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; Module Name: IBMSETUP.ASM
; Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation 1985-1990. All Rights Reserved.
; General Description:
; History:
; sudeepb 10-Jan-1993 changed the costly cli/sti with non-trapping
; FCLI/FSTI macros
title IBMSetup - IBM PC, PC-XT, PC-AT, PS/2 Communications Interface
EBIS_Sel1 equ SIZE Bimodal_Int_Struc
EBIS_Sel2 equ EBIS_Sel1 + (SIZE EBIS_Sel_Struc)
externA __WinFlags
externFP GetSystemMsecCount
externFP CreateSystemTimer
externFP AllocCStoDSAlias
externFP LockSegment
externFP UnlockSegment
externFP FreeSelector
externFP GetSelectorBase
externFP GetModuleHandle
externFP GetProcAddress
externFP GetPrivateProfileInt
externFP GetPrivateProfileString
externFP GetAppCompatFlags
ifdef NEC_98
externFP KillSystemTimer ;Ins 940923 KBNES
externFP TickEntry4 ;Ins 940923 KBNES
else ; NEC_98
externFP WowCloseComPort
endif ; NEC_98
externNP $RECCOM
externA __0040H
externA __F000h
externB IRQhooks
IF 0
externD OldIntVecIntB
externD OldIntVecIntC
externD OurIntVecIntB
externD OurIntVecIntC
externB szMessage
externB pLPTByte
externB szCOMMessage
externB pCOMByte
externB _szTitle
MULTIPLEX equ 2Fh ; multiplex interrupt number
GET386API equ 1684h ; Get API entry point from VxD
VPD equ 000Fh ; device ID of VPD device
VPD_GETPORT equ 0004h ; function: assign port to current VM
VPD_RELPORT equ 0005h ; function: release port
VCD equ 000Eh ; device ID of VCD device
VCD_GETVER equ 0000h ; get version API
VCD_GETPORT equ 0004h ; function: assign port to current VM
VCD_RELPORT equ 0005h ; function: release port
VPICD equ 0003h ; device ID of VPICD device
POSTMESSAGE equ 110 ; export ordinal of PostMessage()
MESSAGEBOX equ 1 ; export ordinal of MessageBox()
MB_TASKMODAL equ 2000h
MB_YESNO equ 0004h ; messagebox flags
IDYES equ 6
createSeg _INTERRUPT,IntCode,word,public,CODE
sBegin IntCode
assumes cs,IntCode
externFP FakeCOMIntFar
externFP TimerProc
externFP Control
externFP COMHandler
externFP APIHandler
IFDEF No_DOSX_Bimodal_Services
externW RM_IntDataSeg
externFP RM_APIHandler
externFP Entry_From_RM
externD RM_CallBack
sEnd IntCode
sBegin Data
externB lpCommBase
externB CommBaseX
externB lpCommIrq
externB CommIrqX
externB lpCommFifo
externB CommFifoX
externB lpCommDSR
externB CommDSRx
externB lpCommSection
; Reserve data space for COM ports
DefineCommX MACRO num
public Comm&num
Comm&num label byte
db num-1
.errnz DCB_Id
db ((DCBSize+1) AND 0FFFEh)-1 DUP (0) ; ComDCB
dw 0 ; ComErr
dw 0 ; Port
dw 0 ; NotifyHandle
dw 0 ; NotifyFlags
dw -1 ; RecvTrigger
dw 0 ; SendTrigger
.errnz IRQhook - SendTrigger - 2
db (SIZE ComDEB) - IRQhook DUP(0)
.errnz $ - Comm&num - (SIZE ComDEB)
Declare_PM_BIS 0,Control,COMHandler,APIHandler,_INTERRUPT,_DATA
db (SIZE EBIS_Sel_Struc) * 2 DUP(0) ; res space for 2 selectors
dw DataOFFSET Comm&num
??portnum = 1
DefineCommX %??portnum
??portnum = ??portnum+1
PUBLIC COMptrs ; table of offsets to CommX's declared above
COMptrs label word
??portnum = 1
DW_OFFSET_CommX %??portnum
??portnum = ??portnum+1
PURGE DefineCommX
; Reserve data space for LPT ports
DefineLPTx MACRO num
public LPT&num
LPT&num label byte
db num-1+LPTx
.errnz DCB_Id
db ((DCBSize+1) AND 0FFFEh)-1 DUP (0) ; xComDCB
dw 0 ; xComErr
dw 0 ; xPort
dw 0 ; xNotifyHandle
dw 0 ; xNotifyFlags
dw -1 ; xRecvTrigger
dw 0 ; xSendTrigger
IF num LE 3
dw LPTB + (num-1)*2
dw 0 ; BIOSPortLoc
.errnz $-LPT&num - SIZE LptDEB
??portnum = 1
DefineLPTx %??portnum
??portnum = ??portnum+1
PUBLIC $MachineID, Using_DPMI
$MachineID db 0 ;IBM Machine ID
Using_DPMI db 0 ; 0FFh, if TRUE
activeCOMs dw 0
PUBLIC lpPostMessage, lpfnMessageBox, lpfnVPD, fVPD
lpPostMessage dd 0
lpfnMessageBox dd 0
lpfnVPD dd 0 ; far pointer to win 386 VPD entry point
lpfnVCD dd 0 ; far pointer to win 386 VCD entry point
lpfnVPICD dd 0 ; far pointer to win 386 VPICD entry point
PUBLIC VCD_int_callback
VCD_int_callback df 0 ; VCD returns the address for this callback
; on every call to acquire a COM port, but
; it is always the same address, so we will
; just maintain it globally.
fVPD db 0 ; 0-not checked, 1 vpd present, -1 no vpd
fVCD db 0 ; 0-not checked, 1 vcd present, -1 no vcd
fVPICD db 0 ; 0-not checked, 1 vpicd present, -1 no vpicd
szUser db 'USER',0
default_table db 4, 3, 4, 3, 0 ; Default IRQ's (COM3 default is changed to
; 3 for PS/2's during LoadLib)
IFDEF No_DOSX_Bimodal_Services
RM_Call_Struc Real_Mode_Call_Struc <>
%OUT including code to display MsgBox, if closing comm with data in buffer
szSendTO db 'TimedOut CloseComm with data in buffer. Retry?', 0
ifdef NEC_98
CM_VxD_Device_ID EQU 034h
CM_GetVersion EQU 0
CM_GetConfig EQU 1
CM_LockConfig EQU 2
CM_UnlockConfig EQU 3
CM_ConfigBuffSize EQU SIZE Config_Info_Struc
Max_Mem_Registers EQU 9
Max_IO_Ports EQU 20
Max_IRQs EQU 7
Max_DMA_Channels EQU 7
Config_info_Struc STRUC
CIS_Bus_id dd ?
CIS_Device_id dd ?
CIS_Serial_Number dd ?
CIS_Log_ID dd ?
CIS_Flags dd ?
; NOTE:For this example,we are using the ISA Plug&Play card access data only
; since the sample driver is for a theoretical new ISA card.
CIS_CSN db ?
CIS_LogicalDevNumber db ?
CIS_Read_data_port dw ?
; Below this point is data common to all device on all busses
CIS_NumMemWindows dw ?
CIS_MemBase dd Max_Mem_Registers dup(?)
CIS_MemLength dd Max_Mem_Registers dup(?)
CIS_MemAttrib dw Max_Mem_Registers dup(?)
CIS_NumIOPorts dw ?
CIS_IOPort_Base dw Max_IO_Ports dup(?)
CIS_IOPort_Length dw Max_IO_Ports dup(?)
CIS_NumIRQs dw ?
CIS_IRQRegisters db Max_IRQs dup(?)
CIS_IRQAttrib db Max_IRQs dup(?)
CIS_NumDMAs dw ?
CIS_DMAList db Max_DMA_Channels dup(?)
CIS_DMAAttrib dw Max_DMA_Channels dup(?)
CIS_Reserved db 3 dup(?)
Config_Info_Struc ENDS
CM_Entry_Point_Off dw ?
CM_Entry_Point_Seg dw ?
My_Config_Buffer Config_Info_Struc<>
My_Search_Buffer LABEL DWORD
dd ? ;My_Bus_ID
dd ? ;My_Dev_ID
dd ? ;My_Serial_Num
My_Log_ID dd 04180a3b8h ;My_Log_ID Fax ID 94.08.02
endif ; NEC_98
sEnd Data
ROMBios segment at 0F000h
org 0FFFEh
MachineID label byte
RomBios Ends
sBegin Code
assumes cs,Code
assumes ds,Data
IFDEF No_DOSX_Bimodal_Services
; SegmentFromSelector
; Converts a selector to a segment...note that this routine assumes
; the memory pointed to by the selector is below the 1Meg line!
; Params:
; AX = selector to convert to segment
; Returns:
; AX = segment of selector given
; Error Returns:
; None
; Registers Destroyed:
; CX
assumes ds,Data
assumes es,nothing
public SegmentFromSelector
SegmentFromSelector proc far
push dx
cCall GetSelectorBase,<ax> ;DX:AX = segment of selector
shr ax, 4
shl dl, 4
or ah, dl ;AX now points to interrupt *segment*
pop dx
SegmentFromSelector endp
; Get_API_Entry
; entry - BX = device id
; DS:DI -> DWORD for proc address
; exit - Z flag set, if failed
Get_API_Entry proc near
push di
xor di, di
mov es, di
mov ax, GET386API
mov ax, di
pop di
mov [di], ax
mov [di+2], es
or ax, [di+2]
Get_API_Entry endp
; Contention_Dlg
; If running under Win386, this routine can be called to ask the user to
; resolve contention for a COM or LPT port.
; entry - CX is offset of message string for dialog box
; exit - Z flag set, if user specified that Windows should steal the port
Contention_Dlg proc near
PUBLIC Contention_Dlg
xor ax,ax
push ax ; hwndOwner
push ds
push cx ; message ptr
cmp wo lpfnMessageBox[2], 0 ;Q: ptr to MessageBox proc valid?
jne short gmbp_done ; Y: we can call it
push ds ; N: get module handle of USER
lea ax, szUser
push ax
cCall GetModuleHandle
push ax ; module handle
push dx
push ax
cCall GetProcAddress
mov wo lpfnMessageBox[0], ax ; save received proc address
mov wo lpfnMessageBox[2], dx
push ds
lea ax, _szTitle
push ax
push ax
cCall lpfnMessageBox
cmp ax, IDYES ; user allows us to take the port?
Contention_Dlg endp
ifndef NEC_98
; GetPort386
; If running under Win386, tell the VPD to assign an LPT port to us.
; The comm driver will handle contention.
; entry - DI contains offset in ROM area of port...
; 8 - LPT1, A - LPT2, etc
; exit - registers saved, carry = clear if OK to proceed, set if
; user won't allow assignment of port or Win386 error
GetPort386 proc near
public GetPort386
cmp fVPD, 0
jl getport_VPDNotInstalled
jnz short getport_CallVPD
push di
mov bx, VPD
mov di, DataOFFSET lpfnVPD
call Get_API_Entry
pop di
jnz short getport_CallVPD
mov fVPD, -1
jmp short getport_exit
mov fVPD, 1
push di
sub di, LPTB
shr di, 1 ; turn DI into port number
xor ax, ax
mov cx, di
call [lpfnVPD]
jnc getport_gotit
; port owned by another VM... ask the user for it
add cl, '1' ; fix up the port name...
mov pLPTByte, cl ; HACK HACK HACK
lea cx, szMessage
call Contention_Dlg
jnz getport_userwontallow
mov ax, 1 ; tell win386 we really do want it
mov cx, di ;
mov dx, VPD_GETPORT ;
call [lpfnVPD] ; return with C set or clear...
jmp short getport_gotit
pop di
GetPort386 endp
endif ; NEC_98
; ReleasePort386
; If running under Win386, tell the VPD to deassign an LPT port.
; entry - DS:SI -> COMDEB
ReleasePort386 proc near
cmp fVPD, 1
jne release_noVPD
xor cx, cx
mov cl, [si.DCB_id]
and cl, NOT LPTx ; clear high bit
call [lpfnVPD]
ReleasePort386 endp
ifndef NEC_98
; GetCOMport386
; If running under Win386, tell the VCD to assign a COM port to us.
; The comm driver will handle contention.
; entry - DS:SI -> COMDEB
; exit - registers saved, carry = clear if OK to proceed, set if
; user won't allow assignment of port or Win386 error
GetCOMport386 proc near
public GetCOMport386
push es
cmp fVCD, 0
jl short getcomport_VCDNotInstalled
jnz short getcomport_CallVCD
mov bx, VCD
mov di, DataOFFSET lpfnVCD
call Get_API_Entry
jz short getcomport_checknoVCD
mov dx, VCD_GETVER
call [lpfnVCD]
cmp ax, 30Ah ;Q: 3.1 or greater?
jae short getcomport_CallVCD ; Y:
mov fVCD, -1
jmp short getcomport_exit
mov fVCD, 1
mov ax, 10b ; flag ring0 int handler
call VCD_GetPort_API
jnc short getcomport_success ; jump if acquire worked
jnz short getcomport_noport ; jump if port doesn't exist
; port owned by another VM... ask the user for it
mov cl, [si.DCB_id]
add cl, '1' ; fix up the port name...
mov pCOMByte, cl
lea cx, szCOMMessage
call Contention_Dlg
jnz short getcomport_exit
mov ax, 11b ; tell win386 we really do want it
call VCD_GetPort_API
jc short getcomport_exit
mov dword ptr [VCD_int_callback], edi
mov word ptr [VCD_int_callback+4], cx
mov [si.VCD_data], ebx
xchg ax, [si.Port]
or ax, ax ;Q: already had port base?
jnz short getcomport_exit ; Y: don't update vector #, or FIFO
mov [si.IntVecNum], dl
call GetPortFlags
pop es
mov [si.Port], -1
jmp getcomport_exit
GetCOMport386 endp
VCD_GetPort_API proc near
xor cx, cx
mov cl, [si.DCB_Id] ; cx = port #
mov di, VCDflags ; offset from start of DEB
call [lpfnVCD]
VCD_GetPort_API endp
; ReleaseCOMport386
; If running under Win386, tell the VCD to deassign a COM port.
; entry - DS:SI -> COMDEB
ReleaseCOMport386 proc near
ifndef WOW
cmp fVCD, 1
jne release_noVCD
xor cx, cx
mov cl, [si.DCB_id]
call [lpfnVCD]
xor cx, cx
mov cl, [si.DCB_id]
push cx
call WowCloseComPort
ReleaseCOMport386 endp
endif ; NEC_98
PUBLIC StealPort
StealPort proc near
cmp fVCD, 1
jne sp_yes
xor cx, cx
mov cl, [si.DCB_id]
call [lpfnVCD]
or al, al
jnz sp_yes
mov [si.VCDflags], 0
StealPort endp
; EXIT: AL = 0, if IRQ was unmasked, else -1, if IRQ was already masked
MaskIRQ proc near
push es
push di
mov di, ds
mov es, di
lea di, [si+SIZE ComDEB]
mov ax, BIH_API_Get_Mask
call APIHandler ; returns Carry Set, if masked
jc short already_masked
mov ax, BIH_API_Mask
call APIHandler ; mask IRQ
xor ax, ax
jnc short mask_exit
or al, -1
pop di
pop es
MaskIRQ endp
UnmaskIRQ proc near
push es
push di
mov di, ds
mov es, di
lea di, [si+SIZE ComDEB]
mov ax, BIH_API_Unmask
call APIHandler
pop di
pop es
UnmaskIRQ endp
;----------------------------Public Routine-----------------------------;
; $INICOM - Initialize A Port
; Initalizes the requested port if present, and sets
; up the port with the given attributes when they are valid.
; This routine also initializes communications buffer control
; variables. This routine is passed the address of a device
; control block.
; The RLSD, CTS, and DSR signals should be ignored by all COM
; routines if the corresponding timeout values are 0.
; For the LPT ports, a check is performed to see if the hardware
; is present (via the LPT port addresses based at 40:8h. If the
; port is unavailable, an error is returned. If the port is
; available, then the DEB is set up for the port. $SETCOM will
; be called to set up the DEB so that there will be something
; valid to pass back to the caller when he inquires the DEB.
; No hardware initialization will be performed to prevent the
; RESET line from being asserted and resetting the printer every
; time this routine is called.
; Entry:
; EX:BX --> Device Control Block with all fields set.
; Returns:
; AX = 0 if no errors occured
; Error Returns:
; AX = initialization error code otherwise
; Registers Preserved:
; None
; Registers Destroyed:
; History:
; {
; }
assumes ds,Data
assumes es,nothing
public $INICOM
$INICOM proc near
push si ;As usual, save register variables
push di
mov ah,es:[bx.DCB_Id] ;Get device i.d.
call GetDEB ;--> DEB for this device
mov ax, IE_BADID ; call it a bad id (spooler uses DOS)
jc InitCom15 ;Invalid device
jns InitCom20 ; jmp if COM port
ifndef NEC_98
push ds
mov di, [si.BIOSPortLoc]
cmp di, LPTB
jb short InitLPT_Installed
mov cx,__0040H ;[rkh] ...
mov ds,cx ;Point DS: at ROM Save Area.
assumes ds,nothing
mov cx, wo [di]
jcxz InitCom10 ; if zero, no hardware
mov ax,IE_BadID ;Show bad device
cmp ch, 0 ; zero hibyte -> not valid (redir)
jz InitCom10 ; call it a bad id (spooler uses DOS)
cmp di, LPTB ; LPT1?
jz InitLPT_Installed ; yes, must be installed
cmp cx, wo [di-2] ;Q: duplicate of previous port
je InitCom10 ; Y: (redirected port)
pop ds
mov [si.Port], cx
call $SETCOM
call GetPort386 ; tell win386 we're using the port
mov ax, IE_OPEN ; port already open (by another VM)
jc InitCom15 ; error
jmp InitCom90 ;That's all
endif ; NEC_98
pop ds ; get DS back
jmp InitCom100
assumes ds,Data
mov ax, IE_OPEN
cmp [si.Port], -1 ;Q: determined that port didn't exist?
jne InitCom15 ; N: return IE_OPEN
jmp short InitCom27 ; Y: return IE_HARDWARE
; *** Set up serial port ***
cmp [si.Port], -1 ;Q: port exists?
je InitCom27 ; N: report not found
mov ax, __WinFlags
test ax, WF_ENHANCED
jz short @F
ifndef NEC_98
call GetCOMport386
jc InitCom17
endif ; NEC_98
ifdef NEC_98
push ax ;Ins 940923 KBNES
lea ax,TickEntry4 ;Ins 940923 KBNES
mov TimerProcAdr[si],ax ;Ins 940923 KBNES
pop ax ;Ins 940923 KBNES
endif ; NEC_98
cmp [si.Port], 0 ;Q: already got info?
jnz @F
call FindCOMPort
jc InitCom27 ; report not found, if error
mov [si.Port], ax
mov [si.IntVecNum], dl
push es ;Save these registers
push di
push cx ;needed later for $SETCOM etc
push bx
mov al, [si.IntVecNum]
xor ah, ah
lea di, [si+SIZE ComDEB]
mov [di.BIS_IRQ_Number], ax
mov di, DataOFFSET IRQhooks
mov cx, MAXCOM+1
ifdef NEC_98
jmp InitCom35 ;Add 1994.08.02 KBNES
endif ; NEC_98
cmp al, [di.IRQn] ;Q: hooked IRQ matches ours?
je short InitCom30 ; Y:
cmp [di.IRQn], 0 ;Q: end of hooked IRQ list?
je short InitCom35 ; Y:
add di, SIZE IRQ_Hook_Struc ; N: check next hook
loop InitCom25
int 3 ; data structures corrupt if we
; get here, because no hook table
; entries exist and there is suppose
; to be at least 1 for each DEB
ifndef NEC_98
call ReleaseCOMport386 ; give port back to 386...
endif ; NEC_98
pop bx
pop cx
pop di
pop es
mov ax, IE_HARDWARE ; jump if port not available
jmp InitCom100
cmp [di.HookCnt], 0 ;Q: IRQ still hooked?
je short InitCom35 ; N: rehook
inc [di.HookCnt] ; Y: inc hook count
mov [si.IRQhook], di ; & link DEB into list
mov ax, [di.First_DEB]
mov [si.NextDEB], ax
mov [di.First_DEB], si
jmp short InitCom40
mov [di.IRQn], al ; hook IRQ for first time, or rehook
mov [si.IRQhook], di
mov [di.First_DEB], si
mov [di.HookCnt], 1
call MaskIRQ
mov [di.OldMask], al
InitCom40: ; di -> IRQ_Hook_Struc
cmp [fVPICD], 0 ;Q: VPICD bimodel services available?
jl short InitCom415 ; N:
mov ax, ds ; Y: use them
mov es, ax
lea di, [si+SIZE ComDEB]
mov [di.BIS_Descriptor_Count], 2
mov ax, word ptr [si.QInAddr+2] ; get selector of in queue
mov [di.EBIS_Sel1.EBIS_User_Mode_Sel], ax
mov ax, word ptr [si.QOutAddr+2] ; get selector of out queue
mov [di.EBIS_Sel2.EBIS_User_Mode_Sel], ax
mov ax, VPICD_Install_Handler
call [lpfnVPICD]
jnc InitCom42
cmp [di.OldMask], 0
jne InitCom26
call UnmaskIRQ
jmp InitCom26
; save newly allocated selectors/segments into "Alt" queue pointers
mov ax, [di.EBIS_Sel1.EBIS_Super_Mode_Sel]
mov word ptr [si.AltQInAddr+2], ax
mov ax, [di.EBIS_Sel2.EBIS_Super_Mode_Sel]
mov word ptr [si.AltQOutAddr+2], ax
jmp InitCom59
cmp [di.VecN], 0FFh ;Q: int already hooked?
IFDEF No_DOSX_Bimodal_Services
jnz short InitCom52 ; Y: init RMode ptrs in BIS
jnz InitCom414 ; Y:
mov al, [si.IntVecNum]
add al, 8 ; 1st PIC starts at vector 8h
cmp al, 16 ;Q: 2nd PIC?
jb short InitCom418 ; N:
add al, 70h-16 ; Y: 2nd PIC starts at vector 70h
mov [di.VecN], al
; *** Set interrupt vectors ***
mov ah,35h ;Get the DOS vector
int 21h ;DOS Get Vector Function
mov wo [di.OldIntVec][0], bx
mov wo [di.OldIntVec][2], es
push ds ;Save original DS
mov dx, [di.HandlerOff]
mov bx, _INTERRUPT
mov ds, bx ;Interrupt handler address in ds:dx
assumes ds,nothing
mov ah, 25h ;DOS Set Vector Function
int 21h ;Set the DOS vector
pop ds ;Original DS
assumes ds,Data
IFDEF No_DOSX_Bimodal_Services
cmp [Using_DPMI], 0
jz short InitCom57
mov ax, Int31_Get_Version SHL 8
int 31h
mov bl, [si.IntVecNum]
mov bh, bl
add bl, dh ; assume master PIC
sub bh, 8 ;Q: IRQ in master?
jb @f ; Y: add master's base vec
add bh, dl ; N: add slave's base vec
mov bl, bh
mov ax, Get_RM_IntVector
int 31h
mov wo [di.RM_OldIntVec][0], dx
mov wo [di.RM_OldIntVec][2], cx
mov dx, [di.RM_HandlerOff]
mov ax, _INTERRUPT
call SegmentFromSelector
mov cx, ax
push cx
mov ax, Set_RM_IntVector
int 31h
lea di, [si+SIZE ComDEB]
mov wo [di.BIS_Super_Mode_API], IntCodeOFFSET RM_APIHandler
pop cx
mov wo [di.BIS_Super_Mode_API+2], cx
; Get segment addresses for the Q's and set AltQInAddr and AltQOutAddr
mov ax, wo [si.AltQInAddr+2]
call SegmentFromSelector
mov wo [si.AltQInAddr+2], ax
mov ax, wo [si.AltQOutAddr+2]
call SegmentFromSelector
mov wo [si.AltQOutAddr+2], ax
mov ax, __WinFlags ;In Standard mode, the PIC IRQ
test al, WF_STANDARD ; priorities get rotated to favor
jz InitCom59 ; the comm ports.
call Rotate_PIC
; *** Interrupt handler set : jump here if handler is already installed ***
pop bx
pop cx
pop di
pop es
mov dx,[si.Port] ;Set comm card address
xor ax,ax ;Need a zero
inc dx ;--> Interrupt Enable Register
.errnz ACE_IER-ACE_RBR-1
out dx,al ;Turn off interrupts
ifdef NEC_98
iodelay ;1994.08.01 KBNES
endif ; NEC_98
call FlagNotActive
add dl,ACE_MCR-ACE_IER ;--> Modem Control Register
in al,dx
and al,ACE_DTR+ACE_RTS ;Leave DTR, RTS high if already so
iodelay ; but tri-state IRQ line
out dx,al
ifdef NEC_98
iodelay ;1994.08.01 KBNES
endif ; NEC_98
push es ;Zero queue counts and indexes
push ds
pop es
assumes es,Data
lea di,QInCount[si]
mov cx,(EFlags-QInCount)/2
.errnz (EFlags-QInCount) AND 1
xor ax,ax
rep stosw
.errnz QInGet-QInCount-2
.errnz QInPut-QInGet-2
.errnz QOutCount-QInPut-2
.errnz QOutGet-QOutCount-2
.errnz QOutPut-QOutGet-2
.errnz EFlags-QOutPut-2 ;First non-queue item
pop es
assumes es,nothing
mov HSFlag[si],al ;Show no handshakes yet
mov MiscFlags[si],al ;Show not discarding
mov EvtWord[si],ax ;Show no events
mov [si.VCDflags], al
mov [si.SendTrigger], ax
dec ax
mov [si.RecvTrigger], ax
;Call $SETCOM to perform further hardware initialization.
sub dl,ACE_MCR-ACE_FCR ; dx -> FCR
in al, dx
test al, ACE_FIFO_E2 ;Q: FIFO already on?
jz short @F ; N:
or EFlags[si], fFIFOpre ; Y: flag it
; needs si, di, and es to be saved from the beginning of inicom
call $SETCOM ;Set up Comm Device
jnz short InitCom110 ;jump if failed
call UnmaskIRQ
and EFlags[si], fEFlagsMask ;Clear internal state
xor ax,ax ;Return AX = 0 to show success
mov ComErr[si],ax ;Get rid of any bogus init error
pop di
pop si
; jump to here, if call to $SETCOM failed
; DANGER! *** Call into middle of Terminate to clean things up *** DANGER!
push ax ;Failure, save error code
call Terminate45 ;Restore port address, int vec
pop ax ;Restore error code and exit
jmp InitCom100
$INICOM endp
;----------------------------Public Routine-----------------------------;
; $TRMCOM - Terminate Communications Channel
; Wait for any outbound data to be transmitted, drop the hardware
; handshaking lines, and disable interrupts. If the output queue
; contained data when it was closed, an error will be returned
; LPT devices have it easy. They just need to restore the I/O port
; address.
; Entry:
; AH = Device ID
; Returns:
; AX = 0
; Error Returns:
; AX = 8000h if invalid device ID
; AX = -2 if output queue timeout occured
; Registers Destroyed:
; History:
; {
; }
assumes ds,Data
assumes es,nothing
public $TRMCOM
$TRMCOM proc near
push si
push di
xor cx,cx ;Show no error if LPT port
call GetDEB
jc TermCom60 ;ID is invalid, return error
js TermCom30 ;Port is a LPT port
push ax ;Save port id
or MiscFlags[si],Discard ;Show discarding serial data
mov ComErr[si],cx ;Clear error flags
mov QInCount[si],cx ;Show no chars in input queue
call $RECCOM ;Send XON if needed
; We have to wait for the output queue to empty. To do this,
; a timer will be created. If no character has been transmitted
; when the timeout occurs, then an error will be indicated and
; the port closed anyway. If the timer cannot be created, then
; just loop until the queue empties, which will be better than
; discarding charatcers if there are any
test [si.HSFlag], HHSAlwaysDown ; Q: handshaking ever up?
jnz TermCom17 ; N: skip wait loop
mov cx,QOutCount[si] ;Get current queue count
jcxz TermCom20 ;No characters in queue
cCall GetSystemMsecCount
mov di, ax
cmp QOutCount[si],cx ;Queue count change?
jne TermCom10 ; Yes, restart timeout
cCall GetSystemMsecCount
sub ax, di
cmp ax, Timeout * 1000 ;Q: Timeout reached?
jb TermCom15 ; No, keep waiting
lea cx, szSendTO
call Contention_Dlg
jz TermCom10
mov cx, TimeoutError ; Yes, show timeout error
pop ax ;Restore cid
ifdef NEC_98
;-------------------------------------------------------------- Ins 940923 KBNES
; Close Process of System Timer Ins 940923 KBNES
;-------------------------------------------------------------- Ins 940923 KBNES
push ax ; Ins 940923 KBNES
mov ax,hTimer[si] ; Check hTimer Ins 940923 KBNES
or ax,ax ; Is there TimerProcess?Ins 940923 KBNES
jz NoKillTimer ; Y:(Nothing) Ins 940923 KBNES
cCall KillSystemTimer,<ax> ; Kill System Timer Ins 940923 KBNES
mov hTimer[si] ,NULL ; Clear hTimer Ins 940923 KBNES
NoKillTimer: ; Ins 940923 KBNES
pop ax ; Ins 940923 KBNES
endif ; NEC_98
mov dx,Port[si] ;Get port base address
call Terminate ;The real work is done here
mov ax,cx ;Set return code
pop di
pop si
$TRMCOM endp
; Terminate - Terminate Device
; Restore the port I/O address and make sure that interrupts are off
; Entry:
; AH = Device Id.
; DX = Device I/O port address.
; SI --> DEB
; Returns:
; AX = 0
; Error Returns:
; AX = -1
; Registers Destroyed:
; History:
assumes ds,Data
assumes es,nothing
public Terminate ;Public for debugging
Terminate proc near
or ah,ah ;LPT port?
jns Terminate10 ; No, process COM port
.errnz LPTx-10000000b
call ReleasePort386 ; give port back to 386...
jmp Terminate50 ;That's all
; It is a com port!
; We delay for a bit while the last character finishes transmitting
; Then we drop DTR and RTS, and disable the interrupt generation at
; the 8250. Even if fRTSDisable or fDTRDisable is set, those lines
; will be dropped when the port is closed.
; When the OUT2 bit is reset to 0 to disable interrupts, many ports
; generate an interrupt which can not be identified, because the the
; interrupt ID register will not be set. To work around this hardware
; problem we first mask the IRQ, then set the port into loopback mode
; and output a NULL to generate a receive interrupt request. Then we
; reset OUT2 and unmask the IRQ. This will cause the interrupt to occur
; and the interrupt handler will be able to correctly identify the
; interrupt as coming from the com port.
inc dx ;Disable chip interrupts
.errnz ACE_IER-ACE_RBR-1
mov al, ACE_ERBFI ; except receive
out dx,al
call FlagNotActive ; don't need to check for postmessage
; on timer ticks
add dl,ACE_LSR-ACE_IER ;--> line status register
in al,dx ;Wait until xmit is empty
ifdef NEC_98
iodelay ;1994.08.01 KBNES
endif ; NEC_98
jne Terminate20 ;Not empty yet
xor al, al
test EFlags[si], fFIFOpre ;Q: leave FIFO enabled?
jz short @F ; N:
out dx, al
call MaskIRQ
add dl, ACE_MCR-ACE_FCR ;--> Modem Control Register
in al,dx
mov ah, al
or al,ACE_LOOP ; turn on loopback
out dx, al
xor al, al
out dx, al ; output a NULL to generate an int
in al,dx ;Wait until xmit is empty
ifdef NEC_98
iodelay ;1994.08.01 KBNES
endif ; NEC_98
jne Terminate35 ;Not empty yet
mov al, ah
dec dl ; now clear OUT2 and loopback
.errnz ACE_LSR-ACE_MCR-1
and al,ACE_DTR+ACE_RTS ;Leave DTR, RTS high if already so
out dx,al ; but tri-state IRQ line
ifdef NEC_98
iodelay ;1994.08.01 KBNES
endif ; NEC_98
call UnmaskIRQ ; this will cause the receive int
; to occur and be processed
sub dl, ACE_MCR-ACE_IER ; clear the receive int enable
xor al, al
out dx, al
ifdef NEC_98
iodelay ;1994.08.01 KBNES
endif ; NEC_98
dec dx
.errnz ACE_IER-ACE_RBR-1
call MaskIRQ
;******* DANGER! ***** NOTICE! ***** DANGER! ***** WARNING! ***** NOTICE!
; Terminate45 is a secondary entrypoint into this routine--it's called
; by the initialization code when that code is unable to properly init
; a com port and needs to clean-up the mess it's made.
;******* DANGER! ***** NOTICE! ***** DANGER! ***** WARNING! ***** NOTICE!
push cx ;Save original cx
push bx ;Save original bx
cmp [fVPICD], 0 ;Q: VPICD bimodel services available?
jl short @F ; N:
mov ax, ds ; Y: use them
mov es, ax
lea di, [si+SIZE ComDEB]
mov ax, VPICD_Remove_Handler
call [lpfnVPICD]
mov di, [si.IRQhook]
dec [di.HookCnt] ;Q: last port using IRQ?
jne short Terminate495 ; N: unmask IRQ again
mov al, 0FFh
xchg al, [di.VecN] ;Interrupt vector number
cmp al, 0FFh ;Q: IRQ vector hooked?
je short Terminate49 ; no...
IFDEF No_DOSX_Bimodal_Services
cmp [Using_DPMI], 0
jz short term_no_dpmi
; unhook RM vector thru DPMI for standard mode
push ax
mov ax, Int31_Get_Version SHL 8
int 31h
mov bl, [si.IntVecNum]
mov bh, bl
add bl, dh ; assume master PIC
sub bh, 8 ;Q: IRQ in master?
jb @f ; Y: add master's base vec
add bh, dl ; N: add slave's base vec
mov bl, bh
mov dx, wo [di.RM_OldIntVec][0]
mov cx, wo [di.RM_OldIntVec][2]
mov ax, Set_RM_IntVector
int 31h
pop ax
mov dx, __WinFlags ;In Standard mode the PIC interrupt
test dl, WF_STANDARD ; priorities are changed to favor
jz Terminate48 ; the comm ports.
call Rotate_PIC ;This port no longer needs priority
; *** reset int vector to it's previous state
assumes ds,nothing
push ds ;Save original DS [rkh] ...
lds dx, [di.OldIntVec]
mov ah, 25h ;DOS Set Vector Function
int 21h ;Set the DOS vector
pop ds ;Original DS
assumes ds,data
; *** interrupt vectors have been reset if needed at this point ***
mov cl, [di.OldMask]
; Set the 8259 interrupt mask bit for this IRQ. Leave interrupts enabled
; if they were already enabled when the comm port was initialized by us.
or cl, cl
jnz @f
call UnmaskIRQ
xor ax, ax
xchg ax, [si.NextDEB]
cmp [di.First_DEB], si ;Q: DEB first for IRQ hook?
je short Terminate46 ; Y:
mov bx, [di.First_DEB] ; N: get first
cmp [bx.NextDEB], si ;Q: does this DEB point to one terminating?
je Terminate455 ; Y:
mov bx, [bx.NextDEB] ; N: get next DEB
jmp Terminate453
mov [bx.NextDEB], ax ; link previous DEB to NextDEB
jmp short Terminate47
mov [di.First_DEB], ax ; point IRQ hook at NextDEB
pop bx ;Original BX
ifndef NEC_98
call ReleaseCOMport386 ; give port back to 386...
endif ; NEC_98
pop cx ;Original CX
Terminate50: ;Also called from $INICOM !
xor ax,ax ;Indicate no error
ret ;Port is closed and deallocated
Terminate endp
;----------------------------Public Routine-----------------------------;
; $ENANOTIFY - Enable Event Notification
; Entry:
; AH = Device ID
; BX = Window handle for PostMessage
; CX = Receive threshold
; DX = Transmit threshold
; Returns:
; AX = 1, if no errors occured
; Error Returns:
; AX = 0
; Registers Preserved:
; Registers Destroyed:
; History:
; {
; }
assumes ds,Data
assumes es,nothing
$ENANOTIFY proc near
push si
call GetDEB
mov ax, 0
jc scb_exit
mov ax, cx
inc ax
jz short scb_recv_ok
cmp cx, [si.QInSize] ;Q: receive threshold reasonable?
jb short scb_recv_ok ; Y:
%OUT should we return an error, if thresholds invalid?
mov cx, [si.QInSize] ; N:
sub cx, 10
inc dx
jz short scb_send_ok
dec dx
cmp dx, [si.QOutSize] ;Q: receive threshold reasonable?
jb short scb_send_ok ; Y:
mov dx, [si.QOutSize] ; N:
sub dx, 10
mov [si.NotifyHandle], bx
mov [si.NotifyFlagsHI], CN_Notify
or bx, bx ;Q: null callback?
jnz scb_save_thresholds ; N: save thresholds
or cx, -1 ; Y: zero thresholds
xor dx, dx
mov [si.NotifyFlagsHI], 0
mov [si.RecvTrigger], cx
mov [si.SendTrigger], dx
or [si.NotifyFlagsHI], CN_TRANSMIT ; we don't want to send
; a transmit trigger notification until
; the transmit buffer has been filled
; above the trigger level and then
; emptied below it again!
cmp wo lpPostMessage[2], 0 ;Q: gotten addr of PostMessage yet?
jne short scb_good ; Y:
push ds ; N: get module handle of USER
lea ax, szUser
push ax
cCall GetModuleHandle
push ax ; module handle
push dx
push ax
cCall GetProcAddress
mov wo lpPostMessage[0], ax ; save received proc address
mov wo lpPostMessage[2], dx
mov ax, 1
pop si
;----------------------------Public Routine-----------------------------;
; $SETQUE - Set up Queue Pointers
; Sets pointers to Receive and Transmit Queues, as provided by the
; caller, and initializes those queues to be empty.
; Queues must be set before $INICOM is called!
; Entry:
; AH = Device ID
; ES:BX --> Queue Definition Block
; Returns:
; AX = 0 if no errors occured
; Error Returns:
; AX = error code
; Registers Preserved:
; Registers Destroyed:
; History:
; {
; }
assumes ds,Data
assumes es,nothing
public $SETQUE
$SETQUE proc near
push si ;These will be used
push di
call GetDEB ;Get DEB
jc SetQue10 ;Invalid, ignore the call
js SetQue10 ;Ignore call for LPT ports
push ds ;Set ds:si --> QDB
push es ;Set es:di --> to ComDCB.QInAddr
pop ds
assumes ds,nothing
pop es
assumes es,Data
lea di,QInAddr[si]
mov si,bx
FCLI ;No one else can play with queues
movsw ; QInAddr = QueueRxAddr
.errnz QueueRxAddr
sub si, 4 ; AltQInAddr = QueueRxAddr
mov cx, 5 ; QInSize = QueueRxSize
rep movsw ; QOutAddr = QueueTxAddr
sub si, 4
mov cx, 3 ; AltQOutAddr = QueueTxAddr
rep movsw ; QOutSize = QueueTxSize
xor ax,ax ;Will do some zero filling
mov cl,(EFlags-QInCount)/2
.errnz (EFlags-QInCount) AND 0FE01h
rep stosw
push es ;Restore the data segment
pop ds
assumes ds,Data
assumes es,nothing
pop di ;Restore saved registers
pop si
; The above code made a few assumptions about how memory
; was allocated within the structures:
.errnz AltQInAddr-QInAddr-4
.errnz (QueueRxSize-QueueRxAddr)-(QInSize-AltQInAddr)
.errnz (QueueTxAddr-QueueRxSize)-(QOutAddr-QInSize)
.errnz AltQOutAddr-QOutAddr-4
.errnz (QueueTxSize-QueueTxAddr)-(QOutSize-AltQOutAddr)
.errnz QueueRxSize-QueueRxAddr-4
.errnz QueueTxAddr-QueueRxSize-2
.errnz QueueTxSize-QueueTxAddr-4
.errnz QInSize-AltQInAddr-4
.errnz QOutAddr-QInSize-2
.errnz QOutSize-AltQOutAddr-4
.errnz QInCount-QOutSize-2
.errnz QInGet-QInCount-2
.errnz QInPut-QInGet-2
.errnz QOutCount-QInPut-2
.errnz QOutGet-QOutCount-2
.errnz QOutPut-QOutGet-2
.errnz EFlags-QOutPut-2 ;First non-queue item
$SETQUE endp
;----------------------------Public Routine-----------------------------;
; $SETCOM - Set Communications parameters
; Re-initalizes the requested port if present, and sets up the
; port with the given attributes when they are valid.
; For LPT ports, just copies whatever is given since it's ignored
; anyway.
; Entry:
; ES:BX --> DCB with all fields set.
; Returns:
; 'Z' Set if no errors occured
; AX = 0
; Error Returns:
; 'Z' clear if errors occured
; AX = initialization error code.
; Registers Destroyed:
; History:
; {
; }
assumes ds,Data
assumes es,nothing
public $SETCOM
$SETCOM proc near
push si
push di
mov ah,es:[bx.DCB_Id] ;Get device i.d.
call GetDEB ;Get DEB pointer in SI
mov ax,IE_BadID ;Assume unknown device
jc SetCom10 ;Invalid device, return error
jns SetCom20 ;COM port
call SetCom100 ;Copy the DCB
xor ax,ax ;Show no error
or ax,ax ;Set/clear 'Z'
pop di ; and exit
pop si
; Have a comm device, check all the serial parameters to make
; sure they are correct before moving the new DCB into our space
; and changing the ACE parameters.
call SetCom300 ;Baud rate valid?
jcxz SetCom10 ; No, return error
call SetCom400 ;Byte size/parity/stop bits correct?
jc SetCom10 ; No, return error
; The parameters seem correct. Copy the DCB into our space and
; initialize the ACE with the new parameters
mov dx,Port[si] ;Disable interrupts from the 8250
inc dx
.errnz ACE_IER-1
xor ax,ax
out dx,al
ifdef NEC_98
iodelay ;1994.08.01 KBNES
endif ; NEC_98
call FlagNotActive
call SetCom100 ;Copy the DCB
mov bx,si ;Set ES:BX --> DCB
call SetCom200 ;Get timeout masks
xchg al,ah ;Want them in the correct registers
mov wo MSRMask[si],ax
.errnz MSRInfinite-MSRMask-1
call SetCom400 ;Get line control byte
push ax ; and save LCR value
inc dx ;--> LCR
inc dx
.errnz ACE_LCR-ACE_IER-2
or al,ACE_DLAB ;Want access to divisor latch
out dx,al
ifdef NEC_98
iodelay ;1994.08.01 KBNES
endif ; NEC_98
mov RxMask[si],ah ;Save Receive character mask
mov ax,di ;Get flags mask, error mask
and [si.DCB_Flags],ah ;Disable parity checking if no parity
mov ErrorMask[si],al ;Save line status error mask
call SetCom300 ;Get baud rate
sub dl,ACE_LCR-ACE_DLL ;--> LSB of divisor latch
mov al,cl
out dx,al
mov al,ch
inc dx ;--> MSB of divisor latch
.errnz ACE_DLM-ACE_DLL-1
out dx,al
ifdef NEC_98
iodelay ;1994.08.01 KBNES
endif ; NEC_98
inc dx ;--> LCR and clear divisor access bit
inc dx
.errnz ACE_LCR-ACE_DLM-2
pop ax
out dx,al
ifdef NEC_98
iodelay ;1994.08.01 KBNES
endif ; NEC_98
inc dx ;--> Modem Control Register
.errnz ACE_MCR-ACE_LCR-1
; Compute initial state of DTR and RTS. If they have been disabled,
; then do not raise them, and disallow being used as a handshaking
; line. Also compute the bits to use as hardware handshake bits
; (DTR and/or RTS as indicated, qualified with the disabled flags).
mov al,[si.DCB_Flags] ;Align DTR/RTS disable flags for 8250
and al,fRTSDisable+fDTRDisable
rol al,1 ;d0 = DTR, d2 = RTS (1 = disabled)
shr al,1 ;'C'= DTR, d1 = RTS
adc al,0 ;d0 = DTR, d1 = RTS
.errnz fRTSDisable-00000010b
.errnz fDTRDisable-10000000b
.errnz ACE_DTR-00000001b
.errnz ACE_RTS-00000010b
mov ah,al ;Save disable mask
out dx,al ;Set Modem Control Register
ifdef NEC_98
iodelay ;1994.08.01 KBNES
endif ; NEC_98
mov al,[si.DCB_Flags2] ;Get hardware handshake flags
rol al,1 ;Align flags as needed
rol al,1
rol al,1
and al,ACE_DTR+ACE_RTS ;Mask bits of interest
not ah ;Want inverse of disable mask
and al,ah ;al = bits to handshake with
mov HHSLines[si],al ;Save for interrupt code
.errnz fDTRFlow-00100000b
.errnz fRTSFlow-01000000b
.errnz ACE_DTR-00000001b
.errnz ACE_RTS-00000010b
mov al,[si.DCB_Flags] ;Compute the mask for the output
shl al,1 ; hardware handshake lines
mov OutHHSLines[si],al
.errnz fOutXCTSFlow-00001000b
.errnz fOutXDSRFlow-00010000b
.errnz ACE_CTS-00010000b
.errnz ACE_DSR-00100000b
; Compute the queue count where XOff should be issued (or hardware
; lines dropped). This will prevent having to do it at interrupt
; time.
mov ax,QInSize[si] ;Get where they want it
sub ax,[si.DCB_XoffLim] ; and compute queue count
mov XOffPoint[si],ax
; Enable FIFO if possible when baudrate >= 4800
sub dl,ACE_MCR - ACE_FCR ; dx = FCR
test EFlags[si], fNoFIFO ;Q: FIFO can be enabled?
jnz sc_nofifo ; N:
mov ax, [si.DCB_BaudRate]
cmp ax, 4800
jb sc_nofifo
cmp ah, -1 ;Q: baudrate index?
jne sc_fifo ; N: baudrate >= 4800, enable FIFO
cmp ax, CBR_4800
jb sc_nofifo
%OUT this isn't correct, if lower baudrates are assigned indices above CBR_4800
out dx, al ; attempt to enable FIFO
ifdef NEC_98
iodelay ;1994.08.01 KBNES
endif ; NEC_98
test EFlags[si], fFIFOchkd ;Q: FIFO detect been done?
jnz sc_fifodone ; Y: enabled FIFO
in al, dx
ifdef NEC_98
iodelay ;1994.08.01 KBNES
endif ; NEC_98
or EFlags[si], fFIFOchkd
test al, ACE_FIFO_E2 ;Q: FIFO enabled?
jz short @F
test al, ACE_FIFO_E1 ;Q: 16550A detected?
jnz sc_fifodone ; Y: enabled FIFO
or EFlags[si], fNoFIFO
xor al, al
out dx, al
ifdef NEC_98
iodelay ;1994.08.01 KBNES
endif ; NEC_98
sub dl,ACE_FCR-ACE_RBR ; dx -> RBR
; Delay for things to settle
push dx
cCall GetSystemMsecCount
pop dx
mov cx, ax
in al, dx ;Read it once
ifdef NEC_98
iodelay ;1994.08.01 KBNES
endif ; NEC_98
push dx
cCall GetSystemMsecCount
pop dx
sub ax, cx
cmp ax, DELAY_TIME ;Q: Timeout reached?
ifdef NEC_98
jb delay_loop ; N:
else ; NEC_98
ifndef WOW
jb delay_loop ; N:
endif ; NEC_98
add dl,ACE_MSR ;--> Modem Status reg
in al,dx ;Throw away 1st status read
in al,dx ;Save 2nd for MSRWait (Clear MSR int)
ifdef NEC_98
iodelay ;1994.08.01 KBNES
endif ; NEC_98
mov MSRShadow[si],al
; Win 3.0 didn't check hardware handshaking until the line status changed.
; Allow some apps to keep that behavior.
push dx
xor ax, ax
cCall GetAppCompatFlags,<ax>
pop dx
jnz short sc_HHSup
; HACK FOR SOME MODEMS: apparently some modems set CTS, but don't set DSR
; which means that COMM.DRV won't send if the app specifies that hardware
; handshaking is based on CTS & DSR being set.
mov ah,OutHHSLines[si]
mov al, MSRShadow[si]
and al,ah ;Only leave bits of interest
cmp al, ah ;Q: handshaking lines ok?
je short sc_HHSup ; Y:
cmp ah, ACE_CTS OR ACE_DSR ;Q: app looking for both high?
jne short sc_HHSdown ; N: skip hack
test [si.EFlags], fUseDSR ;Q: DSR is always significant?
jnz short sc_HHSdown ; Y: skip hack
cmp al, ACE_CTS ;Q: DSR low & CTS high
jne short sc_HHSdown ; N: skip hack
and ah, NOT ACE_DSR ; Y: ignore DSR line
mov OutHHSLines[si], ah
jmp short sc_HHSup
or [si.HSFlag], HHSDown OR HHSAlwaysDown ; flag handshaking down
; Now, at last, interrupts can be enabled. Don't enable the
; transmitter empty interrupt. It will be enabled by the first
; call to KickTx.
sub dl,ACE_MSR-ACE_IER ;--> Interrupt Enable Register
; flag port as being active
push cx
mov cl, [si.DCB_Id]
mov ax, 1
shl ax, cl
or [activeCOMs], ax
pop cx
ifdef NEC_98
;---------------------------------------------------------------Ins 940923 KBNES
; Close process of system timer Ins 940923 KBNES
;---------------------------------------------------------------Ins 940923 KBNES
push dx ; Ins 940924 KBNES
push ax ; Ins 940923 KBNES
mov ax,hTimer[si] ; Check hTimer Ins 940923 KBNES
or ax,ax ; TimerProcess Nothing? Ins 940923 KBNES
jz SetNoKillTimer ; Y:(Nothing) Ins 940923 KBNES
cCall KillSystemTimer,<ax> ; Kill Syatem Timer Ins 940923 KBNES
mov hTimer[si] ,00h ; Clear hTimer Ins 940923 KBNES
SetNoKillTimer: ; Ins 940923 KBNES
;---------------------------------------------------------------Ins 940923 KBNES
; make process of system timer Ins 940923 KBNES
;---------------------------------------------------------------Ins 940923 KBNES
mov ax, 200 ; create 200msec timer Ins 940923 KBNES
push ax ; Ins 940923 KBNES
mov ax, _INTERRUPT ; Ins 940923 KBNES
push ax ; Ins 940923 KBNES
mov ax,TimerProcAdr[si] ;--> timer processor Ins 940923 KBNES
push ax ; Ins 940923 KBNES
call CreateSystemTimer ; ax = 0, if failed Ins 940923 KBNES
mov hTimer[si] ,ax ; Get hTimer Ins 940923 KBNES
SetCom3003: ; Ins 940923 KBNES
pop ax ; Ins 940923 KBNES
pop dx ; Ins 940924 KBNES
endif ; NEC_98
out dx,al ;Enable interrupts.
add dl,ACE_LSR-ACE_IER ;--> Line Status Register
in al,dx ;Clear any Line Status interrupt
sub dl,ACE_LSR ;--> Receiver Buffer Register
in al,dx ;Clear any Received Data interrupt
ifdef NEC_98
iodelay ;1994.08.01 KBNES
endif ; NEC_98
jmp SetCom5 ;All done
$SETCOM endp
FlagNotActive proc near
push cx
mov cl, [si.DCB_Id]
mov ax, NOT 1
rol ax, cl
and [activeCOMs], ax
pop cx
FlagNotActive endp
; SetCom100
; Copy the given DCB into the appropriate DEB. The check has
; already been made to determine that the ID was valid, so
; that check can be skipped.
; Entry:
; ES:BX --> DCB
; DS:SI --> DEB
; Returns:
; DS:SI --> DEB
; ES = Data
; Error Returns:
; None
; Registers Destroyed:
; History:
; {
; }
assumes ds,Data
assumes es,nothing
SetCom100 proc near
push si ;Save DEB pointer
mov di,si
mov si,bx
push es
mov ax,ds
pop ds
assumes ds,nothing
mov es,ax
assumes es,Data
mov cx,DCBSize
rep movsb
mov ds,ax
assumes ds,Data
pop si ;Restore DEB pointer
SetCom100 endp
; SetCom200
; Based on whether or not a timeout has been specified for each
; signal, set up a mask byte which is used to mask off lines for
; which we wish to detect timeouts. 0 indicates that the line is
; to be ignored.
; Also set up a mask to indicate those lines which are set for
; infinite timeout. 1 indicates that the line has infinite
; timeout.
; Entry:
; ES:BX --> DCB
; Returns:
; ES:BX --> DCB
; AH = lines to check
; AL = lines with infinite timeout
; Error Returns:
; None
; Registers Destroyed:
; History:
; {
; }
assumes ds,Data
assumes es,nothing
SetCom200 proc near
xor ax,ax
xor cx,cx ;Get mask of lines with timeout = 0
call SetCom210
not al ;Invert result to get lines to check
xchg ah,al
dec cx ;Get mask of infinite timeouts
cmp es:[bx.DCB_RlsTimeout],cx ;Timeout set to passed value?
jne SetCom220 ; No
or al,ACE_RLSD ; Yes, show checking line
cmp es:[bx.DCB_CtsTimeout],cx ;Timeout set to passed value?
jne SetCom230 ; No
or al,ACE_CTS ; Yes, show checking line
cmp es:[bx.DCB_DsrTimeout],cx ;Timeout set to passed value?
jne SetCom240 ; No
or al,ACE_DSR ; Yes, show checking line
SetCom200 endp
; SetCom300
; Calculate the correct baudrate divisor for the comm chip.
; Note that the baudrate is allowed to be any integer in the
; range 2-19200. The divisor is computed as 115,200/baudrate.
; Entry:
; ES:BX --> DCB
; Returns:
; ES:BX --> DCB
; CX = baudrate
; Error Returns:
; CX = 0 if error
; AX = error code if invalid baud rate
; Registers Destroyed:
; History:
BaudRateByIndexTable label word
dw 1047 ; CBR_110
dw 384 ; CBR_300
dw 192 ; CBR_600
dw 96 ; CBR_1200
dw 48 ; CBR_2400
dw 24 ; CBR_4800
dw 12 ; CBR_9600
dw 9 ; CBR_14400
dw 6 ; CBR_19200
dw 0 ; 0FF19h (reserved)
dw 0 ; 0FF1Ah (reserved)
dw 3 ; CBR_38400
dw 0 ; 0FF1Ch (reserved)
dw 0 ; 0FF1Dh (reserved)
dw 0 ; 0FF1Eh (reserved)
dw 2 ; CBR_56000
ifdef NEC_98
dw 0 ; 0FF20h (reserved)
dw 0 ; 0FF21h (reserved)
dw 0 ; 0FF22h (reserved)
dw 1 ; CBR_128000
endif ; NEC_98
assumes ds,Data
assumes es,nothing
SetCom300 proc near
push dx
mov cx,es:[bx.DCB_BaudRate] ;Get requested baud rate
xor ax,ax ;Assume error
cmp cx, CBR_110 ;Q: baudrate specified as an index?
jae by_index
cmp cx,2 ;Within valid range?
jnae SetCom310 ; No, return error
mov dx,1 ;(dx:ax) = 115,200
mov ax,0C200h
div cx ;(ax) = 115,200/baud
mov cx,ax ;(cx) = baud rate, or error code (0)
mov ax,IE_Baudrate ;Set error code incase bad baud
pop dx
ifdef NEC_98
cmp cx, CBR_128000 ;ins 95.03.25 KBNES
else ; NEC_98
cmp cx, CBR_56000 ;Q: above supported?
endif ; NEC_98
ja SetCom310 ; Y: return error
push bx
mov bx, cx
sub bx, CBR_110
shl bx, 1
mov ax, cs:[bx+BaudRateByIndexTable] ; get divisor
pop bx
jmp SetCom310 ; Y: return error
SetCom300 endp
; SetCom400
; Check the line configuration (Parity, Stop bits, Byte size)
; Entry:
; ES:BX --> DCB
; Returns:
; ES:BX --> DCB
; 'C' clear if OK
; AL = Line Control Register
; AH = RxMask
; DI[15:8] = Flags mask (to remove parity checking)
; DI[7:0] = Error mask (to remove parity error)
; Error Returns:
; 'C' set if error
; AX = error code
; Registers Destroyed:
; History:
; {
; }
assumes ds,Data
assumes es,nothing
SetCom400 proc near
mov ax,wo es:[bx.DCB_ByteSize] ;al = byte size, ah = parity
cmp ah,SpaceParity ;Parity out of range?
ja SetCom470 ; Yes, return error
or ah,ah ;Is parity "NONE"?
jnz SetCom410 ; No, something is there for parity
xor di,(fParity*256)+ACE_PE ;Disable parity checking
cmp al,8 ;Byte size out of range?
ja SetCom460 ; Yes, error
sub al,5 ;Shift byte size to bits 0&1
.errnz ACE_WLS-00000011b ;Word length must be these bits
jc SetCom460 ;Byte size is illegal, return error
add ah,ah ;Map parity to ACE bits
jz SetCom430 ;0=>0, 1=>1, 2=>3, 3=>5, 4=>7
dec ah
shl ah,1 ;Align with 8250 parity bits
shl ah,1
shl ah,1
or al,ah ;Add to byte size
.errnz NoParity-0
.errnz OddParity-1
.errnz EvenParity-2
.errnz MarkParity-3
.errnz SpaceParity-4
.errnz ACE_PEN-00001000b
.errnz ACE_PSB-00110000b
.errnz ACE_EPS-00010000b
.errnz ACE_SP-00100000b
or al,ACE_2SB ;Assume 2 stop bits
mov ah,es:[bx.DCB_StopBits] ;Get # of stop bits 0=1,1/2= .GT. 1
or ah,ah ;Out of range?
js SetCom470 ; Yes, return error
jz SetCom440 ;One stop bit
sub ah,2
jz SetCom450 ;Two stop bits
jns SetCom470 ;Not 1.5, return error
test al,ACE_WLS ;1.5 stop bits, 5 bit words?
jnz SetCom470 ; No, illegal
.errnz OneStopBit-0
.errnz One5StopBits-1
.errnz TwoStopBits-2
.errnz ACE_5BW
and al,NOT ACE_2SB ;Show 1 (or 1.5) stop bit(s)
; From the byte size, get a mask to be used for stripping
; off unused bits as the characters are received.
push dx
mov cl,es:[bx.DCB_ByteSize] ;Get data byte size
mov dx,00FFh ;Turn into mask by shifting bits
shl dx,cl
mov ah,dh ;Return mask in ah
pop dx
clc ;Show all is fine
mov ax,IE_ByteSize ;Show byte size is wrong
stc ;Show error
mov ax,IE_Default ;Show something is wrong
stc ;Show error
SetCom400 endp
; SuspendOpenCommPorts:
; This routine is called from 286 Winoldaps to simply deinstall the comm port
; hooks.
cProc SuspendOpenCommPorts,<FAR,PUBLIC,PASCAL>
cBegin nogen
assumes cs,Code
assumes ds,Data
%OUT not masking IRQ's
; Nothing to do under 3.1!
cEnd nogen
; ReactivateOpenCommPorts: ;
; ;
; This routine reinstalls the comm hooks in real mode and reads the 8250 ;
; data and status registers to clear pending interrupts. ;
cProc ReactivateOpenCommPorts,<FAR,PASCAL,PUBLIC>,<si,di>
call Rotate_PIC ;make comm ports highest priority
mov cx, MAXCOM+1
mov di,dataOffset COMptrs
mov si, [di]
mov dx, Port[si]
or dx, dx
jz @f
call InitAPort ;read comm port regs to clr pending ints
add di, 2
loop rcp_loop
; InitAPort: ;
; ;
; reads the data,status & IIR registers of a port (has to be 8250!) ;
; ;
; If the port has an out queue pending, then this woutine will also start ;
; the transmit process by faking a comm interrupt. ;
public InitAPort
InitAPort proc near
add dl,ACE_RBR ;dx=receive buffer register
in al,dx ;read the data port
ifdef NEC_98
iodelay ;1994.08.01 KBNES
else ; NEC_98
jmp short $+2 ;i/o delay
endif ; NEC_98
add dl,ACE_LSR - ACE_RBR ;get to the status port
in al,dx ;read it too.
ifdef NEC_98
iodelay ;1994.08.01 KBNES
else ; NEC_98
jmp short $+2 ;i/o delay
endif ; NEC_98
add dl,ACE_IIDR - ACE_LSR ;get to the line status register
in al,dx ;read it once more
ifdef NEC_98
iodelay ;1994.08.01 KBNES
else ; NEC_98
jmp short $+2 ;i/o delay
endif ; NEC_98
add dl,ACE_MSR - ACE_IIDR ;get to the modem status register
in al,dx ;read it once more
ifdef NEC_98
iodelay ;1994.08.01 KBNES
else ; NEC_98
jmp short $+2 ;i/o delay
endif ; NEC_98
add dl,ACE_RBR - ACE_MSR ;get to the receive buffer register
in al,dx ;read it once more
ifdef NEC_98
iodelay ;1994.08.01 KBNES
else ; NEC_98
jmp short $+2 ;i/o delay
endif ; NEC_98
call UnmaskIRQ
; now if the port has characters pending to be sent out then we must fake a
; comm interrupt.
cmp [si].QOutCount,0 ;characters pending to be sent ?
jz @f ;no.
FCLI ;disable interrupts
call FakeCOMIntFar ;fake an interrupt
FSTI ;renable interrupts
InitAPort endp
;----------------------------Public Routine-----------------------------;
; $DCBPtr - Return Pointer To DCB
; Returns a long pointer to the DCB for the requested device.
; Entry:
; AH = Device ID
; Returns:
; DX:AX = pointer to DCB.
; Error Returns:
; DX:AX = 0
; Registers Preserved:
; Registers Destroyed:
; History:
; {
; }
assumes ds,Data
assumes es,nothing
public $DCBPTR
$DCBPTR proc near
push si
xor dx,dx
call GetDEB ;Get pointer to DEB
mov ax,dx
jc DCBPtr10 ;Jump if invalid device
mov ax,si ;else return value here
mov dx,ds
pop si
$DCBPTR endp
; GetDEB - Get Pointer To Device's DEB
; Returns a pointer to appropriate DEB, based on device number.
; Entry:
; AH = cid
; Returns:
; 'C' clear
; 'S' set if LPT device
; DS:SI --> DEB is valid cid
; AH = cid
; Error Returns:
; 'C' set if error (cid is invalid)
; AX = 8000h
; Registers Preserved:
; Registers Destroyed:
; History:
; {
; }
assumes ds,Data
assumes es,nothing
public GetDEB ;Public for debugging
GetDEB proc near
push cx
mov cl, ah
and cx, (NOT LPTx AND 0FFh)
test ah, ah ;Q: LPT id?
ifdef NEC_98
js short GetDEB30 ; Y: error if LPT
else ; NEC_98
js short GetDEB10 ; Y:
endif ; NEC_98
.errnz LPTx - 80h
cmp ah, MAXCOM ;Q: Within range?
ja GetDEB30 ; N: return invalid ID
shl cx, 1
mov si, cx
mov si, [si+COMptrs]
ifndef NEC_98
jmp short GetDEB20
cmp ah, LPTx+MAXLPT ;Q: Within range?
ja GetDEB30 ; N: return invalid ID
mov si, DataOFFSET LPT1
jcxz GetDEB20
add si, SIZE LptDEB
loop GetDEB15
endif ; NEC_98
pop cx
or ah, ah ; clear Carry & set S, if LPT port
pop cx
mov ax,8000h ;Set error code
stc ;Set 'C' to show error
GetDEB endp
CvtHex proc near
; assume DS=SS
push si
mov cl, 4
mov si, di
xor dx, dx
sub al, '0' ;Q: char < '0'
jb ch_exit ; Y: return
cmp al, 9 ;Q: char <= '9'
jbe ch_got_digit ; Y: move digit into result
sub al, 'A' - '0' ;Q: char < 'A'
jb ch_exit ; Y: return
add al, 10
cmp al, 15 ;Q: char <= 'F'
jbe ch_got_digit ; Y: move hex char into result
sub al, 10 + 'a' - 'A' ;Q: char < 'a'
jb ch_exit ; Y: return
add al, 10
cmp al, 15 ;Q: char > 'f'
ja ch_exit ; Y: return
shl dx, cl
or dl, al
jmp ch_lp
mov ax, dx
pop si
CvtHex endp
; attempt to read base from SYSTEM.INI
GetComBase proc near
push ds ; save our DS
sub sp, 6
mov di, sp
mov byte ptr ss:[di], 0
push ds
push DataOFFSET lpCommSection
push ds
push DataOFFSET lpCommBase
push ss ; temp buffer
push di
push ss ; default = temp buffer
push di
push 5
push ds
mov cx, ss ; temporarily assign DS=SS
mov ds, cx ; to allow KERNEL to thunk
assumes ds,nothing
call GetPrivateProfileString ; our segment in real mode
or ax, ax
jz short gcb_exit
call CvtHex ; DS still equal to SS
add sp, 6
pop ds ; restore our DS
assumes ds,Data
GetComBase endp
GetPortIRQ proc near
push ds ; save our DS
push ds
push DataOFFSET lpCommSection
push ds
push DataOFFSET lpCommIrq
push bx
mov bl, [si.DCB_Id]
cmp bl, 4
jb @f
mov bl, 4
xor bh, bh
mov bl, [bx+default_table]
mov cx, bx
pop bx
push cx ; default
push ds
mov cx, ss ; temporarily assign DS=SS
mov ds, cx ; to allow KERNEL to thunk
assumes ds,nothing
call GetPrivateProfileInt ; our segment in real mode
pop ds ; restore our DS
assumes ds,Data
GetPortIRQ endp
GetPortFlags proc near
mov al, [si.DCB_Id]
.erre MAXCOM LT 9 ;only single digit port numbers supported
add al, '1'
mov [CommFIFOX], al
mov [CommDSRx], al
call GetPortFIFO
call GetPortDSR
GetPortFlags endp
GetPortFIFO proc near
push ds ; save our DS
push ds
push DataOFFSET lpCommSection
push ds
push DataOFFSET lpCommFifo
push 2
push ds
mov cx, ss ; temporarily assign DS=SS
mov ds, cx ; to allow KERNEL to thunk
assumes ds,nothing
call GetPrivateProfileInt ; our segment in real mode
pop ds ; restore our DS
assumes ds,Data
cmp ax, 1
ja short gpf_exit ; just check at open
jb short gpf_no_fifo ; force OFF, if = 0
or EFlags[si], fFIFOchkd ; flag as checked, to force ON
jmp short gpf_exit
or EFlags[si], fNoFIFO OR fFIFOchkd ; force OFF
GetPortFIFO endp
GetPortDSR proc near
push ds ; save our DS
push ds
push DataOFFSET lpCommSection
push ds
push DataOFFSET lpCommDSR
push 0
push ds
mov cx, ss ; temporarily assign DS=SS
mov ds, cx ; to allow KERNEL to thunk
assumes ds,nothing
call GetPrivateProfileInt ; our segment in real mode
pop ds ; restore our DS
assumes ds,Data
or ax, ax
jz short gpd_exit
or EFlags[si], fUseDSR
GetPortDSR endp
; FindCOMPort
; DS:SI -> DEB
FindCOMPort proc near
; Examine BIOS data area to get base I/O addresses for COM and LPT ports
push bx
push cx
push es
ifndef NEC_98
mov ax, __0040H
mov es, ax
assumes es,nothing
endif ; NEC_98
mov al, [si.DCB_Id]
mov ah, al
.erre MAXCOM LT 9 ;only single digit port numbers supported
add ah, '1'
mov [CommBaseX], ah
mov [CommIRQX], ah
mov [CommFIFOX], ah
mov [CommDSRx], ah
ifdef NEC_98
mov ax,238h ;I/O Base Addr Set
mov dx,5 ;IRQ Set
else ; NEC_98
cmp al, 4
jae fcp_not_phys_com
xor ah, ah
shl ax, 1
mov bx, ax
mov ax, es:[bx+RS232B]
or ax, ax
jnz fcp_got_com_base
call GetComBase
or ax, ax
jnz fcp_got_com_base
mov bl, [si.DCB_Id]
cmp bl, 2
jne fcp_invalid ; jump, if base = 0 & com port <> com3
mov ax, 3E8h ; default COM3 to 3E8h
push ax
call GetPortIRQ
mov dx, ax
pop ax
or dl, dl ;Q: non-zero IRQ?
jz fcp_invalid ; N:
cmp dl, 15 ;Q: IRQ in range?
ja fcp_invalid ; N:
xor dh, dh
endif ; NEC_98
push ax
push dx
call GetPortFIFO
call GetPortDSR
pop dx
pop ax
pop es
pop cx
pop bx
or ax, -1
mov dx, ax
jmp fcp_exit
FindCOMPort endp
;--------------------------Private Routine-----------------------------;
; Rotate the PIC interrupt priorities so the communication ports are
; highest priority.
; NOTE: Only rotates priorities on master PIC.
assumes ds,Data
assumes es,nothing
public Rotate_PIC
Rotate_PIC proc near
ifndef NEC_98
push ax
push cx
push di
mov al, 8 ; 0 - 7 rotated
mov cx, MAXCOM+1
mov di, DataOFFSET IRQhooks
mov ah, [di.IRQn]
cmp ah, 0 ;End of hooked IRQ list?
je rp_set
cmp [di.VecN], 0FFh ;Hooked?
je rp_next
cmp ah, 8 ;If on slave PIC, treat as IRQ2
jb @f
mov ah, 2
cmp ah, al
jae rp_next
mov al, ah ;AL = lowest hooked comm IRQ
add di, SIZE IRQ_Hook_Struc
loop rp_loop
dec al ;Setting IRQ(n-1) as the lowest
and al, 07h ; priority makes IRQn the highest
or al, 0C0h
out INTA0, al
pop di
pop cx
pop ax
endif ; NEC_98
Rotate_PIC endp
ifdef DEBUG
ifdef NEC_98
public InitCom20, InitCom40, InitCom50, InitCom59
else ; NEC_98
public InitCom10, InitCom20, InitCom40, InitCom50, InitCom59
endif ; NEC_98
public InitCom60, InitCom70, InitCom80, InitCom90, InitCom100
public TermCom10, TermCom15, TermCom20, TermCom30
public TermCom60, Terminate5, Terminate10, Terminate20, Terminate30
public Terminate45, Terminate49, Terminate50
public SetQue10
ifdef NEC_98
public SetCom5, SetCom20, SetCom210, SetCom220, SetCom230
else ; NEC_98
public SetCom5, SetCom10, SetCom20, SetCom210, SetCom220, SetCom230
endif ; NEC_98
public SetCom240, SetCom310, SetCom410, SetCom420, SetCom430
public SetCom440, SetCom450, SetCom460, SetCom470
ifdef NEC_98
public GetDEB30
else ; NEC_98
public GetDEB10, GetDEB20, GetDEB30
endif ; NEC_98
public DCBPtr10
sEnd code
createSeg _INIT,init,word,public,CODE
sBegin init
assumes cs,init
ifndef NEC_98
IBMmodel proc near
push ax
push bx
push es
mov ah, 0c0h
int 15h
jc IBMmodel_exit
assumes es,nothing
cmp by es:[bx+2], 0f8h ; PS/2 80
je IBMmodel_exit ; return carry clear
cmp by es:[bx+2], 0fch ; AT or PS/2 50 or 60
jne OldBios ; assume OldBios
cmp by es:[bx+3], 04h ; PS/2 50
je IBMmodel_exit ; return carry clear
cmp by es:[bx+3], 05h ; PS/2 60
je IBMmodel_exit ; return carry clear
pop es
pop bx
pop ax
IBMmodel endp
endif ; NEC_98
cProc LoadLib, <FAR,PUBLIC,NODATA>,<si,di>
ifndef NEC_98
push ds
mov ax, __F000H
mov ds, ax
assumes ds, ROMBios
mov al, [MachineID]
pop ds
assumes ds,Data
mov [$MachineID], al
call IBMmodel ;Q: PS/2?
jc @F ; N:
mov [default_table+2], 3 ; Y: change COM3 default IRQ to 3
push ds
mov ax, __0040H
mov ds, ax
assumes ds,nothing
cmp word ptr ds:[RS232B], 2F8h ;Q: COM2 base in COM1 slot?
pop ds
assumes ds,Data
jne @F ; N: leave IRQ default as 4
mov [default_table], 3 ; Y: change IRQ default to 3
endif ; NEC_98
mov [fVPICD], -1 ; assume no
xor di, di
mov es, di
mov ax, GET386API
mov bx, VPICD
mov wo [lpfnVPICD], di
mov wo [lpfnVPICD+2], es
mov ax, es
or ax, di
jz short no_VPICD ; jump if no bimodel services available
; version check VPICD
mov ax, VPICD_API_Get_Ver
call [lpfnVPICD]
%OUT version check VPICD
mov [fVPICD], 1 ; flag services are available
IFDEF No_DOSX_Bimodal_Services
jmp short skip_dosx_stuff
mov ax, __WinFlags
and al, WF_PMODE or WF_WIN286
cmp al, WF_PMODE or WF_WIN286
jne skip_dosx_stuff
mov ax, Int31_Get_Version SHL 8
int 31h
test bl, 10b ;Q: processor goes to real mode
; for int reflection?
jz skip_dosx_stuff ; N:
mov [Using_DPMI], 0FFh ; Y: flag use of DPMI
mov ax, ds
cCall GetSelectorBase,<ax> ;DX:AX = segment of selector
shr ax, 4
shl dl, 4
or ah, dl ;AX now points to interrupt *segment*
push ax ;save on stack
mov ax, _INTERRUPT ;write data SEGMENT into _INTERRUPT
cCall AllocCStoDSAlias,<ax> ; code segment -- requires a data alias
mov es, ax
pop ax
mov es:[RM_IntDataSeg],ax
push ds
push es
mov ax, ds
mov es, ax
mov ax, _INTERRUPT
mov ds, ax
mov ax, (Int31_Trans_Serv SHL 8) + Trans_Call_Back
mov si, IntCodeOFFSET Entry_From_RM
mov di, DataOFFSET RM_Call_Struc
int 31h
pop es
pop ds
mov ax, 0
jnc @f
jmp short LoadExit
mov wo es:[RM_CallBack], dx
mov wo es:[RM_CallBack+2], cx
cCall FreeSelector,<es> ;don't need CS alias any longer
ifndef NEC_98
; find base values for LPT ports
mov cx, __0040h
mov es, cx
mov cx, MAXLPT+1
mov si, DataOFFSET LPT1
mov bx, [si.BIOSPortLoc]
or bx, bx
jz ll_not_phys_lpt
mov ax, es:[bx]
or ah, ah ;Q: lpt redirected, or 0?
jz ll_not_phys_lpt ; Y:
cmp bx, LPTB ;Q: first LPT?
je ll_got_lpt_base ; Y:
cmp ax, es:[bx-2] ;Q: base same as previous (redirected)?
jne ll_got_lpt_base ; N: must be real
%OUT attempt to read base from SYSTEM.INI
mov [si.Port], ax
loop ll_initl_lp
endif ; NEC_98
; create system timer for signalling chars in receive buffer
ifndef WOW
mov ax, 100 ; create 100msec timer
push ax
mov ax, _INTERRUPT
push ax
mov ax, IntCodeOFFSET TimerProc
push ax
call CreateSystemTimer ; ax = 0, if failed
%OUT should I display an error message here?
assumes es,nothing
sEnd init
End LoadLib