Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
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// (c) 1998-1999 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
#pragma autorecover
#pragma classflags("forceupdate")
Qualifier Description : ToSubClass Amended;
Qualifier Values : ToSubClass Amended;
Qualifier DisplayName : Amended;
Qualifier BitValues:ToSubClass Amended ;
Qualifier Aggregate : ToSubClass ;
Qualifier ValueMap : ToSubClass ;
Qualifier Aggregation : ToSubClass ;
Qualifier ArrayType : ToSubClass ;
Qualifier Association : ToInstance ToSubClass DisableOverride ;
Qualifier BitMap : ToSubClass ;
Qualifier CIM_Key : ToSubClass ;
Qualifier CIMTYPE : ToSubClass ;
Qualifier Deprecated : ToSubClass ;
Qualifier Enumeration : ToSubClass ;
Qualifier EnumPrivileges : ToSubClass ;
Qualifier ImplementationSource : ToSubClass ;
Qualifier Key : ToInstance ToSubClass DisableOverride ;
Qualifier Locale : ToInstance ;
Qualifier MappingStrings : ToSubClass ;
Qualifier Max : ToSubClass ;
Qualifier MaxLen : ToSubClass ;
Qualifier Min : ToSubClass ;
Qualifier ModelCorrespondence : ToSubClass ;
Qualifier Not_Null : ToSubClass ;
Qualifier Override : Restricted ;
Qualifier Privileges : ToSubClass ;
Qualifier Propagated : ToSubClass ;
Qualifier provider : ToInstance ;
Qualifier Range : ToSubClass ;
Qualifier Read : ToSubClass ;
Qualifier Schema : ToInstance ;
Qualifier Singleton : ToSubClass ToInstance ;
Qualifier SUBTYPE : ToSubClass ;
Qualifier Units : ToSubClass ;
Qualifier UUID : ToInstance ;
Qualifier Volatile : ToSubClass ;
Qualifier Weak : ToSubClass ;
Qualifier Write : ToSubClass ;
Qualifier WritePrivileges : ToSubClass ;
#pragma namespace ("\\\\.\\Root\\CIMV2")
instance of __Win32Provider as $DskQuotaProvider
Name = "DskQuotaProvider";
ClsId = "{4AF3F4A4-06C8-4b79-A523-633CC65CE297}";
HostingModel = "NetworkServiceHost";
instance of __InstanceProviderRegistration
Provider = $DskQuotaProvider;
SupportsGet = TRUE;
SupportsPut = TRUE;
SupportsDelete = TRUE;
SupportsEnumeration = TRUE;
QuerySupportLevels = {"WQL:UnarySelect"};
// cleanup of classes whose names were changed
// after Whistler Beta 1
#pragma deleteclass("Win32_QuotaSettings", NOFAIL)
[Association, Dynamic, Provider ("DskQuotaProvider"),
Description ("The Win32_DiskQuota association class tracks disk space "
"usage for NTFS volumes. System administrators can configure Windows "
"to prevent further disk space use and log an event when a user exceeds "
"a specified disk space limit. They can also log an event when a user "
"exceeds a specified disk space warning level. Note that disk quotas "
"cannot be set for the Administrator accounts themselves."),
Locale(0x409), UUID("B94560CA-41CC-4FB5-BD56-282329DA41DA"),
SupportsCreate, CreateBy("PutInstance"),SupportsDelete, DeleteBy("DeleteInstance"),
class Win32_DiskQuota
[read, key, Description ("The QuotaVolume reference represents the "
"disk volume which has disk quotas.")
Win32_LogicalDisk REF QuotaVolume;
[read, key, Description ("The User reference represents the user "
"account associated with a disk quota.")
Win32_Account REF User;
[read, Description ("A Status property indicates the current status "
"of the Disk Quota."),
ValueMap {"0","1","2"},
Values {"OK", "Warning", "Exceeded"}
uint32 Status;
[read, write, Units ("Bytes"), Description ("The Limit property indicates "
"the limit set for this particular user or group.")
uint64 Limit;
[read, write, Units ("Bytes"), Description ("The WarningLimit property "
"indicates the warning limit set for this particular user or group.")
uint64 WarningLimit;
[read, Units ("Bytes"), Description ("The DiskSpaceUsed property indicates "
"the current number of Bytes currently in use by this particular "
"user or group.")
uint64 DiskSpaceUsed;
[Dynamic, Provider ("DskQuotaProvider"),
Description ("The Win32_QuotaSetting class contains setting information "
"for disk quotas on a volume."), SupportsUpdate,
Locale(0x409), UUID("29013152-7F77-4A8A-A8BB-E1F24DECE9F7")]
class Win32_QuotaSetting : CIM_Setting
[read, write, key, Description ("The VolumePath property indicates the "
"name of the volume that disk quotas are on. It can be volume name, "
"volume path (ex D:\\) or it can be the unique volume name like "
string VolumePath;
[read, write, Description ("The State property indicates what the "
"level of quota management set for this particular volume. Disabled "
"indicates that Quota management is not enabled on this volume. Tracked "
"indicates that Quota's are tracked but the limit value is not enforced "
"and users may exceed their quota limit. Enforced indicates that "
"Quota's are tracked and enforce on this volume."),
ValueMap {"0","1","2"},
Values {"Disabled", "Tracked", "Enforced"}
uint32 State;
[read, write, Units ("Bytes"), Description ("The DefaultLimit property "
"indicates the default limit set for quotas on this particular volume.")
uint64 DefaultLimit;
[read, write, Units ("Bytes"), Description ("The DefaultWarningLimit "
"property indicates the default warning limit set for quotas on this "
"particular volume.")
uint64 DefaultWarningLimit;
[read, write, Description ("The ExceedNotification property indicates "
"whether or not events will be written to the event log when quotas are "
boolean ExceededNotification;
[read, write, Description ("The WarningExceedNotification property indicates "
"whether or not events will be written to the event log when warnings are "
boolean WarningExceededNotification;
[Dynamic, Provider ("DskQuotaProvider"),
Description ("The Win32_VolumeQuotaSetting class associates the disk quota "
"setting with a specific disk volume."),
Locale(0x409), UUID("FA452BCE-5B4F-4A56-BF52-7C4533984706")]
class Win32_VolumeQuotaSetting : CIM_ElementSetting
[read, key, Override ("Element"), Description ("The DiskVolume for the "
"associated disk quota setting.")
Win32_LogicalDisk REF Element;
[read, key, Override ("Setting"), Description ("The QuotaSetting associated "
"with the referenced LogicalDisk.")
Win32_QuotaSetting REF Setting;