Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
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52 lines
885 B

' starts the DHCP New Scope Wizard using MMC automation interfaces
option explicit
Dim mmc
Set mmc = CreateObject("MMC20.Application")
' uncomment this to cause the MMC console to appear
'Dim frame
'Set frame = mmc.Frame
Dim doc
Set doc = mmc.Document
Dim namespace
Set namespace = doc.ScopeNamespace
Dim snapins
Set snapins = doc.snapins
Dim snapin
const DHCP_SNAPIN_CLSID = "{90901AF6-7A31-11D0-97E0-00C04FC3357A}"
' if DHCP is not installed, this will fail.
set snapin = snapins.Add(DHCP_SNAPIN_CLSID)
Dim views
Set views = doc.views
Dim view
Set view = views(1)
Dim rootnode
Set rootnode = namespace.GetRoot
View.ActiveScopeNode = namespace.GetChild(rootnode)
View.ActiveScopeNode = namespace.GetChild(View.ActiveScopeNode)
Dim menu
Set menu = view.ScopeNodeContextMenu
Dim menuItem
Set menuItem = menu.item(3)