Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
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[Dynamic, Provider ("CIMWin32"),
Description ("The Win32_DesktopMonitor class represents the type of "
"monitor or display device attached to the computer system."): ToSubClass,
Locale (0x409), UUID("{1008CCF0-7BFF-11D2-AAD2-006008C78BC7}")]
class Win32_DesktopMonitor:CIM_DesktopMonitor
[Read: ToSubClass, Key: ToSubClass, Override("DeviceId"): ToSubClass,
Description ("The DeviceID property contains a string that uniquely "
"identifies a desktop monitor.\nExample: DesktopMonitor1"): ToSubClass,
MappingStrings {"Win32API|Windows GDI|HMONITOR"}: ToSubClass]
string DeviceID ;
[Read :ToSubClass,
Description ("The MonitorManufacturer property indicates the name of "
"the monitor manufacturer. \nExample: NEC"): ToSubClass,
MappingStrings {"Win32Registry"}: ToSubClass ]
string MonitorManufacturer ;
[Read :ToSubClass,
Description ("The MonitorType property indicates the type of monitor. "
"\nExample: NEC 5FGp"): ToSubClass,
MappingStrings {"Win32Registry"}: ToSubClass ]
string MonitorType ;
[Read :ToSubClass, Units ("Pixels per Logical Inch"): ToSubClass,
Description ("The PixelsPerXLogicalInch property indicates "
"the resolution along the X axis (horizontal direction) "
"of the monitor."): ToSubClass,
MappingStrings {"Win32API|Device Context Functions|"
"GetDeviceCaps"}: ToSubClass ]
uint32 PixelsPerXLogicalInch ;
[Read :ToSubClass, Units ("Pixels per Logical Inch"): ToSubClass,
Description ("The PixelsPerYLogicalInch property indicates "
"the resolution along the Y axis (vertical direction) of "
"the monitor."): ToSubClass,
MappingStrings {"Win32API|Device Context Functions|"
"GetDeviceCaps"}: ToSubClass ]
uint32 PixelsPerYLogicalInch ;
[Dynamic, Provider ("CIMWin32"),
Description ("The Win32_PointingDevice class represents an input device used "
"to point to and select regions on the display of a Win32 computer system. Any device "
"used to manipulate a pointer, or point to the display on a Win32 "
"computer system is a member of this class."
"\nExample: A mouse, touch pad, or stylus/tablet."): ToSubClass,
Locale (0x409), UUID ("{8502C4B4-5FBB-11D2-AAC1-006008C78BC7}") ]
class Win32_PointingDevice:CIM_PointingDevice
[Read: ToSubClass, Key: ToSubClass, Override("DeviceId"): ToSubClass,
Description ("The DeviceID property contains a string "
"uniquely identifying the pointing device with other "
"devices on the system."): ToSubClass,
MappingStrings {"WMI"}: ToSubClass]
string DeviceID ;
[read : ToSubClass ,
Description ("The HardwareType property indicates the type of "
"hardware type used for the Win32 pointing device. "
"\nExample: MICROSOFT PS2 MOUSE"): ToSubClass,
MappingStrings {"Win32Registry|HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SYSTEM\\"
"ControlSet001\\Control\\Class|DriverDesc"}: ToSubClass]
string HardwareType ;
[read : ToSubClass,
Description ("The InfFileName property indicates the name of the .inf "
"file for the Win32 pointing device.\nExample: ab.inf"): ToSubClass,
MappingStrings {"Win32Registry|HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SYSTEM\\"
"CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Class|InfPath"}: ToSubClass ]
string InfFileName ;
[read : ToSubClass,
Description ("The InfSection property indicates the section of the "
".inf file that holds configuration information for the Win32 "
"pointing device."): ToSubClass,
MappingStrings {"Win32Registry|HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SYSTEM\\"
"CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Class|InfSection"}: ToSubClass ]
string InfSection ;
[read : ToSubClass, Units ("Hertz"): ToSubClass,
Description ("The SampleRate property indicates the rate at which the "
"pointing device is polled for input information."): ToSubClass,
MappingStrings {"Win32Registry|SampleRate"}: ToSubClass ]
uint32 SampleRate ;
[read : ToSubClass, Units ("100 Nanoseconds"): ToSubClass,
Description ("The Synch property specifies the length of time after "
"which the next interrupt is assumed to indicate the start of a new "
"device packet (partial packets are discarded). In the event that an "
"interrupt is lost, this allows "
"the pointing device driver to synchronize its internal"
"representation of the packet state with the hardware state."): ToSubClass,
MappingStrings {"Win32Registry|MouseSynchIn100ns"}: ToSubClass ]
uint32 Synch ;
[read : ToSubClass, Units ("Mickeys"),
Description ("The DoubleSpeedThreshold property contains one of two "
"acceleration values. The sensitivity of the "
"pointing device doubles (toggles from the first to the second value) "
"when the pointing device moves a distance greater "
"than this threshold value."): ToSubClass,
MappingStrings {"Win32API|System Information Functions|"
"SystemParametersInfo"}: ToSubClass ]
uint32 DoubleSpeedThreshold ;
[read : ToSubClass, Units ("Mickeys"),
Description ("The QuadSpeedThreshold property contains the one of two "
"acceleration threshold values. The system doubles the speed of the "
"pointer movement when the pointer device moves a distance greater "
"than this value. Since this speed increase occurs after the "
"DoubleSpeedThreshold has been met, pointer effectively moves at four "
"times it original speed"): ToSubClass,
MappingStrings {"Win32API|System Information Functions|"
"SystemParametersInfo"}: ToSubClass ]
uint32 QuadSpeedThreshold ;
[read : ToSubClass ,
Description ("The DeviceInterface property indicates the type of "
"interface used for the pointing device."): ToSubClass,
MappingStrings {"SMBIOS|Type 21|Interface"} : ToSubClass,
Values {"Other", "Unknown", "Serial", "PS/2", "Infrared", "HP-HIL",
"Bus mouse", "ADB (Apple Desktop Bus)", "Bus mouse DB-9",
"Bus mouse micro-DIN", "USB" }: ToSubClass,
ValueMap {"1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8",
"160", "161", "162"}: ToSubClass]
uint16 DeviceInterface;
[read : ToSubClass ,
Description ("The Manufacturer property specifies the name of "
"the processor's manufacturer.\nExample: GenuineSilicon"): ToSubClass,
MappingStrings {"WMI"}: ToSubClass ]
string Manufacturer ;
[Dynamic, Provider ("CIMWin32") , Description (
"The Win32_Keyboard class represents a keyboard installed on a Win32 "
"system.\nExample: A Microsoft Natural(R) keyboard"),
Locale (0x409), UUID ("{8502C4B5-5FBB-11D2-AAC1-006008C78BC7}") ]
class Win32_Keyboard:CIM_Keyboard
[Override("DeviceId") ,Description (
"DeviceID is an address or other identifying information to uniquely name "
"the logical device.") , Key, Read ]
string DeviceID ;
[Dynamic, Provider ("CIMWin32"), Description (
"The Win32_VideoController class represents the capabilities and "
"management capacity of the video controller on a Win32 computer system. "
"\nExamples: Video adapter manufacturer, chipset version, display resolution, "
"and number of colors."): ToSubClass,
Locale (0x409), UUID("{1008CCF1-7BFF-11D2-AAD2-006008C78BC7}") ]
class Win32_VideoController:CIM_PCVideoController
[Read: ToSubClass, Key: ToSubClass, Override("DeviceId"): ToSubClass,
Description ("The DeviceID property contains a identifier (unique "
"to the computer system) for this video controller."): ToSubClass,
MappingStrings {"WMI"}: ToSubClass]
string DeviceID ;
[Read :ToSubClass,
Description ("The AdapterCompatibility properties contains "
"the general chip set used for this controller in order to compare "
"compatibilities with the system"): ToSubClass,
MappingStrings {"Win32Registry"}: ToSubClass ]
string AdapterCompatibility ;
[Read :ToSubClass,
Description ("The AdapterDACType property contains a string of the "
"Digital-to-Analog converter (DAC) chip name or ID.\nCharacter Set: "
"Alphanumeric"): ToSubClass,
MappingStrings {"Win32Registry|HardwareInformation."
"DACType"}: ToSubClass ]
string AdapterDACType ;
[Read :ToSubClass, Units ("Bytes"): ToSubClass,
Description ("The AdapterRAM property indicates the memory size of "
"the video adapter. \nExample: 64000"): ToSubClass,
MappingStrings {"Win32Registry|HardwareInformation."
"MemorySize"}: ToSubClass ]
uint32 AdapterRAM ;
[Read: ToSubClass, Units ("Hertz"): ToSubClass,
Override("CurrentRefreshRate"): ToSubClass,
Description("The CurrentRefreshRate property specifies the "
"frequency at which the video controller refreshes the image "
"for the monitor. A value of 0 indicates the default "
"rate is being used, while 0xFFFFFFFF indicates the "
"optimal rate is being used."): ToSubClass,
MappingStrings {"Win32Registry|HardwareInformation."}: ToSubClass ]
uint32 CurrentRefreshRate;
[Read :ToSubClass,
Description ("The Monochrome property indicates whether gray scale "
"or color is used to display images."): ToSubClass,
MappingStrings {"WMI"}: ToSubClass ]
boolean Monochrome ;
[Read :ToSubClass,
Description("The DitherType property indicates the dither type of the "
"video controller. The property can be one of the following predefined "
"values, or a driver-defined value greater than or equal to 256: "
"Value Meaning :-"
"1 - No dithering. "
"2 - Dithering with a coarse brush. "
"3 - Dithering with a fine brush. "
"4 - Line art dithering; a special dithering "
" method that produces well defined borders "
" between black, white, and gray scalings. "
" It is not suitable for images that include "
" continuous graduations in intensity and "
" hue such as scanned photographs. "
"5 - Device does grayscaling. " ),
MappingStrings {"Win32API|Device Context Functions|"
"EnumDisplaySettings"}: ToSubClass,
Values {"No dithering","Dithering with a coarse brush",
"Dithering with a fine brush", "Line art dithering",
"Device does gray scaling"}: ToSubClass,
ValueMap {"1","2","3","4","5"}: ToSubClass ]
uint32 DitherType ;
[Read :ToSubClass,
Description ("The InfFilename property indicates the path to the "
"video adapter's .INF file. \nExample: C:\\WINNT\\SYSTEM32\\DRIVERS"): ToSubClass,
MappingStrings {"Win32Registry|SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\"
"Class\\{4D36E968-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}\\0000"}: ToSubClass ]
string InfFilename ;
[Read :ToSubClass,
Description ("The InfSection property indicates the section of the "
".INF file where the Win32 video information resides."): ToSubClass,
MappingStrings {"Win32Registry|SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\"
"Class\\{4D36E968-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}\\0000"}: ToSubClass ]
string InfSection ;
[Read :ToSubClass,
Description ("The InstalledDisplayDrivers property indicates the "
"name of the installed display device driver."): ToSubClass,
MappingStrings {"Win32Registry|System\\CurrentControlSet\\"
"Services\\Class\\"}: ToSubClass ]
string InstalledDisplayDrivers ;
[Read :ToSubClass,
Description ("The DriverDate property indicates the last "
"modification date and time of the currently-installed "
"video driver."): ToSubClass,
MappingStrings {"Win32Registry|System\\CurrentControlSet\\"
"Services\\Class\\"}: ToSubClass ]
datetime DriverDate ;
[Read :ToSubClass,
Description ("The DriverVersion property indicates the version number "
"of the video driver."): ToSubClass,
MappingStrings {"Win32API|File Installation Library Functions|"
"GetFileVersionInfo"}: ToSubClass ]
string DriverVersion ;
[Read :ToSubClass,
Description (
"The ICMIntent ( Image Color Matching Intent ) property indicates the "
"specific value of one of the three possible color matching methods, "
"(or intents) that should be used by default. This property is primarily "
"for non-ICM applications. ICM applications establish intents by "
"using the ICM functions. This property can be one of the following "
"predefined values, or a driver defined value greater than or equal "
"to 256."
"Value Meaning :-"
"1 - Color matching should optimize for color saturation. This value "
" is the most appropriate choice for business graphs when dithering "
" is not desired. "
"2 - Color matching should optimize for color contrast. This value "
" is the most appropriate choice for scanned or photographic images "
" when dithering is desired. "
"3 - Color matching should optimize to match the exact color requested. "
" This value is most appropriate for use with business logos or other "
" images when an exact color match is required. "),
MappingStrings {"Win32API|Printing and Print Spooler Structures|"
"DevMode|dmICMIntent"}: ToSubClass,
Values {"Saturation","Contrast", "Exact Color"}: ToSubClass,
ValueMap {"1","2","3"}: ToSubClass ]
uint32 ICMIntent ;
[Read :ToSubClass,
Description ( "The ICMMethod ( Image Color Matching Method ) property specifies how "
"ICM is handled. For a non-ICM application, this property shows how"
"ICM is enabled. For ICM applications, the system examines "
"this member to determine how to handle ICM support. This property can "
"be one of the following predefined values, or a driver-defined value "
"greater than or equal to 256."
"Value Meaning :-"
"1 - Specifies that ICM is disabled. "
"2 - Specifies that ICM is handled by Windows. "
"3 - Specifies that ICM is handled by the device driver. "
"4 - Specifies that ICM is handled by the destination device. "),
MappingStrings {"Win32API|Printing and Print Spooler Structures|"
"DevMode|dmICMMethod"}: ToSubClass,
Values {"Disabled", "Windows","Device Driver","Destination Device"}: ToSubClass,
ValueMap {"1","2","3","4"}: ToSubClass]
uint32 ICMMethod ;
[Read :ToSubClass,
Description ("The SpecificationVersion property indicates the version "
"number of the initialization data specification (upon which the "
"structure is based)."): ToSubClass,
MappingStrings {"Win32API|Printing and Print Spooler Structures|"
"DevMode|dmSpecVersion"}: ToSubClass ]
uint32 SpecificationVersion ;
[Read :ToSubClass,
Description (
"The ColorTableEntries property indicates the size of the system's "
"color table, if the device has a color depth of no more than "
"8 bits per pixel, null otherwise. <P>Example: 256"),
MappingStrings {"Win32API|Device Context Functions|"
"GetDeviceCaps"}: ToSubClass ]
uint32 ColorTableEntries ;
[Read :ToSubClass,
Description ("The DeviceSpecificPens property indicates the current "
"number of device-specific pens. 0xffff means the device does not "
"support pens. \nExample: 3"): ToSubClass,
MappingStrings {"Win32API|Device Context Functions|"
"GetDeviceCaps"}: ToSubClass ]
uint32 DeviceSpecificPens ;
[Read :ToSubClass,
Description (
"The ReservedSystemPaletteEntries property indicates the current number "
"of reserved entries in a system's color table. The operating system may "
"reserve entries to support standard colors for task bars and other "
"desktop display items. If the system is not using a palette, then "
"ReservedSystemPaletteEntries is null.<P>Example: 24."),
MappingStrings {"Win32API|Device Context Functions|"
"GetDeviceCaps"}: ToSubClass ]
uint32 ReservedSystemPaletteEntries ;
[Read :ToSubClass,
Description (
"The SystemPaletteEntries property indicates the current number of "
"entries in a system's color table. If the system is not using a "
"palette then SystemPaletteEntries is null.<P>Example: 256"),
MappingStrings {"Win32API|Device Context Functions|"
"GetDeviceCaps"}: ToSubClass ]
uint32 SystemPaletteEntries ;
[Read :ToSubClass,
Description ("The VideoModeDescription property indicates "
"the current resolution, color, and scan "
"mode settings of the video controller. \nExample: 1024 x 768 x "
"256 colors."): ToSubClass,
MappingStrings {"Win32API|Device Context Functions|"
"GetDeviceCaps"}: ToSubClass ]
string VideoModeDescription ;
[Dynamic, Provider ("CIMWin32"),
Description ("The Win32_DriverVXD class represents a virtual "
"device driver on a Win32 computer system. A virtual device is a program "
"that manages a system resource (such as a hardware device or "
"installed software) so that more than one application can use "
"the resource at the same time. Windows uses virtual devices to "
"allow multitasking for Windows-based applications. The virtual "
"devices work in conjunction with Windows to process interrupts, "
"and carry out I/O operations for a given application without "
"disrupting the execution of other applications.\n"
"Most virtual devices manage a hardware device and many also "
"manage or replace corresponding software such as ROM BIOS routines. "
"A virtual device can contain the device-specific code needed to "
"carry out actions on the device or it can rely on the other "
"software to carry out these operations. In all cases, the virtual "
"device keeps track of the state of the device for each application "
"and ensures that the device is in the correct state whenever an "
"application continues execution.\n"
"Some virtual devices manage only installed software, such as an "
"MS-DOS device driver or a Terminate and Stay Resident (TSR) "
"program. Such virtual devices often "
"contain code that either emulates the software or ensures that "
"the software uses data that applies only to the currently running "
"application. Virtual devices are sometimes used to improve the "
"performance of installed software; the Intel-compatible "
"microprocessors can execute the 32-bit code of a virtual device "
"more efficiently than the 16-bit code of an MS-DOS device driver "
"or TSR."): ToSubClass,
Locale (0x409), UUID ("{8502C4C8-5FBB-11D2-AAC1-006008C78BC7}") ]
class Win32_DriverVXD:CIM_SoftwareElement
[read : ToSubClass,
Description ("The Control property indicates the offset address to the "
"driver's control procedures. The virtual machine manager calls this "
"procedure to send control messages to the virtual device system. The "
"system control messages direct the virtual device to carry out "
"actions. An example of an action is initializing itself; another is "
"notifying the virtual device of changes to virtual machines (such "
"as a virtual machine is being created)."): ToSubClass,
MappingStrings {"Win32DDK|Virtual Devices|Device Control "
"Procedure"}: ToSubClass]
string Control ;
[read : ToSubClass,
Description ("The DeviceDescriptorBlock property indicates the offset "
"address to the device descriptor block (DDB) structure. The DDB "
"contains information that the operating system uses to execute the "
"procedures of the driver, including its location in the interrupt list, and "
"other data to run and communicate with this VXD."): ToSubClass,
MappingStrings {"Win32DDK|Virtual Devices|Device Descriptor "
"Block"}: ToSubClass ]
string DeviceDescriptorBlock ;
[read : ToSubClass,
Description ("The PM_API indicates the offset address to the "
"protected mode application programming interface for this VXD. "
"These functions can give applications direct access to the features "
"of the VXD."): ToSubClass,
MappingStrings {"Win32DDK|Virtual Devices|Device Descriptor "
"Block|PM_API"}: ToSubClass]
string PM_API ;
[read : ToSubClass,
Description ("The ServiceTableSize property indicates the number of "
"installed services and device driver services provided by the "
"operating system.\nExample: 1024"): ToSubClass,
MappingStrings {"Win32DDK|Virtual Devices|Device Descriptor "
"Block|ServiceTableSize"}: ToSubClass]
uint32 ServiceTableSize ;
[read : ToSubClass,
Description ("The V86_API indicates the offset to the application "
"programming interface for use under virtual 8086 mode. These "
"functions can give applications direct access to the features of "
"the VXD."): ToSubClass,
MappingStrings {"Win32DDK|Virtual Devices|Device Descriptor "
"Block|V86_API"}: ToSubClass]
string V86_API ;
[read : ToSubClass, Override ("Version"): ToSubClass,
Description ("The Version property indicates the version of the VXD "
"driver.\nExample: 3,51"): ToSubClass,
MappingStrings {"Win32DDK|Virtual Devices|Device Descriptor "
"Block|DDB_Dev_Major_Version,DDB_Dev_Minor_Version"}: ToSubClass]
string Version ;
[DEPRECATED, Dynamic, Provider ("CIMWin32"),
Description ("The Win32_DisplayConfiguration class represents "
"configuration information for the display device on a Win32 "
"system. This class is being deprecated in favor of the properties in "
"Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor, and "
"CIM_VideoControllerResolution"): ToSubClass,
Locale (0x409), UUID ("{8502C4E4-5FBB-11D2-AAC1-006008C78BC7}") ]
class Win32_DisplayConfiguration:CIM_Setting
[DEPRECATED, read: ToSubClass,
Description ("The BitsPerPel property indicates the number "
"of bits used to represent the color in this configuration "
"(the bits per pixel).\nExample: 8. \n"
"This property has been deprecated in favor of a corresponding "
"property(s) contained in the Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor "
"and//or CIM_VideoControllerResolution"): ToSubClass,
MappingStrings {"Win32API|Device Context Functions|GetDeviceCaps|"
"BITSPIXEL"}: ToSubClass ]
uint32 BitsPerPel ;
[DEPRECATED, read: ToSubClass, key: ToSubClass,
MaxLen(260): ToSubClass,
Description ("The DeviceName property indicates the name of the "
"display device. \n"
"This property has been deprecated in favor of a corresponding "
"property(s) contained in the Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor "
"and//or CIM_VideoControllerResolution"): ToSubClass,
MappingStrings {"WMI"}: ToSubClass]
string DeviceName ;
[DEPRECATED, read: ToSubClass,
Description ("The DisplayFlags property indicates whether the "
"display device is color (versus monochrome), and non-interlaced "
"(versus interlaced). By masking its value with the DM_GRAYSCALE "
"and DM_INTERLACED masks respectively, DisplayFlags "
"indicates whether the display device is color (versus monochrome), "
"and non-interlaced (versus interlaced). The DisplayFlags property "
"contains two bits of information about the display. \n"
"This property has been deprecated in favor of a corresponding "
"property(s) contained in the Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor "
"and//or CIM_VideoControllerResolution"): ToSubClass,
MappingStrings {"Win32API|Printing and Print Spooler Structures|"
"DEVMODE|dmDisplayFlags "}: ToSubClass]
uint32 DisplayFlags ;
[DEPRECATED, read: ToSubClass, Units ("Hertz"): ToSubClass,
Description ("The DisplayFrequency property indicates the display's "
"vertical refresh rate. The refresh rate for a monitor is the number of "
"times the screen is redrawn per second (frequency). \n"
"This property has been deprecated in favor of a corresponding "
"property(s) contained in the Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor "
"and//or CIM_VideoControllerResolution"): ToSubClass,
MappingStrings {"Win32API|Device Context Functions|GetDeviceCaps|"
"VREFRESH"}: ToSubClass ]
uint32 DisplayFrequency ;
[DEPRECATED, read: ToSubClass,
Description ("The DitherType property indicates the dither type of "
"the display. This property can assume predefined values of 1 to 5, or "
"driver-defined values from 6 to 256. Line art dithering is a "
"special dithering method that produces well-defined borders between "
"black, white, and gray scalings. It is not suitable for images that "
"include continuous graduations in intensity and hue (such as scanned "
"photographs). \n"
"This property has been deprecated in favor of a corresponding "
"property(s) contained in the Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor "
"and//or CIM_VideoControllerResolution"): ToSubClass,
MappingStrings {"Win32API|Printing and Print Spooler Structures|"
"DEVMODE|dmDitherType"}: ToSubClass,
Values {"No Dithering", "Coarse Brush", "Fine Brush", "Line Art",
"Greyscale"}: ToSubClass,
ValueMap {"1", "2", "3", "4", "5"}: ToSubClass]
uint32 DitherType ;
[DEPRECATED, read: ToSubClass,
Description ("The DriverVersion property indicates the release "
"version of the display driver. \n"
"This property has been deprecated in favor of a corresponding "
"property(s) contained in the Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor "
"and//or CIM_VideoControllerResolution"): ToSubClass,
MappingStrings {"Win32Registry|System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\"
"Class|Ver"}: ToSubClass ]
string DriverVersion ;
[DEPRECATED, read: ToSubClass,
Description ("The ICMIntent (Image Color Matching Intent) property "
"indicates the value of one of the three possible color "
"matching methods (intents) that should be used by default. "
"This property is used primarily for non-ICM applications. ICM "
"applications establish intents by using the ICM functions. This "
"property can assume predefined values of 1 to 3, or driver-defined "
"values from 4 to 256. \n"
"This property has been deprecated in favor of a corresponding "
"property(s) contained in the Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor "
"and//or CIM_VideoControllerResolution"): ToSubClass,
MappingStrings {"Win32API|Printing and Print Spooler Structures|"
"DEVMODE|dmICMIntent"}: ToSubClass,
Values {"Saturation", "Contrast", "Exact Color"}: ToSubClass,
ValueMap {"1", "2", "3"}: ToSubClass]
uint32 ICMIntent ;
[DEPRECATED, read: ToSubClass,
Description ("The ICMMethod (Image Color Matching Method) property "
"indicates how ICM is handled. For a non-ICM application, this "
"property indicates if ICM is enabled or disabled. For ICM "
"applications, the system examines this member to determine which "
"part of the computer system handles ICM support. \n"
"This property has been deprecated in favor of a corresponding "
"property(s) contained in the Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor "
"and//or CIM_VideoControllerResolution"): ToSubClass,
MappingStrings {"Win32API|Printing and Print Spooler Structures|"
"DEVMODE|dmICMMethod "}: ToSubClass,
Values {"Disabled", "Windows", "Device Driver", "Device"}: ToSubClass,
ValueMap {"1", "2", "3", "4"}: ToSubClass]
uint32 ICMMethod ;
[DEPRECATED, read: ToSubClass, Units ("Pixels"): ToSubClass,
Description ("The LogPixels property contains the number of pixels "
"per logical inch. This property is valid only with devices that work "
"with pixels (this excludes devices such as printers). \n"
"This property has been deprecated in favor of a corresponding "
"property(s) contained in the Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor "
"and//or CIM_VideoControllerResolution"): ToSubClass,
MappingStrings {"Win32API|Printing and Print Spooler Structures|"
"DEVMODE|dmLogPixels"}: ToSubClass]
uint32 LogPixels ;
[DEPRECATED, read: ToSubClass, Units ("Pixels"): ToSubClass,
Description ("The PelsHeight property indicates the height of the "
"displayable surface. \n"
"This property has been deprecated in favor of a corresponding "
"property(s) contained in the Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor "
"and//or CIM_VideoControllerResolution"): ToSubClass,
MappingStrings {"Win32API|Printing and Print Spooler Structures|"
"DEVMODE|dmPelsHeight "}: ToSubClass]
uint32 PelsHeight ;
[DEPRECATED, read: ToSubClass, Units ("Pixels"): ToSubClass,
Description ("The PelsWidth property indicates the width of the "
"displayable surface. \n"
"This property has been deprecated in favor of a corresponding "
"property(s) contained in the Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor "
"and//or CIM_VideoControllerResolution"): ToSubClass,
MappingStrings {"Win32API|Printing and Print Spooler Structures|"
"DEVMODE|dmPelsWidth "}: ToSubClass]
uint32 PelsWidth ;
[DEPRECATED, read: ToSubClass,
Description ("The SpecificationVersion property indicates the "
"version number of the initialization data for the Win32 display "
"device. \n"
"This property has been deprecated in favor of a corresponding "
"property(s) contained in the Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor "
"and//or CIM_VideoControllerResolution"): ToSubClass,
MappingStrings {"Win32API|Printing and Print Spooler Structures|"
"DEVMODE|dmSpecVersion"}: ToSubClass]
uint32 SpecificationVersion ;
[DEPRECATED, Dynamic, Provider ("CIMWin32"),
Description ("The Win32_DisplayControllerConfiguration class "
"represents the video adapter configuration information of a "
"Win32 system. This class has been deprecated in favor of "
"Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor, and "
"CIM_VideoControllerResolution classes"): ToSubClass,
Locale (0x409), UUID ("{8502C4E5-5FBB-11D2-AAC1-006008C78BC7}") ]
class Win32_DisplayControllerConfiguration:CIM_Setting
[DEPRECATED, read: ToSubClass,
Description ("The BitsPerPixel property indicates either the number "
"of bits used to represent the color in this configuration, or "
"the bits in each pixel.\nExample: 8 \n"
"This property has been deprecated in favor of a corresponding "
"property(s) contained in the Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor "
"and//or CIM_VideoControllerResolution"): ToSubClass,
MappingStrings {"Win32API|Device Context Functions|GetDeviceCaps|"
"BITSPIXEL"}: ToSubClass ]
uint32 BitsPerPixel ;
[DEPRECATED, read: ToSubClass,
Description ("The ColorPlanes property indicates the current number of"
"color planes used in the display configuration. A color plane is "
"another way to represent pixel colors. Instead of assigning a single "
"RGB value to each pixel, color planes separate the graphic into "
"each of the primary color components (red, green, blue), and store them "
"in their own planes. This allows for greater color depths on 8- "
"and 16-bit video systems. Present graphics systems have the "
"bitwidth large enough to store color depth information; meaning"
"only one color plane is needed.\nExample: 1 \n"
"This property has been deprecated in favor of a corresponding "
"property(s) contained in the Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor "
"and//or CIM_VideoControllerResolution"): ToSubClass,
MappingStrings {"Win32API|Device Context Functions|GetDeviceCaps|"
"PLANES"}: ToSubClass ]
uint32 ColorPlanes ;
[DEPRECATED, read: ToSubClass,
Description ("The DeviceEntriesInAColorTable property indicates "
"the number of color indexes in a color table of a display device. "
"If the device has a color depth of no more than 8 bits per pixel. "
"For devices with greater color depths, -1 is returned.\nExample: "
"256 \n"
"This property has been deprecated in favor of a corresponding "
"property(s) contained in the Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor "
"and//or CIM_VideoControllerResolution"): ToSubClass,
MappingStrings {"Win32API|Device Context Functions|GetDeviceCaps|"
"NUMCOLORS"}: ToSubClass ]
uint32 DeviceEntriesInAColorTable ;
[DEPRECATED, read: ToSubClass,
Description ("The DeviceSpecificPens property indicates the current "
"number of device-specific pens. A value of 0xFFFFFFFF means the "
"device does not support pens. Pens are logical properties that can "
"be assigned by the display controller to display devices, and are "
"used to draw lines, borders of polygons, and text."
"\nExample: 3 \n"
"This property has been deprecated in favor of a corresponding "
"property(s) contained in the Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor "
"and//or CIM_VideoControllerResolution"): ToSubClass,
MappingStrings {"Win32API|Device Context Functions|GetDeviceCaps|"
"NUMPENS"}: ToSubClass ]
uint32 DeviceSpecificPens ;
[DEPRECATED, read: ToSubClass, Units ("Pixels"): ToSubClass,
Description ("The HorizontalResolution property indicates the "
"current number of pixels in the horizontal direction (X axis) "
"of the display.\nExample: 1024 \n"
"This property has been deprecated in favor of a corresponding "
"property(s) contained in the Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor "
"and//or CIM_VideoControllerResolution"): ToSubClass,
MappingStrings {"Win32API|Device Context Functions|GetDeviceCaps|"
"HORZRES"}: ToSubClass ]
uint32 HorizontalResolution ;
[DEPRECATED, read: ToSubClass, key: ToSubClass,
Description ("The Name property contains the name of the adapter "
"used in this configuration. \n"
"This property has been deprecated in favor of a corresponding "
"property(s) contained in the Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor "
"and//or CIM_VideoControllerResolution"): ToSubClass,
MappingStrings {"WMI"}: ToSubClass ]
string Name ;
[DEPRECATED, read: ToSubClass, Units ("Hertz"): ToSubClass,
Description ("The RefreshRate property indicates the refresh rate of "
"the video adapter. A value of 0 or 1 indicates a default rate is "
"being used. A value of -1 indicates that an optimal rate is being used."
"\nExample: 72 \n"
"This property has been deprecated in favor of a corresponding "
"property(s) contained in the Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor "
"and//or CIM_VideoControllerResolution"): ToSubClass,
MappingStrings {"Win32API|Device Context Functions|GetDeviceCaps|"
sint32 RefreshRate ;
[DEPRECATED, read: ToSubClass,
Description ("The ReservedSystemPaletteEntries property indicates "
"the current number of color index entries reserved for system use. "
"This value is only valid for display settings that use an indexed "
"palette. Indexed palettes are not used for color depths greater "
"than 8 bits per pixel. If the color depth is more than 8 bits per "
"pixel, this value is set to NULL.\nExample: 20 \n"
"This property has been deprecated in favor of a corresponding "
"property(s) contained in the Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor "
"and//or CIM_VideoControllerResolution"): ToSubClass,
MappingStrings {"Win32API|Device Context Functions|GetDeviceCaps|"
"NUMRESERVED"}: ToSubClass ]
uint32 ReservedSystemPaletteEntries ;
[DEPRECATED, read: ToSubClass,
Description ("The SystemPaletteEntries property indicates "
"the current number of color index entries reserved for system use. "
"This value is only valid for display settings that use an indexed "
"palette . Indexed palettes are not used for color depths greater "
"than 8 bits per pixel. If the color depth is more than 8 bits per "
"pixel, this value is set to NULL.\nExample: 20 \n"
"This property has been deprecated in favor of a corresponding "
"property(s) contained in the Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor "
"and//or CIM_VideoControllerResolution"): ToSubClass,
MappingStrings {"Win32API|Device Context Functions|GetDeviceCaps|"
"NUMRESERVED"}: ToSubClass ]
uint32 SystemPaletteEntries ;
[DEPRECATED, read: ToSubClass, Units ("Pixels"): ToSubClass,
Description ("The VerticalResolution property indicates the current "
"number of pixels in the vertical direction (Y axis) of the display."
"\nExample: 768 \n"
"This property has been deprecated in favor of a corresponding "
"property(s) contained in the Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor "
"and//or CIM_VideoControllerResolution"): ToSubClass,
MappingStrings {"Win32API|Device Context Functions|GetDeviceCaps|"
"VERTRES"}: ToSubClass ]
uint32 VerticalResolution ;
[DEPRECATED, read: ToSubClass,
Description ("The VideoMode property contains a user readable "
"description of the current screen resolution and color setting "
"of the display.\nExample: 1024 X 768 with 256 colors. \n"
"This property has been deprecated in favor of a corresponding "
"property(s) contained in the Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor "
"and//or CIM_VideoControllerResolution"): ToSubClass,
MappingStrings {"WMI"}: ToSubClass ]
string VideoMode ;
Description ("The Win32_VideoConfiguration class is not active in "
"releases after Windows 2000. It will not return any instances as "
"there is no provider backing it. \n"
"The Win32_VideoConfiguration class represents a "
"configuration of a video subsystem. This class has been "
"deprecated in favor of the properties contained in the "
"Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor, and "
"CIM_VideoControllerResolution classes"): ToSubClass,
Locale (0x409), UUID ("{8502C4ED-5FBB-11D2-AAC1-006008C78BC7}") ]
class Win32_VideoConfiguration:CIM_Setting
[DEPRECATED, read: ToSubClass, Units ("Bits Per Pixel"):ToSubClass,
Description ("The ActualColorResolution property indicates the "
"current color depth of the video display. \n"
"This property has been deprecated in favor of a corresponding "
"property(s) contained in the Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor "
"and//or CIM_VideoControllerResolution"): ToSubClass,
MappingStrings {"Win32API|Device Context Functions|GetDeviceCaps|"
"COLORRES"}: ToSubClass]
uint32 ActualColorResolution ;
[DEPRECATED, read: ToSubClass,
Description ("The AdapterChipType property contains the name of "
"the adapter chip.\nExample: s3 \n"
"This property has been deprecated in favor of a corresponding "
"property(s) contained in the Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor "
"and//or CIM_VideoControllerResolution"): ToSubClass,
MappingStrings {"Win32Registry|System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\"
"Class\\Info|ChipType"}: ToSubClass]
string AdapterChipType ;
[DEPRECATED, read: ToSubClass, key: ToSubClass,
MaxLen (256): ToSubClass,
Description ("The AdapterCompatibility property specifies the "
"name of the manufacturer of the adapter. This name can be used to "
"compare the compatibility of this device with the needs of the "
"computer system. \n"
"This property has been deprecated in favor of a corresponding "
"property(s) contained in the Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor "
"and//or CIM_VideoControllerResolution"): ToSubClass,
MappingStrings {"WMI"}: ToSubClass]
string AdapterCompatibility ;
[DEPRECATED, read: ToSubClass,
Description ("The AdapterDACType property indicates the name of the "
"digital-to-analog chip (DAC) used in the adapter. \n"
"This property has been deprecated in favor of a corresponding "
"property(s) contained in the Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor "
"and//or CIM_VideoControllerResolution"): ToSubClass,
MappingStrings {"Win32Registry|System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\"
"Class\\Info|DACType"}: ToSubClass ]
string AdapterDACType ;
[DEPRECATED, read: ToSubClass,
Description ("The AdapterDescription property contains a description "
"or descriptive name of the video adapter. \n"
"This property has been deprecated in favor of a corresponding "
"property(s) contained in the Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor "
"and//or CIM_VideoControllerResolution"): ToSubClass,
MappingStrings {"WMI"}: ToSubClass ]
string AdapterDescription ;
[DEPRECATED, read: ToSubClass, Units ("Bytes"): ToSubClass,
Description ("The AdapterRAM property indicates the memory size of "
"the video adapter.\nExample: 16777216 \n"
"This property has been deprecated in favor of a corresponding "
"property(s) contained in the Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor "
"and//or CIM_VideoControllerResolution"): ToSubClass,
MappingStrings {"Win32Registry|System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\"
"Class\\Info|VideoMemory"}: ToSubClass ]
uint32 AdapterRAM ;
[DEPRECATED, read: ToSubClass,
Description ("The AdapterType property indicates the type of video adapter."
"\nCharacter Set: Alphanumeric \n"
"This property has been deprecated in favor of a corresponding "
"property(s) contained in the Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor "
"and//or CIM_VideoControllerResolution"): ToSubClass,
MappingStrings {"Win32Registry|HARDWARE\\Description\\System\\"
"DisplayController\\0\\Identifier"}: ToSubClass]
string AdapterType ;
[DEPRECATED, read: ToSubClass,
Description ("The BitsPerPixel property indicates the actual number "
"of bits per pixel representing the display. This may be scaled to "
"the current video setting (represented by the ActualColorResolution "
"property) of the user.\nExample: 8 \n"
"This property has been deprecated in favor of a corresponding "
"property(s) contained in the Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor "
"and//or CIM_VideoControllerResolution"): ToSubClass,
MappingStrings {"Win32API|Device Context Functions|GetDeviceCaps|"
"BITSPIXEL"}: ToSubClass ]
uint32 BitsPerPixel ;
[DEPRECATED, read: ToSubClass,
Description ("The ColorPlanes property indicates the current number "
"of color planes used in the video display. A color plane is "
"another way to represent pixel colors; instead of assigning a single "
"RGB value to each a pixel, color planes separate the graphic into "
"each of the primary color components (red green blue), and store them "
"in their own planes. This allows for greater color depths on 8 "
"and 16 bit video systems. Present graphics systems have the "
"bitwidth large enough to store color depth information, making only one color plane necessary."
"\nExample: 1 \n"
"This property has been deprecated in favor of a corresponding "
"property(s) contained in the Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor "
"and//or CIM_VideoControllerResolution"): ToSubClass,
MappingStrings {"Win32API|Device Context Functions|GetDeviceCaps|"
"PLANES"}: ToSubClass ]
uint32 ColorPlanes ;
[DEPRECATED, read: ToSubClass,
Description ("The ColorTableEntries property indicates "
"the number of color indexes in a color table for a video display. "
"This property is used if the device has a color depth of no more "
"than 8 bits per pixel. For devices with greater color depths, "
"-1 is returned.\nExample: 256 \n"
"This property has been deprecated in favor of a corresponding "
"property(s) contained in the Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor "
"and//or CIM_VideoControllerResolution"): ToSubClass,
MappingStrings {"Win32API|Device Context Functions|GetDeviceCaps|"
"NUMCOLORS"}: ToSubClass ]
uint32 ColorTableEntries ;
[DEPRECATED, read: ToSubClass,
Description ("The DeviceSpecificPens property indicates the current "
"number of device-specific pens. A value of 0xFFFFFFFF means the "
"device does not support pens. Pens are used to draw lines and the"
"borders of polygonal objects.\nExample: 3 \n"
"This property has been deprecated in favor of a corresponding "
"property(s) contained in the Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor "
"and//or CIM_VideoControllerResolution"): ToSubClass,
MappingStrings {"Win32API|Device Context Functions|GetDeviceCaps|"
"NUMPENS"}: ToSubClass ]
uint32 DeviceSpecificPens ;
[DEPRECATED, read: ToSubClass,
Description ("The DriverDate property indicates the date and time "
"the current video driver was installed. \n"
"This property has been deprecated in favor of a corresponding "
"property(s) contained in the Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor "
"and//or CIM_VideoControllerResolution"): ToSubClass,
MappingStrings {"Win32Registry|System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\"
"Class\\AdapterDescription|DriverDate"}: ToSubClass ]
datetime DriverDate ;
[DEPRECATED, read: ToSubClass,
Description ("The HorizontalResolution property indicates the "
"current number of pixels in the horizontal direction (X axis) "
"of the display.\nExample: 1024 \n"
"This property has been deprecated in favor of a corresponding "
"property(s) contained in the Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor "
"and//or CIM_VideoControllerResolution"): ToSubClass,
MappingStrings {"Win32API|Device Context Functions|GetDeviceCaps|"
"HORZRES"}: ToSubClass ]
uint32 HorizontalResolution ;
[DEPRECATED, read: ToSubClass,
Description ("The InfFilename property specifies the path to the "
".inf file of the video driver.\nExample: C:\\WINNT\\SYSTEM32\\"
"This property has been deprecated in favor of a corresponding "
"property(s) contained in the Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor "
"and//or CIM_VideoControllerResolution"): ToSubClass,
MappingStrings {"Win32Registry|System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\"
"Class|InfPath"}: ToSubClass]
string InfFilename ;
[DEPRECATED, read: ToSubClass,
Description ("The InfSection property indicates the section of the "
".inf file where the Win32 video information resides. \n"
"This property has been deprecated in favor of a corresponding "
"property(s) contained in the Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor "
"and//or CIM_VideoControllerResolution"): ToSubClass,
MappingStrings {"Win32Registry|System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\"
"Class|InfSection"}: ToSubClass ]
string InfSection ;
[DEPRECATED, read: ToSubClass,
Description ("The InstalledDisplayDrivers property indicates the "
"name of the installed video driver. \n"
"This property has been deprecated in favor of a corresponding "
"property(s) contained in the Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor "
"and//or CIM_VideoControllerResolution"): ToSubClass,
MappingStrings {"Win32Registry|System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services"
"\\Class\\Defaule|drv"}: ToSubClass ]
string InstalledDisplayDrivers ;
[DEPRECATED, read: ToSubClass,
Description ("The MonitorManufacturer property indicates the name "
"of the manufacturer of the display device.\nExample: NEC \n"
"This property has been deprecated in favor of a corresponding "
"property(s) contained in the Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor "
"and//or CIM_VideoControllerResolution"): ToSubClass,
MappingStrings {"WMI"}: ToSubClass ]
string MonitorManufacturer ;
[DEPRECATED, read: ToSubClass,
Description ("The MonitorType property indicates the model name of "
"the display device.\nExample: NEC 5FGp \n"
"This property has been deprecated in favor of a corresponding "
"property(s) contained in the Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor "
"and//or CIM_VideoControllerResolution"): ToSubClass,
MappingStrings {"Win32Registry|HARDWARE\\Description\\System\\"
"MonitorPeripheral\\0|Identifier"}: ToSubClass ]
string MonitorType ;
[DEPRECATED, read: ToSubClass, key: ToSubClass,
MaxLen (256): ToSubClass,
Description ("The Name property contains an identifying name for "
"the video configuration class. \n"
"This property has been deprecated in favor of a corresponding "
"property(s) contained in the Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor "
"and//or CIM_VideoControllerResolution"): ToSubClass,
MappingStrings {"WMI"}: ToSubClass ]
string Name ;
[DEPRECATED, read: ToSubClass,
Description ("The PixelsPerXLogicalInch property indicates the "
"number of pixels per logical inch along the X axis (horizontal "
"direction) of the display. \n"
"This property has been deprecated in favor of a corresponding "
"property(s) contained in the Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor "
"and//or CIM_VideoControllerResolution"): ToSubClass,
MappingStrings {"Win32API|Device Context Functions|GetDeviceCaps|"
"LOGPIXELSX"}: ToSubClass]
uint32 PixelsPerXLogicalInch ;
[DEPRECATED, read: ToSubClass,
Description ("The PixelsPerYLogicalInch property indicates the "
"number of pixels per logical inch along the Y axis (vertical "
"direction) of the display. \n"
"This property has been deprecated in favor of a corresponding "
"property(s) contained in the Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor "
"and//or CIM_VideoControllerResolution"): ToSubClass,
MappingStrings {"Win32API|Device Context Functions|GetDeviceCaps|"
"LOGPIXELSY"}: ToSubClass ]
uint32 PixelsPerYLogicalInch ;
[DEPRECATED, read: ToSubClass,
Description ("The RefreshRate property indicates the refresh rate of "
"the video configuration. A value of 0 or 1 indicates a default rate "
"is being used.\nExample: 72 \n"
"This property has been deprecated in favor of a corresponding "
"property(s) contained in the Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor "
"and//or CIM_VideoControllerResolution"): ToSubClass,
MappingStrings {"Win32API|Device Context Functions|GetDeviceCaps|"
"VREFRESH"}: ToSubClass ]
uint32 RefreshRate ;
[DEPRECATED, read: ToSubClass,
Description ("The ScanMode property determines whether the display "
"device is interlaced. \n"
"This property has been deprecated in favor of a corresponding "
"property(s) contained in the Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor "
"and//or CIM_VideoControllerResolution"): ToSubClass,
MappingStrings {"Win32Registry|System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services|"
"Device0|DefaultSettings.Interlaced"}: ToSubClass,
Values {"Non Interlaced", "Interlaced"}: ToSubClass]
string ScanMode ;
[DEPRECATED, read: ToSubClass, Units ("Millimeters"): ToSubClass,
Description ("The ScreenHeight property specifies the height of the "
"physical screen. \n"
"This property has been deprecated in favor of a corresponding "
"property(s) contained in the Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor "
"and//or CIM_VideoControllerResolution"): ToSubClass,
MappingStrings {"Win32API|Device Context Functions|GetDeviceCaps|"
"VERTSIZE"}: ToSubClass ]
uint32 ScreenHeight ;
[DEPRECATED, read: ToSubClass, Units ("Millimeters"): ToSubClass,
Description ("The ScreenWidth property specifies the width of the "
"physical screen. \n"
"This property has been deprecated in favor of a corresponding "
"property(s) contained in the Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor "
"and//or CIM_VideoControllerResolution"): ToSubClass,
MappingStrings {"Win32API|Device Context Functions|GetDeviceCaps|"
"HORZSIZE"}: ToSubClass ]
uint32 ScreenWidth ;
[DEPRECATED, read: ToSubClass,
Description ("The SystemPaletteEntries property indicates "
"the current number of color index entries reserved for system use. "
"This value is only valid for display settings that use an indexed "
"palette . Indexed palettes are not used for color depths greater "
"than 8 bits per pixel. If the color depth is more than 8 bits per "
"pixel, this value is set to NULL.\nExample: 20 \n"
"This property has been deprecated in favor of a corresponding "
"property(s) contained in the Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor "
"and//or CIM_VideoControllerResolution"): ToSubClass,
MappingStrings {"Win32API|Device Context Functions|GetDeviceCaps|"
"SIZEPALETTE"}: ToSubClass ]
uint32 SystemPaletteEntries ;
[DEPRECATED, read: ToSubClass,
Description ("The VerticalResolution property indicates the "
"current number of pixels in the vertical direction (Y axis) "
"of the display.\nExample: 768 \n"
"This property has been deprecated in favor of a corresponding "
"property(s) contained in the Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor "
"and//or CIM_VideoControllerResolution"): ToSubClass,
MappingStrings {"Win32API|Device Context Functions|GetDeviceCaps|"
"VERTRES"}: ToSubClass ]
uint32 VerticalResolution ;
[Dynamic, Provider ("CIMWin32"),
Description ("The WIn32_VideoSettings class represents an association "
"between a video controller and video settings that can be applied "
"to it."): ToSubClass,
Locale (0x409), UUID ("{1008CCEE-7BFF-11D2-AAD2-006008C78BC7}") ]
class Win32_VideoSettings : CIM_VideoSetting
[Read: ToSubClass, Key: ToSubClass, Override ("Element"): ToSubClass,
Description ("The Element reference represents the "
"Win32_VideoController containing the properties of the video "
"controller that a video setting can be used on."): ToSubClass,
MappingStrings {"WMI|Win32_VideoController"}: ToSubClass]
Win32_VideoController REF Element;
[Read: ToSubClass, Key: ToSubClass, Override ("Setting"): ToSubClass,
Description ("The Setting reference represents a "
"CIM_VideoControllerResolution containing settings that can be "
"applied to the video controller."): ToSubClass,
MappingStrings {"CIM|CIM_VideoControllerResolution"}: ToSubClass]
CIM_VideoControllerResolution REF Setting;
[Dynamic, Provider ("CIMWin32"),
Description ("The Win32_SoundDevice class represents the properties of "
"a sound device on a Win32 computer system."): ToSubClass,
Locale (0x409), UUID ("{8502C50C-5FBB-11D2-AAC1-006008C78BC7}") ]
class Win32_SoundDevice:CIM_LogicalDevice
[Read: ToSubClass, Override("DeviceId"),
Key: ToSubClass, MaxLen (260): ToSubClass,
Description ("The DeviceID property contains information "
"that uniquely identifies the sound device."): ToSubClass,
MappingStrings {"Win32Registry|SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\control\\"
"MediaResources\\wave|DeviceID"}: ToSubClass]
string DeviceID ;
[read: ToSubClass, Units ("Kilobytes"): ToSubClass,
Description ("The DMABufferSize property indicates the size of the "
"Direct Memory Access buffer.\nExample: 4"): ToSubClass,
MappingStrings {"WMI"}: ToSubClass ]
uint16 DMABufferSize;
[read: ToSubClass,
Description ("The Manufacturer property names the manufacturer "
"of the sound device.\nExample: Creative Labs"): ToSubClass,
MappingStrings {"WMI"}: ToSubClass ]
string Manufacturer;
[read: ToSubClass,
Description ("The MPU401Address property indicates the starting I/O "
"address assigned to the MPU-401 port of the sound device."
"\nExample: 300"): ToSubClass,
MappingStrings {"WMI"}: ToSubClass ]
uint32 MPU401Address;
[read: ToSubClass,
Description ("The ProductName property indicates the product "
"name of the sound device.\nExample: Creative Labs SoundBlaster "
"AWE64PNP"): ToSubClass,
MappingStrings {"Win32API|Multimedia Structures|WAVEOUTCAPS|"
"szPname"}: ToSubClass ]
string ProductName ;