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// iterator standard header
#ifndef _ITERATOR_
#define _ITERATOR_
#include <utility>
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma pack(push,8)
#endif /* _MSC_VER */
// TEMPLATE CLASS reverse_bidirectional_iterator
template<class _BI,
class _Ty,
class _Rt = _Ty&,
class _Pt = _Ty *,
class _D = ptrdiff_t>
class reverse_bidirectional_iterator
: public _Bidit<_Ty, _D> {
typedef reverse_bidirectional_iterator<_BI,
_Ty, _Rt, _Pt, _D> _Myt;
typedef _BI iter_type;
typedef _Rt reference_type;
typedef _Pt pointer_type;
explicit reverse_bidirectional_iterator(_BI _X)
: current(_X) {}
_BI base() const
{return (current); }
_Rt operator*() const
{_BI _Tmp = current;
return (*--_Tmp); }
_Pt operator->() const
{return (&**this); }
_Myt& operator++()
return (*this); }
_Myt operator++(int)
{_Myt _Tmp = *this;
return (_Tmp); }
_Myt& operator--()
return (*this); }
_Myt operator--(int)
{_Myt _Tmp = *this;
return (_Tmp); }
_BI current;
template<class _BI, class _Ty, class _Rt, class _Pt,
class _D> inline
bool operator==(const reverse_bidirectional_iterator<_BI,
_Ty, _Rt, _Pt, _D>& _X,
const reverse_bidirectional_iterator<_BI,
_Ty, _Rt, _Pt, _D>& _Y)
{return (_X.base() == _Y.base()); }
template<class _BI, class _Ty, class _Rt, class _Pt,
class _D> inline
bool operator!=(const reverse_bidirectional_iterator<_BI,
_Ty, _Rt, _Pt, _D>& _X,
const reverse_bidirectional_iterator<_BI,
_Ty, _Rt, _Pt, _D>& _Y)
{return (!(_X == _Y)); }
// TEMPLATE CLASS back_insert_iterator
template<class _C>
class back_insert_iterator
: public iterator<output_iterator_tag, void, void> {
typedef _C container_type;
typedef _C::value_type value_type;
explicit back_insert_iterator(_C& _X)
: container(_X) {}
back_insert_iterator<_C>& operator=(
const value_type& _V)
return (*this); }
back_insert_iterator<_C>& operator*()
{return (*this); }
back_insert_iterator<_C>& operator++()
{return (*this); }
back_insert_iterator<_C> operator++(int)
{return (*this); }
_C& container;
template<class _C> inline
back_insert_iterator<_C> back_inserter(_C& _X)
{return (back_insert_iterator<_C>(_X)); }
// TEMPLATE CLASS front_insert_iterator
template<class _C>
class front_insert_iterator
: public iterator<output_iterator_tag, void, void> {
typedef _C container_type;
typedef _C::value_type value_type;
explicit front_insert_iterator(_C& _X)
: container(_X) {}
front_insert_iterator<_C>& operator=(
const value_type& _V)
return (*this); }
front_insert_iterator<_C>& operator*()
{return (*this); }
front_insert_iterator<_C>& operator++()
{return (*this); }
front_insert_iterator<_C> operator++(int)
{return (*this); }
_C& container;
template<class _C> inline
front_insert_iterator<_C> front_inserter(_C& _X)
{return (front_insert_iterator<_C>(_X)); }
// TEMPLATE CLASS insert_iterator
template<class _C>
class insert_iterator
: public iterator<output_iterator_tag, void, void> {
typedef _C container_type;
typedef _C::value_type value_type;
insert_iterator(_C& _X, _C::iterator _I)
: container(_X), iter(_I) {}
insert_iterator<_C>& operator=(
const value_type& _V)
{iter = container.insert(iter, _V);
return (*this); }
insert_iterator<_C>& operator*()
{return (*this); }
insert_iterator<_C>& operator++()
{return (*this); }
insert_iterator<_C>& operator++(int)
{return (*this); }
_C& container;
_C::iterator iter;
template<class _C, class _XI> inline
insert_iterator<_C> inserter(_C& _X, _XI _I)
{return (insert_iterator<_C>(_X, _C::iterator(_I))); }
// TEMPLATE CLASS istream_iterator
template<class _U, class _E = char,
class _Tr = char_traits<_E> >
class istream_iterator
: public iterator<input_iterator_tag, _U, ptrdiff_t> {
typedef _E char_type;
typedef _Tr traits_type;
typedef basic_istream<_E, _Tr> istream_type;
: _Istr(0) {}
istream_iterator(istream_type& _I)
: _Istr(&_I) {_Getval(); }
const _U& operator*() const
{return (_Val); }
const _U *operator->() const
{return (&**this); }
istream_iterator<_U, _E, _Tr>& operator++()
return (*this); }
istream_iterator<_U, _E, _Tr> operator++(int)
{istream_iterator<_U, _E, _Tr> _Tmp = *this;
return (_Tmp); }
bool _Equal(const istream_iterator<_U, _E, _Tr>& _X) const
{return (_Istr == _X._Istr); }
void _Getval()
{if (_Istr != 0 && !(*_Istr >> _Val))
_Istr = 0; }
istream_type *_Istr;
_U _Val;
template<class _U, class _E, class _Tr> inline
bool operator==(const istream_iterator<_U, _E, _Tr>& _X,
const istream_iterator<_U, _E, _Tr>& _Y)
{return (_X._Equal(_Y)); }
template<class _U, class _E, class _Tr> inline
bool operator!=(const istream_iterator<_U, _E, _Tr>& _X,
const istream_iterator<_U, _E, _Tr>& _Y)
{return (!(_X == _Y)); }
// TEMPLATE CLASS ostream_iterator
template<class _U, class _E = char,
class _Tr = char_traits<_E> >
class ostream_iterator
: public iterator<output_iterator_tag, void, void> {
typedef _U value_type;
typedef _E char_type;
typedef _Tr traits_type;
typedef basic_ostream<_E, _Tr> ostream_type;
ostream_iterator(ostream_type& _O,
const _E *_D = 0)
: _Ostr(&_O), _Delim(_D) {}
ostream_iterator<_U, _E, _Tr>& operator=(const _U& _X)
{*_Ostr << _X;
if (_Delim != 0)
*_Ostr << _Delim;
return (*this); }
ostream_iterator<_U, _E, _Tr>& operator*()
{return (*this); }
ostream_iterator<_U, _E, _Tr>& operator++()
{return (*this); }
ostream_iterator<_U, _E, _Tr> operator++(int)
{return (*this); }
const _E *_Delim;
ostream_type *_Ostr;
template<class _C, class _Ty, class _D> inline
_Ty *_Val_type(const iterator<_C, _Ty, _D>&)
{return ((_Ty *)0); }
template<class _Ty> inline
_Ty *_Val_type(const _Ty *)
{return ((_Ty *)0); }
template<class _II, class _D> inline
void advance(_II& _I, _D _N)
{_Advance(_I, _N, _Iter_cat(_I)); }
template<class _II, class _D> inline
void _Advance(_II& _I, _D _N, input_iterator_tag)
{for (; 0 < _N; --_N)
++_I; }
template<class _FI, class _D> inline
void _Advance(_FI& _I, _D _N, forward_iterator_tag)
{for (; 0 < _N; --_N)
++_I; }
template<class _BI, class _D> inline
void _Advance(_BI& _I, _D _N, bidirectional_iterator_tag)
{for (; 0 < _N; --_N)
for (; _N < 0; ++_N)
--_I; }
template<class _RI, class _D> inline
void _Advance(_RI& _I, _D _N, random_access_iterator_tag)
{_I += _N; }
template<class _C, class _Ty, class _D> inline
_D *_Dist_type(const iterator<_C, _Ty, _D>&)
{return ((_D *)0); }
template<class _Ty> inline
ptrdiff_t *_Dist_type(const _Ty *)
{return ((ptrdiff_t *)0); }
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma pack(pop)
#endif /* _MSC_VER */
#endif /* _ITERATOR_ */
* Copyright (c) 1995 by P.J. Plauger. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
* Consult your license regarding permissions and restrictions.
* This file is derived from software bearing the following
* restrictions:
* Copyright (c) 1994
* Hewlett-Packard Company
* Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this
* software and its documentation for any purpose is hereby
* granted without fee, provided that the above copyright notice
* appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and
* this permission notice appear in supporting documentation.
* Hewlett-Packard Company makes no representations about the
* suitability of this software for any purpose. It is provided
* "as is" without express or implied warranty.