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604 lines
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' $Header:$
' Windows Embedded Default Prototype Script
' Version: 2.00
' Author: timhill
' Copyright (c) 1999-2000 Microsoft Corp. All Rights Reserved.
Option Explicit
' Setup basic objects (reflect config objects)
Dim g_oConfigScript : Set g_oConfigScript = cmiThis.Configuration.Script
Dim g_oFSO : Set g_oFSO = g_oConfigScript.g_oFSO
Dim g_oShell : Set g_oShell = g_oConfigScript.g_oShell
Dim g_oEnv : Set g_oEnv = g_oConfigScript.g_oEnv
Dim g_oNet : Set g_oNet = g_oConfigScript.g_oNet
Dim g_oCMIUtil : Set g_oCMIUtil = g_oConfigScript.g_oCMIUtil
' Configuration handlers
' cmiOnOpenConfig
' Called from Config::cmiOnOpenConfig
Sub cmiOnOpenConfig
TraceEnter "DefProto::cmiOnOpenConfig"
TraceLeave "DefProto::cmiOnOpenConfig"
End Sub
' cmiOnSaveConfig
' Called from Config::cmiOnSaveConfig
Sub cmiOnSaveConfig
TraceEnter "DefProto::cmiOnSaveConfig"
TraceLeave "DefProto::cmiOnSaveConfig"
End Sub
' cmiOnCloseConfig
' Called from Config::cmiOnCloseConfig
Sub cmiOnCloseConfig
TraceEnter "DefProto::cmiOnCloseConfig"
TraceLeave "DefProto::cmiOnCloseConfig"
End Sub
' Instance handlers
' cmiOnAddInstance (virtual)
' Called from Config::cmiOnAddInstance
' We need to collapse the component chain properties, dependencies and
' resources, and also validate the instance. We always allow a resource etc
' in a more-derived component to over-ride one of the same name in a baser
' component. Note that script (DHTML and regular) is not collapsed.
' Returns False to disallow addition, True to allow addition
Function cmiOnAddInstance
TraceEnter "DefProto::cmiOnAddInstance"
TraceState "cmiThis.Comment", cmiThis.Comment
' Initial instance validity check
cmiOnAddInstance = cmiThis.Script.cmiCollapseFirstCheck
' Build instance by collapsing component chain data
If cmiOnAddInstance Then cmiOnAddInstance = cmiThis.Script.cmiCollapseProperties
If cmiOnAddInstance Then cmiOnAddInstance = cmiThis.Script.cmiCollapseResources
If cmiOnAddInstance Then cmiOnAddInstance = cmiThis.Script.cmiCollapseDependencies
' Final instance validity check before acceptance
If cmiOnAddInstance Then cmiOnAddInstance = cmithis.Script.cmiCollapseLastCheck
TraceLeave "DefProto::cmiOnAddInstance"
End Function
' cmiCollapseFirstCheck and cmiCollapseLastCheck (virtual)
' Check valid instance first and last checks
' Returns False to disallow addition, True to allow addition
Function cmiCollapseFirstCheck
TraceEnter "DefProto::cmiCollapseFirstCheck"
cmiCollapseFirstCheck = True ' OK to add instance
TraceLeave "DefProto::cmiCollapseFirstCheck"
End Function
Function cmiCollapseLastCheck
TraceEnter "DefProto::cmiCollapseLastCheck"
cmiCollapseLastCheck = True ' OK to add instance
TraceLeave "DefProto::cmiCollapseLastCheck"
End Function
' cmiCollapseProperties (virtual)
' Collapse all instance properties (standard and extended)
' Returns False to disallow addition, True to allow addition
Function cmiCollapseProperties
TraceEnter "DefProto::cmiCollapseProperties"
Dim oDict : Set oDict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
oDict.CompareMode = vbTextCompare
Dim oTopComp : Set oTopComp = cmiThis.ComponentChain(1)
Dim oComp, oProp
' Set standard properties
cmiThis.Editable = False ' True if any component true
cmiThis.IsBaseComponent = (LCase(oTopComp.VIGUID) = LCase(cmiThis.Platform.BaseComponentVIGUID))
cmiThis.IsMacro = oTopComp.IsMacro ' Are we a macro instance?
cmiThis.MultiInstance = True ' False if any component false
cmiThis.Visibility = 0 ' Use max of all components
' Merge component chain properties
For Each oComp In cmiThis.ComponentChain ' For each component..
cmiThis.Editable = cmiThis.Editable Or oComp.Editable
cmiThis.MultiInstance = cmiThis.MultiInstance And oComp.MultiInstance
If oComp.Visibility > cmiThis.Visibility Then
cmiThis.Visibility = oComp.Visibility ' Choose most visible
End If
For Each oProp In oComp.Properties ' For each extended property..
If Not oDict.Exists(oProp.Name) Then ' If not yet added..
If cmiThis.Script.cmiCollapseProperty(oComp, oProp) Then
oDict.Add oProp.Name, "" ' Mark it's added
End If
End If
If cmiThis.Editable Then ' Force visibility if editable
If cmiThis.Visibility < 1000 Then cmiThis.Visibility = 1000 ' Force to default
End If
' Not ok if single instance component and instance > 0
cmiCollapseProperties = (cmiThis.MultiInstance Or cmiThis.InstanceID = 0)
TraceLeave "DefProto::cmiCollapseProperties"
End Function
' cmiCollapseProperty (virtual)
' Collapse an individual property
' oComponent Source component for property
' oProperty Property to collapse (add) into instance
' Returns True if property added, else False (not added)
Function cmiCollapseProperty(oComponent, oProperty)
TraceEnter "DefProto::cmiCollapseProperty"
TraceState "oProperty.Name", oProperty.Name
cmiThis.Properties.Add oProperty.Name, oProperty.Format, oProperty.Value
cmiCollapseProperty = True ' Mark that we added it
TraceLeave "DefProto::cmiCollapseProperty"
End Function
' cmiCollapseResources (virtual)
' Collapse resources (choose most derived where overlap occurs)
' Returns False to disallow addition, True to allow addition
Function cmiCollapseResources
TraceEnter "DefProto::cmiCollapseResources"
Dim oDict : Set oDict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
oDict.CompareMode = vbTextCompare
Dim oComp, oRes
For Each oComp In cmiThis.ComponentChain ' For each component..
For Each oRes In oComp.GetResources ' For each resource..
If Not oDict.Exists(oRes.Name) Then ' If not yet added..
If cmiThis.Script.cmiCollapseResource(oComp, oRes) Then
oDict.Add oRes.Name, "" ' Mark it's added
End If
End If
cmiCollapseResources = True ' OK to add instance
TraceLeave "DefProto::cmiCollapseResources"
End Function
' cmiCollapseResource (virtual)
' Collapse an individual resource
' oComponent Source component for resource
' oResource Resource to collapse (add) into instance
' Returns True if resource added, else False (not added)
Function cmiCollapseResource(oComponent, oResource)
TraceEnter "DefProto::cmiCollapseResource"
TraceState "oResource.Name", oResource.Name
Dim oNewRes, oProp, oNewProp
Set oNewRes = cmiThis.Resources.Add(oResource.Type, oResource.BuildTypeMask, oResource.Localize, oResource.Disabled, oResource.DisplayName, oResource.Description)
For Each oProp In oResource.Properties ' For each property
Set oNewProp = oNewRes.Properties(oProp.Name)
If oNewProp Is Nothing Then ' Property does not exist
oNewRes.Properties.Add oProp.Name, oProp.Format, oProp.Value
If oNewProp.Format = oProp.Format Then ' If same format..
If oProp.Format = cmiObject Then
Set oNewProp.Value = oProp.Value
oNewProp.Value = oProp.Value ' ..just copy value
End If
oNewRes.Properties.Remove oProp.Name ' Delete default
oNewRes.Properties.Add oProp.Name, oProp.Format, oProp.Value
End If
End If
Set oProp = oNewRes.Properties("ComponentVSGUID")
If Not oProp Is Nothing Then ' If present..
oProp.Value = oComponent.VSGUID ' ..record component VSGUID
End If
cmiCollapseResource = True ' Add the resource
TraceLeave "DefProto::cmiCollapseResource"
End Function
' cmiCollapseDependencies (virtual)
' Collapse dependencies
' Returns False to disallow addition, True to allow addition
Function cmiCollapseDependencies
TraceEnter "DefProto::cmiCollapseDependencies"
Dim oComp, oDep
cmiCollapseDependencies = True ' Mark that we added it
For Each oComp In cmiThis.ComponentChain ' For each component..
For Each oDep In oComp.GetDependencies ' For each dependency..
If Not cmiThis.Script.cmiCollapseDependency(oComp, oDep) Then
cmiCollapseDependencies = False
End If
TraceLeave "DefProto::cmiCollapseDependencies"
End Function
' cmiCollapseDependency (virtual)
' Collapse an individual dependency
' oComponent Source component for dependency
' oDependency Dependency to collapse (add) into instance
' Returns True if dependency added, else False (not added)
Function cmiCollapseDependency(oComponent, oDependency)
TraceEnter "DefProto::cmiCollapseDependency"
cmiThis.Dependencies.Add oDependency.Class, oDependency.Type, oDependency.TargetGUID, oDependency.MinRevision, oDependency.DisplayName, oDependency.Description
cmiCollapseDependency = True ' Mark that we added it
TraceLeave "DefProto::cmiCollapseDependency"
End Function
' cmiOnLoadInstance
' Called from Config::cmiOnLoadInstance
' Returns False to disallow load, True to allow load
Function cmiOnLoadInstance
TraceEnter "DefProto::cmiOnLoadInstance"
TraceState "cmiThis.Comment", cmiThis.Comment
cmiOnLoadInstance = True
TraceLeave "DefProto::cmiOnLoadInstance"
End Function
' cmiOnConfigureInstance
' Called from Config::cmiOnConfigureInstance
Sub cmiOnConfigureInstance
TraceEnter "DefProto::cmiOnConfigureInstance"
TraceState "cmiThis.Comment", cmiThis.Comment
TraceLeave "DefProto::cmiOnConfigureInstance"
End Sub
' cmiOnUpgradeInstance
' Called from Config::cmiOnUpgradeInstance
' oOldInstance Old instance (source of upgrade state)
Sub cmiOnUpgradeInstance(oOldInstance)
TraceEnter "DefProto::cmiOnUpgradeInstance"
TraceState "cmiThis.Comment", cmiThis.Comment
TraceState "oOldInstance.Comment", oOldInstance.Comment
TraceLeave "DefProto::cmiOnUpgradeInstance"
End Sub
' cmiOnDeleteInstance
' Called from Config::cmiOnDeleteInstance
' Returns False to disallow deletion, True to allow
Function cmiOnDeleteInstance
TraceEnter "DefProto::cmiOnDeleteInstance"
TraceState "cmiThis.Comment", cmiThis.Comment
cmiOnDeleteInstance = Not cmiThis.IsBaseComponent ' Cannot delete base
TraceLeave "DefProto::cmiOnDeleteInstance"
End Function
' Resource handlers
' cmiOnAddResource (virtual)
' Called from Config::cmiOnAddResource
' oNewResource Resource being added to instance
' Returns True if resource added, else False (not added)
Function cmiOnAddResource(oNewResource)
TraceEnter "DefProto::cmiOnAddResource"
TraceState "oNewResource.Name", oNewResource.Name
cmiOnAddResource = oNewResource.Type.Script.cmiOnAddResource(cmiThis.Configuration, cmiThis, oNewResource)
TraceLeave "DefProto::cmiOnAddResource"
End Function
' cmiOnDeleteResource (virtual)
' Called from Config::cmiOnDeleteResource
' oResource Resource being deleted from instance
' Returns True if resource deleted, else False
Function cmiOnDeleteResource(oResource)
TraceEnter "DefProto::cmiOnDeleteResource"
TraceState "oResource.Name", oResource.Name
cmiOnDeleteResource = oResource.Type.Script.cmiOnDeleteResource(cmiThis.Configuration, cmiThis, oResource)
TraceLeave "DefProto::cmiOnDeleteResource"
End Function
' cmiOnLoadResource (virtual)
' Called from Config::cmiOnLoadResource
' oNewResource Resource being added to instance
' Returns True if resource added, else False (not added)
Function cmiOnLoadResource(oNewResource)
TraceEnter "DefProto::cmiOnLoadResource"
TraceState "oNewResource.Name", oNewResource.Name
cmiOnLoadResource = oNewResource.Type.Script.cmiOnLoadResource(cmiThis.Configuration, cmiThis, oNewResource)
TraceLeave "DefProto::cmiOnLoadResource"
End Function
' Build handlers
' cmiOnPreBuild and cmiOnPostBuild (virtual)
' Called from Config::cmiOnBuild
' These routines are called before and after the build for each instance
' to allow special setup/teardown. The base instance is first in and
' last out but other instances are NOT ORDERED.
Sub cmiOnPreBuild
TraceEnter "DefProto::cmiOnPreBuild"
TraceState "cmiThis.Comment", cmiThis.Comment
TraceLeave "DefProto::cmiOnPreBuild"
End Sub
Sub cmiOnPostBuild
TraceEnter "DefProto::cmiOnPostBuild"
TraceState "cmiThis.Comment", cmiThis.Comment
TraceLeave "DefProto::cmiOnPostBuild"
End Sub
' cmiOnBuild (virtual)
' Called from Config::OnBuild
' Each instance should build itself at this time. Individual cmiOnBuild
' calls are made against each instance in correct build order.
Sub cmiOnBuild
TraceEnter "DefProto::cmiOnBuild"
TraceState "cmiThis.Comment", cmiThis.Comment
Dim oRes, oProp, sOldHKR
Set oProp = cmiThis.Properties("cmiHKRRoot") ' Get HKR root..
If Not oProp Is Nothing Then
sOldHKR = g_oCMIUtil.RelativeKey
g_oCMIUtil.RelativeKey = oProp.Value
End If
cmiThis.Script.cmiOnBeginBuild ' Start instance build
For Each oRes In cmiThis.Resources ' For each resource..
cmiThis.Script.cmiOnBuildResource oRes ' ..build it
cmiThis.Script.cmiOnEndBuild ' End instance build
If Not oProp Is Nothing Then g_oCMIUtil.RelativeKey = sOldHKR
TraceLeave "DefProto::cmiOnBuild"
End Sub
' cmiOnBeginBuild and cmiOnEndBuild (virtual)
' Called from DefProto::cmiOnBuild
Sub cmiOnBeginBuild
TraceEnter "DefProto::cmiOnBeginBuild"
TraceLeave "DefProto::cmiOnBeginBuild"
End Sub
Sub cmiOnEndBuild
TraceEnter "DefProto::cmiOnEndBuild"
TraceLeave "DefProto::cmiOnEndBuild"
End Sub
' cmiOnBuildResource (virtual)
' Called from DefProto::cmiOnBuild
' oResource Resource to build
Sub cmiOnBuildResource(oResource)
TraceEnter "DefProto::cmiOnBuildResource"
TraceState "oResource.Name", oResource.Name
If Not oResource.Disabled And (cmiThis.Configuration.BuildType And oResource.BuildTypeMask) Then
cmiThis.Script.cmiOnBuildFilteredResource oResource
End If
TraceLeave "DefProto::cmiOnBuildResource"
End Sub
' cmiOnBuildFilteredResource (virtual)
' Called from DefProt::cmiOnBuildResource
' oResource Resource to build
Sub cmiOnBuildFilteredResource(oResource)
TraceEnter "DefProto::cmiOnBuildFilteredResource"
TraceState "oResource.Name", oResource.Name
g_oConfigScript.BuildResource cmiThis, oResource
TraceLeave "DefProto::cmiOnBuildFilteredResource"
End Sub
' Dependency checking handlers
' cmiAutoResolveDependencies
' Resolve all non-ambiguous dependencies for instance
' Returns Edit array on commands to add/remove components
Function cmiAutoResolveDependencies
TraceEnter "DefProto::cmiAutoResolveDependencies"
cmiAutoResolveDependencies = Array()
TraceLeave "DefProto::cmiAutoResolveDependencies"
End Function
' cmiOnCheckDependencies
' Check all include depencencies against current instances
' oGUIDMember GUID membership dictionary
Sub cmiOnCheckDependencies(oGUIDMember)
TraceEnter "DefProto::cmiOnCheckDependencies"
TraceState "cmiThis.Comment", cmiThis.Comment
Dim oDep, nRet2
' Process each dependency (include class only)
For Each oDep In cmiThis.Dependencies
If oDep.Class = cmiInclude Then ' Only check include class
nRet2 = ReportInfoStatus(Array(104, cmiThis.Index, oDep.Index), "... Dependency: " & oDep.Index & ", name: " & oDep.DisplayName)
cmiThis.Script.cmiCheckDependency oDep, oGUIDMember
End If
TraceLeave "DefProto::cmiOnCheckDependencies"
End Sub
' cmiCheckDependency
' Check individual include dependency for validity
' To check a dependency, we need to discover how many instances are
' referenced by the target of the dependency. As with build, this involves
' converting one or more component GUIDs into instance indexes, which is
' done via the GUID member dictionary already built. This ensures that we
' correctly "see" the entire prototype chain of GUIDs as belonging to an
' instance. When resolving groups it's important to OR each vector first
' before counting instances to stop individual instances being counted twice.
' Once we have the match count, checking the dependency rule is trivial.
' oDep Dependency to check
' oGUIDMember GUID membership dictionary
Sub cmiCheckDependency(oDep, oGUIDMember)
TraceEnter "DefProto::cmiCheckDependency"
Dim oTarget, bGroupTarget, aVector, nMembers, oComp, aTemp, ix, iy
Dim nMatchCount, nType, nReport, sTemp, nRet2
' Get the target object and check if it's a group or component
Set oTarget = oDep.TargetObject ' Get target object
If oTarget Is Nothing Then ' Target not in database
nRet2 = ReportInfoStatus(Array(113, cmiThis.Index, oDep.Index), "Missing dependency target, instance: " & cmiThis.Comment & ", dependency: " & oDep.DisplayName)
Exit Sub ' Nothing to check
End If
bGroupTarget = LCase(TypeName(oTarget)) = "group" ' Check for group
nType = oDep.Type ' Get dependency type
If nType = cmiFromGroup Then nType = oTarget.DefaultDependencyType
' For groups, we OR together each members vector, else just get the vector
If bGroupTarget Then ' Count matching instances
aVector = oGUIDMember.GetEmptyVector ' Clear vector
nMembers = oTarget.GetMembers.Count ' Get membership count
For Each oComp In oTarget.GetMembers ' For each component..
aTemp = oGUIDMember.GetVector(oComp.VIGUID)
If Not IsEmpty(aTemp) Then
For ix = 1 To UBound(aTemp) ' Accumulate results
aVector(ix) = aVector(ix) Or aTemp(ix)
End If
aVector = oGUIDMember.GetVector(oTarget.VIGUID)
If IsEmpty(aVector) Then aVector = oGUIDMember.GetEmptyVector
nMembers = 1 ' Single component target
End If
' Now count the number of instances that match this dependency
nMatchCount = 0 ' Clear match counter
For ix = 1 To UBound(aVector)
If aVector(ix) Then nMatchCount = nMatchCount + 1 ' Count matches
' Now check this result against the dependency requirements
nReport = 0 ' Assume good result
Select Case nType ' Check dependency type
Case cmiExactlyOne ' Exactly one match
If nMatchCount = 0 Then nReport = 112 ' Missing instance
If nMatchCount > 1 Then nReport = 111 ' Too many instances
Case cmiAtLeastOne ' At least one match
If nMatchCount = 0 Then nReport = 112 ' Missing instance
Case cmiZeroOrOne ' Zero or one match
If nMatchCount > 1 Then nReport = 111 ' Too many instances
Case cmiAll ' All match
If nMatchCount < nMembers Then nReport = 112 ' Missing instance
Case cmiNone ' No match (conflict)
If nMatchCount > 0 Then nReport = 110 ' Conflicting instances
End Select
' Finally, report discrepances
If nReport <> 0 Then ' If discrepancy in dependency..
Select Case nReport ' Process reports
Case 110, 111 ' Conflicting or too many
aTemp = Array() : ReDim aTemp(nMatchCount + 2)
aTemp(0) = nReport ' Status code
aTemp(1) = cmiThis.Index ' Instance index
aTemp(2) = oDep.Index ' Dependency index
iy = 3 ' List of conflicting instances
For ix = 1 To UBound(aVector)
If aVector(ix) Then aTemp(iy) = ix : iy = iy + 1
If nReport = 110 Then
nRet2 = ReportInfoStatus(aTemp, "Conflicting instance(s), instance: " & cmiThis.Comment & ", dependency: " & oDep.DisplayName)
nRet2 = ReportInfoStatus(aTemp, "Too many instance(s), instance: " & cmiThis.Comment & ", dependency: " & oDep.DisplayName)
End If
Case 112 ' Missing instance(s)
nRet2 = ReportInfoStatus(Array(112, cmiThis.Index, oDep.Index), "Required instance(s) missing, instance: " & cmiThis.Comment & ", dependency: " & oDep.DisplayName)
End Select
End If
TraceLeave "DefProto::cmiCheckDependency"
End Sub
' Platform script reflectors
' GetPropValue and GetPropValue2 reflectors
Function GetPropValue(oProp, vCurrValue)
GetPropValue = g_oConfigScript.GetPropValue(oProp, vCurrValue)
End Function
Function GetPropValue2(vRawValue, nFormat, vCurrValue)
GetPropValue2 = g_oConfigScript.GetPropValue2(vRawValue, nFormat, vCurrValue)
End Function
' ReportInfoStatus and ReportErrorStatus reflectors
Function ReportInfoStatus(nCode, sText)
ReportInfoStatus = g_oConfigScript.ReportInfoStatus(nCode, sText)
End Function
Function ReportErrorStatus(nError, sText)
ReportErrorStatus = g_oConfigScript.ReportErrorStatus(nError, sText)
End Function
' TraceExcept reflector
Sub TraceExcept(nError, sText)
g_oConfigScript.TraceExcept nError, sText
End Sub
' TraceEnter and TraceLeave reflectors
Sub TraceEnter(sProc)
g_oConfigScript.TraceEnter sProc
End Sub
Sub TraceLeave(sProc)
g_oConfigScript.TraceLeave sProc
End Sub
' TraceState reflector
Sub TraceState(sName, vValue)
g_oConfigScript.TraceState sName, vValue
End Sub
' TraceInfo reflector
Sub TraceInfo(sText)
g_oConfigScript.TraceInfo sText
End Sub