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1651 lines
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1651 lines
48 KiB
ifdef NEC_98
endif ; NEC_98
; Module Name: IBMLPT.ASM
; Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation 1985-1990. All Rights Reserved.
; General Description:
; History:
title IBMLpt - IBM PC, PC-XT, PC-AT, PS/2 Parallel Communications Interface
include cmacros.inc
include comdev.inc
include ins8250.inc
include ibmcom.inc
ifdef NEC_98
include vint.inc
endif ; NEC_98
ifdef NEC_98
sBegin Data ; (ins 93.03.28)
InitRetry dw 0 ;LPT Retry count (ins 93.03.28)
ModeFlag db 0 ; = 0 KAN-I SENTRO (ins 93.03.28)
; = 1 SENTRO (ins 93.03.28)
; <ins:Toki:930923>
CurPrinterMode db 0 ; <ins:Toki:930923>
OrgPrinterMode db 0 ; <ins:Toki:931013>
; <ins:Toki:930923>
PC98_Mode = 00000000b ; <ins:Toki:930923>
Toki_Mode = 00000001b ; <ins:Toki:930923>
Org_Toki_ControlStatus db 0 ; <ins:Toki:931027>
Org_Toki_EX_Control db 0 ; <ins:Toki:931027>
Org_Toki_ControlStatus540 db 0 ; (ins 931219)
Org_Toki_EX_Control540 db 0 ; (ins 931219)
; (ins 931219)
Org_Toki_ControlStatusD40 db 0 ; (ins 931219)
Org_Toki_EX_ControlD40 db 0 ; (ins 931219)
; (ins 931219)
InitCounter db 0 ;Lpt initialize counter <ins 931028>
; <ins 931028>
LptInit = 00000001b ; LPT Init OK ! <ins 931028>
;RFU = 00000010b ; <ins 931028>
;RFU = 00000100b ; <ins 931028>
;RFU = 00001000b ; <ins 931028>
;RFU = 00010000b ; <ins 931028>
;RFU = 00100000b ; <ins 931028>
;RFU = 01000000b ; <ins 931028>
;RFU = 10000000b ; <ins 931028>
sEnd Data ; (ins 93.03.28)
endif ; NEC_98
sBegin Code
assumes cs,Code
assumes ds,Data
externFP GetSystemMsecCount
externA __0040H
ifdef NEC_98
; Printer Status Bit for IBM-PC
PS_NotBusy equ 10000000b ;Printer not busy
PS_Ack equ 01000000b ;Data acknowledged
PS_PaperOut equ 00100000b ;Out of paper
PS_Select equ 00010000b ;Device is selected
PS_IOError equ 00001000b ;IO error
PS_Timeout equ 00000001b ;Timeout occured
; Parameter for PC-9800
PRNStrobFF_ON = 0dh ; port_C Strob F/F on
PRNStrobFF_OFF = 0ch ; port_C Strob F/F off
SystemPort = 37h ; port_C I/O Address
PRN_Mode = 46h ; Printer Mode
PRN_WSignal = 46h ;
PRN_RSignal = 42h ;
PRN_WRITE_DATA equ 040h ;
PRN_READ_SIGNAL1 equ 042h ;
PRN_WRITE_SIGNAL1 equ 046h ;
PRN_PSTB_Active_X2 equ 004h ;
PRN_PSTB_NonActive_X2 equ 005h ;
PRN_PSTB_Active_X1 equ 00eh ;
PRN_PSTB_NonActive_X1 equ 00fh ;
endif ; NEC_98
; DoLPT - Do Function To LPT port
; The given function (output or reset) is performed to the
; passed LPT port.
; Before a character is sent, a check is made to see if the device
; will be able to accept the character. If it can, then the character
; will be sent. If not, then an error will be returned. If the
; printer is selected and busy and no error, then the code returned
; will be CE_TXFULL and the handshake bits will be set in HSFlag
; to simulate that a handshake was received.
; If the BIOS ROM code is examined, you will note that they wait for
; the busy character from the last charcater to be cleared before
; they strobe in the current character. This can take a long time
; on the standard EPSON class printer (1 mSec to greater than
; 300 mSec if the last character actually caused printing).
; Because of this, several status read retrys will be made before
; declaring that the device is actually busy. If only one status
; read is performed, the spooler will yeild, take a while to get
; back here, and things will be really slow. What difference does
; it really make if we or the BIOS does the delay, at least we can
; break out of it at some point when it seems hopeless.
; The OKIHACK: Okidata reports a 50 ns. 2.2 volt pulse on the paper
; out signal on the trailing edge of the Busy signal. If we see this
; glitch then we report paper out. So we try to get the status twice...
; if it changes between the two tries we keep getting the status.
; Entry:
; AH = cid
; AL = character to output
; CH = Function request. 0 = Output, 1 = Initialize, 2 = Status
; DS:SI -> DEB for the port
; Returns:
; AX = 0 if no errors occured
; Error Returns:
; AX = error code
; Registers Preserved:
; Registers Destroyed:
; History:
assumes ds,Data
assumes es,nothing
ifdef NEC_98
iodelay macro ; <ins:Toki:930923>
out 5fh, al ; <ins:Toki:930923>
endm ; <ins:Toki:930923>
endif ; NEC_98
public DoLPT
DoLPT proc near
ifdef NEC_98
cmp wo [si.Port], 00h ; (ins 931219)
jz DoLPT98 ; <ins:Toki:930923>
jmp Toki_DoLpt ; <ins:Toki:930923>
else ; NEC_98
mov dx,Port[si] ;Get port address
; DX = port address
; CH = operation: 0 = write, 1 = init, 2 = status
; AL = character
or ch, ch
jz LPT_OutChar
cmp ch, 1
jz LPT_Reset
jmp LPT_GetStatus
inc dx
inc dx
mov al, L_RESET
out dx, al
push dx
cCall GetSystemMsecCount
mov bx, ax
push bx
cCall GetSystemMsecCount
pop bx
sub ax, bx
cmp ax, 300 ; 1/3 sec as good as any
jbe LPT_ResetDelay
pop dx
mov al, L_NORMAL
out dx, al
dec dx
dec dx
jmp LPT_GetStatus
push ax ; save character to be written
; first check to see if printer is ready for us
push di
push dx
call GetSystemMSecCount
mov di, ax
pop dx
inc dx ; point to status port
in al, dx ; get status bits
and al, L_BITS ; mask unused ones
xor al, L_BITS_INVERT ; flip a couple
xchg al, ah
in al, dx
dec dx
and al, L_BITS
cmp al, ah ; did any bits change?
jnz LPT_WaitReady
dec dx
test ah, PS_PaperOut or PS_IOError
jnz LPT_PrinterNotReady
test ah, PS_Select
jz LPT_PrinterNotReady
test ah, PS_NotBusy
jnz LPT_PrinterReady
push ax
push dx
call GetSystemMSecCount
pop dx
pop bx
sub ax, di
cmp ax, 300 ; 1/3 sec timeout
jbe LPT_WaitReady
; The device seems to be selected and powered up, but is just
; busy (some printers seem to show selected but busy when they
; are taken offline). Show that the transmit queue is full and
; that the hold handshakes are set. This is so the windows
; spooler will retry (and do yields so that other apps may run).
or ComErr[si],CE_TXFULL ;Show queue full
mov ah,bh
or ah, L_TIMEOUT
pop di
pop cx ; throw away character
jmp short LPT_ReturnStatus
pop di ; get di back
pop ax ; get character back
out dx, al ; write character to port
inc dx ; access status port
inc dx ; control port
mov al, L_STROBE ; set strobe high
out dx, al ; ...
mov al, L_NORMAL ;
out dx, al ; set strobe low
sub dx, 2 ; point back to port base
inc dx ; point to status port
in al, dx ; get status bits
and al, L_BITS ; mask unused ones
xor al, L_BITS_INVERT ; flip a couple
mov ah, al
in al, dx
and al, L_BITS
cmp al, ah
jnz LPT_GS1 ; if they changed try again...
assumes ds,Data
and ax,(PS_PaperOut+PS_Select+PS_IOError+PS_Timeout)*256
shr ah,1
adc ah,al ;Get back Timeout bit
xor ah,HIGH CE_DNS ;Invert selected bit
.errnz LOW CE_DNS
or by ComErr+1[si],ah ;Save comm error
.errnz CE_PTO-0200h
.errnz CE_IOE-0400h
.errnz CE_DNS-0800h
.errnz CE_OOP-1000h
assumes ds,Data
or ComErr[si],CE_TXFULL ;Show queue full
endif ; NEC_98
DoLPT endp
ifdef NEC_98
public DoLPT98
DoLPT98 proc near
push di ;Need some extra space
mov di,[InitRetry] ;Initialize retry count = 0
mov ah,ch ;Set function request
or ah,ah ;If reset
jnz DoLPT50 ; skip status pre-read
;output data to printer
xchg ax,cx ;CX = output data
; switch (AH) {
; 0: Output Data
; 1: Initialize Printer
; 2: Read Printer Status
; }
mov ah,2 ;
call PrinterCall ; read status
;(91.1.7) AH = (B)(A)(P)(S)|(F)(0)(0)(T)
; [IBM Printer Status] | | | | | |
; PS_NotBusy = 10000000b ------------+ | | | | |
; PS_Ack = 01000000b ---------------+ | | | |
; PS_PaperOut = 00100000b ------------------+ | | |
; PS_Select = 00010000b ---------------------+ | |
; PS_IOError = 00001000b -------------------------+ |
; PS_Timeout = 00000001b ----------------------------------+
test ah,PS_PaperOut+PS_IOError ;
jnz DoLPT60 ;paper empty or I/O error
test ah,PS_Select
jz DoLPT60 ;error if not select
or ah,ah
js DoLPT40 ;output data if not busy
dec di
jnz DoLPT20 ;until initialize retry count =0
DoLPT30: ;select & busy & retry count=0
or ComErr[si],CE_TXFULL ;Show queue full
or ah, PS_Timeout ;Show timeout
jmp short DoLPT60 ; goto EVENT Create
DoLPT40: ;
xchg ax,cx ;AX = output data
; switch (AH) {
; 0: Output Data
; 1: Initialize Printer
; 2: Read Printer Status
; }
call PrinterCall ;Let the BIOS do the work
;(91.1.7) AH = (B)(A)(P)(S)|(F)(0)(0)(T)
; [IBM Printer Status] | | | | | |
; PS_NotBusy = 10000000b ------------+ | | | | |
; PS_Ack = 01000000b ---------------+ | | | |
; PS_PaperOut = 00100000b ------------------+ | | |
; PS_Select = 00010000b ---------------------+ | |
; PS_IOError = 00001000b -------------------------+ |
; PS_Timeout = 00000001b ----------------------------------+
and ax,(PS_PaperOut+PS_Select+PS_IOError+PS_Timeout)*256 ; 1.
shr ah,1 ; 2.
adc ah,al ;Get back Timeout bit 3.
shr ah,1 ; 4.
adc ah,al ;Get back Timeout bit 5.
shl ah,1 ; 6.
xor ah,HIGH CE_DNS ;Invert selected bit 7.
; <<Explain of>> ; _ <AH> <AL>
; ; BAPS|F00T ????|????
; 1. and ax,(PS_Pa..+..)*256 ; 00PS|F00T 0000|0000
; 2. shr ah,1 ; 000P|SF00 0000|0000 CY=(T)
; 3. adc ah,al ; 000P|SF0T 0000|0000
; 4. shr ah,1 ; 0000|PSF0 0000|0000 CY=(T)
; 5. adc ah,al ; 0000|PSFT 0000|0000
; 6. shl ah, 1 ; 000P|SFT0 0000|0000
; 7. xor ah,HIGH CE_DNS ; 000P|SFT0 0000|0000
; | |||
; CE_OOP equ 1000h ------------------+ |||
; CE_DNS equ 0800h --------------------+||
; CE_IOE equ 0400h ---------------------+|
; CE_PTO equ 0200h ----------------------+
test ah, high(CE_TXFULL or CE_OOP or CE_DNS or CE_IOE )
jz DoLPT70 ;No error occured
or by ComErr+1[si],ah ;Save comm error
test by EvtMask+1[si],HIGH EV_PErr ;Printer error event request?
jz DoLPT70 ; No
or by EvtWord+1[si],HIGH EV_PErr ; Yes, show event occured
pop di
DoLPT98 endp
; Open LPT
public INT_1AH_call
INT_1AH_call proc near
; Check H/W environment, and set correct I/O address to [si.Port].
; +---------------------------------------+--------------------+
; | | [si.Port] |
; | H/W environment |--------------------|
; | | LPT1 | LPT2 | LPT3 |
; +---------------------------------------+--------------------+
; |1|Standard Machine | 000h | -1 | -1 |
; |2|Standard Machine+Ex board(LPT1/2) | 540h | d40h | -1 |
; |3| (LPT2/3) | 000h | 540h | d40h |
; |4|TOKI on board | 140h | -1 | -1 |
; |4|TOKI on board (LPT1 KAN-I)| 000h | -1 | -1 |
; |5|TOKI on board + Ex board | 140h | 540h | d40h |
; |5|TOKI on board + Ex board (LPT1 KAN-I)| 000h | 540h | d40h |
; +---------------------------------------+--------------------+
; 000h -> compatible H/W, -1 -> no H/W
; [CurPrinterMode]
; PC98_Mode = 00000000b -> Standard Machine, no Ex board
; Toki_Mode = 00000001b -> TOKI on board
; ExToki_12 = 00000010b -> Ex LPT=LPT1/2
; ExToki_23 = 00000100b -> Ex LPT=LPT2/3
; ExToki_Available = (ExToki_12 or ExToki_23)
; Toki_BasePort �¨ 0140h ; Base I/O Address
; Toki_DataLatch �¨ 0140h ; Data Port
; Toki_PrinterStatus �¨ 0141h ; Status Port
; Toki_PrinterControls �¨ 0142h ; Control Port
; Toki_ControlStatus �¨ 0149h ; Control Status Port
; Toki_EX_Control �¨ 014eh ; Ex Control Port
; BIOS Common Area [0:458h] Full SENTRO if Bit1=1
; BIOS Common Area [0:5B3h] TOKI on board if Bit7=1
cmp by [si.DCB_Id], ID_LPT1 ; LPT1 ? (ins 931219)
jne LPT2_TokiSetup ; �@�@N: NEXT (ins 931219)
; (ins 931219)
push ds ; <ins:Toki:931027>
mov ax, 40h ; BIOS Common Area <ins:Toki:931027>
mov ds, ax ; <ins:Toki:931027>
test by ds:[1b3h], 10000000b ; TOKI if bit7=1 <ins:Toki:931027>
pop ds ;
mov wo [si.Port], 140h ; (ins 931219)
jz @f ; N: NEXT (ins 931219)
jmp LPT1_TokiSetup ; Y: TOKI I/O (ins 931219)
; -> LPT1=TOKI on board (ins 931219)
@@: ; (ins 931219)
mov dx, Toki_ControlStatus+400h ; (ins 931219)
in al, dx ; (ins 931219)
cmp al, 0ffh ; Is there Ex board ? (ins 931219)
mov wo [si.Port], 00h ; (ins 931219)
jne @f ; Y: NEXT (ins 931219)
jmp PrePrinterCall ; N: standard I/O (ins 931219)
; -> LPT1=KAN-I on board(ins 931219)
@@: ; (ins 931219)
mov dx, 54fh ; (ins 931219)
in al, dx ; (ins 931219)
test al, 00000100b ; Ex board = LPT1/2 ? (ins 931219)
mov wo [si.Port], 00h ; (ins 931219)
jz @f ; Y: Ex board I/O (ins 931219)
; -> LPT1=CH1 (ins 931219)
jmp PrePrinterCall ; N: Standard I/O (ins 931219)
; -> LPT1=KAN-I on board(ins 931219)
@@: ; (ins 931219)
; Initialize Ex 1CH(Port 054xh)
mov wo [si.Port], 540h ; (ins 931219)
Init_Port540h: ; (ins 931219)
mov dx, Toki_ControlStatus+400h; (ins 931219)
in al, dx ; (ins 931219)
mov [Org_Toki_ControlStatus540], al; Save Control Status(ins 931219)
mov dx, Toki_EX_Control+400h; (ins 931219)
in al, dx ; (ins 931219)
mov [Org_Toki_EX_Control540], al; Save Ex Control (ins 931219)
mov dx, Toki_ControlStatus+400h ; AT Standard mode (ins 931219)
mov al, 00010000b ; Normal Speed (ins 931219)
out dx, al ; (ins 931219)
iodelay ; (ins 931219)
mov dx, Toki_EX_Control+400h ; AT Standard mode (ins 931219)
mov al, 00010100b ; S/W Control (ins 931219)
out dx, al ; (ins 931219)
iodelay ; (ins 931219)
mov dx,Toki_PrinterControls+400h; Select Printer (ins 931219)
mov al, 00001100b ; nothing to initialize (ins 931219)
out dx, al ; (ins 931219)
ret ; (ins 931219)
cmp by [si.DCB_Id], ID_LPT2 ; LPT2 ? (ins 931219)
jne LPT3_TokiSetup ; N: NEXT (ins 931219)
mov dx, Toki_ControlStatus+400h ; (ins 931219)
in al, dx ; (ins 931219)
cmp al, 0ffh ; Is there Ex board ? (ins 931219)
mov wo [si.Port], -1 ; (ins 931219)
jne @f ; Y: NEXT (ins 931219)
ret ; N: Error (ins 931219)
@@: ; (ins 931219)
mov dx, 54fh ; (ins 931219)
in al, dx ; (ins 931219)
test al, 00000100b ; Ex board=LPT2/3 ? (ins 931219)
mov wo [si.Port], 540h ; (ins 931219)
jnz Init_Port540h ; Y: Init CH1 Port (ins 931219)
; -> LPT2=CH1 (ins 931219)
; N: Init CH2 Port (ins 931219)
; -> LPT2=CH2 (ins 931219)
; Initialize Ex 2CH(Port 0d4xh)
mov wo [si.Port], 0d40h ; (ins 931219)
Init_PortD40h: ; (ins 931219)
mov dx, Toki_ControlStatus+0c00h; (ins 931219)
in al, dx ; (ins 931219)
mov [Org_Toki_ControlStatusD40], al; Save Control Status(ins 931219)
mov dx, Toki_EX_Control+0c00h; (ins 931219)
in al, dx ; (ins 931219)
mov [Org_Toki_EX_ControlD40], al; Save Ex Control (ins 931219)
mov dx, Toki_ControlStatus+0c00h; AT Standard mode (ins 931219)
mov al, 00010000b ; Normal Speed (ins 931219)
out dx, al ; (ins 931219)
iodelay ; (ins 931219)
mov dx, Toki_EX_Control+0c00h ; AT Standard mode (ins 931219)
mov al, 00010100b ; S/W Control (ins 931219)
out dx, al ; (ins 931219)
iodelay ; (ins 931219)
mov dx,Toki_PrinterControls+0c00h; Select Printer (ins 931219)
mov al, 00001100b ; nothing to initialize (ins 931219)
out dx, al ; (ins 931219)
ret ; (ins 931219)
mov dx, Toki_ControlStatus+0c00h; (ins 931219)
in al, dx ; (ins 931219)
cmp al, 0ffh ; Is there Ex board ? (ins 931219)
mov wo [si.Port], -1 ; (ins 931219)
jne @f ; Y: NEXT
ret ; N: Error
@@: ;
mov dx, 54fh ; (ins 931219)
in al, dx ; (ins 931219)
test al, 00000100b ; Ex board=LPT2/3 ? (ins 931219)
mov wo [si.Port], 0d40h ; (ins 931219)
jnz Init_PortD40h ; Y: Init CH2 Port (ins 931219)
; -> LPT3=CH2 (ins 931219)
mov wo [si.Port], -1 ; (ins 931219)
ret ; (ins 931219)
LPT1_TokiSetup: ; (ins 931219)
; Save Status of TOKI
mov dx, Toki_ControlStatus ; <ins:Toki:931027>
in al, dx ; <ins:Toki:931027>
mov [Org_Toki_ControlStatus], al; Save Control Status <ins:Toki:931027>
mov dx, Toki_EX_Control ; <ins:Toki:931027>
in al, dx ; <ins:Toki:931027>
mov [Org_Toki_EX_Control], al ; Save Ex Control <ins:Toki:931027>
; Set Full SENTRO for checking cable
mov dx, Toki_ControlStatus ; AT Standard mode <ins:Toki:930923>
mov al, 00010000b ; Normal Speed <ins:Toki:930923>
out dx, al ; <ins:Toki:930923>
iodelay ; <ins:Toki:930923>
mov dx, Toki_EX_Control ; AT Standard mode <ins:Toki:930923>
mov al, 00000000b ; S/W Control <ins:Toki:930923>
out dx, al ; <ins:Toki:930923>
; Check cable
mov dx, Toki_PrinterControls ; <ins:Toki:931027>
in al, dx ; PrinterControls Read (ins 940224)
and al, 11011111b ; Set DIR(=Foward) (ins 940224)
out dx, al ; identification Sequence<ins:Toki:931027>
mov dx, Toki_DataLatch ; of cable <ins:Toki:931027>
mov al, 0 ; <ins:Toki:931027>
out dx, al ; <ins:Toki:931027>
mov dx, Toki_PrinterStatus ; <ins:Toki:931027>
in al, dx ; <ins:Toki:931027>
test al, 00000010b ; SENTRO cable(PowON)? <ins:Toki:931027>
jnz TokiFullInit ; Y: Init as <ins:Toki:931027>
; Full SENTRO<ins:Toki:931027>
mov dx, Toki_DataLatch ; N: NEXT <ins:Toki:931028>
mov al, 80h ; <ins:Toki:931028>
out dx, al ; <ins:Toki:931028>
mov dx, Toki_PrinterStatus ; <ins:Toki:931028>
in al, dx ; <ins:Toki:931028>
test al, 00000010b ; SENTRO cable(PowOFF)? <ins:Toki:931028>
jz TokiFullInit ; Y: Init as <ins:Toki:931028>
; Full SENTRO<ins:Toki:931028>
; Initialize as KAN-I SENTRO
mov wo [si.Port], 0 ; (ins 931219)
mov dx, Toki_ControlStatus ; <ins:Toki:931027>
mov al, 0 ; <ins:Toki:931027>
out dx, al ; N: KAN-I <ins:Toki:931027>
jmp short PrePrinterCall ; <ins:94.05.26 >
; <ins:Toki:931013>
; Initialize as Full SENTRO
TokiFullInit: ; <ins:Toki:931013>
or [CurPrinterMode], Toki_Mode; <ins:Toki:930923>
mov dx, Toki_ControlStatus ; AT Standard mode<ins:Toki:930923>
mov al, 00010000b ; Normal Speed <ins:Toki:930923>
out dx, al ; <ins:Toki:930923>
iodelay ; <ins:Toki:930923>
mov dx, Toki_EX_Control ; AT Standard mode<ins:Toki:930923>
mov al, 00000000b ; S/W Control <ins:Toki:930923>
out dx, al ; <ins:Toki:930923>
iodelay ; <ins:Toki:930923>
mov dx, Toki_PrinterControls; Select Printer<ins:Toki:930923>
mov al, 00001100b ; nothing to initialize <ins:Toki:930923>
out dx, al ; <ins:Toki:930923>
ret ; <ins:Toki:930923>
; <ins:Toki:930923>
INT_1AH_call endp
; Close LPT
public INT_1AH_Close ; <ins:Toki:931013>
INT_1AH_Close proc near ; <ins:Toki:931013>
cmp wo[si.Port], 00h ; (ins 931219)
jnz @f ; <ins:Toki:931013>
ret ; <ins:Toki:931013>
@@: ; <ins:Toki:931013>
cmp wo [si.Port], 140h ; (ins 931219)
jne @f ; (ins 931219)
mov al,[Org_Toki_ControlStatus]; <ins:Toki:931027>
mov dx, Toki_ControlStatus ; <ins:Toki:931027>
out dx, al ; Restore Control Status<ins:Toki:931027>
mov al,[Org_Toki_EX_Control] ; <ins:Toki:931027>
mov dx, Toki_EX_Control ; <ins:Toki:931027>
out dx, al ; Restore Ex Control <ins:Toki:931027>
ret ; <ins:Toki:931013>
cmp wo [si.Port], 540h ; (ins 931219)
jne @f ; (ins 931219)
mov al,[Org_Toki_ControlStatus540]; (ins 931219)
mov dx, Toki_ControlStatus+400h; (ins 931219)
out dx, al ; Restore Control Status(ins 931219)
; (ins 931219)
mov al,[Org_Toki_EX_Control540]; (ins 931219)
mov dx, Toki_EX_Control+400h; (ins 931219)
out dx, al ; Restore Ex Control (ins 931219)
ret ; (ins 931219)
@@: ; (ins 931219)
mov al,[Org_Toki_ControlStatusD40]; (ins 931219)
mov dx, Toki_ControlStatus+0c00h; (ins 931219)
out dx, al ; Restore Control Status(ins 931219)
; (ins 931219)
mov al,[Org_Toki_EX_ControlD40]; (ins 931219)
mov dx, Toki_EX_Control+0c00h; (ins 931219)
out dx, al ; Restore Ex Control (ins 931219)
ret ; (ins 931219)
INT_1AH_Close endp ; <ins:Toki:931013>
public PrinterCall
PrePrinterCall proc near
test [InitCounter],LptInit ; LPT Init Finish ? XL <ins 931028>
jz @f ; Yes: goto Return <ins 931028>
ret ; <ins 931028>
@@: ; <ins 931028>
or [InitCounter],LptInit ; LPT Init Flag "ON" <ins 931028>
mov ah,1 ; Printer Initialize <ins 931028>
PrePrinterCall endp
public PrinterCall
PrinterCall proc near
push bx
push cx
push dx
or ah,ah ; switch (AH) {
jnz @f ;
call LPT_OutPut ; 0: Output Data
jmp short End_INT1AH ;
dec ah ;
jnz @f ;
call LPT_Initialize ; 1: Initialize Printer
jmp short End_INT1AH ;
dec ah ;
jnz @f ;
call LPT_GetStatus ; 2: Read Printer Status
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
PrinterCall endp
; Output Data to Printer
public LPT_Output
LPT_OutPut proc near
mov dx,PRN_WRITE_DATA ;Set Printer Write Data Port
out dx,al ;Data out
mov dx,PRN_READ_SIGNAL1 ;Set Printer Status Port
in al,dx ; Get Printer Status (ins 93.03.23)
test al,(PS_NotBusy shr 5) ; if (status != Busy) (ins 93.03.23)
jnz INT1AH13 ; yes : goto INT1AH13 (ins 93.03.23)
INT1AH11: ;
push dx ;
call GetSystemMSecCount ; Get System Timer
mov di, ax ; di = Tick Value
pop dx ;
INT1AH12: ;
in al,dx ; Get Printer Status
test al,(PS_NotBusy shr 5) ; if (status != Busy)
jnz INT1AH13 ; yes : goto INT1AH13
push dx ;
call GetSystemMSecCount ;
pop dx ;
sub ax, di ;
cmp ax, 300 ; 1/3 sec timeout
jbe INT1AH12 ;
cmp byte ptr [ModeFlag],0 ;### (ins 93.03.31)
jnz INT1AH12_1 ;
or al,061h
and al,065h
INT1AH12_1: ;
call XlatStatus ;Locate bits
or ah,PS_Timeout ;Show timeout
and ah,(PS_NotBusy+PS_Ack+PS_PaperOut+PS_Select+PS_IOError+PS_Timeout)
cmp byte ptr [ModeFlag],0 ;### (ins 93.03.31)
jnz INT1AH13_X2 ;
INT1AH13_X1: ;
mov dx,PRN_WRITE_SIGNAL1 ;Set Printer Status Port
mov al,PRN_PSTB_Active_X1 ;Strobe High
out dx,al
NEWIODELAY 2 ;<OUT 5F,AL> (ins 92.11.11)
mov al,PRN_PSTB_NonActive_X1 ;Strobe Low
out dx,al
call LPT_GetStatus
INT1AH13_X2: ;
mov dx,PRN_WRITE_SIGNAL1 ;Set Printer Status Port
mov al,PRN_PSTB_Active_X2 ;Strobe High
out dx,al
NEWIODELAY 2 ;<OUT 5F,AL> (ins 92.11.11)
mov al,PRN_PSTB_NonActive_X2;Strobe Low
out dx,al
call LPT_GetStatus
LPT_OutPut endp
; Read Printer Status
public LPT_GetStatus
LPT_GetStatus proc near
in al,dx ; Read Status
cmp byte ptr [ModeFlag],0 ;(ins 93.03.31)####
jnz INT1AH22 ;
or al,061h
and al,065h
INT1AH22: ;
jmp short XlatStatus ;(ins 93.03.31)####
LPT_GetStatus endp
; Locate Bits
; [ NES's Printer STATUS ]
; (7)(6)(5)(4)(3)(2)(1)(0)
; I I I I I I +-------------------- = 0: ACK
; I I I I I +-------------------------- = 0: BUSY
; I I I I +----------------------------- = 0: IBUSY
; I I I +-------------------------------- = 0: DC¥5V
; I I +----------------------------------- = 0: PE
; I +-------------------------------------- = 0: FAULT
; +----------------------------------------- = 0: SELECT
; [IBM Printer Status]
; (B)(A)(P)(S)|(F)(0)(0)(T)
; | | | | | +------------------- = 1: PS_Timeout
; | | | | +---------------------------- = 1: PS_IOError
; | | | +-------------------------------- = 1: PS_Select
; | | +----------------------------------- = 1: PS_PaperOut
; | +-------------------------------------- = 1: PS_Ack
; +----------------------------------------- = 1: PS_NotBusy
public XlatStatus ;
XlatStatus proc near ; <AH> <AL>
mov ah,al ; ____ __ _
and ah,11111101b ; SFP5|IB0A
; ____ ___
inc ah ; SFP5|IBA?
; ___ ____
shr ah,1 ; 0SFP|5IBA
; _ __ ____
ror ah,1 ; A0SF|P5IB
; __ _ ____
ror ah,1 ; BA0S|FP5I
and ah,(PS_NotBusy+PS_Ack+PS_Select+PS_IOError);
; __ _ _
; BA0S|F000 _
and al,PS_PaperOut ; ____ _ 00P0|0000
or ah,al ; BAPS|F000
xor ah,(PS_Ack+PS_PaperOut+PS_Select+PS_IOError)
; _
ret ; BAPS|F000
XlatStatus endp ;
; Initialize Printer Port
public LPT_Initialize
LPT_Initialize proc near
; Check Printer mode
; [out] ZF =0 = KAN-I SENTRO
; ZF !=0 = Full SENTRO
call mode_check
jnz INT1AH42 ;(ins 92.09.25)
ret ;(ins 92.09.25)
INT1AH42: ;(ins 92.09.25)
push ax ; [8255 mode set]
push cx ; I
; I
mov al,PRNStrobFF_ON ; ____ I = 0dh
out SystemPort,al ; PSTB mask 'ON'
NEWIODELAY 10 ;<OUT 5F,AL> (ins 92.11.11)
mov al,0a2h ; I
out PRN_Mode,al ; mode set of SENTRO Interface
NEWIODELAY 10 ;<OUT 5F,AL> (ins 92.11.11)
mov al,05h ; I ____
out PRN_Mode,al ; SENTRO Interface PSTB 'OFF'
NEWIODELAY 10 ;<OUT 5F,AL> (ins 92.11.11)
mov al,PRNStrobFF_OFF ; ____ I
out SystemPort,al ; PSTB mask 'OFF
NEWIODELAY 10 ;<OUT 5F,AL> (ins 92.11.11)
xor ax,ax ; I
out PRN_WSignal,al ; INPUT¥PRIME 'ON' __________
; I I
INT1AH45: ; I I
mov cx,0 ; I I
loop $ ; I I
mov al,1 ; I I
out PRN_WSignal,al ; INPUT¥PRIME 'OFF' ---------
NEWIODELAY 10 ;<OUT 5F,AL> (ins 92.11.11)
mov al,0ch ; I
out PRN_WSignal,al ; INTE Disable(Stop LPT Interrupt)
mov cx,0 ; ____ I
INT1AH47: ; BUSY Check
in al,42h ; I
test al,(PS_NotBusy shr 5) ; I
loopz INT1AH47 ; I
stc ; (ins 940115)
push di ; (ins 940115)
push dx ; We need to wait for (ins 940115)
call GetSystemMSecCount ; reset process (ins 940115)
mov di, ax ; if reset by port on (ins 940115)
pop dx ; PC-PR602R. (ins 940115)
@@: ; Then wait 1.5sec here. (ins 940115)
push dx ; (ins 940115)
call GetSystemMSecCount ; (ins 940115)
pop dx ; (ins 940115)
sub ax, di ; (ins 940115)
cmp ax, 1500 ; (ins 940115)
jbe @b ; (ins 940115)
pop di ; (ins 940115)
pop cx ; [ END ]
pop ax
LPT_Initialize endp
endif ; NEC_98
CheckStatus proc near
ifdef NEC_98
call LPT_GetStatus ;(ins 93.03.31)####
and ah, L_BITS ;; #### 93.03.30 ####
mov al, ah ;; #### 92.10.11 ####
else ; NEC_98
in al, dx ; get status bits
mov ah, al
and al, L_BITS ; mask unused ones
xor al, L_BITS_INVERT ; flip a couple
xchg al, ah
in al, dx
and al, L_BITS
cmp al, ah ; did any bits change?
jnz CheckStatus
endif ; NEC_98
test ah, PS_PaperOut or PS_IOError
jz @F
test ah, PS_Select
jnz @F
and ah, PS_NotBusy
CheckStatus endp
;----------------------------Public Routine-----------------------------;
; StringToLPT - Send string To LPT Port
; Entry:
; DS:SI -> DEB
; ES:DI -> string to send
; CX = # of bytes to send
; Returns:
; AX = # of bytes actually sent
; Registers Destroyed:
; History:
StringToLPT proc near
ifdef NEC_98
cmp wo[si.Port], 00h; (ins 931219)
jz StringToLPT98 ; <ins:Toki:930923>
jmp Toki_StringToLPT ; <ins:Toki:930923>
else ; NEC_98
mov dx, Port[si] ; get port address
inc dx ; access status port
push cx ; save count for later
push ds
mov bx, __0040H
mov ds, bx
call CheckStatus ; quick status check before slowness
jc PrinterError
jz PrinterBusy ; if printer not ready for first char
; then just return with CE_TXFULL
;; mov bh, 10 ; will wait 10 clock tics (~ 1/2 sec)
mov bh, 3 ; will wait 3 clock tics (~ 1/6 sec)
mov bl, ds:[006Ch] ; low byte of tic counter
call CheckStatus ; quick status check before slowness
jc PrinterError
jnz LPT_PrinterRdy
cmp bl, ds:[006Ch]
jz l2 ; tic count hasn't changed
dec bh
jz PrinterBusy ; out of tics, timeout
jmp short l1
mov al, es:[di]
inc di
dec dx ; point to data port
out dx, al ; write character to port
add dx, 2 ; access control port
mov al, L_STROBE ; set strobe high
out dx, al ; ...
mov al, L_NORMAL ;
out dx, al ; set strobe low
dec dx ; point to status port for check
loop CharacterToLPT
pop ds
jmp short LPT_Exit
pop ds
jmp short ReturnStatus
pop ds
or ComErr[si],CE_TXFULL ; set buffer full bit
or al, L_TIMEOUT ; show timeout bit
and ax,(PS_PaperOut+PS_Select+PS_IOError+PS_Timeout)
xchg al, ah
shr ah,1
adc ah,al ;Get back Timeout bit
xor ah,HIGH CE_DNS ;Invert selected bit
.errnz LOW CE_DNS
or by ComErr+1[si],ah ;Save comm error
pop ax ; get total count
sub ax, cx ; subtract remaining unsent charts
endif ; NEC_98
StringToLPT endp
ifdef NEC_98
StringToLPT98 proc near
push cx ; save count for (ins 92.09.28)
push ds ; (ins 92.09.28)
mov dx, PRN_READ_SIGNAL1 ;Set Status Port (ins 93.03.31)####
in al, dx ;Get Status (ins 93.03.31)####
test al,(PS_NotBusy shr 5) ; if ( != Busy) (ins 93.03.31)####
jnz LPT_PrinterRdy ; yes : OUT Port (ins 93.03.31)####
push dx ;
call GetSystemMSecCount ; Get System Timer
mov bx, ax ; ax = Tick Value
pop dx ;
push bx
call CheckStatus ; quick status check (ins 92.08.xx)
pop bx
jc PrinterError ; ## 92.10.11 ## (ins 92.08.xx)
jnz LPT_PrinterRdy ; (ins 92.08.xx)
push ax
push dx ;
call GetSystemMSecCount ;
pop dx ;
sub ax, bx ;
cmp ax, 1000 ; ## 92.10.11 ## 1 sec timeout
pop ax
jbe CharToLPT1 ;
jmp short PrinterBusy ; (ins 92.08.xx)
mov al, es:[di]
inc di
push ax ; (ins 92.10.01)
push di ; (ins 92.10.01)
call LPT_OutPut2 ;data out (ins 92.10.01)
pop di ; (ins 92.10.01)
pop ax ; (ins 92.10.01)
loop CharacterToLPT
pop ds
jmp short LPT_Exit
pop ds
jmp short ReturnStatus
pop ds
or ComErr[si],CE_TXFULL ; set buffer full bit
or al, L_TIMEOUT ; show timeout bit
and ax,(PS_Select+PS_IOError+PS_Timeout) ;(ins 93.03.30)
xchg al, ah
shr ah,1
adc ah,al ;Get back Timeout bit
xor ah,HIGH CE_DNS ;Invert selected bit
.errnz LOW CE_DNS
or by ComErr+1[si],ah ;Save comm error
pop ax ; get total count
sub ax, cx ; subtract remaining unsent charts
StringToLPT98 endp
;############ ins 93.03.28 #############
public LPT_OutPut2 ; (ins 93.03.30) [QN]
LPT_OutPut2 proc near ; (ins 93.03.28) [QN]
FCLI ; (ins 93.03.28) [QN]
mov dx,PRN_WRITE_DATA ;Set Write Port (ins 93.03.28) [QN]
out dx,al ;Data out (ins 93.03.28) [QN]
out 5fh, al ; (ins 93.04.03) [QN]
cmp byte ptr [ModeFlag],0 ; ####### (ins 93.03.31) [QN]
jnz LPT_OutPut2_X2 ; (ins 93.03.28) [QN]
; (ins 93.03.28) [QN]
LPT_OutPut2_X1: ; (ins 93.03.28) [QN]
mov dx,PRN_WRITE_SIGNAL1 ; (ins 93.03.28) [QN]
mov al,PRN_PSTB_Active_X1 ;Strobe High (ins 93.03.28) [QN]
out dx,al ; (ins 93.03.28) [QN]
out 5fh, al ; (ins 93.04.03) [QN]
mov al,PRN_PSTB_NonActive_X1;Strobe Low (ins 93.03.28) [QN]
out dx,al ; (ins 93.03.28) [QN]
FSTI ; (ins 93.03.28) [QN]
ret ; (ins 93.03.28) [QN]
; (ins 93.03.28) [QN]
LPT_OutPut2_X2: ; (ins 93.03.28) [QN]
mov dx,PRN_WRITE_SIGNAL1 ; (ins 93.03.28) [QN]
mov al,PRN_PSTB_Active_X2 ;Strobe High (ins 93.03.28) [QN]
out dx,al ; (ins 93.03.28) [QN]
out 5fh, al ; (ins 93.04.03) [QN]
mov al,PRN_PSTB_NonActive_X2;Strobe Low (ins 93.03.28) [QN]
out dx,al ; (ins 93.03.28) [QN]
FSTI ; (ins 93.03.28) [QN]
ret ; (ins 93.03.28) [QN]
LPT_OutPut2 endp ; (ins 93.03.28) [QN]
;(ins 92.08.xx)
; Check Printer Mode
; [out] ZF == 0 = KAN-I SENTRO
; ZF != 0 = Full SENTRO
_X2_mode equ 00000100b ;
_NPC_check equ 10000000b ;
mode_check: ;
mov Byte ptr [ModeFlag],0 ;(ins 93.03.28)
push ax ;
push ds ;
mov ax,40H ;
mov ds,ax ;
test by ds:[58H],_NPC_check ;
pop ds ;
pop ax ;
jz NH_check ;Standard Machine
; Hiper 98
call NH_check ;
jnz exit_mode_check ;Highreso for NPC
; Hiper 98 Normal Mode
push ax ;
push dx ;
mov dx,448h ;
;Read data of Ex mode register from 448h
;bit0=1 : Full SENTRO, bit0=0 : KAN-I SENTRO
in al,dx ;
test al,1 ;
pop dx ;
pop ax ;
jz exit_mode_check ;(ins 93.03.28)
mov Byte ptr [ModeFlag],1 ;(ins 93.03.28)
;(ins 93.03.28)
ret ;
; Check Machine architecture
; [out] ZF =0 ... Normal
; ZF !=0 ... Highreso
bios_common equ 501h ;
_X2_system equ 00001000b ;
push ax ;
push ds ;
; 40H:[101H] bit3 (_X2_system)
; =0 : Normal
; =1 : Highreso
mov ax,40H ;
mov ds,ax ;
test by ds:[101H],_X2_system ;
pop ds ;
pop ax ;
jz @f ;(ins 93.03.28)
mov Byte ptr [ModeFlag],1 ;(ins 93.03.28)
@@: ;(ins 93.03.28)
ret ;
mode_check2: ;(ins 93.03.28)
cmp byte ptr [ModeFlag],0 ;(ins 93.03.28)
ret ;(ins 93.03.28)
; Toki_DoLPT - Do Function To LPT port
; Entry:
; AH = cid
; AL = character to output
; CH = Function request. 0 = Output, 1 = Initialize, 2 = Status
; DS:SI -> DEB for the port
; Returns:
; AX = 0 if no errors occured
; Error Returns:
; AX = error code
; Registers Preserved:
; Registers Destroyed:
; History:
public Toki_DoLPT
Toki_DoLPT proc near
mov dx,Port[si] ;Get port address
; DX = port address
; CH = operation: 0 = write, 1 = init, 2 = status
; AL = character
or ch, ch
jz Toki_LPT_OutChar
cmp ch, 1
jz Toki_LPT_Reset
jmp Toki_LPT_GetStatus
inc dx
inc dx
mov al, L_RESET
out dx, al
push dx
cCall GetSystemMsecCount
mov bx, ax
push bx
cCall GetSystemMsecCount
pop bx
sub ax, bx
cmp ax, 300 ; 1/3 sec as good as any
jbe Toki_LPT_ResetDelay
pop dx
mov al, L_NORMAL
out dx, al
dec dx
dec dx
jmp short Toki_LPT_GetStatus
push ax ; save character to be written
; first check to see if printer is ready for us
push di
push dx
call GetSystemMSecCount
mov di, ax
pop dx
inc dx ; point to status port
in al, dx ; get status bits
and al, L_BITS ; mask unused ones
xor al, L_BITS_INVERT ; flip a couple
xchg al, ah
in al, dx
dec dx
and al, L_BITS
cmp al, ah ; did any bits change?
jnz Toki_LPT_WaitReady
dec dx
test ah, PS_PaperOut or PS_IOError
jnz Toki_LPT_PrinterNotReady
test ah, PS_Select
jz Toki_LPT_PrinterNotReady
test ah, PS_NotBusy
jnz Toki_LPT_PrinterReady
push ax
push dx
call GetSystemMSecCount
pop dx
pop bx
sub ax, di
cmp ax, 300 ; 1/3 sec timeout
jbe Toki_LPT_WaitReady
; The device seems to be selected and powered up, but is just
; busy (some printers seem to show selected but busy when they
; are taken offline). Show that the transmit queue is full and
; that the hold handshakes are set. This is so the windows
; spooler will retry (and do yields so that other apps may run).
or ComErr[si],CE_TXFULL ;Show queue full
mov ah,bh
or ah, L_TIMEOUT
pop di
pop cx ; throw away character
jmp short Toki_LPT_ReturnStatus
pop di ; get di back
pop ax ; get character back
out dx, al ; write character to port
inc dx ; access status port
inc dx ; control port
mov al, L_STROBE ; set strobe high
out dx, al ; ...
mov al, L_NORMAL ;
out dx, al ; set strobe low
sub dx, 2 ; point back to port base
inc dx ; point to status port
in al, dx ; get status bits
and al, L_BITS ; mask unused ones
xor al, L_BITS_INVERT ; flip a couple
mov ah, al
in al, dx
and al, L_BITS
cmp al, ah
jnz Toki_LPT_GS1 ; if they changed try again...
assumes ds,Data
and ax,( PS_Select+PS_IOError+PS_Timeout)*256 ; (ins 940125)
shr ah,1
adc ah,al ;Get back Timeout bit
xor ah,HIGH CE_DNS ;Invert selected bit
.errnz LOW CE_DNS
or by ComErr+1[si],ah ;Save comm error
.errnz CE_PTO-0200h
.errnz CE_IOE-0400h
.errnz CE_DNS-0800h
.errnz CE_OOP-1000h
assumes ds,Data
or ComErr[si],CE_TXFULL ;Show queue full
Toki_DoLPT endp
Toki_CheckStatus proc near
in al, dx ; get status bits
test al, PS_PaperOut ; paper empty ? (ins 94.08.09)
jz @f ; N: Next (ins 94.08.09)
and al, not PS_IOError ; Y: Show I/O error (ins 94.08.09)
@@: ; (ins 94.08.09)
mov ah, al
and al, L_BITS ; mask unused ones
xor al, L_BITS_INVERT ; flip a couple
xchg al, ah
in al, dx
test al, PS_PaperOut ; paper empty ? (ins 94.08.09)
jz @f ; N: Next (ins 94.08.09)
and al, not PS_IOError ; Y: Show I/O error (ins 94.08.09)
@@: ; (ins 94.08.09)
and al, L_BITS
cmp al, ah ; did any bits change?
jnz Toki_CheckStatus
test ah, PS_PaperOut or PS_IOError
jz @F
test ah, PS_Select
jnz @F
and ah, PS_NotBusy
Toki_CheckStatus endp
;----------------------------Public Routine-----------------------------;
; Toki_StringToLPT - Send string To LPT Port
; Entry:
; DS:SI -> DEB
; ES:DI -> string to send
; CX = # of bytes to send
; Returns:
; AX = # of bytes actually sent
; Registers Destroyed:
; History:
Toki_StringToLPT proc near
mov dx, Port[si] ; get port address <del:Toki:930923>
inc dx ; access status port
push cx ; save count for later
push ds
call Toki_CheckStatus ; quick status check before slowness
jc Toki_PrinterError
jz Toki_PrinterBusy ; if printer not ready for first char
; then just return with CE_TXFULL
push dx ; <inc:Toki:930923>
call GetSystemMSecCount ; Get System Timer <inc:Toki:930923>
mov bx, ax ; ax = Tick Value <inc:Toki:930923>
pop dx ; <inc:Toki:930923>
; <inc:Toki:930923>
Toki_CharToLPT1: ; <inc:Toki:930923>
push bx ; <inc:Toki:930923>
call Toki_CheckStatus ; quick status check <inc:Toki:930923>
pop bx ; <inc:Toki:930923>
jc Toki_PrinterError ; <inc:Toki:930923>
jnz Toki_LPT_PrinterRdy; <inc:Toki:930923>
; <inc:Toki:930923>
Toki_CharToLPT2: ; <inc:Toki:930923>
push ax ; <inc:Toki:930923>
push dx ; <inc:Toki:930923>
call GetSystemMSecCount ; <inc:Toki:930923>
pop dx ; <inc:Toki:930923>
sub ax, bx ; <inc:Toki:930923>
cmp ax, 1000 ; 1 sec timeout <inc:Toki:930923>
pop ax ; <inc:Toki:930923>
jbe Toki_CharToLPT1 ; <inc:Toki:930923>
jmp short Toki_PrinterBusy ; <inc:Toki:930923>
; <inc:Toki:930923>
mov al, es:[di]
inc di
dec dx ; point to data port
out dx, al ; write character to port
add dx, 2 ; access control port
mov al, L_STROBE ; set strobe high
out dx, al ; ...
mov al, L_NORMAL ;
out dx, al ; set strobe low
dec dx ; point to status port for check
loop Toki_CharacterToLPT
pop ds
jmp short Toki_LPT_Exit
pop ds
jmp short Toki_ReturnStatus
pop ds
or ComErr[si],CE_TXFULL ; set buffer full bit
or al, L_TIMEOUT ; show timeout bit
and ax,( PS_Select+PS_IOError+PS_Timeout) ; (ins 940125)
xchg al, ah
shr ah,1
adc ah,al ;Get back Timeout bit
xor ah,HIGH CE_DNS ;Invert selected bit
.errnz LOW CE_DNS
or by ComErr+1[si],ah ;Save comm error
pop ax ; get total count
sub ax, cx ; subtract remaining unsent charts
Toki_StringToLPT endp
TOMOE_PAT DB 16 DUP('PATCH !!') ;PATCH AREA (ins 92.11.11)
endif ; NEC_98
IFDEF DEBUG ;Publics for debugging
ifdef NEC_98
public Toki_LPT_Reset
public Toki_LPT_Outchar
public Toki_LPT_Strobe
public Toki_LPT_GetStatus
public Toki_DoLPT40
else ; NEC_98
public LPT_Reset
public LPT_Outchar
public LPT_Strobe
public LPT_GetStatus
public DoLPT40
endif ; NEC_98
sEnd code