Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
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// File: locitem.h
// Copyright (C) 1994-1997 Microsoft Corporation
// All rights reserved.
#ifndef LOCITEM_H
#define LOCITEM_H
#pragma warning(disable : 4251) // Shut up already about _declspec(import)
#pragma warning(disable : 4275) // Shut up already about _declspec(export)
class CLocItem;
// Class to hold an array of pointers to items.
class CLocItemPtrArray : public CTypedPtrArray<CPtrArray, CLocItem *>
NOTHROW CLocItemPtrArray(BOOL fDelete=TRUE);
void AssertValid(void) const;
void NOTHROW ClearItemPtrArray(void);
int NOTHROW Find(DBID, const CLocItem * &, BOOL bLocalizableOnly = FALSE) const;
virtual ~CLocItemPtrArray();
CLocItemPtrArray(const CLocItemPtrArray &);
void operator=(const CLocItemPtrArray &);
BOOL m_fDelete;
// Class to hold an item set. This is an array of items that all have the
// same identifier.
class LTAPIENTRY CLocItemSet : public CLocItemPtrArray
void AssertValid(void) const;
NOTHROW const CLocUniqueId & GetUniqueId(void) const;
NOTHROW const DBID & GetPseudoParentId(void) const;
NOTHROW void ClearItemSet(void);
NOTHROW void Match(const CLocItemSet &, CMap<int, int, int, int> &);
NOTHROW int Find(CLocItem * pItem, int nStartAt = 0);
NOTHROW ~CLocItemSet();
static const CLocUniqueId m_luid; //This is a default last ditch
DEBUGONLY(static CCounter m_UsageCounter);
// A localizable item.
// It represents either source or target data, depending on the context, but not both.
class LTAPIENTRY CLocItem : public CObject
void AssertValid(void) const;
// Read-only access members
NOTHROW BOOL HasLocString(void) const;
NOTHROW BOOL HasBinary(void) const;
NOTHROW const DBID & GetMyDatabaseId(void) const;
NOTHROW const CLocUniqueId & GetUniqueId(void) const;
const DBID &GetPseudoParentId(void) const;
NOTHROW CLocUniqueId & GetUniqueId(void);
NOTHROW CLS::LocStatus GetTranslationStatus(void) const;
NOTHROW CLS::LocStatus GetBinaryStatus(void) const;
NOTHROW CTO::TranslationOrigin GetTranslationOrigin(void) const;
NOTHROW CAS::ApprovalState GetApprovalStatus(void) const;
NOTHROW CAA::AutoApproved GetAutoApproved(void) const;
NOTHROW long GetConfidenceLevel(void) const;
NOTHROW long GetCustom1(void) const;
NOTHROW long GetCustom2(void) const;
NOTHROW long GetCustom3(void) const;
NOTHROW long GetCustom4(void) const;
NOTHROW long GetCustom5(void) const;
NOTHROW long GetCustom6(void) const;
NOTHROW const CLocString & GetLocString(void) const;
NOTHROW BOOL GetBinary(const CLocBinary *&) const;
NOTHROW CIT::IconType GetIconType(void) const;
NOTHROW const CPascalString & GetInstructions(void) const;
NOTHROW const CPascalString GetInstructions(BOOL) const;
NOTHROW const CPascalString & GetTermNotes(void) const;
NOTHROW UINT GetDisplayOrder(void) const;
NOTHROW VisualEditor GetVisualEditor(void) const;
NOTHROW BOOL GetFEqualSrcTgtString(void) const;
NOTHROW void SetFEqualSrcTgtString(BOOL);
NOTHROW BOOL GetFEqualSrcTgtBinary(void) const;
NOTHROW void SetFEqualSrcTgtBinary(BOOL);
NOTHROW BOOL GetFStringDirty(void) const;
NOTHROW void SetFStringDirty(BOOL);
NOTHROW BOOL GetFTargetStringDirty(void) const;
NOTHROW void SetFTargetStringDirty(BOOL);
NOTHROW BOOL GetFItemDirty(void) const;
NOTHROW void SetFItemDirty(BOOL);
NOTHROW BOOL IsAnyDirty(void);
NOTHROW BOOL IsLocked(void) const;
NOTHROW BOOL GetFDevLock(void) const;
NOTHROW void SetFDevLock(BOOL);
NOTHROW BOOL GetFTransLock(void) const;
NOTHROW void SetFTransLock(BOOL);
NOTHROW BOOL GetFUsrLock(void) const;
NOTHROW void SetFUsrLock(BOOL);
NOTHROW BOOL GetFExpandable(void) const;
NOTHROW void SetFExpandable(BOOL);
NOTHROW BOOL GetFDisplayable(void) const;
NOTHROW void SetFDisplayable(BOOL);
NOTHROW BOOL GetFNoResTable(void) const;
NOTHROW void SetFNoResTable(BOOL);
NOTHROW BOOL GetFValidTranslation(void) const;
NOTHROW void SetFValidTranslation(BOOL);
NOTHROW BOOL GetFVisEditorIgnore(void) const;
NOTHROW void SetFVisEditorIgnore(BOOL);
NOTHROW void SetFInstructionsDirty(BOOL);
NOTHROW BOOL GetFInstructionsDirty(void) const;
NOTHROW void SetFInstrAtt(BOOL);
NOTHROW BOOL GetFInstrAtt(void) const;
// Assignment members. These set the appropriate dirty flags in the
// item.
NOTHROW void SetMyDatabaseId(const DBID&);
NOTHROW void SetUniqueId(const CLocUniqueId &);
NOTHROW void SetPseudoParent(const DBID &);
NOTHROW void SetLocString(const CLocString &);
NOTHROW void ClearUniqueId(void);
NOTHROW void SetTranslationStatus(CLS::LocStatus);
NOTHROW void SetBinaryStatus(CLS::LocStatus);
NOTHROW void SetTranslationOrigin(CTO::TranslationOrigin);
NOTHROW void SetApprovalStatus(CAS::ApprovalState);
NOTHROW void SetAutoApproved(CAA::AutoApproved);
NOTHROW void SetConfidenceLevel(long);
NOTHROW void SetCustom1(long);
NOTHROW void SetCustom2(long);
NOTHROW void SetCustom3(long);
NOTHROW void SetCustom4(long);
NOTHROW void SetCustom5(long);
NOTHROW void SetCustom6(long);
NOTHROW void SetIconType(CIT::IconType);
NOTHROW void SetInstructions(const CPascalString &);
NOTHROW void SetTermNotes(const CPascalString &);
NOTHROW void SetDisplayOrder(UINT);
NOTHROW void SetVisualEditor(VisualEditor);
// Setting the binary part will delete the
// previous one!
NOTHROW void SetBinary(CLocBinary *);
NOTHROW BOOL ExtractBinary(CLocBinary *&);
NOTHROW void TransferBinary(CLocItem *);
// Clear ALL the dirty flags for the item.
NOTHROW void ClearDirtyFlags(void);
// Kind of smart assignment
BOOL UpdateFrom(CLocItem &);
enum eLocContent
enum eDataFlow
// Kind of assignment for localizable content only.
BOOL UpdateLocContentFrom(
CLocItem & itemInput,
eDataFlow nDataFlow,
eLocContent nFrom,
eLocContent nTo);
//Used to know how similar is the localizable content between 2 items
enum eMatchType
int MatchLocContent(const CLocItem &);
// Comparisons between localizable items.
NOTHROW int operator==(const CLocItem &) const;
NOTHROW int operator!=(const CLocItem &) const;
NOTHROW BOOL BobsConsistencyChecker(void) const;
virtual ~CLocItem();
// Private helper functions.
NOTHROW BOOL CompareItems(const CLocItem &);
// Flags that apply to the entire item. These control the display and
// editablity and internal status of an item.
struct Flags
BOOL m_fDevLock :1; // Resource locked (in source file) from parser data
BOOL m_fUsrLock :1; // Resource locked (by user) from parser data
BOOL m_fTransLock :1; // Resource locked (for the user) from parser data
BOOL m_fExpandable :1; // Expandable in project window
BOOL m_fDisplayable :1; // Display in project window
BOOL m_fNoResTable :1; // Don't display in res table
BOOL m_fStringDirty :1; // has the source locstring changed?
BOOL m_fTargetStringDirty :1; // has the target locstring changed?
BOOL m_fItemDirty :1; // has any other part of the item changed?
BOOL m_fEqualSrcTgtString :1; // are the src&tgt strings equal?
BOOL m_fEqualSrcTgtBinary :1; // are the src&tgt binaries equal?
BOOL m_fValidTranslation :1; // is the target string (the translation) good
// for an autotranslate ?
BOOL m_fVisEditorIgnore :1; // is the item ignored in the visual editor?
// in memory state only.
BOOL m_fInstructionsDirty :1;
BOOL m_fInstrAtt :1; // has the instruction changed by Update command?
// Prevents the default copy constructor from being called.
CLocItem(const CLocItem &);
virtual void Serialize(CArchive &) {}
const CLocItem &operator=(const CLocItem &);
// Item data.
//Language-independent members
DBID m_dbid; //Id of item within the db
DBID m_PseudoParent;
CLocUniqueId m_uid;
CLocString m_lsString;
CIT::IconType m_icIconType; //UI Icon that visually indicates item type
CPascalString m_pstrInstructions; //Instructions on how to localize the item
CPascalString m_pstrTermNotes; // glossary notes
CLS::LocStatus m_lsTranslationStatus; // Translation Loc status
CLS::LocStatus m_lsBinaryStatus; // Binary Loc status
CTO::TranslationOrigin m_toTranslationOrigin; // translation origin
CAS::ApprovalState m_asApprovalStatus;
CAA::AutoApproved m_auto_approved; // AUTO APPROVED
long m_confidence_level; // confidence level
long m_custom1; // CUSTOM1
long m_custom2; // CUSTOM2
long m_custom3; // CUSTOM3
long m_custom4; // CUSTOM4
long m_custom5; // CUSTOM5
long m_custom6; // CUSTOM6
VisualEditor m_veEditor; //Graphical editor used for the item
Flags m_Flags; //Various flags
//Language-dependent members
UINT m_uiDisplayOrder; //Physical order of item in the file
CLocBinary *m_pBinary; //Parser-specific properties
DEBUGONLY(static CCounter m_UsageCounter);
// Callback class used to provide information about
// items to the item log.
class LTAPIENTRY CItemInfo
CItemInfo() {};
virtual ~CItemInfo() {};
virtual CLString GetFileName(const CLocItem *) = 0;
virtual CLString GetItemName(const CLocItem *) = 0;
CItemInfo(const CItemInfo &);
const CItemInfo & operator=(const CItemInfo &);
//Classes used to retrieve mnemonics (aka hotkeys) from parsers
class LTAPIENTRY CMnemonic
NOTHROW operator unsigned long() const;
WCHAR m_cHotkeyChar;
WORD m_nHotkeyScope;
class LTAPIENTRY CMnemonicsMap : public CMap<CMnemonic, CMnemonic &,
CLocItemPtrArray *, CLocItemPtrArray * &>
CMnemonicsMap(const CMnemonicsMap &);
void operator=(int);
#pragma warning(default : 4251)
#if !defined(_DEBUG) || defined(IMPLEMENT)
#include "locitem.inl"
#endif // LOCITEM_H