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// Copyright (c) 2000-2001 Microsoft Corporation
// Module Name:
// CClusCfgClusterInfo.h
// Description:
// This file contains the declaration of the CClusCfgClusterInfo
// class.
// The class CClusCfgClusterInfo is the representation of a
// computer that can be a cluster node. It implements the
// IClusCfgClusterInfo interface.
// Documentation:
// Implementation Files:
// CClusCfgClusterInfo.cpp
// Maintained By:
// Galen Barbee (GalenB) 22-FEB-2000
// Make sure that this file is included only once per compile path.
#pragma once
// Include Files
#include "PrivateInterfaces.h"
// Constant Declarations
// class CClusCfgClusterInfo
// Description:
// The class CClusCfgClusterInfo is the representation of a
// cluster.
// Interfaces:
// IClusCfgClusterInfo
// IClusCfgInitialize
// IClusCfgSetClusterNodeInfo
// IClusCfgWbemServices
class CClusCfgClusterInfo
: public IClusCfgClusterInfo
, public IClusCfgInitialize
, public IClusCfgSetClusterNodeInfo
, public IClusCfgWbemServices
// Private member functions and data
LONG m_cRef;
LCID m_lcid;
IClusCfgCallback * m_picccCallback;
BSTR m_bstrName;
ULONG m_ulIPDottedQuad;
ULONG m_ulSubnetDottedQuad;
IClusCfgNetworkInfo * m_piccniNetwork;
IUnknown * m_punkServiceAccountCredentials;
IWbemServices * m_pIWbemServices;
ECommitMode m_ecmCommitChangesMode;
BOOL m_fIsClusterNode:1;
BSTR m_bstrBindingString;
// Private constructors and destructors
CClusCfgClusterInfo( void );
~CClusCfgClusterInfo( void );
// Private copy constructor to prevent copying.
CClusCfgClusterInfo( const CClusCfgClusterInfo & nodeSrc );
// Private assignment operator to prevent copying.
const CClusCfgClusterInfo & operator = ( const CClusCfgClusterInfo & nodeSrc );
HRESULT HrInit( void );
HRESULT HrLoadNetworkInfo( HCLUSTER hClusterIn );
HRESULT HrGetIPAddressInfo( HCLUSTER hClusterIn, HRESOURCE hResIn );
HRESULT HrIsResourceOfType( HRESOURCE hResIn, const WCHAR * pszResourceTypeIn );
HRESULT HrFindNetworkInfo( const WCHAR * pszNetworkName, const WCHAR * pszNetwork );
HRESULT HrLoadCredentials( void );
// Public, non interface methods.
static HRESULT S_HrCreateInstance( IUnknown ** ppunkOut );
// IUnknown Interfaces
STDMETHOD( QueryInterface )( REFIID riid, void ** ppvObject );
STDMETHOD_( ULONG, AddRef )( void );
STDMETHOD_( ULONG, Release )( void );
// IClusCfgIntialize Interfaces.
// Register callbacks, locale id, etc.
STDMETHOD( Initialize )( IUnknown * punkCallbackIn, LCID lcidIn );
// IClusCfgClusterInfo Interfaces.
// CommitChanges Mode
STDMETHOD( SetCommitMode )( ECommitMode ecmNewModeIn );
STDMETHOD( GetCommitMode )( ECommitMode * pecmCurrentModeOut );
// Name (Fully Qualified Domain Name) e.g. cluster1.ntdev.microsoft.com
// In Forming the cluster, this is the resulting cluster name.
// In Joining the cluster, this is the sponsers cluster name.
STDMETHOD( GetName )( BSTR * pbstrNameOut );
STDMETHOD( SetName )( LPCWSTR bstrNameIn );
// Cluster IP Address
STDMETHOD( GetIPAddress )( ULONG * pulDottedQuadOut );
STDMETHOD( SetIPAddress )( ULONG ulDottedQuadIn );
// Cluster Subnet Mask
STDMETHOD( GetSubnetMask )( ULONG * pulDottedQuadOut );
STDMETHOD( SetSubnetMask )( ULONG ulDottedQuadIn );
// Cluster Network
STDMETHOD( GetNetworkInfo )( IClusCfgNetworkInfo ** ppiccniOut );
STDMETHOD( SetNetworkInfo )( IClusCfgNetworkInfo * piccniIn );
// Cluster Service Account
STDMETHOD( GetClusterServiceAccountCredentials )( IClusCfgCredentials ** ppicccCredentialsOut );
// Cluster Binding String
STDMETHOD( GetBindingString )( BSTR * pbstrBindingStringOut );
STDMETHOD( SetBindingString )( LPCWSTR bstrBindingStringIn );
// IClusCfgSetClusterNodeInfo Interfaces.
STDMETHOD( SetClusterNodeInfo )( IClusCfgNodeInfo * pNodeInfoIn );
// IClusCfgWbemServices Interfaces
STDMETHOD( SetWbemServices )( IWbemServices * pIWbemServicesIn );
}; //*** Class CClusCfgClusterInfo