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// Code used to manage threaded WMI refreshes.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "refreshthread.h"
#include "wmilive.h"
// The constructor - create the events to manage the refresh thread.
CRefreshThread::CRefreshThread(HWND hwnd) :
m_fCancel(FALSE), m_fQuit(FALSE), m_fRecursive(FALSE), m_fForceRefresh(FALSE), m_pcategory(NULL),
m_hThread(NULL), m_dwThreadID(0), m_hwnd(hwnd), m_hrWMI(E_FAIL)
// Generate a system wide unique name for the events (in case there are multiple
// instances of MSInfo running). If we can't generate a GUID for this, use the tick count.
CString strEvent(_T(""));
GUID guid;
if (SUCCEEDED(::CoCreateGuid(&guid)))
if (SUCCEEDED(StringFromCLSID(guid, &lpGUID)))
strEvent = lpGUID;
if (strEvent.IsEmpty())
strEvent.Format(_T("%08x"), ::GetTickCount());
m_eventDone = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, TRUE, CString(_T("MSInfoDone")) + strEvent);
m_eventStart = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, CString(_T("MSInfoStart")) + strEvent);
// The destructor should stop a refresh and get rid of the events.
// Start the refresh thread for the specified category.
DWORD WINAPI ThreadRefresh(void * pArg);
void CRefreshThread::StartRefresh(CMSInfoLiveCategory * pCategory, BOOL fRecursive, BOOL fForceRefresh)
m_fRecursive = fRecursive;
m_fForceRefresh = fForceRefresh;
m_pcategory = pCategory;
m_fCancel = FALSE;
m_nCategoriesRefreshed = 0;
if (m_hThread == NULL)
m_hThread = ::CreateThread(NULL, 0, ThreadRefresh, (LPVOID) this, 0, &m_dwThreadID);
// Cancel the refresh in progress.
void CRefreshThread::CancelRefresh()
m_fCancel = TRUE;
// Kill the refresh thread.
BOOL gfEndingSession = FALSE;
void CRefreshThread::KillRefresh()
// If we're exiting normally, allow 30 seconds to finish WMI business, if
// the Windows session is ending, allow 5 seconds.
DWORD dwTimeout = (gfEndingSession) ? 5000 : 30000;
// Cancel the refresh, passing in the shorter timeout.
m_fCancel = TRUE;
if (IsRefreshing())
::WaitForSingleObject(m_eventDone, dwTimeout);
// Tell the thread to quit, wait the timeout to see if it does so before
// terminating it.
m_fQuit = TRUE;
m_fCancel = TRUE;
if (WAIT_TIMEOUT == ::WaitForSingleObject(m_hThread, dwTimeout))
::TerminateThread(m_hThread, 0);
m_hThread = NULL;
// Is there currently a refresh going on?
BOOL CRefreshThread::IsRefreshing()
return (WAIT_TIMEOUT == ::WaitForSingleObject(m_eventDone, 0));
// Wait for the current refresh to finish.
BOOL CRefreshThread::WaitForRefresh()
if (IsRefreshing())
return (WAIT_TIMEOUT != ::WaitForSingleObject(m_eventDone, 600000));
return TRUE;
// Check the WMI connection to the named computer. Useful for remoting.
HRESULT CRefreshThread::CheckWMIConnection()
HWND hwndTemp = m_hwnd;
m_pcategory = NULL;
m_hwnd = NULL;
if (m_hThread == NULL)
m_hThread = ::CreateThread(NULL, 0, ThreadRefresh, (LPVOID) this, 0, &m_dwThreadID);
m_hwnd = hwndTemp;
return m_hrWMI;
// This code runs in the worker thread which does the WMI queries. When it
// starts, it creates the WMI objects it will use. It then loops, doing
// the refreshes, until it's told to quit.
// TBD - need to know when to get rid of cached data.
DWORD WINAPI ThreadRefresh(void * pArg)
CRefreshThread * pParent = (CRefreshThread *) pArg;
if (pParent == NULL)
return 0;
// TBD
CWMILiveHelper * pWMI = new CWMILiveHelper();
if (pWMI)
hrWMI = pWMI->Create(pParent->m_strMachine);
pParent->m_hrWMI = hrWMI;
CMapPtrToPtr mapRefreshFuncToData;
CPtrList lstCategoriesToRefresh;
CMSInfoLiveCategory * pLiveCategory;
CMSInfoLiveCategory * pChild;
CString strCaption;
// Loop until it's indicated we should quit.
while (!pParent->m_fQuit)
// If there's a category pointer, then refresh the data for that category.
if (pParent->m_pcategory)
// We use a list of categories to refresh (this allows us to do recursive refreshes).
// If the refresh isn't recursive, only one category will be put in the list.
lstCategoriesToRefresh.AddHead((void *) pParent->m_pcategory);
while (!lstCategoriesToRefresh.IsEmpty())
pLiveCategory = (CMSInfoLiveCategory *) lstCategoriesToRefresh.RemoveHead();
if (pLiveCategory == NULL)
// Update the progress information on a multi-category refresh operation.
// This includes the number of categories refreshed and the name of the
// currently refreshing category (which is guarded by a critical section).
pLiveCategory->GetNames(&strCaption, NULL);
pParent->m_nCategoriesRefreshed += 1;
pParent->m_strCategoryRefreshing = strCaption;
if (pLiveCategory->m_iColCount && pLiveCategory->m_pRefreshFunction)
// Refresh the data.
pLiveCategory->m_hrError = S_OK;
if (FAILED(hrWMI))
pLiveCategory->m_hrError = hrWMI;
pLiveCategory->m_dwLastRefresh = ::GetTickCount();
else if (pLiveCategory->m_pRefreshFunction)
// Allocate the array of pointer lists which will contain the results
// of this refresh. Each pointer in the list will refer to a CMSIValue.
CPtrList * aptrList = new CPtrList[pLiveCategory->m_iColCount];
if (aptrList)
// Retrieve any refresh function specific storage that may have been created.
void * pRefreshData;
if (!mapRefreshFuncToData.Lookup((void *)pLiveCategory->m_pRefreshFunction, pRefreshData))
pRefreshData = NULL;
// Call the refresh function for this category, with the refresh index.
hr = pLiveCategory->m_pRefreshFunction(pWMI,
pLiveCategory->m_hrError = hr;
// If the refresh function allocated some storage, save it.
if (pRefreshData)
mapRefreshFuncToData.SetAt((void *)pLiveCategory->m_pRefreshFunction, pRefreshData);
// If a long refresh time is needed for testing, uncomment the following:
// ::Sleep(5000 /* milliseconds */);
if (!pParent->m_fCancel && SUCCEEDED(pLiveCategory->m_hrError))
// Get the number of rows of data.
int iRowCount = (int)aptrList[0].GetCount();
#ifdef _DEBUG
for (int i = 0; i < pLiveCategory->m_iColCount; i++)
ASSERT(iRowCount == aptrList[i].GetCount());
// Update the category's current data. This has to be done in a
// critical section, since the main thread accesses this data.
if (iRowCount)
for (int j = 0; j < pLiveCategory->m_iColCount; j++)
for (int i = 0; i < pLiveCategory->m_iRowCount; i++)
if (!aptrList[j].IsEmpty())
CMSIValue * pValue = (CMSIValue *) aptrList[j].RemoveHead();
pLiveCategory->SetData(i, j, pValue->m_strValue, pValue->m_dwValue);
// Set the advanced flag for either the first column, or
// for any column which is advanced (any cell in a row
// being advanced makes the whole row advanced).
if (j == 0 || pValue->m_fAdvanced)
pLiveCategory->SetAdvancedFlag(i, pValue->m_fAdvanced);
delete pValue;
// Record the time this refresh was done.
pParent->m_pcategory->m_dwLastRefresh = ::GetTickCount();
// The refresh was cancelled or had an error - delete the new data. If the
// refresh had an error, record the time the refresh was attempted.
if (FAILED(pLiveCategory->m_hrError))
pParent->m_pcategory->m_dwLastRefresh = ::GetTickCount();
for (int iCol = 0; iCol < pLiveCategory->m_iColCount; iCol++)
while (!aptrList[iCol].IsEmpty()) // shouldn't be true unless refresh cancelled
delete (CMSIValue *) aptrList[iCol].RemoveHead();
delete [] aptrList;
pParent->m_pcategory->m_dwLastRefresh = ::GetTickCount();
// If this is a recursive refresh, then we should add all of the children of this
// category to the list of categories to be refreshed.
if (pParent->m_fRecursive)
pChild = (CMSInfoLiveCategory *) pLiveCategory->GetFirstChild();
while (pChild)
lstCategoriesToRefresh.AddTail((void *) pChild);
pChild = (CMSInfoLiveCategory *) pChild->GetNextSibling();
} // while
else if (pParent->m_pcategory)
// Record the time this refresh was done.
pParent->m_pcategory->m_dwLastRefresh = ::GetTickCount();
// Signal the parent window that there's new data ready to be displayed.
// Do this even if cancelled, so old data will be shown.
if (pParent->m_hwnd && !pParent->m_fCancel)
::PostMessage(pParent->m_hwnd, WM_MSINFODATAREADY, 0, (LPARAM)pParent->m_pcategory);
// Go to sleep until it's time to return to work.
::WaitForSingleObject(pParent->m_eventStart, INFINITE);
// Deallocate an cached stuff saved by the refresh functions.
RefreshFunction pFunc;
void * pCache;
for (POSITION pos = mapRefreshFuncToData.GetStartPosition(); pos;)
mapRefreshFuncToData.GetNextAssoc(pos, (void * &)pFunc, pCache);
if (pFunc)
pFunc(NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, &pCache);
if (pWMI)
delete pWMI;
return 0;