mirror of https://github.com/tongzx/nt5src
You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
94 lines
1.8 KiB
94 lines
1.8 KiB
#include <memory.h>
typedef INT X;
typedef INT Y;
typedef INT DX;
typedef INT DY;
#define fTrue 1
#define fFalse 0
/* PoinT structure */
typedef struct _pt
X x;
Y y;
} PT;
/* DEL structure */
typedef struct _del
DX dx;
DY dy;
} DEL;
/* ReCt structure */
typedef struct _rc
X xLeft;
Y yTop;
X xRight;
Y yBot;
} RC;
#ifdef DEBUG
#define VSZASSERT static TCHAR *vszAssert = TEXT(__FILE__);
#define Assert(f) { if (!(f)) { AssertFailed(vszAssert, __LINE__); } }
#define SideAssert(f) { if (!(f)) { AssertFailed(vszAssert, __LINE__); } }
#define Assert(f)
#define SideAssert(f) (f)
#define ARRAYSIZE(a) (sizeof(a)/sizeof(a[0]))
VOID *PAlloc(INT cb);
VOID FreeP( VOID * );
TCHAR *PszCopy(TCHAR *pszFrom, TCHAR *rgchTo);
INT CchDecodeInt(TCHAR *rgch, INT_PTR w);
VOID Error(TCHAR *sz);
VOID ErrorIds(INT ids);
INT WMin(INT w1, INT w2);
INT WMax(INT w1, INT w2);
// INT WParseLpch(TCHAR[ ]*FAR[ ]***plpch);
BOOL FInRange(INT w, INT wFirst, INT wLast);
INT PegRange(INT w, INT wFirst, INT wLast);
INT CchString(TCHAR *sz, INT ids, UINT cchBuf);
VOID InvertRc(RC *prc);
VOID OffsetPt(PT *ppt, DEL *pdel, PT *pptDest);
BOOL FRectAllVisible(HDC hdc, RC *prc);
// Removed so it will build on NT...<chriswil>
#ifdef DEBUG
VOID AssertFailed(TCHAR *szFile, INT li);
#define bltb(pb1, pb2, cb) memcpy(pb2, pb1, cb)
extern HWND hwndApp;
extern HANDLE hinstApp;
BOOL FWriteIniString(INT idsTopic, INT idsItem, TCHAR *szValue);
BOOL FWriteIniInt(INT idsTopic, INT idsItem, DWORD w);
BOOL FGetIniString(INT idsTopic, INT idsItem, TCHAR *sz, TCHAR *szDefault, INT cchMax);
DWORD GetIniInt(INT idsTopic, INT idsItem, DWORD wDefault);
VOID CrdRcFromPt(PT *ppt, RC *prc);