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* Copyright (C) 2001-2002 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
* File: dpnhpastintfobj.h
* Content: Header for DPNHPAST main interface object class.
* History:
* Date By Reason
* ======== ======== =========
* 04/16/01 VanceO Split DPNATHLP into DPNHUPNP and DPNHPAST.
// Defines
// Macros
// Typedefs
class CNATHelpPAST;
// Object flags
#define NATHELPPASTOBJ_NOTCREATEDWITHCOM 0x0001 // object was created through non-COM DirectPlayNATHelpCreate function
#define NATHELPPASTOBJ_INITIALIZED 0x0002 // object has been initialized
#define NATHELPPASTOBJ_USEPASTICS 0x0004 // PAST can be used for ICS NAT traversal
#define NATHELPPASTOBJ_USEPASTPFW 0x0008 // PAST can be used for opening Personal Firewall
#define NATHELPPASTOBJ_WINSOCK1 0x0010 // only WinSock 1 functionality is available
#define NATHELPPASTOBJ_DEVICECHANGED 0x0020 // short lived flag that overrides min update server status interval when a device is added or removed
#define NATHELPPASTOBJ_ADDRESSESCHANGED 0x0040 // flag indicating that server status changed since the last time the user checked
#define NATHELPPASTOBJ_PORTREGISTERED 0x0080 // short lived flag that allows remote gateway check when a port has been registered
// Structures
typedef struct _PAST_RESPONSE_INFO
CHAR cVersion;
CHAR cMsgType;
DWORD dwClientID;
DWORD dwLeaseTime;
CHAR cTunnelType;
DWORD dwLocalAddressV4;
CHAR cNumLocalPorts;
DWORD dwRemoteAddressV4;
CHAR cNumRemotePorts;
WORD wError;
// WinSock function definitions left out by winsock2.h
typedef INT (WSAAPI * LPFN___WSAFDISSET) (SOCKET, fd_set FAR *);
// IPHLPAPI function prototypes
// Main interface object class
class CNATHelpPAST : public IDirectPlayNATHelp
CNATHelpPAST(const BOOL fNotCreatedWithCOM); // constructor
~CNATHelpPAST(void); // destructor
STDMETHODIMP QueryInterface(REFIID riid, LPVOID * ppvObj);
STDMETHODIMP Initialize(const DWORD dwFlags);
STDMETHODIMP Close(const DWORD dwFlags);
STDMETHODIMP GetCaps(DPNHCAPS * const pdpnhcaps,
const DWORD dwFlags);
STDMETHODIMP RegisterPorts(const SOCKADDR * const aLocalAddresses,
const DWORD dwAddressesSize,
const DWORD dwNumAddresses,
const DWORD dwLeaseTime,
DPNHHANDLE * const phRegisteredPorts,
const DWORD dwFlags);
STDMETHODIMP GetRegisteredAddresses(const DPNHHANDLE hRegisteredPorts,
SOCKADDR * const paPublicAddresses,
DWORD * const pdwPublicAddressesSize,
DWORD * const pdwAddressTypeFlags,
DWORD * const pdwLeaseTimeRemaining,
const DWORD dwFlags);
STDMETHODIMP DeregisterPorts(const DPNHHANDLE hRegisteredPorts,
const DWORD dwFlags);
STDMETHODIMP QueryAddress(const SOCKADDR * const pSourceAddress,
const SOCKADDR * const pQueryAddress,
SOCKADDR * const pResponseAddress,
const int iAddressesSize,
const DWORD dwFlags);
STDMETHODIMP SetAlertEvent(const HANDLE hEvent, const DWORD dwFlags);
STDMETHODIMP SetAlertIOCompletionPort(const HANDLE hIOCompletionPort,
const DWORD dwCompletionKey,
const DWORD dwNumConcurrentThreads,
const DWORD dwFlags);
STDMETHODIMP ExtendRegisteredPortsLease(const DPNHHANDLE hRegisteredPorts,
const DWORD dwLeaseTime,
const DWORD dwFlags);
HRESULT InitializeObject(void);
void UninitializeObject(void);
CBilink m_blList; // list of all the NATHelper instances in existence
BYTE m_Sig[4]; // debugging signature ('NATH')
LONG m_lRefCount; // reference count for this object
DWORD m_dwFlags; // flags for this object
DNCRITICAL_SECTION m_csLock; // lock preventing simultaneous usage
DWORD m_dwLockThreadID; // ID of thread currently holding the lock
HANDLE m_hAlertEvent; // handle to alert event, if any
HANDLE m_hAlertIOCompletionPort; // handle to alert I/O completion port, if any
DWORD m_dwAlertCompletionKey; // alert completion key to use, if any
CBilink m_blDevices; // list of all IP capable devices
CBilink m_blRegisteredPorts; // list of all the ports registered (may or may not be mapped with a PAST server)
CBilink m_blUnownedPorts; // list of all the registered ports which could not be associated with specific devices
DWORD m_dwLastUpdateServerStatusTime; // last time the server status was updated
DWORD m_dwNextPollInterval; // next GetCaps poll interval to use
DWORD m_dwNumLeases; // number of registered ports which have successfully been leased
DWORD m_dwEarliestLeaseExpirationTime; // time when first registered port lease expires, if there are any
HMODULE m_hIpHlpApiDLL; // handle to iphlpapi.dll, if available
PFN_GETADAPTERSINFO m_pfnGetAdaptersInfo; // pointer to GetAdaptersInfo function
PFN_GETIPFORWARDTABLE m_pfnGetIpForwardTable; // pointer to GetIpForwardTable function
PFN_GETBESTROUTE m_pfnGetBestRoute; // pointer to GetBestRoute function
SOCKET m_sIoctls; // socket being used to submit Ioctls (WinSock2 only) and used for PAST address change checks
WORD m_wIoctlSocketPort; // port of bound Ioctl socket, for PAST address change checks, in network byte order
WSAOVERLAPPED * m_polAddressListChange; // pointer overlapped structure for address list change WSAIoctl call
HMODULE m_hWinSockDLL; // handle to wsock32.dll or ws2_32.dll
LPFN_WSASTARTUP m_pfnWSAStartup; // pointer to WSAStartup function
LPFN_WSACLEANUP m_pfnWSACleanup; // pointer to WSACleanup function
LPFN_WSAGETLASTERROR m_pfnWSAGetLastError; // pointer to WSAGetLastError function
LPFN_SOCKET m_pfnsocket; // pointer to socket function
LPFN_CLOSESOCKET m_pfnclosesocket; // pointer to closesocket function
LPFN_BIND m_pfnbind; // pointer to bind function
LPFN_SETSOCKOPT m_pfnsetsockopt; // pointer to setsockopt function
LPFN_GETSOCKNAME m_pfngetsockname; // pointer to getsockname function
LPFN_SELECT m_pfnselect; // pointer to select function
LPFN___WSAFDISSET m_pfn__WSAFDIsSet; // pointer to __WSAFDIsSet function
LPFN_RECVFROM m_pfnrecvfrom; // pointer to recvfrom function
LPFN_SENDTO m_pfnsendto; // pointer to sendto function
LPFN_GETHOSTNAME m_pfngethostname; // pointer to gethostname function
LPFN_GETHOSTBYNAME m_pfngethostbyname; // pointer to gethostbyname function
LPFN_INET_ADDR m_pfninet_addr; // pointer to inet_addr function
LPFN_WSASOCKETA m_pfnWSASocketA; // pointer to WSASocket function
LPFN_WSAIOCTL m_pfnWSAIoctl; // WinSock2 only, pointer to WSAIoctl function
LPFN_WSAGETOVERLAPPEDRESULT m_pfnWSAGetOverlappedResult; // WinSock2 only, pointer to WSAGetOverlappedResult function
#ifdef DBG
DWORD m_dwNumDeviceAdds; // how many times devices were added
DWORD m_dwNumDeviceRemoves; // how many times devices were removed
DWORD m_dwNumServerFailures; // how many times a UPnP gateway device or PAST server returned a failure or stopped responding and had to be removed
#endif // DBG
inline BOOL IsValidObject(void)
if ((this == NULL) || (IsBadWritePtr(this, sizeof(CNATHelpPAST))))
return FALSE;
if (*((DWORD*) (&this->m_Sig)) != 0x4854414E) // 0x48 0x54 0x41 0x4E = 'HTAN' = 'NATH' in Intel order
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
inline void ResetNextPollInterval(void)
// Reading this DWORD should be atomic, so no need to hold the
// globals lock.
this->m_dwNextPollInterval = g_dwNoActiveNotifyPollInterval;
HRESULT TakeLock(void);
void DropLock(void);
HRESULT LoadWinSockFunctionPointers(void);
HRESULT CheckForNewDevices(BOOL * const pfFoundNewDevices);
HRESULT CheckForLocalPASTServerAndRegister(CDevice * const pDevice);
void RemoveAllItems(void);
CDevice * FindMatchingDevice(const SOCKADDR_IN * const psaddrinMatch,
const BOOL fMatchRegPort);
HRESULT RegisterWithLocalPASTServer(CDevice * const pDevice);
HRESULT DeregisterWithPASTServer(CDevice * const pDevice,
const BOOL fRemote);
HRESULT ExtendAllExpiringLeases(void);
HRESULT UpdateServerStatus(void);
HRESULT AssignOrListenPASTPort(CRegisteredPort * const pRegisteredPort,
const BOOL fRemote);
HRESULT FreePASTPort(CRegisteredPort * const pRegisteredPort,
const BOOL fRemote);
HRESULT InternalPASTQueryAddress(CDevice * const pDevice,
const SOCKADDR_IN * const psaddrinQueryAddress,
SOCKADDR_IN * const psaddrinResponseAddress,
const DWORD dwFlags,
const BOOL fRemote);
HRESULT ExtendPASTLease(CRegisteredPort * const pRegisteredPort,
const BOOL fRemote);
HRESULT UpdatePASTPublicAddressValidity(CDevice * const pDevice,
const BOOL fRemote);
HRESULT RegisterAllPortsWithPAST(CDevice * const pDevice,
const BOOL fRemote);
HRESULT RegisterPreviouslyUnownedPortsWithDevice(CDevice * const pDevice,
const BOOL fWildcardToo);
HRESULT ExchangeAndParsePAST(const SOCKET sSocket,
const SOCKADDR * const psaddrServerAddress,
const int iAddressesSize,
const char * const pcRequestBuffer,
const int iRequestBufferSize,
const DWORD dwMsgID,
DWORD * const ptuRetry,
PAST_RESPONSE_INFO * const pRespInfo);
HRESULT RegisterMultipleDevicesWithRemotePAST(CBilink * pSourceList,
CDevice ** ppFirstDeviceWithRemoteServer);
HRESULT ParsePASTMessage(const char * const pcMsg,
const int iMsgSize,
PAST_RESPONSE_INFO * const pRespInfo);
HRESULT RequestLocalAddressListChangeNotification(void);
SOCKET CreatePASTSocket(SOCKADDR_IN * const psaddrinAddress);
BOOL GetAddressToReachGateway(CDevice * const pDevice,
IN_ADDR * const pinaddr);
BOOL IsAddressLocal(CDevice * const pDevice,
const SOCKADDR_IN * const psaddrinAddress);
void ClearDevicesPASTServer(CDevice * const pDevice,
const BOOL fRemote);
void ClearAllPASTServerRegisteredPorts(CDevice * const pDevice,
const BOOL fRemote);
void ExpireOldCachedMappings(void);
static void RemoveAllPASTCachedMappings(CDevice * const pDevice,
const BOOL fRemote);
#ifdef DBG
void DebugPrintCurrentStatus(void);
#endif // DBG