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2743 lines
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2743 lines
82 KiB
#include "lsidefs.h"
#include "break.h"
#include "brko.h"
#include "chnutils.h"
#include "dninfo.h"
#include "dnutils.h"
#include "getfmtst.h"
#include "iobj.h"
#include "iobjln.h"
#include "locchnk.h"
#include "lsc.h"
#include "lsdnode.h"
#include "lsline.h"
#include "lstext.h"
#include "plocchnk.h"
#include "posichnk.h"
#include "setfmtst.h"
#include "posinln.h"
#include "lscfmtfl.h"
#include "lsmem.h" /* memset() */
#include "limits.h"
static LSERR TruncateCore(
PLSSUBL, /* IN: subline where to find truncation point */
long, /* IN: urColumnMax */
POSINLINE*, /* OUT:position of truncation point */
BOOL*); /* OUT:fAllLineAfterRightMargin */
static LSERR FindNextBreakCore(
long, /* IN: urColumnMax */
POSINLINE*, /* IN: start break search */
BOOL, /* IN: to apply rules for first character to
the first character of this subline */
BOOL, /* IN: fStopped */
BRKOUT*, /* OUT: breaking information */
POSINLINE*, /* OUT: position of break */
BRKKIND*); /* OUT: how dnode was broken */
static LSERR FindPrevBreakCore(
long, /* IN: urColumnMax */
POSINLINE*, /* IN: start break search */
BOOL, /* IN: to apply rules for first character to
the first character of this subline */
BRKOUT*, /* OUT: breaking information */
POSINLINE*, /* OUT: position of break */
BRKKIND*); /* OUT: how dnode was broken */
static LSERR ForceBreakCore(
long, /* IN: urColumnMax */
POSINLINE*, /* IN: where to do force break */
BOOL, /* IN: fStopped */
BOOL, /* IN: to apply rules for first character to
the first character of this subline */
BOOL, /* IN: fAllLineAfterRightMargin */
BRKOUT*, /* OUT: breaking information */
POSINLINE*, /* OUT: position of break */
BRKKIND*); /* OUT: how dnode was broken */
static LSERR SetBreakCore(
POSINLINE*, /* IN: where to do break */
OBJDIM*, /* IN: objdim of break dnode */
BRKKIND, /* IN: how break was found */
BOOL, /* IN fHardStop */
BOOL, /* IN: fGlueEop */
DWORD, /* IN: size of the output array */
BREAKREC*, /* OUT: output array of break records */
DWORD*, /* OUT:actual number of records in array*/
LSCP*, /* OUT: cpLim */
LSDCP*, /* OUT dcpDepend */
ENDRES*, /* OUT: endr */
BOOL*); /* OUT fSuccessful: false means insufficient fetch */
static void GetPosInLineTruncateFromCp(
PLSSUBL, /* IN: subline */
LSCP, /* IN: cp of a position */
BOOL, /* direction of snaping */
POSINLINE* ); /* OUT: position in a subline */
static LSERR BreakTabPenSplat(
PLOCCHNK, /* IN: chunk contains tab or pen */
BOOL, /* IN: we are searching next break*/
BOOL, /* IN: breakthrough tab */
BOOL, /* IN: splat */
BRKCOND, /* IN: condition of boundary break */
OBJDIM*, /* IN: to fill in objdim of break */
BRKOUT*); /* OUT: breaking information */
static LSERR ForceBreakTabPenSplat(
PLOCCHNK, /* IN: chunk contains tab or pen */
OBJDIM*, /* IN: to fill in objdim of break */
BRKOUT*); /* OUT: breaking information */
static void FindFirstDnodeContainsRightMargin(
long urColumnMax, /* IN: position of right margin */
POSINLINE* pposinlineTruncate); /* OUT: first dnode contains right margin */
static void ApplyBordersForTruncation(POSINLINE* pposinlineTruncate, /* IN, OUT: position of truncation point */
long* purColumnMaxTruncate, /* IN, OUT: position of right margin */
BOOL* pfTruncationFound); /* OUT: this procedure can find truncation itself */
static LSERR MoveClosingBorderAfterBreak(PLSSUBL plssubl, /* IN subline */
BOOL fChangeList, /* IN: do we need to change dnode list
and change pplsdnBreak, or only to recalculate durBreak */
PLSDNODE* pplsdnBreak, /* IN, OUT: break dnode */
long* purBreak); /* IN, OUT: position after break */
static void RemoveBorderDnodeFromList(PLSDNODE plsdnBorder); /*IN: border dnode */
static LSERR MoveBreakAfterPreviousDnode(
PLSCHUNKCONTEXT plschunkcontext, /* chunk context */
BRKOUT* pbrkout, /* IN,OUT brkout which can be changed */
OBJDIM* pobjdimPrev, /* suggested objdim for the dnode in previous chunk
if NULL take objdim of dnode */
BRKKIND*); /* OUT: how dnode was broken */
#define FCompressionFlagsAreOn(plsc) \
((plsc)->lsadjustcontext.lsbrj == lsbrjBreakWithCompJustify)
#define FCompressionPossible(plsc, fAllLineAfterRightMargin) \
(FCompressionFlagsAreOn(plsc) && \
!FBreakthroughLine(plsc) && \
#define GoPrevPosInLine(pposinline, fEndOfContent) \
if (((pposinline)->plsdn->plsdnPrev != NULL ) \
&& !FIsNotInContent((pposinline)->plsdn->plsdnPrev)) \
(pposinline)->plsdn = (pposinline)->plsdn->plsdnPrev; \
Assert(FIsLSDNODE((pposinline)->plsdn)); \
(pposinline)->dcp = (pposinline)->plsdn->dcp;\
(pposinline)->pointStart.u -= DurFromDnode((pposinline)->plsdn); \
(pposinline)->pointStart.v -= DvrFromDnode((pposinline)->plsdn); \
(fEndOfContent) = fFalse; \
(fEndOfContent) = fTrue; \
#define GoNextPosInLine(pposinline) \
(pposinline)->pointStart.u += DurFromDnode((pposinline)->plsdn);\
(pposinline)->pointStart.v += DvrFromDnode((pposinline)->plsdn);\
(pposinline)->plsdn = (pposinline)->plsdn->plsdnNext;\
(pposinline)->dcp = 0;\
#define GetCpLimFromPosInLine(posinline) \
(((posinline).plsdn->dcp == (posinline).dcp) ? \
((posinline).plsdn->cpLimOriginal) : \
((posinline).plsdn->cpFirst + (posinline).dcp ))
#define IsItTextDnode(plsdn, plsc) \
((plsdn) == NULL) ? fFalse : \
(IdObjFromDnode(plsdn) == IobjTextFromLsc(&plsc->lsiobjcontext))
#define ResolvePosInChunk(plschunkcontext, posichnk, pposinline) \
(pposinline)->dcp = (posichnk).dcp; \
LocDnodeFromChunk((plschunkcontext), (posichnk).ichnk, \
#define GetCpFromPosInChunk(plschunkcontext, posichnk) \
((DnodeFromChunk(plschunkcontext, (posichnk).ichnk))->cpFirst + (posichnk).dcp)
/* last two lines turn off check for lines ended with hard break and sublines ended
by esc character */
#define GetBrkpos(plsdn, dcpBreak) \
((FIsFirstOnLine(plsdn)) && ((dcpBreak) == 0) ? brkposBeforeFirstDnode :\
((((plsdn)->plsdnNext == NULL) \
|| (FIsDnodeCloseBorder((plsdn)->plsdnNext) && (plsdn)->plsdnNext->plsdnNext == NULL) \
) \
&& ((dcpBreak) == (plsdn)->dcp) \
) ? brkposAfterLastDnode : \
#define EndrFromBreakDnode(plsdnBreak)\
(plsdnBreak == NULL) ? endrStopped : \
(plsdnBreak->fEndOfPara) ? endrEndPara : \
(plsdnBreak->fAltEndOfPara) ? endrAltEndPara : \
(plsdnBreak->fSoftCR) ? endrSoftCR : \
(plsdnBreak->fEndOfColumn) ? endrEndColumn : \
(plsdnBreak->fEndOfSection) ? endrEndSection : \
(plsdnBreak->fEndOfPage) ? endrEndPage : \
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* B R E A K G E N E R A L C A S E */
%%Function: BreakGeneralCase
%%Contact: igorzv
plsc - (IN) ptr to line services context
fHardStop - (IN) is formatting sopped because of hard break or special situation
breakrecMaxCurrent- (IN) size of the array of current line's break records
pbreakrecCurrent- (OUT) current line's break records
pbreakrecMacCurrent-(OUT) actual number of current line's break records
pdcpDepend - (OUT) dcpDepend
pCpLimLine - (OUT) cpLimLine
pendr - (OUT) how the line ended
pfSuccessful - (OUT) fSuccessful: false means insufficient fetch
Main procedure of breaking
Breaking can be unsuccessful if we didn't fetch enough
LSERR BreakGeneralCase(PLSC plsc, BOOL fHardStop, DWORD breakrecMaxCurrent,
BREAKREC* pbreakrecCurrent, DWORD* pbreakrecMacCurrent,
LSDCP* pdcpDepend, LSCP* pcpLimLine, ENDRES* pendr,
BOOL* pfSuccessful)
LSERR lserr;
POSINLINE posinlineTruncate; /* position of truncation point */
POSINLINE posinlineBreak; /* position of break point */
BRKOUT brkout;
GRCHUNKEXT grchnkextCompression;
BOOL fCanCompress;
long durToCompress;
BOOL fLineCompressed;
long durExtra;
BOOL fEndOfContent;
BOOL fAllLineAfterRightMargin;
BRKKIND brkkindDnodeBreak;
LSDCP dcpOld;
PLSDNODE plsdnLastNotBorder;
*pfSuccessful = fTrue;
/* set flag how line was ended */ /*REVIEW*/
if (!fHardStop)
GetCurrentSubline(plsc)->fRightMarginExceeded = fTrue;
if (GetCurrentDnode(plsc) == NULL) /* it can happend with fmtrStopped */
*pdcpDepend = 0;
*pcpLimLine = GetCurrentCpLim(plsc);
*pendr = endrStopped;
return lserrNone;
if (fHardStop && (GetCurrentUr(plsc) <= plsc->urRightMarginBreak))
/* we have hard break before right margin or there is no content in a line,
so break is found */
posinlineBreak.plssubl = GetCurrentSubline(plsc);
GetCurrentPoint(plsc, posinlineBreak.pointStart);
posinlineBreak.plsdn = GetCurrentDnode(plsc);
GetPointBeforeDnodeFromPointAfter(posinlineBreak.plsdn, &(posinlineBreak.pointStart));
posinlineBreak.dcp = posinlineBreak.plsdn->dcp;
/* skip back closing border after hard break */
while (FIsDnodeBorder(posinlineBreak.plsdn))
GoPrevPosInLine(&posinlineBreak, fEndOfContent);
brkout.objdim = posinlineBreak.plsdn->u.real.objdim;
return SetBreakCore(&posinlineBreak, &brkout.objdim, brkkindImposedAfter,
fHardStop, fTrue, breakrecMaxCurrent, pbreakrecCurrent,
pbreakrecMacCurrent, pcpLimLine,
pdcpDepend, pendr, pfSuccessful);
Assert(GetCurrentDnode(plsc) != NULL); /* case of empty list - end of section in the begining
of a line should be handled in previous if */
lserr = TruncateCore(GetCurrentSubline(plsc), plsc->urRightMarginBreak,
&posinlineTruncate, &fAllLineAfterRightMargin);
if (lserr != lserrNone)
return lserr;
if (FCompressionPossible(plsc, fAllLineAfterRightMargin))
lserr = FindNextBreakCore(plsc->urRightMarginBreak, &posinlineTruncate, fTrue,
fHardStop, &brkout, &posinlineBreak, &brkkindDnodeBreak);
if (lserr != lserrNone)
return lserr;
IobjTextFromLsc(&plsc->lsiobjcontext), &grchnkextCompression);
if (!brkout.fSuccessful)
/* we can't find break and if we still can compress the amount that is over right
margin we should fetch more */
plsdnLastNotBorder = LastDnodeFromChunk(PlschunkcontextFromSubline(GetCurrentSubline(plsc)));
/* last dnode from chunk which was collected in FindNextBreak will give us last not border dnode,
we should store it before we change chunk context */
lserr = CollectPreviousTextGroupChunk(GetCurrentDnode(plsc), CollectSublinesForCompression,
if (lserr != lserrNone)
return lserr;
durToCompress = GetCurrentUr(plsc) - plsc->urRightMarginBreak
- grchnkextCompression.durTrailing;
if ((brkout.brkcond == brkcondPlease || brkout.brkcond == brkcondCan)
&& FIsDnodeReal(plsdnLastNotBorder)
/* In such case if we fetch more break may be possible after last dnode with also
possible dur. So in our optimization check we are taking min from two durs */
if (brkout.objdim.dur < DurFromDnode(plsdnLastNotBorder))
durToCompress -= (DurFromDnode(plsdnLastNotBorder) - brkout.objdim.dur);
if (FDnodeHasBorder(grchnkextCompression.plsdnStartTrailing)
&& !grchnkextCompression.fClosingBorderStartsTrailing)
/* we should reserve room for closing border */
/* if border is not exactly before trailing area it was counted as a part of durTrailing
so we should add it again */
durToCompress += DurBorderFromDnodeInside(grchnkextCompression.plsdnStartTrailing);
lserr = CanCompressText(&(grchnkextCompression.lsgrchnk),
durToCompress, &fCanCompress,
&fLineCompressed, &durExtra);
if (lserr != lserrNone)
return lserr;
if (fCanCompress)
/* increase right margin and fetch more */
*pfSuccessful = fFalse;
return lserrNone;
/* temporary change dcp in break dnode */
dcpOld = posinlineBreak.plsdn->dcp;
posinlineBreak.plsdn->dcp = posinlineBreak.dcp;
lserr = CollectPreviousTextGroupChunk(posinlineBreak.plsdn, CollectSublinesForCompression,
if (lserr != lserrNone)
return lserr;
durToCompress = posinlineBreak.pointStart.u + brkout.objdim.dur
- plsc->urRightMarginBreak
- grchnkextCompression.durTrailing;
if (posinlineBreak.plsdn->plsdnNext != NULL &&
/* closing border after dnode is a part of collected group chunk
so can participate in durTrailing see also calculation below */
durToCompress += DurFromDnode(posinlineBreak.plsdn->plsdnNext);
if (FDnodeHasBorder(grchnkextCompression.plsdnStartTrailing)
&& !grchnkextCompression.fClosingBorderStartsTrailing)
/* we should reserve room for closing border */
/* if closing border is right after non trailing area we already counted it */
durToCompress += DurBorderFromDnodeInside(grchnkextCompression.plsdnStartTrailing);
/* restore dcp in break dnode */
posinlineBreak.plsdn->dcp = dcpOld;
lserr = CanCompressText(&(grchnkextCompression.lsgrchnk),
durToCompress, &fCanCompress, &fLineCompressed, &durExtra);
if (lserr != lserrNone)
return lserr;
if (fCanCompress)
SetLineCompressed(plsc, fLineCompressed);
return SetBreakCore(&posinlineBreak, &brkout.objdim, brkkindDnodeBreak,
fHardStop, fTrue, breakrecMaxCurrent, pbreakrecCurrent,
pbreakrecMacCurrent, pcpLimLine,
pdcpDepend, pendr, pfSuccessful);
} /* FCompressionPossible */
if (!fAllLineAfterRightMargin)
/* opposite is possible if we have left indent or auto number bigger then right margin */
/* then we go to the force break */
lserr = FindPrevBreakCore(plsc->urRightMarginBreak, &posinlineTruncate, fTrue,
&brkout, &posinlineBreak, &brkkindDnodeBreak);
if (lserr != lserrNone)
return lserr;
if (brkout.fSuccessful)
return SetBreakCore(&posinlineBreak, &brkout.objdim, brkkindDnodeBreak,
fHardStop, fTrue, breakrecMaxCurrent, pbreakrecCurrent,
pbreakrecMacCurrent, pcpLimLine,
pdcpDepend, pendr, pfSuccessful);
/* handling line without break opportunity ( force break ) */
plsc->plslineCur->lslinfo.fForcedBreak = fTrue;
lserr = ForceBreakCore (plsc->urRightMarginBreak, &posinlineTruncate,
fHardStop, fTrue, fAllLineAfterRightMargin,
&brkout, &posinlineBreak, &brkkindDnodeBreak);
if (lserr != lserrNone)
return lserr;
/* not successful return means insufficient fetch */
if (!brkout.fSuccessful)
*pfSuccessful = fFalse;
return lserrNone;
return SetBreakCore(&posinlineBreak, &brkout.objdim, brkkindDnodeBreak,
fHardStop, fTrue, breakrecMaxCurrent, pbreakrecCurrent,
pbreakrecMacCurrent, pcpLimLine,
pdcpDepend, pendr, pfSuccessful);
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* T R U N C A T E C O R E */
%%Function: TruncateCore
%%Contact: igorzv
plssubl - (IN) subline where to find truncation point
urColumnMax - (IN) position of right margin
pposinlineTruncate - (OUT) position of truncation point
pfAllLineAfterRightMargin(OUT) because of left indent or autonumber all line is
after right margin
Find dnode that exceeds right margin and then asked it's handler to find
truncation point
LSERR TruncateCore(PLSSUBL plssubl, long urColumnMax,
POSINLINE* pposinlineTruncate, BOOL* pfAllLineAfterRightMargin)
LSERR lserr;
DWORD idObj;
POINTUV point;
POSICHNK posichnk;
PLSCHUNKCONTEXT plschunkcontext;
LOCCHNK* plocchnk;
PLSC plsc = plssubl->plsc;
PLSSUBL plssublOld;
long urColumnMaxTruncate;
BOOL fEndOfContent;
BOOL fTruncationFound = fFalse;
Assert((pposinlineTruncate != NULL) );
plschunkcontext = PlschunkcontextFromSubline(plssubl);
plocchnk = &(plschunkcontext->locchnkCurrent);
GetCurrentPointSubl(plssubl, point);
/* length of the subline should be larger then lenght of the column */
Assert(point.u >= urColumnMax);
pposinlineTruncate->plssubl = plssubl;
pposinlineTruncate->pointStart = point;
pposinlineTruncate->plsdn = GetCurrentDnodeSubl(plssubl);
GetPointBeforeDnodeFromPointAfter(pposinlineTruncate->plsdn, &(pposinlineTruncate->pointStart));
pposinlineTruncate->dcp = 0;
/* find dnode contains right margin */
if (!plsc->fAdvanceBack)
fEndOfContent = fFalse;
while ((pposinlineTruncate->pointStart.u > urColumnMax)
&& !fEndOfContent)
GoPrevPosInLine(pposinlineTruncate, fEndOfContent);
/* in this case there is possible to have more then one dnode that contains right margin*/
/* so we call more comprehensive procedure to find exactly the first one */
FindFirstDnodeContainsRightMargin(urColumnMax, pposinlineTruncate);
*pfAllLineAfterRightMargin = fFalse;
if (pposinlineTruncate->pointStart.u > urColumnMax)
*pfAllLineAfterRightMargin = fTrue;
urColumnMaxTruncate = urColumnMax;
if (FDnodeHasBorder(pposinlineTruncate->plsdn))
ApplyBordersForTruncation(pposinlineTruncate, &urColumnMaxTruncate,
if (!fTruncationFound)
/* if pen or tab or we don't find dnode that starts before right margin return immediately */
/* last case possible if we have left indent or auto number bigger then right margin */
if (FIsDnodePen(pposinlineTruncate->plsdn) || pposinlineTruncate->plsdn->fTab ||
FIsDnodeSplat(pposinlineTruncate->plsdn) ||
pposinlineTruncate->pointStart.u > urColumnMaxTruncate)
return lserrNone;
SetUrColumnMaxForChunks(plschunkcontext, urColumnMaxTruncate);
lserr = CollectChunkAround(plschunkcontext, pposinlineTruncate->plsdn,
if (lserr != lserrNone)
return lserr;
idObj = IdObjFromChnk(plocchnk);
/* we allow object handler to formate subline,
so we restore current subline after calling him */
plssublOld = GetCurrentSubline(plsc);
SetCurrentSubline(plsc, NULL);
lserr = PLsimFromLsc(&plsc->lsiobjcontext, idObj)->pfnTruncateChunk(
plocchnk, &posichnk);
if (lserr != lserrNone)
return lserr;
SetCurrentSubline(plsc, plssublOld);
ResolvePosInChunk(plschunkcontext, posichnk, pposinlineTruncate);
/* if text sets truncation point before him, then move it after previous dnode */
if (pposinlineTruncate->dcp == 0)
/* we allow this only for text */
if (idObj == IobjTextFromLsc(&plsc->lsiobjcontext))
GoPrevPosInLine(pposinlineTruncate, fEndOfContent);
/* such situation cann't occurs on the boundary of chunck */
while (FIsDnodeBorder(pposinlineTruncate->plsdn));
return lserrWrongTruncationPoint;
return lserrNone;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* A P P L Y B O R D E R S F O R T R U N C A T I O N */
%%Function: ApplyBordersForTruncation
%%Contact: igorzv
pposinlineTruncate - (IN, OUT) position of truncation point
purColumnMax - (IN, OUT) position of right margin
pfTruncationFound - (OUT) this procedure can find truncation itself
Change right margin because of border and find dnode to call truncation method.
static void ApplyBordersForTruncation(POSINLINE* pposinlineTruncate,
long* purColumnMaxTruncate, BOOL* pfTruncationFound)
long durBorder;
BOOL fEndOfContent = fFalse;
*pfTruncationFound = fFalse;
/* go back until open border or autonumber */
if (FIsDnodeOpenBorder(pposinlineTruncate->plsdn))
/* move after border */
durBorder = pposinlineTruncate->plsdn->u.pen.dur;
/* we should not have empty list between borders */
while (!FIsDnodeOpenBorder(pposinlineTruncate->plsdn->plsdnPrev) && !fEndOfContent)
GoPrevPosInLine(pposinlineTruncate, fEndOfContent);
if (!fEndOfContent) /* we stopped on opening border */
durBorder = pposinlineTruncate->plsdn->plsdnPrev->u.pen.dur;
/* we stopped because of autonumber */
/* now we only need to take width of border from border dnode which located before
autonumber */
plsdn = pposinlineTruncate->plsdn->plsdnPrev;
while (!FIsDnodeOpenBorder(plsdn))
plsdn = plsdn->plsdnPrev;
durBorder = plsdn->u.pen.dur;
/* do we have enough room to put both opening and closing border */
if (pposinlineTruncate->pointStart.u + durBorder <= *purColumnMaxTruncate)
/* if yes decrease margin and find new truncation dnode */
*purColumnMaxTruncate -= durBorder;
while (pposinlineTruncate->pointStart.u + DurFromDnode(pposinlineTruncate->plsdn)
<= *purColumnMaxTruncate)
/* this assert can be proved using the fact that end of closing border is beyond
original right margin */
/* set truncation as the first character of this dnode */
*pfTruncationFound = fTrue;
pposinlineTruncate->dcp = 1;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* F I N D P R E V B R E A K C O R E */
%%Function: FindPrevBreakCore
%%Contact: igorzv
urColumnMax - (IN) width of column
pposinlineTruncate - (IN) position of truncation point
fFirstSubline - (IN) to apply rules for first character to the first character of
this subline
pbrkout - (OUT)breaking information
pposinlineBreak - (OUT)position of breaking point
pbrkkindDnodeBreak - (OUT) how break was found
Going backword try to find first break opportunity before truncation point
LSERR FindPrevBreakCore( long urColumnMax,
POSINLINE* pposinlineTruncate, BOOL fFirstSubline,
BRKOUT* pbrkout, POSINLINE* pposinlineBreak,
BRKKIND* pbrkkindDnodeBreak)
LSERR lserr;
DWORD idObj;
POSICHNK posichnk;
BOOL fFound;
PLSCHUNKCONTEXT plschunkcontext;
LOCCHNK* plocchnk;
BRKCOND brkcond;
PLSC plsc = pposinlineTruncate->plssubl->plsc;
POINTUV pointChunkStart;
PLSSUBL plssublOld;
Assert(pposinlineBreak != NULL);
*pbrkkindDnodeBreak = brkkindPrev;
plschunkcontext = PlschunkcontextFromSubline(pposinlineTruncate->plssubl);
plocchnk = &(plschunkcontext->locchnkCurrent);
SetUrColumnMaxForChunks(plschunkcontext, urColumnMax);
lserr = CollectChunkAround(plschunkcontext, pposinlineTruncate->plsdn,
if (lserr != lserrNone)
return lserr;
/* set fFirstOnLine */
ApplyFFirstSublineToChunk(plschunkcontext, fFirstSubline);
SetPosInChunk(plschunkcontext, pposinlineTruncate->plsdn, pposinlineTruncate->dcp, &posichnk);
fFound = fTrue;
/* for the chunk around truncation point we allow to make break after if it's text and
don't allow otherwise.
REVIEW:Such decision simplifyes code but produces some problems
(with objects known so far more theoretical then practical).
There are two bad cases: non-text after text which (non-text) prohibites to break before
and text which allowes to break*/
idObj = IdObjFromChnk(plocchnk);
if (idObj == IobjTextFromLsc(&plsc->lsiobjcontext))
brkcond = brkcondCan;
brkcond = brkcondNever;
while (fFound)
Assert(NumberOfDnodesInChunk(plocchnk) != 0);
plsdn = plschunkcontext->pplsdnChunk[0];
GetPointChunkStart(plocchnk, pointChunkStart);
if (FIsDnodePen(plsdn) || plsdn->fTab || FIsDnodeSplat(plsdn))
Assert(NumberOfDnodesInChunk(plocchnk) == 1);
/* only advance pen is allowed here */
Assert(!FIsDnodePen(plsdn) || plsdn->fAdvancedPen);
/* for the case of a pen we are passing garbage as an objdim
here assuming that it never be used */
lserr = BreakTabPenSplat(plocchnk, fFalse, FBreakthroughLine(plsc),
FIsDnodeSplat(plsdn), brkcond,
&(plsdn->u.real.objdim), pbrkout);
if (lserr != lserrNone)
return lserr;
idObj = IdObjFromDnode(plsdn);
/* we allow object handler to formate subline,
so we restore current subline after calling him */
plssublOld = GetCurrentSubline(plsc);
SetCurrentSubline(plsc, NULL);
lserr = PLsimFromLsc(&plsc->lsiobjcontext, idObj)->pfnFindPrevBreakChunk(plocchnk,
&posichnk, brkcond, pbrkout);
if (lserr != lserrNone)
return lserr;
SetCurrentSubline(plsc, plssublOld);
} /* non tab */
if (pbrkout->fSuccessful) break;
/* prepare next iteration */
lserr = CollectPreviousChunk(plschunkcontext, &fFound);
if (lserr != lserrNone)
return lserr;
if (fFound)
posichnk.ichnk = ichnkOutside;
/* posichnk.dcp is invalid */
/* prepare brkcond for next iteration */
brkcond = pbrkout->brkcond;
} /* while */
if (pbrkout->fSuccessful)
pposinlineBreak->plssubl = pposinlineTruncate->plssubl;
if (pbrkout->posichnk.dcp == 0 && FIsDnodeReal(plschunkcontext->pplsdnChunk[0]))
/* break before dnode */
lserr = MoveBreakAfterPreviousDnode(plschunkcontext, pbrkout, NULL, pbrkkindDnodeBreak);
/* this procedure can change chunkcontext */
if (lserr != lserrNone)
return lserr;
ResolvePosInChunk(plschunkcontext, (pbrkout->posichnk), pposinlineBreak);
return lserrNone;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* F I N D N E X T B R E A K C O R E */
%%Function: FindNextBreakCore
%%Contact: igorzv
urColumnMax - (IN) width of column
pposinlineTruncate - (IN) position of truncation point
fFirstSubline - (IN) to apply rules for first character to the first character of
this subline
fStopped - (IN) formatting has been stopped by client
pbrkout - (OUT) breaking information
pposinlineBreak - (OUT) position of breaking point
pbrkkindDnodeBreak - (OUT) how break was found
Going forward try to find first break opportunity after truncation point
LSERR FindNextBreakCore( long urColumnMax,
POSINLINE* pposinlineTruncate, BOOL fFirstSubline, BOOL fStopped,
BRKOUT* pbrkout, POSINLINE* pposinlineBreak, BRKKIND* pbrkkindDnodeBreak)
LSERR lserr;
DWORD idObj;
POSICHNK posichnk;
BOOL fFound;
PLSCHUNKCONTEXT plschunkcontext;
LOCCHNK* plocchnk;
BRKCOND brkcond;
PLSC plsc = pposinlineTruncate->plssubl->plsc;
POINTUV pointChunkStart;
PLSSUBL plssublOld;
OBJDIM objdimPrevious;
Assert(pposinlineBreak != NULL);
*pbrkkindDnodeBreak = brkkindNext;
plschunkcontext = PlschunkcontextFromSubline(pposinlineTruncate->plssubl);
plocchnk = &(plschunkcontext->locchnkCurrent);
SetUrColumnMaxForChunks(plschunkcontext, urColumnMax); /* will be used by LsdnCheckAvailableSpace */
lserr = CollectChunkAround(plschunkcontext, pposinlineTruncate->plsdn,
if (lserr != lserrNone)
return lserr;
/* set fFirstOnLine */
ApplyFFirstSublineToChunk(plschunkcontext, fFirstSubline);
SetPosInChunk(plschunkcontext, pposinlineTruncate->plsdn,
pposinlineTruncate->dcp, &posichnk);
fFound = fTrue;
/* for the chunk around truncation point we prohibite to make break before */
brkcond = brkcondNever;
while (fFound)
Assert(NumberOfDnodesInChunk(plocchnk) != 0);
plsdn = plschunkcontext->pplsdnChunk[0];
GetPointChunkStart(plocchnk, pointChunkStart);
if (FIsDnodePen(plsdn) || plsdn->fTab || FIsDnodeSplat(plsdn))
Assert(NumberOfDnodesInChunk(plocchnk) == 1);
/* only advance pen is allowed here */
Assert(!FIsDnodePen(plsdn) || plsdn->fAdvancedPen);
/* for the case of a pen we are passing garbage as an objdim
here assuming that it never be used */
lserr = BreakTabPenSplat(plocchnk, fTrue, FBreakthroughLine(plsc),
FIsDnodeSplat(plsdn), brkcond,
&(plsdn->u.real.objdim), pbrkout);
if (lserr != lserrNone)
return lserr;
idObj = IdObjFromChnk(plocchnk);
/* we allow object handler to formate subline,
so we restore current subline after calling him */
plssublOld = GetCurrentSubline(plsc);
SetCurrentSubline(plsc, NULL);
lserr = PLsimFromLsc(&plsc->lsiobjcontext, idObj)->pfnFindNextBreakChunk(plocchnk,
&posichnk, brkcond, pbrkout);
if (lserr != lserrNone)
return lserr;
SetCurrentSubline(plsc, plssublOld);
/* We ignore returned objdim in a case of brkcondNever. We don't expect
object to set correct one */
if (!pbrkout->fSuccessful && pbrkout->brkcond == brkcondNever)
pbrkout->objdim = (LastDnodeFromChunk(plschunkcontext))->u.real.objdim;
} /* non tab */
if (pbrkout->fSuccessful) break;
lserr = CollectNextChunk(plschunkcontext, &fFound);
if (lserr != lserrNone)
return lserr;
if (fFound)
posichnk.ichnk = ichnkOutside;
/* posichnk.dcp is invalid */
/* prepare brkcond for next iteration */
brkcond = pbrkout->brkcond;
/* we save objdim and trailing info for the case when next object
returns break before and we actually will set break in current object. */
objdimPrevious = pbrkout->objdim;
/* we cannot find break but formatting has been stopped by client */
if (fStopped && !pbrkout->fSuccessful)
/* set break after last dnode */
PosInChunkAfterChunk(plocchnk, pbrkout->posichnk);
pbrkout->objdim =
/* We should use last dnode in chunk here to be sure not to get closing border.
In the case of pen it's garbage, we assume that will not be used */
pbrkout->fSuccessful = fTrue;
if (pbrkout->fSuccessful)
pposinlineBreak->plssubl = pposinlineTruncate->plssubl;
if (pbrkout->posichnk.dcp == 0 && FIsDnodeReal(plschunkcontext->pplsdnChunk[0]))
/* break before dnode */
lserr = MoveBreakAfterPreviousDnode(plschunkcontext, pbrkout, &objdimPrevious, pbrkkindDnodeBreak);
/* this procedure can change chunkcontext */
if (lserr != lserrNone)
return lserr;
/* REVIEW: Is it possible to have garbage in objdimPrevious (somebody break brkcond */
ResolvePosInChunk(plschunkcontext, (pbrkout->posichnk), pposinlineBreak);
return lserrNone;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* F O R C E B R E A K C O R E */
%%Function: ForceBreakCore
%%Contact: igorzv
urColumnMax - (IN) width of column
pposinlineTruncate - (IN) position of truncation point
fStopped - (IN) formatting ended with hard break
fFirstSubline - (IN) to apply rules for first character to the first character of
this subline
fAllLineAfterRightMargin(IN) lead to pass chunk otside in force break methods.
pbrkout - (OUT)breaking information
pposinlineBreak - (OUT)position of breaking point
pbrkkindDnodeBreak - (OUT) how break was found
Invokes force break of chunk around truncation point
LSERR ForceBreakCore(
long urColumnMax,
POSINLINE* pposinlineTruncate,
BOOL fStopped, BOOL fFirstSubline,
BOOL fAllLineAfterRightMargin,
BRKOUT* pbrkout,
POSINLINE* pposinlineBreak, BRKKIND* pbrkkindDnodeBreak)
LSERR lserr;
DWORD idObj;
POSICHNK posichnk;
LSCHUNKCONTEXT* plschunkcontext;
LOCCHNK* plocchnk;
PLSC plsc = pposinlineTruncate->plssubl->plsc;
PLSSUBL plssublOld;
Assert(pposinlineBreak != NULL);
*pbrkkindDnodeBreak = brkkindForce;
plschunkcontext = PlschunkcontextFromSubline(pposinlineTruncate->plssubl);
plocchnk = &(plschunkcontext->locchnkCurrent);
if (plsc->grpfManager & fFmiForceBreakAsNext &&
/* find next break opportunity, client will scroll */
lserr = FindNextBreakCore(urColumnMax, pposinlineTruncate, fFirstSubline,
fStopped, pbrkout, pposinlineBreak, pbrkkindDnodeBreak);
if (lserr != lserrNone)
return lserr;
if (!pbrkout->fSuccessful)
/* increase right margin and fetch more */
return lserrNone;
/* use force break method */
SetUrColumnMaxForChunks(plschunkcontext, urColumnMax);
lserr = CollectChunkAround(plschunkcontext, pposinlineTruncate->plsdn,
if (lserr != lserrNone)
return lserr;
/* set fFirstOnLine */
ApplyFFirstSublineToChunk(plschunkcontext, fFirstSubline);
if (!fAllLineAfterRightMargin)
SetPosInChunk(plschunkcontext, pposinlineTruncate->plsdn,
pposinlineTruncate->dcp, &posichnk);
else /* all chunk already behind right margin */
posichnk.ichnk = ichnkOutside;
/* posichnk.dcp is invalid */
if (FIsDnodePen(pposinlineTruncate->plsdn) ||
pposinlineTruncate->plsdn->fTab || FIsDnodeSplat(pposinlineTruncate->plsdn))
Assert(NumberOfDnodesInChunk(plocchnk) == 1);
/* only advance pen is allowed here */
Assert(!FIsDnodePen(pposinlineTruncate->plsdn) ||
/* for the case of a pen we are passing garbage as an objdim
here assuming that it never be used */
lserr = ForceBreakTabPenSplat(plocchnk,
if (lserr != lserrNone)
return lserr;
idObj = IdObjFromChnk(plocchnk);
/* we allow object handler to formate subline,
so we restore current subline after calling him */
plssublOld = GetCurrentSubline(plsc);
SetCurrentSubline(plsc, NULL);
lserr = PLsimFromLsc(&plsc->lsiobjcontext, idObj)->pfnForceBreakChunk(plocchnk, &posichnk, pbrkout);
if (lserr != lserrNone)
return lserr;
SetCurrentSubline(plsc, plssublOld);
pposinlineBreak->plssubl = pposinlineTruncate->plssubl;
if (pbrkout->posichnk.dcp == 0 && FIsDnodeReal(plschunkcontext->pplsdnChunk[0]))
/* break before dnode */
lserr = MoveBreakAfterPreviousDnode(plschunkcontext, pbrkout, NULL, pbrkkindDnodeBreak);
/* this procedure can change chunkcontext */
if (lserr != lserrNone)
return lserr;
ResolvePosInChunk(plschunkcontext, (pbrkout->posichnk), pposinlineBreak);
return lserrNone;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* M O V E B R E A K A F T E R P R E V I O U S D N O D E */
%%Function: MoveBreakAfterPreviousDnode
%%Contact: igorzv
plschunkcontext - (IN) chunk context
pbrkout - (IN,OUT) brkout which can be changed
pobjdimPrev - (IN) suggested objdim for the dnode in previous chunk,
if NULL take objdim of dnode
pbrkkind - (IN, OUT) how dnode was broken
static LSERR MoveBreakAfterPreviousDnode(
PLSCHUNKCONTEXT plschunkcontext,
BRKOUT* pbrkout,
OBJDIM* pobjdimPrev,
BRKKIND* pbrkkind )
LOCCHNK* plocchnk;
LSERR lserr;
BOOL fFound;
Assert(pbrkout->posichnk.dcp == 0);
/* because we do all operations on chunks we skip borders */
plocchnk = &(plschunkcontext->locchnkCurrent);
/* if break was set before chunk reset it after previous chunk */
if (pbrkout->posichnk.ichnk == 0)
lserr = CollectPreviousChunk(plschunkcontext, &fFound);
if (lserr != lserrNone)
return lserr;
if (fFound)
pbrkout->posichnk.ichnk = plocchnk->clschnk - 1;
pbrkout->posichnk.dcp = plschunkcontext->pplsdnChunk[plocchnk->clschnk - 1]->dcp;
if (pobjdimPrev != NULL)
pbrkout->objdim = *pobjdimPrev;
pbrkout->objdim = plschunkcontext->pplsdnChunk[plocchnk->clschnk - 1]
->u.real.objdim; /* if it's pen then objdim is garbage which doesn't matter */
*pbrkkind = brkkindImposedAfter; /* geometry has not prepared by object */
{ /* just break after previous chunk element */
pbrkout->posichnk.ichnk --;
pbrkout->posichnk.dcp = plschunkcontext->pplsdnChunk[pbrkout->posichnk.ichnk]->dcp;
pbrkout->objdim = plschunkcontext->pplsdnChunk[pbrkout->posichnk.ichnk]
*pbrkkind = brkkindImposedAfter; /* geometry has not prepared by object */
return lserrNone;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* B R E A K T A B P E N S P L A T*/
%%Function: BreakTabPenSplat
%%Contact: igorzv
plocchnk - (IN) chunk contains tab or pen
fFindNext - (IN) is this functions used for next break
fBreakThroughTab - (IN) there is a situation of breakthrough tab
fSplat - (IN) we are breaking splat
brkcond - (IN) condition of boundary break
pobjdim (IN) to fill in objdim of break
pbrkout - (OUT)breaking information
static LSERR BreakTabPenSplat(PLOCCHNK plocchnk, BOOL fFindNext, BOOL fBreakThroughTab,
BOOL fSplat, BRKCOND brkcond, OBJDIM* pobjdim, BRKOUT* pbrkout)
Assert(NumberOfDnodesInChunk(plocchnk) == 1);
if (fSplat)
pbrkout->fSuccessful = fTrue;
PosInChunkAfterChunk(plocchnk, pbrkout->posichnk);
pbrkout->objdim = *pobjdim;
return lserrNone;
if (GetFFirstOnLineChunk(plocchnk) ||
(fFindNext && brkcond == brkcondNever) ||
pbrkout->fSuccessful = fFalse;
pbrkout->brkcond = brkcondCan;
pbrkout->objdim = *pobjdim;
return lserrNone;
pbrkout->fSuccessful = fTrue;
pbrkout->posichnk.ichnk = 0;
pbrkout->posichnk.dcp = 0;
memset(&(pbrkout->objdim), 0, sizeof(pbrkout->objdim));
return lserrNone;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* F O R C E B R E A K T A B P E N S P L A T*/
%%Function: ForceBreakTabPenSplat
%%Contact: igorzv
plocchnk - (IN) chunk contains tab or pen
pobjdim (IN) to fill in objdim of break
pbrkout - (OUT)breaking information
Returns break after chunk
static LSERR ForceBreakTabPenSplat(PLOCCHNK plocchnk,
OBJDIM* pobjdim, BRKOUT* pbrkout)
Assert(NumberOfDnodesInChunk(plocchnk) == 1);
pbrkout->fSuccessful = fTrue;
PosInChunkAfterChunk(plocchnk, pbrkout->posichnk);
pbrkout->objdim = *pobjdim;
return lserrNone;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* S E T B R E A K C O R E */
%%Function: SetBreakCore
%%Contact: igorzv
pposinlineBreak - (IN) position of breaking point
pobjdim - (IN) objdim of a breaking dnode
brkkind - (IN) how break was found
fStopped - (IN) formatting ends with hard break
fGlueEop - (IN) if break after dnode check EOP after it
breakrecMaxCurrent - (IN) size of the array of current line's break records
pbreakrecCurrent - (OUT) current line's break records
pbreakrecMacCurrent - (OUT) actual number of current line's break records
pcpLimLine - (OUT) cpLim of line to fill in
pdcpDepend - (OUT) amount of characters after break that was formated to
make breaking decision
pendr - (OUT) how line ends
pfSuccessful - (OUT) fSuccessful: false means insufficient fetch
Fill in break info
Change pfmtres in the case when hard break that we have because of excedeed margin
doesn't fit
If dcpBreak == 0 set break after previous dnode
Call handler of break dnode to notice him about break
Set current context after break point
static LSERR SetBreakCore(
POSINLINE* pposinlineBreak, OBJDIM* pobjdim, BRKKIND brkkind,
BOOL fHardStop, BOOL fGlueEop, DWORD breakrecMaxCurrent,
BREAKREC* pbreakrecCurrent, DWORD* pbreakrecMacCurrent,
LSCP* pcpLimLine, LSDCP* pdcpDepend, ENDRES* pendr,
BOOL* pfSuccessful)
DWORD idObj;
PLSDNODE plsdnToChange;
LSERR lserr;
LSDCP dcpBreak;
POINTUV pointBeforeDnode;
long urBreak;
long vrBreak;
PLSSUBL plssubl = pposinlineBreak->plssubl;
PLSC plsc = plssubl->plsc;
PLSDNODE plsdnBreak;
PLSSUBL plssublOld;
BOOL fCrackDnode = fFalse;
long urAdd;
plsdnBreak = pposinlineBreak->plsdn;
dcpBreak = pposinlineBreak->dcp;
pointBeforeDnode = pposinlineBreak->pointStart;
Assert(!FIsDnodeBorder(plsdnBreak)); /* border will be added later */
AssertImplies(FIsFirstOnLine(plsdnBreak), dcpBreak != 0); /*to avoid infinitive loop */
plsdnToChange = plsdnBreak;
if (plsdnToChange->dcp != dcpBreak)
/* if break is not after dnode than change cpLimOriginal */
plsdnToChange->cpLimOriginal = plsdnToChange->cpFirst + dcpBreak;
plsdnToChange->dcp = dcpBreak;
fCrackDnode = fTrue;
if (FIsDnodeReal(plsdnToChange))
SetDnodeObjdimFmt(plsdnToChange, *pobjdim);
/* set state after break point */
urBreak = pointBeforeDnode.u + DurFromDnode(plsdnBreak);
vrBreak = pointBeforeDnode.v + DvrFromDnode(plsdnBreak);
if (FIsDnodeReal(plsdnBreak) && !plsdnBreak->fTab && !FIsDnodeSplat(plsdnBreak)) /* call set break of break dnode */
idObj = IdObjFromDnode(plsdnBreak);
/* we allow object handler to formate subline,
so we restore current subline after calling him */
plssublOld = GetCurrentSubline(plsc);
SetCurrentSubline(plsc, NULL);
lserr = PLsimFromLsc(&plsc->lsiobjcontext, idObj)->pfnSetBreak(
plsdnBreak->u.real.pdobj, brkkind, breakrecMaxCurrent, pbreakrecCurrent,
if (lserr != lserrNone)
return lserr;
SetCurrentSubline(plsc, plssublOld);
/* if break after dnode and after it we have end of paragraph or spalt then we
should set break after end of paragraph */
if (fGlueEop && !fCrackDnode)
plsdn = plsdnBreak->plsdnNext;
urAdd = 0;
/* skip borders */
while(plsdn != NULL && FIsDnodeBorder(plsdn))
urAdd += DurFromDnode(plsdn);
plsdn = plsdn->plsdnNext;
if (plsdn == NULL && !fHardStop)
/* nothing has been fetched after break dnode which is not hard break */
/* increase right margin and fetch more */
*pfSuccessful = fFalse;
return lserrNone;
AssertImplies(plsdn == NULL, fHardStop);
/* next dnode EOP */
if (plsdn != NULL && (FIsDnodeEndPara(plsdn) || FIsDnodeAltEndPara(plsdn)
|| FIsDnodeSplat(plsdn)))
plsdnBreak = plsdn;
urBreak += urAdd;
urBreak += DurFromDnode(plsdn);
/* move closing border */
if (FBorderEncounted(plsc))
lserr = MoveClosingBorderAfterBreak(plssubl, fTrue, &plsdnBreak, &urBreak);
if (lserr != lserrNone)
return lserr;
/* below we handle situation of hard break that has stopped formatting */
/* and if such dnode actually doesn't fit
we need to change final fmtres (can happened because of exceeded margin for formatting) */
/* it's important to execute this check after moving border, because afterward border will
never be next to hard break dnode */
if (plsdnBreak != GetCurrentDnodeSubl(plssubl) || fCrackDnode)
fHardStop = fFalse;
/* prepare output */
if (fHardStop)
/* in such case we should include hidden text after last dnode to a line */
*pcpLimLine = GetCurrentCpLimSubl(plssubl);
*pendr = EndrFromBreakDnode(plsdnBreak);
*pcpLimLine = (plsdnBreak)->cpLimOriginal;
*pendr = endrNormal;
if (plsc->fHyphenated) /* REVIEW why in context */
Assert(*pendr == endrNormal);
*pendr = endrHyphenated;
*pdcpDepend = GetCurrentCpLimSubl(plssubl) - *pcpLimLine;
/* set position of break in a subline */
SetCurrentCpLimSubl(plssubl, *pcpLimLine);
SetCurrentDnodeSubl(plssubl, plsdnBreak);
SetCurrentUrSubl(plssubl, urBreak);
SetCurrentVrSubl(plssubl, vrBreak);
/* set boundaries for display */
if (FIsDnodeSplat(plsdnBreak))
SetCpLimDisplaySubl(plssubl, GetCurrentCpLimSubl(plssubl) - 1);
SetLastDnodeDisplaySubl(plssubl, GetCurrentDnodeSubl(plssubl)->plsdnPrev);
SetCpLimDisplaySubl(plssubl, GetCurrentCpLimSubl(plssubl));
SetLastDnodeDisplaySubl(plssubl, GetCurrentDnodeSubl(plssubl));
return lserrNone;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* M O V E C L O S I N G B O R D E R A F T E R B R E A K */
%%Function: MoveClosingBorderAfterBreak
%%Contact: igorzv
plsc - (IN) subline
fChangeList - (IN) do we need to change dnode list
and change pplsdnBreak, or only to recalculate durBreak
pplsdnBreak - (IN,OUT) break dnode
purBreak - (IN, OUT) position after break
This procedure puts closing border into correct place,
takes into account trailing space logic.
LSERR MoveClosingBorderAfterBreak(PLSSUBL plssubl, BOOL fChangeList, PLSDNODE* pplsdnBreak,
long* purBreak)
PLSDNODE plsdnBorder, plsdnBeforeBorder;
long durBorder;
PLSDNODE plsdnLastClosingBorder = NULL;
LSERR lserr;
PLSDNODE plsdnNext, plsdnPrev;
PLSC plsc = plssubl->plsc;
BOOL fBreakReached;
BOOL fClosingBorderInsideBreak = fFalse;
/* find dnode to insert border after, plus delete all borders which starts
inside trailing area*/
plsdnBeforeBorder = GetCurrentDnodeSubl(plssubl);
fBreakReached = (plsdnBeforeBorder == *pplsdnBreak);
while (!fBreakReached
(plsdnBeforeBorder != NULL
&& (!FIsDnodeReal(plsdnBeforeBorder)
|| (FSpacesOnly(plsdnBeforeBorder, IobjTextFromLsc(&plsc->lsiobjcontext)))
/* pens can be only advanced so there is an object before REVIEW*/
/* we skip borders in trailing area */
plsdnPrev = plsdnBeforeBorder->plsdnPrev;
if (FIsDnodeBorder(plsdnBeforeBorder))
if (FIsDnodeOpenBorder(plsdnBeforeBorder))
/* delete such dnode and correspondent closing border */
/* decrease position of break */
if (fBreakReached)
*purBreak -= DurFromDnode(plsdnBeforeBorder);
if (fChangeList)
lserr = DestroyDnodeList (&plsc->lscbk, plsc->pols, &plsc->lsiobjcontext,
plsdnBeforeBorder, plsc->fDontReleaseRuns);
if (lserr != lserrNone)
return lserr;
if (plsdnLastClosingBorder != NULL)
/* decrease position of break */
if (fClosingBorderInsideBreak)
*purBreak -= DurFromDnode(plsdnLastClosingBorder);
if (fChangeList)
lserr = DestroyDnodeList (&plsc->lscbk, plsc->pols, &plsc->lsiobjcontext,
plsdnLastClosingBorder, plsc->fDontReleaseRuns);
if (lserr != lserrNone)
return lserr;
plsdnLastClosingBorder = NULL;
else /* closing border */
plsdnLastClosingBorder = plsdnBeforeBorder;
fClosingBorderInsideBreak = fBreakReached;
plsdnBeforeBorder = plsdnPrev;
if (plsdnBeforeBorder == *pplsdnBreak)
fBreakReached = fTrue;
if (plsdnBeforeBorder != NULL && FDnodeHasBorder(plsdnBeforeBorder))
/* otherwise we don't need to move border */
/* set closing border */
plsdnBorder = plsdnLastClosingBorder;
if (fChangeList)
if (plsdnBeforeBorder->plsdnNext != plsdnBorder) /* otherwise nothing to move */
/* break link with closing border in the old place */
/* insert closing border into it new place */
plsdnNext = plsdnBeforeBorder->plsdnNext;
plsdnBeforeBorder->plsdnNext = plsdnBorder;
plsdnBorder->plsdnPrev = plsdnBeforeBorder;
plsdnBorder->plsdnNext = plsdnNext;
if (plsdnNext != NULL)
plsdnNext->plsdnPrev = plsdnBorder;
plsdnBorder->fBorderMovedFromTrailingArea = fTrue;
/* change cp in border dnode */
plsdnBorder->cpFirst = plsdnBeforeBorder->cpLimOriginal;
plsdnBorder->cpLimOriginal = plsdnBorder->cpFirst;
/* increase widths of the line */
if (!fClosingBorderInsideBreak)
durBorder = plsdnBorder->u.pen.dur;
*purBreak += durBorder;
/* if we add closing border right after breaking dnode than consider border
as new breaking dnode */
if (plsdnBeforeBorder == *pplsdnBreak && fChangeList)
*pplsdnBreak = plsdnBorder;
return lserrNone;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* R E M O V E B O R D E R D N O D E F R O M L I S T */
%%Function: RemoveBorderDnodeFromList
%%Contact: igorzv
plsdnBorder - (IN) border dnode to remove
This procedure removes border dnode from the list of dnodes.
static void RemoveBorderDnodeFromList(PLSDNODE plsdnBorder)
PLSDNODE plsdnPrev;
PLSDNODE plsdnNext;
plsdnPrev = plsdnBorder->plsdnPrev;
plsdnNext = plsdnBorder->plsdnNext;
if (plsdnPrev != NULL)
plsdnPrev->plsdnNext = plsdnNext;
/* border was the first so change first dnode of subline */
(SublineFromDnode(plsdnBorder))->plsdnFirst = plsdnNext;
if (plsdnNext != NULL)
plsdnNext->plsdnPrev = plsdnPrev;
/* if border was the last then set new last dnode of subline */
SetCurrentDnodeSubl(SublineFromDnode(plsdnBorder), plsdnPrev);
plsdnBorder->plsdnNext = NULL;
plsdnBorder->plsdnPrev = NULL;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* B R E A K Q U I C K C A S E */
%%Function: BreakQuickCase
%%Contact: igorzv
plsc - (IN) LineServices context
fHardStop - (IN) formatting ended with hard break
pdcpDepend - (OUT) amount of characters after cpLim that was formated to find break
pcpLim - (OUT) cpLim of line
pfSuccessful - (OUT) can we find break through quick break
pendr - (OUT) how line ended
This quick procedure works if we have only text in a line.
We try to find break just in the last dnode
LSERR BreakQuickCase(PLSC plsc, BOOL fHardStop, LSDCP* pdcpDepend,
LSCP* pcpLim, BOOL* pfSuccessful, ENDRES* pendr)
LSDCP dcpBreak;
PLSDNODE plsdnBreak = GetCurrentDnode(plsc);
LSERR lserr;
*pfSuccessful = fFalse;
if (!fHardStop)
OBJDIM objdimBreak;
lserr = QuickBreakText(plsdnBreak->u.real.pdobj, pfSuccessful, &dcpBreak, &objdimBreak );
if (lserr != lserrNone)
return lserr;
if (*pfSuccessful)
{ /* we found break */
AdvanceCurrentUr(plsc, objdimBreak.dur - plsdnBreak->u.real.objdim.dur);
SetDnodeObjdimFmt(plsdnBreak, objdimBreak);
plsdnBreak->dcp = dcpBreak;
Assert(dcpBreak > 0); /* we don't allow Quickbreak to break before him */
/* in the case of QuickBreak cpLim is always equal to cpFirst + dcp,
because otherwise is possible only with glyphs */
plsdnBreak->cpLimOriginal = plsdnBreak->cpFirst + dcpBreak;
*pcpLim = plsdnBreak->cpLimOriginal;
*pdcpDepend = GetCurrentCpLim(plsc) - *pcpLim;
*pendr = endrNormal;
SetCurrentCpLim(plsc, *pcpLim);
/* set boundaries for display */
SetCpLimDisplay(plsc, *pcpLim);
SetLastDnodeDisplay(plsc, plsdnBreak);
else /* hard break */
*pfSuccessful = fTrue;
*pcpLim = GetCurrentCpLim(plsc);
*pdcpDepend = 0;
/* plsdnBreak can be NULL because of deleting splat */
*pendr = EndrFromBreakDnode(plsdnBreak);
/* set boundaries for display */
if (plsdnBreak != NULL && FIsDnodeSplat(plsdnBreak))
SetCpLimDisplay(plsc, *pcpLim - 1);
SetLastDnodeDisplay(plsc, plsdnBreak->plsdnPrev);
SetCpLimDisplay(plsc, *pcpLim);
SetLastDnodeDisplay(plsc, plsdnBreak);
return lserrNone;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* T R U N C A T E S U B L I N E C O R E */
%%Function: TruncateSublineCore
%%Contact: igorzv
plssubl - (IN) subline context
urColumnMax - (IN) urColumnMax
pcpTruncate - (OUT) cpTruncate
LSERR TruncateSublineCore(PLSSUBL plssubl, long urColumnMax, LSCP* pcpTruncate)
LSERR lserr;
POSINLINE posinlineTruncate;
BOOL fAllLineAfterRightMargin;
lserr = TruncateCore(plssubl, urColumnMax, &posinlineTruncate, &fAllLineAfterRightMargin);
if (lserr != lserrNone)
return lserr;
*pcpTruncate = GetCpLimFromPosInLine(posinlineTruncate) - 1;
return lserrNone;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* F I N D P R E V B R E A K S U B L I N E C O R E */
%%Function: FindPrevBreakSublineCore
%%Contact: igorzv
plssubl - (IN) subline context
fFirstSubline - (IN) to apply rules for first character to the first character of
this subline
cpTruncate - (IN) truncation cp
urColumnMax - (IN) urColumnMax
pfSuccessful - (OUT) do we find break?
pcpBreak - (OUT) cp of break
pobdimBreakSubline - (OUT) objdimSub up to break
pbrkpos - (OUT) Before/Inside/After
LSERR FindPrevBreakSublineCore(PLSSUBL plssubl, BOOL fFirstSubline, LSCP cpTruncate,
long urColumnMax, BOOL* pfSuccessful,
LSCP* pcpBreak, POBJDIM pobdimBreakSubline, BRKPOS* pbrkpos)
LSERR lserr;
POSINLINE posinlineTruncate;
BRKOUT brkout;
PLSDNODE plsdnBreak;
LSDCP dcpDnodeOld;
OBJDIM objdimDnodeOld;
PLSDNODE plsdnToChange;
if (plssubl->plsdnFirst == NULL)
*pfSuccessful = fFalse;
return lserrNone;
if (cpTruncate < plssubl->plsdnFirst->cpFirst)
*pfSuccessful = fFalse;
return lserrNone;
GetPosInLineTruncateFromCp(plssubl, cpTruncate, fTrue, &posinlineTruncate);
lserr = FindPrevBreakCore(urColumnMax, &posinlineTruncate, fFirstSubline,
&brkout, &(plssubl->pbrkcontext->posinlineBreakPrev),
if (lserr != lserrNone)
return lserr;
*pfSuccessful = brkout.fSuccessful;
if (*pfSuccessful)
*pcpBreak = GetCpLimFromPosInLine(plssubl->pbrkcontext->posinlineBreakPrev);
plssubl->pbrkcontext->objdimBreakPrev = brkout.objdim;
plssubl->pbrkcontext->fBreakPrevValid = fTrue;
plsdnBreak = plssubl->pbrkcontext->posinlineBreakPrev.plsdn;
*pbrkpos = GetBrkpos(plsdnBreak,
/* we temporary change dnode to calculate objdim from the begining of subline */
plsdnToChange = plsdnBreak; /* later plsdnBreak can be changed because of borders */
dcpDnodeOld = plsdnToChange->dcp;
objdimDnodeOld = plsdnToChange->u.real.objdim;
plsdnToChange->dcp = plssubl->pbrkcontext->posinlineBreakPrev.dcp;
SetDnodeObjdimFmt(plsdnToChange, brkout.objdim);
lserr = FindListDims(plssubl->plsdnFirst, plsdnBreak, pobdimBreakSubline);
if (lserr != lserrNone)
return lserr;
/* recalculate durBreak taking into account possible changes because of borders */
if (FBorderEncounted(plssubl->plsc))
lserr = MoveClosingBorderAfterBreak(plssubl, fFalse, &plsdnBreak,
if (lserr != lserrNone)
return lserr;
/*restore dnode */
plsdnToChange->dcp = dcpDnodeOld ;
SetDnodeObjdimFmt(plsdnToChange, objdimDnodeOld);
return lserrNone;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* F I N D N E X T B R E A K S U B L I N E C O R E */
%%Function: FindNextBreakSublineCore
%%Contact: igorzv
plssubl - (IN) subline context
fFirstSubline - (IN) to apply rules for first character to the first character of
this subline
cpTruncate - (IN) truncation cp
urColumnMax - (IN) urColumnMax
pfSuccessful - (OUT) do we find break?
pcpBreak - (OUT) cp of break
pobdimBreakSubline - (OUT) objdimSub up to break
pbrkpos - (OUT) Before/Inside/After
LSERR FindNextBreakSublineCore(PLSSUBL plssubl, BOOL fFirstSubline, LSCP cpTruncate,
long urColumnMax, BOOL* pfSuccessful,
LSCP* pcpBreak, POBJDIM pobdimBreakSubline, BRKPOS* pbrkpos)
LSERR lserr;
POSINLINE posinlineTruncate;
BRKOUT brkout;
PLSDNODE plsdnBreak;
LSDCP dcpDnodeOld;
OBJDIM objdimDnodeOld;
PLSDNODE plsdnToChange;
if (plssubl->plsdnFirst == NULL)
*pfSuccessful = fFalse;
return lserrNone;
if (cpTruncate >= plssubl->plsdnLast->cpLimOriginal)
*pfSuccessful = fFalse;
return lserrNone;
GetPosInLineTruncateFromCp(plssubl, cpTruncate, fFalse, &posinlineTruncate);
lserr = FindNextBreakCore(urColumnMax, &posinlineTruncate, fFirstSubline, fFalse,
&brkout, &(plssubl->pbrkcontext->posinlineBreakNext),
if (lserr != lserrNone)
return lserr;
*pfSuccessful = brkout.fSuccessful;
if (*pfSuccessful)
*pcpBreak = GetCpLimFromPosInLine(plssubl->pbrkcontext->posinlineBreakNext);
plssubl->pbrkcontext->objdimBreakNext = brkout.objdim;
plssubl->pbrkcontext->fBreakNextValid = fTrue;
plsdnBreak = plssubl->pbrkcontext->posinlineBreakNext.plsdn;
*pbrkpos = GetBrkpos(plsdnBreak,
/* we temporary change dnode to calculate objdim from the begining of subline */
plsdnToChange = plsdnBreak; /* later plsdnBreak can be changed because of borders */
dcpDnodeOld = plsdnToChange->dcp;
objdimDnodeOld = plsdnToChange->u.real.objdim;
plsdnToChange->dcp = plssubl->pbrkcontext->posinlineBreakNext.dcp;
SetDnodeObjdimFmt(plsdnToChange, brkout.objdim);
lserr = FindListDims(plssubl->plsdnFirst, plsdnBreak, pobdimBreakSubline);
if (lserr != lserrNone)
return lserr;
/* recalculate durBreak taking into account possible changes because of borders */
if (FBorderEncounted(plssubl->plsc))
lserr = MoveClosingBorderAfterBreak(plssubl, fFalse,
&plsdnBreak, &(pobdimBreakSubline->dur));
if (lserr != lserrNone)
return lserr;
/*restore dnode */
plsdnToChange->dcp = dcpDnodeOld ;
SetDnodeObjdimFmt(plsdnToChange, objdimDnodeOld);
return lserrNone;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* F O R C E B R E A K S U B L I N E C O R E */
%%Function: ForceBreakSublineCore
%%Contact: igorzv
plssubl - (IN) subline context
fFirstSubline - (IN) to apply rules for first character to the first character of
this subline
cpTruncate - (IN) truncation cp
urColumnMax - (IN) urColumnMax
pcpBreak - (OUT) cp of break
pobdimBreakSubline - (OUT) objdimSub up to break
pbkrpos - (OUT) Before/Inside/After
LSERR ForceBreakSublineCore(PLSSUBL plssubl, BOOL fFirstSubline, LSCP cpTruncate,
long urColumnMax, LSCP* pcpBreak,
POBJDIM pobdimBreakSubline, BRKPOS* pbrkpos)
LSERR lserr;
BRKOUT brkout;
LSDCP dcpDnodeOld;
PLSDNODE plsdnBreak;
OBJDIM objdimDnodeOld;
POSINLINE posinlineTruncate;
PLSDNODE plsdnToChange;
if (plssubl->plsdnFirst == NULL)
return lserrCpOutsideSubline;
if (cpTruncate < plssubl->plsdnFirst->cpFirst)
cpTruncate = plssubl->plsdnFirst->cpFirst;
GetPosInLineTruncateFromCp(plssubl, cpTruncate, fTrue, &posinlineTruncate);
lserr = ForceBreakCore(urColumnMax, &posinlineTruncate,
fFalse, fFirstSubline, fFalse, &brkout,
if (lserr != lserrNone)
return lserr;
Assert(brkout.fSuccessful); /* force break should be successful for not a main line */
*pcpBreak = GetCpLimFromPosInLine(plssubl->pbrkcontext->posinlineBreakForce);
plssubl->pbrkcontext->objdimBreakForce = brkout.objdim;
plssubl->pbrkcontext->fBreakForceValid = fTrue;
plsdnBreak = plssubl->pbrkcontext->posinlineBreakForce.plsdn;
*pbrkpos = GetBrkpos(plsdnBreak,
/* we temporary change dnode to calculate objdim from the begining of subline */
plsdnToChange = plsdnBreak; /* later plsdnBreak can be changed because of borders */
dcpDnodeOld = plsdnToChange->dcp;
objdimDnodeOld = plsdnToChange->u.real.objdim;
plsdnToChange->dcp = plssubl->pbrkcontext->posinlineBreakForce.dcp;
SetDnodeObjdimFmt(plsdnToChange, brkout.objdim);
lserr = FindListDims(plssubl->plsdnFirst, plsdnBreak, pobdimBreakSubline);
if (lserr != lserrNone)
return lserr;
/* recalculate durBreak taking into account possible changes because of borders */
if (FBorderEncounted(plssubl->plsc))
lserr = MoveClosingBorderAfterBreak(plssubl, fFalse,
&plsdnBreak, &(pobdimBreakSubline->dur));
if (lserr != lserrNone)
return lserr;
/*restore dnode */
plsdnToChange->dcp = dcpDnodeOld ;
SetDnodeObjdimFmt(plsdnToChange, objdimDnodeOld);
return lserrNone;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* S E T B R E A K S U B L I N E C O R E */
%%Function: SetBreakSublineCore
%%Contact: igorzv
plssubl - (IN) subline context
brkkind, - (IN) Prev/Next/Force/Imposed
breakrecMaxCurrent - (IN) size of the array of current line's break records
pbreakrecCurrent - (OUT) current line's break records
pbreakrecMacCurrent - (OUT) actual number of current line's break records
LSERR SetBreakSublineCore(PLSSUBL plssubl, BRKKIND brkkind, DWORD breakrecMaxCurrent,
BREAKREC* pbreakrecCurrent, DWORD* pbreakrecMacCurrent)
POSINLINE* pposinline;
LSCP cpLim;
LSDCP dcpDepend;
OBJDIM* pobjdim;
POSINLINE posinlineImposedAfter;
BRKKIND brkkindDnode;
BOOL fEndOfContent;
ENDRES endr;
BOOL fSuccessful;
/* invalidate chunkcontext, otherwise we will have wrong result of optimization there */
switch (brkkind)
case brkkindPrev:
if (!plssubl->pbrkcontext->fBreakPrevValid)
return lserrWrongBreak;
pposinline = &(plssubl->pbrkcontext->posinlineBreakPrev);
pobjdim = &(plssubl->pbrkcontext->objdimBreakPrev);
brkkindDnode = plssubl->pbrkcontext->brkkindForPrev;
case brkkindNext:
if (!plssubl->pbrkcontext->fBreakNextValid)
return lserrWrongBreak;
pposinline = &(plssubl->pbrkcontext->posinlineBreakNext);
pobjdim = &(plssubl->pbrkcontext->objdimBreakNext);
brkkindDnode = plssubl->pbrkcontext->brkkindForNext;
case brkkindForce:
if (!plssubl->pbrkcontext->fBreakForceValid)
return lserrWrongBreak;
pposinline = &(plssubl->pbrkcontext->posinlineBreakForce);
pobjdim = &(plssubl->pbrkcontext->objdimBreakForce);
brkkindDnode = plssubl->pbrkcontext->brkkindForForce;
case brkkindImposedAfter:
/* subline is empty: nothing to do */
if (plssubl->plsdnFirst == NULL)
return lserrNone;
posinlineImposedAfter.plssubl = plssubl;
posinlineImposedAfter.plsdn = GetCurrentDnodeSubl(plssubl);
GetCurrentPointSubl(plssubl, posinlineImposedAfter.pointStart);
posinlineImposedAfter.dcp = GetCurrentDnodeSubl(plssubl)->dcp;
while (FIsDnodeBorder(posinlineImposedAfter.plsdn))
GoPrevPosInLine(&posinlineImposedAfter, fEndOfContent);
pposinline = &posinlineImposedAfter;
/* for the case of a pen we are passing garbage as an objdim,
assuming that it will never be used */
pobjdim = &(posinlineImposedAfter.plsdn->u.real.objdim);
brkkindDnode = brkkindImposedAfter;
return lserrWrongBreak;
return SetBreakCore(pposinline, pobjdim, brkkindDnode, fFalse, fFalse, breakrecMaxCurrent,
pbreakrecCurrent, pbreakrecMacCurrent,
&cpLim, &dcpDepend, &endr, &fSuccessful);
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* S Q U E E Z E S U B L I N E C O R E */
%%Function: SqueezeSublineCore
%%Contact: igorzv
plssubl - (IN) subline context
durTarget - (IN) desirable width
pfSuceessful- (OUT) do we achieve the goal
pdurExtra - (OUT) if nof successful, how much we fail
LSERR WINAPI SqueezeSublineCore(PLSSUBL plssubl, long durTarget,
BOOL* pfSuccessful, long* pdurExtra)
GRCHUNKEXT grchnkextCompression;
PLSC plsc;
long durToCompress;
BOOL fLineCompressed;
LSERR lserr;
plsc = plssubl->plsc;
durToCompress = GetCurrentUrSubl(plssubl) - durTarget;
IobjTextFromLsc(&plsc->lsiobjcontext), &grchnkextCompression);
if (durToCompress > 0)
lserr = CollectPreviousTextGroupChunk(GetCurrentDnodeSubl(plssubl), CollectSublinesForCompression,
fFalse, /* simple text */
if (lserr != lserrNone)
return lserr;
durToCompress -= grchnkextCompression.durTrailing;
if (FDnodeHasBorder(grchnkextCompression.plsdnStartTrailing))
/* we should reserve room for closing border */
durToCompress += DurBorderFromDnodeInside(grchnkextCompression.plsdnStartTrailing);
lserr = CanCompressText(&(grchnkextCompression.lsgrchnk),
durToCompress, pfSuccessful,
&fLineCompressed, pdurExtra);
if (lserr != lserrNone)
return lserr;
*pdurExtra = 0;
*pfSuccessful = fTrue;
return lserrNone;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* G E T P O S I N L I N E T R U N C A T E F R O M C P */
%%Function: GetPosInLineTruncateFromCp
%%Contact: igorzv
plssubl - (IN) subline context
cp - (IN) cp of position
pposinline - (OUT) position in a subline
void GetPosInLineTruncateFromCp(
PLSSUBL plssubl, /* IN: subline */
LSCP cp, /* IN: cp of a position */
BOOL fSnapPrev, /* IN: direction of snapping hidden cp */
POSINLINE* pposinline) /* OUT: position in a subline */
BOOL fSuccessful = fFalse;
BOOL fLastReached = fFalse;
BOOL fPassed = fFalse;
LSDCP dcp;
pposinline->plssubl = plssubl;
pposinline->pointStart.u = 0;
pposinline->pointStart.v = 0;
plsdn = plssubl->plsdnFirst;
while(!fSuccessful && !fLastReached &&!fPassed)
Assert(plsdn != NULL);
if (plsdn == plssubl->plsdnLast)
fLastReached = fTrue;
if (plsdn->cpFirst > cp) /* our cp is not inside any dnode */
fPassed = fTrue;
if (cp < plsdn->cpLimOriginal)
fSuccessful = fTrue;
pposinline->plsdn = plsdn;
dcp = cp - plsdn->cpFirst + 1;
if (dcp <= plsdn->dcp) /* such calculations are because of a case of ligature */
pposinline->dcp = dcp; /* across hiden text, in such case cpLimOriginal */
else /* is not equal to cpFirst + dcp */
pposinline->dcp = plsdn->dcp; /* such calculation doesn't guarantee exact cp, */
} /* but at least in the same ligature */
if (!fLastReached)
pposinline->pointStart.u += DurFromDnode(plsdn);
pposinline->pointStart.v += DvrFromDnode(plsdn);
plsdn = plsdn->plsdnNext;
if (!fSuccessful)
if (fSnapPrev)
/* snap to previous dnode */
if (fPassed)
Assert(plsdn != NULL); /* we don't allow caller to pass cp before first dnode */
plsdn = plsdn->plsdnPrev;
/* skip borders */
plsdn = plsdn->plsdnPrev;
Assert(plsdn != NULL);
pposinline->plsdn = plsdn;
pposinline->dcp = plsdn->dcp;
pposinline->pointStart.u -= DurFromDnode(plsdn);
pposinline->pointStart.v -= DvrFromDnode(plsdn);
/* skip borders */
plsdn = plsdn->plsdnPrev;
Assert(plsdn != NULL);
pposinline->plsdn = plsdn;
pposinline->dcp = plsdn->dcp;
/* snap to current dnode */
if (fPassed)
/* skip borders */
plsdn = plsdn->plsdnNext;
Assert(plsdn != NULL);
pposinline->plsdn = plsdn;
pposinline->dcp = 1;
/* we don't allow caller to pass cp after last dnode */
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* F I N D F I R S T D N O D E C O N T A I N S R I G H T M A R G I N */
%%Function: FindFirstDnodeContainsRightMargin
%%Contact: igorzv
urColumnMax - (IN) right margin
pposinline - (IN,OUT) position in a subline: before position in the end,
after first position contains right margin
static void FindFirstDnodeContainsRightMargin(long urColumnMax, POSINLINE* pposinlineTruncate)
POSINLINE posinline;
BOOL fOutside;
BOOL fFound = fFalse;
BOOL fEndOfContent;
posinline = *pposinlineTruncate;
// we know that last done ends after right margin
Assert(posinline.pointStart.u + DurFromDnode(posinline.plsdn) > urColumnMax);
fOutside = fTrue;
fEndOfContent = fFalse;
if (posinline.pointStart.u <= urColumnMax)
if (fOutside)
fFound = fTrue;
*pposinlineTruncate = posinline;
fOutside = fFalse;
fOutside = fTrue;
GoPrevPosInLine(&posinline, fEndOfContent);
} while (!fEndOfContent);
if (!fFound)
*pposinlineTruncate = posinline; // we cann't right dnode and return fisrt dnode to report situation
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* G E T L I N E D U R C O R E */
%%Function: GetLineDurCore
%%Contact: igorzv
plsc - (IN) LS context
pdurInclTrail - (OUT) dur of line incl. trailing area
pdurExclTrail - (OUT) dur of line excl. trailing area
LSERR GetLineDurCore (PLSC plsc, long* pdurInclTrail, long* pdurExclTrail)
LSERR lserr;
long durTrail;
LSDCP dcpTrail;
PLSDNODE plsdnStartTrail;
LSDCP dcpStartTrailingText;
int cDnodesTrailing;
PLSDNODE plsdnTrailingObject;
LSDCP dcpTrailingObject;
BOOL fClosingBorderStartsTrailing;
plsdn = GetCurrentDnode(plsc);
*pdurInclTrail = GetCurrentUr(plsc);
*pdurExclTrail = *pdurInclTrail;
if (plsdn != NULL && !FIsNotInContent(plsdn))
lserr = GetTrailingInfoForTextGroupChunk(plsdn, plsdn->dcp,
&durTrail, &dcpTrail, &plsdnStartTrail,
&dcpStartTrailingText, &cDnodesTrailing, &plsdnTrailingObject,
&dcpTrailingObject, &fClosingBorderStartsTrailing);
if (lserr != lserrNone)
return lserr;
*pdurExclTrail = *pdurInclTrail - durTrail;
return lserrNone;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* G E T M I N D U R B R E A K S C O R E */
%%Function: GetMinDurBreaksCore
%%Contact: igorzv
plsc - (IN) LS context
pdurMinInclTrail - (OUT) min dur between breaks including trailing area
pdurMinExclTrail - (OUT) min dur between breaks excluding trailing area
LSERR GetMinDurBreaksCore (PLSC plsc, long* pdurMinInclTrail, long* pdurMinExclTrail)
LSERR lserr;
PLSCHUNKCONTEXT plschunkcontext;
LOCCHNK* plocchnk;
POINTUV point;
long durTrail;
DWORD cchTrail;
POSINLINE posinline;
POSINLINE posinlineBreak;
BRKOUT brkout;
long urBreakInclTrail = 0;
long urBreakExclTrail = 0;
long urBreakInclTrailPrev;
long urBreakExclTrailPrev;
BOOL fEndOfContent = fFalse;
BRKKIND brkkind;
PLSDNODE plsdnStartTrail;
LSDCP dcpStartTrailingText;
int cDnodesTrailing;
PLSDNODE plsdnTrailingObject;
LSDCP dcpTrailingObject;
BOOL fClosingBorderStartsTrailing;
plschunkcontext = PlschunkcontextFromSubline(GetCurrentSubline(plsc));
plocchnk = &(plschunkcontext->locchnkCurrent);
*pdurMinInclTrail = 0;
*pdurMinExclTrail = 0;
GetCurrentPoint(plsc, point);
posinline.plssubl = GetCurrentSubline(plsc);
posinline.pointStart = point;
posinline.plsdn = GetCurrentDnode(plsc);
urBreakInclTrail = GetCurrentUr(plsc);
urBreakExclTrail = urBreakInclTrail;
/* REVIEW rewrite without code duplication and some probably superflous lines */
/* don't forget about problem of dnode which submitted subline for trailing and skiping trailing
area( tailing area in subline and dcp in parent dnode */
if (posinline.plsdn != NULL && !FIsNotInContent(posinline.plsdn))
GetPointBeforeDnodeFromPointAfter(posinline.plsdn, &(posinline.pointStart));
posinline.dcp = posinline.plsdn->dcp;
lserr = GetTrailingInfoForTextGroupChunk(posinline.plsdn, posinline.dcp,
&durTrail, &cchTrail, &plsdnStartTrail,
&dcpStartTrailingText, &cDnodesTrailing,
&plsdnTrailingObject, &dcpTrailingObject, &fClosingBorderStartsTrailing);
if (lserr != lserrNone)
return lserr;
urBreakExclTrail = urBreakInclTrail - durTrail;
/* move before trailing area */
while (posinline.plsdn != plsdnTrailingObject)
GoPrevPosInLine(&posinline, fEndOfContent);
posinline.dcp = dcpTrailingObject;
if (posinline.dcp == 0) /* move break before previous dnode */
GoPrevPosInLine(&posinline, fEndOfContent);
/* we allow to put break before the first dnode but stop loop here */
while (!fEndOfContent && FIsDnodeBorder(posinline.plsdn) );
fEndOfContent = fTrue;
if (fEndOfContent)
*pdurMinInclTrail = urBreakInclTrail;
*pdurMinExclTrail = urBreakExclTrail;
/* find previous break */
lserr = FindPrevBreakCore(urBreakInclTrail, &posinline, fTrue,
&brkout, &posinlineBreak, &brkkind);
if (lserr != lserrNone)
return lserr;
if (brkout.fSuccessful)
urBreakInclTrailPrev = posinlineBreak.pointStart.u + brkout.objdim.dur;
lserr = GetTrailingInfoForTextGroupChunk(posinlineBreak.plsdn,
&durTrail, &cchTrail, &plsdnStartTrail,
&dcpStartTrailingText, &cDnodesTrailing,
&plsdnTrailingObject, &dcpTrailingObject, &fClosingBorderStartsTrailing);
if (lserr != lserrNone)
return lserr;
urBreakExclTrailPrev = urBreakInclTrailPrev - durTrail;
/* commands bellow prepare posinline for the next iteration */
if (posinlineBreak.plsdn->cpFirst > posinline.plsdn->cpFirst
|| (posinlineBreak.plsdn == posinline.plsdn &&
posinlineBreak.dcp >= posinline.dcp
/* we are trying to avoid an infinite loop */
if (posinline.dcp != 0) posinline.dcp--;
/* posinline.dcp can be equal to 0 here in the case pen,
code bellow under if (posinline.dcp == 0) will help us to avoid infinite loop in such case*/
posinline = posinlineBreak;
/* move before trailing area */
while (posinline.plsdn != plsdnTrailingObject)
GoPrevPosInLine(&posinline, fEndOfContent);
posinline.dcp = dcpTrailingObject;
if (posinline.dcp == 0) /* move break before previous dnode */
GoPrevPosInLine(&posinline, fEndOfContent);
/* we allow to put break before the first dnode but stop loop here */
while (!fEndOfContent && FIsDnodeBorder(posinline.plsdn) );
urBreakInclTrailPrev = 0;
urBreakExclTrailPrev = 0;
fEndOfContent = fTrue;
/* calculate current value of the maximum distance between two break opportunites */
if (urBreakInclTrail - urBreakInclTrailPrev > *pdurMinInclTrail)
*pdurMinInclTrail = urBreakInclTrail - urBreakInclTrailPrev;
if (urBreakExclTrail - urBreakInclTrailPrev > *pdurMinExclTrail)
*pdurMinExclTrail = urBreakExclTrail - urBreakInclTrailPrev;
/* prepare next iteration */
urBreakInclTrail = urBreakInclTrailPrev;
urBreakExclTrail = urBreakExclTrailPrev;
return lserrNone;
/* F C A N B E F O R E N E X T C H U N K C O R E */
%%Function: FCanBreakBeforeNextChunkCore
%%Contact: igorzv
plsc - (IN) ptr to line services context
plsdn - (IN) Last DNODE of the current chunk
pfCanBreakBeforeNextChun-(OUT) Can break before next chunk ?
Called by text during find previous break when it's going to set break after last text dnode.
Procedure forwards this question to the next after text object
LSERR FCanBreakBeforeNextChunkCore(PLSC plsc, PLSDNODE plsdn, BOOL* pfCanBreakBeforeNextChunk)
LSERR lserr;
PLSCHUNKCONTEXT plschunkcontextOld;
PLSCHUNKCONTEXT plschunkcontextNew;
BOOL fFound;
PLSDNODE plsdnInChunk;
DWORD idObj;
POSICHNK posichnk;
BRKCOND brkcond;
PLSSUBL plssublOld;
BRKOUT brkout;
plschunkcontextOld = PlschunkcontextFromSubline(SublineFromDnode(plsdn));
/* plsdnode should be the last dnode of the current chunk */
Assert(plsdn == LastDnodeFromChunk(plschunkcontextOld));
lserr = DuplicateChunkContext(plschunkcontextOld, &plschunkcontextNew);
if (lserr != lserrNone)
return lserr;
lserr = CollectNextChunk(plschunkcontextNew, &fFound);
if (lserr != lserrNone)
return lserr;
if (fFound)
plsdnInChunk = plschunkcontextNew->pplsdnChunk[0];
if (FIsDnodePen(plsdnInChunk) || plsdnInChunk->fTab || FIsDnodeSplat(plsdnInChunk))
*pfCanBreakBeforeNextChunk = fTrue;
idObj = IdObjFromDnode(plsdnInChunk);
/* we allow object handler to formate subline,
so we restore current subline after calling him */
plssublOld = GetCurrentSubline(plsc);
SetCurrentSubline(plsc, NULL);
/* we set truncation point to the first cp in chunk */
posichnk.ichnk = 0;
posichnk.dcp = 1;
brkcond = brkcondCan;
lserr = PLsimFromLsc(
&plsc->lsiobjcontext, idObj)->pfnFindPrevBreakChunk(&(plschunkcontextNew->locchnkCurrent),
&posichnk, brkcond, &brkout);
if (lserr != lserrNone)
return lserr;
SetCurrentSubline(plsc, plssublOld);
if (!brkout.fSuccessful && brkout.brkcond == brkcondNever)
*pfCanBreakBeforeNextChunk = fFalse;
*pfCanBreakBeforeNextChunk = fTrue;
/* it cann't happen on a main subline */
*pfCanBreakBeforeNextChunk = fTrue;
return lserrNone;