Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
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if ((@ARGV[0]=~/\?/) || (@ARGV[0] eq ""))
exit 1;
$platform=$ENV{ "_BuildArch" };
$bldbranch=$ENV{ "_BuildBranch" };
# If Ireland language, update Build.NET
if ($ENV{lang} =~ /fr|es|it|nl|sv|br|da|fi|no|pt|cs|el|hu|pl|ru|sl|sk|tr/)
{ system "start /min perl \\dubtools\\bstatus\\ A"; }
open (BLDNO, "D:\\binaries.$bldtype\\congeal_scripts\\__bldnum__") or die "Cannot open D:\\binaries.$bldtype\\congeal_scripts\\__bldnum__ for read :$!";
chomp $_;
close BLDNO;
$buildpath=`\@dir \/b d:\\Release\\$lang\\$buildnum.$bldtype.$bldbranch.??????-????` or die "\nCannot Autoboot $lang $buildnum !\nNo such $bldtype.$bldbranch build under d:\\release";
chomp $buildpath;
$machname=`\@echo %computername%`;
chomp $machname;
print "\nRunning Autoboot(IRL) for $lang $buildnum $bldtype from $machname ...\n";
system("start \\\\irlautoboot1\\bvt_irl\\iautobvt.cmd $lang $buildnum -b:$machname -p:$platform");
# print "\nMake sure the build passed BVT...\nPressing Enter will exit\n";
# <STDIN>;
sub helpit {
print "\nPerforms AutoBoot and AutoChecks on the build from d:\\release\\<lang>\n\n";
print "Note: This is Ireland only autoboot process, interacting with buildnet\n";
print " Results are logged into http:\/\/buildnet -> \'AutoBootTest and BVT\' link\n\n";
print "Syntax:\tperl -l:<lang>\n\n";