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817 lines
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@rem = '--*-Perl-*--
@echo off
if "%OS%" == "Windows_NT" goto WinNT
perl -x -S "%0" %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
goto endofperl
perl -x -S "%0" %*
if NOT "%COMSPEC%" == "%SystemRoot%\system32\cmd.exe" goto endofperl
if %errorlevel% == 9009 echo You do not have Perl in your PATH.
goto endofperl
@rem ';
#line 14
# fusionsd.bat (Perl)
# a collection of source depot related utilities, mainly
# involving the mainentance and building of a private branch
# example usages:
# fusionsd $parentBranch='lab01_n' ; $branch='lab01_fusion' ; Integrate()
# does some of the integration steps, and prints out what is left to be done manually
# fusionsd $parentBranch='lab01_n' ; $branch='lab01_fusion' ; QueryIntegrate()
# reports information as to when publics were last checked in and what build they correspond to
# fusionsd LikePopulate(); # not implemented
# fusionsd LikePopulatePlusSymbols(); # not implemented
# fusionsd ReverseIntegrate(); # not implemented
# Integrate should be able to determine the branches from its environment, that
# code is working, just not hooked up to Integrate.
# April 2001 Jay Krell (JayKrell)
#use strict;
use English;
@procs = qw(ia64 x86);
@chkfres = qw(chk fre);
sub CleanPath
# a general ambiguously named function
# for now removes .\ from the start, \. from the end and converts \.\ to \ in between
# and lowercases, just in case
my($x) = ($ARG[0]);
my($y) = (MakeLower($x));
$y =~ s/\\\.$//;
$y =~ s/\\\.\\/\\/g;
$y =~ s/^.\\//;
#Log('CleanPath(' . $x . ') is ' . $y);
return $y;
sub TrimSpace
# remove whitespace from start and end of a string
my($x) = ($ARG[0]);
$x =~ s/^\s+//;
$x =~ s/\s+$//;
return $x;
sub NormalizeSpace
# remove whitespace from start and end of a string
# convert all whitespace (tab, newline, etc.) to space
# convert runs of spaces to single spaces
my($x) = ($ARG[0]);
$x =~ s/\s/ /g;
$x =~ s/^ +//;
$x =~ s/ +$//;
$x =~ s/ +/ /;
return $x;
sub JoinPaths
# given an array of strings, put a path seperator between them
my($result) = join('\\', @ARG);
$result = CleanPath($result);
#Log('JoinPaths() is ' . $result);
return $result;
# not really used currently, but might be
%KnownSdVariables =
# stuff in sd.map/sd.ini that are not names of projects
'branch' => 1,
'client' => 1,
'codebase' => 1,
'codebasetype' => 1,
'depots' => 1,
# unused -- comments later, it does not appear to be worth
# making this distinction. We can derive branch graph from sd.
#%PublicBranches =
# 'lab01_n' => '1',
# 'lab02_n' => '1',
# 'lab03_n' => '1',
# 'lab04_n' => '1',
# 'lab05_n' => '1',
# 'lab06_n' => '1',
# 'lab07_n' => '1',
# 'lab08_n' => '1',
# 'lab09_n' => '1',
# unused -- might be useful for Integrate, maybe only for
# sanity checking. We have the data in "mixed" enlistments which
# project is in which branch, but we don't use it.
# sdx integrate gives a nice quick error, so we may get by with doing nothing
# (UNDONE: need to sync the other projects correctly)
#%ImportantProjectsForBranch =
# 'lab01_n' => ( 'root' , 'base' ),
$sdxroot = $ENV{'SDXROOT'};
# not used, see next (next)
# map private branch to parent public branch
# 'lab01_fusion' => 'lab01_n'
# not used, see next
#sub IsPublicBranch
# my ($x) = ($ARG[0]);
# return $PublicBranches{$x};
# not used -- such an exact distinction is not worth making
# instead, you can find a branch's parent, and you know if a branch
# has an associated set of build machines.
#sub IsPrivateBranch
# my ($x) = ($ARG[0]);
# my($y);
# $y = $PrivateBranches{$x};
# if ($y)
# {
# return $y;
# }
# #
# # we could look for 'private' in the name, but then how do we map to its parent?
# #
# return 0;
# unused -- we can determine this dynamically
#sub PublicParentOfPrivateBranch
# my ($x) = ($ARG[0]);
# my($y);
# $y = $PrivateBranches{$x};
# return $y;
sub MakeLower
my($x) = ($ARG[0]);
$x =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
return $x;
sub MakeUpper
my($x) = ($ARG[0]);
$x =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
return $x;
sub MakeTitlecase
my($x) = ($ARG[0]);
$x = MakeUpper(substr($x, 0, 1)) . MakeLower(substr($x, 1));
return $x;
sub SdxRoot { return $ENV{'SDXROOT'}; }
sub SdMapPath { return JoinPaths(SdxRoot(),'sd.map'); }
sub Log
my($x) = ($ARG[0]);
$x =~ s/[ \t\n]+$//; # get rid of trailing whitespace, including new lines
print('REM FusionSd.bat ' . $x . $endl);
sub Suggest
# Tell the user to run a command.
my($x) = ($ARG[0]);
$x =~ s/[ \t\n]+$//; # get rid of trailing whitespace, including new lines
print('' . $x . $endl);
sub Error
my($x) = ($ARG[0]);
$x =~ s/[ \t\n]+$//; # get rid of trailing whitespace, including new lines
print('NMAKE : U1234 : FusionSd.bat ' . $x . $endl);
sub ErrorExit
my($x) = ($ARG[0]);
sub ReadSdMap
if ($SdMap)
open(sdmapFileHandle, '< ' . SdMapPath()) || Error('Unable to open ' . SdMapPath());
# the file is a bunch of
# name = string
# with some blank lines and # comments
# any line with a =, make the assignment happen in the $SdMap{} hashtable
while (<sdmapFileHandle>)
s/^ +//g;
s/ +$//g;
s/ +/ /g;
if (!/^#/ && /(\w+) *= *(.+)/)
$SdMap{MakeLower($1)} = MakeLower($2);
foreach (sort(keys(SdMap)))
if (!$KnownSdVariables{$ARG})
$Projects{$ARG} = $SdMap{$ARG};
Log(' ' . $ARG . ' = ' . $SdMap{$ARG});
Log('enlisted in projects: ' . join(' ' , sort(keys(Projects))));
foreach (sort(keys(Projects)))
Log(' project ' . $ARG . ' is at ' . JoinPaths(SdxRoot(), $Projects{$ARG}));
sub GetBranch
my($x) = ($ARG[0]);
$x = NormalizeSpace(MakeLower($x));
$y = $x;
$y =~ s/^\/\/depot\///i;
$y =~ s/^\/?private\///i;
$y =~ s/\/.+//i;
#Log('GetBranch(' . $x . ') is ' . $y);
return $y;
# UNDONE This works. Integrate should use it.
sub GetParentBranch
my($project, $branchName) = ($ARG[0], $ARG[1]);
my($cmd) = ' sd branch -o ' . $branchName;
open(sdbranch, $cmd . ' | ') || Error('Unable to run ' . $cmd);
#Log(' project is ' . $project);
while (<sdbranch>)
if (/^ *View: *$/)
return GetBranch(<sdbranch>);
# UNDONE LikePopulate will use this
sub ReadBuildMachines
my($filepath) = JoinPaths(SdxRoot(), 'tools', 'buildmachines.txt');
# UNDONE This works. Integrate should use it.
sub ReadClient
my($function) = 'ReadClient';
# UNDONE ping the depots
# read in all the sd.ini files, make sure each
# contains one and only one SDCLIENT=foo line.
foreach $project (sort(keys(Projects)))
$sdinipath = JoinPaths(SdxRoot(), $Projects{$project}, $sd_ini);
open(sdini, '< ' . $sdinipath) || Error('Unable to open ' . $sdinipath);
$sdclientName = '';
while (<sdini>)
if (/^ *SDCLIENT *= *(.+)$/)
if ($Projects{$project}{'SDCLIENT'})
Error('Multiple SDCLIENTS in ' . $sdinipath);
$sdclientName = $1;
$Projects{$project}{'SDCLIENT'} = $sdclientName;
if (!$sdclientName)
Error('SDCLIENT not found ' . $sdinipath);
# check that project is using the same client (not sure we really care anymore)
foreach $project (sort(keys(Projects)))
if ($sdclientName ne $Projects{$project}{'SDCLIENT'})
Error('SDCLIENT is ' . $sdclientName);
Error('SDCLIENT(' . $project . ') is ' . $Projects{$project}{'SDCLIENT'});
Error('SDCLIENT not the same across all projects');
foreach $project (sort(keys(Projects)))
my($sdmapRoot) = JoinPaths(SdxRoot(), $Projects{$project});
Log('cd /d ' . $sdmapRoot);
#$sdclientCommand = 'sd client -o ' . $sdclientName;
$sdclientCommand = 'sd client -o ';
open(sdclient, $sdclientCommand . ' | ');
Log(' SDCLIENT is ' . $sdclientName);
while (<sdclient>)
# verify that the root is what we expect
if (/^ *Root: *(.+)$/)
$sdclientRoot = TrimSpace($1);
Log(' sdmapRoot is ' . $sdmapRoot);
Log(' sdclientRoot is ' . $sdclientRoot);
if ($sdclientRoot ne JoinPaths(SdxRoot(), $Projects{$project}))
Error('sd.map and sd client roots do not agree (' . $sdmapRoot . ', ' . $sdclientRoot . ')');
# and get the view
if (/^ *View: *$/)
$branch = GetBranch(<sdclient>);
#Log(' branch is ' . $branch);
$Projects{'branch'} = $branch;
Log(' ' . $project . ' in ' . $branch . ' branch ');
if (!$branch)
ErrorExit('branch not detected');
if ($branch eq 'main')
$parentBranch = 'main';
$parentBranch = GetParentBranch($project, $branch);
if (!$parentBranch)
ErrorExit('parentBranch not detected');
Log(' parent of ' . $branch . ' is ' . $parentBranch);
# enumerate all branches
open(sdbranches, 'sd branches | ');
while (<sdbranches>)
$Projects{$project}{'branches'}{MakeLower((split(/ /))[1])} = 1;
$Projects{$project}{'branches'}{'main'} = 1; # this doesn't show up, and we do not care
if (!$Projects{$project}{'branches'}{$branch})
ErrorExit('detected branch is ' . $branch . ' but it is not listed in sd branches ');
if (!$Projects{$project}{'branches'}{$parentBranch})
ErrorExit('detected parentBranch is ' . $parentBranch . ' but it is not listed in sd branches ');
$Projects{$project}{'parentBranch'} = $parentBranch;
sub IsEnlistmentClean
my($cmd) = 'sdx opened';
my($okFiles) = 0;
my($opened) = 0;
Log('START ' . $cmd);
open(x, $cmd . ' | ') || ErrorExit('Unable to run ' . $cmd);
while (<x>)
if (/^\/\/depot/)
if (/[\\\/]([^\\\/]+\.bat)#\d+ - [^\\\/]+/)
$okFiles += 1;
Log('opened tool ' . $1 . ' ok');
elsif (/Open for .+:\s+(\d+)/)
elsif (/Total:\s+(\d+)/)
$opened = $1;
Log('END ' . $cmd);
return (($opened - $okFiles) == 0);
sub TimeToRevision
my($y,$mon,$d,$h,$min,$sec) = (@ARG);
#Change 52625 on 2001/04/22 09:52:42 by NTDEV\ntvbl01@ROBSVBL4 'Public Changes for 010421-2000 '
# => @yyyy/mm/dd:hh:mm:ss
$s = sprintf("@%04d/%02d/%02d:%02d:%02d:%02d", $y, $mon, $d, $h, $min, $sec);
#Log('TimeToRevision is ' . $s);
return $s;
sub TimeToInteger
# This might be useful if 1) we need to compare dates, and 2) if it works, like if the numbers
# produced don't overflow. We are unlikely to need second or even minute resolution.
my($y,$mon,$d,$h,$min,$s) = (@ARG);
#Log('TimeToInteger year: ' . $y );
#Log('TimeToInteger mont: ' . $mon );
#Log('TimeToInteger date: ' . $d );
#Log('TimeToInteger hour: ' . $h );
#Log('TimeToInteger minu: ' . $min );
#Log('TimeToInteger seco: ' . $s );
$y -= 2000;
#my ($i) = ($s + (60 * ($min + (60 * ($h + (24 * ($d + (31 * ($mon + (12 * $y))))))))));
my ($i) = ($min + (60 * ($h + (24 * ($d + (31 * ($mon + (12 * $y))))))));
#my ($i) = ($h + (24 * ($d + (31 * ($mon + (12 * $y))))));
#Log('TimeToInteger() : ' . $i);
return $i;
sub TimeFromSdChangeLine
#Change 52625 on 2001/04/22 09:52:42 by NTDEV\ntvbl01@ROBSVBL4 'Public Changes for 010421-2000 '
# ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
my($x) = ($ARG[0]);
#Log('TimeFromSdChangeLine x: ' . $x );
my($y,$mon,$d,$h,$min,$s) = ($x =~ /^\s*Change\s+\d+\s+on\s+(\d+)\/(\d+)\/(\d+)\s+(\d+):(\d+):(\d+)\s+.+/i);
#Log('TimeFromSdChangeLine year: ' . $y );
#Log('TimeFromSdChangeLine mont: ' . $mon );
#Log('TimeFromSdChangeLine date: ' . $d );
#Log('TimeFromSdChangeLine hour: ' . $h );
#Log('TimeFromSdChangeLine minu: ' . $min );
#Log('TimeFromSdChangeLine seco: ' . $s );
return ($y,$mon,$d,$h,$min,$s);
sub SdSyncCommandFromPublicChangeLine
sub TimePartOfReleaseDirectoryNameFromSdChangeLine
#Change 52625 on 2001/04/22 09:52:42 by NTDEV\ntvbl01@ROBSVBL4 'Public Changes for 010421-2000 '
# ^^^^^^^^^^^
my($x) = ($ARG[0]);
my($y) = ($x);
$y =~ s/'//g;
$y = NormalizeSpace($y);
($y) = ($y =~ / ([0-9-]+)$/);
#Log('TimePartOfReleaseDirectoryNameFromSdChangeLine(' . $x . ') => ' . $y);
#Log('TimePartOfReleaseDirectoryNameFromSdChangeLine() => ' . $y);
return $y;
sub GetLastPublicChangeLine
my($branch) = ($ARG[0]);
my($cmd) = ' sd changes -m 1 //depot/' . $branch . '/root/public/... ';
chdir(JoinPaths(SdxRoot(), 'public'));
open(sdchange, $cmd . ' | ') || ErrorExit('Unable to run ' . $cmd);
$x = <sdchange>;
while ($y = <sdchange>)
$x = NormalizeSpace($x);
Log('LastPublicChangeLine : ' . $x);
return $x;
sub LikePopulatePlusSymbols
sub LikePopulate
sub RevertPublic
chdir(JoinPaths(SdxRoot(), 'public')) || ErrorExit('unable to chdir public');
Log('cd /d %sdxroot%\public');
my($cmd) = 'sd revert ...';
open(out, $cmd . ' 2>&1 | ') || ErrorExit('Unable to run ' . $cmd . $!);
while ($outline = <out>)
return 1;
sub Pause
print('****************************************************************************' . $endl);
print('*********** Press a key to continue. ******************' . $endl);
print('*********** control-break maybe to abort (not control-c). ******************' . $endl);
print('****************************************************************************' . $endl);
my($cmd) = $ENV{'COMSPEC'} . ' /c pause ';
open(x, $cmd . ' | ') || ErrorExit('Unable to run ' . $cmd);
while (<x>)
return 1;
sub IntegrateRun
my($cmd) = ($ARG[0]);
Log('START ' . $cmd);
Pause() || ErrorExit('aborted');
open(out, $cmd . ' | ') || ErrorExit('Unable to run ' . $cmd);
while (<out>)
Log('END ' . $cmd);
sub IntegrateDoNotRun
my($cmd) = ($ARG[0]);
sub GenericIntegrate
my($run) = ($ARG[0]);
Log('START Integrate');
RevertPublic() || ErrorExit('unable to RevertPublic');
IsEnlistmentClean() || ErrorExit('enlistment is not clean');
chdir(SdxRoot()) || ErrorExit('unable to chdir root');
chdir(JoinPaths(SdxRoot(), 'public')) || ErrorExit('unable to chdir public');
Log('cd /d %sdxroot%');
my($lastPublicChange) = GetLastPublicChangeLine($parentBranch);
my($releaseTimeName) = TimePartOfReleaseDirectoryNameFromSdChangeLine($lastPublicChange);
my(@timeOfLastPublicChange) = TimeFromSdChangeLine($lastPublicChange);
my($revision) = TimeToRevision(@timeOfLastPublicChange);
Log('lastPublicChange is ' . $lastPublicChange);
Log('releaseTimeName is ' . $releaseTimeName);
Log('timeOfLastPublicChange is (' . NormalizeSpace(join(' ', @timeOfLastPublicChange)) . ')');
#Log('integralTimeOfLastPublicChange is ' . TimeToInteger(@timeOfLastPublicChange));
Log('revision is ' . $revision);
$cmd = 'sdx integrate -b ' . $branch . ' ' . $revision;
# a side affect in the doNotRun case, oh well..
chdir(JoinPaths(SdxRoot(), 'public')) || ErrorExit('chdir public');
Log('cd /d %sdxroot%\public');
# Take the parent branch's publics.
$cmd = 'sd resolve -at ... ';
# Do the simple merges automatically.
$cmd = 'sdx resolve -as ';
# Adventures in Babysitting..
$cmd = 'sdx resolve -n ';
# UNDONE Write "Banner" / "Box"..
Log('***** *******');
Log('***** manually sd resolve and build and submit *******');
Log('***** *******');
# UNDONE This list should be parameterized..
my(@PathsToBuild) = qw(published base\published base\crts base\ntos\rtl base\ntdll base\win32);
foreach $pathToBuild (@PathsToBuild)
Suggest('cd /d ' . JoinPaths(SdxRoot(), $pathToBuild));
Suggest('build -cZ');
Suggest('sdx submit -# integrate from ' . $parentBranch);
# UNDONE Learn the "format" feature to make these pretty
Log('***** lastPublicChange is ' . $lastPublicChange);
Log('***** releaseTimeName is ' . $releaseTimeName);
Log('***** timeOfLastPublicChange is (' . NormalizeSpace(join(' ', @timeOfLastPublicChange)) . ')');
#Log('***** integralTimeOfLastPublicChange is ' . TimeToInteger(@timeOfLastPublicChange));
Log('***** revision is ' . $revision);
sub Integrate
sub QueryIntegrate
# scary and done less often, probably not worth automating
sub ReverseIntegrate
# UNDONE (for LikePopulate and LikePopulatePlusSymbols)
sub FindDiskSpace
sub Main
$endl = "\n";
$sd_ini = $ENV{'SDCONFIG'};
if (!$sd_ini)
$sd_ini = 'sd.ini';
if (!SdxRoot())
ErrorExit('SDXROOT} not known');
Log('$SDXROOT is ' . SdxRoot());
Log('sd.map is ' . SdMapPath());
Log(join(";", @ARGV));
eval(join(";", @ARGV));