScrollUnitsPerLine(plv, sb) \
pfnListView_GetScrollUnitsPerLine[LV_TYPEINDEX(plv)](plv, sb)
UINT ListView_GetTextSelectionFlags(LV* plv, LV_ITEM *pitem, UINT fDraw);
BOOL NEAR ListView_IRecomputeEx(LV* plv, HDPA hdpaSort, int iFrom, BOOL fForce);
BOOL NEAR ListView_RRecomputeEx(LV* plv, HDPA hdpaSort, int iFrom, BOOL fForce);
BOOL NEAR ListView_NULLRecomputeEx(LV* plv, HDPA hdpaSort, int iFrom, BOOL fForce);
typedef int (*PFNLISTVIEW_RECOMPUTEEX)(LV* plv, HDPA hdpaSort, int iFrom, BOOL fForce);
extern const PFNLISTVIEW_RECOMPUTEEX pfnListView_RecomputeEx[5];
#define _ListView_RecomputeEx(plv, hdpaSort, iFrom, fForce)\
pfnListView_RecomputeEx[LV_TYPEINDEX(plv)](plv, hdpaSort, iFrom, fForce);
#define ListView_Recompute(plv) _ListView_RecomputeEx(plv, NULL, 0, FALSE)
LISTGROUP* ListView_FindFirstVisibleGroup(LV* plv);
UINT LV_IsItemOnViewEdge(LV* plv, LISTITEM *pitem);
void _GetCurrentItemSize(LV* plv, int * pcx, int *pcy);
void ListView_CalcItemSlotAndRect(LV* plv, LISTITEM* pitem, int* piSlot, RECT* prcSlot);
// Expand the "rcIcon" by this much for glow
#define GLOW_EXPAND 10
// pixel offset from the state image to the
// list view state offset, this is the gap between the icon and the
#define LV_ICONTOSTATEOFFSET(plv) ((plv->cxState > 0) ? LV_ICONTOSTATECX:0)
//#define DEBUG_PAINT
void ListView_DebugDrawInvalidRegion(LV* plv, RECT* prc, HRGN hrgn);
void ListView_DebugDisplayClipRegion(LV* plv, RECT* prc, HRGN hrgn);
#define ListView_DebugDrawInvalidRegion(plv, prc, hrgn)
#define ListView_DebugDisplayClipRegion(plv, prc, hrgn)
int ListView_GetIconBufferX(LV* plv);
int ListView_GetIconBufferY(LV* plv);
BOOL ListView_ICalcViewRect(LV* plv, BOOL fNoRecalc, RECT* prcView);
void ListView_CalcBounds(LV* plv, UINT fQueryLabelRects, RECT *prcIcon, RECT *prcLabel, RECT *prcBounds);
void ListView_AddViewRectBuffer(LV* plv, RECT* prcView);
BOOL ListView_FixIScrollPositions(LV *plv, BOOL fNoScrollbarUpdate, RECT* prcClient);
void ListView_InvalidateWindow(LV* plv);
BOOL ListView_OnScrollSelectSmooth(LV* plv, int dx, int dy, UINT uSmooth);
#ifdef DEBUG
BOOL ListView_ValidateScrollPositions(LV* plv, RECT* prcClient);
BOOL ListView_ValidatercView(LV* plv, RECT* prcView, BOOL fRecalcDone);
#endif //!_INC_LISTVIEW