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'<script language='VBScript'>
' - preprocessor for Windows Installer XML
' 1999/12/31 - created - Rob Mensching (
' requires:
' entrypoints:
' WixLoad
' WixApplyStyleSheet
' WixPreProcess
Public wixload_dictPreProcessVars ' As Scripting.Dictionary
Public wixload_sPreProcessIncludePaths ' As String
Public wixload_fso ' As Scripting.FileSystemObject
Public wixload_sLoadDir ' As String
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' WixLoad
Function WixLoad(ByVal sPath, ByVal sIncludePaths, ByRef dictVars, ByVal bProcess)
Dim xmlDoc : Set xmlDoc = WScript.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
'WScript.Echo "Including: " & sPath
' set the global variables
If Not IsEmpty(sIncludePaths) Then wixload_sPreProcessIncludePaths = sIncludePaths
If Not IsEmpty(dictVars) Then Set wixload_dictPreProcessVars = dictVars
If IsEmpty(wixload_dictPreProcessVars) Then Set wixload_dictPreProcessVars = WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
If IsEmpty(wixload_fso) Then Set wixload_fso = WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If IsEmpty(wixload_sLoadDir) Then
wixload_sLoadDir = wixload_fso.GetParentFolderName(wixload_fso.GetAbsolutePathName(sPath))
Dim nFind : nFind = InStrRev(sPath, "\")
If 0 < nFind Then sPath = Mid(sPath, nFind + 1)
End If
' try to load the document
xmlDoc.preserveWhiteSpace = False
xmlDoc.async = False
' xmlDoc.validateOnParse = False
' xmlDoc.resolveExternals = False
'WScript.Echo "Xml validate: " & xmlDoc.validateOnParse
'WScript.Echo "Xml resolve: " & xmlDoc.resolveExternals
' Dim e : Set e = xmlDoc.createEntityReference("foo")
' Dim n : Set n = xmlDoc.createElement("wazz")
' n.nodeValue = "up"
' e.nodeValue = "bar"
' n.appendChild e
'WScript.Echo "xml: " & e.xml
Dim bLoaded : bLoaded = xmlDoc.load(wixload_sLoadDir & "\" & sPath)
If Not bLoaded Then
Dim pe : Set pe = xmlDoc.parseError
Dim sErr : sErr = "Failed to load XML file: " & pe.url & vbCrLf & " " & pe.errorCode & " - " & pe.reason & vbCrLf & " Line:" & pe.line & ", Character: " & pe.linepos
Fail sErr
End If
' if there is no root return with nothing
Dim root : Set root = xmlDoc.firstChild
If root Is Nothing Then
Set WixLoad = Nothing
Exit Function
End If
If bProcess Then WixPreProcess root, Empty, Empty
' return the preprocessed
Set WixLoad = xmlDoc
End Function ' WixLoad
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' WixApplyStyleSheet
Function WixApplyStyleSheet(ByRef xmlDoc, ByVal sPath)
Dim xmlStyle : Set xmlStyle = WixLoad(sPath, Empty, Empty, False)
' if there is no root return with nothing changed
Dim root : Set root = xmlStyle.firstChild
If root Is Nothing Then
Set WixApplyStyleSheet = xmlDoc
Exit Function
End If
Dim s : sApplied = xmlDoc.transformNode(xmlStyle)
xmlDoc.loadXml sApplied
If xmlDoc.parseError.errorCode <> 0 Then
Dim pe : Set pe = xmlDoc.parseError
Dim sErr : sErr = "Failed to properly apply stylesheet: " & sPath & " to XML file: " & pe.url & vbCrLf & " " & pe.errorCode & " - " & pe.reason & vbCrLf & " Line:" & pe.line & ", Character: " & pe.linepos
Fail sErr
End If
Set WixApplyStyleSheet = xmlDoc
End Function ' WixApplyStyleSheet
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' WixPreProcess
Function WixPreProcess(ByRef root, ByVal sIncludePaths, ByRef dictVars)
Dim child, nStartEntity, nEndEntity
'WScript.Echo "WixPreProcess"
' set the global variables
If Not IsEmpty(sIncludePaths) Then wixload_sPreProcessIncludePaths = sIncludePaths
If Not IsEmpty(dictVars) Then Set wixload_dictPreProcessVars = dictVars
If IsEmpty(wixload_dictPreProcessVars) Then Set wixload_dictPreProcessVars = WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
' if there is no root return with nothing
' Set root = xmlDoc.firstChild
If root Is Nothing Then
Set WixPreProcess = Nothing
Exit Function
End If
'WScript.Echo "Foo"
' loop through all of the nodes in the document
' !!! - should root just get children who are processing instructions?
For Each child In root.childNodes
'WScript.Echo "child: " & child.nodeName
' look only at processing instructions
Select Case(
Case "include" : wixload_WixProcessInclude child, child.parentNode : child.parentNode.removeChild child
Case "if" : wixload_WixProcessIf child, child.parentNode
Case "define"
Dim var, name, value
var = Split(, "=")
name = wixload_WixFixVarName(var(0))
If UBound(var) > 0 Then value = var(1) Else value = True
wixload_dictPreProcessVars.Add name, value
Case "else"
Case "endif"
Case Else : Fail "Unexpected processor instruction: " &
End Select
ElseIf NODE_CDATA_SECTION <> child.nodeType Then ' don't do entity replacments in CDATA Sections
nStartEntity = InStr(child.nodeValue, "&")
If 0 < nStartEntity Then
nEndEntity = InStr(child.nodeValue, ";")
If nEndEntity < nStartEntity Then
Fail "Failed entity lookup for: " & child.nodeValue
sVar = Mid(child.nodeValue, nStartEntity + 1, nEndEntity - nStartEntity - 1)
If Not wixload_dictPreProcessVars.Exists(sVar) Then
Fail "Unknown entity reference: " & sVar
child.nodeValue = Left(child.nodeValue, 0, nStartEntity - 1) & wixload_dictPreProcessVars.Item(sVar) & Mid(child.nodeValue, nEndEntity + 1)
End If
End If
End If
End If
If child.HasChildNodes Then
'WScript.Echo "Going down"
WixPreProcess child, Empty, Empty
End If
Set WixPreProcess = root
End Function
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' wixload_WixProcessIf
Function wixload_WixProcessIf(node, nodeParent)
Dim sEval : sEval =
Dim fInclude
Dim fKeep : fKeep = wixload_WixEvaluate(sEval)
Dim remove ' node to remove possibly
Dim sibling : Set sibling = node.nextSibling
Do Until sibling Is Nothing
fInclude = False ' make sure the include flag is always started off
Select Case
Case "endif" : Exit Do
Case "else" : fKeep = Not fKeep
Case "include" : fInclude = True
Case Else : Fail "Unexepected processor instruction: " &
End Select
End If
' move the sibling along
Set remove = sibling
Set sibling = sibling.nextSibling
' if we're not keeping nodes toast this one
If Not fKeep Then
nodeParent.removeChild remove
ElseIf fInclude Then ' if we're keeping nodes and this is an include node
wixload_WixProcessInclude remove, remove.parentNode
nodeParent.removeChild remove ' always remove the <?include ?> node
End If
End Function ' wixload_WixProcessIf
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' wixload_WixProcessInclude
Function wixload_WixProcessInclude(node, nodeParent)
Dim sOldDir, sLoad, sProcess
'WScript.Echo "Processing include, load: " & sLoad
sLoad =
If InStr(sLoad , "\") Or InStr(sLoad, "/") Then
sProcess = wixload_fso.GetAbsolutePathName(sLoad)
If wixload_sLoadDir <> wixload_fso.GetParentFolderName(sProcess) Then
sOldDir = wixload_sLoadDir
wixload_sLoadDir = wixload_fso.GetParentFolderName(sProcess)
'WScript.Echo "Changing load dir from: " & sOldDir & " to: " & wixload_sLoadDir
sLoad = wixload_fso.GetFileName(sLoad)
End If
End If
Dim xmlInclude : Set xmlInclude = WixLoad(sLoad, Empty, Empty, True)
If xmlInclude Is Nothing Then Fail "Failed to include: " & sLoad
' reset the wixload directory
If 0 < Len(sOldDir) Then wixload_sLoadDir = sOldDir
' load the fragment and make sure it hooked up correctly
Dim sParent, nodeFragment : Set nodeFragment = xmlInclude.firstChild
If "Fragment" <> nodeFragment.nodeName Then Fail "Can only <?include ?> <Fragments />."
If Not nodeFragment.selectSingleNode("text()") Is Nothing Then
sParent = nodeFragment.firstChild.nodeValue ' get the type of <Fragment>
End If
If Len(sParent) > 0 And nodeParent.nodeName <> sParent Then Fail "Fragment type: " & sParent & " does not match parent type: " & nodeParent.nodeName
Dim child
For Each child In nodeFragment.childNodes
' If NODE_ELEMENT = child.nodeType Then nodeParent.insertBefore child, node
nodeParent.insertBefore child, node
Set wixload_WixProcessInclude = node
End Function ' wixload_WixProcessInclude
' helper functions
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' wixload_WixFixVarName
Function wixload_WixFixVarName(ByVal s)
If "[" = Left(s, 1) Then s = Mid(s, 2)
If "]" = Right(s, 1) Then s = Mid(s, 1, Len(s) - 1)
If Instr(1, s, "]") Or Instr(1, s, "[") Then Fail "Invalid variable name: " & s
wixload_WixFixVarName = s
End Function ' wixload_WixFixVarName
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' wixload_WixEvaluate
Function wixload_WixEvaluate(sExpression)
sExpression = Replace(sExpression, "[", " wixload_dictPreProcessVars.Item(""")
sExpression = Replace(sExpression, "]", """) ")
wixload_WixEvaluate = CBool(Eval(sExpression))
End Function ' wixload_WixEvaluate