Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

181 lines
5.1 KiB

#include "lsidefs.h"
#include "plsdnode.h"
#include "plsline.h"
#include "plssubl.h"
#include "pqheap.h"
#include "lsiocon.h"
#include "lstbcon.h"
#include "lscbk.h"
#include "lsdocinf.h"
#include "lschcon.h"
#include "lsbrjust.h"
#define tagLSC Tag('L','S','C',':')
#define FIsLSC(p) FHasTag(p,tagLSC)
enum LsState /* state and activity of Line Services */
LsStateNotReady, /* doc properties has not been set */
LsStateFree, /* ready and are not involved in any activity */
LsStateCreatingContext, /* LsCreatContext is working */
LsStateDestroyingContext, /* LsDestroyContext is working */
LsStateSettingDoc, /* LsSetDoc is working */
LsStateFormatting, /* LsCreateLine (formating stage) is working */
LsStateBreaking, /* LsCreateLine (breaking stage) is working */
LsStateDestroyingLine, /* LsDestroyLine is working */
LsStatePreparingForDisplay, /* PrepareLineForDisplayProc called from LsDisplay or queries is working */
LsStateDisplaying, /* LsDisplayLine is working */
LsStateQuerying, /* we are within one of queries */
LsStateEnumerating /* LsEnumLine is working */
typedef enum LsState LSSTATE;
typedef struct
/* this contains information that is used during preparaning for display time */
BOOL fLineCompressed; /* default value is fFalse,
is set to fTrue in breaking time if we apply compression to fit text into a line */
BOOL fLineContainsAutoNumber;
BOOL fUnderlineTrailSpacesRM; /* Underline trailing spaces until RM?*/
BOOL fForgetLastTabAlignment; /* disregard dup of the last tab during center or right aligment
if last tab is not left tab Word - bug compatibility */
BOOL fNominalToIdealEncounted; /* nominal to ideal has been applied during formatting */
BOOL fForeignObjectEncounted; /* object different from text happend during formatting */
BOOL fTabEncounted; /* tab dnode was created during formatting */
BOOL fNonLeftTabEncounted; /* tab dnode with non left tab stop was created */
BOOL fSubmittedSublineEncounted; /* LsdnSubmitSublines was called during formatting */
BOOL fAutodecimalTabPresent; /* there is autodecimal tab on this line */
LSKJUST lskj; /* justification type */
LSKALIGN lskalign; /* Alignment type */
LSBREAKJUST lsbrj; /* break/justification behavior */
long urLeftIndent; /* left indent */
long urStartAutonumberingText; /* starting position of autonumbering text */
long urStartMainText; /* starting position of text after autonumber */
long urRightMarginJustify; /* right margin for justification */
typedef struct
/* This structure contains information which is used for snap to grid allignment. Is not valid if snap to
grid is off */
long urColumn; /* scaled to reference device value of uaColumn which has been passed to LsCreateLine */
typedef struct
/* This structure contains current state of a formatting process. Good place for all information that is
important only during formatting time */
PLSDNODE plsdnToFinish;
PLSSUBL plssublCurrent;
DWORD nDepthFormatLineCurrent;
struct lscontext
DWORD tag;
POLS pols;
LSCBK lscbk;
BOOL fDontReleaseRuns;
long cLinesActive;
PLSLINE plslineCur;
PLSLINE plslineDisplay; /* temporary */
PQHEAP pqhLines;
PQHEAP pqhAllDNodesRecycled;
LSCHUNKCONTEXTSTORAGE lschunkcontextStorage; /* memory that is shared by all main sublines */
LSSTATE lsstate;
BOOL fIgnoreSplatBreak;
BOOL fLimSplat; /* Splat to display at cpLimPara */
BOOL fHyphenated; /* current line was ended by hyphen */
BOOL fAdvanceBack; /* current line contains advance pen with negative move */
DWORD grpfManager; /* Manager part of lsffi flags */
long urRightMarginBreak;
long lMarginIncreaseCoefficient; /* used for increasing right margin
LONG_MIN means don't increase */
long urHangingTab; /* used by autonumber */
LSDOCINF lsdocinf;
LSTABSCONTEXT lstabscontext;
LSADJUSTCONTEXT lsadjustcontext;
LSGRIDTCONTEXT lsgridcontext;
LSLISTCONTEXT lslistcontext;
LSIOBJCONTEXT lsiobjcontext; /* should be last*/
#define FDisplay(p) (Assert(FIsLSC(p)), (p)->lsdocinf.fDisplay)
#define FIsLSCBusy(p) (Assert(FIsLSC(p)), \
!(((p)->lsstate == LsStateNotReady) || ((p)->lsstate == LsStateFree)))
#define FFormattingAllowed(p) (Assert(FIsLSC(p)), (p)->lsstate == LsStateFormatting)
#define FBreakingAllowed(p) (Assert(FIsLSC(p)), (p)->lsstate == LsStateBreaking)
#define FWorkWithCurrentLine(plsc) (Assert(FIsLSC(plsc)), \
((plsc)->lsstate == LsStateFormatting || \
(plsc)->lsstate == LsStateBreaking || \
(plsc)->lsstate == LsStatePreparingForDisplay))
#define FBreakthroughLine(plsc) ((plsc)->plslineCur->lslinfo.fTabInMarginExLine)
#define GetPqhAllDNodes(plsc) ((plsc)->plslineCur->pqhAllDNodes)
#ifdef DEBUG
/* this function verify that nobody spoiled context */
BOOL FIsLsContextValid(PLSC plsc);
#endif /* LSC_DEFINED */