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Copyright (C) 2001 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
General purpose thread pool.
raymcc 25-Feb-99 Created
(1) Flexible thread pool size. Starts at zero and only creates threads
as required.
(2) Threads wait to be reused and if not reused within the alloted time,
they self-terminate. Therefore, the thread pool drops to zero
within the specified timeout if no activity occurs.
(3) To avoid creating a lot of threads quickly, a request will attempt
to wait a small amount of time for a thread to free up before requesting
a new thread creation.
#include "precomp.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "corepol.h"
#include <thrpool.h>
#define THREAD_STACK_SIZE 0x2000 /* 8K */
// CThreadPool::CThreadPool
// ok
DWORD dwMsMaxIdleBeforeDie,
LONG lIdleThreadLimit,
LONG lMaxThreads
m_dwMsMaxIdle = dwMsMaxIdleBeforeDie;
m_lMaxThreads = lMaxThreads;
m_lIdleThreadLimit = lIdleThreadLimit;
m_lTotalThreads = 0;
m_lIdleThreads = 0;
m_hReleaseThread = CreateEvent(0, 0, 0, 0);
m_hBeginRendezvous = CreateEvent(0, 0, 0, 0);
m_hParmXfer = CreateEvent(0, 0, 0, 0);
m_hEndRendezvous = CreateEvent(0, 0, 0, 0);
m_bPendingRequest = false;
m_bShutdown = false;
m_pXferUserParms = 0;
m_pXferUserProc = 0;
m_pXferReturnCode = 0;
m_pXferElapsedTime = 0;
// CThreadPool::~CThreadPool
// ok
bool bRes = Shutdown(); // Let all threads terminate
if (bRes)
// Else we will have to leak, since all the threads didn't shut down.
// CThreadPool::_ThreadEntry()
// Win32 entry point, which wraps and call the per-object entry point.
// We do this because Win32 cannot easily call an entry point in a C++
// instance unless we use various weird calling convention override
// tricks, which I don't remember right now. :)
// ok
DWORD WINAPI CThreadPool::_ThreadEntry(LPVOID pArg)
CThreadPool *pThis = (CThreadPool *) pArg;
return 0; // Not used
// CThreadPool::Pool
// The basic pool is implemented here. All active threads remain in this
// loop. Any threads which get too old waiting for work are allowed to
// retire. New threads are created from the DispatchThread() member.
// Note that the <m_lTotalThreads> and <m_lIdleThreads> are not part
// of the algorithm; they are simply there for statistical purposes.
// ok
void CThreadPool::Pool()
// Pool.
// =====
for (;;)
if (m_bShutdown)
if (m_lIdleThreadLimit != -1 && m_lIdleThreads > m_lIdleThreadLimit)
// Wait for either the thread to be idle or else until a new
// request causes it to be released.
// =========================================================
DWORD dwRes = WaitForSingleObject(m_hReleaseThread, m_dwMsMaxIdle);
// We don't know why the thread was released. Maybe it was tired
// of waiting or maybe the user is shutting down our little operation.
// ===================================================================
if (dwRes == WAIT_TIMEOUT || m_bShutdown)
// If here, we now enter the pool critical section and attempt
// to enter into a synchronized rendezvous with the dispacher.
// ============================================================
if (m_bPendingRequest)
WaitForSingleObject(m_hParmXfer, INFINITE);
// Copy the parameters that the user specified in
// DispatchThread(). We cannot be here unless
// DispatchThread() signaled us.
// ==============================================
LPVOID pUserArg = m_pXferUserParms;
LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE pUserEntry = m_pXferUserProc;
LPDWORD pElapsed = m_pXferElapsedTime;
LPDWORD pRetVal = m_pXferReturnCode;
HANDLE hCompleted = m_hXferThreadCompleted;
m_bPendingRequest = false;
// No longer in 'request' mode, so a new dispatch can occur.
// Note that the user's parms are safely in local variables.
// Allow further dispatches to occur.
// ========================================================
// If user wants elapsed time, record start time.
// ==============================================
DWORD dwStart = 0;
if (m_pXferElapsedTime)
dwStart = GetCurrentTime();
// Call user's entry point.
// ========================
DWORD dwResToRet = pUserEntry(pUserArg);
// If user wants return value, forward it.
// =======================================
if (pRetVal)
*pRetVal = dwResToRet;
// If user wants elapsed time, record stop time
// and forward elapsed time.
// ============================================
if (m_pXferElapsedTime)
*m_pXferElapsedTime = GetCurrentTime() - dwStart;
// If user wants event signaled, do it.
// ====================================
if (hCompleted)
// If here, somehow the event got signaled and nobody wanted
// the thread. This could occur if somebody executed Shutdown()
// and then Restart() before Shutdown() was finished.
// Simply return to top of loop.
// =============================================================
// printf("---Thread Ending--- 0x%X\n", GetCurrentThreadId());
// CThreadPool::Shutdown
// Alas, the pool is doomed and must be drained. Inform each thread of
// its fate.
// ok
bool CThreadPool::Shutdown(DWORD dwMaxWait)
m_bShutdown = true;
m_bPendingRequest = false;
DWORD dwStart = GetCurrentTime();
while (m_lTotalThreads && m_bShutdown) // No need to protect this
SetEvent(m_hReleaseThread); // Allow thread to realize it is doomed
if (GetCurrentTime() - dwStart > dwMaxWait)
if (m_lTotalThreads == 0)
return true;
return false;
// CThreadPool::Restart
// Allow a thread pool to get back into business again.
// ok
bool CThreadPool::Restart()
m_bShutdown = false;
return true;
// CThreadPool::CreateNewThread
// Helper to create a new thread.
// ok
bool CThreadPool::CreateNewThread()
HANDLE hThread = CreateThread(
0, // Security
THREAD_STACK_SIZE, // 8k stack
_ThreadEntry, // Thread proc address
LPVOID(this), // Thread parm
0, // Flags
if (hThread == NULL)
return false;
// printf("--Created Thread 0x%X\n", dwId);
return true;
// CThreadPool::DispatchThread
// Called by the user to dispatch a thread to an entry point.
// Returns:
// NoError -- Success
// ExceededPool -- No threads available within the timeout.
// Shutdown -- Thread pool is being shut down
// ThreadCreationFailure -- Couldn't create a thread.
// ok
int CThreadPool::DispatchThread(
IN DWORD dwMaxPreferredWait,
IN DWORD dwMaxWaitBeforeFail,
IN DWORD *pdwReturnCode,
IN DWORD *pdwElapsedTime,
IN HANDLE hThreadCompleted
DWORD dwRes;
// Don't allow new requests during a shutdown.
// ===========================================
if (m_bShutdown)
return ShutdownInProgress;
// Serialize all access to thread acquisition.
// ===========================================
// If zero threads, create one.
// ============================
if (m_lTotalThreads == 0)
if (CreateNewThread() != true)
return ThreadCreationFailure;
// Flag for the pool to look at to determine
// if a dispatch is in progress.
// =========================================
m_bPendingRequest = true;
// Release at least one thread. If there aren't any
// available, this is harmless. Likewise, if this
// releases threads which don't in fact become acquired
// by this dispatch, again it is harmless.
// ====================================================
// We now try to rendevous with a thread within the
// dwMaxPreferredWait time by waiting for a 'thready ready'
// event from the thread pool. If no thread responds,
// because they are busy, we will timeout.
// ========================================================
dwRes = WaitForSingleObject(m_hBeginRendezvous, dwMaxPreferredWait);
if (dwRes == WAIT_OBJECT_0)
// We are now in a synchronized rendevous with the thread pool.
// Next, make the interthread parameter transfer.
// ============================================================
m_pXferUserParms = pArg;
m_pXferUserProc = pEntry;
m_pXferElapsedTime = pdwElapsedTime;
m_pXferReturnCode = pdwReturnCode;
m_hXferThreadCompleted = hThreadCompleted;
m_bPendingRequest = false; // No longer needed
// Now, release the thread pool thread to grab the parameters.
// ===========================================================
WaitForSingleObject(m_hEndRendezvous, INFINITE);
LeaveCriticalSection(&m_cs_dispatch); // Allow more dispatches
return NoError;
if (m_bShutdown)
return ShutdownInProgress;
// If here, we didn't acquire a thread. Let's create another one.
// If, in the meantime, the event shows up anyway (and we simply
// didn't wait long enough!), then we ended up with another thread.
// So what? If one is good, two is better.
// ================================================================
if (m_lMaxThreads == -1 || (m_lTotalThreads < m_lMaxThreads))
if (CreateNewThread() != true)
return ThreadCreationFailure;
if (m_bShutdown)
return ShutdownInProgress;
// Now, wait for that same old event, indicating we have begun
// a synchronized rendevous with the thread pool.
// ============================================================
dwRes = WaitForSingleObject(m_hBeginRendezvous, dwMaxWaitBeforeFail);
if (m_bShutdown)
return ShutdownInProgress;
if (dwRes == WAIT_OBJECT_0)
// We are now in a synchronized rendevous with the thread pool.
// Next, make the interthread parameter transfer.
// ============================================================
m_pXferUserParms = pArg;
m_pXferUserProc = pEntry;
m_pXferElapsedTime = pdwElapsedTime;
m_pXferReturnCode = pdwReturnCode;
m_hXferThreadCompleted = hThreadCompleted;
m_bPendingRequest = false; // No longer needed
// Now, release the thread pool thread to grab the parameters.
// ===========================================================
WaitForSingleObject(m_hEndRendezvous, INFINITE);
LeaveCriticalSection(&m_cs_dispatch); // Allow more dispatches
return NoError;
// If here, we simply ran out of time. If in the meantime
// the event gets signaled, it will benefit any new thread coming
// in looking for a request!
// ==============================================================
m_bPendingRequest = false; // We may be too late, but it looks good anyway.
return ExceededPool;