Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
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// Copyright (c) 1998-1999 Microsoft Corporation
// alanbos 22-Sep-98 Created.
// Defines the CSWbemProxyCache class
#include "precomp.h"
// Need to try and figure out the domain
static BSTR BuildDomainUser (BSTR bsSimpleUser)
BSTR bsDomainUser = NULL;
if (OpenThreadToken (GetCurrentThread (), TOKEN_QUERY, TRUE, &hToken) ||
OpenProcessToken (GetCurrentProcess (), TOKEN_READ, &hToken))
// Get the user sid
DWORD dwLen = 0;
GetTokenInformation (hToken, TokenUser, &tu, sizeof(tu), &dwLen);
if (0 < dwLen)
BYTE* pTemp = new BYTE[dwLen];
if (pTemp)
DWORD dwRealLen = dwLen;
if (GetTokenInformation (hToken, TokenUser, pTemp, dwRealLen, &dwLen))
PSID pSid = ((TOKEN_USER*)pTemp)->User.Sid;
// Do the first lookup to get the buffer sizes required.
DWORD dwNameLen = 0;
DWORD dwDomainLen = 0;
LPWSTR pUser = 0;
LPWSTR pDomain = 0;
LookupAccountSidW (NULL, pSid, pUser, &dwNameLen,
pDomain, &dwDomainLen, &Use);
DWORD dwLastErr = GetLastError();
// Allocate the required buffers and look them up again.
pUser = new WCHAR [dwNameLen + 1];
if (pUser)
pDomain = new WCHAR [dwDomainLen + wcslen (bsSimpleUser) + 2];
if (pDomain)
if (LookupAccountSidW (NULL, pSid, pUser, &dwNameLen,
pDomain, &dwDomainLen, &Use))
// Now get the domain out
if (pDomain)
wcscat (pDomain, L"\\");
wcscat (pDomain, bsSimpleUser);
bsDomainUser = SysAllocString (pDomain);
delete [] pDomain;
delete [] pUser;
delete [] pTemp;
return bsDomainUser;
// CSWbemProxyCache::CSWbemProxyCache
// Create a new proxy cache based on the supplied proxy and
// authentication parameters.
CSWbemProxyCache::CSWbemProxyCache (
IUnknown *pUnk,
BSTR bsAuthority,
BSTR bsUser,
BSTR bsPassword,
CWbemLocatorSecurity *pLocatorSecurity)
InitializeCriticalSection (&m_cs);
EnterCriticalSection (&m_cs);
InitializeMembers (pUnk);
// Don't need this any more - the scenario this was fixing (see SMS Bug DB #53347) works in Whistler
// without this workaround. Also, this is causing Scripting to fail with UPN names since DetermineLoginTypeEx
// below doesn't recognize UPN user names.
if (CSWbemSecurity::IsNT() && bsUser && (0 < wcslen (bsUser)))
// On NT make sure we have a valid domain name if one is not specified
BSTR bsDomain = NULL;
BSTR bsSimpleUser = NULL;
BSTR bsPrincipalDummy = NULL;
if (SUCCEEDED (DetermineLoginTypeEx (bsDomain, bsSimpleUser, bsPrincipalDummy,
bsAuthority, bsUser)))
if (!bsDomain || (0 == wcslen (bsDomain)))
m_bsUser = BuildDomainUser (bsSimpleUser);
SysFreeString (bsPrincipalDummy);
SysFreeString (bsSimpleUser);
SysFreeString (bsDomain);
// Unless we've already set this, do it now
if (!m_bsUser)
m_bsUser = SysAllocString (bsUser);
m_bsAuthority = SysAllocString (bsAuthority);
m_bsPassword = SysAllocString (bsPassword);
m_bUsingExplicitUserName = m_bsUser && (0 < wcslen (m_bsUser));
InitializeCache (pUnk, pLocatorSecurity,
(pLocatorSecurity) && pLocatorSecurity->IsAuthenticationSet (),
(pLocatorSecurity) && pLocatorSecurity->IsImpersonationSet ());
// No longer need the credentials at this point - zap 'em
ClearCredentials ();
LeaveCriticalSection (&m_cs);
// CSWbemProxyCache::CSWbemProxyCache
// Create a new proxy cache based on the supplied proxy and
// authentication parameters.
CSWbemProxyCache::CSWbemProxyCache (
IUnknown *pUnk,
BSTR bsPrincipal,
BSTR bsAuthority)
InitializeCriticalSection (&m_cs);
EnterCriticalSection (&m_cs);
InitializeMembers (pUnk);
if (bsAuthority)
m_bsAuthority = SysAllocString (bsAuthority);
if (bsPrincipal)
m_bsPrincipal = SysAllocString (bsPrincipal);
if (pCoAuthIdentity)
WbemAllocAuthIdentity (pCoAuthIdentity->User, pCoAuthIdentity->Password,
pCoAuthIdentity->Domain, &m_pCoAuthIdentity);
m_bUsingExplicitUserName = m_pCoAuthIdentity && m_pCoAuthIdentity->User &&
(0 < wcslen (m_pCoAuthIdentity->User));
InitializeCache (pUnk);
LeaveCriticalSection (&m_cs);
CSWbemProxyCache::CSWbemProxyCache (
IUnknown *pUnk,
CSWbemSecurity *pSecurity)
InitializeCriticalSection (&m_cs);
EnterCriticalSection (&m_cs);
InitializeMembers (pUnk);
if (pSecurity)
m_pCoAuthIdentity = pSecurity->GetCoAuthIdentity ();
m_bsPrincipal = SysAllocString (pSecurity->GetPrincipal ());
m_bsAuthority = SysAllocString (pSecurity->GetAuthority ());
m_bUsingExplicitUserName = pSecurity->IsUsingExplicitUserName ();
InitializeCache (pUnk, pSecurity);
LeaveCriticalSection (&m_cs);
void CSWbemProxyCache::InitializeMembers (IUnknown *pUnk)
m_cRef = 1;
m_pCoAuthIdentity = NULL;
m_bsPrincipal = NULL;
m_bsAuthority = NULL;
m_bsUser = NULL;
m_bsPassword = NULL;
m_bUsingExplicitUserName = false;
m_bUseDefaultInfo = DetermineBlanketOptions (pUnk);
// CSWbemProxyCache::~CSWbemProxyCache
CSWbemProxyCache::~CSWbemProxyCache ()
EnterCriticalSection (&m_cs);
ClearCredentials ();
if (m_bsAuthority)
SysFreeString (m_bsAuthority);
if (m_bsPrincipal)
SysFreeString (m_bsPrincipal);
if (m_pCoAuthIdentity)
WbemFreeAuthIdentity (m_pCoAuthIdentity);
m_pCoAuthIdentity = NULL;
for (int i = 0; i < WBEMS_MAX_AUTHN_LEVEL + 1 - WBEMS_MIN_AUTHN_LEVEL; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < WBEMS_MAX_IMP_LEVEL + 1 - WBEMS_MIN_IMP_LEVEL; j++)
if (pUnkArray [i][j])
pUnkArray [i][j] -> Release ();
pUnkArray [i] [j] = NULL;
LeaveCriticalSection (&m_cs);
DeleteCriticalSection (&m_cs);
// HRESULT CSWbemProxyCache::QueryInterface
// long CSWbemProxyCache::AddRef
// long CSWbemProxyCache::Release
// Standard Com IUNKNOWN functions.
STDMETHODIMP CSWbemProxyCache::QueryInterface (
if (IID_IUnknown==riid)
if (NULL!=*ppv)
return NOERROR;
return ResultFromScode(E_NOINTERFACE);
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CSWbemProxyCache::AddRef(void)
long l = InterlockedIncrement(&m_cRef);
return l;
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CSWbemProxyCache::Release(void)
long l = InterlockedDecrement(&m_cRef);
if (0L!=l)
return l;
delete this;
return 0;
// CSWbemProxyCache::SetBlanketOptions
// Called from constructor only to set up interaction mode with
// SetBlanket calls.
bool CSWbemProxyCache::DetermineBlanketOptions (IUnknown *pUnk)
bool result = false;
if (CSWbemSecurity::IsNT() && (4 < CSWbemSecurity::GetNTMajorVersion ()))
if (OpenThreadToken (GetCurrentThread (), TOKEN_QUERY, true, &hToken))
// Certainly a candidate to use default settings for
// authorization and authentication service on the blanket.
// Check if we are delegating.
DWORD dwBytesReturned = 0;
if (GetTokenInformation(hToken, TokenImpersonationLevel, &impLevel,
sizeof(SECURITY_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL), &dwBytesReturned) &&
(SecurityDelegation == impLevel))
// Looks promising - now check for whether we are using kerberos
IClientSecurity *pSec;
DWORD dwAuthnSvc, dwAuthzSvc, dwImp, dwAuth, dwCapabilities;
if (pUnk && SUCCEEDED(pUnk->QueryInterface(IID_IClientSecurity, (void **) &pSec)))
if (SUCCEEDED (pSec->QueryBlanket(pUnk, &dwAuthnSvc, &dwAuthzSvc,
&dwAuth, &dwImp,
NULL, &dwCapabilities)))
if (RPC_C_AUTHN_WINNT != dwAuthnSvc)
result = true;
pSec->Release ();
CloseHandle (hToken);
return result;
// CSWbemProxyCache::InitializeCache
// Called from constructor only to set up cache and initial pUnk..
// pUnk "seed" pUnk
// pSecurity if specified, is an ISWbemSecurity used to
// override the intial authn/imp/etc. settings
void CSWbemProxyCache::InitializeCache (
IUnknown *pUnk,
ISWbemSecurity *pSecurity,
bool bPropagateAuthentication,
bool bPropagateImpersonation
for (int i = 0; i < WBEMS_MAX_AUTHN_LEVEL + 1 - WBEMS_MIN_AUTHN_LEVEL; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < WBEMS_MAX_IMP_LEVEL + 1 - WBEMS_MIN_IMP_LEVEL; j++)
pUnkArray [i] [j] = NULL;
if (pUnk)
HRESULT hr = GetAuthImp (pUnk, &dwAuthnLevel, &dwImpLevel);
* If we have been passed a "seed" Security object, use the auth/imp
* settings of that Seed as our initial setting. Otherwise
* use the settings supplied in the current proxy.
if (pSecurity)
if (!bPropagateImpersonation || FAILED(pSecurity->get_ImpersonationLevel (&m_dwInitialImpLevel)))
m_dwInitialImpLevel = (WbemImpersonationLevelEnum) dwImpLevel;
if (!bPropagateAuthentication || FAILED(pSecurity->get_AuthenticationLevel (&m_dwInitialAuthnLevel)))
m_dwInitialAuthnLevel = (WbemAuthenticationLevelEnum) dwAuthnLevel;
* If settings are identical, use the proxy we have but set the
* blanket to ensure user/password/authority are set.
if (((WbemImpersonationLevelEnum) dwImpLevel == m_dwInitialImpLevel) &&
((WbemAuthenticationLevelEnum) dwAuthnLevel == m_dwInitialAuthnLevel))
SecureProxy (pUnk, m_dwInitialAuthnLevel, m_dwInitialImpLevel);
pUnkArray [m_dwInitialAuthnLevel - WBEMS_MIN_AUTHN_LEVEL]
[m_dwInitialImpLevel - WBEMS_MIN_IMP_LEVEL] = pUnk;
pUnk->AddRef ();
// Need to create a new proxy
IClientSecurity *pCliSec = NULL;
if (S_OK == pUnk->QueryInterface (IID_IClientSecurity, (PPVOID) &pCliSec))
IUnknown *pNewUnk = NULL;
// If successful this AddRef's pUnk
HRESULT sc = pCliSec->CopyProxy(pUnk, &pNewUnk);
if (S_OK == sc)
SecureProxy (pNewUnk, m_dwInitialAuthnLevel, m_dwInitialImpLevel);
pUnkArray [m_dwInitialAuthnLevel - WBEMS_MIN_AUTHN_LEVEL]
[m_dwInitialImpLevel - WBEMS_MIN_IMP_LEVEL] = pNewUnk;
// NB: pNewUnk already AddRef'd above by CopyProxy
pCliSec->Release ();
m_dwInitialAuthnLevel = (WbemAuthenticationLevelEnum) dwAuthnLevel;
m_dwInitialImpLevel = (WbemImpersonationLevelEnum) dwImpLevel;
pUnkArray [m_dwInitialAuthnLevel - WBEMS_MIN_AUTHN_LEVEL]
[m_dwInitialImpLevel - WBEMS_MIN_IMP_LEVEL] = pUnk;
pUnk->AddRef ();
// CSWbemProxyCache::GetProxy
// Return a proxy from the cache with the desired authentication and
// impersonation level.
// authnLevel required authentication level
// impLevel required impersonation level
// forceResecure whether to force a resecure of an extant proxy
// Pointer to copied proxy, or NULL. If not NULL, caller must Release.
IUnknown *CSWbemProxyCache::GetProxy (
WbemAuthenticationLevelEnum authnLevel,
WbemImpersonationLevelEnum impLevel,
bool forceResecure)
EnterCriticalSection (&m_cs);
IUnknown *pUnk = pUnkArray [authnLevel - WBEMS_MIN_AUTHN_LEVEL]
if (pUnk)
// Already cached this proxy - reuse
pUnk->AddRef ();
// Force a resecure? This is useful if we have just changed the
// privileges in the current token and need to stim RPC to pick
// them up.
if (forceResecure)
SecureProxy (pUnk, authnLevel, impLevel);
// Need to create a copy of the proxy; use the first
// created element as a base
IUnknown *pUnkFirst = pUnkArray [m_dwInitialAuthnLevel - WBEMS_MIN_AUTHN_LEVEL]
[m_dwInitialImpLevel - WBEMS_MIN_IMP_LEVEL];
if (pUnkFirst)
// Now copy the proxy
IClientSecurity *pCliSec = NULL;
if (S_OK == pUnkFirst->QueryInterface (IID_IClientSecurity, (PPVOID) &pCliSec))
// If successful this AddRef's pUnk
HRESULT sc = pCliSec->CopyProxy(pUnkFirst, &pUnk);
if (S_OK == sc)
SecureProxy (pUnk, authnLevel, impLevel);
pUnkArray [authnLevel - WBEMS_MIN_AUTHN_LEVEL]
[impLevel - WBEMS_MIN_IMP_LEVEL] = pUnk;
// AddRef because we are handing pUnk back
pUnk->AddRef ();
pCliSec->Release ();
LeaveCriticalSection (&m_cs);
return pUnk;
// CSWbemProxyCache::SecureProxy
// Secure the given proxy using the provided settings
// authnLevel authentication level of proxy
// impLevel impersonation level of proxy
// none
void CSWbemProxyCache::SecureProxy (
IUnknown *pUnk,
WbemAuthenticationLevelEnum authnLevel,
WbemImpersonationLevelEnum impLevel)
* Due to the vagaries of the IClientSecurity::SetBlanket call,
* any COAUTHIDENTITY pointer passed into that call must remain
* valid either until SetBlanket is called again or all proxies
* on the object are released. So we need to store any returned
* COAUTHIDENTITY so that it remains valid for the lifetime
* of this cache.
EnterCriticalSection (&m_cs);
if (pUnk)
* Note that our implicit assumption is that we only ever
* need one COAUTHIDENTITY per cache. This is because
* the ingredients of the structure (user, password and
* authority) are set at cache initialization time and
* never change thereafter.
if (m_pCoAuthIdentity)
SetInterfaceSecurityDecrypt (pUnk, m_pCoAuthIdentity, m_bsPrincipal,
authnLevel, impLevel, GetCapabilities (),
// See if we get one
BSTR bsPrincipal = NULL;
SetInterfaceSecurityEncrypt (pUnk, m_bsAuthority, m_bsUser, m_bsPassword,
authnLevel, impLevel, GetCapabilities (),
&m_pCoAuthIdentity, &bsPrincipal, m_bUseDefaultInfo);
if (bsPrincipal)
if (m_bsPrincipal)
SysFreeString (m_bsPrincipal);
m_bsPrincipal = bsPrincipal;
LeaveCriticalSection (&m_cs);
// CSWbemProxyCache::GetCapabilities
// Return the EOAC capabilities value depending on the OS platform and
// user credentials (or absence thereof).
// The determined capabilities.
DWORD CSWbemProxyCache::GetCapabilities ()
* For NT5 (and presumably greater) we enable Static
* Cloaking on the proxy. This allows RPC to use the
* Privilege settings in the Impersonation token.
* Note that we use static cloaking so that thread identity
* is only used during CoSetProxyBlanket calls; dynamic
* cloaking forces it to be used on all calls to the proxy,
* so is much less efficient. Since we don't allow different
* users to access the same proxy, static cloaking is sufficient.
* It makes no sense to explicitly supply a User/Password and specify
* cloaking, as DCOM authentication of proxy uses either
* an explicit SEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY (for User & Password)
* or the current proxy identity (in the process token or
* impersonation token). Requesting cloaking implies that the
* proxy identity in the impersonation token is to be used, and
* therefore that any User/Password is irrelevant (and vice-versa).
* See MSDN documentation on CoSetProxyBlanket for more info.
DWORD dwCapabilities = EOAC_NONE;
if (CSWbemSecurity::IsNT () && (4 < CSWbemSecurity::GetNTMajorVersion ()) &&
dwCapabilities |= EOAC_STATIC_CLOAKING;
return dwCapabilities ;
COAUTHIDENTITY *CSWbemProxyCache::GetCoAuthIdentity ()
if (m_pCoAuthIdentity)
hr = WbemAllocAuthIdentity (m_pCoAuthIdentity->User,
m_pCoAuthIdentity->Password, m_pCoAuthIdentity->Domain, &pAuthIdent);
return pAuthIdent;
void CSWbemProxyCache::ClearCredentials ()
if (m_bsUser)
_wcsnset (m_bsUser, L'0', wcslen (m_bsUser));
SysFreeString (m_bsUser);
m_bsUser = NULL;
if (m_bsPassword)
_wcsnset (m_bsPassword, L'0', wcslen (m_bsPassword));
SysFreeString (m_bsPassword);
m_bsPassword = NULL;