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' clonepr.vbt start
' CloneSecurityPrincipal sample VBScript
' Clones accounts from one domain to another
' Copyright (c) 1999 Microsoft Corporation
// this is a Visual Basic Script "Template", used in conjunction with the
// MS Visual C++ Preprocessor to overcome some of the source management
// limitations of VBScript. Not perfect, but better than a stick in the eye.
// use cl /EP foo.vbt > foo.vbs to expand the template
const SCRIPT_FILENAME = "clonepr.vbs"
const SCRIPT_DATE = __DATE__
const SCRIPT_TIME = __TIME__
const ARG_COUNT = 7
// this is all our common code.
#include "clonepr.vbi"
sub Main
if wscript.arguments.count <> ARG_COUNT then
end if
' copy the command-line arguments for parsing
dim args()
Redim args(0)
args(0) = ""
dim i
for i = 0 to wscript.arguments.count - 1
Redim Preserve args(i)
args(i) = wscript.arguments.item(i)
' command line parameters
dim srcDC ' source domain controller
dim srcDom ' source domain
dim srcSam ' source principal SAM name
dim dstDC ' destination controller
dim dstDom ' destination domain
dim dstSam ' destination principal SAM name
dim dstCN ' CN=dstSam
dim dstCNnew ' CN=dstSam, escaped
dim dstDNTmp ' destination principal Full Distinguished Name
dim dstDN ' destination principal Full Distinguished Name, escaped
' parse the saved command-line arguments, extracting the values
srcDC = GetArgValue("srcdc", args)
srcDom = GetArgValue("srcdom", args)
srcSam = GetArgValue("srcsam", args)
dstDC = GetArgValue("dstdc", args)
dstDom = GetArgValue("dstdom", args)
dstSam = GetArgValue("dstsam", args)
dstDNTmp= GetArgValue("dstdn", args)
dstCN = "CN=" & dstSam
dstCNnew= adsPathname.GetEscapedElement(0, dstCN)
If (UCase(dstCN) <> UCase(dstCNnew)) And (UCase(dstCN) = UCase(Left(dstDNTmp, Len(dstCN)))) Then
dstDN = dstCNnew & Mid(dstDNTmp, Len(dstCN) + 1)
dstDN = dstDNTmp
End If
' ensure the user did not pass any unrecognized command-line arguments
if CheckForBadArgs(args) then
Echo "Unknown command-line arguments specified"
end if
' establish authenticate connections to the source and destination domain
' controllers
on error resume next
clonepr.Connect srcDC, srcDom, dstDC, dstDom
if Err.Number then DumpErrAndQuit
Echo "Connected to source and destination domain controllers"
' bind to the source object
dim srcPath
srcPath = "WinNT://" & srcDom & "/" & srcDC & "/" & srcSam
dim srcObject
set srcObject = GetObject(srcPath)
select case Err.Number
Bail "Source object " & srcSam & " not found. Path used: " & srcPath
case 0
' do nothing
case else
end select
Echo "Bound to source " & srcObject.Class & " " & srcObject.Name
if ShouldCloneObject(srcObject) then
CloneSecurityPrincipal srcObject, srcSam, dstDom, dstDC, dstSam, dstDN
end if
end sub
function ShouldCloneObject(byref srcObject)
on error resume next
sid.SetAs ADS_SID_WINNT_PATH, srcObject.AdsPath & "," & srcObject.Class
if Err.Number then DumpErrAndQuit
dim sidString
sidString = sid.GetAs(ADS_SID_SDDL)
if Err.Number then DumpErrAndQuit
if IsBuiltInSid( sidString ) then
Echo srcObject.Name & " is a builtin Account."
Echo "BuiltIn Users and Groups cannot be cloned"
ShouldCloneObject = False
exit function
end if
ShouldCloneObject = True
end function
sub PrintUsageAndQuit
Echo "Usage: cscript " & SCRIPT_FILENAME & " /srcdc:<dcname> /srcdom:<domain>"
Echo "/srcsam:<name> /dstdc:<dcname> /dstdom:<domain> /dstsam:<name>"
Echo "/dstdn<distinguished name>"
Echo ""
Echo "Parameters:"
Echo " /srcdc - source domain controller NetBIOS computer name (without leading \\)"
Echo ""
Echo " /srcdom - source domain NetBIOS name"
Echo ""
Echo " /srcsam - source principal SAM name"
Echo ""
Echo " /dstdc - destination domain controller NetBIOS computer name (without "
Echo " leading \\)"
Echo " This script must be run on the machine indicated here."
Echo ""
Echo " /dstdom - destination domain DNS name"
Echo ""
Echo " /dstsam - destination principal SAM name"
Echo ""
Echo " /dstdn - destination principal Full Distinguished Name"
Echo ""
Echo "Notes:"
Echo ""
Echo "If the destination principal does not exist, it will be created."
Echo "In that case, the container naming context of the destination Full"
Echo "Distinguished Name (i.e. the parent container) must exist."
Echo ""
Echo "Currently logged-on user must be a member of the Administrators"
Echo "group of both the source and destination domains."
Echo ""
end sub
' clonepr.vbt end