Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1995 - 1999
// File: util.cpp
// Contents:
// Classes:
// Functions:
// History: 7/8/1996 RaviR Created
#include <objbase.h>
#include <basetyps.h>
#include "dbg.h"
#include "cstr.h"
#include <Atlbase.h>
#include <winnls.h>
#include "tstring.h"
#include "strings.h"
#define MMC_ATL ::ATL
#include <atlbase.h>
using namespace MMC_ATL;
/* define these ourselves until they're defined properly in commctrl.h */
#define ILP_NORMAL 0 // Writes or reads the stream using new sematics for this version of comctl32
#define ILP_DOWNLEVEL 1 // Write or reads the stream using downlevel sematics.
ULONG _ttoul(LPTSTR psz)
for (ul = 0; *psz != TEXT('\0'); ++psz)
ul = ul * 10 + (*psz - TEXT('0'));
return ul;
WORD I_SplitModuleAndResourceID(LPCTSTR szBuf)
WORD wID = (WORD)-1;
// String must be in the form "module, res_id"
for (TCHAR *ptc = (TCHAR *)szBuf;
*ptc != TEXT('\0') && *ptc != TEXT(',');
// If no comma - return
if (*ptc != TEXT(','))
return wID;
*ptc = TEXT('\0');
while (*ptc == TEXT(' ') && *ptc != TEXT('\0'))
// If it does not have a res_id break.
if (*ptc == TEXT('\0'))
return wID;
// Get the res-id
wID = (WORD)_ttoul(ptc);
return wID;
LPCTSTR pszModule,
ULONG ulMsgNo,
CStr &strBuf)
TCHAR szBuf[512];
ULONG cchBuf = 512;
HINSTANCE hinst = LoadLibraryEx(pszModule, NULL,
if (hinst)
DWORD cChars = ::FormatMessage(
if (cChars != 0)
strBuf = szBuf;
return TRUE;
//Dbg(DEB_USER1, _T("I_GetStringFromModule failed<%dL>\n"), GetLastError());
return FALSE;
HICON I_GetHicon(LPCTSTR pszModule, ULONG ulId)
HINSTANCE hinst = LoadLibraryEx(pszModule, NULL,
if (hinst)
hIcon = LoadIcon(hinst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(ulId));
return hIcon;
// Function: NewDupString
// Synopsis: Allocates memory & duplicates a given string.
// Arguments: [lpszIn] -- IN the string to duplicate.
// Returns: The duplicated string. Throws exception if out of memory.
LPTSTR NewDupString(LPCTSTR lpszIn)
register ULONG len = lstrlen(lpszIn) + 1;
TCHAR * lpszOut = new TCHAR[len];
if (lpszOut == NULL)
return NULL;
CopyMemory(lpszOut, lpszIn, len * sizeof(TCHAR));
return lpszOut;
// Function: CoTaskDupString
// Synopsis: Allocates memory & duplicates a given string.
// Arguments: [lpszIn] -- IN the string to duplicate.
// Returns: The duplicated string. Throws exception if out of memory.
// Tony
LPSTR CoTaskDupString(LPCSTR lpszIn)
if (lpszIn == NULL)
return NULL;
ULONG cbTemp = (strlen(lpszIn) + 1) * sizeof(*lpszIn);
LPSTR lpszOut = (LPSTR) CoTaskMemAlloc(cbTemp);
if (lpszOut != NULL)
CopyMemory(lpszOut, lpszIn, cbTemp);
return (lpszOut);
LPWSTR CoTaskDupString(LPCWSTR lpszIn)
if (lpszIn == NULL)
return NULL;
ULONG cbTemp = (wcslen(lpszIn) + 1) * sizeof(*lpszIn);
LPWSTR lpszOut = (LPWSTR) CoTaskMemAlloc(cbTemp);
if (lpszOut != NULL)
CopyMemory(lpszOut, lpszIn, cbTemp);
return (lpszOut);
// Function: GUIDToString
// GUIDFromString
// Synopsis: Converts between GUID& and CStr
// Returns: FALSE for invalid string, or CMemoryException
HRESULT GUIDToCStr(CStr& str, const GUID& guid)
LPOLESTR lpolestr = NULL;
HRESULT hr = StringFromIID( guid, &lpolestr );
if (FAILED(hr))
//TRACE("GUIDToString error %ld\n", hr);
return hr;
str = lpolestr;
return hr;
HRESULT GUIDFromCStr(const CStr& str, GUID* pguid)
HRESULT hr = IIDFromString( T2OLE( const_cast<LPTSTR>((LPCTSTR)str) ), pguid );
if (FAILED(hr))
//TRACE("GUIDFromString error %ld\n", hr);
return hr;
// Function: DoesFileExist
// Synopsis: Determines if the specified file exists. The file path may
// include environment variables.
// Returns: TRUE/FALSE
BOOL DoesFileExist(LPCTSTR pszFilePath)
TCHAR szExpandedPath[MAX_PATH];
DWORD dwCnt = ExpandEnvironmentStrings(pszFilePath, szExpandedPath, MAX_PATH);
if (dwCnt == 0 || dwCnt > MAX_PATH)
return FALSE;
return (::GetFileAttributes(szExpandedPath) != 0xffffffff);
* GetHelpFile
* PURPOSE: Returns a path to the help file
* static LPCTSTR
LPCTSTR GetHelpFile()
static const TCHAR NEW_HELP_FILE_STR[] = _T("%windir%\\Help\\MMC_DLG.HLP");
static const TCHAR OLD_HELP_FILE_STR[] = _T("%windir%\\Help\\MMC.HLP");
static LPCTSTR pszHelpFile = NULL;
// See if help file is present. Check new name first, then old name.
// This is done because the old help file may be overwritten by
// an MMC 1.0 installation (see NT bug 299590)
if (pszHelpFile == NULL)
if (DoesFileExist(NEW_HELP_FILE_STR))
pszHelpFile = NEW_HELP_FILE_STR;
else if (DoesFileExist(OLD_HELP_FILE_STR))
pszHelpFile = OLD_HELP_FILE_STR;
// if neither file is present, then use the new file name.
// This will let WinHelp display an error message indicating
// that the file is missing and needs to be installed.
pszHelpFile = NEW_HELP_FILE_STR;
return pszHelpFile;
// Function: HelpWmHelp
// Synopsis: Calls WinHelp with the ID passed to display help
// Returns: none
void HelpWmHelp(LPHELPINFO pHelpInfo, const DWORD* pHelpIDs)
if (pHelpInfo != NULL)
if (pHelpInfo->iContextType == HELPINFO_WINDOW) // must be for a control
if (pHelpIDs)
::WinHelp((HWND)pHelpInfo->hItemHandle, GetHelpFile(),
* HelpContextMenuHelp
* PURPOSE: Handle context menu help. Invoked when the user right-clicks
* on a dialog item and selects "What's this?"
* HWND hWnd :
* void
void HelpContextMenuHelp(HWND hWnd, ULONG_PTR p)
::WinHelp (hWnd, GetHelpFile(), HELP_CONTEXTMENU, p);
* InflateFont
* Inflates a LOGFONT by the a given number of points
bool InflateFont (LOGFONT* plf, int nPointsToGrowBy)
if (nPointsToGrowBy != 0)
HDC hdc = GetWindowDC (NULL);
if (hdc == NULL)
return (FALSE);
int nLogPixelsY = GetDeviceCaps (hdc, LOGPIXELSY);
int nPoints = -MulDiv (plf->lfHeight, 72, nLogPixelsY);
nPoints += nPointsToGrowBy;
plf->lfHeight = -MulDiv (nPoints, nLogPixelsY, 72);
ReleaseDC (NULL, hdc);
return (true);
// Member: GetTBBtnTextAndStatus
// Synopsis: Helper routine to get one/two part button text resource.
// Arguments: [hInst] - Instance handle.
// [nID] - String resource id.
// [ppszButton] - Button text.
// [ppszToolTip] - Button status text.
// Note: Uses MFC CString.
// Returns: bool
bool GetTBBtnTextAndStatus(HINSTANCE hInst, int nID, std::wstring& szButton, std::wstring& szToolTip)
CStr str;
str.LoadString(hInst, nID);
if (str.IsEmpty())
return false;
int iPos = str.Find(_T('\n'));
if (-1 != iPos)
// Two strings. First from 0 to iPos-1
// and second from iPos+1 to end.
szButton = T2CW((LPCTSTR)str.Left(iPos));
szToolTip = T2CW((LPCTSTR)str.Right(str.GetLength() - iPos - 1));
// Only one string. Use this for both text and status.
szButton = T2CW((LPCTSTR)str);
szToolTip = szButton;
return true;
#ifdef DBG
* DrawOnDesktop
* Draws a bitmap, icon, or imagelist to a specific location on the desktop.
void DrawOnDesktop (HBITMAP hbm, int x, int y)
HDC hdcDesktop = GetWindowDC (NULL);
HDC hdcMem = CreateCompatibleDC (NULL);
GetObject ((HGDIOBJ) hbm, sizeof(bm), &bm);
HGDIOBJ hbmOld = SelectObject (hdcMem, (HGDIOBJ) hbm);
BitBlt (hdcDesktop, x, y, bm.bmWidth, bm.bmHeight, hdcMem, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);
SelectObject (hdcMem, hbmOld);
DeleteDC (hdcMem);
ReleaseDC (NULL, hdcDesktop);
void DrawOnDesktop (HICON hIcon, int x, int y)
HDC hdcDesktop = GetWindowDC (NULL);
DrawIconEx (hdcDesktop, x, y, hIcon, 0, 0, 0, NULL, DI_NORMAL);
ReleaseDC (NULL, hdcDesktop);
void DrawOnDesktop (HIMAGELIST himl, int x, int y, int iImage /*=-1*/)
HDC hdcDesktop = GetWindowDC (NULL);
* draw all images?
if (iImage == -1)
int cImages = ImageList_GetImageCount (himl);
int cxImage, cyImage;
ImageList_GetIconSize (himl, &cxImage, &cyImage);
for (int i = 0; i < cImages; i++, x += cxImage)
ImageList_Draw (himl, i, hdcDesktop, x, y, ILD_NORMAL);
* draw a specific image
ImageList_Draw (himl, iImage, hdcDesktop, x, y, ILD_NORMAL);
ReleaseDC (NULL, hdcDesktop);
#endif // DBG
* StripTrailingWhitespace
* Removes the whitespace at the end of the input string. Returns a pointer
* the the beginning of the string.
LPTSTR StripTrailingWhitespace (LPTSTR pszStart)
for (LPTSTR pch = pszStart + _tcslen(pszStart) - 1; pch > pszStart; pch--)
* if this isn't a whitespace character, terminate just after this position
if (!_istspace (*pch))
*++pch = 0;
return (pszStart);
* METHOD: PrivateSetLayout
* PURPOSE: Wrapper to invoke GDI function when it is available,
* but not to depend on its availability
* HDC hdc
* DWORD dwLayout
* DWORD - previous layout, GDI_ERROR on error
DWORD PrivateSetLayout( HDC hdc, DWORD dwLayout )
// static pointer to function
static BOOL (WINAPI* pfnSetLayout)(HDC, DWORD) = NULL;
static bool bTriedToGetFunction = false;
if ( !bTriedToGetFunction )
bTriedToGetFunction = true;
HINSTANCE hmodGdi = GetModuleHandle (_T("Gdi32.dll"));
if (hmodGdi != NULL)
(FARPROC&)pfnSetLayout = GetProcAddress (hmodGdi, "SetLayout");
if (pfnSetLayout == NULL)
return GDI_ERROR;
return (*pfnSetLayout)(hdc, dwLayout);
* METHOD: PrivateGetLayout
* PURPOSE: Wrapper to invoke GDI function when it is available,
* but not to depend on its availability
* HDC hdc
* DWORD - layout, 0 if function not found
DWORD PrivateGetLayout( HDC hdc )
// static pointer to function
static BOOL (WINAPI* pfnGetLayout)(HDC) = NULL;
static bool bTriedToGetFunction = false;
if ( !bTriedToGetFunction )
bTriedToGetFunction = true;
HINSTANCE hmodGdi = GetModuleHandle (_T("Gdi32.dll"));
if (hmodGdi != NULL)
(FARPROC&)pfnGetLayout = GetProcAddress (hmodGdi, "GetLayout");
if (pfnGetLayout == NULL)
return 0; // at least not LAYOUT_RTL
return (*pfnGetLayout)(hdc);
* IsWhistler
* Returns true if we're running on Whistler or higher, false otherwise.
bool IsWhistler ()
static bool fFirstTime = true;
static bool fWhistler = false;
if (fFirstTime)
fFirstTime = false;
vi.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(vi);
GetVersionEx (&vi);
fWhistler = (vi.dwPlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT) &&
((vi.dwMajorVersion > 5) ||
(vi.dwMajorVersion == 5) && (vi.dwMinorVersion >= 1));
return (fWhistler);
* WriteCompatibleImageList
* Writes an imagelist to a stream in a format that's guaranteed to be
* compatible with comctl32 version 5 imagelists.
HRESULT WriteCompatibleImageList (HIMAGELIST himl, IStream* pstm)
* If we're running on Whistler, we might be trying to write a v6
* imagelist. Try to write it in a v5-compatible format with
* ImageList_WriteEx.
if (IsWhistler())
* ImageList_WriteEx will return E_NOINTERFACE if we're actually
* writing a v5 imagelist, in which case we want to write with
* ImageList_Write. In any other case (success or failure), we
* just want to return.
HRESULT hr = ImageList_WriteEx (himl, ILP_DOWNLEVEL, pstm);
if (hr != E_NOINTERFACE)
return (hr);
* if we get here, we have a v5 imagelist -- just write it
return (ImageList_Write (himl, pstm));
* ReadCompatibleImageList
* Reads an imagelist from a stream that's in version 5 format.
HRESULT ReadCompatibleImageList (IStream* pstm, HIMAGELIST& himl)
* init the out parameter
himl = NULL;
* If we're running on Whistler, we're trying to create a v6
* imagelist from the stream. Do it in a v5-compatible manner
* with ImageList_ReadEx.
if (IsWhistler())
* HACK: We have to query ImageList_ReadEx for IID_IImageList -- the
* one defined by the shell, not the one defined by MMC. If we
* just refer to "IID_IImageList" in the code here, we'll get MMC's
* version, not the shell's. The right way to fix it is to rename
* the shell's IImageList interface (since MMC's interface was defined
* and published first), but that's not going to happen.
* We'll hardcode the IID's value in a string here and convert it
* to an IID on the fly. Ugh.
IID iidShellImageList = {0};
hr = CLSIDFromString (L"{46eb5926-582e-4017-9fdf-e8998daa0950}", &iidShellImageList);
if (FAILED (hr))
return (hr);
* ImageList_ReadEx will return E_NOINTERFACE if we're actually
* writing a v5 imagelist, in which case we want to write with
* ImageList_Write. In any other case (success or failure), we
* just want to return.
IUnknownPtr spUnk;
hr = ImageList_ReadEx (ILP_DOWNLEVEL, pstm, iidShellImageList, (void**) &spUnk);
if (FAILED (hr))
return (hr);
* The IUnknown *is* the HIMAGELIST. Don't release it here,
* ImageList_Destroy will take care of it.
himl = reinterpret_cast<HIMAGELIST>(spUnk.Detach());
* non-Whistler, just read it normally
himl = ImageList_Read (pstm);
* If the read failed, get the last error. Just in case ImageList_Read
* didn't set the last error, make sure we return a failure code.
if (himl == NULL)
hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32 (GetLastError());
if (!FAILED (hr))
hr = E_FAIL;
return (hr);
// Member: MmcDownlevelActivateActCtx
// Synopsis: Calls ActivateActCtx to set the activation context to V5
// common controls. This is needed before calling into snapins
// so that snapin created windows are not themed accidentally.
// The snapin can theme its windows by calling appropriate
// fusion apis while calling create-window.
// Description:
// When MMC calls into the snapin if the last winproc which
// received a window message is themed and will result in a
// call to snapin then we will call the snapin in themed
// context. If snapin creates & displays any UI then it will
// be themed. This function is to de-activate the theming
// before calling the snapin.
// Arguments:
// [hActCtx] - See ActivateActCtx API details
// [pulCookie] - See ActivateActCtx API details
// Returns: BOOL, TRUE if we could de-activate V6 context and switch to V5 context
// or if we are in V5 context (W2K, Win95, Win98...)
// FALSE if ActivateActCtx returns failure.
BOOL WINAPI MmcDownlevelActivateActCtx(HANDLE hActCtx, ULONG_PTR* pulCookie)
typedef BOOL (WINAPI* PFN)(HANDLE hActCtx, ULONG_PTR* pulCookie);
static PFN s_pfn;
static DWORD s_dwError;
if (s_pfn == NULL && s_dwError == 0)
if ((s_pfn = (PFN)GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandleA("Kernel32.dll"), "ActivateActCtx")) == NULL)
s_dwError = (GetLastError() == NO_ERROR) ? ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR : GetLastError();
if (s_pfn != NULL)
return s_pfn(hActCtx, pulCookie);
if (s_dwError == ERROR_PROC_NOT_FOUND)
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
// Member: MmcDownlevelDeactivateActCtx
// Synopsis: Calls DeactivateActCtx to restore the activation context.
// This is needed after calling into snapins, so that
// if we called from themed context then it is restored.
// Description:
// When MMC calls into the snapin if the last winproc which
// received a window message is themed and will result in a
// call to snapin then we will call the snapin in themed
// context. If snapin creates & displays any UI then it will
// be themed. This function is to de-activate the theming
// before calling the snapin.
// Arguments:
// [dwFlags] - See DeactivateActCtx API details
// [ulCookie] - See DeactivateActCtx API details
// Returns: None
VOID WINAPI MmcDownlevelDeactivateActCtx(DWORD dwFlags, ULONG_PTR ulCookie)
typedef VOID (WINAPI* PFN)(DWORD dwFlags, ULONG_PTR ulCookie);
static PFN s_pfn;
static BOOL s_fInited;
if (!s_fInited)
s_pfn = (PFN)GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandleA("Kernel32.dll"), "DeactivateActCtx");
s_fInited = TRUE;
if (s_pfn != NULL)
s_pfn(dwFlags, ulCookie);