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// Contains the refresh function for the system summary category.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "category.h"
#include "dataset.h"
#include "wmiabstraction.h"
extern CString DelimitNumber(double dblValue, int iDecimalDigits = 0);
extern CString gstrMB; // global string "MB" (will be localized)
HRESULT SystemSummary(CWMIHelper * pWMI, DWORD dwIndex, volatile BOOL * pfCancel, CPtrList * aColValues, int iColCount, void ** ppCache)
ASSERT(pWMI == NULL || (aColValues && iColCount == 2));
// Get the WMI objects we'll be needing. We'll check the first one to see if we
// have a connection to WMI.
CWMIObjectCollection * pCollection = NULL;
CWMIObject * pOSObject = NULL;
HRESULT hr = pWMI->Enumerate(_T("Win32_OperatingSystem"), &pCollection); //, _T("Caption, Version, CSDVersion, BuildNumber, Manufacturer, WindowsDirectory, SystemDirectory, BootDevice, Locale, FreePhysicalMemory, TotalVirtualMemorySize, FreeVirtualMemory, SizeStoredInPagingFiles"));
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
hr = pCollection->GetNext(&pOSObject);
if (FAILED(hr))
pOSObject = NULL;
delete pCollection;
if (FAILED(hr))
return hr;
CWMIObject * pComputerObject = pWMI->GetSingleObject(_T("Win32_ComputerSystem"), _T("Name, Manufacturer, Model, SystemType, UserName, DaylightInEffect"));
CWMIObject * pPFUObject = pWMI->GetSingleObject(_T("Win32_PageFileUsage"), _T("Caption"));
if (pOSObject)
pWMI->AddObjectToOutput(aColValues, iColCount, pOSObject, _T("Caption, Version, CSDVersion, BuildNumber, Manufacturer"), IDS_SYSSUMM1);
// If the system has activation pending, show the number of days left.
CWMIObject * pActivationObject = pWMI->GetSingleObject(_T("Win32_WindowsProductActivation"), _T("RemainingGracePeriod, ActivationRequired"));
if (pActivationObject != NULL)
DWORD dwActivationPending;
if (SUCCEEDED(pActivationObject->GetValueDWORD(_T("ActivationRequired"), &dwActivationPending)) && dwActivationPending != 0)
pWMI->AddObjectToOutput(aColValues, iColCount, pActivationObject, _T("RemainingGracePeriod"), IDS_SYSSUMM12);
delete pActivationObject;
if (pComputerObject)
pWMI->AddObjectToOutput(aColValues, iColCount, pComputerObject, _T("Name, Manufacturer, Model, SystemType"), IDS_SYSSUMM2);
pCollection = NULL;
CWMIObject * pProcessorObject = NULL;
if (SUCCEEDED(pWMI->Enumerate(_T("Win32_Processor"), &pCollection, _T("Description, Manufacturer, MaxClockSpeed"))))
while (S_OK == pCollection->GetNext(&pProcessorObject) && pProcessorObject != NULL)
pWMI->AddObjectToOutput(aColValues, iColCount, pProcessorObject, _T("Description, Manufacturer, MaxClockSpeed"), IDS_SYSSUMM3);
delete pProcessorObject;
pProcessorObject = NULL;
delete pCollection;
// Try to get every property of Win32_BIOS that we'd like to show.
CWMIObject * pBIOSObject = pWMI->GetSingleObject(_T("Win32_BIOS"), _T("Manufacturer, Version, SMBIOSPresent, SMBIOSBIOSVersion, ReleaseDate, SMBIOSMajorVersion, SMBIOSMinorVersion, BIOSVersion"));
// If GetSingleObject failed (the pointer is NULL) try again, without BIOSVersion.
if (pBIOSObject == NULL)
pBIOSObject = pWMI->GetSingleObject(_T("Win32_BIOS"), _T("Manufacturer, Version, SMBIOSPresent, SMBIOSBIOSVersion, ReleaseDate, SMBIOSMajorVersion, SMBIOSMinorVersion"));
if (pBIOSObject)
// Per NadirA (bug 409578) this is the preferred order for getting BIOS info.
DWORD dwSMBIOSPresent = 0;
if (FAILED(pBIOSObject->GetValueDWORD(_T("SMBIOSPresent"), &dwSMBIOSPresent)))
dwSMBIOSPresent = 0;
CString strDummy;
if (dwSMBIOSPresent != 0 && SUCCEEDED(pBIOSObject->GetValueString(_T("SMBIOSBIOSVersion"), &strDummy)))
// We need to change the format strings for the BIOS and SMBIOS values in this case.
CString strBIOSFormat, strSMBIOSFormat;
strBIOSFormat = strBIOSFormat.SpanExcluding(_T("|")) + CString(_T("|%s %s, %c"));
strSMBIOSFormat = strSMBIOSFormat.SpanExcluding(_T("|")) + CString(_T("|%d.%d"));
pWMI->AddObjectToOutput(aColValues, iColCount, pBIOSObject, _T("Manufacturer, SMBIOSBIOSVersion, ReleaseDate"), strBIOSFormat);
pWMI->AddObjectToOutput(aColValues, iColCount, pBIOSObject, _T("SMBIOSMajorVersion, SMBIOSMinorVersion"), strSMBIOSFormat);
else if (SUCCEEDED(pBIOSObject->GetValueString(_T("BIOSVersion"), &strDummy)))
pWMI->AddObjectToOutput(aColValues, iColCount, pBIOSObject, _T("BIOSVersion, ReleaseDate"), IDS_SYSSUMM4);
pWMI->AddObjectToOutput(aColValues, iColCount, pBIOSObject, _T("Version, ReleaseDate"), IDS_SYSSUMM4);
if (pOSObject)
pWMI->AddObjectToOutput(aColValues, iColCount, pOSObject, _T("WindowsDirectory, MSIAdvancedSystemDirectory, MSIAdvancedBootDevice, Locale"), IDS_SYSSUMM5);
// Add information about the HAL.DLL to the summary (bug 382771). The DLL
// will be found in the system directory.
if (pOSObject != NULL)
CString strSystemDirectory = pOSObject->GetString(_T("SystemDirectory"));
if (!strSystemDirectory.IsEmpty())
CString strPath;
strPath.Format(_T("CIM_DataFile.Name='%s\\hal.dll'"), strSystemDirectory);
CWMIObject * pHALObject;
if (SUCCEEDED(pWMI->GetObject(strPath, &pHALObject)))
pWMI->AddObjectToOutput(aColValues, iColCount, pHALObject, _T("Version"), IDS_SYSSUMM13);
delete pHALObject;
if (pComputerObject)
pWMI->AddObjectToOutput(aColValues, iColCount, pComputerObject, _T("MSIAdvancedUserName"), IDS_SYSSUMM6);
if (pComputerObject)
BOOL fUseStandard = TRUE;
DWORD dwValue;
if (SUCCEEDED(pComputerObject->GetValueDWORD(_T("DaylightInEffect"), &dwValue)) && dwValue)
fUseStandard = FALSE;
CWMIObject * pTimeZoneObject = pWMI->GetSingleObject(_T("Win32_TimeZone"));
if (pTimeZoneObject)
pWMI->AddObjectToOutput(aColValues, iColCount, pTimeZoneObject, (fUseStandard) ? _T("StandardName") : _T("DaylightName"), IDS_SYSSUMM10);
delete pTimeZoneObject;
// To get an accurate picture of the we need to enumerate the values of Win32_PhysicalMemory,
// which reports the memory installed in each slot.
double dblTotalPhysicalMemory = 0.0;
pCollection = NULL;
CWMIObject * pMemoryObject = NULL;
if (SUCCEEDED(pWMI->Enumerate(_T("Win32_PhysicalMemory"), &pCollection, _T("Capacity"))))
while (S_OK == pCollection->GetNext(&pMemoryObject) && pMemoryObject != NULL)
double dblTemp;
if (SUCCEEDED(pMemoryObject->GetValueDoubleFloat(_T("Capacity"), &dblTemp)))
dblTotalPhysicalMemory += dblTemp;
delete pMemoryObject;
pMemoryObject = NULL;
delete pCollection;
// On some older machines, without SMBIOS, Win32_PhysicalMemory isn't supported.
// In that case, look at Win32_ComputerSystem::TotalPhysicalMemory. XP bug 441343.
if (dblTotalPhysicalMemory == 0.0)
CWMIObject * pObject = pWMI->GetSingleObject(_T("Win32_ComputerSystem"), _T("TotalPhysicalMemory"));
if (pObject != NULL)
if (FAILED(pObject->GetValueDoubleFloat(_T("TotalPhysicalMemory"), &dblTotalPhysicalMemory)))
dblTotalPhysicalMemory = 0.0;
if (dblTotalPhysicalMemory != 0.0)
CString strCaption;
CString strValue(DelimitNumber(dblTotalPhysicalMemory/(1024.0*1024.0), 2));
if (gstrMB.IsEmpty())
strValue += _T(" ") + gstrMB;
// For the caption, use the format string we used before (just the first column).
strCaption = strCaption.SpanExcluding(_T("|"));
pWMI->AppendCell(aColValues[0], strCaption, 0);
pWMI->AppendCell(aColValues[1], strValue, (DWORD)dblTotalPhysicalMemory);
if (pOSObject)
pWMI->AddObjectToOutput(aColValues, iColCount, pOSObject, _T("FreePhysicalMemory, TotalVirtualMemorySize, FreeVirtualMemory, SizeStoredInPagingFiles"), IDS_SYSSUMM8);
if (pPFUObject)
pWMI->AddObjectToOutput(aColValues, iColCount, pPFUObject, _T("MSIAdvancedCaption"), IDS_SYSSUMM9);
if (pOSObject) delete pOSObject;
if (pComputerObject) delete pComputerObject;
if (pProcessorObject) delete pProcessorObject;
if (pBIOSObject) delete pBIOSObject ;
if (pPFUObject) delete pPFUObject;
return S_OK;