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Copyright (c) 1990-1998, Microsoft Corporation All rights reserved.
Module Name:
This module contains the string resource IDs for the common dialogs.
Revision History:
// 0x0000 - 0x00ff Error codes.
// MESSAGES: 0x0100 to 0x01ff.
#define iszOverwriteCaption 0x0100
#define iszOverwriteQuestion 0x0101
#define iszDefExitCaption 0x0102
#define iszDefExitText 0x0103
#define iszDefaultPitch 0x0104
#define iszFixedPitch 0x0105
#define iszVariablePitch 0x0106
#define iszAnsiCharset 0x0107
#define iszOemCharset 0x0108
#define iszSymbolCharset 0x0109
#define iszDecorativeFamily 0x010a
#define iszUnknownFamily 0x010b
#define iszModernFamily 0x010c
#define iszRomanFamily 0x010d
#define iszScriptFamily 0x010e
#define iszSwissFamily 0x010f
#define iszSystemFont 0x0110
#define iszHelvFont 0x0111
#define iszCourierFont 0x0112
#define iszTmsRmnFont 0x0113
#define iszSymbolFont 0x0114
#define iszRomanFont 0x0115
#define iszScriptFont 0x0116
#define iszModernFont 0x0117
#define iszLastFont iszModernFont
#define iszFileSaveIn 0x0170
#define iszFileSaveButton 0x0171
#define iszFileOpenButton 0x0172
#define iszPrintButton 0x0173
#define iszFileOpenTitle 0x0180
#define iszFileSaveTitle 0x0181
#define iszSaveFileAsType 0x0182
#define iszDriveDoesNotExist 0x0183
#define iszNoDiskInDrive 0x0184
#define iszWrongDiskInDrive 0x0185
#define iszUnformatedDisk 0x0186
#define iszFileNotFound 0x0187
#define iszPathNotFound 0x0188
#define iszInvalidFileName 0x0189
#define iszSharingViolation 0x018A
#define iszNetworkAccessDenied 0x018B
#define iszReadOnly 0x018C
#define iszInt24Error 0x018D
#define iszPortName 0x018E
#define iszWriteProtection 0x018F
#define iszDiskFull 0x0190
#define iszNoFileHandles 0x0191
#define iszCreatePrompt 0x0192
#define iszCreateNoModify 0x0193
#define iszSelectDriveTrouble 0x0194
#define iszNoNetButtonResponse 0x0195
#define iszFileAccessDenied 0x0196
#define iszDirAccessDenied 0x0197
#define iszNoDiskInCDRom 0x0198
#define iszNetworkButtonText 0x0199
#define iszNetworkButtonTextAccel 0x019A
#define iszTooManyFiles 0x019B
#define iszSaveAsType 0x019C
#define iszObjectName 0x01A2
#define iszObjectType 0x01A3
#define iszSaveRestricted 0x01A4
#define iszNoSaveToURL 0x01A5
#define iszPrinterDeleted 0x01A6
#define iszDirSaveAccessDenied 0x01A7
// RESOURCES: 0x0200 to 0x020f.
// Menus: 0x0200 to 0x020f
// Icons: 0x0210 to 0x021f
// Cursors: 0x0220 to 0x022f
// Accelerators: 0x0230 to 0x023f
// Bitmaps: 0x0240 to 0x024f
// Private: 0x0250 to 0x025f
#define ICO_PORTRAIT 0x0210
#define ICO_LANDSCAPE 0x0211
#define ICO_P_NONE 0x0212
#define ICO_L_NONE 0x0213
#define ICO_P_HORIZ 0x0214
#define ICO_L_HORIZ 0x0215
#define ICO_P_VERT 0x0216
#define ICO_L_VERT 0x0217
#define ICO_COLLATE 0x0218
#define ICO_NO_COLLATE 0x0219
#define ICO_P_PSSTAMP 0x021a
#define ICO_L_PSSTAMP 0x021b
#define ICO_PRINTER 0x021c
#define bmpDirDrive 576
// DIALOGS: 0x0300 to 0x03ff.
#define dlgFileOpen 0x0300
#define dlgFileSave 0x0301
#define dlgExitChanges 0x0302
#define dlgChooseColor 0x0303
#define dlgFindText 0x0304
#define dlgReplaceText 0x0305
#define dlgFormatChar 0x0306
#define dlgFontInfo 0x0307
#define dlgPrintDlg 0x0308
#define dlgPrintSetupDlg 0x0309
#define dlgMultiFileOpen 0x030a
// MISC: 0x0400 to 0x06ff.
#define BMFONT 38
#define iszClose 0x040d // "Close" text for find/replace
#define iszBlack 0x0410
#define iszDkRed 0x0411
#define iszDkGreen 0x0412
#define iszDkYellow 0x0413
#define iszDkBlue 0x0414
#define iszDkPurple 0x0415
#define iszDkAqua 0x0416
#define iszDkGrey 0x0417
#define iszLtGrey 0x0418
#define iszLtRed 0x0419
#define iszLtGreen 0x041a
#define iszLtYellow 0x041b
#define iszLtBlue 0x041c
#define iszLtPurple 0x041d
#define iszLtAqua 0x041e
#define iszWhite 0x041f
#define iszHighPrnQ 0x0430
#define iszMedPrnQ 0x0431
#define iszLowPrnQ 0x0432
#define iszDraftPrnQ 0x0433
#define iszPrinter 0x0440
#define iszSysPrn 0x0441
#define iszPrnOnPort 0x0442
#define iszDefCurOn 0x0443
#define iszSizeNumber 0x044A
#define iszSizeRange 0x044B
#define iszSynth 0x044C
#define iszTrueType 0x044D
#define iszPrinterFont 0x044E
#define iszGDIFont 0x044F
#ifdef WINNT
#define iszTTOpenType 0x0470
#define iszPSOpenType 0x0471
#define iszType1 0x0472
#define iszPageRangeError 0x0450
#define iszFromToError 0x0451
#define iszPageFromError 0x0452
#define iszPageToError 0x0453
#define iszBadMarginError 0x0454
#define iszCopiesZero 0x0455
#define iszTooManyCopies 0x0456
#define iszWarningTitle 0x0457
#define iszNoPrnsInstalled 0x0458
#define iszPrnNotFound 0x0459
#define iszMemoryError 0x045A
#define iszGeneralWarning 0x045B
#define iszUnknownDriver 0x045C
#define iszBadPageRange 0x045D
#define iszTooManyPageRanges 0x045E
#define iszBadPageRangeSyntaxOld 0x045F
#define iszBadPageRangeSyntaxNew 0x0460
#define iszNoPrinters 0x0461
// Empty 0x0462
#define iszNoPrinterSelected 0x0463
#define iszDefaultMenuText 0x0464
#define iszNoPrinterAccess 0x0465
#define iszNoFontsTitle 0x0500
#define iszNoFontsMsg 0x0501
#define iszNoFaceSel 0x0502
#define iszNoStyleSel 0x0503
#define iszRegular 0x0504
#define iszBold 0x0505
#define iszItalic 0x0506
#define iszBoldItalic 0x0507
#define iszNoScript 0x0508
// CCHSTYLE is the max allowed length of iszRegular to iszBoldItalic strings
#define CCHSTYLE 32
#define iszStatusReady 0x0600
#define iszStatusPaused 0x0601
#define iszStatusError 0x0602
#define iszStatusPendingDeletion 0x0603
#define iszStatusPaperJam 0x0604
#define iszStatusPaperOut 0x0605
#define iszStatusManualFeed 0x0606
#define iszStatusPaperProblem 0x0607
#define iszStatusOffline 0x0608
#define iszStatusIOActive 0x0609
#define iszStatusBusy 0x060A
#define iszStatusPrinting 0x060B
#define iszStatusOutputBinFull 0x060C
#define iszStatusNotAvailable 0x060D
#define iszStatusWaiting 0x060E
#define iszStatusProcessing 0x060F
#define iszStatusInitializing 0x0610
#define iszStatusWarmingUp 0x0611
#define iszStatusTonerLow 0x0612
#define iszStatusNoToner 0x0613
#define iszStatusPagePunt 0x0614
#define iszStatusUserIntervention 0x0615
#define iszStatusOutOfMemory 0x0616
#define iszStatusDoorOpen 0x0617
#define iszStatusDocumentsWaiting 0x062F
#define iszStatusDefaultPrinter 0x062E
#define iszPrintRangeAll 0x0630
#define iszMarginsInches 0x0631
#define iszMarginsMillimeters 0x0632
#define iszInches 0x0633
#define iszMillimeters 0x0634
#define iszDefaultSource 0x0635
#define iszGeneralPage 0x0640
#define iszPrintCaption 0x0641
// FONT SAMPLES: 0x0700 to 0x07ff.
#define iszFontSample 0x0700
//Unicode Font Samples
#define iszUnicode 0x0800