Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
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271 lines
7.7 KiB

@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
if DEFINED _echo echo on
if DEFINED verbose echo on
if NOT defined _NTTREE echo No Binaries tree exists (_NTTREE not defined) - Aborting.& goto :EOF
REM Move latest tree to binaries if binaries does not exist
REM so that you can run postbuild more than once after completing a build
set DRIVE=!_NTTREE:~0,2!
if NOT exist %_NTTREE% (
for /f %%a in ('%RazzleToolPath%\PostBuildScripts\GetLatestRelease.cmd') do (
if /i "%%a" == "none" (
echo No Binaries tree or latest release found - Aborting.& goto :EOF
) else (
set Latest=%%a
echo There is currently no !_NTTREE! directory ...
echo Moving !DRIVE!\release\!Latest! to !_NTTREE! ...
echo To stop this HIT CTRL-C NOW
sleep 10
echo Now moving !DRIVE!\release\!Latest! to !_NTTREE! ...
move !DRIVE!\release\!Latest! !_NTTREE!
if "!ERRORLEVEL!" == "1" echo Move failed - Aborting.& goto :EOF
echo Move completed. Continuing postbuild ...
REM Postbuild.cmd makes a CD image from a complete binaries tree
REM Define SCRIPT_NAME. Used by the logging scripts.
for %%i in (%0) do set script_name=%%~ni.cmd
REM Save the command line.
set cmdline=%script_name% %*
REM Parse the command line
for %%a in (./ .- .) do if ".%1." == "%%a?." goto Usage
if "%1" == "" goto EndSwitchLoop
for /f "tokens=1,2 delims=:" %%a in ('echo %1') do (
set Switch=%%a
set Arg=%%b
for %%c in (./ .-) do (
if ".!Switch!." == "%%cl." (set Lang=!Arg!&&goto ShiftArg)
if ".!Switch!." == "%%cm." (set Mode=!Arg!&&goto ShiftArg)
if not ".!Switch!." == "%%cl." (
if not ".!Switch!." == "%%cm." goto Usage
goto SwitchLoop
if NOT defined Lang set Lang=USA
REM Define TEMP dir to include lang
set TMP=%TMP%\%Lang%
set TEMP=%TEMP%\%Lang%
if exist %TMP% rd /s/q %TMP%
if not exist %TMP% md %TMP%
if exist %TMP%\cddata.txt del %TMP%\cddata.txt
set LogFile=%TMP%\postbuild.log
set ErrFile=%TMP%\postbuild.err
if exist %LogFile% del %LogFile%
if exist %ErrFile% del %ErrFile%
REM Mark the beginning of script's execution.
call LogMsg.cmd /t "START %cmdline%" %LogFile%
REM Make sure new publics are added to the public change list.
call SubmitNewPublicFiles.cmd Add
pushd %RazzleToolPath%\PostBuildScripts
REM Official build machines will need to check in publics
if defined OFFICIAL_BUILD_MACHINE start /min "Capture File Versions" cmd /c CaptureSourceFileList.cmd
REM Compress if machine is big
if /i %NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS% GEQ 4 set Comp=Yes
if defined COMPRESS_IN_POSTBUILD set Comp=Yes
REM Start copying wow64 binaries as early as possible
echo Starting copywow64.cmd ...
start "CopyWow64.cmd" /MIN cmd /c CopyWow64.cmd
REM Start copying Remote boot files
echo Starting CopyRemoteBoot.cmd ...
start "CopyRemoteBoot.cmd" /MIN cmd /c CopyRemoteBoot.cmd
REM Null file needed for CDs
echo. > %_NTTREE%\disk1
REM Get data for compress
call cddata.cmd -f -d
REM Start first round of compression
echo Beginning compression ...
if defined Comp call Startcompress.cmd Precomp
REM TSClient must be run before rebasing
echo Running tsclient ...
call tsclient.cmd PREREBASE 2>Nul 1>Nul
REM Rebase and Bind
call LogMsg.cmd /t "START ntrebase.cmd" %LogFile%
call ntrebase.cmd 2>Nul 1>Nul
call LogMsg.cmd /t "END ntrebase.cmd" %LogFile%
call LogMsg.cmd /t "START bindsys.cmd" %LogFile%
call bindsys.cmd 2>Nul 1>Nul
call LogMsg.cmd /t "END ntrebase.cmd" %LogFile%
echo Waiting for post rebase\bind scripts to complete ...
REM crypto.cmd smashem.cmd layout.cmd timebomb.cmd setupw95.cmd tagmsi.cmd
set CongealTemp=%tmp%\congeal
if NOT exist %CongealTemp% md %CongealTemp%
if exist %CongealTemp%\*.tmp del %CongealTemp%\*.tmp
for %%a in (%RazzleToolPath%\postbuildscripts\bldrules\*.cmd) do call :CongealRules %%a
goto EndCongealRules
start "%1" /MIN cmd /c %1 CONGEAL
goto :EOF
sleep 10
if EXIST %CongealTemp%\*.tmp goto CongealTempLoop
REM Start second round of compression
if defined Comp call Startcompress.cmd Postcomp
echo Waiting for cab generation scripts to complete ...
REM inetsrv.cmd nntpsmtp.cmd adminpak.cmd
REM Logging ...
set cabtemp=%tmp%\cabgen
if NOT exist %Cabtemp% md %Cabtemp%
if exist %Cabtemp%\*.tmp del %Cabtemp%\*.tmp
for %%a in (%RazzleToolPath%\postbuildscripts\bldrules\*.cmd) do call :CabGenRules %%a
goto EndCabGenRules
start "%1" /MIN cmd /c %1 CABGEN
goto :EOF
sleep 10
if EXIST %cabtemp%\*.tmp goto CabTempLoop
REM Wait for remote boot to finish. Needs to happen
REM before catalog signing
if EXIST %tmp%\copyremoteboot.tmp echo Waiting on CopyRemoteBoot.cmd to finish ...
sleep 10
if EXIST %tmp%\copyremoteboot.tmp goto CopyRemoteBootLoop
REM Catalog sign
call catsign.cmd
REM Make
call LogMsg.cmd /t "START drivercab.cmd" %LogFile%
call drivercab.cmd
call LogMsg.cmd /t "END ntrebase.cmd" %LogFile%
REM Refresh data - pushd for aesthetic reasons
pushd %RazzleToolPath%\PostBuildScripts
call CdData.cmd -f -cdl -cdn
REM Make sure copywow64.cmd is done
if EXIST %tmp%\copywow64.tmp echo Waiting on CopyWow64.cmd to finish ...
sleep 10
if EXIST %tmp%\copywow64.tmp goto CopyWow64Loop
REM Make Cd images
call CdImage.cmd
REM Check for missing files
REM Check in publics
call submit_public.cmd
REM Run release scripts
REM Run boot tests
call LogMsg.cmd /t "Beginning boot tests ..." %LogFile%
if defined OFFICIAL_BUILD_MACHINE call %RazzleToolPath%\PostbuildScripts\AutoBootTest.cmd
REM Mark end of scripts execution
call LogMsg.cmd /t "Postbuild done." %LogFile%
set DRIVE=%_NTTREE:~0,2%
set MyCopyDir=%_NTTREE%\build_logs
if NOT exist %_NTTREE% (
for /f %%a in ('!RazzleToolPath!\PostBuildScripts\GetLatestRelease.cmd') do (
if /i "%%a" == "none" (
set MyCopyDir=%DRIVE%\.
call errmsg.cmd "No latest release found, copying logs to !MyCopyDir!"
) else (
set LatestBuild=%%a
set MyCopyDir=%DRIVE%\release\!LatestBuild!\build_logs
REM Make error log
for /f "tokens=*" %%a in (%tmp%\postbuild.log) do (
@echo %%a | findstr /ilc:"error:">Nul
if NOT "!ERRORLEVEL!" == "1" echo %%a>>%tmp%\postbuild.err
REM Save off logs
echo Copying build logs to: %MyCopyDir%
if NOT exist %MyCopyDir% mkdir %MyCopyDir%
if exist %_NTBINDIR%\build.log copy %_NTBINDIR%\build.log %MyCopyDir%
if exist %_NTBINDIR%\build.wrn copy %_NTBINDIR%\build.wrn %MyCopyDir%
if exist %MyCopyDir%\build.err (
copy %MyCopyDir%\build.err %MyCopyDir%\build.err.old
del %MyCopyDir%\build.err
if exist %_NTBINDIR%\build.err copy %_NTBINDIR%\build.err %MyCopyDir%
if exist %TMP%\postbuild.log copy %TMP%\postbuild.log %MyCopyDir%
if exist %TMP%\CdData.txt copy %TMP%\CdData.txt %MyCopyDir%
if exist %MyCopyDir%\postbuild.err (
copy %MyCopyDir%\postbuild.err %MyCopyDir%\postbuild.err.old
del %MyCopyDir%\postbuild.err
if exist %TMP%\postbuild.err (
copy %TMP%\postbuild.err %MyCopyDir%
echo Check %MyCopyDir%\postbuild.err for errors
goto ErrEnd
) else (
call LogMsg.cmd /t "No errors encountered." %LogFile%
REM now call octopus.cmd on PRIMECDIXF for now
echo pushd echo pushd ^^%%RazzleToolPath^^%%\PostBuildScripts ^&^& echo octopus.cmd ^& echo popd | remote /c PRIMECDIXF remote1 /L 1
goto End
echo Postbuild makes Cd images from a complete binaries tree.
echo -l:<lang>
echo -m:<mode> default is normal. Expect to add bbt
goto :End
goto :EOF
call :End
seterror.exe 1