Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

57 lines
3.4 KiB

L_gt_TEXT = ">";
L_lt_TEXT = "<";
L_NoEELSetup_TEXT = "Machine does not has any Enterprise Event Log setup";
L_NoNTSetup_TEXT = "Machine does not has any NT Event Log setup";
L_NoConnectionSet_TEXT = "Connection setup to";
L_LastUpdatedAtMessage_TEXT = "Search last run at ";
L_SearchStatusMessage_TEXT = "";
L_SearchInProgressMessage_TEXT = "Search in Progress";
L_RecordsNotFoundMessage_TEXT = "No records matched search condition";
L_CurrentSearchNoRecords_TEXT = "<u>Current Search</u> matched no records";
L_CurrentSearchLastUpdated_TEXT = "<u>Current Search</u> last updated at";
L_ConnectionArrowRightImageTitle_TEXT = "Expand Connection Details";
L_ConnectionArrowDownImageTitle_TEXT = "Collapse Connection Details";
L_NoConnectionIsSetMessage_TEXT = "No connection is set";
L_SearchArrowRightImageTitle_TEXT = "Expand Search Details";
L_SearchArrowDownImageTitle_TEXT = "Collapse Search Details";
L_TableViewImageRightImageTitle_TEXT = "Show the Table View";
L_TableViewImageDownImageTitle_TEXT = "Hide the Table View";
L_EventTypeName_TEXT = "Event Type";
L_LogTypeName_TEXT = "Event type:";
L_CurrentlyDisabledMessage_TEXT = "Currently disabled as connection is not made for ";
L_CurrentEventLog_TEXT = "event log";
L_EventTypeSelectionTitle_TEXT = "Select Evet Type";
L_FieldInputTitle_TEXT = "Select Field Name";
L_OperatorTypeTitle_TEXT = "Select Operator Type";
L_ValueInputTitle_TEXT = "Enter Value to be Searched";
L_AddORToSearchButtonTitle_TEXT = "Add OR to Search";
L_AddANDToSearchButtonTitle_TEXT = "Add AND to Search";
L_ExecuteButtonTitle_TEXT = "Execute Search Query";
L_RemoveButtonTitle_TEXT = "Remove selected condition from search criteria";
L_ClearButtonTitle_TEXT = "Clear current search query to enter a new query";
L_Equals_TEXT = "Equals";
L_NotEquals_TEXT = "Not Equals";
L_GreaterThan_TEXT = "Greater Than";
L_LesserThan_TEXT = "Less Than";
L_Contains_TEXT = "Contains";
L_NotContains_TEXT = "Not Contains";
L_StartsWith_TEXT = "Starts With";
L_DatedAfter_TEXT = "Dated After";
L_DatedBefore_TEXT = "Dated Before";
L_DatedOn_TEXT = "Dated On";
L_ValueInputTitle_TEXT = "Enter the value in DD/MM/YYYY format";
L_NoConnectionSetup_TEXT = "No Connection Setup";
L_LastSecInDay_TEXT = "23:59:59 ";
L_RecordStatus_TEXT = "Matching records found ";
L_Of_Text = " of ";
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<!-- Copyright (c) 1999-2000 Microsoft Corporation -->
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<!-- Build Type : Checked -->
<!-- Build Number : 0707 -->
<!-- Build Date : 07/07/2000 -->
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