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Copyright (c) 1996 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This file contains a test driver for PrintCoverPage.
WIN32 User Mode
Julia Robinson (a-juliar) 3-15-96
#include <windows.h>
#include <winspool.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include <winuser.h>
#include <shellapi.h>
#include "prtcovpg.h"
#include "rendtest.h"
////#define MY_BUFFER_SIZE (4096)
#define FAX_DRIVER_NAME TEXT("Windows NT Fax Driver")
int _cdecl
main( int argcA,
char **argvA )
Routine Description:
Tests PrintCoverPage(), non-rendering and rendering paths.
All files argv[1] .. argv[argc-1] are tested without rendering,
printing out returned Flats or error code.
If the first call to PrintCoverPage() succedes, the first file is printed.
A COVERPAGEFIELDS structure is created from hard-coded test data.
A note is then rendered using the *NoteRect coordinates returned.
argv[1] name of composite file to be rendered.
Return Value:
FALSE if an error occurs in the last call to PrintCoverPage().
LPTSTR *argv; // for command line arguments
int argc ;
HDC hdc; // fax printer's device context
BOOL Status ; // return value of PrintCoverPage
DOCINFO DocInfo; // structure needed for StartDoc
PCOVERPAGEFIELDS pUserData; // points to test data, mostly hard-coded
TCHAR PrinterName[MAX_PATH];
LPTSTR pMyBufLoc; // Current Location for Writing in Buffer.
UINT StructSize ; // size of COVERPAGEFIELDS and buffer
LPTSTR pDriver ; // used in parsing a profile string
LPTSTR pDevice ; // ditto
LPTSTR pOutput ; // ditto
INT Index ;
LPTSTR * ArrayOfPointers ;
INT NumTCHARs ; // Number of characters copied at each step.
DWORD StringBufferSize ; // Number of characters needed for user strings.
DWORD FirstFlags ; // Flags returned for the file we will print.
BOOL DoPrint ; // Give the printer a break if first call fails.
PDEVMODE pDevMode ; // Printer settings
HANDLE hPrinter ; // Handle to printer
HFONT hNoteFont ; // Handle to the font to be used in rendering the NOTE
HFONT hOldFont ; //
COVDOCINFO CovDocInfo; // Info returned by PrintCoverPage
#ifdef UNICODE
argv = CommandLineToArgvW( GetCommandLine(), &argc );
argv = argvA;
argc = argcA;
if( argc < 2 ){
_tprintf( TEXT("usage: %s <compositefilename> [additionalflienames]"), argv[0] );
return FALSE ;
// Compute space needed for USERDATA's strings.
for( Index = 0, StringBufferSize = 0 ; Index < NUM_INSERTION_TAGS ; ++ Index ){
StringBufferSize += sizeof(TCHAR) * ( 1 + _tcslen( HardCodedUserDataStrings[ Index ] )) ;
// Allocate space for COVERPAGEFIELDS structure followed by a buffer for the strings.
StructSize = (sizeof(COVERPAGEFIELDS)) + StringBufferSize ;
pUserData = (void *)LocalAlloc( LPTR, StructSize );
if( !pUserData ) return FALSE ;
pUserData->ThisStructSize = StructSize ;
// Copy the hard coded test data into the buffer and set the pointers in the
// COVERPAGEFIELDS structure to point to these strings.
pMyBufLoc = (LPTSTR)(pUserData + 1); // buffer follows COVERPAGEFIELDS structure
ArrayOfPointers = & pUserData->RecName ;
for( Index = 0 ; Index < NUM_INSERTION_TAGS ; ++ Index ) {
ArrayOfPointers[ Index ] = pMyBufLoc ;
NumTCHARs = 1 + _tcslen( HardCodedUserDataStrings[ Index ] );
_tcsncpy( ArrayOfPointers[ Index ], HardCodedUserDataStrings[ Index ], NumTCHARs );
pMyBufLoc += NumTCHARs ;
// Use NULL String for test data
pUserData->Note = NULL ;
// Test the non-rendering path for all files.
DoPrint = FALSE ;
Status = FALSE ;
for( Index = 1; Index < argc ; ++ Index ){
Status = PrintCoverPage( NULL, NULL, argv[ Index ], &CovDocInfo );
if( Status ){
_tprintf( TEXT( "PrintCoverPage() succeded for file %s. Flags are 0x%08lX\n" ),
argv[Index], CovDocInfo.Flags ) ;
if( 1 == Index ){
DoPrint = TRUE ; // We'll actually print the first file.
FirstFlags = CovDocInfo.Flags ;
FirstDocInfo = CovDocInfo ;
_tprintf( TEXT( "PrintCoverPage() failed for file %s. Last Error is %d.\n" ),
argv[ Index ], GetLastError()) ;
// Find the default printer and get a device context handle for it.
GetProfileString( TEXT("Windows"), TEXT("device"), TEXT(",,,"), PrinterName, MAX_PATH ) ;
if(( pDevice = _tcstok( PrinterName, TEXT(","))) &&
( pDriver = _tcstok( NULL, TEXT(", "))) &&
( pOutput = _tcstok( NULL, TEXT(", ")))) {
// Serve up a printer device context with orientation and paper size as in FirstDocInfo
if( !OpenPrinter( PrinterName, &hPrinter, NULL )){
_tprintf( TEXT( "OpenPrinter falied for %s\n" ), PrinterName ) ;
return FALSE ;
if( 0 > ( StructSize = DocumentProperties( NULL, hPrinter, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0 ))){
_tprintf( TEXT( "First DocumentProperties() call failed\n" )) ;
return FALSE;
if( NULL == ( pDevMode = (void*) LocalAlloc( LPTR, StructSize ))){
_tprintf( TEXT( "LocalAlloc() failed.\n" ));
return FALSE ;
if (0 > DocumentProperties(
_tprintf( TEXT( "Second DocumentProperties() call failed\n" )) ;
return FALSE ;
pDevMode->dmOrientation = FirstDocInfo.Orientation ;
pDevMode->dmPaperSize = FirstDocInfo.PaperSize ;
if( 0 > DocumentProperties( NULL,
_tprintf( TEXT( "Third DocumentProperties() call failed\n" ));
return FALSE ;
hdc = CreateDC( pDriver, pDevice, pOutput, pDevMode ) ;
else {
_tprintf( TEXT( "GetProfileString() falied\n" )) ;
return FALSE;
// Prepare the device context for rendering the note.
SetMapMode( hdc, MM_TEXT ) ;
SetBkMode( hdc, TRANSPARENT );
// Print the cover page.
ZeroMemory(&DocInfo, sizeof(DocInfo));
DocInfo.cbSize = sizeof(DocInfo);
// Render only the first file, and only if it passed the test above.
if (DoPrint && StartDoc(hdc, &DocInfo)){
Status = PrintCoverPage(
if( Status && (CovDocInfo.Flags | COVFP_NOTE ) ){
hNoteFont = CreateFontIndirect( &CovDocInfo.NoteFont );
if( NULL == hNoteFont ){
_tprintf( TEXT( "CreateFontIndirect failed\n" ));
return FALSE ;
hOldFont = SelectObject( hdc, hNoteFont );
if( NULL == hOldFont ){
_tprintf( TEXT( "SelectObject failed\n" ));
return FALSE ;
DPtoLP( hdc, (POINT*)&CovDocInfo.NoteRect, 2 );
if (0 == DrawText(
TEXT("Overwriting the note by the calling routine. Hopefully this will be located in the rectangle it is supposed to be in! We'll get it there!"),
_tprintf( TEXT("DrawText failed to print the note.\n" ));
SelectObject( hdc, hOldFont );
if( !Status ){
_tprintf( TEXT("Failed to print %s\n"), argv[1] );
DeleteObject( hdc ) ;
return TRUE ;