Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
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60 lines
1.3 KiB

target = perfclnt.exe
!ifdef DEBUG
objlist = \
$(objdir)\perfclnt.obj \
$(objdir)\refresh.obj \
all: $(objdir)\$(target)
cc = \
"$(MSVC)\BIN\cl" -c -Oi -G3 -D_MT -D_CONSOLE -DWIN32 -Z7 -GX \
-W3 -Di386=1 -D_X86_=1 -I. -I"$(MSVC)\INCLUDE" -I$(WBEMIDL)
link = \
"$(MSVC)\BIN\link" -nodefaultlib -subsystem:console -pdb:none \
-entry:mainCRTStartup -map:$(objdir)\ -debug -debugtype:cv \
-out:$(objdir)\$(target) \
$(objlist) \
shell32.lib \
user32.lib \
libcmt.lib \
kernel32.lib \
gdi32.lib \
advapi32.lib \
oldnames.lib \
uuid.lib \
ole32.lib \
oleaut32.lib \
wsock32.lib \
mpr.lib \
$(WBEMIDL)\objinds\wbemuuid.lib \
$(objdir)\$(target): $(objlist)
if not exist $(objdir) md $(objdir)
$(cc) $< -Fo$(objdir)\$(<B).obj
if not exist $(objdir) md $(objdir)
$(cc) $< -Fo$(objdir)\$(<B).obj