mirror of https://github.com/tongzx/nt5src
You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
1133 lines
47 KiB
1133 lines
47 KiB
Copyright (c) 1999-2001 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Handles DB manipulation of taxonomy
Revision History:
Anand Arvind (aarvind) 2000-03-29
Davide Massarenti (dmassare) 2000-04-08
taking ownership
#include <MPC_COM.h>
#include <MPC_Utils.h>
#include <MPC_Config.h>
#include <MPC_Security.h>
#include <set>
#include <JetBlueLib.h>
#include <QueryResult.h>
namespace HHK
class Merger;
class Writer;
namespace Taxonomy
typedef std::set<MPC::wstring,MPC::NocaseLess> WordSet;
typedef WordSet::iterator WordIter;
typedef WordSet::const_iterator WordIterConst;
typedef std::set<long> MatchSet;
typedef MatchSet::iterator MatchIter;
typedef MatchSet::const_iterator MatchIterConst;
typedef std::map<long,long> WeightedMatchSet;
typedef WeightedMatchSet::iterator WeightedMatchIter;
typedef WeightedMatchSet::const_iterator WeightedMatchIterConst;
const WCHAR s_szSKU_32_PERSONAL [] = L"Personal_32";
const WCHAR s_szSKU_32_PROFESSIONAL [] = L"Professional_32";
const WCHAR s_szSKU_32_SERVER [] = L"Server_32";
const WCHAR s_szSKU_32_BLADE [] = L"Blade_32";
const WCHAR s_szSKU_32_ADVANCED_SERVER[] = L"AdvancedServer_32";
const WCHAR s_szSKU_32_DATACENTER [] = L"DataCenter_32";
const WCHAR s_szSKU_64_PROFESSIONAL [] = L"Professional_64";
const WCHAR s_szSKU_64_ADVANCED_SERVER[] = L"AdvancedServer_64";
const WCHAR s_szSKU_64_DATACENTER [] = L"DataCenter_64";
class HelpSet;
class Settings;
class Updater;
class KeywordSearch;
class Cache;
struct Strings;
struct InstanceBase;
struct Instance;
struct Package;
struct ProcessedPackage;
struct InstalledInstance;
class Logger;
class LockingHandle;
class InstallationEngine;
class InstalledInstanceStore;
class HelpSet
static MPC::wstring m_strSKU_Machine;
static long m_lLCID_Machine;
MPC::wstring m_strSKU;
long m_lLCID;
static HRESULT SetMachineInfo( /*[in]*/ const InstanceBase& inst );
static LPCWSTR GetMachineSKU () { return m_strSKU_Machine.c_str(); }
static long GetMachineLanguage() { return m_lLCID_Machine ; }
static DWORD GetMachineLCID ( );
static DWORD GetUserLCID ( );
static void GetLCIDDisplayString( /*[in]*/ long lLCID, /*[out]*/ MPC::wstring& str );
HelpSet( /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szSKU = NULL, /*[in]*/ long lLCID = 0 );
HelpSet ( /*[in]*/ const HelpSet& ths );
HelpSet& operator=( /*[in]*/ const HelpSet& ths );
HRESULT Initialize( /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szSKU, /*[in]*/ long lLCID );
HRESULT Initialize( /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szSKU, /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szLanguage );
LPCWSTR GetSKU () const { return m_strSKU.c_str(); }
long GetLanguage() const { return m_lLCID ; }
bool IsMachineHelp() const;
bool operator==( /*[in]*/ const HelpSet& sel ) const;
bool operator< ( /*[in]*/ const HelpSet& sel ) const;
friend HRESULT operator>>( /*[in]*/ MPC::Serializer& stream, /*[out]*/ HelpSet& val );
friend HRESULT operator<<( /*[in]*/ MPC::Serializer& stream, /*[in] */ const HelpSet& val );
class Settings : public HelpSet
Settings( /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szSKU = NULL, /*[in]*/ long lLCID = 0 );
Settings( /*[in]*/ const HelpSet& ths );
static HRESULT SplitNodePath( /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szNodeStr, /*[out]*/ MPC::WStringVector& vec );
HRESULT BaseDir ( /*[out]*/ MPC::wstring& strRES, /*[in]*/ bool fExpand = true ) const;
HRESULT HelpFilesDir( /*[out]*/ MPC::wstring& strRES, /*[in]*/ bool fExpand = true, /*[in]*/ bool fMUI = false ) const;
HRESULT DatabaseDir ( /*[out]*/ MPC::wstring& strRES ) const;
HRESULT DatabaseFile( /*[out]*/ MPC::wstring& strRES ) const;
HRESULT IndexFile ( /*[out]*/ MPC::wstring& strRES, /*[in]*/ long lScoped = -1 ) const;
HRESULT GetDatabase( /*[out]*/ JetBlue::SessionHandle& handle, /*[out]*/ JetBlue::Database*& db, /*[in]*/ bool fReadOnly ) const;
HRESULT LookupNode ( /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szNodeStr , /*[in]*/ CPCHQueryResultCollection* pColl ) const;
HRESULT LookupSubNodes ( /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szNodeStr , /*[in]*/ bool fVisibleOnly, /*[in]*/ CPCHQueryResultCollection* pColl ) const;
HRESULT LookupNodesAndTopics( /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szNodeStr , /*[in]*/ bool fVisibleOnly, /*[in]*/ CPCHQueryResultCollection* pColl ) const;
HRESULT LookupTopics ( /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szNodeStr , /*[in]*/ bool fVisibleOnly, /*[in]*/ CPCHQueryResultCollection* pColl ) const;
HRESULT LocateContext ( /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szURL , /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szSubSite, /*[in]*/ CPCHQueryResultCollection* pColl ) const;
HRESULT KeywordSearch ( /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szQueryStr, /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szSubSite, /*[in]*/ CPCHQueryResultCollection* pColl ,
/*[in]*/ MPC::WStringList* lst ) const;
HRESULT GatherNodes ( /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szNodeStr , /*[in]*/ bool fVisibleOnly, /*[in]*/ CPCHQueryResultCollection* pColl ) const;
HRESULT GatherTopics ( /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szNodeStr , /*[in]*/ bool fVisibleOnly, /*[in]*/ CPCHQueryResultCollection* pColl ) const;
struct QueryResultEntry
long m_ID_node;
long m_ID_topic;
long m_ID_parent;
long m_ID_owner;
long m_lOriginalPos;
CPCHQueryResult::Payload m_data;
class QueryResults
typedef std::vector<QueryResultEntry*> ResultVec;
typedef ResultVec::iterator ResultIter;
typedef ResultVec::const_iterator ResultIterConst;
class Compare
bool operator()( /*[in]*/ const QueryResultEntry* left, /*[in]*/ const QueryResultEntry* right ) const;
Taxonomy::Updater& m_updater;
ResultVec m_vec;
HRESULT AllocateNew( /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szCategory, /*[out]*/ QueryResultEntry*& qre );
QueryResults( /*[in]*/ Taxonomy::Updater& updater );
void Clean();
HRESULT Append( /*[in]*/ Taxonomy::RS_Data_Taxonomy* rs, /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szCategory );
HRESULT Append( /*[in]*/ Taxonomy::RS_Data_Topics* rs, /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szCategory );
HRESULT LookupNodes ( /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szCategory, /*[in]*/ long ID_node, /*[in]*/ bool fVisibleOnly );
HRESULT LookupTopics( /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szCategory, /*[in]*/ long ID_node, /*[in]*/ bool fVisibleOnly );
HRESULT MakeRoomForInsert( /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szMode, /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szID, /*[in]*/ long ID_node, /*[out]*/ long& lPosRet );
HRESULT PopulateCollection( /*[in]*/ CPCHQueryResultCollection* pColl );
typedef enum
} Updater_Set;
struct Updater_Stat
struct Entity
int m_iCreated;
int m_iModified;
int m_iDeleted;
int m_iNoOp;
m_iCreated = 0;
m_iModified = 0;
m_iDeleted = 0;
m_iNoOp = 0;
void Created () { m_iCreated ++; }
void Modified() { m_iModified++; }
void Deleted () { m_iDeleted ++; }
void NoOp () { m_iNoOp ++; }
Entity m_entContentOwners ;
Entity m_entSynSets ;
Entity m_entHelpImage ;
Entity m_entIndexFiles ;
Entity m_entFullTextSearch;
Entity m_entScope ;
Entity m_entTaxonomy ;
Entity m_entTopics ;
Entity m_entSynonyms ;
Entity m_entKeywords ;
Entity m_entMatches ;
class Updater
struct WordSetDef
bool fSplitAtDelimiter;
LPCWSTR szDefault;
LPCWSTR szAlwaysPresent;
struct WordSetStatus
Updater* m_updater;
const WordSetDef* m_def;
WordSet m_set;
bool m_fLoaded;
bool m_fModified;
HRESULT Close( );
HRESULT Init ( /*[in]*/ Updater* updater, /*[in]*/ const WordSetDef* def );
HRESULT Add ( /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szValue );
HRESULT Remove( /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szValue );
Settings m_ts;
JetBlue::Database* m_db;
Cache* m_cache;
bool m_fUseCache;
RS_DBParameters* m_rsDBParameters;
RS_ContentOwners* m_rsContentOwners;
RS_SynSets* m_rsSynSets;
RS_HelpImage* m_rsHelpImage;
RS_IndexFiles* m_rsIndexFiles;
RS_FullTextSearch* m_rsFullTextSearch;
RS_Scope* m_rsScope;
RS_Taxonomy* m_rsTaxonomy;
RS_Topics* m_rsTopics;
RS_Synonyms* m_rsSynonyms;
RS_Keywords* m_rsKeywords;
RS_Matches* m_rsMatches;
long m_ID_owner;
bool m_fOEM;
MPC::wstring m_strDBLocation;
JetBlue::Id2Node m_nodes;
JetBlue::Node2Id m_nodes_reverse;
Updater_Stat m_stat;
HRESULT DeleteAllTopicsUnderANode ( /*[in]*/ RS_Topics* rs, /*[in]*/ long ID_node, /*[in]*/ bool fCheck );
HRESULT DeleteAllSubNodes ( /*[in]*/ RS_Taxonomy* rs, /*[in]*/ long ID_node, /*[in]*/ bool fCheck );
HRESULT DeleteAllMatchesPointingToTopic( /*[in]*/ RS_Matches* rs, /*[in]*/ long ID_topic );
bool NodeCache_FindNode( /*[in]*/ MPC::wstringUC& strPathUC, /*[out]*/ JetBlue::Id2NodeIter& itNode );
bool NodeCache_FindId ( /*[in]*/ long ID_node , /*[out]*/ JetBlue::Node2IdIter& itId );
void NodeCache_Add ( /*[in]*/ MPC::wstringUC& strPathUC, /*[in]*/ long ID_node );
void NodeCache_Remove( /*[in]*/ long ID_node );
void NodeCache_Clear ( );
private: // Disable copy constructors...
Updater ( /*[in]*/ const Updater& );
Updater& operator=( /*[in]*/ const Updater& );
HRESULT FlushWordSets( );
HRESULT Close ( );
HRESULT Init ( /*[in]*/ const Settings& ts, /*[in]*/ JetBlue::Database* db, /*[in]*/ Cache* cache = NULL );
void SetCacheFlag( /*[in]*/ bool fOn ) { m_fUseCache = fOn; }
HRESULT GetWordSet ( /*[in]*/ Updater_Set id, /*[out]*/ WordSet* *pVal = NULL );
HRESULT GetDBParameters ( /*[out]*/ RS_DBParameters* *pVal = NULL );
HRESULT GetContentOwners ( /*[out]*/ RS_ContentOwners* *pVal = NULL );
HRESULT GetSynSets ( /*[out]*/ RS_SynSets* *pVal = NULL );
HRESULT GetHelpImage ( /*[out]*/ RS_HelpImage* *pVal = NULL );
HRESULT GetIndexFiles ( /*[out]*/ RS_IndexFiles* *pVal = NULL );
HRESULT GetFullTextSearch( /*[out]*/ RS_FullTextSearch* *pVal = NULL );
HRESULT GetScope ( /*[out]*/ RS_Scope* *pVal = NULL );
HRESULT GetTaxonomy ( /*[out]*/ RS_Taxonomy* *pVal = NULL );
HRESULT GetTopics ( /*[out]*/ RS_Topics* *pVal = NULL );
HRESULT GetSynonyms ( /*[out]*/ RS_Synonyms* *pVal = NULL );
HRESULT GetKeywords ( /*[out]*/ RS_Keywords* *pVal = NULL );
HRESULT GetMatches ( /*[out]*/ RS_Matches* *pVal = NULL );
long GetOwner() { return m_ID_owner; }
bool IsOEM () { return m_fOEM; }
const MPC::wstring& GetHelpLocation();
Updater_Stat& Stat() { return m_stat; }
HRESULT ReadDBParameter ( /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szName, /*[out]*/ MPC::wstring& strValue, /*[out]*/ bool *pfFound = NULL );
HRESULT ReadDBParameter ( /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szName, /*[out]*/ long& lValue, /*[out]*/ bool *pfFound = NULL );
HRESULT WriteDBParameter( /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szName, /*[in ]*/ LPCWSTR szValue );
HRESULT WriteDBParameter( /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szName, /*[in ]*/ long lValue );
HRESULT AddWordToSet ( /*[in]*/ Updater_Set id, /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szValue );
HRESULT RemoveWordFromSet( /*[in]*/ Updater_Set id, /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szValue );
HRESULT ExpandURL ( /*[in/out]*/ MPC::wstring& strURL );
HRESULT CollapseURL( /*[in/out]*/ MPC::wstring& strURL );
HRESULT ListAllTheHelpFiles( /*[out]*/ MPC::WStringList& lstFiles );
HRESULT GetIndexInfo( /*[out]*/ MPC::wstring& strLocation, /*[out]*/ MPC::wstring& strDisplayName, /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szScope );
HRESULT DeleteOwner( );
HRESULT LocateOwner( /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szDN );
HRESULT CreateOwner( /*[out]*/ long& ID_owner, /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szDN, /*[in]*/ bool fIsOEM );
HRESULT DeleteSynSet( /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szName );
HRESULT LocateSynSet( /*[out]*/ long& ID_synset, /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szName );
HRESULT CreateSynSet( /*[out]*/ long& ID_synset, /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szName );
HRESULT DeleteSynonym( /*[in]*/ long ID_synset, /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szName );
HRESULT CreateSynonym( /*[in]*/ long ID_synset, /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szName );
HRESULT LocateSynonyms( /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szName, /*[out]*/ MPC::WStringList& lst, /*[in]*/ bool fMatchOwner );
HRESULT AddFile ( /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szFile );
HRESULT RemoveFile( /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szFile );
HRESULT RemoveScope( /*[in ]*/ long ID_Scope );
HRESULT LocateScope( /*[out]*/ long& ID_Scope, /*[out]*/ long& lOwner, /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szID );
HRESULT CreateScope( /*[out]*/ long& ID_Scope , /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szID, /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szName, /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szCategory );
HRESULT AddIndexFile ( /*[in]*/ long ID_Scope, /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szStorage, /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szFile );
HRESULT RemoveIndexFile( /*[in]*/ long ID_Scope, /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szStorage, /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szFile );
HRESULT AddFullTextSearchQuery ( /*[in]*/ long ID_Scope, /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szCHM, /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szCHQ );
HRESULT RemoveFullTextSearchQuery( /*[in]*/ long ID_Scope, /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szCHM );
HRESULT DeleteTaxonomyNode( /*[in ]*/ long ID_node );
HRESULT LocateTaxonomyNode( /*[out]*/ long& ID_node, /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szTaxonomyPath ,
/*[in]*/ bool fLookForFather );
HRESULT CreateTaxonomyNode( /*[out]*/ long& ID_node, /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szTaxonomyPath ,
/*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szTitle ,
/*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szDescription ,
/*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szURI ,
/*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szIconURI ,
/*[in]*/ bool fVisible ,
/*[in]*/ bool fSubsite ,
/*[in]*/ long lNavModel ,
/*[in]*/ long lPos );
HRESULT DeleteTopicEntry( /*[in ]*/ long ID_topic );
HRESULT LocateTopicEntry( /*[out]*/ long& ID_topic ,
/*[in ]*/ long ID_node ,
/*[in ]*/ LPCWSTR szURI ,
/*[in ]*/ bool fCheckOwner );
HRESULT CreateTopicEntry( /*[out]*/ long& ID_topic ,
/*[in ]*/ long ID_node ,
/*[in ]*/ LPCWSTR szTitle ,
/*[in ]*/ LPCWSTR szURI ,
/*[in ]*/ LPCWSTR szDescription ,
/*[in ]*/ LPCWSTR szIconURI ,
/*[in ]*/ long lType ,
/*[in ]*/ bool fVisible ,
/*[in ]*/ long lPos );
HRESULT CreateMatch( /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szKeyword, /*[in]*/ long ID_topic, /*[in]*/ long lPriority = 0, /*[in]*/ bool fHHK = true );
HRESULT MakeRoomForInsert( /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szNodeStr, /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szMode, /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szID, /*[out]*/ long& lPos );
HRESULT LocateSubNodes ( /*[in]*/ long ID_node, /*[in]*/ bool fRecurse, /*[in]*/ bool fOnlyVisible, /*[out]*/ MatchSet& res );
HRESULT LocateNodesFromURL( /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szURL , /*[out]*/ MatchSet& res );
HRESULT LookupNode ( /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szNodeStr , /*[in]*/ CPCHQueryResultCollection* pColl );
HRESULT LookupSubNodes ( /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szNodeStr , /*[in]*/ bool fVisibleOnly, /*[in]*/ CPCHQueryResultCollection* pColl );
HRESULT LookupNodesAndTopics( /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szNodeStr , /*[in]*/ bool fVisibleOnly, /*[in]*/ CPCHQueryResultCollection* pColl );
HRESULT LookupTopics ( /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szNodeStr , /*[in]*/ bool fVisibleOnly, /*[in]*/ CPCHQueryResultCollection* pColl );
HRESULT LocateContext ( /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szURL , /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szSubSite, /*[in]*/ CPCHQueryResultCollection* pColl );
HRESULT KeywordSearch ( /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szQueryStr, /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szSubSite, /*[in]*/ CPCHQueryResultCollection* pColl ,
/*[in]*/ MPC::WStringList* lst );
HRESULT GatherNodes ( /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szNodeStr , /*[in]*/ bool fVisibleOnly, /*[in]*/ CPCHQueryResultCollection* pColl );
HRESULT GatherTopics ( /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szNodeStr , /*[in]*/ bool fVisibleOnly, /*[in]*/ CPCHQueryResultCollection* pColl );
class KeywordSearch
typedef enum
struct Token
TOKEN m_type;
MPC::wstring m_strToken;
WeightedMatchSet m_results;
Token* m_left; // Only for operators.
Token* m_right; //
bool HasNOT();
bool HasExplicitOperators();
void AddHit( /*[in]*/ long ID, /*[in]*/ long priority );
HRESULT ExecuteText( /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szKeyword, /*[in]*/ RS_Keywords* rsKeywords, /*[in]*/ RS_Matches* rsMatches );
HRESULT Execute ( /*[in]*/ MatchSet& setAllTheTopics, /*[in]*/ Updater& updater , /*[in]*/ RS_Keywords* rsKeywords, /*[in]*/ RS_Matches* rsMatches );
void CollectKeywords( /*[in/out]*/ MPC::WStringList& lst ) const;
HRESULT Stringify( /*[in]*/ MPC::wstring& strNewQuery );
Updater& m_updater;
RS_Topics* m_rsTopics;
RS_Keywords* m_rsKeywords;
RS_Matches* m_rsMatches;
WordSet* m_setStopSignsWithoutContext;
WordSet* m_setStopSignsAtEnd;
WordSet* m_setStopWords;
WordSet* m_setOpNOT;
WordSet* m_setOpAND;
WordSet* m_setOpOR;
LPCWSTR SkipWhite( /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szStr );
bool IsNotString( /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szSrc, /*[in]*/ WCHAR cQuote );
bool IsQueryChar( /*[in]*/ WCHAR c );
void RemoveStopSignsWithoutContext( /*[in]*/ LPWSTR szText );
void RemoveStopSignsAtEnd ( /*[in]*/ LPWSTR szText );
void CopyAndEliminateExtraWhiteSpace( /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szSrc, /*[out]*/ LPWSTR szDst );
TOKEN NextToken( /*[in/out]*/ LPCWSTR& szSrc, /*[out]*/ LPWSTR szToken );
HRESULT AllocateQuery ( /*[in] */ const MPC::wstring& strQuery, /*[out]*/ LPWSTR& szInput, /*[out]*/ LPWSTR& szOutput );
HRESULT PreprocessQuery( /*[in/out]*/ MPC::wstring& strQuery );
HRESULT Parse( /*[in/out]*/ LPCWSTR& szInput, /*[in]*/ LPWSTR szTmpBuf, /*[in]*/ bool fSubExpr, /*[out]*/ Token*& res );
HRESULT GenerateResults( /*[in]*/ Token* obj, /*[in]*/ CPCHQueryResultCollection* pColl, /*[in]*/ MPC::WStringUCSet& setURLs, /*[in]*/ Taxonomy::MatchSet* psetNodes );
KeywordSearch( /*[in]*/ Updater& updater );
HRESULT Execute( /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szQuery, /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szSubsite, /*[in]*/ CPCHQueryResultCollection* pColl, /*[in]*/ MPC::WStringList* lst );
class Cache : public CComObjectRootEx<MPC::CComSafeMultiThreadModel> // Just to have locking...
class NodeEntry;
class QueryEntry;
class SortEntries;
class CachedHelpSet;
class NodeEntry
friend class CachedHelpSet;
RS_Data_Taxonomy m_rs_data;
friend HRESULT operator>>( /*[in]*/ MPC::Serializer& stream, /*[out]*/ NodeEntry& val );
friend HRESULT operator<<( /*[in]*/ MPC::Serializer& stream, /*[in] */ const NodeEntry& val );
bool operator< ( /*[in]*/ NodeEntry const &en ) const;
bool operator==( /*[in]*/ long ID ) const;
class MatchNode
long m_ID;
MatchNode( /*[in]*/ long ID );
bool operator()( /*[in]*/ NodeEntry const &en ) const;
class QueryEntry
friend class CachedHelpSet;
friend class SortEntries;
MPC::wstring m_strID;
int m_iType;
int m_iSequence;
bool m_fNull;
DWORD m_dwSize;
DATE m_dLastUsed;
bool m_fRemoved;
void Touch();
HRESULT GetFile( /*[out]*/ MPC::wstring& strFile );
friend HRESULT operator>>( /*[in]*/ MPC::Serializer& stream, /*[out]*/ QueryEntry& val );
friend HRESULT operator<<( /*[in]*/ MPC::Serializer& stream, /*[in] */ const QueryEntry& val );
bool operator<( /*[in]*/ QueryEntry const &en ) const;
HRESULT Store ( /*[in]*/ MPC::StorageObject& disk, /*[in]*/ const CPCHQueryResultCollection* pColl );
HRESULT Retrieve( /*[in]*/ MPC::StorageObject& disk, /*[in]*/ CPCHQueryResultCollection* pColl );
HRESULT Release ( /*[in]*/ MPC::StorageObject& disk );
typedef std::set<NodeEntry> NodeEntrySet;
typedef NodeEntrySet::iterator NodeEntryIter;
typedef NodeEntrySet::const_iterator NodeEntryIterConst;
typedef std::set<QueryEntry> QueryEntrySet;
typedef QueryEntrySet::iterator QueryEntryIter;
typedef QueryEntrySet::const_iterator QueryEntryIterConst;
typedef std::vector<QueryEntry*> SortedEntryVec;
typedef SortedEntryVec::iterator SortedEntryIter;
typedef SortedEntryVec::const_iterator SortedEntryIterConst;
class SortEntries
bool operator()( /*[in]*/ QueryEntry* const &left, /*[in]*/ QueryEntry* const &right ) const;
class CachedHelpSet
friend class Cache;
Taxonomy::HelpSet m_ths;
MPC::wstring m_strFile;
MPC::StorageObject m_disk;
bool m_fLoaded;
bool m_fDirty;
bool m_fMarkedForLoad;
DATE m_dLastSaved;
long m_lTopNode;
NodeEntrySet m_setNodes;
QueryEntrySet m_setQueries;
int m_iLastSequence;
void Init ( );
void Clean ( );
HRESULT Load ( );
HRESULT Save ( );
HRESULT EnsureInSync( /*[in]*/ bool fForceSave = false );
HRESULT GenerateDefaultQueries( /*[in]*/ Taxonomy::Settings& ts ,
/*[in]*/ Taxonomy::Updater& updater ,
/*[in]*/ long ID ,
/*[in]*/ long lLevel );
HRESULT GenerateDefaultQueries( /*[in]*/ Taxonomy::Settings& ts ,
/*[in]*/ Taxonomy::Updater& updater );
bool LocateNode( /*[in]*/ long ID_parent, /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szEntry, /*[out]*/ NodeEntryIter& it );
// copy constructors...
CachedHelpSet ( /*[in]*/ const CachedHelpSet& chs );
CachedHelpSet& operator=( /*[in]*/ const CachedHelpSet& chs );
bool operator<( /*[in]*/ CachedHelpSet const &chs ) const;
HRESULT PrePopulate ( /*[in]*/ Cache* parent );
HRESULT Erase ( );
HRESULT PrepareToLoad( );
HRESULT LoadIfMarked ( );
HRESULT LocateNode( /*[in]*/ long ID_parent, /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szEntry, /*[out]*/ RS_Data_Taxonomy& rs_data );
HRESULT LocateSubNodes ( /*[in]*/ long ID_node, /*[in]*/ bool fRecurse, /*[in]*/ bool fOnlyVisible, /*[out]*/ MatchSet& res );
HRESULT LocateNodesFromURL( /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szURL , /*[out]*/ MatchSet& res );
HRESULT BuildNodePath( /*[in]*/ long ID, /*[out]*/ MPC::wstring& strPath , /*[in]*/ bool fParent );
HRESULT LocateQuery( /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szID, /*[in]*/ int iType, /*[out]*/ QueryEntry* &pEntry, /*[in]*/ bool fCreate );
typedef std::set<CachedHelpSet> CacheSet;
typedef CacheSet::iterator CacheIter;
typedef CacheSet::const_iterator CacheIterConst;
CacheSet m_skus;
HRESULT Locate( /*[in]*/ const Taxonomy::HelpSet& ths, /*[out]*/ CacheIter& it );
void Shutdown();
static Cache* s_GLOBAL;
static HRESULT InitializeSystem();
static void FinalizeSystem ();
HRESULT PrePopulate ( /*[in]*/ const Taxonomy::HelpSet& ths );
HRESULT Erase ( /*[in]*/ const Taxonomy::HelpSet& ths );
HRESULT PrepareToLoad( /*[in]*/ const Taxonomy::HelpSet& ths );
HRESULT LoadIfMarked ( /*[in]*/ const Taxonomy::HelpSet& ths );
HRESULT LocateNode( /*[in]*/ const Taxonomy::HelpSet& ths, /*[in]*/ long ID_parent, /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szEntry, /*[out]*/ RS_Data_Taxonomy& rs_data );
HRESULT LocateSubNodes ( /*[in]*/ const Taxonomy::HelpSet& ths, /*[in]*/ long ID_node, /*[in]*/ bool fRecurse, /*[in]*/ bool fOnlyVisible, /*[out]*/ MatchSet& res );
HRESULT LocateNodesFromURL( /*[in]*/ const Taxonomy::HelpSet& ths, /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szURL , /*[out]*/ MatchSet& res );
HRESULT BuildNodePath( /*[in]*/ const Taxonomy::HelpSet& ths, /*[in]*/ long ID, /*[out]*/ MPC::wstring& strPath, /*[in]*/ bool fParent );
HRESULT StoreQuery ( /*[in]*/ const Taxonomy::HelpSet& ths, /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szID, /*[in]*/ int iType, /*[in]*/ const CPCHQueryResultCollection* pColl );
HRESULT RetrieveQuery( /*[in]*/ const Taxonomy::HelpSet& ths, /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szID, /*[in]*/ int iType, /*[in]*/ CPCHQueryResultCollection* pColl );
struct Strings
static LPCWSTR const s_file_PackageDescription;
static LPCWSTR const s_tag_root_PackageDescription;
static LPCWSTR const s_tag_root_HHT;
static LPCWSTR const s_tag_root_SAF;
class Logger
MPC::FileLog m_obj;
DWORD m_dwLogging;
HRESULT StartLog ( /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szLocation = NULL );
HRESULT EndLog ( );
HRESULT WriteLogV( /*[in]*/ HRESULT hr, /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szLogFormat, /*[in]*/ va_list arglist );
HRESULT WriteLog ( /*[in]*/ HRESULT hr, /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szLogFormat, ... );
struct InstanceBase // MACHINE-INDEPENDENT
Taxonomy::HelpSet m_ths;
MPC::wstring m_strDisplayName;
MPC::wstring m_strProductID;
MPC::wstring m_strVersion;
bool m_fDesktop;
bool m_fServer;
bool m_fEmbedded;
friend HRESULT operator>>( /*[in]*/ MPC::Serializer& stream, /*[out]*/ InstanceBase& val );
friend HRESULT operator<<( /*[in]*/ MPC::Serializer& stream, /*[in] */ const InstanceBase& val );
bool Match( /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szSKU, /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szLanguage );
bool Match( /*[in]*/ const Package& pkg );
struct Instance : public InstanceBase // MACHINE-DEPENDENT
bool m_fSystem;
bool m_fMUI;
bool m_fExported;
DATE m_dLastUpdated;
MPC::wstring m_strSystem;
MPC::wstring m_strHelpFiles;
MPC::wstring m_strDatabaseDir;
MPC::wstring m_strDatabaseFile;
MPC::wstring m_strIndexFile;
MPC::wstring m_strIndexDisplayName;
friend HRESULT operator>>( /*[in]*/ MPC::Serializer& stream, /*[out]*/ Instance& val );
friend HRESULT operator<<( /*[in]*/ MPC::Serializer& stream, /*[in] */ const Instance& val );
HRESULT LoadFromStream( /*[in]*/ IStream* stream );
HRESULT SaveToStream ( /*[in]*/ IStream* stream ) const;
HRESULT InitializeFromBase( /*[in]*/ const InstanceBase& base, /*[in]*/ bool fSystem, /*[in]*/ bool fMUI );
void SetTimeStamp();
HRESULT GetFileName( /*[out]*/ MPC::wstring& strFile );
HRESULT Import ( /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szFile, /*[in/out]*/ DWORD* pdwCRC );
HRESULT Remove ( );
typedef std::list<Instance> InstanceList;
typedef InstanceList::iterator InstanceIter;
typedef InstanceList::const_iterator InstanceIterConst;
struct Package
static const DWORD c_Cmp_SKU = 0x0001;
static const DWORD c_Cmp_ID = 0x0002;
static const DWORD c_Cmp_VERSION = 0x0004;
MPC::wstring m_strFileName; // VOLATILE
bool m_fTemporary; // VOLATILE Used for packages not yet authenticated.
long m_lSequence;
MPC::wstring m_strSKU;
MPC::wstring m_strLanguage;
MPC::wstring m_strVendorID;
MPC::wstring m_strVendorName;
MPC::wstring m_strProductID;
MPC::wstring m_strVersion;
bool m_fMicrosoft;
bool m_fBuiltin; // Used for packages installed as part of the setup.
friend HRESULT operator>>( /*[in]*/ MPC::Serializer& stream, /*[out]*/ Package& val );
friend HRESULT operator<<( /*[in]*/ MPC::Serializer& stream, /*[in] */ const Package& val );
int Compare( /*[in]*/ const Package& pkg, /*[in]*/ DWORD dwMode = -1 ) const;
HRESULT GenerateFileName();
HRESULT Import ( /*[in]*/ Logger& log, /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szFile, /*[in]*/ long lSequence, /*[in]*/ MPC::Impersonation* imp );
HRESULT Authenticate( /*[in]*/ Logger& log );
HRESULT Remove ( /*[in]*/ Logger& log );
HRESULT ExtractFile ( /*[in]*/ Logger& log, /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szFileDestination , /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szNameInCabinet );
HRESULT ExtractXMLFile( /*[in]*/ Logger& log, /*[in]*/ MPC::XmlUtil& xml, /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szTag, /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szNameInCabinet );
HRESULT ExtractPkgDesc( /*[in]*/ Logger& log, /*[in]*/ MPC::XmlUtil& xml );
typedef std::list<Package> PackageList;
typedef PackageList::iterator PackageIter;
typedef PackageList::const_iterator PackageIterConst;
struct ProcessedPackage
long m_lSequence;
bool m_fProcessed;
bool m_fDisabled;
friend HRESULT operator>>( /*[in]*/ MPC::Serializer& stream, /*[out]*/ ProcessedPackage& val );
friend HRESULT operator<<( /*[in]*/ MPC::Serializer& stream, /*[in] */ const ProcessedPackage& val );
typedef std::list<ProcessedPackage> ProcessedPackageList;
typedef ProcessedPackageList::iterator ProcessedPackageIter;
typedef ProcessedPackageList::const_iterator ProcessedPackageIterConst;
struct InstalledInstance
Instance m_inst;
ProcessedPackageList m_lst;
bool m_fInvalidated;
bool m_fRecreateCache;
bool m_fCreateIndex;
bool m_fCreateIndexForce;
friend HRESULT operator>>( /*[in]*/ MPC::Serializer& stream, /*[out]*/ InstalledInstance& val );
friend HRESULT operator<<( /*[in]*/ MPC::Serializer& stream, /*[in] */ const InstalledInstance& val );
bool InUse() { return (m_dwRef != 0); }
HRESULT InstallFiles ( /*[in]*/ bool fAlsoHelpFiles, /*[in]*/ InstalledInstanceStore* store );
HRESULT UninstallFiles( /*[in]*/ bool fAlsoHelpFiles );
typedef std::list<InstalledInstance> InstalledInstanceList;
typedef InstalledInstanceList::iterator InstalledInstanceIter;
typedef InstalledInstanceList::const_iterator InstalledInstanceIterConst;
class LockingHandle
friend class InstalledInstanceStore;
InstalledInstanceStore* m_main; // We have a lock on it.
Logger* m_logPrevious;
void Attach( /*[in]*/ InstalledInstanceStore* main ,
/*[in]*/ Logger* log );
LockingHandle ();
void Release();
class InstallationEngine
bool m_fTaxonomyModified;
bool m_fRecreateIndex;
void ResetModificationFlags()
m_fTaxonomyModified = false;
m_fRecreateIndex = false;
virtual HRESULT ProcessPackage( /*[in]*/ InstalledInstance& instance, /*[in]*/ Package& pkg ) = 0;
virtual HRESULT RecreateIndex ( /*[in]*/ InstalledInstance& instance, /*[in]*/ bool fForce ) = 0;
class InstalledInstanceStore : public CComObjectRootEx<MPC::CComSafeMultiThreadModel> // Just to get locking...
static const DWORD s_dwVersion = 0x03314351; // QC1 03
friend class LockingHandle;
InstanceList m_lstInstances;
PackageList m_lstPackages;
InstalledInstanceList m_lstSKUs;
MPC::wstring m_strStore;
bool m_fLoaded;
bool m_fDirty;
Logger* m_log;
DWORD m_dwRecurse;
bool m_fShutdown;
void Clean ( );
HRESULT Load ( );
HRESULT LoadFromDisk ( /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szFile );
HRESULT LoadFromRegistry( );
HRESULT LoadFromStream ( /*[in]*/ IStream* stream );
HRESULT Save ( );
HRESULT SaveToDisk ( /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szFile );
HRESULT SaveToRegistry ( );
HRESULT SaveToStream ( /*[in]*/ IStream* stream );
HRESULT EnsureInSync ( );
static InstalledInstanceStore* s_GLOBAL;
static HRESULT InitializeSystem();
static void FinalizeSystem ();
void Shutdown();
bool IsShutdown() { return m_fShutdown; }
HRESULT InUse_Lock ( /*[in]*/ const Taxonomy::HelpSet& ths );
HRESULT InUse_Unlock( /*[in]*/ const Taxonomy::HelpSet& ths );
HRESULT GrabControl ( /*[in]*/ LockingHandle& handle, /*[in]*/ Logger* log = NULL );
HRESULT Instance_GetList( /*[out]*/ InstanceIterConst& itBegin, /*[out]*/ InstanceIterConst& itEnd );
HRESULT Package_GetList ( /*[out]*/ PackageIterConst& itBegin, /*[out]*/ PackageIterConst& itEnd );
HRESULT SKU_GetList ( /*[out]*/ InstalledInstanceIterConst& itBegin, /*[out]*/ InstalledInstanceIterConst& itEnd );
HRESULT Instance_Find ( /*[in]*/ const Taxonomy::HelpSet& ths , /*[out]*/ bool& fFound, /*[out]*/ InstanceIter& it );
HRESULT Instance_Add ( /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szFile, /*[in]*/ const Instance& data, /*[out]*/ bool& fFound, /*[out]*/ InstanceIter& it );
HRESULT Instance_Remove( /*[in ]*/ InstanceIter& it );
HRESULT Package_Find ( /*[in]*/ const Package& pkg , /*[out]*/ bool& fFound, /*[out]*/ PackageIter& it );
HRESULT Package_Add ( /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szFile, /*[in]*/ MPC::Impersonation* imp ,
/*[in]*/ const Taxonomy::HelpSet* ths , /*[in ]*/ bool fInsertAtTop,
/*[out]*/ bool& fFound, /*[out]*/ PackageIter& it );
HRESULT Package_Remove ( /*[in ]*/ PackageIter& it );
HRESULT SKU_Find ( /*[in]*/ const Taxonomy::HelpSet& ths , /*[out]*/ bool& fFound, /*[out]*/ InstalledInstanceIter& it );
HRESULT SKU_Add ( /*[in]*/ const Instance& data, /*[out]*/ bool& fFound, /*[out]*/ InstalledInstanceIter& it );
HRESULT SKU_Updated ( /*[in ]*/ InstalledInstanceIter& it );
HRESULT SKU_Remove ( /*[in ]*/ InstalledInstanceIter& it );
HRESULT State_InvalidateSKU ( /*[in]*/ const Taxonomy::HelpSet& ths , /*[in]*/ bool fAlsoDatabase );
HRESULT State_InvalidatePackage( /*[in]*/ long lSequence );
HRESULT MakeReady( /*[in]*/ InstallationEngine& engine, /*[in]*/ bool fNoOp, /*[in]*/ bool& fWorkToProcess );
#endif // !defined(__INCLUDED___HCP___TAXONOMYDATABASE_H___)