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<DIV class=WorkArea>
<H2 id=idPageTitle>
Pick a new picture for your account
<DIV id=idAltPageTitle style="display:none">
Pick a new picture for %1's account
<DIV id=idPageSubtitle class=TaskArea>
The picture you choose will appear on the <A id=idWelcome class=Glossary href="" tabindex=0>Welcome screen</A>.
<DIV id=idPictures class=TaskArea onclick='DeselectItem();'></DIV>
<DIV id=idTaskLinks>
<TABLE id=idBrowse onclick="event.returnValue=false; FindOtherPictures();"
title="Apply a picture from your My Pictures folder to this account.">
<TD><IMG id=idBrowseImg src="stfind_3.ico"/></TD>
<TD id=idBrowseText><A href="">Browse for more pictures</A></TD>
<TABLE id=idTakeAPicture onclick="event.returnValue=false; TakeAPicture();" style="display:none">
<TD><IMG id=idTakeAPictureImg src="camera.ico"/></TD>
<TD id=idTakeAPictureText><A href="">Get a picture from a camera or scanner</A></TD>
<DIV class=HorzLine1></DIV>
<DIV class=ButtonRow>
<BUTTON id=idOK type="submit" onclick='ApplyPictureChange();' disabled
title="Change this user's picture to the new one you chose.">
<SPAN>C</SPAN>hange Picture
<BUTTON id=idCancel type="reset" onclick='top.window.g_Navigator.back();'
title="Close this page without saving any changes you made.">
<!-- Localizable content not displayed in this pane. -->
<DIV style="display:none">
<DIV id=idPreview>
<DIV class=LearnAboutBox>
<DIV id=idPreviewText class=LearnAboutCaption>Current Picture</DIV>
<DIV class=LearnAboutBody><IMG id=idPicture /></DIV>
<DIV id=idRelatedTaskContent>
<DIV id=idChangeTheme onclick="GetShell().ControlPanelItem('desk.cpl'); return false;" onkeydown="OnKeySelect(2);">
<A href="" tabIndex=-1>Change the computer theme</A>
<DIV id=idLearnAboutContent>
<TABLE onclick="LaunchHelp('HelpCustomPictures.htm'); return false;" onkeydown="OnKeySelect(2);">
<TD><IMG id=uaImg1 src="helpdoc.ico"/></TD>
<TD id=uaLink1><A href="" tabIndex=-1>Using your own picture</A></TD>