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363 lines
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363 lines
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# __________________________________________________________________________________
# Purpose:
# PERL Script to emulate SLM's 'status' command
# Parameters:
# See Usage below
# Output:
# Perforce output or the appropriate error message or usage statement
# __________________________________________________________________________________
# Load common SLM wrapper subroutine module
use SlmSubs;
# Parse command line arguments
# Call usage and exit if ParseArgs has set the Usage or InvalidFlag flags
if ($Usage or $InvalidFlag)
print $ErrorMessage;
exit 1;
# Can't have both -x and -o
if (($AllFiles) and ($OutOfDateFiles))
print "\n";
print "Error: can't specify -o with -x\n";
print "\n";
exit 1;
if (@FileList or @DirList)
open (P4Opened, "$SourceControlClient opened @FileList @DirList 2>&1|");
open (P4Opened, "$SourceControlClient opened $AllFilesSymbol 2>&1|");
@P4OpenedList = <P4Opened>;
close (P4Opened);
# If -x switch used, invoke $SourceControlClient files
if ($AllFiles)
%P4OpenedHash = ();
foreach $P4OpenedLine (@P4OpenedList)
if ( $P4OpenedLine =~ /.*\Q$DepotMap\E([^#]*)#[0-9]* - \S*.*/i )
if (@FileList or @DirList)
open (P4Files, "$SourceControlClient files @FileList @DirList 2>&1|");
open (P4Have, "$SourceControlClient have @FileList @DirList 2>&1|");
open (P4Files, "$SourceControlClient files $AllFilesSymbol 2>&1|");
open (P4Have, "$SourceControlClient have $AllFilesSymbol 2>&1|");
@P4FilesList = <P4Files>;
close (P4Files);
@P4HaveList = <P4Have>;
close (P4Have);
if (@FileList or @DirList)
if ($OutOfDateFiles)
open (P4Files, "$SourceControlClient sync -n @FileList @DirList 2>&1|");
if ($OutOfDateFiles)
open (P4Files, "$SourceControlClient sync -n $AllFilesSymbol 2>&1|");
@P4FilesList = <P4Files>;
close (P4Files);
%P4FilesHash = ();
foreach $P4FilesLine (@P4FilesList)
if ( $P4FilesLine =~ /.*\Q$DepotMap\E([^#]*)#[0-9]* - \S*.*/i )
@P4OpenedNotInFilesList = ();
%P4OpenedHash = ();
foreach $P4OpenedLine (@P4OpenedList)
if ( $P4OpenedLine =~ /.*\Q$DepotMap\E([^#]*)#[0-9]* - \S*.*/i )
if (!$P4FilesHash{$1})
push @P4OpenedNotInFilesList, $P4OpenedLine;
@P4OpenedList = @P4OpenedNotInFilesList;
push (@P4FilesList, @P4OpenedList);
$MaxCommandLineLength = 255;
@HaveFileNames = ();
$CommandLineLength = 8;
foreach $P4FilesLine (@P4FilesList)
if ( $P4FilesLine =~ /.*\Q$DepotMap\E([^#]*)#[0-9]* - \S*.*/i )
$FileName = qq/"$1"/;
$FileLength = length ($FileName);
if (($CommandLineLength + $FileLength) > $MaxCommandLineLength)
open (P4HaveOutput, "$SourceControlClient have @HaveFileNames 2>&1|");
@P4HaveOutput = <P4HaveOutput>;
close (P4HaveOutput);
push @P4HaveList, @P4HaveOutput;
@HaveFileNames = ();
$CommandLineLength = 8;
push @HaveFileNames, $FileName;
$CommandLineLength = $CommandLineLength + $FileLength;
open (P4HaveOutput, "$SourceControlClient have @HaveFileNames 2>&1|");
@P4HaveOutput = <P4HaveOutput>;
close (P4HaveOutput);
push @P4HaveList, @P4HaveOutput;
# Initialize list
@StatusCache = ();
@P4FilesList = sort @P4FilesList;
# Get the output from Perforce and format it
foreach $P4FilesLine (@P4FilesList)
# Grep current directory information out of output
if ( $P4FilesLine =~ /.*\Q$DepotMap\E([^#]*)#([0-9]*) - (\S*).*/i )
$FileName = $1;
$ServerVersion = $2;
$Status = "*add";
if ($3 eq "delete" or $3 eq "deleted")
$Status = "(deleted)";
$LocalVersion = "0";
HaveLoop: foreach $HaveLine (@P4HaveList)
if ($HaveLine =~ /\Q$DepotMap$FileName\E#([0-9]*)/i)
$LocalVersion = $1;
if ($Status ne "(deleted)")
$Status = "in";
if ($ServerVersion != $LocalVersion)
$Status = "*update";
if ($P4OpenedHash{$FileName})
$Status = "*merge";
elsif ($P4OpenedHash{$FileName})
$Status = "out";
last HaveLoop;
push @StatusCache, "$FileName, $LocalVersion, $ServerVersion, $Status\n";
# Call subroutine that handles recursion and calls the RetrieveStatus subroutine that
# pulls 'Status' information from @StatusCache
sub RetrieveStatus
# __________________________________________________________________________________
# Does all the interaction with the SLM server and reformatting of results to look
# like SLM's 'Status' output
# Parameters:
# Optional Subdirectory
# Output:
# Regular SLM 'Status' output
# __________________________________________________________________________________
if ($_[0])
# Modify $_[0] to have forward slashes
$ForwardSlashSubDirectory = $_[0];
$ForwardSlashSubDirectory =~ s/\//\//g;
# Make a chopped version of $_[0] to print out
$ChoppedSubDirectory = $_[0];
chop $ChoppedSubDirectory;
# Initialize string to null
$ForwardSlashSubDirectory = "";
# Initialize flags and lists
$FirstPass = $TRUE;
@FormattedStatusList = ();
# Get the current directory only information from the cache and format it
foreach $StatusCacheLine (@StatusCache)
# Append the current directory to the root depot map and grep for only those files in the cache that are in this
# subdirectory
if ($StatusCacheLine =~ /^\Q$ForwardSlashSubDirectory\E([^,]*), ([^,]*), ([^,]*), ([^,]*)\n/i )
$FileName = $1;
$ServerVersion = $2;
$LocalVersion = $3;
$Status = $4;
$FirstFileSubdir = "";
$FileName =~ /([^\/]*)\/.*/;
$FirstFileSubdir =$1;
# Don't pick up files in subdirectories unless they are addfiles which won't be revealed recursively
if ((! ($FileName =~ /\//)) or ((!grep { /\/\Q$FirstFileSubdir\E$/i } @LocalDirs) and ($Status == "*add")))
# Print out header if this is the first time through
if ($FirstPass)
print "\n";
if ($ChoppedSubDirectory)
print "Status for $LocalMap\/$ChoppedSubDirectory:\n";
print "Status for $LocalMap:\n";
print "\n";
print "file local-ver ver status\n";
print "\n";
$FirstPass = $FALSE;
# Format the output to look like SLM's 'Status' output
$FormattedFileName = sprintf "%-19s", "$FileName";
$FormattedServerVersion = sprintf "%9s", "$ServerVersion";
$FormattedLocalVersion = sprintf "%4s", "$LocalVersion";
$FormattedStatus = $Status;
push @FormattedStatusList, "$FormattedFileName $FormattedServerVersion $FormattedLocalVersion $FormattedStatus\n";
print @FormattedStatusList;
sub Usage
# __________________________________________________________________________________
# Prints out a usage statement for this script. In this case usurped from SLM's
# 'status' usage statement
# Parameters:
# None
# Output:
# The usage statement
# __________________________________________________________________________________
print q/status - prints the status of a project
Usage: status [-?fhrox] [file1] [file2... ]
-h prints out this message.
-r (recursive) applies the command to a given directory and in every
subdirectory beneath it. If a pattern is given, matches the pattern.
-o (out) list the status of all files that are either checked out, or
which are out of synchronization with the master versions.
-x list the status of ALL files